Budapest is one of my fav cities, I've lived there for a bit and only a 2-3hr train ride away from Vienna. You can try rent through real-estate agencies on a monthly basis rather than airbnb and it would be much cheaper if you decide to stay longer.
In a prior post he talked about how he's traveled on a budget,knew where he could go for affordable spots & he knows about Real Estate he had just bought 2 places in Ukraine,so it's not new but so nice ppl are trying to help him..... ✌
The sign says Attention, danger of collapse, park and walk across here at your own risk The symbol is not the Communist Party symbol, it is the simbol of miners. If you need anyone to help you with everyday stuff or with translations, feel free to contact me.
I live in Hungary. Outside of Budapest. For me it's a fascinating city full of charm history and gobsmacking architecture. Hope you can get to visit its most significant spots.
@@davethebrahman9870 in 5 years I've learnt enough to get me either in or out of trouble. I guess I haven't really needed it since all my relations speak decent English.
It's Bald's ability to see the beauty in everything that sets him apart from a lot of UA-camrs. Always positive, very knowledgeable, appreciative and has an almost child like excitement regarding wherever he's exploring. B&B is IMO one of the best UA-camrs out there, love seeing his perspective on wherever he's at, like a breath of fresh air, cheers.
agreed. the contrast between Bald's knowledge and generosity versus JD's crude asinine comments and his INABILITY to connect with locals is blatantly obvious
@@lutomson3496 as a man with a family your only obligation in life is to protect your family!! So if your family is not there then neither should you!!
Hi there Johnny for the love of me I can’t understand why you did not stay and fight , you have been going on about how the is your home and you love the place , I no if it was me I would stay and fight , can’t believe you walked away
And you do realize that if there was a no fly zone over Ukraine that NATO would be forced to start a war with Russia, a nuclear power?? Get some facts dude.
@Ruben Lopez yes!!! Let's close airspace and shoot them out! But also give your home address so when the first tactical nuke drops they know where first!
johnny, you're a tourist, not a refugee. and don't be afraid to fly the USA flag, you do travel well on a US passport. my country's House of Representatives passed 15$ billion in aid for Ukraine.
I know I should’ve been more cynical but I honestly used to feel Johnny was sincere and not just another vlogger trying to play make believe in search of clicks and views. I was wrong…
Other Ukrainians are doing the same thing on youtube. They all just lost everything. What else do you expect them to do when they don't have a home or a job to go back to?
@@junjae. I can only speak to Johnny’s videos because I’ve followed him for awhile and watched all of his videos but at the end of the day. I don’t fault him for leaving, I don’t fault him for trying to live his life, but I do feel much of what he’s said over the last few videos have been very disingenuous and his biases and anti-west rhetoric have really been on display.
Being over cynical can be just as damaging it can skew your sense in reality and stop you from seeing the good in people. But in this guys case a degree of a degree of cynicism is well justified. But the warning signs were there an I include here Bald as well. They’re just glorified poverty and cheap sex “safari tourists”
“The only difference between you and a refugee is luck.” I was a refugee from Bosnia in the 90’s. All I can say is that their lives will never be the same, but you push through it and keep going. I wish I can talk to some of them, help in some way, as I have been through it. Slava Ukraini💙💛
Same for the people of Donbas since 2014 and other 10k+ Russian who died in Ukraine... But no1 care about that. 🇷🇺 Now you care of Ukrainians because you've been told to. I'm sick of virtue signalling.
@@frederickmuhlbauer9477 Do you believe anything Putin boy says? He's gonna do whatever he's gonna do no matter what anybody else does or doesn't do. Jesus Christ, he's already slaughtering unarmed women and children! He needs to be taken out from within his trusted klan A bounty on his head needs to be imposed! NOW!. The US should offer US citizenship and a nice ranch in Montana for his head.
The man is not the brightest. This should be strikingly obvious if you have watched more than one video. His political comments are accidental comedy gold
He is a simpleton. Now that Bald left, I am out. Returning from the US after Americans were told to leave, and taking a seat away from a woman or child when he didn't have a ticket tells me all I need to know about this reprehensible person.
i was in budapest when i was 15 , im now 38 and still have fund memories of it. glad that you guys are safe, ive been looking out for footage regulary . just to see if u guys where okay.
I highly recommend you go ahead and settle down somewhere for at least 6 months. Even if the war does end soon, it's going to take a while for them to clean up/repair the war zone. Start looking at some apartments for long term renting, preferably with a 6 month lease. I wish you all the best and as always, Слава Україні!
@O R thank you for an explanation, Im from Ukraine, from Kyiv. After end of a war we are going to do this together. Im not going to wait for somebody to clean up my city, Im going to do it myself. This is actually triggered me.
@@Margo-uu5mx what? a simple use of words "for them" doesnt mean that someone will do it for them. It means it will take a while to them - Ukrainians - to fix it. Learn English before you get mad at/triggered by ppl who actually sympathize with you.
@@bobzeepl In a comment was said that Johnny should stay abroad longer, because it will take time for us in Ukraine to put things in order and clear everything. This is not how it works for us. You can't just wait and come when everything is clean and ready. You need to do it yourself. My english is probably not perfect, but you, in return, don't quite understand the difference between the American and Ukrainian mentality.
True, if people in the world are suffering, it is fucked up to live it up and enjoy yourself while others are in pain. Thats why i have been cutting myself for the past 20 years because of all the kids dying in africa. I cannot bring myself to live with joy whilethe others die.
Give them a break. Comments say it’s been a tough week fleeing Ukraine both are under tremendous stress. Clearly they didn’t want to leave especially Johnny he has investment properties in Kiev and Kharkiv. He could lose them if they are bombed. Doubt insurance insurance will cover that. Other countries don’t even want his money because it is so unstable and there is good chance the ruble will be the new currency.
@@stevemcgowen Well, neither he nor Bald are professional soldier's and would probably just get in the way tbh. Neither are very "tough" or in great shape for war, come on now. They're both UA-cam travelers, and Johnny is a a business type person, real estate, online sales, etc. It's a personal decision each person has to make. Nobody should be badmouthing him at all. Remember after all, he is an American, not Ukrainian-born you know.
Johnny show some class. You obviously know how bad things are in Ukraine and yet here you are posting videos of your life of ease in Budapest. Show some sensitivity to the Ukrainians. Now is not the time to be posting videos of you eating well in a restaurant. You're cashing in on the miserable situation in Ukraine. Hopefully you have enough sense to be sending your proceeds from these videos back to the people of Ukraine (who you supposedly love so much).
