Thnx. You guys are very priviledged to have such a wonderful heritage of popular culture. In the rest of the western Europe is not easy to find it... at least we italians are too far away from it. I understood it in Albania, that it was not only a weding but a party, a big family party. You are wonderfol people down there (both Albs and Greeks).
Grazie Arturo! Grazie per le tue parole magnifiche per la cultura greca! Qui in Grecia puoi essere sicuro che vogliamo bene i nostri fratteli Italiani e pensiamo che voi siete accanto a noi, molto di piu che gli altri Europei. Tanti saluti distinti!
The name Epirus is derived from the Greek: Ἤπειρος, romanized: Ḗpeiros (Doric Greek: Ἄπειρος, romanized: Ápeiros), meaning "mainland" or terra firma. If you adopted certain things from the Greeks does not make it somehow magically and exclusively yours. Relax now and enjoy.
This music is from Çameria/Epir. Mori kountula lemonia is my grandmother's song. She used to sing it at me when I was a little girl. My granny was from albanian from Igoumenitsa. She had to leave her home in 1944 because of the greek genocide. The way she danced at this music was extraordinary, way better than this. I miss you nana so much.
In your dreams i presume... be thankful to Greece that after second warld war didnt ask for war reparations since you attacked our state along with the italians....
+Panagiotis Palladas Forcing people to leave their homes, massacre them, stealing their patrimony. GENOCIDE! Even worse when there are still albanians in the region of Çameria that are afraid of speaking their own language. The forcing process of assimilation is part of the crimes against humanity.
What you call forcing people leving their homes is called im leaving cause i cooperate with the enemy against the country i used to live. They left cause they knew that trial and prison would come even a firing squad.Instead of saying fairy tales about genosides bring strong evidence of that. If there was a genoside im sure somewhere there is a mass grave of your dead countrymen.Ask and DEMAND from UN to unburry them. Mass graves found on other genosides such as Greek Pontiaks and the armenians by the Turks and the Polish officers in Kattin during WW2 and yes they found mass graves of the victims. So do the same. When you will have strong arguments about your claims we will descuss it in depth. Until then you have only a bad foreign policy since in the domestic field your country still is run by mr Rama's mafia. So sorry that after so many years from the comuntist regime still you cant find your path in history...
Αυτή η κυρία, θυμήθηκε (με αυτό το τραγούδι) τήν γιαγιάκα της, την νοσταλγία τών παιδικών της χρόνων, και μας έγραψε την όμορφη εμπειρία της!! Ξαφνικά ξεφυτρώνει ένας ανόητος παλλάδας στα σχόλια!, και αρχίζει με τις μεταπολεμικές πολιτικές αποζημιώσεις! (Που στο συγκεκριμένο μουσικό βίντεο και τραγούδια ουδεμία σχέση έχουν!!) Ακόμα της έριξε προσωπική ευθύνη, ότι αυτή με τους ιταλούς επιτέθηκε στήν χώρα!!! Πόσα κιλά κουτόχορτα "βλήτα" έχει φάει αυτός???
ma che cosa vi prende sempre, ogni volta che entriamo a sentire queste bellissime canzoni,dobbiamo per forza littigare ragazzi?penso personalmente che dal odio nessuno guadagni niente,purtroppo la mentalita dei balcani e questa ma voi giovani dovete per forza cambiare e butare dentro un po di rispetto,poi la storia lasciamo a farlo agli competenti.poli oreo tragudi"ipirotiko".
@@ΧρηστοςΓεωργιου-λ1γ nuk ka grek e muzik greke .nuk ka toke greke .gjithecka eshte e krijuar nga shtetet e medha eurpiane te asai kohe .kane nje gjuhe te sajuar .nuk gjuhe greke .i prene dhe i vrane camet .i debuan nga tokat e tyre dhe duan epirin e veriut po ku e gjeten ?.te pyesin stergjysherit e tyre nga e ksne preardhjen .muzika eshte e bukur .por eshte e jona .
@@kataleaidrizi2067 Οι Δαρδανοι ζούσαν ανέκαθεν στο σημερινό Κόσσοβο,είναι Θρακικό φύλο κ ουδεμία σχέση έχουν με Ιλλυριους .Απόδειξη κ η μουσική που παίζουν που είναι καμία σχέση με αυτά που ακούς εδω
@@panosbadenwurtemberg7325 ti mor plehre njeri fliske dhe shqip e po i thur lavde greqise qe u shofte si rrace bashke me ju qe i shkoni pas! Nese jo ne,Zoti do vere drejtesi per Camët !
@@ildamezani9975 Ju flisni për genocidin që u bë kundër shqipëtarëve ndaj grekëve në greqi, por nuk thoni pse duhej të ndodhë ky genocidi, bësoj se njihni tashmë se shqipëtarët e Çamerisë ( do të thotë thesprotia ), shqipëtaro-çamët kishin tradhtuar fqinjët e tyre të cilët ishin grekë, ata që jëtonin çdo ditë njëri pranë tjetrit. Greqia një vend shumë i vogël krahasuar me vende të tjerë ishte i vetmi vend i cili luftoi kundër fasisteve në balkan, greqia bëri fitim i parë në luftën e parë boteror. Greqia ishte i vetmi vend i cili luftonte kundër gjashtë vendeve të tjerë. Çamët tradhtuan grekët edhe prandaj u vraven nga Napoleonin Zervas edhe ushtrinë e tij. Por vemëndje çamët nuk i vravën grekët por Napoleoni Zervas edhe ushtria e tij, kjo ushtria nuk ishte ushtria oficiale e qeverisë greke. çamet u bashkuan me të gjithë gjermanët e italjanët për të vrarë popullsinë greke, çamet tradhtuan Greqinë dhe fqinjët e tyre që ishin Grekë, çamet kishen gjetur mundësin të vrasin të gjithë gjurmët greke në Threspotía me ndihmën gjermane për të krijuar shqipërinë e madh, këtë domethënë se çamet/shqipëtare tradhtuan edhe vravën grekët, çamet i përfituan grekët e kësaj anës prandaj Tsamouriá nuk është i shqipëtarëve por i grekeve. Nuk mjaftoi se çamet erdhen në greqi për të punuar edhe për të jetuar ,edhe se greqia dha bukë çameva, por çamet zgjedhën përveç këtyre të tradhtojnë edhe të vrasin vendi i cili u dha bukë për të ngrënë Edhe këtë ndodhi pikërisht para se të vrasë napoleoni zervas të gjithë çamët tradhtarë. Ky genocidi nuk është i njohur edhe nuk do të bëhët kurrë, vetëm ju do të jeni ata që thoni se ndodhi këtë. Ky genocidi nuk ekzistohet, sepse fajin e keni nga vetëm që tradhtuat greqinë e cila ju pranoi dhe ju dha punë e bukë për të ngrënë, edhe ju e kafshuat kjo dora.
@@panosbadenwurtemberg7325 na dha greku per te ngrene? Greket hyne ne trojet tona duke pretenduar qe ishin te vetat....po kerkonin pjese aty ku nuk u takonte dhe mbasi bene gjithefare masakrash me çamët,pasi mbeten gjalle ata qe u detyruan te nenshtroheshin per te mbrojtur jeten e vet,i paskan mbajtur me buke.... Mqs fliske shqip,po te mesoj qe nuk quhet Tsamouria,po Çamëri dhe eshte e jona e Shqipetareve,do apo s'do ti grek!
Wonderful song and especially beautiful instrumental part of this piece. It's also interesting to see Greeks dancing and their traditional clothes... Very beautiful... ***** Many thanks attatsis for sharing!
You all probably dont give a damn but does someone know of a tool to get back into an Instagram account?? I somehow lost the password. I would love any help you can give me!
@Nathanael Mario I really appreciate your reply. I found the site thru google and I'm trying it out atm. Takes quite some time so I will reply here later with my results.
eure schprache kann man nicht mit anderen sprachen vergleichen, warum. - Lebt ihr auf berge. und Weist nicht , das es auch andere Menschen gibt da draussen. - i write in german.
FiK TV ναι παλικάρι μου έχεις δίκιο τι λες τώρα δεν το ακούω νομιζεις, μη σου πω ότι είναι και μαλιοκηκο κιολας....το τσιφτελι που ακούγετε κάνει τι διαφορά.
dimotika ipirou = folk songs (public songs) from Epirus. Epirus is an area of Greece with common borders with Albania. Τhis music is mainly from the villages of Epirus that are very close to Albania border. So, the music is same, it should be same...
Tony Alb what???? We Greeks and Shqips are brothers. Check Albanians that does DNA test. They show Greek DNA. Btw it’s commonly mistaken that Zorba is Greek Folk Music, but it’s not. Zorba is from a movie.
For all..... ♪♫•**•.¸♥♥¸.•**•♫♪ May you be blessed, all.... for this divine music!!! Take care for these musicians, they are unique in the world.......!!!
