Who Were the Qur'anic Mushrikun? W/ Dr. Ahab Bdaiwi

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • This is a clip about the Qur'anic Mushrikun or "pagans" and their historical identity. This clip is taken from my interview with Dr. Ahab Bdaiwi. If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to the channel and like the video! Please be sure to check out the full interview here: • Ahab Bdaiwi: The Study...


  • @misterprogressive8730
    @misterprogressive8730 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you professor reynolds for conducting these intetviews, lectures and making these videos. I am not particullary interested in the quran but i got to see how archaeology, historiography, linguistic, even theology play their part in textual criticism and how it gives us the dephts into understanding how texts (holy scriptures) form our identitiy and self perception.

  • @pradeenkrishnag2368
    @pradeenkrishnag2368 Рік тому +1

    Islam came into being on the basis of a conflict among various types of monotheists which considered each other to fail in living a perfect monotheism, and considering each other to practice idolatry.

  • @BenM61
    @BenM61 Рік тому +1

    How about the verse in surah Azzumar where it is stated that the Mushrikun don’t like it when God alone is mentioned?
    39:43 Have they taken others for intercessors besides God? Say, Even though they have no power nor understanding
    39:44 Say, Intercession is entirely in the hands of God. He controls the heavens and the earth; you will all return to Him
    39:45 *When God alone is named, the hearts of those who do not believe in the Hereafter shrink with aversion, but when others are named instead of Him, they are filled with joy*
    39:46 Say, O God! Originator of the heavens and earth! Knower of all that is hidden and all that is manifest, You will judge between Your servants regarding their differences
    39:47 If the wrongdoers possessed all that is on earth, and twice as much, they would offer it to redeem themselves from the awful suffering on the Day of Resurrection. For God will show them what they had never anticipated
    39:48 the evil of their deeds will become apparent to them, and they will be overwhelmed by that which they used to mock.
    It is similar to the trinitarian Christians who wouldn’t like it when God, whom they call the father, is mentioned alone. They think Jesus somehow completes God. God without Jesus in effect is really helpless. These Christians are not really that far from those Mushrikun of Mecca. Maybe it is sophisticated shirk but it is still with us to this day.
    And then there is the text when the son of Mary is given as an example the Manshrikun mock him.
    43:57 When the son of Mary is held up as an example, your people raise an outcry on this
    43:58 saying, Are our gods better or him? 43:57 When the son of Mary is held up as an example, your people raise an outcry on this
    43:58 *saying, Are our gods better or him? they cite him only to challenge you: they are a contentious people*
    43:59 but he was only a servant We favoured and made an example for the Children of Israel they cite him only to challenge you: they are a contentious peopl
    43:59 but he was only a servant We favoured and made an example for the Children of Israel.
    It seems those Mushrikun know that Jesus, a human being, was proclaimed as a god and they thought their gods were better than he was. Their gods were better than being tortured and killed by his enemies like Jesus was.

    • @dodgysmum8340
      @dodgysmum8340 5 місяців тому

      Sounds to me exactly like the Mushrikoun were some form of Christians (perhaps monophysites) and/ or broadly followers of Yahweh/ the non-racial elements of the jewish tradition. Not much evidence for pagans. Doesn't make anything int he Quran less valid, but completely reframes it if true.

  • @kennethwhite8045
    @kennethwhite8045 4 місяці тому

    The difference between the Quran and mushaf needs to be clearly defined and properly understood.

  • @preapple
    @preapple 2 роки тому +1

    Could mushrikun refer to different Christian and Jewish sects? Not as much idol worshippers

    • @pradeenkrishnag2368
      @pradeenkrishnag2368 Рік тому +2

      Yes. Probably against another Jewish Christian sect who kept worshipping Dushara.

    • @davidmontoute2074
      @davidmontoute2074 Рік тому

      @@pradeenkrishnag2368 , then you would be placing the original conflict in the area of the Transjordan?

  • @BenM61
    @BenM61 Рік тому

    Gabriel, it is Allah with the h pronounced not Alla. You should know better.

  • @TheCinamanic
    @TheCinamanic Рік тому +1

    Great work again. Loving these short and sweet interviews.
    9:07 isn't قل هو الله أحد talking about tawheed?

  • @dodgysmum8340
    @dodgysmum8340 5 місяців тому

    This is fascinating. And seems to be the trend in late antique studies in the region? Id be beyond stoked to know wht took place 150 yrs pre Muhammad for everyone to convert to monotheism as the rock inscription evidence seems to suggest it was quite sudden.

    • @tauseefwaquar851
      @tauseefwaquar851 5 місяців тому

      Entry of monotheistic religions like Judaism and Christianity into Arabia.

    • @dodgysmum8340
      @dodgysmum8340 4 місяці тому

      @@tauseefwaquar851 yes but it seemed to happen overnight. Where did the missionaries come from? By the 5/6th century Jews had largely stopped proselythising.. its fascinating like the Northern European “dark ages” because we hv so little info. X

  • @timchapman5553
    @timchapman5553 2 роки тому +3

    Mohammed was a mushrikoon till a Jew sorted him out
    Sunan an-Nasa'i 3773
    It was narrated from 'Abdullah bin Yasar, from Qutailah, a woman from Juhainah, that a Jew came to the Prophet and said:
    "You are setting up rivals (to Allah) and associating others (with Him). You say: 'Whatever Allah wills and you will,' and you say: 'By the Ka'bah.'" So the Prophet commanded them, if they wanted to swear an oath, to say: "By the Lord of the Ka'bah;" and to say: "Whatever Allah wills, then what you will."

    • @timchapman5553
      @timchapman5553 2 роки тому +1

      @@mmss3199 he adjusted what he said because as soon as the Jew mentioned it he knew he was committing shirk then he adjusted course to try to return to monotheism at that point the Jew became the prophet not your guy if allah was truly inspiring him there’s no way he would allow him to commit the supposed unforgivable sin of shirk

    • @timchapman5553
      @timchapman5553 Рік тому

      @Shami spirit no first Mohammed said by the kabba and when the Jew corrected him he said by the lord of the kabba reading isn’t your strong suit

  • @eromonsele1521
    @eromonsele1521 2 роки тому +6

    If we are talking about Muskrikun and saying it only goes back to the 5th Century then it would have some understanding if we look at Quran as a book coming from the region of southern Arabia where the Himyar Jews and Christians lived (Yemen as we know it today). My reason is if we look at Surah 85 and the events it referring too it is talking about the Christian Arabs (who the they refer too as the believers) being burnt alive and persecuted by Dhul Nuwas the Jewish King of the Himyar. So based of that I'm assuming the Quran is a 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Century book which was picked up by the Arabs later and reinterpreted into what is known as the Quran today

  • @hayyanmintgreen8561
    @hayyanmintgreen8561 Рік тому

    Kindly honor Muhammad (peace be upon him) the Messenger of Allah.

    • @homer1273
      @homer1273 10 місяців тому

      Whats your point in asking non Muslims to honour prophet Muhammed ????
      Most of them see him as an enemy or don’t care

  • @kafir2023
    @kafir2023 Рік тому

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