Not being rude and something but when he does like show some sensitivity ppl in cmnt section go crazy saying that how he is taking advantage of Ukraine's condition and stuff which tbh doesn't make any sense and if he does the situation is literally the opposite like u just cmnted
war shows true colors. and his are wide open for the world to see now. hope this guys looses alot of subs over this. cant imagine someone supporting this guy anymore. its ok to not fight, what not ok is to berate locals, berate your fans, and stand on your pedestal like "im too important to die" We all die eventually Johnny, just some of us will be on our feet when we do. dont make anymore videos for awhile for real. @
Johnny. Now is not the time to be making videos about your pigs in the blanket Or what ever you are eating in Hungary.(or what ever you are eating) Bro Go Back Home to be with your family. Or take abreak from making videos. I think its very disrespectful to the Ukraine and her people
@@markpiotrowski8570 hes an outsider tho, a traveler, a youtuber, hes not a soldier, his alligence is not to ukraine, if anytjing johnny did more than you just by documenting what happened and interviewing people
@@markpiotrowski8570 for example, if you are polish and you go to nyc america to travel, war breaks out in nyc, you wouldnt owe america anything and is free to live your life and try some pizza
Hello. Just wish to thank you very very much, for the video. It is exciting to see Budapest trough your eyes. I am Hungarian, living in Canada for many years. Happy to see the both of you made it from the war zone. Enjoying your videos for few weeks already, and looking forward to the new ones. Stay safe, stay positive and happy. God bless you. I cry for the suffering people in Ukraine, praying the war to end! 💙💛🙏
Hey dude I'm a student from hungary, first of all, keep strong, I hope you'll be able to go back to your flat as soon as possible. Second, don't use those atms they are scams, just use an OTP or literally any other one. I whish you the best! Keep strong!
Why the hell would anyone want to work in a low-wage job in San Francisco? If this guy is willing to live in Ukraine you'd think he'd be ok with living in some really cheap yet safe city like Wichita, Kansas.
@@verdensrike9381 They should NEVER have ruled out a no-fly-zone regardless of it triggering a bigger war. Why show your enemy your hand? The West is no match for Putin's ruthlessness and his poker face. Sad.
If you don't like Budapest and have problems with sim cards etc.etc.why don't you go somewere else??? Are you hoping to go back to your apatments if and when the war is over? That will be a shock because you'll be surrounded by devastation. Johnny we all like you and respect you but please stop complainig and just be happy you got away from that disaster. xo
This video is absolutely disgusting. It's all about ranting, degrading everything and "Easterneuroping" as much as possible. It's one of the most impolite things to go to a country to despise it and point out its real or supposed flaws. It's especially tasteless when you do it with a country you fled to from war.
@Frederik lmaoo, are we talking ab the same "westerns" everyone asks for help when they are In need? Johnny D might be a bad example of the US. But let's not pretend like everyone doesn't beg us for help and then try to blame us for everything that goes wrong in their country. Your pathetic, go take a look In the mirror and man up If we are so crappy then why depend on us so much? Haven't yall figured it out in the last 100 years? Gosh, it's getting old. I don't get why all these other countries haven't figured it out yet.
@Frederik there's no time for ignorance, you said what you said. Own it. I find it odd, everyone wants to blame the "westerns" for everything, but then they wanna beg for the "westerns" help. You can't have it both ways.
Tough week! You don't know what tough is. Maybe you should start watching more news coverage so that you are better informed of the atrocities being inflicted on Ukraine. You still seem to be in a parallel universe.
News coverage? Intelligent Johnny is above news coverage. He's better than news coverage. He's a better journalist than mainstream media journalist. Western media is all biased. Johnny media is 100% unbiased.
Bald is going to ghost Johnny FD at some point. Johnny FD never has anything interesting or insightful to say. He rambles endlessly, makes jabs at America while stamping that U.S. passport, typically has something negative to say about every place he visits besides when it comes to the food & women. Bald has clearly lost his patience with this perverted glutton.
I’m part Hungarian and I only visited Budapest once,a beautiful city and nice people. my grandma used to cook those Hungarian dishes you see in the beginning of the video.I miss goulash and nokedli! Peace to Ukraine! 🙏
I agree. Bare minimum I'd say 3+ months. Ukraine has a high likelihood of becoming Russian occupied from now on if other countries dont get involved. Also keep in mind if Russia is allowed to get away with this it will only embolden other acts similar to this around the world and by other countries. This is just the start.
Most of the fancy stuff, buildings, statues etc were built at the end of the 19th century to mark the 1000th anniversary of Hungary. And you guys did spot it, Hungary was indeed at the top of its game at the time.
During this time of prosperity, cultural blooming and rapid industrialization the Hungarians thought, they would do even better without Austria and the Habsburgs. History has shown, that the opposite was true. But they still won't admit that.
Hows it not going to be years at this point? Pray for what? A miracle that God rebuilds everything in weeks? Come on dude wake up man. Wild how the perception is so different there
@Johnny FD ok so they leave and now what? Go back and just go back to life? Life as anyone there knew it, is already years down the road if the Russians leave today. Im sorry Johnny. I will do my part to help. I promise I will. This is a disaster that will be felt for a long long time. We will all help and make it through this.
I love Hungarian food, never been to Budapest or the greater area but I'd love to at some point. I know you're so stressed man, I really hope your home and investments will be relatively unscathed once its safe to return. I'm helping logistically as much as I can with support and volunteer efforts there. Slava Ukraini.
9:15 You don't need to tell us that you aren't going to take up the place of actual refugees, that's supposed to be a given. "I'm sure there's a lot of people in my situation that would take it anyways, but, I'm not going to do it." You don't need to constantly try and remind people that you are a good person, the fact that you do it so naturally and consistently says a lot about you. But then again, why should I expect more from a guy who's idea of fighting for his country is getting a photo-op with an AK.
Lots of comments deriding Johnny for not staying, but killing people is a hell of a thing to do. Unless you're a hundred percent committed to the cause it's better for yourself and for Ukraine to not hang around.
I’m so sorry to see Bald leaving. I’ll miss his commentary on everything. His history lessons are part of the reason I watch his videos. Don’t stay gone too long Mr Bald.
Bald too inteligent and also he very careful - his oppinion between loyal supportrs of Ukraine isn't welcom and he know truth. He know real reason why Russia bombing Ukraine and its NATO equipment. Unlikely many here blind sheep's 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 followers of New World Order despits. Slawa Russia 🇷🇺
Nice to see Mr. Bald ✌ I know thousands of innocent people and children have lost their lives in ukraine including russian soldiers and I cry almost everyday when I think about the situation and I know its really bad. I don't have any friends and I don't know anybody in russia or ukraine but I hope russia and ukraine knows the world loves them all and I send my special love and best wishes to russia and ukraine all the way from Trinidad and Tobago 🇹🇹.
I'm glad that you're safe in here, you're lucky to get a flat at the centre! 1 tip:NEVER use the dark blue ATM like, never! They have awful conversation rates. Try a proper bank like Otp or Raifaisen instead!
Well, now you know why your properties were such a steal, as we say in real estate “location, location, location.” Why don’t you go volunteer somewhere with refugees or take someone in to your Airbnb since you said you were not experienced enough to stay and help defend “your city.”
