Mushroom Hunting Adventures EP.11 (Amicoroma Farms) Carly, Kevin, Jules, and Brian.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @tracydavidson6685
    @tracydavidson6685 Місяць тому +1

    😮😮 wow! That was a great video! Nice mushroom hunting !!
    Awesome job guys!!😅😊😊❤

  • @mushroomsislife280
    @mushroomsislife280 Місяць тому +1

    Nice job ! Very interesting about the truffle dogs 😊

  • @katlingillao4982
    @katlingillao4982 Місяць тому +1

    Enjoy guys,thank you for being part of this fund raising for a cause, youre all amazing ❤❤❤❤❤I Enjoy watching you guyd😅😅😅😅

  • @NongNangKorat
    @NongNangKorat Місяць тому +1

    Always fun foraging with you 👍👍

  • @bobwhisenhunt7085
    @bobwhisenhunt7085 Місяць тому +1

    Looks like a good day brother. Dora and I went out the other day. Found a few.👍

    • @mushroomsforagingadventures
      @mushroomsforagingadventures  Місяць тому

      There's really not a lot of mushrooms growing where I ran into you and Dora. Down below there, people are finding more than up there. I've been in Packwood and still not all the areas have come up. Good luck Bob and Dora 😃

    • @bobwhisenhunt7085
      @bobwhisenhunt7085 Місяць тому +1

      @ Yes not many. Found some below. lol. Thought maybe you were here already. You are so good at finding them. Might go back up in a week.

    • @mushroomsforagingadventures
      @mushroomsforagingadventures  Місяць тому

      @bobwhisenhunt7085 I went there twice and hardly found any and never went back there. Hardly any dig marks, then. Plus, it's too far 😃

    • @bobwhisenhunt7085
      @bobwhisenhunt7085 Місяць тому

      Yes it is a long way for you. Thanks for all you do for the mushroom community.

  • @emildachapman4116
    @emildachapman4116 Місяць тому +1

    I'm one of your subscribers,and l love watching you guys digging mushrooms...l'm from Corpus Christi Texas and maybe l would like to make reservation for mushrooms foraging..l want to know what's the best month to dig mushrooms....❤

  • @DgfhCjvn
    @DgfhCjvn Місяць тому +1

  • @skyrealitytv7345
    @skyrealitytv7345 Місяць тому


  • @DyHeng-kl9zw
    @DyHeng-kl9zw 25 днів тому

    Can I join next time when you guys have this!!!

  • @ThroughOurLensTravels
    @ThroughOurLensTravels Місяць тому +1

    Love your videos they’re very informative! :) Where can I find information about foraging 4 education? A group of us would love to go foraging with you to learn more😊

  • @SharonChriswell-k6p
    @SharonChriswell-k6p Місяць тому +1

    Shouldn’t you be cutting them so the roots restore again??

    • @mushroomsforagingadventures
      @mushroomsforagingadventures  Місяць тому

      This mushroom is a fruiting body of their mycelium. It's just like you picking an apple from the apple tree.

  • @mushroomsforagingadventures
    @mushroomsforagingadventures  Місяць тому +1

    Amicoroma Farms follow them on Instagram: