Het lijkt erop dat Lala’s pijntjes haar eetlust niet hebben verminderd 😁 Grappig hoe ze met de banaan een plaatsje opzoekt om hem in alle rust te eten👏 België/Antwerpen ❤
😢😢😢😢😢😢qué no están biendo qué no puede mover la manita enserio que es desesperante qué agan eso con pobre lala enserio es mucho el coraje y parece no importante porfavor al veterinario
Lala should not be allowed to put pressure on the injured hand to climb to brush her teeth. This is not necessary for the video. Her health should come first.
Τόσοι ...το έγραψαν και εσύ το ίδιο ..??? Φτάνει ...!! μην επαναλαμβάνετε όλοι το ίδιο είναι αυτονόητο ...το ξέρουν έχουν νοημοσύνη και χωρίς όλους εσάς τους κηδεμόνες .... ΚΟΥΡΑΣΑΤΕ ....όλους μας .
Dad Quan & Mom Lanh, Lala needs to get a consultation for her swollen hand because Lala's left hand might become numb if there is no proper medication…. I love Bibi & Lala❤❤❤
4:09 It’s your duty as care providers for this poor little monkey Lala to get proper medical treatment for her hand. Her finger is already deformed on that hand. She could become permanently damaged if she doesn’t get proper treatment soon!!
@@annamariagrasso4032he knows he sees videos & he sees everyone complaining the more comments the more money he makes …so yall keep complaining make him richer
Poor Lala cant use her swollen hand, what are you waiting for???? She needs to be seen by a vetenerian Doctor as soon as possible, please do so and help her!!😢
❤... ich bin zum 1.Mal sehr erbost!!!!! 😡 Immer wieder habe ich nur lobende Worte für Quan und Lan gefunden und mich ständig vor sie gestellt, wenn User sie kritisierten oder beschimpften. Jetzt aber kann ich nicht verstehen, weshalb Lala nicht bzgl. einer Diagnose und Schmerzlinderung zum Arzt gebracht wird - Lala hat unübersehbare Schmerzen an der Hand! Ich möchte mich auch nicht an den Spekulationen etlicher User, die Ursache betreffend, beteiligen, bin aber von der KRÄUTERBEHANDLUNG nicht überzeigt. Es wäre von Quan angebracht den treuen Usern eine kurze "Erklärung" zur "Lage" mitzuteilen. ❤❤Sende ganz liebe Grüsse und Genesungswünsche aus Düsseldorf, Deutschland ❤❤
6:21 osserva bene: in questo video è possibile vedere bene sotto i vestiti l'apparecchio che viene messo a Lala per insegnarle a camminare su due zampe. Guarda bene e poi non avrai più dubbi sui trattamenti riservati anche a questi poveri cuccioli😢
Die Videos sind schon länger abgedreht. Die drehen nicht jeden Tag ein Video! Ein Besuch bei einem richtigen Tierarzt wäre teuer! Außerdem riskant, weil der die Affenhaltung evtl. melden müsste!? Wer weiß, wo die Affen jetzt sind und wie es ihnen ergehen mag!
@tuttosounds❤... das ist die viel zu grosse Windel, die Sie als "Gerät" erkennen glauben. Lala benötigt eine Windel für Puppen oder eine, die man in der Klinik für Frühgeburten verwendet. Diese sollten im Internet auch von Vietnamesen geordert werden können - aber ich kann und möchte Quan diesbezüglich keine Ratschläge geben. ❤Viele Grüße 🌞🌞🌞 die es im Internet bestimmt auch in Vietnam
Ich hatte damals gehofft, dass sie Lala nicht auf zwei Beinen gehen lassen, wenn sich genug Zuschauer dagegen aussprechen. Ich habe die Macht der Zuschauer überschätzt. Eigentlich wollte ich nicht mehr zusehen, sobald Lala auf zwei Beinen läuft, aber jetzt will ich nicht mehr zuschauen. Herr Quan, ich halte es nicht für verwerflich, mit Tieren Geld zu verdienen. Vermutlich werden von Bibis Einnahmen die Ausbildung ihrer Kinder mit finanziert. Aber im Gegenzug muss ich die Tiere ordentlich versorgen. Das ist der Deal zwischen Mensch und Tier. Wünsche Ihnen trotzdem nichts Schlechtes. Tschüss! 😐
I think that all these video production I about generating content, which increases their revenues. This channel is a pot of gold. Who knows what happens behind close doors.. vets...treatment, and playing this unrealistic life of having a "family pet". 20 minutes of showing the final product is not what really happens. The time it takes to condition and train the animals, the rehearsals, finally, the editing. Once the animals "play the commands" ...where are the placed...a cage? Monkeys cannot be left in a human environment unsupervised. Al getting worse regarding the welfare of animals...Third possibility , ..looking for donations from animal lovers...
This video proves me how heartless and cruel you can be. Not only you took Lala to the doctor but you also made her work and do things with this swollen hand. Don't you feel pity for this little one? If one of your children had this problem you would take it to the doctor immediately. This is also a living soul. She is under your care. Everything for the money?
Que absurdo colocar no título que a pobrezinha tem dor e mesmo assim gravam vídeos. A dor virou conteúdo?? Será que já cogitaram levar ao veterinário? Ou pretendem explorar ao máximo o sofrimento de Lala . Muito cruel !!!!!!
Lan please take LALA to the vet so he can look at her hand, she is having problems when it comes to climbi😢ng and she needs that hand to help her climb up anywhere even in the bathroom, pleas3 LAN do look into this immediately, thank you
What kind of people are you that you don't take poor Lala to the doctor already, it's obvious that she's not okay and you're forcing her to do difficult things with her sick hand, take her to the doctor already!!!!!! Lan, be a human being and read the comments, what are you advised to do to help an innocent animal that is suffering with its sick hand!!!!!!!!!
Няня продолжает зарабатывать деньги на больной Лале. Лала вообще не пользуется больной ручкой. Как вам не стыдно, малышке больно, а вы её эксплуатируют. Отвезите её в больницу, чтобы знать, что у неё с рукой. Вы разочаровываете подписчиков.
