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Hey guys just letting you know that a like and subscribe would really help me out a lot since this video took hours to make
W vid
thank you
Long format videos are good, I love em
@@howto8504 i do them every weekend ❤️
Never thought I would need this video xd
@@NpcStudious i mean now you have it ❤️
Really good video! Keep them up!
@@edward1409 thank you very much
I really like the Mac-10 and maybe with some stickers would look sick too
@@Ivann_Lozanno maybe with some fire in the hole holo sticker
Suggestion: maybe you can show how the sleeves of the agents look in-game , after you recommend them.
@@baidoc1633 mmm maybe good idea the thing was that the t agent was sleeve less regardless but got idea for the future
recently bought a bunch of skins for my loadout and pretty happy to see some of my skins on here :)
@@Docked1 which ones did you end up buying from the list just curios
@ Five-Seven Hotshot and Galil Eco, but in better conditions than in the video
@@Docked1 yeah the ones in the video are for the cheapest versions that i can find ❤️
nice loadout!
@hongkonggamer822 thank you appreciate the honesty ❤️
Thank you so much bro❤
@@emirkan2401 no problem my friend i will send you the skin asap
thanks for getting the idea
no problem man, thank you for giving me the idea
very nice skins
i couldnt do a color coded budget inventory, but atleast the skins look good😔
It costs less than €50 if you don't buy every skins cuz there are some weapons that you're most likely not going to use like the m249
@kaizar_idn yeah that is very true, but i said let me fo full loadout since that was the goal, cause i feel like the skins dont look bad either
Hey guys just letting you know that a like and subscribe would really help me out a lot since this video took hours to make
W vid
thank you
Long format videos are good, I love em
@@howto8504 i do them every weekend ❤️
Never thought I would need this video xd
@@NpcStudious i mean now you have it ❤️
Really good video! Keep them up!
@@edward1409 thank you very much
I really like the Mac-10 and maybe with some stickers would look sick too
@@Ivann_Lozanno maybe with some fire in the hole holo sticker
Suggestion: maybe you can show how the sleeves of the agents look in-game , after you recommend them.
@@baidoc1633 mmm maybe good idea the thing was that the t agent was sleeve less regardless but got idea for the future
recently bought a bunch of skins for my loadout and pretty happy to see some of my skins on here :)
@@Docked1 which ones did you end up buying from the list just curios
@ Five-Seven Hotshot and Galil Eco, but in better conditions than in the video
@@Docked1 yeah the ones in the video are for the cheapest versions that i can find ❤️
nice loadout!
@hongkonggamer822 thank you appreciate the honesty ❤️
Thank you so much bro❤
@@emirkan2401 no problem my friend i will send you the skin asap
thanks for getting the idea
no problem man, thank you for giving me the idea
very nice skins
i couldnt do a color coded budget inventory, but atleast the skins look good😔
It costs less than €50 if you don't buy every skins cuz there are some weapons that you're most likely not going to use like the m249
@kaizar_idn yeah that is very true, but i said let me fo full loadout since that was the goal, cause i feel like the skins dont look bad either