Natasha Denona Love Eyeshadow Palette Tutorial + SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT!!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @shannaf6332
    @shannaf6332 4 роки тому +61

    please please do one or two more looks with this palette!!!! I need a red look! this is stunning on you! take care Angela!

  • @carlacox2155
    @carlacox2155 4 роки тому +12

    You really pulled off a beautiful look with purple eyeshadow when so many others cannot. Terrific and I liked hearing Portia purring more than the music playing! Cute kitty!

  • @valarialockett914
    @valarialockett914 4 роки тому +1

    Hello. Thank you, thank you for your videos. As a 50 yr old, I have face makeup application working. But I have about 20 pallets and don’t know what to do with them. Your videos are very helpful and I’m not going to intimidated by eyeshadows. I will learn to make looks as beautiful as yours, such as picking colors to put together, blending and anything you can teach me. Thank you again.

  • @limiv5272
    @limiv5272 4 роки тому +6

    I recently got a few Sigma brushes, and suddenly I can easily do things with eyeshadow that previously just wouldn't work, it's like magic. The E30 brush is amazingly useful, I don't know how I lived without it before!
    Angela your cat is adorable

  • @noorehharam9611
    @noorehharam9611 4 роки тому

    What an absolute always created something you beauty

  • @carlywinn7722
    @carlywinn7722 4 роки тому

    The brushes are SERIOUSLY the BEST!!! I use mine all the time.

  • @chococat1084
    @chococat1084 3 роки тому

    I just bought this pallets and have seen mixed reviews! I noticed I loved the pallets when I followed your tutorials! Thank you 🙏

  • @redplaysgames719
    @redplaysgames719 2 роки тому

    A, awesome, gorgeous tutorial. B, PORTIA IS SO CUTE!!!!!

  • @catherinebell122
    @catherinebell122 4 роки тому

    Agree! This palette is versatile and stunning combo opportunities. Your look rocks!

  • @khristinasmith5273
    @khristinasmith5273 4 роки тому

    Just bought it because of you! You have the best blending skills

  • @saraantonlargo1115
    @saraantonlargo1115 4 роки тому +1

    I loved your eye look but I loved your sweet purring cat even more! 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻

  • @jcharlston1
    @jcharlston1 4 роки тому +4

    I just love this palette and your eye look is stunning! Just a few colors and BAM! Gorgeousness!

  • @dcarangi
    @dcarangi 4 роки тому +4

    Gorgeous, as always! Also, your skin looks amazing! And your tortoiseshell cat is beautiful. Love the purrs!

  • @ericaolmos3446
    @ericaolmos3446 4 роки тому +1

    Love what you have done one of the best tutorials i've seen with this pallet. Thank you

  • @astridthebookishsweettooth282
    @astridthebookishsweettooth282 4 роки тому

    Your tutorials are some of the best I've watched. I LOOOOOVE them and you explain this so well that I actually managed to recreate some without looking like a clown. So good.

  • @shelbyanumandla7499
    @shelbyanumandla7499 4 роки тому +1

    This look is so stunning! I wasn’t interested in this pallet before, but now I am tempted!

  • @nursemom1969
    @nursemom1969 4 роки тому

    Every shade in this palette is stunning. I was really disappointed with her Metropolis palette but this is EVERYTHING. Hope to see more looks with it!!!

    • @angelaabright
      @angelaabright  4 роки тому

      Why didn’t you like Metropolis?? I didn’t buy that one but I loved the colors in it

    • @nursemom1969
      @nursemom1969 4 роки тому

      Angela Bright the colors seemed to dark and Smokey I guess.

  • @jodiemeyers2635
    @jodiemeyers2635 4 роки тому

    Got my brushes!!! Got your set and their Blending set. I LOVE THEM!!! So soft!

  • @Tarot.Destiny
    @Tarot.Destiny 4 роки тому

    Another beautiful look with the ND Love pallet! 🥰🥰

    @GROWCHEMOME 4 роки тому

    So happy you decided to get this one instead of just doing the dupes! The colors are just so pretty 😍 This is my first "full size" ND palette and I can't wait to see more looks with it.

    • @angelaabright
      @angelaabright  4 роки тому +1

      Yesss!! I ALMOST did a dupe video about this palette..but once I saw it in person, it really does have unique shades!

  • @JasmineLuvay
    @JasmineLuvay 4 роки тому

    STUN-NING! 💜💕🙌🏾✨

  • @EFace82
    @EFace82 4 роки тому

    I just ordered my Angela Bright brush set, I’m so excited!🌺

  • @KelliMarissa
    @KelliMarissa 4 роки тому +2

    Omg exciting deal on the brushes! I think it may finally be the time for me to break down and buy the set lol. I want that LO5 Brush!