The Hryvnia is worth about 3 cents to a USD today. I can understand why these places in Budapest won't exchange them. There is no guarantee that the currency will even exist in a few months.
Johnny FD .. I have to ask, what type of cheese do you serve with your whine about "escaping" Ukraine ? It must be real tough for you to walk the streets knowing that there are fellow countrymen and women dying back home under the pressure of the invasion ..
Curious what happens with a home in a war zone.. like you still gotta pay the bank note if its blow up, do you lose it if another country steals the land?
Hello! Have a great time while going through these cities. I do not know that you have some specific sights that you definitely want to visit or you haven't, but there are some very impressive statues in the Buda side of Budapest, near Mathias's Castle which had built in Catholic style, (may contains some ortodox aspects) and the Pest side contains some well placed, hidden mosaics from the soviet era. Worth to take a look at these architecturally diverse things.
I always knew that Bald would be going on an 'secret operative mission' I think we all know what that means. Good luck Bald and stay safe. Johnny, please have a break and look after your mental health. We are all behind the both of you.
Your videos from escaping from Ukraine, through here, are the first times I've seen Ben looking genuinely exhausted, stressed and unable to muster his usual lust for life. What an awful situation you showed to the world in an honest way, unencumbered by the attention drawn to a large film crew.
@@stevemcgowen I’m American and I complain about America but I don’t hate it. Its my home, and I care deeply for it. If a place is your home it’s better to criticize it to make it better than just to pretend it’s perfect like a lot of the hyper nationalists do.
@@mzple true god point. Just a awful long way to fly means he’s already safe enough. Each to their own I suppose. Some people would go home, some people are happy being on the move.
Actually the symbol at 5:22 is the symbol of miners, that’s the reason why it remained there. The stalinist coat of arms was a hammer and an ear of wheat crossed.
“Conversation” between Johnny and the volunteer interpreter starting around 25.53: Volunteer (in Ukrainian): “Треба да помогать людям” (“We need to help people”) Johnny (in English): “I don’t speak Hungarian” Volunteer (in English): “Russian?” Johnny (in broken Russian): “По руский чуть чуть, да“ (“In Russian little bit, yes”) Volunteer (in Russian): “Hадо людям помогать” (“need to help people”) Johnny (in broken Russian/gibberish): “Я …unintelligible… не надо, спасибо” (“I …unintelligible… no need, thanks”) The look on the young lady’s face, priceless!!! Edited. Thanks PobedaV
@@AltsekBUL My hearing is shot and I don't even claim to speak Ukrainian, so I am happy to accept you correction, especially as it makes more sense with the subsequent Russian sentence. The only words I could hear clearly were "tреба" and "людям".
Johnny boy....."tough week"?....sitting in pub, eating, drinking....all well others are fighting or helping with whatever they can....I know you will edit this comment, and that is is not directed at anyone else but you. Wake up buddy! Either you are in or you are out.
Johnny- don’t you have any compassion for Ukraine and Ukrainian people which you, presumably, love so much? Showing off your good life in a safety of Budapest at a time when Ukraine is fighting for its mere existence is simply immoral.
@@bluebottlecoffeeaddict6529 about “taking handouts from the people”: not sure what you have meant, but if you have meant Ukrainian refugees taking support money from western countries, those are the people who have lost everything and only a person without a heart can state something like that.
@9:09 Sadly I don't think Kyiv will be a place to return to in "a few days or a few months". You may want to find a longer term living situation because AirBNB's are way too expensive if you are going to need to stay 1-2 years. You could head to Chiang Mai for the time being to keep your cash burn rate down.
To see people helping the Ukrainians with supplies and a warm place to stay seriously gave me tears. God bless all who are helping and God bless Ukraine.
@They are not Ukrainians or soldiers, they are foreign nationals and have every right to evacuate. They can also support the war far better using journalism and their influence than picking up an AK.
I've been following you since you featured in one of Bald's vids. That is just a simple observation and a view point. I hope you can take some criticism, my point is not to insult you. So, Johnny, you remind me of Beavis with that awkward laughter, get it - "uhuh-uhuhuh", especially when you do it around the protesters and refugees. Some of your statements are rather dull or inappropriate and you say nice things, but you really give the impression that all you care about is your business in UA. You are kinda phoney is what I'm saying, you leave that impression. God bless and take care :D
Marc. I don't understand him and why he left his new home, a country he says he loves, up and leave? Then post his video with Ben laughing and eating like kings.. well, it bugged me seeing that. Bad taste in my eyes.
@@andrewpetrie5265 Well, he looks like he just wants to live his life in peace and not get caught up in a war. He's lived in several countries. Why doesn't he get involved in all those other countries' politics? There looks like a ton of fighting age Ukranian men fleeig their own country too if you watch Johnny and Bald's videos. There's no one stopping you from going to Ukraine yourself and defending it.
Half-ass take free residence Johnny. Moderation is key. I've been well off, and homeless. Everyone is 1 paycheck away from losing it all. Don't be stubborn.
I am so impressed with the outpouring of help the Hungarian and Polish people are giving to Ukrainian refugees! My fiance is in Poland and they have been so kind and helpful and they told her she can stay as long as she needs to stay! SLAVA UKRAINI!!!
@@Magyar9Andras Of course not every Polish and Hungarian man, woman and child has been or has a family member that has been brutalized by Russians! I am 66, I remember it well!
Things are rapidly changing and you were left behind a bit. There has been a visible surge of support among the Russian population for pr putin, looks like most of them feel they are with their back against the wall and won't cave in. About 70/ are pro war and putin. They are literally out of their head like the Germans were at the end of the 30 last century.
@@Paul14Joseph88Goebbels I wish I could be this optimistic. The major advantage of the Ukranians over Putin and his Russia is they are fighting in their territory for their land. Their fighting spirits are at the peak. But i wouldn't underestimate Putin and his army too. They do have more in store including ballistic rockets and special forces ready to move in. Besides, this "new tsar" has certain plans to mobilize the police forces and so called "volunteers". I'm afraid he's ready to go to the end, being so compromised before the world, and his fumbling with his nuke button recently has showed it quite vividly. My forecast is this war isn't going to stop overnight and the Ukranians will need much more stamina and military power to boot to fight the Russians back to its borders.
@@Paul14Joseph88Goebbels where did you get them numbers? All UA, Western and RU sources report RU outnumbers UA in every field. The Ukranians themselves running them patriotic fakes admit they are no equal match to the Russians. Manpower, land and air, and the sea too are out of proportion and not to be compared. One of your mistakes I guess, UA as a part of the USSR "has had". But it was in a rather pathetic condition right after that. Though having said this, we see that things aren't going the way they were presumed to go - the Russians are bogged down on the outskirts of Ukraine unable to advance, Putin is hiring "volunteers" definitely running out of manpower, Russian economy is taking a drop-dead blow... Right, we'll see what happens next. Though I'm afraid it's a long story and thousands of civilians will be killed, houses destroyed, new refugees created... A similar picture with the Russian economy too... What for? Looks like the stupidest "war plan" on behalf of Putin.
I used to love watching you guys especially Bald , but sorry to say i've lost total respect for Ben after the train escapade leaving Ukraine , staying there just a day and taking the space of a genuine Ukranian who was desperate to get out ......
The fan base isn't split down the middle but I'm in the camp wondering why they left Ukraine because they can't make any other videos right now that would have been as captivating as something filmed outside international mainstream media.
Johnny, it is astonishing that you are such an experienced traveller and still go to money exchange in a wrong places. Honestly as people said below, use OTP bank atm machine, do not worry about the money exchange as they will give you the WORST EXCHANGE RATE EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD, not just in Hungary. About the infrastructure and do not think it is worst then in any cities you lived in Ukraine. In comparison of Austria yes, all worst but with Czechia not so. Also you are there in the wrong season, believe me this places would look nicer during the spring and summer. Same thing you would experience if you would go to any park in Stockholm, or Oslo in the same period of time. All grey and dark. This is winter for us, i guess it was the same in Ukraine too. About the refugees, well as people mentioned you are very very lucky as lots of them have no access to such a resources than you. Also the guy did not say anything in Hungarian at the end..sounded like more slovakian language really. Enjoy your time there are lots to do and stop annoying the red cross workers as believe me they are rather busy helping people and not keen to be on cameras. Perhaps you should try some of the thermal spas with nice massage to rest you a bit :-)
Dude don’t post videos of yourself, starting out in a fancy restaurant, while your “friends” in Ukraine are dying right now. But hey, as long as you make some money right??
Budapest is one of my fav cities, I've lived there for a bit and only a 2-3hr train ride away from Vienna. You can try rent through real-estate agencies on a monthly basis rather than airbnb and it would be much cheaper if you decide to stay longer.
In a prior post he talked about how he's traveled on a budget,knew where he could go for affordable spots & he knows about Real Estate he had just bought 2 places in Ukraine,so it's not new but so nice ppl are trying to help him..... ✌
A lot of beautiful ladies of the night as well 😉
The sign says Attention, danger of collapse, park and walk across here at your own risk
The symbol is not the Communist Party symbol, it is the simbol of miners.
If you need anyone to help you with everyday stuff or with translations, feel free to contact me.
I live in Hungary. Outside of Budapest. For me it's a fascinating city full of charm history and gobsmacking architecture. Hope you can get to visit its most significant spots.
How do you find the language?
@@davethebrahman9870 I am Hungarian. For me it’s easy. :D
@@davethebrahman9870 in 5 years I've learnt enough to get me either in or out of trouble. I guess I haven't really needed it since all my relations speak decent English.
@@RodGibsonAcousticGuitar Seems pretty hard to me, but I’ve never really tried. I think that’s because it isn’t Indo-European.
“Gobsmacking” damn
It's Bald's ability to see the beauty in everything that sets him apart from a lot of UA-camrs. Always positive, very knowledgeable, appreciative and has an almost child like excitement regarding wherever he's exploring. B&B is IMO one of the best UA-camrs out there, love seeing his perspective on wherever he's at, like a breath of fresh air, cheers.
@@lutomson3496 she is belarussian I believe :)
agreed. the contrast between Bald's knowledge and generosity versus JD's crude asinine comments and his INABILITY to connect with locals is blatantly obvious
@@lutomson3496 as a man with a family your only obligation in life is to protect your family!! So if your family is not there then neither should you!!
Hi there Johnny for the love of me I can’t understand why you did not stay and fight , you have been going on about how the is your home and you love the place , I no if it was me I would stay and fight , can’t believe you walked away
For the same reason he left America, because he could.
And you do realize that if there was a no fly zone over Ukraine that NATO would be forced to start a war with Russia, a nuclear power?? Get some facts dude.
So what? We can take them
@@rubenlopez3364 true but scary
@Ruben Lopez yes!!! Let's close airspace and shoot them out!
But also give your home address so when the first tactical nuke drops they know where first!
You can tell Johnny has retained a pinch of entitled American valley girl attitude.
Bay area.
@@westho7314 😂
johnny, you're a tourist, not a refugee. and don't be afraid to fly the USA flag, you do travel well on a US passport. my country's House of Representatives passed 15$ billion in aid for Ukraine.
The women aren’t as desperate in Hungary, guys.
The wait will be worth it because they'll go back to Ukraine once it's destroyed. They can exploit women for very cheap, just as they prefer.
What you mean by that?
I know I should’ve been more cynical but I honestly used to feel Johnny was sincere and not just another vlogger trying to play make believe in search of clicks and views.
I was wrong…
Other Ukrainians are doing the same thing on youtube. They all just lost everything. What else do you expect them to do when they don't have a home or a job to go back to?
@@junjae. I can only speak to Johnny’s videos because I’ve followed him for awhile and watched all of his videos but at the end of the day. I don’t fault him for leaving, I don’t fault him for trying to live his life, but I do feel much of what he’s said over the last few videos have been very disingenuous and his biases and anti-west rhetoric have really been on display.
Being over cynical can be just as damaging it can skew your sense in reality and stop you from seeing the good in people. But in this guys case a degree of a degree of cynicism is well justified. But the warning signs were there an I include here Bald as well. They’re just glorified poverty and cheap sex “safari tourists”
“The only difference between you and a refugee is luck.” I was a refugee from Bosnia in the 90’s. All I can say is that their lives will never be the same, but you push through it and keep going. I wish I can talk to some of them, help in some way, as I have been through it. Slava Ukraini💙💛
Slava Ukraini!
Slava Ukraini! And Allah bless the Bosnian refugees.
@@laiks5485 hrvatska*
Same for the people of Donbas since 2014 and other 10k+ Russian who died in Ukraine... But no1 care about that. 🇷🇺 Now you care of Ukrainians because you've been told to. I'm sick of virtue signalling.
@@hotsince84 how could russian citizens died in Donbas if Ukraine doesn't allow dual-citizenship?
Just total indifference to the fact thousands are dying in Ukraine. Shocking
Hypocrite. Check out curent war in Yemen. And thank US for war in both Yemen and ukraine
I love Budapest. Everytime i visit it i have an amazing time!
Videos of food while your home is at war... i dk
which woman and child did you force off the train so you could run.
You really don't know why no fly zone isn't happening? Disappointing, Johnny.
He knows his just a sock puppet for WW3 and getting more Ukraine civilians killed
Do you believe anything Putin boy says?
He's gonna do whatever he's gonna do no matter what anybody else does or doesn't do.
Jesus Christ, he's already slaughtering unarmed women and children!
He needs to be taken out from within his trusted klan
A bounty on his head needs to be imposed! NOW!.
The US should offer US citizenship and a nice ranch in Montana for his head.
The man is not the brightest. This should be strikingly obvious if you have watched more than one video. His political comments are accidental comedy gold
He is a simpleton. Now that Bald left, I am out. Returning from the US after Americans were told to leave, and taking a seat away from a woman or child when he didn't have a ticket tells me all I need to know about this reprehensible person.