A friend of mine got married with an Albania girl last year, in Berat. I have to say that this music as well as the dances are 100% the same with what we experienced in Albania. What means dimotika ipirou? Is it any village near to the Albanian border? Thnx
Eyyy albane. You copy our Music and our traditional greek clothing and now you sai its yours ?? Our history is based more then 3000 years. Shame of you. At the othmanic Empire we help you. You come in our county. We eat all dogether and now you sai greek is Albnia shame of you.
more cfare po flet ketu ti, cfare perpiqesh te na tregosh ti ne, gith ipiri ishte edhe do te jete toke greke, ju e moret kjo toka me lufte ju na e vodhet ne vitin 1913, lavdi greqise, ju jeni nje komb genjeshtar, thjesht hedh nje sy ne heroin tuaj i cili quhet Jeorgios Kastriotis ai ishte luftetar grek, vetem emri e familjes se tij i thote te gjithe ( Kastriotis = banor te nje kashtjelle ), ai ishte mbreti i qyteteve greke i ipirit, te gjithe fshatrat edhe qytetet kane emra greke ( Tepeleni, Argirokastro, Agioi Saranda, Kalavrita, Kastanjes, Dhrevitsni, Pirsogianni, Vovousa ) edhe ende shume, akoma edhe flamuri juaj eshte grek, normalisht flamuri me shqiponjen krenare eshte i grekeve te byzantiut orthodokse.
@@Έλληνεθνικογαμιστής Yes you are the best Linguistik Profesor,fucking idiot ,Fustan=Foustanela, i am from Epirus not from Mogadishu you idiot.the only thing what I don’t understand is why the Foustanela is so short ,this is not normal and not originan becouse the Epirotes have a code Dre’s and foustanella mast be below the knee…Foustanela and Greek is ,if you compare Italian lenguage and Japanise lenguage .Fucking Nationalist until 1913 all Epirus spoke Albanian lenguage tosk Dialekt.all so to day if you drive to all Vilages from Filati ,Igoumenitsa and rest Epirus the old people speake Albanian home,And if you want to know wich village living Koine Greeks or Vallahen just ask the old People,and than u know where is Othoctonus there and wich Palikari ala esi ise Palo Loqja .endaxi.
είσαι κι αχάριστος...τι σου φταίει μωρέ η Ελλάδα? όσο για την μεγάλη Αλβανία...όνειρα θερινής νυκτός...μ' αυτό το πλευρό να κοιμάσαι...ποιος μωρέ σας πιπιλάει το μυαλό?
Greece in 1914 put camerina on map Ancient Greek historians called it the barbarian era and as now I am Greek I am an orthodox albanian in epir psychiatry greece trying to steal ison labe but could not she is albanian you are albanian sperm albanian
For those that keep on insisting that Arvanitika was a clearly Albanian form of language. It was not. Apparently (1) there were more Greek entries than Albanian, (2) the grammar was Greek, and (3), from the Albanian entries (1701), there were approximately 500 Greek loan words. Percentage-wise, Arvanitika was much more Greek than Albanian. Your claims about the Arvanites being Albanian are poor. The Arvanites themselves did not identify as Albanians, not only during the period where Metaxas ruled but before him also. Actually, they felt insulted to identify with the Albanians since they strongly considered themselves to be Greek. Thus they fought for the recreation of the Greek nation and not for any other nation. They spoke the only form of Greek-Albanian (Arvanitika) and the Greek language. Their vocabulary was in such an old form that to the Albanians and to the Greeks they sounded a bit archaic. Do not forget, Arvanite were not the only ones who were bilingual. Pontic Greeks who still live in Pontos speak their own dialect (which includes mainly Greek with many Turkish-Arabic-Persian words) and Turkish due to living in the proximity of Turks. Just like the Greeks of Pontos-Turkey, Mariupol-Ukraine, and South Italy, the Arvanite were bilingual. Nevertheless, the Arvanite did not speak clearly or fully the Albanian language. To end this message on a positive note, the Arvanite envisioned something beautiful; and that was a Greco-Albanian nation. The Greek-Albanian dictionary aka Botsari's lexicon. The original manuscript of the dictionary is at the National Library in Paris (Supplément Grec 251). Botsaris titled his dictionary “Lexicon of the simple Romaic and Arbanitic language” (Λεξικόν της Ρωμαϊκοις και Αρβανητηκής Απλής (sic)). The Greek terms are in columns on the left of the pages, not in alphabetical order, and the Albanian words on the right, written in Greek letters. Apart from single words, the dictionary includes complexes of words or short phrases. The Greek entries are in total 1701 and the Albanian 1494. On the first page there is a hand-written notice by Pouqueville: “Ce lexique est écrit de la main de Marc Botzari à Corfou 1809 devant moi.” This manuscript, which includes also a kind of Greek-Albanian self-teaching method with dialogues written by Ioannes Vilaras and a French-Albanian glossary by Pouqueville, was donated by the latter to the Library in 1819. The dictionary was dictated to the young M. Botsaris by his father