We know you're looking for a summary of video: 1) Not Grouping (0:43) 2) Afraid to Engage (2:08) 3) Stuck On An Idea (3:30) 4) Having Too Much Fun (4:45) 5) Overfarming (6:35) 6) Control Wards (7:46) 7) Correct Trinkets (8:57) 8) Game Plan (9:41)
if u look closely,all 3 things cannot be controlled by you when you have crap teammates.Crap teammates wont group,crap teammates wont follow the engage and crap teammates will never listen to anything you say resulting in you repeating the same thing over and over again,thus resulting you getting stuck on an idea.What you should do in those situations is simple..Press the yes button as fast as possible since you only waste yyour time..
not only queetee is helping u listen to us, but ur getting this at ur unranked to Diamond series, at ur placements u could have won all the 10 out of 10, but people make bronze mistakes cuz they are bronze, is normal... but helping us know what to do is the best what u can do for us rn, so thank u mate, hope my teammates listen to me, they normally dont ¬¬
Last game I played gnar. Sadly my mid brand flamed the whole game. Amumu jgl didn't stop crying. Singed support didnt stop being toxic. And at the end of the game I got bannen for rage...
then stay banned lmao,you could have put efford to improve and see what you could have done better,even if it's a lost game,but you wast time typing xD ?losing a game and doing good is still better than losing a game and also be a troll
Not really, if you dont have fun you lose, because either you are not trying or either you are getting pounded. If you have fun it means you are doing good and getting kills so winning. Phy meant that too much fun is bad, too much fun means overstaying, underestimating your enemies, etc.
Giorgos Semertzidis thats why I specified "doing good" before mentioning getting kills. And for the record: if you think that getting kills is not winning the game you are Bronze. Getting kills means possibility to take advantages out of outnumbering the enemies; so getting objectives like turrets, inhibs, dragon, baron, etc.
I'm sorry, but if you lost lane... just stop splitting. And if you dont have an inhib by 30 minutes, you need to group... I am so fucking sick of ppl not getting this.
If the enemy has a Naut, Amumu etc. then split pushing is a really bad idea because they can easily engage on your team. A lot of split pushers don't realize this and go split push and blame their teammates for getting engaged on by really strong engage champs. Then call their teammates boosted apes when it was out of their control.
Those certain scenarios are not statistically practical, regardless dont put your team at disadvantage just becuz a champ has the potential to be a better split pusher. Thats like saying olaf has better jg clear so he should clear jg instead of fighting/ganking
That was actually a great video. I know all of these things already, but I tend to forget them often and they are very important factors to climbing consistently. I'll go on a 15 game winstreak and think I'm a god and go into auto pilot. Then go on a 5 game lose streak and realize that I'm no longer using my brain like before.
I think your wrong bout the minion thing. When i see a minion wave mid game I dont think hey look at all that gold I think theres a huge amount of minions bout to take my tower ._.
I was hoping you'd mention this because it is of the most underrated mistakes people make late game. TIMING RECALLS. Many players don't think about when it is a good time to recall and I often find myself with only 4 players on the map for over 5 minutes because people keep recalling in a subsequent order rather than simultaneously. This often leads to the team getting impatient and picking a bad fight. If you want to push a lead you'll need to maximize the time that your complete team can pressure the map. Even if you have to spend 3k gold it can be better to stay on the map with your team if you're the only one that needs a back, but I see people recall for just a cloth armor and thereby forcing the rest of the team to play passive. Curious what your thoughts are on this @Phylol.
Bio NRG - Honestly if you have 3k gold & haven't backed you should probably have done so. Cause while you are holding that 3k gold, your enemy has not.
These types of videos are really helpful. Like your unranked to diamond series, It would be cool to see you doing commentaries of your gameplays but in other roles than primarily adc. This would help people understand your thought process as a higher elo player in more situations. The unranked to diamond series is especially helpful to me because it has been helping me make better decisions in game. Explaining situations, i.e. when after a teamfight its better to baron and whatnot I think would be extremely helpful
Really appreciate these videos! I just started back a few weeks ago for the first time since 2014. These videos remind me of things that slipped my mind and then things that I wish I knew in my "prime" lol.
This is one of those videos where I actually was able to see that I tend to do most of these right. While I'm not perfect by any means. For example I'm not always the best at being able to tell when there's enough time to be able to get more objectives and choose to counter jungle or push another lane when it's possible to get an inhib. That usually happens when my team is playing champions that I'm not familiar with how much tower taking power they have.
@phylol.. i think u missed one key point which is protecting the adc(peeling) in late game. I can't tell you how many game i see where every one is the mentality of killing the opposite team they forget that they have 6 item jinx thats being dove by 2 people , especially supports. What do you think about this point?
Giorgos Semertzidis yep thats totally true its hard for just the support to save the adc, its also not entirely the supports job. Most of the time the supports that i play with actually want to carry so they try to make these flashes plays and chase for kills
Giorgos Semertzidis it also depends on the adc champion like ezreal and lucian might not need much peel but i like to play immobile adc like jinx twitch cait and most players dont take into consideration this fact that certain carries need more help than others. But its good to know atleast some people Have the right idea. I am kind of sad that phylol didnt mention this . As this is the biggest problem i see in low elo every one tries to carry even a support janna want to go in the front lines and kill someone
I love these videos. a friend of mine made diamond after your older videos a few seasons ago, and even though I am a jungle main, they have helped me a great bit.
Speaking of wards, if you are winning and you have 2 or 3 outside towers down, ward the enemy jungle, so you can see both the jungler and the enemy team's movements. This can let all 3 winning lanes continue to push, and if the enemy comes to stop one, they can back off, and the others can push even harder knowing they're safe. For your game plan, look at what your comp does really well, and what the enemy comp does well. What do you need to do to keep the enemy from doing it, and what do you need to do to achieve your own *win condition.* I bolded win condition because it's VERY important. I see so many people whole break the backbone of the enemy team, but instead of riding the minion wave into the inhib tower, they'll chase after the support and jungler who got away. Stop fapping about with them, if they have no ability to fight you, then take that time to do what you need to do. You win the game by destroying the enemy nexus, the enemy team is just a barrier that stands between you and that. If you push them out of the way, then there is no reason to fight them, just take what you want. Ex. If the enemy team is vulnerable to picks, go ahead and pop your jhin ult, just to zone them away from the tower you're seiging. Either they respect your ult and back off, or they don't in which case they probably die because you can initiate the fight before they can even retaliate.
