20-Minute Spinal Decompression Routine for Beginners |

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • Спорт


  • @ManFlowYoga
    @ManFlowYoga  2 роки тому +3

    📣 Join our FREE 7-Day, Beginners Yoga Challenge - No Flexibility Required! | Click Here to Get Your Free Yoga Workouts - shrtlnk.co/xM27p

  • @gullymoe7630
    @gullymoe7630 Місяць тому +1

    i just found out these past few months that my spine is very out of alignment and that i have a hip impingement. i have been trying to heal and try many methods. i actually tried this video before i found all this out and found that it really helped. ive been using this video whenever my back, neck, or shoulders get really bad. it helps. this morning i woke up with really bad nerve pain in my neck and shoulders like something is pinching a nerve. i decided to do some exercises from another guy first i am subscribed too and my neck was in too much pain to do them. these exercises actually did not hurt as much and actually helped the pain go down. i put my neck brace back on and for sure feel like my neck is more supported. this is a great video. i will be doing a lot of self care today. namaste

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  Місяць тому

      Really glad you found your way to this routine and we're sorry for the continued discomfort and pain. Continue doing what you can, and listening to your body.

  • @ChanandelerBong92
    @ChanandelerBong92 10 місяців тому +1

    Awesome video this has helped me a lot w posture and lengthening spine!

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  10 місяців тому

      That's great to hear! If you haven't already be sure to subscribe to our channel, we're adding new content every week.

  • @denacarmel8363
    @denacarmel8363 2 роки тому +3

    My back has hurt all week. This worked like magic!! Thank you Dean!

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  2 роки тому

      Awesome, that's so great to hear Dena! If you're looking for back specific content, we have a program called Bulletproof Your Back in Our Member's Area. A 7 Day Trial is Free:

  • @chrissims2261
    @chrissims2261 6 місяців тому +1

    Thank you. This was great. I look forward to doing this frequently.

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  6 місяців тому

      Awesome! Glad you're finding our content helpful :)

  • @nicolec4586
    @nicolec4586 2 роки тому +2

    I just finished hiking the AT and after 6 months of walking all day with a heavy pack, this was just what I needed! I used a firm foam roller instead of blocks and it worked well for me.

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  2 роки тому +1

      Wow, congrats Nicole! So glad this was helpful to you!

  • @CCHouse-d5d
    @CCHouse-d5d 3 місяці тому +1

    I did this in a motel while I'm travelling for work. Currently in Sweden and had to take a Ferry to the mainland. When I took the ferry, i was in tears as my back and whole body feels so relieved that i'ts almost unbelievable.

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  3 місяці тому

      Glad this was helpful to you :)

    • @CCHouse-d5d
      @CCHouse-d5d 3 місяці тому +1

      I always thought these dont work until I did it. So thank you

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  3 місяці тому

      @@CCHouse-d5d that's really good to hear :)

  • @FadhilaAlfany
    @FadhilaAlfany Рік тому

    thank you Dean , its really help me alot to release my lower back pain

  • @natalica777
    @natalica777 Рік тому +1

    Feel great. Thanks a lot

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  Рік тому +1

      Awesome! Always happy to hear that!

  • @franklin8618
    @franklin8618 Рік тому

    He's a brilliant teacher. Definitely an important and essential video for your spine.

    • @franklin8618
      @franklin8618 Рік тому

      Damn....I should've bought those yoga blocks w/ the mat when it was 90% off on clearance. Ugh 🤦‍♂️ smh. I was being ignorant because I felt I didn't need it, but now I see what the blocks can do for you. The nerve of me choosing chocolate candy over it lol.

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  Рік тому

      @@franklin8618 you can still buy them on sale through our site, but we've never had them for 90% off:

  • @5ll3x
    @5ll3x Рік тому +1

    Totally needed!

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  Рік тому

      Really glad you found this routine then!

  • @DarleneBeckling
    @DarleneBeckling 5 місяців тому

    Are these exercises good for grade 1 spondylothesis in the lumbar spine

    @IMIGRATA 2 роки тому +1

    OK, this is so simple, and quick and I do feel results immediately. Very cool.

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  2 роки тому

      That's really great to hear! If you haven't already be sure to subscribe to our channel, we're adding new content every week.

  • @philipwalker1243
    @philipwalker1243 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for thr share

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  3 роки тому +1

      Glad you enjoyed the workout Philip!

  • @genesischavez8211
    @genesischavez8211 3 роки тому +1

    by the way sir GET WELL SOON love your yoga program and of course you cause your helping us alot to get better/thank you

  • @MauricioGuevaradiaz
    @MauricioGuevaradiaz 3 роки тому +1

    thanks for the video very helpful and thanks a lot for the effort despite your cold, get well

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  3 роки тому

      Will do. Glad you enjoyed it Mauricio.