Kitsos (1754-1813), his uncle Notis (1759-1841) and his father-in-law Christakis Kalogerou from Preveza. Titos Yochalas, a Greek historian who studied and edited the manuscript, noticing that some Greek words are translated into Albanian in more than one way, believes that M. Botsaris was writing the Greek words and the elders were translating into Albanian. As many of the entries seem unlikely to be useful either for the Suliots or the Albanians of that time and circumstances, Yochalas believes that the dictionary was composed after Pouqueville’s initiative, possibly as a source for a future French-Albanian dictionary. He also observes that the Albanian phrases are syntaxed as if were Greek, concluding that either the mother tongue of the authors was the Greek or the Greek language had a very strong influence on the Albanian, if the latter was possibly spoken in Souli (Yochalas, p. 53). The Albanian idiom of the dictionary belongs to the Tosk dialect of south Albanian and retains many archaic elements, found also in the dialect spoken by the Greco-Albanian communities of South Italy and Sicily. In the Albanian entries there are many loans from Greek (approx. 510), as well as from Turkish (approx. 190) and Italian (21).[23]
Fustanellat Çame
Si quhet kenga jon ne shqip si kjo? Me doli nga mendja
Να ζήσουν ηπειρώτες μαζί με τον κύριο αντώνη και τον κύριο λούκα❤
Cameria ❤ zemra ime
Thnx. You guys are very priviledged to have such a wonderful heritage of popular culture. In the rest of the western Europe is not easy to find it... at least we italians are too far away from it. I understood it in Albania, that it was not only a weding but a party, a big family party. You are wonderfol people down there (both Albs and Greeks).
beautiful clarino~~ pure joyful music and dancing !
Ειναι Ευλογια να Γεννιεσαι Σαρακατσανος!!Πατριδα μου Σε Αγαπω!!❤Χαλκιας Τελειος!!
Grazie Arturo! Grazie per le tue parole magnifiche per la cultura greca! Qui in Grecia puoi essere sicuro che vogliamo bene i nostri fratteli Italiani e pensiamo che voi siete accanto a noi, molto di piu che gli altri Europei. Tanti saluti distinti!
Vallja Dropullit. Albanian music here with Greek words. We’re more connected than we know.
The name Epirus is derived from the Greek: Ἤπειρος, romanized: Ḗpeiros (Doric Greek: Ἄπειρος, romanized: Ápeiros), meaning "mainland" or terra firma. If you adopted certain things from the Greeks does not make it somehow magically and exclusively yours. Relax now and enjoy.
Half of my family is from Dropulli. They’re Greek. That part of Albania has had a very, very, very long Greek presence
This music is from Çameria/Epir.
Mori kountula lemonia is my grandmother's song. She used to sing it at me when I was a little girl. My granny was from albanian from Igoumenitsa. She had to leave her home in 1944 because of the greek genocide. The way she danced at this music was extraordinary, way better than this. I miss you nana so much.
In your dreams i presume... be thankful to Greece that after second warld war didnt ask for war reparations since you attacked our state along with the italians....
+Panagiotis Palladas Forcing people to leave their homes, massacre them, stealing their patrimony. GENOCIDE! Even worse when there are still albanians in the region of Çameria that are afraid of speaking their own language. The forcing process of assimilation is part of the crimes against humanity.
What you call forcing people leving their homes is called im leaving cause i cooperate with the enemy against the country i used to live. They left cause they knew that trial and prison would come even a firing squad.Instead of saying fairy tales about genosides bring strong evidence of that. If there was a genoside im sure somewhere there is a mass grave of your dead countrymen.Ask and DEMAND from UN to unburry them. Mass graves found on other genosides such as Greek Pontiaks and the armenians by the Turks and the Polish officers in Kattin during WW2 and yes they found mass graves of the victims. So do the same. When you will have strong arguments about your claims we will descuss it in depth. Until then you have only a bad foreign policy since in the domestic field your country still is run by mr Rama's mafia. So sorry that after so many years from the comuntist regime still you cant find your path in history...
why the song is in greek if it is albanian? albanian language is based on latins.greek are the same for the last 2500 are probably troll
Αυτή η κυρία, θυμήθηκε (με αυτό το τραγούδι) τήν γιαγιάκα της, την νοσταλγία τών παιδικών της χρόνων, και μας έγραψε την όμορφη εμπειρία της!!
Ξαφνικά ξεφυτρώνει ένας ανόητος παλλάδας στα σχόλια!, και αρχίζει με τις μεταπολεμικές πολιτικές αποζημιώσεις! (Που στο συγκεκριμένο μουσικό βίντεο και τραγούδια ουδεμία σχέση έχουν!!)
Ακόμα της έριξε προσωπική ευθύνη, ότι αυτή με τους ιταλούς επιτέθηκε στήν χώρα!!!
Πόσα κιλά κουτόχορτα "βλήτα" έχει φάει αυτός???
Opa! Long live Greece with your dances and your traditions!
ma che cosa vi prende sempre, ogni volta che entriamo a sentire queste bellissime canzoni,dobbiamo per forza littigare ragazzi?penso personalmente che dal odio nessuno guadagni niente,purtroppo la mentalita dei balcani e questa ma voi giovani dovete per forza cambiare e butare dentro un po di rispetto,poi la storia lasciamo a farlo agli competenti.poli oreo tragudi"ipirotiko".
Nessun oddio ma i greci hanno manipolato la storia si vede benissimo che sono albanesi vai a vedere le danze dei albanesi dell sud
@@anxhelap8478 Δεν υπάρχει Αλβανική ιστορία και Αλβανική γλώσσα.
@@ΧρηστοςΓεωργιου-λ1γ nuk ka grek e muzik greke .nuk ka toke greke .gjithecka eshte e krijuar nga shtetet e medha eurpiane te asai kohe .kane nje gjuhe te sajuar .nuk gjuhe greke .i prene dhe i vrane camet .i debuan nga tokat e tyre dhe duan epirin e veriut po ku e gjeten ?.te pyesin stergjysherit e tyre nga e ksne preardhjen .muzika eshte e bukur .por eshte e jona .
Καταπληκτικό ανέβασμα! Δεν πρέπει να ξεχνάμε την παράδοση του τοπου μας. Μπράβο.
Ευχαριστώ FondofGreek για το κέρασμα.
...οι ΚΑΠΕΤΑΝΑΙΟΙ της Δημοτικής μας μουσικής!!!
That's nice this is reality
Albanian tradition & dance
Long live Albanian eagles
Jesse, you reckt Analbanians must be whay more bamb than you look aren't you?! Its obvious that this is pure Greek Epirotan folk music.
Rroft Cameria. God bless Albania
@@Έλληνεθνικογαμιστής this is song cameria. Grece non esistent.. the teritory this pellazghi dardan ilirida this Albania.
@@kataleaidrizi2067 Οι Δαρδανοι ζούσαν ανέκαθεν στο σημερινό Κόσσοβο,είναι Θρακικό φύλο κ ουδεμία σχέση έχουν με Ιλλυριους .Απόδειξη κ η μουσική που παίζουν που είναι καμία σχέση με αυτά που ακούς εδω
@@Έλληνεθνικογαμιστής Ne Epir ka pasur me shume vlleh se grek🤭
Greetings from Costa Rica, I would wish to be there, I think I can try and dance it, beautiful,
bravo shqipe
I ❤️ ÇAMERIA. Hopaaaa çameria big albania cameria
lavdi greqise edhe bukurite e saj, kjo kenga eshte greke e paster ! qifsha camerise pameria tameria lameria edhe kari im
panos Badenwürtemberg sigurt qe esht e paster greke o vlla ? Ti qenke moster te qifsha greqin
@@panosbadenwurtemberg7325 ti mor plehre njeri fliske dhe shqip e po i thur lavde greqise qe u shofte si rrace bashke me ju qe i shkoni pas! Nese jo ne,Zoti do vere drejtesi per Camët !
Ju flisni për genocidin që u bë kundër shqipëtarëve ndaj grekëve në greqi, por nuk thoni pse duhej të ndodhë ky genocidi, bësoj se njihni tashmë se shqipëtarët e Çamerisë ( do të thotë thesprotia ), shqipëtaro-çamët kishin tradhtuar fqinjët e tyre të cilët ishin grekë, ata që jëtonin çdo ditë njëri pranë tjetrit.
Greqia një vend shumë i vogël krahasuar me vende të tjerë ishte i vetmi vend i cili luftoi kundër fasisteve në balkan, greqia bëri fitim i parë në luftën e parë boteror. Greqia ishte i vetmi vend i cili luftonte kundër gjashtë vendeve të tjerë.
Çamët tradhtuan grekët edhe prandaj u vraven nga Napoleonin Zervas edhe ushtrinë e tij.
Por vemëndje çamët nuk i vravën grekët por Napoleoni Zervas edhe ushtria e tij, kjo ushtria nuk ishte ushtria oficiale e qeverisë greke.
çamet u bashkuan me të gjithë gjermanët e italjanët për të vrarë popullsinë greke, çamet tradhtuan Greqinë dhe fqinjët e tyre që ishin Grekë, çamet kishen gjetur mundësin të vrasin të gjithë gjurmët greke në Threspotía me ndihmën gjermane për të krijuar shqipërinë e madh, këtë domethënë se çamet/shqipëtare tradhtuan edhe vravën grekët, çamet i përfituan grekët e kësaj anës prandaj Tsamouriá nuk është i shqipëtarëve por i grekeve.
