Petru Voda Monastery (Neamt County, Moldova, Romania)

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
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    The video presents Petru Vodă Monastery, the main foundation of Father Justin (or Iustin) Pârvu (1918-2013). Together with Cleopa Ilie (1912-1998, abbot of the Sihăstria Monastery), the two are considered the main clergy and fathers of Romanian Orthodoxy in the Neamț lands. Father Justin's life is marked by 16 years (1949-1964) in communist prisons, years of suffering but also by a permanent martyrdom in Christ. Therefore, the monastery dedicated to the "Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel" is also dedicated to martyrs who suffered and died in communist prisons. Father Justin's great spiritual grace is increasingly appreciated, especially after his return from the Holy Mount Athos in 1975, so that after the fall of communism his merits are recognized and he has the blessing of Patriarch Daniel (then Metropolitan of Moldova). to raise one holy monastery to Petru Vodă. The foundation stone was laid in 1991, and in 1992 the monastery was already outlined and consecrated. He was also his abbot until 2015, when he withdrew at his request. His work is far from stopped here. The monasticism introduced by Father Justin revives the image of chinovie (monastery where monks live in common, as opposed to "lavra") in Vasilian and Pahomian model, which combines philanthropic, catechetical and spiritual sides. Thus, the Petru Vodă Monastery has three „metoc” (subordinate monasteries or hermitages), respectively the Paltin Petru Vodă Monastery and the Păstrăveni and Urecheni hermitages. At the Paltin Petru Vodă Monastery there is an old people's home, a children's home, as well as a laboratory where natural remedies are produced. We also owe to Father Justin Christian-Orthodox publications, memorials, but also the choir "Justiniada" whose music we listen to as a background sound in the video. Father Justin's fame as a great clergyman continued to expand, with thousands and thousands of people in need comming in his cell. He was buried near the altar of the church, the tomb being now a place of worship. In the physical absence of Father Justin Pârvu, his spirit persists in these places, his foundation, Petru Vodă Monastery being the place sought by many believers and visitors.
    Music: excerpts from the concert of Byzantine songs held in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Iasi (2015) by the choir "Justiniada" of the Monastery of Nuns Paltin Petru Voda, led by the nun Fotini.


  • @cameliaprisecaru9519
    @cameliaprisecaru9519 2 роки тому +4

    Dumnezeul Tatal iti multumesc pentru Sfintii Romani care s au Jerfit pentru neam tara si Popor Amin!

  • @gicadaicu4804
    @gicadaicu4804 2 роки тому +3

    Mă înalt de pe pămînt cînd ascult laude ce i se aduc LUI DUMNEZEU DOMNUL SI IMPARATUL MEU..

  • @dorelnechita7991
    @dorelnechita7991 2 роки тому +1

    Doamne+🙏, adu-Ne pe Pământ, oameni cu viață Sfântă +🙏 🙏 🙏 +++

  • @constantaoprea9469
    @constantaoprea9469 2 роки тому +3

    Mânăstirea PETRU VODĂ. O vizitez destul de des cam o dată pe an,cand merg la neamuri in jud
    HARGHITA in apropierea mânăstirii
    De fiecare dată când merg imt o emoție cand ma rog si la mormsntul intemeietorului manastirii Pr.JUSTIN PÂRVU. DOAMNE AJUTĂ ,pe toti credincioșii care ajung la ea.🙏😇🕯🥀🍀🌻🌼🌹🌲

  • @cameliaprisecaru9519
    @cameliaprisecaru9519 2 роки тому +3

    Cu Iubire si Dragoste Venim la Tine Pr Arhim Iustin!

  • @magdalenaurucu7339
    @magdalenaurucu7339 2 роки тому +2

    Am revazut clipul intrucat 1. imi plac mult imaginile prezentate 2.reprezinta o sursa credibila de inspiratie pentru orice calatorie sau pelerinaj in zona Neamt si nu numai. Am fi vrut sa cunoastem daca drumul din comuna pana la manastie este accesibil pentru auto cu garda la sol destul de joasa,de asemenea am vazut ca exista in apropiere( pe google asa se vede) o alta manastire Paltin ,despre care nu stim nu stim cum se face accesul si in ce conditii.Rugaminte pentru viitor dl.Lucian,sa inserati un rand fie la final fie la inceputul clipurilor,in care sa descrieti din propria experienta conditiile de acces la obiective eventual precautii sau interdictii( am vazut ca la drumul din cheile Bicazului ati facut o remarca privind accesul conducatorilor auto cu mai putina experienta in trafic).Drumuri bune si vreme buna la filmari ca inspirational vorbind,stati foarte bine/

    • @magdalenaurucu7339
      @magdalenaurucu7339 2 роки тому +2

      @@LucianIonescu, va multumesc,m-ati convins iar drumul de la Lunca prin Pipirig catre Petru voda cred ca este bun la ora actuala.

    • @gheorgheurucu4754
      @gheorgheurucu4754 2 роки тому +2

      @@LucianIonescu Multumim frumos!

  • @pimentarita577
    @pimentarita577 Рік тому +1

    Doamne-ajută maicadomnului am in

  • @mariaiorgulescu941
    @mariaiorgulescu941 2 роки тому

    Unde este in jud Neamț sau Hunedoara?

    • @munteanuioanliviu3545
      @munteanuioanliviu3545 2 роки тому


    • @olgapopovici5984
      @olgapopovici5984 2 роки тому

      Slavă Ție Dumnezeul nostru Slavă Ție Amin. Mulțumim Ție Doamne pentru că m-ai învrednicit să ajung la Sf Mănăstire și mormântul sf Iustin Pârvu pe data de 23 august 2022 Amin Amin Amin Doamne-ajută tuturor ce vor să ajungă acolo