У бедной Лады болячка на голове, больной нос и руке не в порядке обе. Спряталась с этим бананом от всех, чтобы не отобрали и съела чуть не с кожурой, по ее виду нельзя сказать, что переедает, скорее наоборот. Зато няня красиво одета, молодец, только вот заботы и любви к малышам нет
Don't let Lala suffer, she is in pain, don't make her act and keep earning money for you. if she loses a hand or her life, it will be you fault. Lala is a sweet, beautiful little girl that deserves to be happy, she has been through enough pain. if you don't really care about her, please give her to someone who will love her and care for her. I am not a fool, I know you own her and have since the start, if not the other dad would, or should have come to help her and take her to the Vet himself.
А у Биби рай , композитор в сапогах , шастает по дому , валяется в гамаке, шеф повар со звездой Мишлен, осталось вручить Оскар и Нобелевскую премию обезьяне Здесь уныние , печаль , вечные проблемы и абсолютная не любовь к питомцу Бедная обезьяна, спотыкается, пнется , дрожащими лапками проглотила этот банан Вместо праздничного , радостного настроения, грусть тоска меня съедает Издевательства и дальше будут, так задумано , вот увидите
Таким противопосталением в отношении, казалось бы, членов одной семьи ( пусть и обезьянок) вызывает только раздражение к Биби. Уж так возводят, прямо вундеркинд, умнее всех в том числе и Квана. Потом привезут этого амбала в деревню и он опять начнёт таскать бедную больную обезьянка, потому что разума человеского в нем нет. Зверь всегда останется зверем. Как ни старается Кван преподнести его "гениальность". Он сделал его мутантом: и не обезьяна,и не человек. Как если бы их поменять местами. БИБИ приволок бы КВАНА в лес. Интересно стал бы Кван по своим повадкам обезьяной. Думаю, что нет. Так что этот эксперимент действительно банальное зарабатывание денег, не более того. Но зачем мучить бесправных обезьян? Перевести на английский
@@ОльгаСбоева-ш5ж Оля, Вы правы на 100%. Нормальный канал превратился в какую-то фантасмагорию. Там обезьяна уже и композитор, и музыкант. Какое-то издевательство над здравым смыслом. Лалу приютили для развлечения Биби, а теперь выбросили за ненадобностью.
Ольга,я об этом много писала,но...каких только негативов не было в мой адрес со стороны зрителей-и при том,множество от русскоязызычных...Неужели до них не доходит,что эта семья таким образом издевается над несчастными макашатами...Это же ясно и первокласснику...Да,Вы правильно написали,что биби и не человек,и не обезьяна...😮А Куан-самый "добрый папа" на свете...😅P.S.мои комменты исчезают,сможете ли в этот раз прочитать...😊
@Aisulu_Safina я прочитала. Мне тоже присылают много негатива, но ответ я стараюсь отправлять в вежливый форме. Надеюсь, что люди должны осознать и проанализировать то, что смотрят. Я сначала тоже заблуждалась. Считала, что эта забота на гуманитарной основе. Но прочитанные комментарии помогли понять истину. К счастью, на канале присутствуют и люди с хорошим интеллектом, а на глупые ответы можно не обращать внимания. Поэтому я пока стараюсь писать комментарии. Благодарю за поддержку.
They read comments yet assume that Lala is ok so why is she still doing things on her own quite dispeakable. Take her to the vet it's simple regardless of your rules being tough on keeping monkeys.
оператор спокойно снимает видео , Лан улыбается - значит все нормально - хвалите Лан и оператора больше , вы их захвалили ............они комментарии не читают, только неугодные - удаляют - вот и все.............
A friendly request to Quan: please send someone immediately to the vet with Lala for a complete check. The problem with her hand is still there! You clearly see it when she climbs, she cannot put pressure on that hand!!
I think... Mr quan should response to this.... Lan is a nanny. The cameraman also should discuss this matter with Quan to handle all of your request. The decision is on them
@@mariannevrancken2246 I know. But he is the owner of the 2 sweethearts. So I do hope he reads it and . takes action. The hand seems painfull and is still red and swollen😑 I am worried
I guess they don’t take Lala to the vet until they can collect charity funds from viewers . Why LAN didn’t call Quan and ask him to come back that Lala needs emergency help instead just showing her passions on camera
Lala do weterynarza musi jechac. W tej ręce ma chory palec już dużo wcześniej i ta ręka jest słaba. Nie leczona może mieć fatalne skutki, a przecież musi jej używać, by nie byla niepełnosprawna. Sprawa poważna. Poza tym może ma mało wapnia, by kości były mocne.
This is so horribly cruel, that i have unsubscribed. There is something seriously wrong with Lalas hands and nose. They are so red! The kitten may have unintentionally scratched her while playing. I refuse to be part of a group that makes animals perform when injured for views without taking them to a vet.
Her hand is swollen. Poor baby, bring her to the vet. Your natural remedy wont help her hand to heal. There might be fracture. You are so heartless to allow her to move while you see her in pain just for the views. I understand you need the views for income but you have to take care of the one who is bringing in money. At least put a splint temporarily and don’t make her move too much. I used to like your videos but now I see that you don’t care about these monkeys. You are all about the views and income 😡
Please mom lan, take our baby Lala to the vet. That hand of hers needs to be check by the vet before it gets worst. Please don't let her climb trees or move around to much. She may fall and end with a broken hand so please take her to the vet. Thank you and love to both ❤❤❤
Lala di miele 💘 🍯 💘 🍯 buongiorno, sei dolcissima!!! Bibi nel video precedente sei bellissimo vestito di giallo,il giallo ti ha sempre donato, ma sei bellissimo con tutti i colori!!!Dio vi benedica Bibi e Lala!!!❤❤❤❤
Geht es euch nur darum was sie für Klamotten tragen ist das,das wichtigste im Leben die kleine Lala hat große Schmerzen aber es ist nur wichtig was sie anhat wie OBERFLÄCHLICH sind die Menschen geworden 😢
Cara Erika,guarda meglio i miei commenti: ho scritto già due volte che Lala ha la manina gonfia e deve essere portata in ospedale!!! Ho fatto un complimento a Bibi perché nell'altro canale non mi si vede.
Ja, mach weiter "Komplimente" und lobe ihre Klamotten, in denen sich ein Affe nicht wohl fühlen kann! Die Komplimente sind im Endeffekt nur für Quan ein Lob👎 Diese Quälereien und Misshandlungen der armen Tiere werden wegen unsensibelen, verliebten❤️❤️❤️ Zuschauer nicht enden! Schau Dir Lalas Hinterkopf an! Voller Hämatome! Auch auf der Schädeldecke! Nur die Quan Family profitiert von all diesem Unfug und füllt ihre Kassen💰💰💰! Die Affen bezahlen den "Preis" dafür!🐒🐒
Лан и режиссёр, зачем вы заставляете Лалу с больной ручкой лезть на умывальник, потом на стекло чистить зубки??? Вы вообще думаете что вы делаете или вообще не думаете? Как ей тяжело подниматься и спускаться😢 Зачем вы еë мучаете, надо уже давно быть у ветеринара, а вы всë издеваетесь над малышкой. Ей же больно, только сказать не может эта крошка. Милая наша крошка Лалочка, как же жалко тебя. Папа уже бы сразу отвез в больницу.
Wow her hand appears to be getting worse because lala is not using her hand...REQUEST: take Lala to the vet or call Quan like you did when you lost her in the bad storm. 😢
They don't care. Only interested in making money. Best to unsubscribe. Might get them to take her to the vet when the money declines because of their cruelty
How easy for you to say that Lan is stupid. If that is so.... Quan is the stupidest cause let this thing happen. I don't think he know nothing about this
Das hat der "Drehbuchschreiber Quan"😇 so verfasst! Als Bibi noch ein Baby war, verhielt sich Lan zurückhaltend und sprach leise und sanft! Seit sie mit Lala allein in diesem Haus ist, mag ich es nicht mehr hören, wie sie immer sehr laut mit Lala rumschreit! 📢 Leidet Lala an Schwerhörigkeit?!🙉
Почему обезьянка всегда голодная? Сама ищет что поесть. Это безобразие. Вы де в ответе за неё. Где молоко для этой манюни? Вас не волнует её больная лапка?
Lan, don't just filming video for money making, should you have a little more responsibility and true love for animals? Lala has suffered a lot, part of it was due to your neglect of care!😢
If you don't like the fact Quan or Lan Anh hasn't taken Lala to a vet, STOP watching videos till they do. Maybe Kien should come take her back if they're unwilling to care for her right. 😠 Less viewers maybe then they will be responsible for the care needed to treat Lala or Bibi.
Lalas Finger wird immer so bleiben. Sie wurde als Säugling an diesem Finger operiert, weil er offene, entzündete Stellen hatte. Der Tierarzt sagte, Lalas Finger wird nie wieder zu 100 % in Ordnung kommen. Aber ich stimme einer Kontrolluntersuchung auf jeden Fall zu. 💯👍🙋♀️♥️♥️🐒♥️♥️
Tricky Lala she goes into kitten's house with her bounty. Kitten is so cute and calm she does not fuss. She wants to play. Lala is gentle with her as well. She's like oh oh I've been caught. Yes, Lala family ease her up with activities that could cause harm or put more pressure on her hand. We already know she can do these things. Please take our advice and get her help. Home remedies are great, she either gets better with it or not. If not get professional help.
She is not loved or taking care of. For these arrogant and selfish people She is just a money making object I deeply feel for her. I wonder if these people would be abused as she is what would they do
Por favor.Leve Lala ao veterinário, Lala está sentindo dor .Estou muito preocupada com o anjinho Lala, tadinha não deixe Lala nesse sofrimento.Te amo Lala ❤❤️💞💖💝💗
Wenn er sich Sorgen würde um Lalas Gesundheit, dann wäre er schon gleich am Anfang wegen dem Finger bei einem Arzt gewesen! Bei einem richtigen Veterinärmediziner!
Her hand is not better look how she holds it. She needs medical care. You don't seem to care or your prolonging this to make another video. This is cruel
Er ist auch nicht ohne ihren Vater in der Stadt... Bibi ist männlich und sitzt in irgendeinem Käfig! Oder glaubst Du wirklich, er könnte bei Quans Familie leben?!
How can you leave Lala unaided in the house when she has an injured hand. It's sad to see her walking and climbing with one hand. She is prone to further falls and may get a fracture.
Bu bebek de Quan ona ait senaryo yazdı hastanede bulduk sonra bir çocuk çıktı ortaya onun dediler sonra dadı ısrar etti çiftlikte kalsın hikayeye bakın aptal zannediyor bizleri bunlar yeni para kaynağı bu bebeği görüyorlar bu dadıdan nefret ediyorum hiçbir vicdan yok bunda🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🥺🥺🥺
@ 👍👍👏🤷♀️evet tansi farkındayım inan bibi inan zarar görmesin diye Reportlarımı geri çektim dayanamıyorum bu bebeğin çektiklerine tek yaptığım yorumsuz eleştirilerimi yapmak bebeğin elini gördün mü şişmiş ve kızarmış o hayvanın kan testi olması gerekiyor hasta o bebek kafasının arkası simsiyah devamlı burnu kırmızı elleri devamlı hastalanıyor veterinere gitmesi lazım Quan öbür evde bby eve hapsetmiş hiç dışarı çıkartaamıyor tuhaf durumlar var tek korkum bibi ona bir şey olmasın tansi sana çok güveniyorum her zaman doğru yorumlar yaparsın🙏👍
You are not being fair to the nanny... Why you took the blame to Lan. Lala is belongs to who. Kien or Quan is the one you should blame on. Lan in the first place is only a nanny to these monkey. Lan... Once ask Kien if he wants Lan to take care of Lala... He must have a permission from Quan....
This is what they think of the viewers who watch their videos and essentially employ them by doing so. Even though this poor creature is clearly in absolute misery and viewers keep begging throughout the comments to please take her to a Veterinarian. They continue to show a lack of respect for the viewers and their concerns for the well-being of Lala.
When Bibi was limping, I believed he had a real injury. Many comments demanded that Quan get an X Ray for BiBi. Quan refused because it was too far away! Quan smeared leaves on the leg and Bibi had a sudden miracle cure! Obviously the leg injury was fake. I don’t know how they forced Bibi to limp. I believe this video shows another fake injury.
Believe it or not, I am concerned about Lala’s welfare. Her hand is not healed yet, and without proper rest and care, she will continue to have problems. Climbing should not be allowed. Very sad. ❤🤗
@@lumpigloriaIt depends. I am not sure if she has a fracture. When she was hospitalized four months ago, they placed a bandage to cover two fingers for several days. I was hoping that Lan would do the same this time.
Both of Lala's hands and nose are red....her swollen hand is a big concern of all of your viewers....please stop acting like you're surprised that her hand is hurt....she hasn't used her hand for a long time, before it swelled. Take her to the vet before she dies. Do what's right. These monkeys didn't ask to belong to you....Your subscribers need to unsubscribe and stop putting money into your pocket!!
If LaLa is having such severe hand pain then why in the world are you not taking her to have it properly seen to by a vet?
Het lijkt erop dat Lala’s pijntjes haar eetlust niet hebben verminderd 😁
Grappig hoe ze met de banaan een plaatsje opzoekt om hem in alle rust te eten👏
België/Antwerpen ❤
C'est pourtant pas l'argent qui manque pour faire une visite chez le véto.plutot que d'avoir un tas de vêtements
😢😢😢😢😢😢qué no están biendo qué no puede mover la manita enserio que es desesperante qué agan eso con pobre lala enserio es mucho el coraje y parece no importante porfavor al veterinario
Oh no, sweet little LaLa has so much trouble with that one hand. She needs a”GOOD” vet
She has a cut near her left eye also.
@@loisdgilbert8639 yes, I saw that too
Lala should not be allowed to put pressure on the injured hand to climb to brush her teeth. This is not necessary for the video. Her health should come first.
Comentário extraordinário!🎉 Penso o mesmo 😢😢
ララの手が気になります 早く病院に連れて行って下さい~~
I agree. She needs to be seen by a doctor. She may have broken some bones. Please get her medical attention.
くうちやん🏵️元気でしたか? ランさんが早く病院に連れて行ってほしい💨💨💨何で連れていかないのかな?
@Kuu-l8p ちやん🏵️
Lan porta lala,dal veterinario 🙏 devi fare controllare la manina,abbi cura di lala ❤
не отвезёт. и вы знаете это.
She’s bad
Τόσοι ...το έγραψαν και εσύ το ίδιο ..???
Φτάνει ...!! μην επαναλαμβάνετε όλοι το ίδιο είναι αυτονόητο ...το ξέρουν έχουν νοημοσύνη και χωρίς όλους εσάς τους κηδεμόνες .... ΚΟΥΡΑΣΑΤΕ ....όλους μας .
Левая лапка Лалы совершенно не действует. Почему не показываете врачу?
Dad Quan & Mom Lanh, Lala needs to get a consultation for her swollen hand because Lala's left hand might become numb if there is no proper medication…. I love Bibi & Lala❤❤❤
I agree with you Gina
я думаю, что Куан не вернется сюда - этот канал теперь оператора и Лан посмотрим..........
У Куана своя персональная пыточная для Bibi. Он удалил все комментарии, где наивные глупые просят вмешаться в проблему со здоровьем Лалы
She don’t care
4:09 It’s your duty as care providers for this poor little monkey Lala to get proper medical treatment for her hand. Her finger is already deformed on that hand. She could become permanently damaged if she doesn’t get proper treatment soon!!
I agree she is suffering
Creio que Sr.Quan fará isso urgentemente 🎉😢
왼 손이많이 부었고 잘 쓰질 못해요. 저 상황에서 무리하지 않게 해주시고 병원,병원, 병원, 부탁해요.
Θα το πεις πολλές φορές .....κουραστηκαμε .!!
Sono preoccupata per Lala, portala dal veterinario Lan per favore,la mano è gonfia!!!
Lan nie reaguje na komentarze
Dad Quan gira.video con bibi scrivete e segnalate a Dad Quan Ma.bibi si porta.dal medico e perché lala.no la si vuole far.morire
@@Agata7802tell Quan not lan she isn’t in charge Quan is
@@annamariagrasso4032he knows he sees videos & he sees everyone complaining the more comments the more money he makes …so yall keep complaining make him richer
Отвезите, малютку к врачу!!!!!!! Умолять вас что ли надо????!!!!
We all asked
Да орите хоть на весь ютуб. Что непонятно? Врач сразу поймёт причину и обязан сообщить в полицию
@@tatzamtatzam3111cette femme a été plusieurs fois signalé pour maltraitance sur bibi et maintenant lala.
Die Tierschutzorganisationen sind Quan und Lan auf der Spur🙏
Poor Lala cant use her swollen hand, what are you waiting for???? She needs to be seen by a vetenerian Doctor as soon as possible, please do so and help her!!😢
Stop being so bossy.
I agree with you too much advice
Please take Lala to the vet for her hand... she obviously is in pain!!!
❤... ich bin zum 1.Mal sehr erbost!!!!! 😡 Immer wieder habe ich nur lobende Worte für Quan und Lan gefunden und mich ständig vor sie gestellt, wenn User sie kritisierten oder beschimpften. Jetzt aber kann ich nicht verstehen, weshalb Lala nicht bzgl. einer Diagnose und Schmerzlinderung zum Arzt gebracht wird - Lala hat unübersehbare Schmerzen an der Hand! Ich möchte mich auch nicht an den Spekulationen etlicher User, die Ursache betreffend, beteiligen, bin aber von der KRÄUTERBEHANDLUNG nicht überzeigt. Es wäre von Quan angebracht den treuen Usern eine kurze "Erklärung" zur "Lage" mitzuteilen.
❤❤Sende ganz liebe Grüsse und Genesungswünsche aus Düsseldorf, Deutschland ❤❤
6:21 osserva bene: in questo video è possibile vedere bene sotto i vestiti l'apparecchio che viene messo a Lala per insegnarle a camminare su due zampe. Guarda bene e poi non avrai più dubbi sui trattamenti riservati anche a questi poveri cuccioli😢
Die Videos sind schon länger abgedreht. Die drehen nicht jeden Tag ein Video!
Ein Besuch bei einem richtigen Tierarzt wäre teuer! Außerdem riskant, weil der die Affenhaltung evtl. melden müsste!?