Grouping as 5 isn't really needed. If you can calculate who has the better stats, gold and player skill (well more like team coordination skill) then in some cases one guy can go away to base or clear up a bit of cs mostly a top and support thing since a fed mid, adc, and either the support or top laner is a good enough comp to stomp the enemy mid game and you may even end a game in 17 minutes which does happen even in low elos. Supports, as a support main i really want you guys to buy sightstone im sorry but please buy this item as your first or 2nd item (get face of mountain then sighstone since face of mountain is cheaper and is very broken on tank supports like alistar, tahm kench and taric for me.) If you're a Bard or Tahm Kench main you can easily gank top lane as the support with your jungler it always scares the enemy top laner and tilts them hard, tahm is the better pick since he is still an easy support tank to save and some what carry a game. keep in mind if you go on a rotational gank you need to be back with your bot lane adc very quickly so don't take the risk of overextending. Under any circumstances you must be positive, you will get people who will rage so easily over anything do not try their paitence in Ranked. Always be calm and try to support them in text ( I should say that support mains should do this tatic if they are fast typers since their partners are gonna be doing more dynamic plays than them) If you're top, mid, adc or jungle, keep your chatter to a bare minimum. Do not even taunt during the early and mid game phase i've seen people do this before who get so fed early then get cocky with spaming taunts or masteries then they get shat on late game I've even won a game where i lost all towers and inhibitors but due to my late game counter build and my team just pulling through we actually won the game and they only lost their mid towers, inhibitor and nexus only. Honestly this season I don't bother playing league ranked but i always stick by this information as a support main in previous seasons. Hope this helps you guys and girls. take care. Also to add one last thing for being positive: this will help your allies perform better in future games even if you lose they will learn from this (some wont) and they will take your advice for granted and may get lucky in climbing or they may struggle because of other reasons.
SOHGuy you i like you... but just asking what elo are u in? cos i need to learn support role for my secondary so the question is how do i play tahm sp? xd
zenith rebel Joke incoming: Bot partner in trouble? Eat it. Wanna secure a kill cuz your partner's out of range? Try to eat it. Wanna quickly backdoor/ambush with an ally? Ult with one. Devour is best ability.
So many time I get a jungler that does that useless farming that you said 6:30 There is a team fight mid lane and he wanders off because Raptors just spawned. Or the jungler just rotates constantly his camps, even later in game. He will refuse to miss a camp. I can understand doing Red and Blue [actually leave the Red for ADC and Blue for AP, but whatever] Anyway, jungle is to blame for a lot of losses. Also for a lot of wins if they know when to engage and maybe farm a minion wave sometimes, if its pushing a lane, etc.
Thank you for keeping up the educational Vids. I really appreciate them so much! Are there any good sources to learn more about champ strengths? Or just troll around and look for Champ build videos?
Great stuff mann.,..,...sometimes players go into a stance of "weknowAll"....but there is always room for improvement ....thanx for the vdo....keep up the good work mate !
One thing I still don't get is knowing how to adapt my build depending on matchup, team comp, ahead vs behind, etc. Have you done a video on that or could you do something like that in the future?
I make dumb mistakes in late game often, but what the whole "people who don't rush to finish" is the main problem i run into. Ive been able to win every lane when i play Ahri, i can get a decent 10/0 lead and help my other lanes quite well but once we reach the 20 minute mark and people make bad calls on split pushing and just end up throwing the lead because they get 1v4'd. Yesterday i had to help Leona finish the game because 3/5 of our teammates decided to do dragon even though we had killed 4 of them and only had 1 nexus turret left.
hi Phylol. You are really posting great videos and I'm watching almost every single one because they are very interesting. I'm a main adc and I'm struggling sometimes with the issue of 4 men dives. When this happens you are often way behind since they take your turret instantly and you often can't trade anymore on lane. But what is the correct counterplay as botlane when their bot is rotating to mid taking towers. Should we try to rotate as well and maybe get some benefit from any mistakes they do or should we also pressure the enemy bot turret? Well it's definitely depending on many reason like your midlaners waveclear and the strength of your other laners or if your team could benefit by taking other objectives when the enemies just invested 4 people on bot (which sadly doesn't happen too often)... This might be an idea of a video for you and I would be very glad if you would highlight some strategies of counterplays. Btw I'm Dia5 and i got a little of gameknowledge that I'm constantly trying to improve in many aspects but generally that is my biggest issue right now. Thanks!
Nice educational video, very inspirational and I hope I can make good use of your advices. I would like to ask you, you talk about how important is to group, but when is better to NOT group?
good tips. I'm an over farmer, and will be cutting it down a bit. I do push with baron but im guilty of farming other teams jungle on the way if i notice their team is heading to 1 area i usually finish games with 250-350 cs main jungle. while I do have a high winrate and 1200 MMR. I believe I could probably do better by cutting my farm down.
To counteract the overfarming point a thing low elo games lack is side wave control. Usually the guy who has tp should clear the huge wave that is about to crash and destroy your inhibitor tower in 2 minutes when an objective like Baron is up for contestion. Way too often I as an adc have to go and clear the wave and pray that the enemy team isn't smart enough to force Baron because our top laner doesn't know anything about controlling the side waves.
I'm the perfect example for late game looses. I'm at high Silver Elo atm (playing Support Brand OTP mostly) and i'm actually quite lucky with the teams over the course of the last 50 games or so i had my team including us botlane win their lanes 8 out of 10 games, so the scoreboard looks something like 25:5 in favor of us plus we having a lot of their towers down. Normally you couldn't actually get luckier than this and you should think i would climb to at least middle gold-elo in no time. But the opposite is the case i actually only have 35% winrate on Brand while maintaining a close to 3,5 kda over the course of 100ish games which makes me hardstuck in silver. Because every time the game stands something like 25:5 in favor of us at minute 15-25 we then just can't close the game and in 60-70% of the cases loose the game at minute 45-55 with a score like 60:40 still favoring us. But there always is this one teamfight at minute 50 or something like that where we get aced and often some of our T1 towers are still up, but because of the long death timers this far into the game they manage to end off of this with 3 people easily before we even respawn. Just don't know how to change this to be honest. As brand i rely on a good engage and teamfight to do my damage. Running around solo and trying to get picks doesn't work well either unless i'm 10:2ish score or something as support. Most of the time we get 2-3 Barons in the game and don't really get something done with it besides the occasionally 1 inhib. People just don't group constantly at this elo in lategame and so we let the enemies to get into the game goldwise and then teamfights get a lot harder where we still win and ace them, but with only 1-2 survivors on our side who then don't push anything after that and then there comes the "last teamfight" where we get aced unlucky and loose the game. It's acutally been like that for me for half a year now.