@@rachelpartridge5100 Just hope he's got home insurance for his " investments " in Ukraine...
i was in budapest when i was 15 , im now 38 and still have fund memories of it. glad that you guys are safe, ive been looking out for footage regulary . just to see if u guys where okay.
I highly recommend you go ahead and settle down somewhere for at least 6 months. Even if the war does end soon, it's going to take a while for them to clean up/repair the war zone. Start looking at some apartments for long term renting, preferably with a 6 month lease. I wish you all the best and as always, Слава Україні!
Exuse me? For them?
@O R thank you for an explanation, Im from Ukraine, from Kyiv. After end of a war we are going to do this together. Im not going to wait for somebody to clean up my city, Im going to do it myself. This is actually triggered me.
@@Margo-uu5mx i love Kyiv and i will also come to help
@@Margo-uu5mx what? a simple use of words "for them" doesnt mean that someone will do it for them. It means it will take a while to them - Ukrainians - to fix it. Learn English before you get mad at/triggered by ppl who actually sympathize with you.
@@bobzeepl In a comment was said that Johnny should stay abroad longer, because it will take time for us in Ukraine to put things in order and clear everything. This is not how it works for us. You can't just wait and come when everything is clean and ready. You need to do it yourself. My english is probably not perfect, but you, in return, don't quite understand the difference between the American and Ukrainian mentality.
Jonny ran away from Ukraine , scared to fight back . Chengiz Khan ghost would have been ashamed to tell Jonny is from the country of chengiz Khan.
That’s easy for you to say keyboard warrior🙄
He’s Mongolian?
It's kinda cringe watching this guy touring around, living it up, when people are dying in the country he just left.
True, if people in the world are suffering, it is fucked up to live it up and enjoy yourself while others are in pain. Thats why i have been cutting myself for the past 20 years because of all the kids dying in africa. I cannot bring myself to live with joy whilethe others die.
@@Cody--- dumb question
@@MrTruthAddict are you aware of what's happening in Yemen?
@@Cody--- why, was he traveling in Yemen?
Johnny is like “I didn’t like Budapest before, but it’s a hell of a lot better than being in Kiev right now.”
Give them a break. Comments say it’s been a tough week fleeing Ukraine both are under tremendous stress. Clearly they didn’t want to leave especially Johnny he has investment properties in Kiev and Kharkiv. He could lose them if they are bombed. Doubt insurance insurance will cover that. Other countries don’t even want his money because it is so unstable and there is good chance the ruble will be the new currency.
@@stevemcgowen Well, neither he nor Bald are professional soldier's and would probably just get in the way tbh. Neither are very "tough" or in great shape for war, come on now. They're both UA-cam travelers, and Johnny is a a business type person, real estate, online sales, etc. It's a personal decision each person has to make. Nobody should be badmouthing him at all. Remember after all, he is an American, not Ukrainian-born you know.
@@stevemcgowen ha ha for sure. what's that stupid flag above his head? johnny travels well on a US passport but hates his own country. tsk tsk
@@carltheflpatriot6933 if he was a US citizen, then what's the flag above his head?
@@stevemcgowen A real warlord knows when to fight and when to retreat.
Johnny show some class. You obviously know how bad things are in Ukraine and yet here you are posting videos of your life of ease in Budapest. Show some sensitivity to the Ukrainians. Now is not the time to be posting videos of you eating well in a restaurant. You're cashing in on the miserable situation in Ukraine. Hopefully you have enough sense to be sending your proceeds from these videos back to the people of Ukraine (who you supposedly love so much).
Not being rude and something but when he does like show some sensitivity ppl in cmnt section go crazy saying that how he is taking advantage of Ukraine's condition and stuff which tbh doesn't make any sense and if he does the situation is literally the opposite like u just cmnted
He’s a real JO
war shows true colors. and his are wide open for the world to see now. hope this guys looses alot of subs over this. cant imagine someone supporting this guy anymore. its ok to not fight, what not ok is to berate locals, berate your fans, and stand on your pedestal like "im too important to die" We all die eventually Johnny, just some of us will be on our feet when we do. dont make anymore videos for awhile for real. @
What are you doing for ukraine? Why don't you go there to fight the russians?
Now is not the time to be making videos about your pigs in the blanket
Or what ever you are eating in Hungary.(or what ever you are eating) Bro Go Back Home to be with your family. Or take abreak from making videos.
I think its very disrespectful to the Ukraine and her people
@@markpiotrowski8570 hes an outsider tho, a traveler, a youtuber, hes not a soldier, his alligence is not to ukraine, if anytjing johnny did more than you just by documenting what happened and interviewing people
@@markpiotrowski8570 for example, if you are polish and you go to nyc america to travel, war breaks out in nyc, you wouldnt owe america anything and is free to live your life and try some pizza
@@35Colorado expense? what expense?
15:30 that woman showing you her street in Ukraine. Man I wish you would have let her finish speaking, she wanted to express herself bud.
Hello. Just wish to thank you very very much, for the video. It is exciting to see Budapest trough your eyes. I am Hungarian, living in Canada for many years. Happy to see the both of you made it from the war zone. Enjoying your videos for few weeks already, and looking forward to the new ones. Stay safe, stay positive and happy. God bless you. I cry for the suffering people in Ukraine, praying the war to end! 💙💛🙏
"Please exchange your money in Ukraine before you escape the war"
A person from the dumpster fire of SF where you have to walk over feces on the sidewalks criticizing the cleanliness of Budapest 🤭🥺
yeah ,moneymaker hope ukraine doesnt welcome you back,another rich US citizen
Hey dude I'm a student from hungary, first of all, keep strong, I hope you'll be able to go back to your flat as soon as possible. Second, don't use those atms they are scams, just use an OTP or literally any other one. I whish you the best! Keep strong!
here's a pointer when watching Johnny FD - mute the audio
Better pointer would be to turn off your brain. Because almost anything he spews is utter garbage.
Johnny, it's not too late to enroll in the nursing or dental assistant program at City College of San Francisco.
Explain the context?
It’s not impacted ?
He doesn’t want to be a debt slave for the next 30 years. College in America is nothing short of extortion.
Why the hell would anyone want to work in a low-wage job in San Francisco? If this guy is willing to live in Ukraine you'd think he'd be ok with living in some really cheap yet safe city like Wichita, Kansas.
A no fly zone would start a war with NATO and possibly a world war with nukes. Look into what a no fly zone actually means.
NATO rejected the Idea of No fly zone. I can only imagine Russia to use Nuke against Ukraine, but I really hope they won't use it.
@@verdensrike9381 They should NEVER have ruled out a no-fly-zone regardless of it triggering a bigger war. Why show your enemy your hand? The West is no match for Putin's ruthlessness and his poker face. Sad.
Taking refugee help and than going into Italians restaurant in Budapest..... Such a western think to do.