  • @mattyfunds
    @mattyfunds 11 місяців тому +1

    dean please make a video on lifting weights for yoga

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  11 місяців тому

      We have a blog and podcast episode just for you:

  • @humanisteradical1279
    @humanisteradical1279 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  3 роки тому

      You are very welcome. Glad you enjoyed it!

  • @celiocavalcante9215
    @celiocavalcante9215 5 місяців тому

    Bom dia Dean eu sou do brazilian, eu gostei muito do seu conteudo, esse alongamento eu faco sempre ao levantar eu melhorei muito as dores das minhas costas e tambem meus gluteus ficara durinhos , bem firmes, muito obrigado meu garoto voce e um gato de olhos azuis.

  • @goiter401
    @goiter401 3 роки тому +1

    Keep it coming

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  3 роки тому

      Oh we will, don't worry! Thank you for the support :)

  • @josejavierbarriosbriceno3245
    @josejavierbarriosbriceno3245 3 роки тому

    Dean, eres el mejor de todos los yoguistas!! Gracias por compartir tus conocimientos de esa manera tan agradable...

  • @jorgecorredor3078
    @jorgecorredor3078 3 роки тому +1

    great!!! thank you

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  3 роки тому

      You're welcome Jorge! Glad you enjoyed it :)

  • @genesischavez8211
    @genesischavez8211 3 роки тому

    Hi my name is genesis chavez ,i just got my spinal surgery last year and it affected my ability to walk and balance after so many therapies I can walk and balance my self but not as I use to. my question is can you do exercise (yoga) so I can follow you while I watch your program please. i watch your upload every single one and it is helping me a lot .thank you so much sir respectfully genesis.

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  3 роки тому +1

      We have a program called "Bulletproof Your Back" that you might actually find helpful. A 7 Day Trial is free and we have a sale on our subscriptions going on right now for Labor Day, so be sure to visit our site:

  • @josejavierbarriosbriceno3245
    @josejavierbarriosbriceno3245 3 роки тому +1

    Wow, esta buenisimo!!

  • @abellopez9851
    @abellopez9851 3 роки тому

    Man you look stronger. I need your exercise routine

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  3 роки тому +1

      You'll want to combine yoga with other forms of exercise, like weightlifting. And watch what you eat :) Takes consistency and dedication!

  • @jordanquigley7515
    @jordanquigley7515 2 роки тому +1

    Hi I've got sciatica and using this in my exercise program now thanks

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  2 роки тому

      Really glad you found this routine Jordan!

  • @write2nabish
    @write2nabish 3 роки тому +1

    Love it

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  3 роки тому

      That's great to hear Nabish! If you haven't already be sure to subscribe to our channel, we're adding new content every week.

  • @michelbeaudet2605
    @michelbeaudet2605 Рік тому +1


  • @BrokeDownDan
    @BrokeDownDan Рік тому

    I'm a larger guy (346) the belly seems to get in the way when doing the figure 4 and others, can I use the band to hold my leg while the other is folded on top?

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  Рік тому

      You could. An easier way would be put to put your foot up against the wall and then cross your ankle over it.

  • @sterlingmcvay2469
    @sterlingmcvay2469 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you,man. Get Better soon. Fermented Black Garlic!!😉

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  3 роки тому +1

      You're welcome, glad you enjoyed the content! Working on it, thank you for the suggestion.

  • @mma4bryan
    @mma4bryan Рік тому

    I have a hard time crossing my legs. How do I improve hip flexibility for the reclined figure 4?

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  Рік тому

      Try it with the foot of the leg you aren't stretching planted against the wall, so you don't have to grip your thigh with your hands. Then cross your ankle over the knee.

  • @zodiacsigns9336
    @zodiacsigns9336 3 роки тому

    It's unfair you have this few wievs. Your routines are amazing, good luck.

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  3 роки тому +1

      We appreciate the support Tomas :) Glad you're enjoying our content.

  • @DiscoJoseph
    @DiscoJoseph 3 роки тому

    Is this safe if my L3 L4 L5 are hurt due to bad posture on picking up heavy items?

    • @ManFlowYoga
      @ManFlowYoga  3 роки тому

      It depends on the severity of your condition. It's always wise to consult a physician before participating in any kind of new exercise.

    • @DiscoJoseph
      @DiscoJoseph 3 роки тому

      @@ManFlowYoga Thank you; I will give it a go and modify any movements that does not feel well.
      Thank you

  • @TheMabiNerd
    @TheMabiNerd Рік тому

    Let me pet the dog please.