Love this educational video... just wish everyone that played ranked games would do the effort in watching these vids. I understand you cant choose our team, and its frustrating to deal with since every game is a new "AA meeting, tell us about yourself Johnny". You do not have the time to crash course everyone on good decisions. Yes you can try to group ALL the time, wasting time following those around who become complacent and indecisive. Make the call yourself and then ed up being blamed or nobody listens anyway. HOW do we change these peoples mindsets, how do we let them realize what the right call is. One solution might be - WE NEED BETTER COMMUNICATION in LEAGUE. Its much better to hear a person and follow a call than reading it in chat (also takes less time to communicate). Still tho, i'm at a loss when you drafted 5 ranked games in a row with trolls and ignorents flamers... ITS TOO SAD!
It's worse for those who are not playing on NA, because for example in EUW and EUNE, not everyone speaks English properly, or if they don't want to, they want to flame you in their native, chit-chat with enemy of the same nationality. OR: they can barely understand a sentence, but they sure as hell know how to insult. Great way to communicate. FIX: When you first create an account, give a random subject, make the account owner write an essay in English in order to play about that subject.
This is aimed towards Flex. Solo/duo que won't normally apply to this at lower elos due to the toxicity and just plain bad players. Your team has to be willing to communicate and willing to cooperate. If they won't listen you just better hope you carry and or they play good.
I mean maybe next season for this one I would be glad if I get to platin 4 or maybe 3 one huge tip is if u lose 3-5 games in a row (depending on tolerance) make a little break because u automatically get tilted have a good one
I had a game I was hard carrying and saw the moment that my team lost. I was something like 30/4/17 on twitch, and everyone on my team either had no damage because they were behind, or were a tank, so they purely peeled me. We got a pick on the enemy irelia, and then aced a 4v5 teamfight losing 2 members of our team. As I went up to win the game on the push, I got a lag spike, walked under the tower, my support couldn't save me, irelia got to kill me, and my team lost a fight because I was dead for it. #FeelsBadMan
Honestly, hard to get S ranks if you group with teams that force fights all the time... It forces me with two choices: Farm and let my team die, or group, maybe win team fight, but don't get precious CS and forcing you to end up with like 123 cs at past 20 minutes. I once told my friend that the next time they force a team fight, to leave them to die. Seriously.
honestly the biggest thing these days is with rotations. ppl group mid for no reason way too early and try to farm all lanes resulting in the whole team just fighting each other for cs and xp and everyone getting less farm
I think its important although the enemy cant see the ward you control warded they can see on the minimap that their vision is being denied and might take that as a red flag to come to that spot.
Baron can be a really big noob trap if your behind, there are games where we could push and take 4 towers but my team decides its best to take baron and farm. I lost a game where we were at the third tier towers and they ran back to do baron, rather than end the game.
Number 3, I loose sooooo many games from that. My friends are super baron focused, and whenever we get an opening, they want to run straight for it, which can be good. However when our adc-rando decides to go bottom they want to start it anyways. I've told them to back off in the middle of baron when we didn't have our adc, and been told "no we don't need to back off, the adc needs to come here", and then it takes to long and an enemy shows up while we are all at 50% health and we die.
Mistakes made in all Elo's 1 - Have to take a shit, but can't leave the game = Can't concentrate, makes dumb mistakes 2 - Picked a bad time to play LoL (school, work, diner-help)= Go afk or feeds to end the game
Another mistake, Tower < Baron / Elder Drake, Come on it obvious If its not Inhib or some sht Go for baron :). Should be like this Inhibitor / Nexus > Baron / Elder Dragon
Bad KDA ADC may be reason of support. Sometimes, there are bad KDA ADCs cuz support can´t play his role correctly (often autofilled supp). ADC player believes a support that gives him shield, stun enemy or block enemy hook but supp do nothing or wrong. The fact u can see ADC with bad KDA.
It's actually funny how you didn't touch the jungle pressure as in lower elo, mostly Bronze, they focus on the lane that's losing instead of the lane that's winning. I'm not writing this as a mid 1 trick that "cries" but just wanting to raise some attention to the junglers that are either too focused on afk farming, or entirely ignoring the carry lanes. The thing that also is losing a lot of games are the players that think that only they can carry the game and if they've lost their lane then the game is over and if the team doesn't want to /ff @20 then they start to int feed. People need to learn how to let themselves get carried, else they'll never improve. I personally had so many games that were /ff because one tilted himself and the team whilst I was at the nexus turrets mid overfed and trying to carry...yet they decided to surrender because the adc couldn't carry the game >.< Phy exposed most of them but forgot a few. Oh and almost forgot. Most people in this game have the exact same map awareness as Christopher Columbus. At least he managed to find the USA by mistake unlike the other specimens in this game that can't find anything other than a lost game xD.
Question. What other champion is there like talon, but doesn't completely fall off late game? In other words, what one champion has OK waveclear, good roams, relevance in late game, and outplay potential? I have a couple ideas but I want to hear yours. I play talon and I can't carry games late-late game. If I'm the only fed champion it's gg because a fed bruiser can carry better than assassin. Regardless what do you guys think?
Ericardo Petiluna Jr. Interesting. Are there any other champions that do the same role as I described? I'm thinking about picking a new champ up as I can't carry my talon games anymore. My only issue with zed is that he becomes extremely vulnerable when he's on CD. Talon can e and wait for cds to come back up. I'll look into it though.
Funny how I suffer from a few of these xD it's taken me 600 games to climb from bronze 5 to gold 5 with a 52% and honestly breaking my bad habits suck as the players I go against are getting better. Being a ADC main it used to always be heaven not being the main focus of the enemy team and I always loved the dmg i was able to do with 6 items and not wanting to get those 6 items every game is hard to break, like my league drugs but I always end up high trying to 3v1 at 40 mins playing something like tristana and end up throwing my games due to my stupidity
Yeah, you almost forgot. From my experience people give up way to easy. When it s not fun they just enter this:We lost mood and they actually just give up. Many games can be turned around by sharp play and good communication.
As a Dimond 2 mid laner, personally, I love those games that my teammates carry me. Top and bot pushed to base jungle kills people on sight, and i just farm for 20 mins, and not do anything for the whole game. Keep on dying or not, love a free win.
there only needs to be one thing in this video to explain the title. dont die for no reason late game. simple as that. stay grouped with your team and dont be alone in the jungle. do those 2 things and you'll win more games
engaging is hands down the biggest problem. had a game where the opposite adc was afk for the first 5 min and I got their supp to 20% health under tower but my blitz was too pussy to go in and tank 2 tower shots
Seriously.. thats the problem in low Elo. Some people just refuse to communicate, you cant tell them to group with the team or to engage if they're tanky enough. And TP into a fight in low Elo? That happens in 1 out of 20 games. The biggest issue in low elo is that a lot of people dont have map awareness. People just dont realise how important it is to keep an eye on the mini map. You can ward the whole map & some people still don't notice the enemy jgl or something
good video, my only issue is the same with every educational league video: not everyone knows this stuff. I could be making a proper call and someone won't follow up because "fuck you, you have no idea what your talking about. Now how good is deathcap on Zed?" Now the biggest thing here for me is starting fights, as an ADC main it's basically impossible for me to start and even if it's 5v3 the malp will be scarred to start for no reason. What do I do there?