Wer weiß, wo die Affen jetzt sind und wie es ihnen ergehen mag!
@tuttosounds❤... das ist die viel zu grosse Windel, die Sie als "Gerät" erkennen glauben. Lala benötigt eine Windel für Puppen oder eine, die man in der Klinik für Frühgeburten verwendet. Diese sollten im Internet auch von Vietnamesen geordert werden können - aber ich kann und möchte Quan diesbezüglich keine Ratschläge geben.
❤Viele Grüße 🌞🌞🌞
die es im Internet bestimmt auch in Vietnam
Ich hatte damals gehofft, dass sie Lala nicht auf zwei Beinen gehen lassen, wenn sich genug Zuschauer dagegen aussprechen. Ich habe die Macht der Zuschauer überschätzt. Eigentlich wollte ich nicht mehr zusehen, sobald Lala auf zwei Beinen läuft, aber jetzt will ich nicht mehr zuschauen. Herr Quan, ich halte es nicht für verwerflich, mit Tieren Geld zu verdienen. Vermutlich werden von Bibis Einnahmen die Ausbildung ihrer Kinder mit finanziert. Aber im Gegenzug muss ich die Tiere ordentlich versorgen. Das ist der Deal zwischen Mensch und Tier. Wünsche Ihnen trotzdem nichts Schlechtes. Tschüss! 😐
❤... warum wurde meine Antwort an User @ tuttosounds gelöscht, sie war eigentlich eine Antwort, die Ihnen, Mr. Quan gefallen hätte?!!!❤
I think that all these video production I about generating content, which increases their revenues. This channel is a pot of gold. Who knows what happens behind close doors.. vets...treatment, and playing this unrealistic life of having a "family pet". 20 minutes of showing the final product is not what really happens. The time it takes to condition and train the animals, the rehearsals, finally, the editing. Once the animals "play the commands" ...where are the placed...a cage? Monkeys cannot be left in a human environment unsupervised. Al getting worse regarding the welfare of animals...Third possibility , ..looking for donations from animal lovers...
Ben detto❤
Verdade, ambientes pra humanos nunca serão seguros para os animais. Creio que a supervisão dos adultos seja fundamental. 🎉
This video proves me how heartless and cruel you can be. Not only you took Lala to the doctor but you also made her work and do things with this swollen hand. Don't you feel pity for this little one? If one of your children had this problem you would take it to the doctor immediately. This is also a living soul. She is under your care. Everything for the money?
Lala is clearly being abused by these heartless people all they care about is money
Que absurdo colocar no título que a pobrezinha tem dor e mesmo assim gravam vídeos. A dor virou conteúdo?? Será que já cogitaram levar ao veterinário? Ou pretendem explorar ao máximo o sofrimento de Lala . Muito cruel !!!!!!
Lan please take LALA to the vet so he can look at her hand, she is having problems when it comes to climbi😢ng and she needs that hand to help her climb up anywhere even in the bathroom, pleas3 LAN do look into this immediately, thank you
What kind of people are you that you don't take poor Lala to the doctor already, it's obvious that she's not okay and you're forcing her to do difficult things with her sick hand, take her to the doctor already!!!!!! Lan, be a human being and read the comments, what are you advised to do to help an innocent animal that is suffering with its sick hand!!!!!!!!!
Greedy people. People that only care about the money these poor innocent babies make
They’re so bad and selfish wants only money much reported
라라 종합진단 받아야함 전 라라 팬인데 아픈모습은 보고 싶지않아요
It has been to long for
Layla to have such pain, please have a doctor check for broken bones
Няня продолжает зарабатывать деньги на больной Лале. Лала вообще не пользуется больной ручкой. Как вам не стыдно, малышке больно, а вы её эксплуатируют. Отвезите её в больницу, чтобы знать, что у неё с рукой. Вы разочаровываете подписчиков.
Ева, Лан ничего не решает. Ответственность на Куане.
He is not using his hand at all!! Take too vets
Please bring Lala to the Doctor to avoid infection & inflammation. I saw a tie wire from a tree. Which Lala came before she fall from a tree.
This poor monkey LALA might loose her hand or die if you people don't take her to vet ,she's suffering, please 🙏 GOD BLESS THIS BABY MONKEY
Dont exageratenplease, shes not going to die!!😢 D.☹️😏
У бедной Лады болячка на голове, больной нос и руке не в порядке обе. Спряталась с этим бананом от всех, чтобы не отобрали и съела чуть не с кожурой, по ее виду нельзя сказать, что переедает, скорее наоборот. Зато няня красиво одета, молодец, только вот заботы и любви к малышам нет
начали понимать .............
Ja... aber das Kindermädchen ist sehr schön gekleidet... Das ist das wichtigste!👍
Lala❤ amore mio, guarisci presto 🍀 anima bella dolce piccola creatura ❤😊ti amo tantissimo ❤
Tja, wenn Lala lesen könnte...🙈💌
Don't let Lala suffer, she is in pain, don't make her act and keep earning money for you. if she loses a hand or her life, it will be you fault. Lala is a sweet, beautiful little girl that deserves to be happy, she has been through enough pain. if you don't really care about her, please give her to someone who will love her and care for her. I am not a fool, I know you own her and have since the start, if not the other dad would, or should have come to help her and take her to the Vet himself.
Lan prosím nekrič tak. Keď je to silné pre moje uši, tak pre zvieratká mnohonásobne.
Lala and the kitten are so cute! I loved how Lala sat in her Christmas house and relished the banana!! 😂❤❤
Even then she couldn’t get any peace. They put a freaking camera inside the house 😡
А у Биби рай , композитор в сапогах , шастает по дому , валяется в гамаке, шеф повар со звездой Мишлен, осталось вручить Оскар и Нобелевскую премию обезьяне
Здесь уныние , печаль , вечные проблемы и абсолютная не любовь к питомцу
Бедная обезьяна, спотыкается, пнется , дрожащими лапками проглотила этот банан
Вместо праздничного , радостного настроения, грусть тоска меня съедает
Издевательства и дальше будут, так задумано , вот увидите
Der erste Teil des Kommentars ist urwitzig 😂
Таким противопосталением в отношении, казалось бы, членов одной семьи ( пусть и обезьянок) вызывает только раздражение к Биби. Уж так возводят, прямо вундеркинд, умнее всех в том числе и Квана. Потом привезут этого амбала в деревню и он опять начнёт таскать бедную больную обезьянка, потому что разума человеского в нем нет. Зверь всегда останется зверем. Как ни старается Кван преподнести его "гениальность". Он сделал его мутантом: и не обезьяна,и не человек. Как если бы их поменять местами. БИБИ приволок бы КВАНА в лес. Интересно стал бы Кван по своим повадкам обезьяной. Думаю, что нет. Так что этот эксперимент действительно банальное зарабатывание денег, не более того. Но зачем мучить бесправных обезьян?
