I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤
I know all the Easterns for you the first one is go to the shopkeeper and tap on him the second one go to creative can you see a demon door all the way right down the third one as you see a door lock that you need 50 diamonds to get in
2:07 Neil 5:10 yellow helmet 7:55 Hammer
2:07 nail at top right
5:09 yellow hat at bottom right
7:55 hammer at top left
Also great video i loved the arguing, keep it up 👍
it's okay we all fail@WheezerGeezerDash-yz7eo
Maybe try level requests sometime
Try the level fingerdash
Try to do bloodlust
2:07 nail 5:09 yellow hat 7:55 hammer
One of your besr vids hope y’all get to 100k someday
Thank you so much!
About time! Also make them do the process of creating the levels
Every 100 likes my comment gets I will do 1 min underwater
You insane
@@lee-annkelleher538 I actually know how to swim
In fact, I’ve already done 1 min underwater
yes new video lets fucking goooooooooo 2:07 nail at top right 5:09 yellow hat at bottm right 7:55 happer on top left
2:07 Nail on the top
5:09 Builders hat at the bottom right
7:55 hammer at the top left
Nail top right 2:07
Yellow hat bottom left 5:09
Hammer top left 7:55
Good job!
Yesssssss Finally I wanted this so long
2:07 nail on the top right
5:09 yellow hat at the bottom right
7:55 hammer at the top left
Good make more vids keep it up❤
2:07 nail at top right
5:09 yellow hat at bottom right
7:55 hammer at top left
2:07 nail at top right 5:09 yellow hat at the bottom right7:55 hammer at top left
Please do part ten tomorrow please and do electroman adventures clubstep and electrodynamics please
And also let us hear the songs of the levels
Absolutely love you guys
@@presidentsplayus thx for noticing me this means a lot
5:06 joe should add hard wave spam and tight straight fly
2:06 nail
5:09: Builder hat
7:54 Hammer
7:35 bcuz the ball was upside down sideways ass backwards
2:07 nail!
5:09 Builders hat!
7:55 hammer!
How does Trump know how to use alpha triggers 💀
Now I kinda wanna do this with some of my friends.
Oh, I can do a quads bike, but with only tiny spikes like it's flat
The pro player is anyone can beat slaughterhouse level challenge to a pro player😉😉😉😉😉
Nail at top right yellow hat at bottom right hammer at top left
I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤ I love these guys❤
Blue on the main left
Yellow on the main right
and orange on the main right
Wait a minute why am I not in the Easter egg? I got all the Easter eggs in the last one.
You're supposed to collect them all first
Nail at top right yellow hat at bottom, right hammer at top left and also great video. I love your guises video. You are the best UA-camr.
Let Donald do 😏
Stereo Extremeness!
Bloodbath avernus
Bro he can't do those
Donald said it himself as pro so
@@DANIELLONAPO-nn3ykbro he is doing excuses
@@DANIELLONAPO-nn3ykand the creator
Green on the main right
Red on the main left
And pink on the main left
Bro what?
Bro instead of just clicking the ball upside down you could just tap and tap again to go to normal ufo.😅
I know all the Easterns for you the first one is go to the shopkeeper and tap on him the second one go to creative can you see a demon door all the way right down the third one as you see a door lock that you need 50 diamonds to get in
Do geometry dash finger dash and how die have to do the hardest geometry dash level every
That’s the first time they said a bad word
Go in here UA-camrs
Umm, I’m getting a little impatient waiting for the next episode
on 7:01 it was 71% but now on 7:29 it was now 100%
2:07 5:09 7:55 I can't believe I saw them
Can you make US president play demon levels pls
Hm… ima play your custom levels
@@presidentsplayusBro,i have a question
Found them on 1st attempt
Found 1st 3 eggs
Make Donald play slaughter house
207 nail
509 yellow hat
755 hammer
It is 1 : 40 in my city
I found all Easter eggs on premier day
2:07 5:09 7:55 lets go found it
Usa ? ❤
Trump beat bloodbath
If you can
us president i have a level editor in geometry dash 2.2
with u
Obama is chill
2:09 6:05 7:59
1:00 1:19
joe is michigun
2:07 5:10. 7:65
I found the 3 easter eggs
Me too
I found all the Easter eggs
0:48 0:50 0:51
0:52 0:53 0:53 0:54
The editor isnt new is 10 years
1:25 easy bro not impossible
They are sick
Bro I know how tbdo this thing
Na 0:52
I found them
1m 3m 2m
I have the easter eggs
Why do you guys bring Trump when he's mean
I don’t think so
Trump Making me so angry
I’m an elementary school, so shut up trump
I found tem all
I can pass it
i will join you if you buy me somting
1k for p2
Pls 0pay