This i believe is the most frustrating part of league... Playing with those that are ignorent to these things. How on earth do you have them understand your call. Phy states that its partially your fault if your team dies and you were split pushing etc. Taking time to communicate your ideas help a bit with this: "Team, im gona go split pushing, dont engage the enemy, just keep em busy." BUT, typing takes up so much time and still your team screws up. Then you get the Vayne who is super fed, yet thinks now after everything you have done to get her so fed, she can now solo 1v5... she dies, out of positon despite your best attempts to warn her, or stay close to her without leaving the rest of the team... PLS PHY! Teach us the language of these ignorent people! VOICE CHAT WE NEED YOU!
As a support main who played some adc to see how the other side thinks I have to ask you, and I mean no offence in any way but... what's the appeal to adc? I understand its all about high mechanics and that attracts the players who like challenge but all roles have champs that do that, mid has azir syndra taliyah and top has ekko camille and firora for example. But with all the champs I listed (barring azir because rip glory to shurima) they can actually do stuff independently at any point in the game, when I adc I'm usually at the mercy of the junglers and my support to do anything early game without getting my ass handed by the enemy bot lane, so usually all I can really do is farm which would be fine since I know champs like these need time before they get strong like Vladimir or kassiden. But adcs never really get over there lack of independence as throughout the game most of them if even slightly away from there team get insta killed by the enemy team because they have virtually no self protection or utilty (with exceptions like ashe or jhin), the ones who do become self reliant later are super toxic when they do like vane who just has to q then auto most targets and their dead. This is probably just my basis against anything that does not actively assists others since I normally play passive supports that are never useless or go mid with mages with craptones of utilty like taliyah or lux. At the end of it tho why do people play adc when they could just go something that lets you be more proactive than just farm and take towers when able.
The main problem I have with your "keep grouping"-argument is that it doesn't take split-pushing into account. Split-pushing, especially for top laners who are specialized in that role (like Yorick or Quinn), can actually be a *very* good strategy when behind. The problem is that people seem unable to understand English in lower elo and the concept of "defending a turret 4v5 while I split push" seems to mean "please run out of the safety of your turret and engage the enemy team 4v5" to your teammates.
But if you are loosing every teamfight is not a good idea try something like 1 splitpush while the others defend behind a double tourret? if not you will be loosing and loosing fights until the end
Thank God I'm still playing Normals. (In reality, I could be playing Ranked, but I need to build a much better champion pool.) Just learning how to play certain champs feels rewarding enough.
Yeahhhhh the only probelm is that even if you engage and make the enemy use their abilities (in silver) your team will stay and be like "WHY GO IN REPORT NOW WE CANT KILL THEM" and all of this till their spells are back
ok but the team comp thing, yes i play on autopilot but me and my friends even if its just 2 of us generally say shit like "they have better teamfight" or "we have better teamfight" or "we can take baron if X happens" or general team comp calls even though you say most dont, and we are like bronze at the moment
Awesome video man! Love all your tips! Please keep doing more videos like this!! :D I found u like last week and I've soon seen every tips and tricks videos you have. Love them all and it helps alot! Keep it up man! (Y)
We know you're looking for a summary of video:
1) Not Grouping (0:43)
2) Afraid to Engage (2:08)
3) Stuck On An Idea (3:30)
4) Having Too Much Fun (4:45)
5) Overfarming (6:35)
6) Control Wards (7:46)
7) Correct Trinkets (8:57)
8) Game Plan (9:41)
DracoThePaca it's in the description 👀
Takapon218 not the timing though. That's what people mainly look for.
finn richards No need to call him an idiot.
Kris Clark I changed it :)
if u look closely,all 3 things cannot be controlled by you when you have crap teammates.Crap teammates wont group,crap teammates wont follow the engage and crap teammates will never listen to anything you say resulting in you repeating the same thing over and over again,thus resulting you getting stuck on an idea.What you should do in those situations is simple..Press the yes button as fast as possible since you only waste yyour time..
Been a while since I did a proper video like this, even if it gets less views than other stuff I'll still do more of them from now on. :)
Phylol well done.. I need it a lot for climbing
not only queetee is helping u listen to us, but ur getting this at ur unranked to Diamond series, at ur placements u could have won all the 10 out of 10, but people make bronze mistakes cuz they are bronze, is normal... but helping us know what to do is the best what u can do for us rn, so thank u mate, hope my teammates listen to me, they normally dont ¬¬
Last game I played gnar.
Sadly my mid brand flamed the whole game.
Amumu jgl didn't stop crying.
Singed support didnt stop being toxic. And at the end of the game I got bannen for rage...
I had to read over your comment a few times to get the joke, then it hit me XD
Tijmen Wassink trynda would be better, and u copied that from a nb3 kappa award
wanted to say that you should have told amumu and singed to turn off their W and Q and then realised what this was about.
then stay banned lmao,you could have put efford to improve and see what you could have done better,even if it's a lost game,but you wast time typing xD ?losing a game and doing good is still better than losing a game and also be a troll
League of legends, the only game where if you have too much fun you will lose.
Payleus hahaha
Not really, if you dont have fun you lose, because either you are not trying or either you are getting pounded. If you have fun it means you are doing good and getting kills so winning. Phy meant that too much fun is bad, too much fun means overstaying, underestimating your enemies, etc.
Lucas Silveira getting kills doesnt mean you are winning and that is the problem some people dont have fun when they go for objectives
Giorgos Semertzidis thats why I specified "doing good" before mentioning getting kills. And for the record: if you think that getting kills is not winning the game you are Bronze. Getting kills means possibility to take advantages out of outnumbering the enemies; so getting objectives like turrets, inhibs, dragon, baron, etc.
I am platinum four though and there is no reason to argue with you
"I won't say obvious stuff"
"You need to group, because you lose 4v5"
thats not true in certain scenarios
as a splitpush champ it is better to split and your team shouldnt be boosted and get caught 4 v 5
I'm sorry, but if you lost lane... just stop splitting. And if you dont have an inhib by 30 minutes, you need to group... I am so fucking sick of ppl not getting this.
If the enemy has a Naut, Amumu etc. then split pushing is a really bad idea because they can easily engage on your team. A lot of split pushers don't realize this and go split push and blame their teammates for getting engaged on by really strong engage champs. Then call their teammates boosted apes when it was out of their control.