Перевести на английский
@@ОльгаСбоева-ш5ж Оля, Вы правы на 100%. Нормальный канал превратился в какую-то фантасмагорию. Там обезьяна уже и композитор, и музыкант. Какое-то издевательство над здравым смыслом. Лалу приютили для развлечения Биби, а теперь выбросили за ненадобностью.
Ольга,я об этом много писала,но...каких только негативов не было в мой адрес со стороны зрителей-и при том,множество от русскоязызычных...Неужели до них не доходит,что эта семья таким образом издевается над несчастными макашатами...Это же ясно и первокласснику...Да,Вы правильно написали,что биби и не человек,и не обезьяна...😮А Куан-самый "добрый папа" на свете...😅P.S.мои комменты исчезают,сможете ли в этот раз прочитать...😊
@Aisulu_Safina я прочитала. Мне тоже присылают много негатива, но ответ я стараюсь отправлять в вежливый форме. Надеюсь, что люди должны осознать и проанализировать то, что смотрят. Я сначала тоже заблуждалась. Считала, что эта забота на гуманитарной основе. Но прочитанные комментарии помогли понять истину. К счастью, на канале присутствуют и люди с хорошим интеллектом, а на глупые ответы можно не обращать внимания. Поэтому я пока стараюсь писать комментарии. Благодарю за поддержку.
Ma vergognatevi cosa aspettate a portarla da un medico!!! Ma non vedete come è conciata mi stupisco di questo comportamento da parte loro 😮
They read comments yet assume that Lala is ok so why is she still doing things on her own quite dispeakable. Take her to the vet it's simple regardless of your rules being tough on keeping monkeys.
The more we view and comment they get more money. That's all they are interested. No empathy towards Lala.
оператор спокойно снимает видео , Лан улыбается - значит все нормально - хвалите Лан и оператора больше , вы их захвалили ............они комментарии не читают, только неугодные - удаляют - вот и все.............
A friendly request to Quan: please send someone immediately to the vet with Lala for a complete check. The problem with her hand is still there! You clearly see it when she climbs, she cannot put pressure on that hand!!
Le papa de bibi es re tourner avec son fis bibi ❤❤❤❤ c es la nounou qui s occupe de lala
Eh ben dans ce cas, c'est à Lan Anh d'emmener Lala chez le vétérinaire !!!!!
I think... Mr quan should response to this.... Lan is a nanny. The cameraman also should discuss this matter with Quan to handle all of your request. The decision is on them
@@mariannevrancken2246 I know. But he is the owner of the 2 sweethearts. So I do hope he reads it and . takes action. The hand seems painfull and is still red and swollen😑 I am worried
I guess they don’t take Lala to the vet until they can collect charity funds from viewers . Why LAN didn’t call Quan and ask him to come back that Lala needs emergency help instead just showing her passions on camera
Lala do weterynarza musi jechac. W tej ręce ma chory palec już dużo wcześniej i ta ręka jest słaba. Nie leczona może mieć fatalne skutki, a przecież musi jej używać, by nie byla niepełnosprawna. Sprawa poważna. Poza tym może ma mało wapnia, by kości były mocne.
This is so horribly cruel, that i have unsubscribed. There is something seriously wrong with Lalas hands and nose. They are so red! The kitten may have unintentionally scratched her while playing. I refuse to be part of a group that makes animals perform when injured for views without taking them to a vet.
Me too
Я тоже
Die süße kleine Lala 🥰 ich hoffe das sie nicht mehr so starke schmerzen hat 😢 sehr süßes paar Lala und Kätzchen 🙏🏼💖💖💖
Pauvre puce on voit bien qu'elle a mal
Why can’t you take Lala to a Veterinarian????????
😂😂😂lala you are so adorable 🥰 getting clever and smart girl 😍
She’s abused too!! Don’t omit important details
Please stop your video for Lala she rest
Moje nežné zlatíčko Lalinka dúfam že sa tvoje ručičky uzdravila. Prosím prosím vezmite ju k veterinárovi..❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I am not watching anymore until she has gone to a vet
Me too
Her hand is swollen. Poor baby, bring her to the vet. Your natural remedy wont help her hand to heal. There might be fracture. You are so heartless to allow her to move while you see her in pain just for the views. I understand you need the views for income but you have to take care of the one who is bringing in money. At least put a splint temporarily and don’t make her move too much. I used to like your videos but now I see that you don’t care about these monkeys. You are all about the views and income 😡
Please mom lan, take our baby Lala to the vet. That hand of hers needs to be check by the vet before it gets worst. Please don't let her climb trees or move around to much. She may fall and end with a broken hand so please take her to the vet. Thank you and love to both ❤❤❤
Lala di miele 💘 🍯 💘 🍯 buongiorno, sei dolcissima!!!
Bibi nel video precedente sei bellissimo vestito di giallo,il giallo ti ha sempre donato, ma sei bellissimo con tutti i colori!!!Dio vi benedica Bibi e Lala!!!❤❤❤❤
Geht es euch nur darum was sie für Klamotten tragen ist das,das wichtigste im Leben die kleine Lala hat große Schmerzen aber es ist nur wichtig was sie anhat wie OBERFLÄCHLICH sind die Menschen geworden 😢
Cara Erika,guarda meglio i miei commenti: ho scritto già due volte che Lala ha la manina gonfia e deve essere portata in ospedale!!!
Ho fatto un complimento a Bibi perché nell'altro canale non mi si vede.