If you don't like Budapest and have problems with sim cards etc.etc.why don't you go somewere else??? Are you hoping to go back to your apatments if and when the war is over? That will be a shock because you'll be surrounded by devastation. Johnny we all like you and respect you but please stop complainig and just be happy you got away from that disaster. xo
This video is absolutely disgusting. It's all about ranting, degrading everything and "Easterneuroping" as much as possible. It's one of the most impolite things to go to a country to despise it and point out its real or supposed flaws. It's especially tasteless when you do it with a country you fled to from war.
It's because johnny is a Todd from the u.s he really is atrocious
Westerns unfortunately they do it all the time.
They are arrogant and they think they are above every one. "Superior"
@Frederik lmaoo, are we talking ab the same "westerns" everyone asks for help when they are In need? Johnny D might be a bad example of the US. But let's not pretend like everyone doesn't beg us for help and then try to blame us for everything that goes wrong in their country. Your pathetic, go take a look In the mirror and man up
If we are so crappy then why depend on us so much? Haven't yall figured it out in the last 100 years? Gosh, it's getting old. I don't get why all these other countries haven't figured it out yet.
@@jasonlo8780 lol don't twist my words.
There is no time for arrogance.
@Frederik there's no time for ignorance, you said what you said. Own it. I find it odd, everyone wants to blame the "westerns" for everything, but then they wanna beg for the "westerns" help. You can't have it both ways.
Bald has such a unique way of looking at and describing things.
100% Fergal - that's partly why he's such a legend and has nearly 4 million followers
Pure passion for the subject matter, so it just flows out. 🤟
It is the good old "soviet filter".
Tough week! You don't know what tough is. Maybe you should start watching more news coverage so that you are better informed of the atrocities being inflicted on Ukraine. You still seem to be in a parallel universe.
News coverage? Intelligent Johnny is above news coverage. He's better than news coverage. He's a better journalist than mainstream media journalist. Western media is all biased. Johnny media is 100% unbiased.
Bald seems annoyed to be in Johnny's videos lately.
Bald is going to ghost Johnny FD at some point. Johnny FD never has anything interesting or insightful to say. He rambles endlessly, makes jabs at America while stamping that U.S. passport, typically has something negative to say about every place he visits besides when it comes to the food & women. Bald has clearly lost his patience with this perverted glutton.
@@anyone3128 You'd be surprised to learn what a pervert Bald himself is.
@@badbadrobotrobot959 care to elaborate?
I’m part Hungarian and I only visited Budapest once,a beautiful city and nice people.
my grandma used to cook those Hungarian dishes you see in the beginning of the video.I miss goulash and nokedli!
Peace to Ukraine! 🙏
Gyere haza főzök neked bármit!
This war is going to last a while. Kyiv will not be the same city after this with what`s happening there.
I agree. Bare minimum I'd say 3+ months. Ukraine has a high likelihood of becoming Russian occupied from now on if other countries dont get involved. Also keep in mind if Russia is allowed to get away with this it will only embolden other acts similar to this around the world and by other countries. This is just the start.
Budapest is a beautifull city. I have been there several times and for me is the most beautiful city in Europe.
I just watch Johnny FD to see Bald...sorry!!!
Most of the fancy stuff, buildings, statues etc were built at the end of the 19th century to mark the 1000th anniversary of Hungary. And you guys did spot it, Hungary was indeed at the top of its game at the time.
I would say Budapest, Prague and Vienna are similar in a way.
During this time of prosperity, cultural blooming and rapid industrialization the Hungarians thought, they would do even better without Austria and the Habsburgs. History has shown, that the opposite was true. But they still won't admit that.
it was fancy because of the Hapsburg’s, now they can’t manage the infrastructure themselves…
Hows it not going to be years at this point? Pray for what? A miracle that God rebuilds everything in weeks? Come on dude wake up man. Wild how the perception is so different there
Not rebuilds. We pray that Russia leaves Ukraine. We can rebuild, regardless how long it takes.
@Johnny FD ok so they leave and now what? Go back and just go back to life? Life as anyone there knew it, is already years down the road if the Russians leave today. Im sorry Johnny. I will do my part to help. I promise I will. This is a disaster that will be felt for a long long time. We will all help and make it through this.
I love Hungarian food, never been to Budapest or the greater area but I'd love to at some point. I know you're so stressed man, I really hope your home and investments will be relatively unscathed once its safe to return. I'm helping logistically as much as I can with support and volunteer efforts there. Slava Ukraini.
9:15 You don't need to tell us that you aren't going to take up the place of actual refugees, that's supposed to be a given. "I'm sure there's a lot of people in my situation that would take it anyways, but, I'm not going to do it." You don't need to constantly try and remind people that you are a good person, the fact that you do it so naturally and consistently says a lot about you. But then again, why should I expect more from a guy who's idea of fighting for his country is getting a photo-op with an AK.
So happy you guys made it out. Just look at the footage coming out now, made the right choice!
Lots of comments deriding Johnny for not staying, but killing people is a hell of a thing to do. Unless you're a hundred percent committed to the cause it's better for yourself and for Ukraine to not hang around.
@@Rughead12319 Yeah, he's a bit tone deaf for sure. Could use some lessons in tact from Bald.
@@Rughead12319 Death is good, they will go to Jannah, Alhamdulillah
At 5:30 It is not a soviet/communist symbol, it is the coat of arms of miners.
I’m so sorry to see Bald leaving. I’ll miss his commentary on everything. His history lessons are part of the reason I watch his videos. Don’t stay gone too long Mr Bald.
Bald too inteligent and also he very careful - his oppinion between loyal supportrs of Ukraine isn't welcom and he know truth. He know real reason why Russia bombing Ukraine and its NATO equipment. Unlikely many here blind sheep's 🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑🐑 followers of New World Order despits. Slawa Russia 🇷🇺
His videos are coming to an end. He's decided to move onto something else and has moved to Prague.
@Carmine Licavoli He said in a podcast that he's retiring from UA-cam and moving onto something else. I can't remember what it was.
@Carmine Licavoli Whereabouts is the UA-cam version? The only one I listened to was an audio recording.
Nice to see Mr. Bald ✌
I know thousands of innocent people and children have lost their lives in ukraine including russian soldiers and I cry almost everyday when I think about the situation and I know its really bad.
I don't have any friends and I don't know anybody in russia or ukraine but I hope russia and ukraine knows the world loves them all and I send my special love and best wishes to russia and ukraine all the way from Trinidad and Tobago 🇹🇹.
Randy Neil cmon we all know you dont cry. Stop chasing likes
Wahhhhhhhh 😭
How do you know thousands of civilians have died? (source).
you leave your country instead of defending.....there is a name for such man!!!!!
You cant ask them to die there. I would be among the first ones to leave if some country attacked Hungary
I'm glad that you're safe in here, you're lucky to get a flat at the centre!
1 tip:NEVER use the dark blue ATM like, never!