With proper vision control and respecting the distance they can engage u, u can play around it :)
Those certain scenarios are not statistically practical, regardless dont put your team at disadvantage just becuz a champ has the potential to be a better split pusher. Thats like saying olaf has better jg clear so he should clear jg instead of fighting/ganking
Biggest low elo lategame mistake: getting to lategame to begin with.
HoMM LoL true, getting to 3 items is such a mistake; they should be winning every game with only 1 completed item
Joeygb wtf lol?
That was actually a great video. I know all of these things already, but I tend to forget them often and they are very important factors to climbing consistently. I'll go on a 15 game winstreak and think I'm a god and go into auto pilot. Then go on a 5 game lose streak and realize that I'm no longer using my brain like before.
I think your wrong bout the minion thing. When i see a minion wave mid game I dont think hey look at all that gold I think theres a huge amount of minions bout to take my tower ._.
I was hoping you'd mention this because it is of the most underrated mistakes people make late game. TIMING RECALLS. Many players don't think about when it is a good time to recall and I often find myself with only 4 players on the map for over 5 minutes because people keep recalling in a subsequent order rather than simultaneously. This often leads to the team getting impatient and picking a bad fight. If you want to push a lead you'll need to maximize the time that your complete team can pressure the map. Even if you have to spend 3k gold it can be better to stay on the map with your team if you're the only one that needs a back, but I see people recall for just a cloth armor and thereby forcing the rest of the team to play passive. Curious what your thoughts are on this @Phylol.
Bio NRG - Honestly if you have 3k gold & haven't backed you should probably have done so. Cause while you are holding that 3k gold, your enemy has not.
Thanks for the video!
(Got super distracted by that Caitlyn at 4:57 and had to re-watch a bit lmao)
These types of videos are really helpful. Like your unranked to diamond series, It would be cool to see you doing commentaries of your gameplays but in other roles than primarily adc. This would help people understand your thought process as a higher elo player in more situations. The unranked to diamond series is especially helpful to me because it has been helping me make better decisions in game. Explaining situations, i.e. when after a teamfight its better to baron and whatnot I think would be extremely helpful
Good video, the 2 things I think I really need to work on are trinkets and actually analyzing my team and think trades through before I take them.
I'm just here to leave a like, I make no mistakes in lategame.
Azoh LoL you are a high elo talented streamer
Azoh that means the rest of us including me are defective regards lol : P
Azoh DUDE UR AMAZING thanks to u i learned allot of zed school im zed main now prob not as good as u but one day ONE DAY i beat ya xD
Really appreciate these videos! I just started back a few weeks ago for the first time since 2014.
These videos remind me of things that slipped my mind and then things that I wish I knew in my "prime" lol.
I consider this to be one of the most helpful videos for league of legends I have ever seen. Thanks for pointing those things out.
This is one of those videos where I actually was able to see that I tend to do most of these right. While I'm not perfect by any means. For example I'm not always the best at being able to tell when there's enough time to be able to get more objectives and choose to counter jungle or push another lane when it's possible to get an inhib. That usually happens when my team is playing champions that I'm not familiar with how much tower taking power they have.
@phylol.. i think u missed one key point which is protecting the adc(peeling) in late game. I can't tell you how many game i see where every one is the mentality of killing the opposite team they forget that they have 6 item jinx thats being dove by 2 people , especially supports. What do you think about this point?
aditya mudunuri i agree cuz i main support and some times cant protect my adc alone from a fed assasin
Giorgos Semertzidis yep thats totally true its hard for just the support to save the adc, its also not entirely the supports job. Most of the time the supports that i play with actually want to carry so they try to make these flashes plays and chase for kills
Thats even more frustrating for you i guess
Giorgos Semertzidis it also depends on the adc champion like ezreal and lucian might not need much peel but i like to play immobile adc like jinx twitch cait and most players dont take into consideration this fact that certain carries need more help than others.
But its good to know atleast some people
Have the right idea.
I am kind of sad that phylol didnt mention this . As this is the biggest problem i see in low elo every one tries to carry even a support janna want to go in the front lines and kill someone
What region you play in?
"Bot lane got bent over and rammed"
lmfao this made my morning
Please do more of these. They are so worthwhile
very good video sty, warding, the team gold comparisons especially
I love these videos. a friend of mine made diamond after your older videos a few seasons ago, and even though I am a jungle main, they have helped me a great bit.
Hey man, just wanted to thank you for your high effort educational videos. I used to suck and now I main ADC because of you. Thanks!
Speaking of wards, if you are winning and you have 2 or 3 outside towers down, ward the enemy jungle, so you can see both the jungler and the enemy team's movements. This can let all 3 winning lanes continue to push, and if the enemy comes to stop one, they can back off, and the others can push even harder knowing they're safe.
For your game plan, look at what your comp does really well, and what the enemy comp does well. What do you need to do to keep the enemy from doing it, and what do you need to do to achieve your own *win condition.* I bolded win condition because it's VERY important. I see so many people whole break the backbone of the enemy team, but instead of riding the minion wave into the inhib tower, they'll chase after the support and jungler who got away.
Stop fapping about with them, if they have no ability to fight you, then take that time to do what you need to do. You win the game by destroying the enemy nexus, the enemy team is just a barrier that stands between you and that. If you push them out of the way, then there is no reason to fight them, just take what you want.
Ex. If the enemy team is vulnerable to picks, go ahead and pop your jhin ult, just to zone them away from the tower you're seiging. Either they respect your ult and back off, or they don't in which case they probably die because you can initiate the fight before they can even retaliate.
Grouping as 5 isn't really needed.
If you can calculate who has the better stats, gold and player skill (well more like team coordination skill) then in some cases one guy can go away to base or clear up a bit of cs mostly a top and support thing since a fed mid, adc, and either the support or top laner is a good enough comp to stomp the enemy mid game and you may even end a game in 17 minutes which does happen even in low elos.
Supports, as a support main i really want you guys to buy sightstone im sorry but please buy this item as your first or 2nd item (get face of mountain then sighstone since face of mountain is cheaper and is very broken on tank supports like alistar, tahm kench and taric for me.)
If you're a Bard or Tahm Kench main you can easily gank top lane as the support with your jungler it always scares the enemy top laner and tilts them hard, tahm is the better pick since he is still an easy support tank to save and some what carry a game. keep in mind if you go on a rotational gank you need to be back with your bot lane adc very quickly so don't take the risk of overextending.
Under any circumstances you must be positive, you will get people who will rage so easily over anything do not try their paitence in Ranked. Always be calm and try to support them in text ( I should say that support mains should do this tatic if they are fast typers since their partners are gonna be doing more dynamic plays than them)
If you're top, mid, adc or jungle, keep your chatter to a bare minimum. Do not even taunt during the early and mid game phase i've seen people do this before who get so fed early then get cocky with spaming taunts or masteries then they get shat on late game I've even won a game where i lost all towers and inhibitors but due to my late game counter build and my team just pulling through we actually won the game and they only lost their mid towers, inhibitor and nexus only.