Nuk mjaftoi se çamet erdhen në greqi për të punuar edhe për të jetuar ,edhe se greqia dha bukë çameva, por çamet zgjedhën përveç këtyre të tradhtojnë edhe të vrasin vendi i cili u dha bukë për të ngrënë
Edhe këtë ndodhi pikërisht para se të vrasë napoleoni zervas të gjithë çamët tradhtarë.
Ky genocidi nuk është i njohur edhe nuk do të bëhët kurrë, vetëm ju do të jeni ata që thoni se ndodhi këtë.
Ky genocidi nuk ekzistohet, sepse fajin e keni nga vetëm që tradhtuat greqinë e cila ju pranoi dhe ju dha punë e bukë për të ngrënë, edhe ju e kafshuat kjo dora.
@@panosbadenwurtemberg7325 na dha greku per te ngrene? Greket hyne ne trojet tona duke pretenduar qe ishin te vetat....po kerkonin pjese aty ku nuk u takonte dhe mbasi bene gjithefare masakrash me çamët,pasi mbeten gjalle ata qe u detyruan te nenshtroheshin per te mbrojtur jeten e vet,i paskan mbajtur me buke....
Mqs fliske shqip,po te mesoj qe nuk quhet Tsamouria,po Çamëri dhe eshte e jona e Shqipetareve,do apo s'do ti grek!
Giasuu Petro lluka👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Bravo Petro arbanikos klarinos 🇦🇱🇦🇱
Beautiful Thanks for the share!
Klarinet 👑👍🏼👍🏼
Wonderful song and especially beautiful instrumental part of this piece. It's also interesting to see Greeks dancing and their traditional clothes... Very beautiful... ***** Many thanks attatsis for sharing!
Beautiful, and so proud atmosphere/tradition!!!!
Albanian Music, Albanian Dance and famous albanian FUSTANELLA.
sna lan gje pa na vjedh
@Greece 1821 Hahaha....
Tope tope papagalos. Albanian klarino
Veshje came.
I'm sorry but none of Albanians can dance like the Greeks
Αnd again another jewel.
Thank you very much for sharing.
You all probably dont give a damn but does someone know of a tool to get back into an Instagram account??
I somehow lost the password. I would love any help you can give me!
@Deangelo Langston instablaster =)
@Nathanael Mario I really appreciate your reply. I found the site thru google and I'm trying it out atm.
Takes quite some time so I will reply here later with my results.
@Nathanael Mario It worked and I actually got access to my account again. Im so happy:D
Thanks so much, you saved my account :D
@Deangelo Langston Glad I could help :)
Hajde keng hajde fiiuuu fiit hopa hopa
Thuaj jane kenge shqiptare more nipi 😁 I selam musait apo te mbushen poturet more azgan vlore?
Hopa këngë shqiptare
eure schprache kann man nicht mit anderen sprachen vergleichen, warum. - Lebt ihr auf berge. und Weist nicht , das es auch andere Menschen gibt da draussen. - i write in german.
FiK TV ναι παλικάρι μου έχεις δίκιο τι λες τώρα δεν το ακούω νομιζεις, μη σου πω ότι είναι και μαλιοκηκο κιολας....το τσιφτελι που ακούγετε κάνει τι διαφορά.
Τα πιο ωραία τραγούδι
dimotika ipirou = folk songs (public songs) from Epirus. Epirus is an area of Greece with common borders with Albania. Τhis music is mainly from the villages of Epirus that are very close to Albania border. So, the music is same, it should be same...
your music is ZORBAS
Epirus is Autochtonus Illyrian/Alban music
Fucking fake greek liars
Tony Alb what???? We Greeks and Shqips are brothers. Check Albanians that does DNA test. They show Greek DNA. Btw it’s commonly mistaken that Zorba is Greek Folk Music, but it’s not. Zorba is from a movie.
attatsis Well northern epirus is Greek.
@@tonyalb3863 Since when u become an ''Albanian''? Think about it...until then βράσε στο ζουμί σας! ! 😎
ti ha nji cop mut , kopil byzantin !
@djalekos93 : Συμφωνώ, οι καλύτεροι! Καλή εβδομάδα!
For all.....
May you be blessed, all.... for this divine music!!!
Take care for these musicians, they are unique in the world.......!!!
SIMONI ALBANI Bravo Petrol Luka
Long live Çameria!
Komplet muzik çame nga jugu iliro shqiptar
100% Po e shikon qe ska asnje reagim per keto shqiptare muti qe kendojne shqip me fjale greqisht? E sheh ate lab8n e mutit nga vlora qe uron greket?
ελλαδα μια και μονη.