They have awful conversation rates. Try a proper bank like Otp or Raifaisen instead!
Half the viewers left the video around @2:22
No wait a minute........ oh yes @5:55 for sure!
Well, now you know why your properties were such a steal, as we say in real estate “location, location, location.” Why don’t you go volunteer somewhere with refugees or take someone in to your Airbnb since you said you were not experienced enough to stay and help defend “your city.”
The Hryvnia is worth about 3 cents to a USD today. I can understand why these places in Budapest won't exchange them. There is no guarantee that the currency will even exist in a few months.
Johnny FD .. I have to ask, what type of cheese do you serve with your whine about "escaping" Ukraine ? It must be real tough for you to walk the streets knowing that there are fellow countrymen and women dying back home under the pressure of the invasion ..
Great video. I hear your tough breathing whenever you are recording. I hope you are in good shape and in good health.
Check out these brave men....that left women and children to fend for themselves in Ukraine as they ran for the border.
Curious what happens with a home in a war zone.. like you still gotta pay the bank note if its blow up, do you lose it if another country steals the land?
Bald had Johnny's apartment flown out of Ukraine with an old Soviet zeppelin.
@@discojoe3 putin issued a pardon for Johnnys services to babushkas
I also have wondered the same thing. Can't imagine having to pay a mortgage, when ure home has been blown up
Force Majeure clause excusing him of his obligation?
@@stevemcgowen JD bought both his apartments with cash.
Why didn't you stay and fight in Ukraine ? In there hour of need you run away ,i hope they don't let you back in Ukraine ever again
This guy just can't keep Ukraine out of his titles and will do anything for a view click or like
I'm struggling to support you both now. Conflicted. You're not really in any real trouble.
I hope you bald and any other you tuber are not making a cent out of any of theses Ukraine videos and if if you are sort yourself out guys
seeing able bodied men enjoying themselves while the country they were in is being destroyed is "enlightening" to their character. wow. just wow.
So they shouldn't eat? You can go volunteer to fight if you care so much.
That dude is a racist so no surprise there…
Budapest is my favorite European city. Better than Prague or Paris.
I'll be doing the Prague-viennabudapest route next week! Super stoked to see this city.
Hello! Have a great time while going through these cities. I do not know that you have some specific sights that you definitely want to visit or you haven't, but there are some very impressive statues in the Buda side of Budapest, near Mathias's Castle which had built in Catholic style, (may contains some ortodox aspects) and the Pest side contains some well placed, hidden mosaics from the soviet era. Worth to take a look at these architecturally diverse things.
I did Prague- BRatislava- Vienna- BUdapest trip twice and loved it
@@saltypatriot4181 haha skoda have come a long way
I always knew that Bald would be going on an 'secret operative mission' I think we all know what that means. Good luck Bald and stay safe.
Johnny, please have a break and look after your mental health. We are all behind the both of you.
Bald is trying to get as far away from nutjob Johnny and his "No filter" patronizing comments.
3:04 It's actually a hospital
11:14 It is Hungary.. I feel sorry for all the foreigners
28:17 That's called the Church of St. Margaret
For all those years I was nodding Bald to come to Hungary... and took WW3 for Him to come... daaaaaamn.
Your videos from escaping from Ukraine, through here, are the first times I've seen Ben looking genuinely exhausted, stressed and unable to muster his usual lust for life. What an awful situation you showed to the world in an honest way, unencumbered by the attention drawn to a large film crew.
Happy to see you smiling, even though I know you are carrying a lot of emotions right now. Stay safe.
He’s crying on the inside. He Lost 2 apartments Many Ukrainians lost a lot more and many never had much to begin with.
@@Mr99Burns he will get them back
Honestly, you could always wait this out in the US.
Well he seems pretty safe where he Is so why fly all the way back home?
@@stevemcgowen well the politics in us i understand why he hates it 😁 he sid he dont hate america just the goverment 😛 so yeah
@@matty6848 His family is there so he could stay with them, after a traumatic experience like that I would probably do that.
@@stevemcgowen I’m American and I complain about America but I don’t hate it. Its my home, and I care deeply for it. If a place is your home it’s better to criticize it to make it better than just to pretend it’s perfect like a lot of the hyper nationalists do.
@@mzple true god point. Just a awful long way to fly means he’s already safe enough. Each to their own I suppose. Some people would go home, some people are happy being on the move.
Actually the symbol at 5:22 is the symbol of miners, that’s the reason why it remained there.
The stalinist coat of arms was a hammer and an ear of wheat crossed.
So relieved you are ok and that you and Bald could leave together. I like to see and hear what the locals are saying.
You should stop posting anything political. You have no idea what you are talking about and are still in denial about what is happening.
“Conversation” between Johnny and the volunteer interpreter starting around 25.53:
Volunteer (in Ukrainian): “Треба да помогать людям” (“We need to help people”)
Johnny (in English): “I don’t speak Hungarian”
Volunteer (in English): “Russian?”
Johnny (in broken Russian): “По руский чуть чуть, да“ (“In Russian little bit, yes”)
Volunteer (in Russian): “Hадо людям помогать” (“need to help people”)
Johnny (in broken Russian/gibberish): “Я …unintelligible… не надо, спасибо” (“I …unintelligible… no need, thanks”)
The look on the young lady’s face, priceless!!!
Edited. Thanks PobedaV
no, the translator first says - Треба да помогать людям - Not document people, to help people
@@AltsekBUL My hearing is shot and I don't even claim to speak Ukrainian, so I am happy to accept you correction, especially as it makes more sense with the subsequent Russian sentence. The only words I could hear clearly were "tреба" and "людям".
Hey Johnny. I found your channel through Bald and Bankrupt UA-cam. Thank you for posting these videos. Off topic, I really like your jacket.
Not sure what to think, you buy an apartment there but then when push came to shove you left
Johnny boy....."tough week"?....sitting in pub, eating, drinking....all well others are fighting or helping with whatever they can....I know you will edit this comment, and that is is not directed at anyone else but you. Wake up buddy! Either you are in or you are out.
Lol this guy could just go back to cali. Who is he fooling?
If I was traveling all over Europe my last option would go back to the human garbage filled streets of California
Johnny- don’t you have any compassion for Ukraine and Ukrainian people which you, presumably, love so much? Showing off your good life in a safety of Budapest at a time when Ukraine is fighting for its mere existence is simply immoral.
@@bluebottlecoffeeaddict6529 about “taking handouts from the people”: not sure what you have meant, but if you have meant Ukrainian refugees taking support money from western countries, those are the people who have lost everything and only a person without a heart can state something like that.
@@bluebottlecoffeeaddict6529 when real shit happening every vloggers disappeared.. 😏
Bingo! I thought he would fight for his NEW HOMELAND. He bad mouth America and said ukraine was his newhome.
Ah faker all the other people in wars you wasnt interested now moral kicking
@@bluebottlecoffeeaddict6529 YES ! I WILL ....