Ja, mach weiter "Komplimente" und lobe ihre Klamotten, in denen sich ein Affe nicht wohl fühlen kann! Die Komplimente sind im Endeffekt nur für Quan ein Lob👎 Diese Quälereien und Misshandlungen der armen Tiere werden wegen unsensibelen, verliebten❤️❤️❤️ Zuschauer nicht enden!
Schau Dir Lalas Hinterkopf an! Voller Hämatome! Auch auf der Schädeldecke!
Nur die Quan Family profitiert von all diesem Unfug und füllt ihre Kassen💰💰💰! Die Affen bezahlen den "Preis" dafür!🐒🐒
Würdest Du das Deiner Katze auch antun? Sie in Windeln und Klamotten zwängen?! Wenn andere dafür bezahlen...(?)🎉
I Love lala😍😍😍❤💓💕💖💗💙💚💛💜💝💞💟💌
私もそう思います手が全然使えないですねかわいそうな らららちゃん病院に連れて行ってください寂しくてかわいそうじゃないですかあの可愛い 手を曲げてララちゃんが見たいです病院に連れて行ってくださいお願いお願いお願いお願い😂
Лан и режиссёр, зачем вы заставляете Лалу с больной ручкой лезть на умывальник, потом на стекло чистить зубки??? Вы вообще думаете что вы делаете или вообще не думаете? Как ей тяжело подниматься и спускаться😢 Зачем вы еë мучаете, надо уже давно быть у ветеринара, а вы всë издеваетесь над малышкой. Ей же больно, только сказать не может эта крошка. Милая наша крошка Лалочка, как же жалко тебя. Папа уже бы сразу отвез в больницу.
"Папа" в"неизвестности"Вы думаете?..Телефоны у всех на руках!!!
Не выгораживайте "папу". Он в этом плане ещё тот крохобор 😏
"Papa" tut garnix! Der genießt sein von den Affen finanziertes Leben🎉🛵🚗🏍️🚙🌴...
@@Aisulu_Safina Папа конечно знает, просто далеко живëт. Надо бы было приехать тому парню, который еë им отдал и отвезти в больницу.
Lala me tiene enamorada!!!! Es super inteligente y graciosa, adorable!!!!❤❤❤❤
Pero si esto le pasará a bibi kan corre al veterinario, la hacen trabajar estando malita 🤒 es un ser vivo que siente . Te piedad
Wow her hand appears to be getting worse because lala is not using her hand...REQUEST: take Lala to the vet or call Quan like you did when you lost her in the bad storm. 😢
She has called Quan and he knew it was hurt. Have you noticed he doesnt take even Bibi to the doctor like he use to do.
They don't care. Only interested in making money. Best to unsubscribe. Might get them to take her to the vet when the money declines because of their cruelty
Amo a lala
La tienen que llevar sin falta al veterinario a parte de reposo en la mano ❤❤
Wie blöd Lan immer tut,als ob sie nicht wüsste wo Lala ist... u.dann oh,ah,geht mir auf die Nerven.Sie soll mit Baby zum Vet fahren
Da hast du absolut recht 👍👍👍
How easy for you to say that Lan is stupid. If that is so.... Quan is the stupidest cause let this thing happen. I don't think he know nothing about this
@zmd2606 sure he does!!
Das hat der "Drehbuchschreiber Quan"😇 so verfasst! Als Bibi noch ein Baby war, verhielt sich Lan zurückhaltend und sprach leise und sanft! Seit sie mit Lala allein in diesem Haus ist, mag ich es nicht mehr hören, wie sie immer sehr laut mit Lala rumschreit! 📢 Leidet Lala an Schwerhörigkeit?!🙉
Почему обезьянка всегда голодная? Сама ищет что поесть. Это безобразие. Вы де в ответе за неё. Где молоко для этой манюни? Вас не волнует её больная лапка?
Lala tak uroczo nieporadna ❤
Lala está bella .
Por favor Lan lleva a lala al beterinario para qué le traten la manito . Gracias 💋💋🐒❣❣❣❣❣🤗🤗🤗
Povera Lala😢 La mano deve essere molto dolente; è molto gonfia😢
สงสารลาล่าปลอกกล้วยไม่เป็นกินทั้งเปลือก พี่เลี้ยงปล่อยลาล่าเกินไปมือก้อเจ็บ😢😢😢😢😢
Lan, don't just filming video for money making, should you have a little more responsibility and true love for animals? Lala has suffered a lot, part of it was due to your neglect of care!😢
As usual
If you don't like the fact Quan or Lan Anh hasn't taken Lala to a vet, STOP watching videos till they do. Maybe Kien should come take her back if they're unwilling to care for her right. 😠 Less viewers maybe then they will be responsible for the care needed to treat Lala or Bibi.
When is she going to a vet? My poor baby
I love you lala bibi someday come back I love you so much lala and bibi❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
С наступающим новым годом вас !!!🎉🎉🎉
La mano di Lala è in brutte condizioni😢
여기는 라라의먹방인지 란의 요리채널인지 아직 팔도 다낫지않은 라라를 꼭 촬영을 해야만되나요? 병원에 데리고가지는 못할망정 촬영 몇번 쉬게 하면 안되나요? 사람을위해 돈벌어주는 원숭이들 개만도 못한취급을 받고있네
Und schau Dir an, wie steif sie aufrecht geht! Hat man sie in ein Korsett gesteckt?! An ihrer Rückseite steckt etwas unter ihrer Kleidung!...?
Poor baby !! Someone do something,she is in pain!!
Lalas Finger wird immer so bleiben. Sie wurde als Säugling an diesem Finger operiert, weil er offene, entzündete Stellen hatte. Der Tierarzt sagte, Lalas Finger wird nie wieder zu 100 % in Ordnung kommen. Aber ich stimme einer Kontrolluntersuchung auf jeden Fall zu. 💯👍🙋♀️♥️♥️🐒♥️♥️
Tricky Lala she goes into kitten's house with her bounty. Kitten is so cute and calm she does not fuss. She wants to play. Lala is gentle with her as well. She's like oh oh I've been caught. Yes, Lala family ease her up with activities that could cause harm or put more pressure on her hand. We already know she can do these things. Please take our advice and get her help. Home remedies are great, she either gets better with it or not. If not get professional help.