Honestly this season I don't bother playing league ranked but i always stick by this information as a support main in previous seasons. Hope this helps you guys and girls. take care.
Also to add one last thing for being positive: this will help your allies perform better in future games even if you lose they will learn from this (some wont) and they will take your advice for granted and may get lucky in climbing or they may struggle because of other reasons.
SOHGuy you i like you... but just asking what elo are u in? cos i need to learn support role for my secondary so the question is how do i play tahm sp? xd
zenith rebel Joke incoming: Bot partner in trouble? Eat it. Wanna secure a kill cuz your partner's out of range? Try to eat it. Wanna quickly backdoor/ambush with an ally? Ult with one. Devour is best ability.
So many time I get a jungler that does that useless farming that you said 6:30
There is a team fight mid lane and he wanders off because Raptors just spawned. Or the jungler just rotates constantly his camps, even later in game. He will refuse to miss a camp. I can understand doing Red and Blue [actually leave the Red for ADC and Blue for AP, but whatever]
Anyway, jungle is to blame for a lot of losses. Also for a lot of wins if they know when to engage and maybe farm a minion wave sometimes, if its pushing a lane, etc.
Great points made! Thanks phy! Most helpful video you've made in a long time! Always one of the more helpful league tubers!
Thank you for making this video. I am having a lot of probs getting back to my rating and i am sure this will help me a lot
Thank you for keeping up the educational Vids. I really appreciate them so much!
Are there any good sources to learn more about champ strengths? Or just troll around and look for Champ build videos?
Great stuff mann.,..,...sometimes players go into a stance of "weknowAll"....but there is always room for improvement ....thanx for the vdo....keep up the good work mate !
One thing I still don't get is knowing how to adapt my build depending on matchup, team comp, ahead vs behind, etc. Have you done a video on that or could you do something like that in the future?
Your outro never really stops to make me smile xD
It's so chill xD
I make dumb mistakes in late game often, but what the whole "people who don't rush to finish" is the main problem i run into. Ive been able to win every lane when i play Ahri, i can get a decent 10/0 lead and help my other lanes quite well but once we reach the 20 minute mark and people make bad calls on split pushing and just end up throwing the lead because they get 1v4'd. Yesterday i had to help Leona finish the game because 3/5 of our teammates decided to do dragon even though we had killed 4 of them and only had 1 nexus turret left.
hi Phylol. You are really posting great videos and I'm watching almost every single one because they are very interesting. I'm a main adc and I'm struggling sometimes with the issue of 4 men dives. When this happens you are often way behind since they take your turret instantly and you often can't trade anymore on lane. But what is the correct counterplay as botlane when their bot is rotating to mid taking towers. Should we try to rotate as well and maybe get some benefit from any mistakes they do or should we also pressure the enemy bot turret? Well it's definitely depending on many reason like your midlaners waveclear and the strength of your other laners or if your team could benefit by taking other objectives when the enemies just invested 4 people on bot (which sadly doesn't happen too often)... This might be an idea of a video for you and I would be very glad if you would highlight some strategies of counterplays. Btw I'm Dia5 and i got a little of gameknowledge that I'm constantly trying to improve in many aspects but generally that is my biggest issue right now. Thanks!
I really like this kind of video! Hope you'll do more in the futur!
I miss these kind of videos. Got my like
Nice educational video, very inspirational and I hope I can make good use of your advices. I would like to ask you, you talk about how important is to group, but when is better to NOT group?
Having fun in League is no longer my goal. I just want to win.
same here
Jonathon Andrews true
ty for ruining my games tryhards
Well, winning is fun...
winning is fun but balance games are lot better ... its much more enjoyable when everyone doing good than one guy get fed we won
good tips. I'm an over farmer, and will be cutting it down a bit. I do push with baron but im guilty of farming other teams jungle on the way if i notice their team is heading to 1 area i usually finish games with 250-350 cs main jungle. while I do have a high winrate and 1200 MMR. I believe I could probably do better by cutting my farm down.
I mean control wards should have their own inventory slot like trinkets
Camouflage loses it's counterplay once people hit 6 items, like wtf lol.
To counteract the overfarming point a thing low elo games lack is side wave control. Usually the guy who has tp should clear the huge wave that is about to crash and destroy your inhibitor tower in 2 minutes when an objective like Baron is up for contestion. Way too often I as an adc have to go and clear the wave and pray that the enemy team isn't smart enough to force Baron because our top laner doesn't know anything about controlling the side waves.
I'm the perfect example for late game looses. I'm at high Silver Elo atm (playing Support Brand OTP mostly) and i'm actually quite lucky with the teams over the course of the last 50 games or so i had my team including us botlane win their lanes 8 out of 10 games, so the scoreboard looks something like 25:5 in favor of us plus we having a lot of their towers down. Normally you couldn't actually get luckier than this and you should think i would climb to at least middle gold-elo in no time. But the opposite is the case i actually only have 35% winrate on Brand while maintaining a close to 3,5 kda over the course of 100ish games which makes me hardstuck in silver. Because every time the game stands something like 25:5 in favor of us at minute 15-25 we then just can't close the game and in 60-70% of the cases loose the game at minute 45-55 with a score like 60:40 still favoring us. But there always is this one teamfight at minute 50 or something like that where we get aced and often some of our T1 towers are still up, but because of the long death timers this far into the game they manage to end off of this with 3 people easily before we even respawn. Just don't know how to change this to be honest. As brand i rely on a good engage and teamfight to do my damage. Running around solo and trying to get picks doesn't work well either unless i'm 10:2ish score or something as support. Most of the time we get 2-3 Barons in the game and don't really get something done with it besides the occasionally 1 inhib. People just don't group constantly at this elo in lategame and so we let the enemies to get into the game goldwise and then teamfights get a lot harder where we still win and ace them, but with only 1-2 survivors on our side who then don't push anything after that and then there comes the "last teamfight" where we get aced unlucky and loose the game. It's acutally been like that for me for half a year now.
Love this educational video... just wish everyone that played ranked games would do the effort in watching these vids. I understand you cant choose our team, and its frustrating to deal with since every game is a new "AA meeting, tell us about yourself Johnny". You do not have the time to crash course everyone on good decisions. Yes you can try to group ALL the time, wasting time following those around who become complacent and indecisive. Make the call yourself and then ed up being blamed or nobody listens anyway.
HOW do we change these peoples mindsets, how do we let them realize what the right call is. One solution might be - WE NEED BETTER COMMUNICATION in LEAGUE. Its much better to hear a person and follow a call than reading it in chat (also takes less time to communicate). Still tho, i'm at a loss when you drafted 5 ranked games in a row with trolls and ignorents flamers... ITS TOO SAD!