  • @angelab904
    @angelab904 4 роки тому

    I made a look similar to this but did use silver and the contrast looked super pretty! I put it in my inner corner and 1st half of my lid while dragging it up into my crease if that makes sense. I love purple shadows too. I have the Morphe 39S Such A Gem as well and I think you could use that to make similar looks to ones you make with ND Love. The only 2 ABH palettes that I had no interest in was Amrezy and Alyssa Edwards. I did want the Bybel one but it looked sort of similar to Jackie's so got hers instead.

  • @tanazmaster8866
    @tanazmaster8866 4 роки тому

    Gorgeous 🤗🤗🤗🤗my favorite colors too🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @carnival-nights
    @carnival-nights 4 роки тому

    This is by far the most stunning look I've seen with the Love palette so far! 😍 Just gorgeous. 💜 Also, that brush set looks perfect for my little eyes. I need it.

  • @kimlamm443
    @kimlamm443 4 роки тому

    Gorgeous!!!! I love this look on you! Beautiful choice of colors! I think I might have to check out this palette.

  • @MzNatalieMoon
    @MzNatalieMoon 3 роки тому

    so PRETTY!

  • @kellym9301
    @kellym9301 4 роки тому +2

    Omg Portia is gorgeous! 💋

  • @maureenhansen8321
    @maureenhansen8321 4 роки тому

    Yay!! I ordered your brush set!! Thank you and a sigma for providing an additional discount! Hoping to be a blending pro like you with my hooded eyes!😍

    • @angelaabright
      @angelaabright  4 роки тому

      Thank you so much for the support!! You’re going to love them!!

  • @RicaRanuu
    @RicaRanuu 4 роки тому

    Wow that's a beautiful look! I love the purples in that palette.

  • @teresaaramini546
    @teresaaramini546 4 роки тому

    Stunning look!

  • @CatzEyes93
    @CatzEyes93 4 роки тому

    Thank you thank you for putting out a sale on the brushes!!!

  • @ashleykelly7805
    @ashleykelly7805 4 роки тому

    Looove this look!! 😍 I also love purple eyeshadows and the Love palette looks gorgeous! Excited your brush set is on sale!

  • @LisaShankk
    @LisaShankk 4 роки тому

    Girl love this look so awesome and also So very very great job👍👍❤👍👍

  • @lubazak636
    @lubazak636 4 роки тому

    Great look as usual. Just got this pallet. Love the colors!! I will recreate this, maybe tomorrow night. I bought a bunch of Sigma brushes during their after Christmas sale. I agree with you.
    They are great and I got a bunch of smaller ones for my hooded eyes.
    Love your gourgeous tortoiseshell cat!!
    The purrrrrrring is so cute!!

  • @joyceanderson6474
    @joyceanderson6474 4 роки тому

    This look is stunning and it makes me so happy now that I just bought the love palette! Thank you for reviewing you look gorgeous!

  • @irinacatala2190
    @irinacatala2190 4 роки тому

    You just create amazing looks!!! Please make 2 or 3.more looks with this video! 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️

  • @krisgreder5472
    @krisgreder5472 4 роки тому

    You create the most STUNNING looks!🙌🙌 This look has it all it's smokey, vibrant, bold, & sexy!💜💜

  • @makeupbylina1
    @makeupbylina1 4 роки тому +1

    I love this makeup look so gorgeous and stunning and the makeup palette is beautiful. 💜❤💜

  • @deannaleckie7456
    @deannaleckie7456 4 роки тому

    I spy my Valentine's day look! My Love palette will be here tomorrow.

  • @shoomzii
    @shoomzii 4 роки тому

    So pretty!

  • @liatreuveni2883
    @liatreuveni2883 4 роки тому

    What an absolutely gorgeous look. One that I think would also be beautiful & so perfect for Valentine's. Your cat is beautiful btw

  • @tafhimrehman5215
    @tafhimrehman5215 4 роки тому

    I m waiting for that day when u will make ur own eyeshadow pallete coz ur choice for Eye shadow n eye looks are definitely on another level. Keep going 😍😘😘

  • @LisaShankk
    @LisaShankk 4 роки тому

    Girl u got do a couple more tutorials for us I'm just loving purple and the pinks👍👍👍

  • @harleymay3388
    @harleymay3388 4 роки тому

    Definitely need a second brush set. I use your brush set all the time lol. I love it. Best brushes I've owned tbh

  • @amberlong87
    @amberlong87 4 роки тому

    You’ve convinced me to buy this palette! ❤️ it’s so pretty and your look is gorgeous!

  • @maryphillips7019
    @maryphillips7019 4 роки тому

    Just got this beautiful! This look is stunning!

