Starmer’s Labour Denies Pension Payouts For Waspi Women |

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @carolbriselden3166
    @carolbriselden3166 4 години тому +30

    Michel lets not set up the young against the old both are struggling under this government we all know where the wealth is concerntrated and that's the top one pc 😮
    Don't fall into the trap of setting one group against the other either by age class or race that's what government wants to absolve them from responsibility😮

    • @lynnecunningham8754
      @lynnecunningham8754 4 години тому +10

      I couldn’t agree more. We are not homogenous in terms of age. Our views are as diverse as those of any age. Ageism becomes a distraction from the real battle. And that battle requires , young, old and in between. In fact, don’t forget how connected we are. I care about the young, my child is one of them. None of us are exempt from the politics of the day, namely neoliberalism. Don’t fuck the oldies, fuck neoliberalism!

    • @Pipic9
      @Pipic9 2 години тому

      If there's a longer period of cold weather during the next 3 months, plenty of elderly are going to freeze in their homes like they did before. Then NM will spearhead the news and act as some justice warriors, including Michael.

  • @krishansen73
    @krishansen73 4 години тому +8

    The issues with winter fuel payment and waspi women isn't about Pensioners Michael, it is about deceit-1st wasn't in manifesto and many Labour big hitters campaigned with Waspi women, thenin office betrayed them! Kris

  • @DarrenBurgess1989
    @DarrenBurgess1989 4 години тому +7

    It feels like Michael Walker got upset because someone called him a neoliberal and instead of addressing it he’s just lent right into it to prove some sort of pointless point. It’s upsetting seeing his decline after watching him for years.

  • @MrArmington
    @MrArmington 4 години тому +4

    Fantastic deep dive section on the climate, thanks!

  • @nathanaelsmith3553
    @nathanaelsmith3553 4 години тому +6

    Getting strong single term vibes from this Labour administration.

    • @flunkyminion
      @flunkyminion 4 години тому

      They are paving the way for Farage.
      Out of the frying pan, in to the fire.

  • @EamonCoyle
    @EamonCoyle 3 години тому +2

    Love Michael D. Higgins, he truly represents Ireland and its people !!

  • @mickhills6288
    @mickhills6288 2 години тому +3

    Pensioners in Britain have one of the lowest pensions in Europe.

  • @popeurbanii331
    @popeurbanii331 Годину тому +1

    Thank you Adrienne Buller for bashing down out that absolute nonsense about the Inflation reduction act from Walker. I literally screamed out "THAT'S A LIE" when he said that Biden ran on the Green New Deal.

  • @RFXZ67966
    @RFXZ67966 25 хвилин тому

    I can't imagine a single person not being aware of the change of pension age for 20 years.

  • @MrRoblig1
    @MrRoblig1 4 години тому +5

    War on pensioners 😢

    • @fuckbankers
      @fuckbankers 4 години тому +1

      Free Palestine 🇵🇸

    • @stevenredpath9332
      @stevenredpath9332 3 години тому +1

      War on the poor from pensioners to children.

  • @fuckbankers
    @fuckbankers 4 години тому +2

    Long ago, it was settled that resistance and even armed struggle against a colonial occupation force is not just recognised under international law but specifically endorsed.

  • @EamonCoyle
    @EamonCoyle 4 години тому +2

    Does anyone else think "Waspi Women" is a term that needs some rethinking ?

  • @SSRT_JubyDuby8742
    @SSRT_JubyDuby8742 4 години тому +3

    🇮🇪 ❤🔥👍

  • @shellovski
    @shellovski Годину тому

    That was fascinating listening to Tadhg. He's a great guest especially on Irish affairs.

  • @Jamal-Ahmed786
    @Jamal-Ahmed786 4 години тому +2

    Obviously the tories will try to score political capital

  • @charliecampbell197
    @charliecampbell197 2 години тому +1

    No Mark you have plenty against pensioners.
    Ageism is a regular feature of novara coverage.

  • @robertnorman7309
    @robertnorman7309 3 години тому +2

    The whole point is these women are asking for pention inequality. Women omn average live 10 years longer than men and they want to retire 5 years earlier. If anything it should be men demanding to retire earlier. I have absolutely no sympathy, Did these women had their heads stuck in the sand? Stop asking for preferential treatment and get a job like the rest of us.

    • @juanpablojones
      @juanpablojones 2 години тому


    • @Dutchman-k5e
      @Dutchman-k5e Годину тому

      You're on the wrong forum here mate, women getting preferential treatment is called "equality" round these parts.

    • @helenffrench6934
      @helenffrench6934 38 хвилин тому +1

      Any of you men tried running a household, having the babies, caring for the young and old folk (including the dying men) AND having a job that pays a decent occupational pension? Clearly not.

    • @Dutchman-k5e
      @Dutchman-k5e 13 хвилин тому

      @@helenffrench6934 seems you want preferential treatment because of life choices you've made. That's cool, but let's stop calling it equality.

  • @helenffrench6934
    @helenffrench6934 12 хвилин тому

    Would it have been too hard to have heard from at least one actual WASPI?

  • @jeanmyers1787
    @jeanmyers1787 5 годин тому +2

    It's ridiculous to watch mainstream media. Keir Starmer Christmas song is banned from BBC and I imagine other channels too, whilst all my friends think it is wonderful & sums up current pensioner situation.

    • @LoneSheWolf09
      @LoneSheWolf09 5 годин тому +2

      What Christmas song? I’m curious love to see it😆🙈

    • @fuckbankers
      @fuckbankers 4 години тому +1

      What's it called?

