Without Dune we wouldn't have League of Legends, think about it. Frank Herbert writes Dune>Westwood makes Dune 2 and creates the RTS genre>Blizzard gets inspired and creates Warcraft as their own fantasy RTS>Warcraft 3 has custom maps and they create the DOTA custom map>LoL is created as an indepedent game inspired on DOTA
@@brojuiceboys They like to gender and race swap characters for no good reason. Saying it's for a "modern interpretation". Imagine Liet Kaynes in Dune 2021, but more of it.
the production is crazy
Without Dune we wouldn't have League of Legends, think about it.
Frank Herbert writes Dune>Westwood makes Dune 2 and creates the RTS genre>Blizzard gets inspired and creates Warcraft as their own fantasy RTS>Warcraft 3 has custom maps and they create the DOTA custom map>LoL is created as an indepedent game inspired on DOTA
It’s crazy to think about lol all traced back to a book from 1965. Insane!
We goin to uncle Tony’s class with this one 🫡
1.2.3. All eyes on me🗣️
They are making another Megamind movie!?!
Watched the first megamind movie to wash away the bad taste from the first Mad max movie.
I’m pretty sure it was straight to streaming from what I hear it’s…something else lol
@@brojuiceboys okay!
2:18 2:17 2:16 what is this from?
The Bear on Hulu
Spice wars is a VERY woke game thou. Be warned.
I didn’t really look into it too deeply what was wrong with it?
They like to gender and race swap characters for no good reason. Saying it's for a "modern interpretation". Imagine Liet Kaynes in Dune 2021, but more of it.
Boohoo, dune has always been woke numbskull
I highly doubt it is true
@@dnaseb9214 that is not true and you are wrong
yo lemme get your discord bro!
Mynameisbrojuice 🫡
@@brojuiceboysadded u 🔥