Juan-ré Sweeney Like Overwatch, in-game mic. Give option to mute their voice the same way you can to their texts.
It's worse for those who are not playing on NA, because for example in EUW and EUNE, not everyone speaks English properly, or if they don't want to, they want to flame you in their native, chit-chat with enemy of the same nationality.
OR: they can barely understand a sentence, but they sure as hell know how to insult. Great way to communicate.
FIX: When you first create an account, give a random subject, make the account owner write an essay in English in order to play about that subject.
This is aimed towards Flex.
Solo/duo que won't normally apply to this at lower elos due to the toxicity and just plain bad players.
Your team has to be willing to communicate and willing to cooperate. If they won't listen you just better hope you carry and or they play good.
Phy i love you i have been watching your vids for a month and now i have climbed from b1 to gold5
In Lategame i just forget to Farm... sometimes i just have 200 farm After 40 mins....
Please make a series of videos on wombo combos and/or op team compositions. tyty big fan
+Phylol what runes are good for mid lane? i think i have good pages, but if you can give me any advises i would be happy
best video.. wish more people (that always end up on my team) understood a lot of these concepts :(
please do more of this,ty phy :)
very to the point and understandable.. thank you so much for the tutorial
Your videos are what I needed to climb
since your tips I climb a little bit better than before see u soon on the EUW server :)
I mean maybe next season for this one I would be glad if I get to platin 4 or maybe 3
one huge tip is if u lose 3-5 games in a row (depending on tolerance) make a little break because u automatically get tilted
have a good one
I've seen Baron minions carry fights
so if my enemy has Baron I usually try baiting them into the jungle and engaging there. Unless they have elder...
Actually you gave me a new perspective from control map with the ward and sweeper I use the blue for the same reason never face check
I had a game I was hard carrying and saw the moment that my team lost.
I was something like 30/4/17 on twitch, and everyone on my team either had no damage because they were behind, or were a tank, so they purely peeled me. We got a pick on the enemy irelia, and then aced a 4v5 teamfight losing 2 members of our team. As I went up to win the game on the push, I got a lag spike, walked under the tower, my support couldn't save me, irelia got to kill me, and my team lost a fight because I was dead for it.
Honestly, hard to get S ranks if you group with teams that force fights all the time... It forces me with two choices: Farm and let my team die, or group, maybe win team fight, but don't get precious CS and forcing you to end up with like 123 cs at past 20 minutes.
I once told my friend that the next time they force a team fight, to leave them to die. Seriously.
JayHog1992 in ranked don't play for s ranks do that in norms or a different game mode
You won't see me in ranked, already bad I finished my S rank quest, don't want to drag my issues to people's "precious" promos.
yes we want you to make more of these
honestly the biggest thing these days is with rotations. ppl group mid for no reason way too early and try to farm all lanes resulting in the whole team just fighting each other for cs and xp and everyone getting less farm
I think its important although the enemy cant see the ward you control warded they can see on the minimap that their vision is being denied and might take that as a red flag to come to that spot.
Baron can be a really big noob trap if your behind, there are games where we could push and take 4 towers but my team decides its best to take baron and farm. I lost a game where we were at the third tier towers and they ran back to do baron, rather than end the game.
Number 3, I loose sooooo many games from that. My friends are super baron focused, and whenever we get an opening, they want to run straight for it, which can be good. However when our adc-rando decides to go bottom they want to start it anyways. I've told them to back off in the middle of baron when we didn't have our adc, and been told "no we don't need to back off, the adc needs to come here", and then it takes to long and an enemy shows up while we are all at 50% health and we die.
actually i'd say i lose more to having too much fun.
Mistakes made in all Elo's
1 - Have to take a shit, but can't leave the game = Can't concentrate, makes dumb mistakes
2 - Picked a bad time to play LoL (school, work, diner-help)= Go afk or feeds to end the game
this feels like my old days it took me 5 months to get out of bronze and the season after that it took me 1 month to get from silver to diamond 5
Another mistake, Tower < Baron / Elder Drake, Come on it obvious If its not Inhib or some sht Go for baron :).
Should be like this Inhibitor / Nexus > Baron / Elder Dragon
Serenity ik that but i mean after an ace or atleast 2 - 4 dead on the enemy team
Phy, what happened to the coaching? Been looking forward to those videos
Tristan Gladen This is that
Nick, I'm talking about him coaching specific people and uploading it to his channel, I'm interested as to his coaching style.
when he first announced it i posted my elo as bronze 2 now im silver 1 lmao its way too late he needs to update it
so is it better to just group in low elo, even if I'm ahead as a strong split pusher?
now with all these tips I can finally carry the constant 0-8adcs on my team :D
Zach Cline then play adc lul
Bad KDA ADC may be reason of support. Sometimes, there are bad KDA ADCs cuz support can´t play his role correctly (often autofilled supp). ADC player believes a support that gives him shield, stun enemy or block enemy hook but supp do nothing or wrong. The fact u can see ADC with bad KDA.
Omg my friends think I'm crazy when I tell as much as possible about AP/AD, late vs. early game etc. in loading screen XD now it feels good XD
Rly helpful :d, now i can fix my mistakes on midgame
WOW, this video was so usefull gj mate nice video
It's actually funny how you didn't touch the jungle pressure as in lower elo, mostly Bronze, they focus on the lane that's losing instead of the lane that's winning. I'm not writing this as a mid 1 trick that "cries" but just wanting to raise some attention to the junglers that are either too focused on afk farming, or entirely ignoring the carry lanes.
The thing that also is losing a lot of games are the players that think that only they can carry the game and if they've lost their lane then the game is over and if the team doesn't want to /ff @20 then they start to int feed. People need to learn how to let themselves get carried, else they'll never improve. I personally had so many games that were /ff because one tilted himself and the team whilst I was at the nexus turrets mid overfed and trying to carry...yet they decided to surrender because the adc couldn't carry the game >.<
Phy exposed most of them but forgot a few.
Oh and almost forgot. Most people in this game have the exact same map awareness as Christopher Columbus. At least he managed to find the USA by mistake unlike the other specimens in this game that can't find anything other than a lost game xD.
Should have one where you dont alt tab during picks and try to match team composition.
Some of these tips Will help me so much! I Will GO play and Get out of Silver now!! TY!
A lot of points I hadn't heard of. Good job
Havent watched it yet but I know there is gonna be a lot of them
Question. What other champion is there like talon, but doesn't completely fall off late game?
In other words, what one champion has OK waveclear, good roams, relevance in late game, and outplay potential? I have a couple ideas but I want to hear yours.
I play talon and I can't carry games late-late game. If I'm the only fed champion it's gg because a fed bruiser can carry better than assassin. Regardless what do you guys think?