  • @jetson10100
    @jetson10100 4 роки тому

    Your purring cat made my day! Actually my life! Lol😻

  • @erinmowery7962
    @erinmowery7962 4 роки тому

    I'm so tempted to buy this one

  • @valgal6777
    @valgal6777 4 роки тому

    I love love love the look. I love your brush set. Thanks for saying you will do more looks with this palette. I'm with you its beautiful. ❤

  • @MessyBunChronicles
    @MessyBunChronicles 4 роки тому

    Beautiful! Want to try to recreate this look for my birthday dinner.

  • @welfareprincess
    @welfareprincess 4 роки тому

    Always turning out beautiful looks!

  • @lilyflwr0516
    @lilyflwr0516 4 роки тому

    I finally caved and got ur brush set! Ur amazing I love all ur looks.

    • @angelaabright
      @angelaabright  4 роки тому

      I hope you love it!! Thank you for the support ❤️❤️

  • @mistichristensen7088
    @mistichristensen7088 4 роки тому

    Just ordered the sigma brushes. Thanks for getting the additional discount.

  • @_Shawne
    @_Shawne 4 роки тому

    I love your tutorials, I always love the looks you come up with!

  • @spacegirl3000
    @spacegirl3000 4 роки тому

    I love Portia. She should be on every video

  • @tasco19
    @tasco19 4 роки тому

    Love the look! I also LOVE purple eyeshadow. 💜 I have noticed though that a few of the pink/purple shades in the Love palette are very similar to those in the ABH x Jackie Aina palette. And while not ND’s quality, the Blind shade is similar in color to the Drippin’ Diamonds shade from the Too Faced Chocolate Gold palette.

    • @angelaabright
      @angelaabright  4 роки тому +2

      Ooh I’ll have to compare love to my Jackie palette since I love that one so much haha

  • @bumpkin1988
    @bumpkin1988 4 роки тому +1

    This palette looks like it has the pigmentation that I wanted the sunrise palette of hers to have. I loved the color selection in that one but just did not want to stick to my lids at all.
    I vote to having the cat in more videos. Purring in the background is relaxing

    • @angelaabright
      @angelaabright  4 роки тому

      I’ll tell kitty that she has to be in the background for every video now 😂

  • @ichikireiLV
    @ichikireiLV 3 роки тому


  • @idalarsson4729
    @idalarsson4729 4 роки тому +2

    Love the look, so stunning! Started laughing when your cat appeared, she sounds just like my cat, that insanely loud purring😂💕

  • @auntieb6466
    @auntieb6466 4 роки тому

    I bought your brush set the other day before I saw this video but I did get the discount. Can't wait to use them! Yay!!!
    Q: I'm attending a wedding in less than two weeks. It's an evening, formal wedding and I'm wearing a bronze/brown/gold metallic/glittery dress. Any suggestions for eyeshadow looks? Palettes? Tutorials of yours??
    Thx so much for Any help. Love your channel!

  • @anitak315
    @anitak315 4 роки тому

    Gorgeous as always 👍😘❤️

  • @annareedbeauty
    @annareedbeauty 4 роки тому

    I can do this look with Norvina Vol. 1. I don't need this, but it's really pretty !

  • @KitMcCat
    @KitMcCat 4 роки тому

    Turned the volume up to hear Portia purr ❤❤❤

  • @jaymie-lee4554
    @jaymie-lee4554 4 роки тому

    Im going to buy this tomorrow so excited 😁

  • @MyGadgetKitchen
    @MyGadgetKitchen 4 роки тому

    Woot woot! Just got the brush set. That's a great deal!

  • @linzsanchez
    @linzsanchez 4 роки тому

    Can’t wait to recreate this look!!! I just ordered mine this morning and it’s due to come the beginning of next week!!!

  • @melissadean2248
    @melissadean2248 4 роки тому

    STUNNING 😱 👌🏽🤤😍😍😍 Angela! This is probably my FAVORITE look you've EVER done and that's saying a lot cause I love everything you do! Anyway I already wanted this palette, I LOVE purple 💜 shadows, I think it's one of the true universal colors! It's GORGEOUS on anyone. And I really love NDs formula but not the price so the fact that this is one of the more "affordable" pallettes I'm seriously wanting it😬🙋🏽‍♀️. But now that I saw this look you created that's it I'm now sold and trying desperately to fit it into my budget 🤭🤷🏽‍♀️. Anyway you look gorgeous and sexy and knocked this out of the park! Thanks for another amazing tutorial blessings and LOVE

  • @nadiajones6760
    @nadiajones6760 4 роки тому

    Yay! My palette will be in tomorrow!