@9:09 Sadly I don't think Kyiv will be a place to return to in "a few days or a few months". You may want to find a longer term living situation because AirBNB's are way too expensive if you are going to need to stay 1-2 years. You could head to Chiang Mai for the time being to keep your cash burn rate down.
To see people helping the Ukrainians with supplies and a warm place to stay seriously gave me tears. God bless all who are helping and God bless Ukraine.
I am glad you are both safe and that Bald was with you during your escape. Slava Ukraini!
Bald was a cool cat through the war, and i love him for that.
@@AlfaGiuliaQV definitely. He does look a little sad even when he smiles in this video, they both do but who wouldn’t be in such circumstances 🙏🏽🫂
@ you are right thanks
@They are not Ukrainians or soldiers, they are foreign nationals and have every right to evacuate. They can also support the war far better using journalism and their influence than picking up an AK.
beautiful place with lot's of history. feels like going back in time.
vienna better
I've been following you since you featured in one of Bald's vids. That is just a simple observation and a view point. I hope you can take some criticism, my point is not to insult you.
So, Johnny, you remind me of Beavis with that awkward laughter, get it - "uhuh-uhuhuh", especially when you do it around the protesters and refugees. Some of your statements are rather dull or inappropriate and you say nice things, but you really give the impression that all you care about is your business in UA. You are kinda phoney is what I'm saying, you leave that impression.
God bless and take care :D
Nice 👍 when a bunch of families and children are sleeping on the streets of Ukraine train stations, looks great in Budapest
Yeah budapest looks nice👍 why you werent interested before in all other wars? Doublestandard?
Glad to see you staying strong Johnny, stay well and keep the updates coming
Marc. I don't understand him and why he left his new home, a country he says he loves, up and leave? Then post his video with Ben laughing and eating like kings.. well, it bugged me seeing that. Bad taste in my eyes.
@@andrewpetrie5265 Well, he looks like he just wants to live his life in peace and not get caught up in a war. He's lived in several countries. Why doesn't he get involved in all those other countries' politics? There looks like a ton of fighting age Ukranian men fleeig their own country too if you watch Johnny and Bald's videos. There's no one stopping you from going to Ukraine yourself and defending it.
Does FD mean flees danger?
I think bald just wants to get away from you!
The entire video I'm thinking "don't sigh, don't sigh, don't sigh" and then he sighs.
and sighs and sighs and sighs
It's called stress from being weighed down.
@@michaelr.7805 Well, you might find it intolerable but I sympathise with him.
Yah once I noticed, It pretty much makes these unwatchable
Half-ass take free residence Johnny. Moderation is key. I've been well off, and homeless. Everyone is 1 paycheck away from losing it all. Don't be stubborn.
@@anthonydowling3356 and spending all your money on AirB&B will leave you in the streets. 🙄
Bald always look less enthuse in your Videos.
at the very beginning of the video when johnny starts recording he's making that face like "oh no not again"
@@charleyu5506 thats right.....He has lot more energy when he makes videos for him self.😂😂 Sadly that's how the world works.
I am so impressed with the outpouring of help the Hungarian and Polish people are giving to Ukrainian refugees! My fiance is in Poland and they have been so kind and helpful and they told her she can stay as long as she needs to stay! SLAVA UKRAINI!!!
It's history related, they would never do that to nations which invaded them
@@Magyar9Andras Of course not every Polish and Hungarian man, woman and child has been or has a family member that has been brutalized by Russians! I am 66, I remember it well!
Things are rapidly changing and you were left behind a bit.
There has been a visible surge of support among the Russian population for pr putin, looks like most of them feel they are with their back against the wall and won't cave in.
About 70/ are pro war and putin. They are literally out of their head like the Germans were at the end of the 30 last century.
@@Paul14Joseph88Goebbels I wish I could be this optimistic.
The major advantage of the Ukranians over Putin and his Russia is they are fighting in their territory for their land. Their fighting spirits are at the peak.
But i wouldn't underestimate Putin and his army too. They do have more in store including ballistic rockets and special forces ready to move in.
Besides, this "new tsar" has certain plans to mobilize the police forces and so called "volunteers". I'm afraid he's ready to go to the end, being so compromised before the world, and his fumbling with his nuke button recently has showed it quite vividly.
My forecast is this war isn't going to stop overnight and the Ukranians will need much more stamina and military power to boot to fight the Russians back to its borders.
@@Paul14Joseph88Goebbels where did you get them numbers?
All UA, Western and RU sources report RU outnumbers UA in every field. The Ukranians themselves running them patriotic fakes admit they are no equal match to the Russians. Manpower, land and air, and the sea too are out of proportion and not to be compared.
One of your mistakes I guess, UA as a part of the USSR "has had". But it was in a rather pathetic condition right after that.
Though having said this, we see that things aren't going the way they were presumed to go - the Russians are bogged down on the outskirts of Ukraine unable to advance, Putin is hiring "volunteers" definitely running out of manpower, Russian economy is taking a drop-dead blow...
Right, we'll see what happens next. Though I'm afraid it's a long story and thousands of civilians will be killed, houses destroyed, new refugees created...
A similar picture with the Russian economy too...
What for?
Looks like the stupidest "war plan" on behalf of Putin.
I used to love watching you guys especially Bald , but sorry to say i've lost total respect for Ben after the train escapade leaving Ukraine , staying there just a day and taking the space of a genuine Ukranian who was desperate to get out ......
The fan base isn't split down the middle but I'm in the camp wondering why they left Ukraine because they can't make any other videos right now that would have been as captivating as something filmed outside international mainstream media.
Last bit of the video in the restaurant was a bit tone deaf considering what’s going on
Johnny, it is astonishing that you are such an experienced traveller and still go to money exchange in a wrong places. Honestly as people said below, use OTP bank atm machine, do not worry about the money exchange as they will give you the WORST EXCHANGE RATE EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD, not just in Hungary. About the infrastructure and do not think it is worst then in any cities you lived in Ukraine. In comparison of Austria yes, all worst but with Czechia not so. Also you are there in the wrong season, believe me this places would look nicer during the spring and summer. Same thing you would experience if you would go to any park in Stockholm, or Oslo in the same period of time. All grey and dark. This is winter for us, i guess it was the same in Ukraine too.
About the refugees, well as people mentioned you are very very lucky as lots of them have no access to such a resources than you.
Also the guy did not say anything in Hungarian at the end..sounded like more slovakian language really. Enjoy your time there are lots to do and stop annoying the red cross workers as believe me they are rather busy helping people and not keen to be on cameras. Perhaps you should try some of the thermal spas with nice massage to rest you a bit :-)
Dude don’t post videos of yourself, starting out in a fancy restaurant, while your “friends” in Ukraine are dying right now. But hey, as long as you make some money right??
I understand that you couldn't fight cant you even volunteer with some help to those who are coming in?
Why didn’t you stay and fight? You ran away with women and children.