From Jāhiliyya to Islam | D2 10\19 The First Shāfiʿ ī in Basṛ a: Abū Yaḥyá... - Koby Yosef

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • האקדמיה הלאומית הישראלית למדעים מתכבדת להזמינכם לכינוס הבין-לאומי ה־15
    The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities takes pleasure in inviting you to attend the fifteenth international colloquium
    From Jāhiliyya to Islam
    מג'אהליה לאסלאם
    Monday, July 4, 2022
    Chair: Yohanan Friedmann
    Academy Member, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    David Harel, President, Israel Academy
    David Powers, Cornell University
    From Last Emperor to Last Prophet
    Nicolai Sinai, University of Oxford
    Jewish Motifs in the Theology of the Meccan Qurʾān
    Milka Levy-Rubin
    Inheriting the Land: Muslim Sanctification of the Holy Land in the Early Muslim Period
    Chair: Katia Cytryn-Silverman
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Christian Robin, CNRS emeritus, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres
    A Himyarite Campaign against Najrān in June and July 523 ce
    Moshe Sharon, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    A European Construction Text Relating to the Dome of the Rock
    Tawfiq Daʾadli, Israel Young Academy Member, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    The Umayyad Palace of al-Sinnabra through Text and Archaeological Evidence
    Tuesday, July 5, 2022
    Chair: Reuven Amitai
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, إياس ناصر, الجامعة العبرية في القدس
    Iyas Nasser, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    هل عاد الشّاعر إلى أطلال محبوبته قصدًا أو عَرَضًا؟ وقفة عند أظهر المعاني الأدبيّة في قصائد الشّعراء قبل الإسلام ومَن أعَْقَبَم من المخضرم ين
    The Poet’s Return to the Abandoned Campsite of his Beloved -- A Deliberate or Coincidental Visit? A Discussion of a Dominant Motif in the Pre-Islamic and Early Islamic Qasị̄ da
    István T. Kristó-Nagy, University of Exeter
    Melting Golden Ages: Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ's Art of Politics and Culture
    Chair: Ella Landau-Tasseron,
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Sean Anthony, Ohio State University
    The Eschatological Muḥammad: Post-Qurʾ anic Prophetology in Arabic Inscriptions from the Marwanid Period
    Chair: Etan Kohlberg, Academy Member,
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Koby Yosef, Bar-Ilan University
    The First Shāfiʿ ī in Basṛ a: Abū Yaḥyá Zakariyyā ibn Yaḥyá al-Sājī (d. 919) and the Construction of the Authority of al-Shāfiʿ ī in Iraq during the Ninth Century
    Yaara Perlman, Princeton University
    Family Relations and Politics: The Case of Khālid b. ʿUrfutạ and Saʿ d b. Abī Waqqāṣ
    Guy Ron Gilboa, Bar-Ilan University, and
    Oded Zinger, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    “Listen to a Boast that Will Leave the Heart Dazed”: Jewishness and Arabness in a Fakhr Poem from the Cairo Geniza
    Wednesday, July 6, 2022
    Chair: Tawfiq Daʾadli
    Israel Young Academy Member, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Michael Shenkar, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    The Palace from the Time of Nasṛ b. Sayyār (738-748) at Sanjar-Shah and Its Decoration
    Ofir Haim, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    A New Source for the History of Pre-Ghaznavid Zābulistān
    Mehdy Shaddel, Leiden University
    Translatio imperii, Translatio religionis, and Reichseschatologie at the Origins of Islam
    Chair: Michael Ebstein,
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Livnat Holtzman, Bar-Ilan University
    The Evolution of the Traditionalist Creed through the Prism of Ḥadīth al-Julūs
    Roy Vilozny, University of Haifa
    Pre-Existence: A Myth and Its Implications in Imāmī-Shīʿ ī Thought
    Thursday, July 7, 2022
    Chair: Meir Bar Asher,
    The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Pavel Pavlovich, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
    Ḥadīth Studies and the Principle of Uncertainty: Can We Reconcile Isnād, Matn, and Early Chronology?
    Yehonatan Carmeli, Bar-Ilan University
    Circumcision in Pre-Islamic Arabia and Early Islam
    Travis Zadeh, Yale University
    Alcohol and the Ḥijāz: Early Debates in Islamic Law and Ritual Praxis
    בימים שני עד חמישי ה' עד ח' בתמוז תשפ"ב
    Monday-Thursday July 4-7, 2022