  • @kellywolfe5930
    @kellywolfe5930 4 роки тому

    I wish i could get your brush set 💙💛💗💜♥️💚💖

  • @melissaely2320
    @melissaely2320 4 роки тому

    Love this look. I’m about to get this palette so I’m so happy to see you do a look with it. And as for your brush set..... I love it! Those are all my go to brushes as well and I already have two sets of your brushes lol! Well guess I’ll go for a third, as you said “ you can never have to many blending brushes “ 😂

    • @angelaabright
      @angelaabright  4 роки тому

      ❤️❤️ I’m so happy you like my brush set!

  • @michelek868
    @michelek868 4 роки тому

    I bought the Amrezy tonight at Ulta and I got the last palette the store near me is SOLDOUT.. I was lucky to get it. I like this Natasha Danona love palette but I have so many pinks and purple eyeshadows and Im on the fence here about getting this palette

  • @shelleymalone4427
    @shelleymalone4427 4 роки тому

    Absolutely stunning!!!

  • @RoyaL0221
    @RoyaL0221 4 роки тому

    I just got mine yesterday! I can’t wait to recreate this look!

  • @bloodyxrosexpetalsx
    @bloodyxrosexpetalsx 4 роки тому

    idk If i'm the only one but I cant wait for alterego to make a dupe of this especially that pure love shade!!! This look is so gorgeous and valentines day!!

    • @angelaabright
      @angelaabright  4 роки тому

      I feel ya! I love seeing what palettes alter ego can dupe

  • @sabrinasulaiman2362
    @sabrinasulaiman2362 4 роки тому

    Please do a tutorial with jacklin's new palette!

  • @tetyanameleshchenko2819
    @tetyanameleshchenko2819 4 роки тому

    Love the look! And your cat is adorable :)

  • @jenniferbarnhill6701
    @jenniferbarnhill6701 3 роки тому

    Beautiful 🥰

  • @MM-jq1nx
    @MM-jq1nx 4 роки тому

    Pink looks good on you....

  • @melissabeekie-kaisersingh7150
    @melissabeekie-kaisersingh7150 4 роки тому

    Beautiful, as usual 💜

  • @talia841951
    @talia841951 4 роки тому

    I never owned a ND palette. I want to get this one, but I read some reviews on beautylish saying that the shadows are patchy and that the formula is not as good as the other ND palettes. is it true?

  • @HolyChikin
    @HolyChikin 4 роки тому

    Happy Caturday!! Must be a girl cat thing. Mine is a HUGE pita... but I love HERZ!
    Love purple eyeshadow too. Very pretty look!!

  • @renyf.270
    @renyf.270 4 роки тому

    Wonderful Look 💕
    Thank you. 💕

  • @ashaboodoo1363
    @ashaboodoo1363 4 роки тому

    Im in looooooove!❤❤❤❤

  • @Kimber261
    @Kimber261 4 роки тому

    Omgosh! Your cat looks almost identical to mine!

  • @michelek868
    @michelek868 4 роки тому

    I need those brushes.. are they at ulta or Sephora or is it just online exclusive???

    • @angelaabright
      @angelaabright  4 роки тому

      My brush set is only available through Sigma’s website 😊

  • @mavysch
    @mavysch 4 роки тому

    Wow!! 😍

  • @andrayathevampire
    @andrayathevampire 4 роки тому

    could you do a dupe vid for this palette

  • @volkiii1450
    @volkiii1450 4 роки тому

    YAASSSSSS!!! Thank you!! ❤️

  • @madelyn374
    @madelyn374 4 роки тому

    Love it do more looks

  • @christinah.8504
    @christinah.8504 4 роки тому

    just ordered my set!

  • @kellywolfe5930
    @kellywolfe5930 4 роки тому

    Great video 💙💛💗💜♥️💚💖

  • @angelab904
    @angelab904 4 роки тому

    My Dream is so much darker than yours and patchy... Hmmm but every other color is good. I tried to follow your look but yours looks much better lol. I didn't give up like I used to so one day I'll get there. I used Jeffree Star Morphe brushes which I assume are good. I'll go with user error lol.

  • @ShanlynnYT
    @ShanlynnYT 4 роки тому

    So excited for this! I've been loving mine!!! I feel another sigma order coming on! Lol

  • @tresorvie3194
    @tresorvie3194 3 роки тому

    You are amazing love you from Algeria

  • @BookwormEmEm
    @BookwormEmEm 4 роки тому

    I have been eyeing this palette since I saw it on Trendmoods page..but I have talked myself out of it because it doesn’t have that much purple tones. I have those cool shimmers in other palettes. Peaches and reds I already have. I just can’t spend on it. Especially since I don’t have a Sephora store by me that holds Natasha Denona.

  • @sabiyas8355
    @sabiyas8355 4 роки тому

    Lovely hun

  • @jacquelinedimattia774
    @jacquelinedimattia774 4 роки тому

    Wonderful look.....🤩

  • @teresagenera6031
    @teresagenera6031 4 роки тому

    Mis colores favoritos 👍