She is not loved or taking care of. For these arrogant and selfish people She is just a money making object I deeply feel for her. I wonder if these people would be abused as she is what would they do
Hala görev yaptırıyorlar lavaboya çıkıp dişlerini fırçalasın diye aman Allah’ım hayvanın eli kıpkırmızı ve şişmiş inanamıyorum bunlara🤷♀️🤦♀️😔😔
Por favor.Leve Lala ao veterinário, Lala está sentindo dor .Estou muito preocupada com o anjinho Lala, tadinha não deixe Lala nesse sofrimento.Te amo Lala ❤❤️💞💖💝💗
P. Quan konieczna jest konsultacja Lali u weterynarza, palec jest chory od dawna, a teraz cała ręka. Wymaga to konsultacji!!!
Wenn er sich Sorgen würde um Lalas Gesundheit, dann wäre er schon gleich am Anfang wegen dem Finger bei einem Arzt gewesen! Bei einem richtigen Veterinärmediziner!
Her hand is not better look how she holds it. She needs medical care. You don't seem to care or your prolonging this to make another video. This is cruel
Caro Quan,Lala ha la mano molto gonfia,ti prego di non trascurarla,è una creatura molto fragile,fin da piccolina lo è starà!
Grazie Dad❤
Bibi es en ville avec sont papa c es la nounou qui s occupe de lala
" Lieber " Quan¨Was ist an dem schon lieb?
Mimo tego że cierpi z bólu to stara się jednak jakoś sobie radzić.
Nenn ihn bitte nicht "Papa"🙏 !
Er ist auch nicht ohne ihren Vater in der Stadt... Bibi ist männlich und sitzt in irgendeinem Käfig! Oder glaubst Du wirklich, er könnte bei Quans Familie leben?!
Жалко, че маймуната не може да говори ,за да си вземе болничен.
How can you leave Lala unaided in the house when she has an injured hand. It's sad to see her walking and climbing with one hand. She is prone to further falls and may get a fracture.
оператор всегда рядом, он снимает видео .
@@jacobsenokYet never intervenes when she gets into dangerous situations
Warum schreit die Frau denn immer so ????
She's pretending to be concerned about Lala. She has to get instructions from Quan . Not even giving milk or proper nutrition. Very pathetic
Sie hält sich für wichtig! Verleiht ihr Machtgefühl...?
Bu bebek de Quan ona ait senaryo yazdı hastanede bulduk sonra bir çocuk çıktı ortaya onun dediler sonra dadı ısrar etti çiftlikte kalsın hikayeye bakın aptal zannediyor bizleri bunlar yeni para kaynağı bu bebeği görüyorlar bu dadıdan nefret ediyorum hiçbir vicdan yok bunda🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🥺🥺🥺
Quan ist hundert mal schlimmer! Er bestimmt was geschieht.
Только Куан распоряжается всем. У Лан нет права принимать решения.
@ 👍👍👏🤷♀️evet tansi farkındayım inan bibi inan zarar görmesin diye Reportlarımı geri çektim dayanamıyorum bu bebeğin çektiklerine tek yaptığım yorumsuz eleştirilerimi yapmak bebeğin elini gördün mü şişmiş ve kızarmış o hayvanın kan testi olması gerekiyor hasta o bebek kafasının arkası simsiyah devamlı burnu kırmızı elleri devamlı hastalanıyor veterinere gitmesi lazım Quan öbür evde bby eve hapsetmiş hiç dışarı çıkartaamıyor tuhaf durumlar var tek korkum bibi ona bir şey olmasın tansi sana çok güveniyorum her zaman doğru yorumlar yaparsın🙏👍
@@nesrincayman3899 Я уже несколько дней пишу, чтобы Лалу показали врачу. Ни Куан в чате, ниЛан не дают признаков того, что они нас слышат.
You are not being fair to the nanny... Why you took the blame to Lan. Lala is belongs to who. Kien or Quan is the one you should blame on. Lan in the first place is only a nanny to these monkey. Lan... Once ask Kien if he wants Lan to take care of Lala... He must have a permission from Quan....
Lala 何故?子猫の家でバナナ食べたの🍌
手がまだ痛そうだね 赤く腫れてる😢
Linda lala 😂❤❤❤
진짜 손이 많이 부었어요. 민간요법말고 병원에가세요?
Lala.kitty lovely❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lovely Lala ❤❤
Bibi doit lui manquer ❤❤
Lala hand is so swollen I hope Lan takes her to the Veterinarian soon. Lala is so precious hugging on the kitty cat. She’s as such a big heart.
This is what they think of the viewers who watch their videos and essentially employ them by doing so. Even though this poor creature is clearly in absolute misery and viewers keep begging throughout the comments to please take her to a Veterinarian. They continue to show a lack of respect for the viewers and their concerns for the well-being of Lala.
When Bibi was limping, I believed he had a real injury. Many comments demanded that Quan get an X Ray for BiBi. Quan refused because it was too far away! Quan smeared leaves on the leg and Bibi had a sudden miracle cure!
Obviously the leg injury was fake. I don’t know how they forced Bibi to limp.
I believe this video shows another fake injury.
Jajaja k bonita esta en la casita comiendo su platano jaja💖😍💓
Lala is a growing baby she needs more food .
lleva lalala al médico porque no tiene bien esa manita. No la mueve😢😢
Believe it or not, I am concerned about Lala’s welfare. Her hand is not healed yet, and without proper rest and care, she will continue to have problems. Climbing should not be allowed. Very sad. ❤🤗
Die Hand muss in einer Schiene ruhig gestellt werden.
@@lumpigloriaIt depends. I am not sure if she has a fracture. When she was hospitalized four months ago, they placed a bandage to cover two fingers for several days. I was hoping that Lan would do the same this time.
Lan amener Lala chez le vétérinaire.
Both of Lala's hands and nose are red....her swollen hand is a big concern of all of your viewers....please stop acting like you're surprised that her hand is hurt....she hasn't used her hand for a long time, before it swelled. Take her to the vet before she dies. Do what's right. These monkeys didn't ask to belong to you....Your subscribers need to unsubscribe and stop putting money into your pocket!!