    • @Pipic9
      @Pipic9 2 години тому +2

      @@LoneSheWolf09 Freezing This Christmas - Sir Starmer & the Granny Harmers

  • @sscoutistaken
    @sscoutistaken 3 години тому

    Reminder to teach Novara and Michael in particular about transphobia.

  • @charliecampbell197
    @charliecampbell197 2 години тому

    People.are enjoying the milder winters where I live. Storms seem to have moved south somewhat towards England, leaving us a little less.effectied by gales.
    Rainfall is up which is.a pain.

  • @michellebagnall1953
    @michellebagnall1953 Годину тому +3

    maybe because english is not my first language but to me mr. walker sounds smug and as if he is making fun of every issue.

  • @UmmaKhaleel
    @UmmaKhaleel 25 хвилин тому

    Excuse me for being obtuse, but what is Waspi women?

  • @andrewjamescleveland
    @andrewjamescleveland 3 години тому

    I kept getting distracted in the Adrienne Buller interview with strange orbs floating around the screen.

  • @robertnorman7309
    @robertnorman7309 3 години тому

    It's a joke.

  • @Jamal-Ahmed786
    @Jamal-Ahmed786 4 години тому

    I don't blame her, the country is broke.

    • @stevenredpath9332
      @stevenredpath9332 3 години тому +3

      The number of billionaires says otherwise. But they hunger for money and public money is theirs in their minds.

  • @AlMinton-sj1cj
    @AlMinton-sj1cj 3 години тому

    It was Blairs liebour got that ripped off the washing women,thus it's liebours baby to start with

  • @mariakarvouni5267
    @mariakarvouni5267 5 годин тому

    B Adenoch has no credibility- I didn’t see the tortes rushing to make good the loss.

  • @charliecampbell197
    @charliecampbell197 3 години тому

    What is.a WASPi woman?

    • @gamerknown
      @gamerknown Годину тому

      Women Against State Pension Inequality

    • @helenffrench6934
      @helenffrench6934 36 хвилин тому

      As was explained clearly in the episode....... Did you listen?

  • @Joanne-q1q6n
    @Joanne-q1q6n 5 годин тому +3

    Watching your channel is like a ticket to a world of fun and joy. Thank you for your creative and energizing work!♂️🦈🤟

  • @charliecampbell197
    @charliecampbell197 3 години тому

    Two wonderful avhievements of womans equality campaigners in my lifetime ...
    . Later retirement and more expensive car insurance.

  • @JohnJones-k9d
    @JohnJones-k9d 5 годин тому +2

    Give doctors on £70k a year plus overtime and lots of other payments a 22% pay rise, but let pensioners on £11k freeze to death, I guess that’s one way to help the over bloated NHS.

    • @chrisstones1249
      @chrisstones1249 5 годин тому +3

      Your ignorance is embarrassing.

    • @AndrewWoods-sm9vx
      @AndrewWoods-sm9vx 4 години тому +1

      @@chrisstones1249 why is that ignorant?

    • @fuckbankers
      @fuckbankers 4 години тому

      How long does it take to train as a doctor.

    • @marcl8460
      @marcl8460 4 години тому

      @@chrisstones1249 that's very lazy to tell someone that they are ignorant without explaining why you think that

    • @chrisstones1249
      @chrisstones1249 4 години тому

      @marcl8460 the lack of quality of the text and lack of knowledge in that text ,tells me the level of ignorance involved .

  • @fuckbankers
    @fuckbankers 4 години тому +2


  • @Takezo.D.Shinmen
    @Takezo.D.Shinmen 4 години тому +3


  • @AnnaTorres-g2c
    @AnnaTorres-g2c 5 годин тому +2

    Your videos are a treat for the eyes and mind! The quality is top notch and the presentation of information is professional. Thank you so much!🙁💧🌇

  • @TheSheriffess
    @TheSheriffess 3 години тому

    The original inhabitants of both ingland & Ireland were africans. In the case of Ireland, the 1st inhabitants were from the Twi tribe, mainly from Ghana, but the tribe can be found scattered around Africa today. These are the original Semitic peoples. European jews are just that, europeans. They are not semitic, they are caucasian! The President of Ireland made a number of documentaries about Montserrat, which is a Caribbean Island where a lot of original irish inhabitants were deported to in Cromwell’s day. Many beleive it was just white people, but there were as many black people both here and in ireland as there are today. I recommend everyone interested in the subject read “ Staying Power” The history of Black people in Britain by Peter Fryer. This book contains evidence that Black people have been here since the Roman empire and that in fact the Month September was named after an african , roman emporor of the same name…Septemuis. The reason for outlining all of this is to say that Ireland understands the meaning of semitic and european jews are not it. Plus the fact that their history of oppression will make them have more sympathy with the Palestinians than the aggressor!

  • @Jamal-Ahmed786
    @Jamal-Ahmed786 4 години тому

    Why should everyone else be poorer to give money to the waspi women. Borrowing £10 billion will increase everyone else's bills

    • @fuckbankers
      @fuckbankers 4 години тому +5

      How many billions have we given Ukraine.

    • @goldiegirl7247
      @goldiegirl7247 4 години тому +1

      Because they have paid into the system and many have been ripped off of thousands of pounds not the poultry amount the ombudsman said they should at the very least get...and what is the point of an ombudsman if the slippery gubment ride roughshod on what they've been told by them🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ let's face it they're more deserving than sending money out of the country for wars and corrupt gubments.