Dave ThaBoss zed?
Ericardo Petiluna Jr. What is your opinion? Can zed carry harder than talon?
Dave ThaBoss if your skilled enough then yes. zed has better outplay potential then talon is slightly safer.
Ericardo Petiluna Jr. Interesting. Are there any other champions that do the same role as I described? I'm thinking about picking a new champ up as I can't carry my talon games anymore.
My only issue with zed is that he becomes extremely vulnerable when he's on CD. Talon can e and wait for cds to come back up.
I'll look into it though.
Dave ThaBoss there arent any other ad champs with zed/talons playstyle (at least midlane) lf youre fine with ap tho i would reccomend ekko
Funny how I suffer from a few of these xD it's taken me 600 games to climb from bronze 5 to gold 5 with a 52% and honestly breaking my bad habits suck as the players I go against are getting better. Being a ADC main it used to always be heaven not being the main focus of the enemy team and I always loved the dmg i was able to do with 6 items and not wanting to get those 6 items every game is hard to break, like my league drugs but I always end up high trying to 3v1 at 40 mins playing something like tristana and end up throwing my games due to my stupidity
Yeah, you almost forgot. From my experience people give up way to easy. When it s not fun they just enter this:We lost mood and they actually just give up. Many games can be turned around by sharp play and good communication.
As a Dimond 2 mid laner, personally, I love those games that my teammates carry me. Top and bot pushed to base jungle kills people on sight, and i just farm for 20 mins, and not do anything for the whole game. Keep on dying or not, love a free win.
most issues here effect myself, when there is a fat farm top or something i have to get it! its my OCD :C
One mistake I make: Get off my couch to start playing
there only needs to be one thing in this video to explain the title. dont die for no reason late game. simple as that. stay grouped with your team and dont be alone in the jungle. do those 2 things and you'll win more games
nice vid, wasn't the same recycled content from every tips vid (not that this stuff isn't out there but some of these are real good reminders)
engaging is hands down the biggest problem.
had a game where the opposite adc was afk for the first 5 min and I got their supp to 20% health under tower but my blitz was too pussy to go in and tank 2 tower shots
Such a good video - subscribed.
Can you do a example of a teamfight and like draw on it to explain that to us better?
great video phy thank you!!!
Seriously.. thats the problem in low Elo.
Some people just refuse to communicate, you cant tell them to group with the team or to engage if they're tanky enough.
And TP into a fight in low Elo? That happens in 1 out of 20 games.
The biggest issue in low elo is that a lot of people dont have map awareness.
People just dont realise how important it is to keep an eye on the mini map.
You can ward the whole map & some people still don't notice the enemy jgl or something
Great informative video, thanks
This is very well timed.
good video, my only issue is the same with every educational league video: not everyone knows this stuff. I could be making a proper call and someone won't follow up because "fuck you, you have no idea what your talking about. Now how good is deathcap on Zed?" Now the biggest thing here for me is starting fights, as an ADC main it's basically impossible for me to start and even if it's 5v3 the malp will be scarred to start for no reason. What do I do there?
Rey Xander I know, I struggle with this a lot, I'm almost reluctant to play ranked again because of it. I'm not sure how to help here :/
This i believe is the most frustrating part of league... Playing with those that are ignorent to these things. How on earth do you have them understand your call. Phy states that its partially your fault if your team dies and you were split pushing etc. Taking time to communicate your ideas help a bit with this: "Team, im gona go split pushing, dont engage the enemy, just keep em busy." BUT, typing takes up so much time and still your team screws up. Then you get the Vayne who is super fed, yet thinks now after everything you have done to get her so fed, she can now solo 1v5... she dies, out of positon despite your best attempts to warn her, or stay close to her without leaving the rest of the team... PLS PHY! Teach us the language of these ignorent people! VOICE CHAT WE NEED YOU!
Rey Xander you stop maining adc. thats what i had to do
As a support main who played some adc to see how the other side thinks I have to ask you, and I mean no offence in any way but... what's the appeal to adc? I understand its all about high mechanics and that attracts the players who like challenge but all roles have champs that do that, mid has azir syndra taliyah and top has ekko camille and firora for example. But with all the champs I listed (barring azir because rip glory to shurima) they can actually do stuff independently at any point in the game, when I adc I'm usually at the mercy of the junglers and my support to do anything early game without getting my ass handed by the enemy bot lane, so usually all I can really do is farm which would be fine since I know champs like these need time before they get strong like Vladimir or kassiden. But adcs never really get over there lack of independence as throughout the game most of them if even slightly away from there team get insta killed by the enemy team because they have virtually no self protection or utilty (with exceptions like ashe or jhin), the ones who do become self reliant later are super toxic when they do like vane who just has to q then auto most targets and their dead. This is probably just my basis against anything that does not actively assists others since I normally play passive supports that are never useless or go mid with mages with craptones of utilty like taliyah or lux. At the end of it tho why do people play adc when they could just go something that lets you be more proactive than just farm and take towers when able.
Michael Coleman short answer is I find the most enjoyment with the role. I tried all the other roles and ADC is just my thing.
The main problem I have with your "keep grouping"-argument is that it doesn't take split-pushing into account. Split-pushing, especially for top laners who are specialized in that role (like Yorick or Quinn), can actually be a *very* good strategy when behind.
The problem is that people seem unable to understand English in lower elo and the concept of "defending a turret 4v5 while I split push" seems to mean "please run out of the safety of your turret and engage the enemy team 4v5" to your teammates.
But if you are loosing every teamfight is not a good idea try something like 1 splitpush while the others defend behind a double tourret? if not you will be loosing and loosing fights until the end
NICE dude! That will help me.
Thank God I'm still playing Normals. (In reality, I could be playing Ranked, but I need to build a much better champion pool.) Just learning how to play certain champs feels rewarding enough.
Yeahhhhh the only probelm is that even if you engage and make the enemy use their abilities (in silver) your team will stay and be like "WHY GO IN REPORT NOW WE CANT KILL THEM" and all of this till their spells are back
well about grouping what if we are all 4 in lane but jinx is at the jungle daving top
Just lost a game we were 7-22 e were so ahead, but grouping in Silver 1 is impossible sometimes.
ok but the team comp thing, yes i play on autopilot but me and my friends even if its just 2 of us generally say shit like "they have better teamfight" or "we have better teamfight" or "we can take baron if X happens" or general team comp calls even though you say most dont, and we are like bronze at the moment
Awesome video man! Love all your tips! Please keep doing more videos like this!! :D
I found u like last week and I've soon seen every tips and tricks videos you have. Love them all and it helps alot! Keep it up man! (Y)
*Watches ever video to the end just for "The Robots"* Que sing-a-long!