Klarinet is the king of klarinets in Balkan
Cameria 🇦🇱🇦🇱
Eci bravo
Albaniaaaaaaaaaaa orea tragoudia
lavdi greqise, kjo kenga eshte greke e paster !
να ζησει η Ηπειρος!!
Kai i.ÇAMERIA ❤️🇦🇱
ειναι τα καλιτερα τραγουδια!!!!!!!
brvo ptro lukas opa opa 💶💶💶💶🥂🍾
Ηπειρωσ Βησσανη❤
Ελληνική φωτιά δεν μπορεί να το σβηστή κανείς
The power of modern technology!
Able to watch all the YT videos from any place on the planet.
oreo up attatsis ante na min ksehnoimaste cheers se olus/es apo canada
sto albania Berati opa re lukas me tu klarinos
μεγιστος πετρο λουκας
A friend of mine got married with an Albania girl last year, in Berat. I have to say that this music as well as the dances are 100% the same with what we experienced in Albania. What means dimotika ipirou? Is it any village near to the Albanian border? Thnx
Amazing Vlach music!!! Lipseashti s'neanturtsemu napoi la limba
its not vlach, its Epirotan * Vlach music has nothing to do with Romanian music both are way different from each other
Δεν ειναι βλαχικα αυτα ρε ασχετε
5 stars
einai kapoia videakia edw sto youtube pou den exoun arnhtiko shmeio.ena apo auta kai to sugekrimeno.hpeiros
They fucking stole the clothing, music and the singing hahahahahahhahahaahhaahahahahhahahahahaha I can’t anymore
@TheMadmen2010 : είδες, γίνεται κι αυτό...νάναι άραγε αληθινά ή σκόπιμα...
ante re endoksi hpeiros me ta tragoudia sou!!!
Jan shqiptar
This music is pure Albanians ,just in Greece language is copy...!
@Greece 1821 Say you greecgypsy, you are!
He is Albanian 😅🤣🤦😭😔
@@Έλληνεθνικογαμιστής fuck grek iam Albanian orthodox in epirus
lavdi greqise !
Greece 1821 Yunanistan
Greece 1821 ahaaa Yunanistan
Brawo albania
bravo greqia, kjo kenga eshte greke
ΜΉΠΩΣ ξέρετε πιό είναι το τραγούδι πού παίζει στα 2:15??
voreios upeiros gh ellhnikh
ahaha..if these are greek songs from Epirus than I am the king of Spain
😂😂 this was good
Hola amingo
keto kengat jane greke e pastra, lavdi greqise. !
@Sal 040 si po flet ashtu mor të mos të qij diçka në çast, do të me purdhosh karin paljomlaka munopano φψξώδθζ
@Sal 040 kjo është këngë greke nga ipirin🇬🇷🇨🇾
Jasu arvanika
kjo kenga eshte greke e paster nuk ka lidhje me arvanitasit !
@@panosbadenwurtemberg7325 po pat grek te paster un jam Donald Trump
@attatsis na se kala epishs..
5 * * * * *
5 * ΒΕΒΑΙΑ...
Of course fustanella it's Albanian traditional culture
Actually fustanela is based on ancient Greek skirt, and also fustanela got it's name from Italy, fustanela =fusta= skirt
Eyyy albane. You copy our Music and our traditional greek clothing and now you sai its yours ?? Our history is based more then 3000 years. Shame of you. At the othmanic Empire we help you. You come in our county. We eat all dogether and now you sai greek is Albnia shame of you.
more cfare po flet ketu ti, cfare perpiqesh te na tregosh ti ne, gith ipiri ishte edhe do te jete toke greke, ju e moret kjo toka me lufte ju na e vodhet ne vitin 1913, lavdi greqise, ju jeni nje komb genjeshtar, thjesht hedh nje sy ne heroin tuaj i cili quhet Jeorgios Kastriotis ai ishte luftetar grek, vetem emri e familjes se tij i thote te gjithe ( Kastriotis = banor te nje kashtjelle ), ai ishte mbreti i qyteteve greke i ipirit, te gjithe fshatrat edhe qytetet kane emra greke ( Tepeleni, Argirokastro, Agioi Saranda, Kalavrita, Kastanjes, Dhrevitsni, Pirsogianni, Vovousa ) edhe ende shume, akoma edhe flamuri juaj eshte grek, normalisht flamuri me shqiponjen krenare eshte i grekeve te byzantiut orthodokse.
