For sure A Lim Kim, I almost cry to see you shank on that hole. I drink 2 beers to get rid of my pain seeingyou shank that shot. I believe that you can win easily, but things happen. I am rooting for you as always. You're my favorite LPGA player . Let's go and win the KPMG and US OPEN ❤❤❤🤍🤍🤍💚💚💚👍👍👍☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️
What a disappointment to my favorite LPGA player, A Lim Kim . I expect her to win. She misses too many birdie putts and shank 18th hole. Always next time . I am tooting for you as always. Much love A Lim Kim 🤍🤍💚💚👍👍👍☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️
Ms. Su noticed activities held in the open area in front of the Ferry Building in San Francisco on April 22, 2023 to mark the 24th anniversary of the April 25 peaceful protest in Beijing. She said, “I think Falun Dafa is good. Practitioners just do the exercises which benefit one’s health. We should support this.” Ms. Su, who moved to the U.S. from China, said Falun Dafa is very peaceful. “Falun Dafa is very peaceful,” Ms. Su said as she watched practitioners doing the exercises. “When I was in China, many people did the exercises, and they didn’t bother anyone. I always thought Falun Dafa was righteous. I don’t believe what the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) said because one of my relatives practices. She is very healthy.” She said it was the first time she saw so many practitioners doing the exercises as a group, “I love it. They are peaceful and quiet. I often saw practitioners doing the exercises when I was young. Sometimes many people did them together. After the persecution began, such scenes disappeared.” Ms. Su said, “I love the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. It is beautiful. Practicing Falun Dafa improves one’s inner character.”
내년에도 좋은 활약 기대할게요 응원합니다❤❤❤
현역 선수중 내가 제일 유망하다 여기는 아림 프로~♡
인성 좋고 자세 반듯하고 매너도 짱인 자랑스런 대한민국 프로 골프 선수지요 앞으로 어마어마하게 성장할 모습을 기대하며 응원합니다♡♡♡♡
샷 너무 멋있어요
김아림선수나 전인지 선수는 팬이라서도 응원하지만 인성이 된 선수들이다 큰 선수가 될 덕목을 다 갖춘 ! 화이팅입니다
내딸도 김아림 선수처럼 밝고 훌륭한 한국인으로 컸으면 한다. 김아림 선수 자랑스럽습니다. 앞으로도 멋지고 건강한 골프 생활 계속하세요 축하드려요
맞아요 축하해요 아림선수!👏🏻
김아림선수 너무너무 수고많으셨네요
또 다른 경기에서 더 좋은 성적이 나오길 바래요
힘 내세요
김아림 스윙 너무 좋아합니다.
성격도 아주 좋아 보여요
아림스타일 화이팅
아림프로님 화이팅
김아림프로님 너무 고생하셨어요^^항상 웃는 모습이 넘 보기좋습니다^^또다른 경기에서 좋은성과 있으시길 기도할께요^^홧팅!!
❤아림프로님 수고하셨습니다.
담 메이저대회는 꼭우승 하세요.먼길오시는 프로님 무사히 귀국하시여 레이크우드에서 뵙겠습니다.
보기를 기록해도
"괜찮아! 난 항상 즐거워"
아림프로 격하게 응원했는데요 곧 기회가 올것입니다 ❤❤❤
보면 즐거워 지는 김아림 프로! 다음번엔 꼭 우승해주세요~
네, 장해요
김아름 선수의 스윙은 참 깔끔하고 시원시원하다. 점점 자신감이 붙었다. 구독과 함께 앞으로도 계속 응원하겠습니다 ^^
와우 ㅡ미소천사 아림선수 홧팅 ㅡ멋져
김아림 선수 뭔가 멋짐
간결하고 시원한 샷이네요~ 다음엔 꼭 우승하시길~~
시원시원해서 너무 좋아요~
Two bad approach shots otherwise solid final round...😊
김아림 선수 좋아요!!
김아림은 훌륭한 가량을 가진 선수다.
쉐브론 챔피언쉽이 열린 이 코스는 퍼팅 그린이 언듈레이션이 심해
운이 많이 좌우하는 형태라 깃발에 정확히 꽂아버릴 수 있는 정교한 아이언 샷이 최대 관건이었다.
멋진샷~ 여러개의 버디퍼트가 안떨어진게 아쉽네요!!
스카티 카메론으로 한번 바꿔 봅시다..
조금만 ...그 뭔가..?
confidence 라고 하나..?
비싸고 ....속는것 같아도..
한번 써 봅시다..
인비님 화이팅
퍼팅에서 집중력을 좀만더 보여줫으면 하는데 아쉽네요
후반에 버디 몇번이나 기회 놓친게 아쉽고..마지막 파5에서 생크난게 통한이네요... 내가 캐디였으면 당근 우승이었는데..ㅠㅠ
For sure A Lim Kim, I almost cry to see you shank on that hole. I drink 2 beers to get rid of my pain seeingyou shank that shot. I believe that you can win easily, but things happen. I am rooting for you as always. You're my favorite LPGA player .
Let's go and win the KPMG and US OPEN ❤❤❤🤍🤍🤍💚💚💚👍👍👍☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️
한국 선수들 체격이 좋네요. 파워 샽.
실력을 조금 더 다듬어야 되요.
살 많이 뺐네.
곧 LPGA 걸물이 될거다. 퍼팅은 좀 덜 시원시원하게 했으면. ㅎㅎ
김아림선수 힘이 많이 빠졌네..
What a disappointment to my favorite LPGA player, A Lim Kim . I expect her to win. She misses too many birdie putts and shank 18th hole. Always next time . I am tooting for you as always. Much love A Lim Kim 🤍🤍💚💚👍👍👍☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️
Ms. Su noticed activities held in the open area in front of the Ferry Building in San Francisco on April 22, 2023 to mark the 24th anniversary of the April 25 peaceful protest in Beijing. She said, “I think Falun Dafa is good. Practitioners just do the exercises which benefit one’s health. We should support this.”
Ms. Su, who moved to the U.S. from China, said Falun Dafa is very peaceful.
“Falun Dafa is very peaceful,” Ms. Su said as she watched practitioners doing the exercises. “When I was in China, many people did the exercises, and they didn’t bother anyone. I always thought Falun Dafa was righteous. I don’t believe what the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) said because one of my relatives practices. She is very healthy.”
She said it was the first time she saw so many practitioners doing the exercises as a group, “I love it. They are peaceful and quiet. I often saw practitioners doing the exercises when I was young. Sometimes many people did them together. After the persecution began, such scenes disappeared.”
Ms. Su said, “I love the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. It is beautiful. Practicing Falun Dafa improves one’s inner character.”