Yes you are the best Linguistik Profesor,fucking idiot ,Fustan=Foustanela, i am from Epirus not from Mogadishu you idiot.the only thing what I don’t understand is why the Foustanela is so short ,this is not normal and not originan becouse the Epirotes have a code Dre’s and foustanella mast be below the knee…Foustanela and Greek is ,if you compare Italian lenguage and Japanise lenguage .Fucking Nationalist until 1913 all Epirus spoke Albanian lenguage tosk Dialekt.all so to day if you drive to all Vilages from Filati ,Igoumenitsa and rest Epirus the old people speake Albanian home,And if you want to know wich village living Koine Greeks or Vallahen just ask the old People,and than u know where is Othoctonus there and wich Palikari ala esi ise Palo Loqja .endaxi.
είσαι κι αχάριστος...τι σου φταίει μωρέ η Ελλάδα? όσο για την μεγάλη Αλβανία...όνειρα θερινής νυκτός...μ' αυτό το πλευρό να κοιμάσαι...ποιος μωρέ σας πιπιλάει το μυαλό?
Tin Çameria zitame .den zitame megali Alvania zitame tin Çameria ekei pou o THEOS milage .ALVANIKA.
@@xhuljanoshqipe2336 Θα πάρετε τα μεζεα.
Denis rusos
τρομάρα σου...τι Αλβανία μωρέ? ΕΛΛΑΔΑ είναι!!! ποιος σας πιπιλάει τα μυαλιά?
Greece in 1914 put camerina on map Ancient Greek historians called it the barbarian era and as now I am Greek I am an orthodox albanian in epir psychiatry greece trying to steal ison labe but could not she is albanian you are albanian sperm albanian
For those that keep on insisting that Arvanitika was a clearly Albanian form of language. It was not. Apparently (1) there were more Greek entries than Albanian, (2) the grammar was Greek, and (3), from the Albanian entries (1701), there were approximately 500 Greek loan words. Percentage-wise, Arvanitika was much more Greek than Albanian. Your claims about the Arvanites being Albanian are poor. The Arvanites themselves did not identify as Albanians, not only during the period where Metaxas ruled but before him also. Actually, they felt insulted to identify with the Albanians since they strongly considered themselves to be Greek. Thus they fought for the recreation of the Greek nation and not for any other nation. They spoke the only form of Greek-Albanian (Arvanitika) and the Greek language. Their vocabulary was in such an old form that to the Albanians and to the Greeks they sounded a bit archaic. Do not forget, Arvanite were not the only ones who were bilingual. Pontic Greeks who still live in Pontos speak their own dialect (which includes mainly Greek with many Turkish-Arabic-Persian words) and Turkish due to living in the proximity of Turks. Just like the Greeks of Pontos-Turkey, Mariupol-Ukraine, and South Italy, the Arvanite were bilingual. Nevertheless, the Arvanite did not speak clearly or fully the Albanian language. To end this message on a positive note, the Arvanite envisioned something beautiful; and that was a Greco-Albanian nation.
The Greek-Albanian dictionary aka Botsari's lexicon.
The original manuscript of the dictionary is at the National Library in Paris (Supplément Grec 251). Botsaris titled his dictionary “Lexicon of the simple Romaic and Arbanitic language” (Λεξικόν της Ρωμαϊκοις και Αρβανητηκής Απλής (sic)). The Greek terms are in columns on the left of the pages, not in alphabetical order, and the Albanian words on the right, written in Greek letters. Apart from single words, the dictionary includes complexes of words or short phrases. The Greek entries are in total 1701 and the Albanian 1494.
On the first page there is a hand-written notice by Pouqueville: “Ce lexique est écrit de la main de Marc Botzari à Corfou 1809 devant moi.” This manuscript, which includes also a kind of Greek-Albanian self-teaching method with dialogues written by Ioannes Vilaras and a French-Albanian glossary by Pouqueville, was donated by the latter to the Library in 1819. The dictionary was dictated to the young M. Botsaris by his father Kitsos (1754-1813), his uncle Notis (1759-1841) and his father-in-law Christakis Kalogerou from Preveza. Titos Yochalas, a Greek historian who studied and edited the manuscript, noticing that some Greek words are translated into Albanian in more than one way, believes that M. Botsaris was writing the Greek words and the elders were translating into Albanian. As many of the entries seem unlikely to be useful either for the Suliots or the Albanians of that time and circumstances, Yochalas believes that the dictionary was composed after Pouqueville’s initiative, possibly as a source for a future French-Albanian dictionary. He also observes that the Albanian phrases are syntaxed as if were Greek, concluding that either the mother tongue of the authors was the Greek or the Greek language had a very strong influence on the Albanian, if the latter was possibly spoken in Souli (Yochalas, p. 53). The Albanian idiom of the dictionary belongs to the Tosk dialect of south Albanian and retains many archaic elements, found also in the dialect spoken by the Greco-Albanian communities of South Italy and Sicily. In the Albanian entries there are many loans from Greek (approx. 510), as well as from Turkish (approx. 190) and Italian (21).[23]
Long live Çameria!