Could this be the last thing to bring the Moshiach?!

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024


  • @עשהלךרב
    @עשהלךרב  3 місяці тому +7

    Make this the first interview on my Channel that gets 50 likes!

  • @michaeldavis9389
    @michaeldavis9389 3 місяці тому +5

    yes Sanhedrin

  • @seanvandiijk2889
    @seanvandiijk2889 3 місяці тому +3

    50:00. Making aliyah to Israel if in am right, can be derived from the negative commandment of not to reside too much time in Egypt. The situation today is a bit similar to the times of Cyrus when the superpowers have agreed to let the jewish people return to their Land. So it must be done without any delays. The ingathering of the exiles if referring to the 10th blessing of the Amidah refers to the Ten Tribes, more than ever that as for the tribe of Judah, it's granted already to return on their own will.

    • @zogyechi
      @zogyechi 3 місяці тому +3

      Yes, and we should always be on the lookout to try and fulfill mitsvos as they become available to am yisroel, like establishing the Sanhedrin, judges 70, and crowning a king and so on...

    • @seanvandiijk2889
      @seanvandiijk2889 3 місяці тому +1

      @@zogyechi @@zogyechi kvod haRav and what about waging war against amalek? "Garments of Esau" unleashed a video where it's identified the first nations of Amalek; Poland and Lithuania. The "progenitor" of Poland its Tzefo, Gmatria 176 same as "Polin". Amazing those are the nations that are about to be attacked by Gog after ucraina.

    • @zogyechi
      @zogyechi 3 місяці тому +1

      @@seanvandiijk2889 from a Halacha point of view, those who want to kill Jews without reason or logic = no debt is owed or other issues unresolved, they are the Halachic definition today of Amalek.
      Just as a Jew can be a convert so long as he accepts the torah and mitsvos and hashem's kingship, so too Amalek in law is derived from the definition of Amaleks nature of attacking the Jews when they were tired and weary...

    • @seanvandiijk2889
      @seanvandiijk2889 3 місяці тому

      @@zogyechi mmm, in that case I think the Gmarah having such power of authority, Massechet Sotah establishes a series of conditions when Messiah will come and Sanhedrin the different statements "Ein ben David ba...", and putting both tractates together, the very same Talmud sets as a condition that Amalek must be destroyed "the kingdom of Rome cease to exist", if none of these conditions are met, then there is no Messiah ben David.
      So in my opinion we are too late to attempt anything especially when the part of "the Galilee will be destroyed" is already happening while we speak. My community leader Yosef Werner said for months even years that the time limit would be after Simchat Torah 5784 and till this day nobody came to apologize to him because he was right and everybody else was catastrophically wrong.
      So resuming, until Amalek is not wiped out, nothing is expected to work out.

    • @עשהלךרב
      @עשהלךרב  2 місяці тому +1

      Thank you for your comment! :) I just found a source-according to the RambaN (not RambaM), it's a mitzva and its learned from parshas Matos

  • @Janos-ns7mi
    @Janos-ns7mi 3 місяці тому +4


  • @WrennWrenn
    @WrennWrenn 3 місяці тому +1

    you're working with Dovid Bar-Hayim from Machon Shilo? how can you have missed the way he curses Chabad? or do somehow ignore that he curses Chabad?

    • @zogyechi
      @zogyechi 3 місяці тому +1

      He's been talking about the Sanhedrin and other things, that's my focus with him....

  • @seanvandiijk2889
    @seanvandiijk2889 3 місяці тому

    I must say that till this day there is not a clear convention what Messiah is. One thing is melech HaMashiach which is a regional concept, a local concept tied to exclusively the yidden from Judah exclusively. Rambam codified the laws in the middle ages for the period Achishena, that messiah is not related to Geulah of the entire world. The redemption is caused by HaShem Himself, as the commentary of Isaiah says that each time Goel is mentioned in that prophet, is talking about G-d, not a human being.
    The time for the melech HaMashiach of the jewish people is gone, even rabbi Hillel said Ein Mashiach l'Yisrael, it's over, that type of messiah age has finished between 1990 and 1994 (5750).
    Now it's time for mOshiach, that's the full redemption of the world which nobody is meritorious but G-d will force everyone to have the merits to get to the final salvation. That's Mashiach ben Yoseph, whose souls is part of the gentiles (gentiles according to the Yehudim), these gentiles are the Ten Tribes, among the western peoples. Yair Davidiy has the extensive research on the matter. And the mekubalim had written centuries ago that the jewish people must redeem the Messiah from Edom, that messiah is not a single person but a collective of Ephraim, the first-born, Pydion HaBen and Pydion shibuyim, the ceremony of redemption of the first born is called Yeshua haBen, because the son of Yoseph will be a descendant of Yehoshua ben Nun, contracted name to Y'shua. Esau, the church appropriated this story and declared himself the son of G-d, the emperors of Rome, seed of Esau claimed to Yaakov that he is the son, and not Yaakov. This only resolves by the use of the force when the jewish people realizes the white peoples the edomites specially with suit and tie, they are the enemy, all those friends of Israel, civilized white world, those are waiting the moment to attack Israel when they gather together the third world. Even more dangerous than Edom is Amalek, third rome, whose HQ are in Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, and Persia.
    Oh i was forgetting, when mOshiach comes, the halacha switches to beit shammai, and beit Hillel it's not clear how much time the beit Hillel halacha will be active, if at all. It could be 1 year or it could be even 7years of Malchut Beit Yoseph until the final stage of Gog uMagog occurs and after the war ends, Messiah ben David is crowned.
    Just in case, I know the rabbi already works with the Ten Tribes subject but not much progress seems to be happening since several people are appearing and they have not an equivalent of Aliyah Center for Ephraim, which one of the biggest proof of ancestry is clearly a DNA test looking for haplogroups R1b and J1. The tribes are a paternal biological matter which can be supported by actual evidence.

    • @zogyechi
      @zogyechi 3 місяці тому +1

      That's a lot of information, but when we talk about the parts of the torah that are binding on the jewish people today we need remember a few points.
      1. Gemara, prophecy, Kabbalah and other torah are not legally binding unless they are in Halacha. Therefore learning the torah to understand what is happening is one thing but when we want to act upon torah we need very strong roots in torah law which is Halacha, and the Rambam comes with this authority, the authority of Halacha.
      2. I am strictly talking about what we need to do, accept hashem as King, follow his mitsvos. We are not into the parts of the Geula Process that is hashem's or Eliyahu HaNavi or miraculous things.
      3. The rebbe told us that there is a lot of work that We need to do before we get to the miracles of the Yimos Hamashiach, and this should be our purpose.
      Please see my videos and join and check for more info on lost tribes Ephraim and Sanhedrin Initiative and more...

  • @josboersema1352
    @josboersema1352 3 місяці тому

    Is the new Sanhedrin going to legislate that the _prosbul_ is (again) illegal, and also nullify the _heter iska_ ? If not, I fear you will fail again and get "knocked down" again, because the curses of the Torah will still be effective, for not doing Teshuvah (or not correctly, if you will).
    I think on the topic of _no churches in Eretz Yisroel_ (I couldn't agree more), I think you first need to remove the church from yourself, because you have placed Hillel the Elder with his _prosbul_ above the Torah and above HKB'H. Hillel the Elder is a model for Jeebus the Bastard from Rome (western idol), it is a mirror for your Hillel the Elder. If you do not take away Hillel the Elder from your own beliefs, heaven has the right or even duty to curse you for breaking the Torah, and a good way to do that is to say to you: _you Israel, are acting as if Jeebus the Bastard is your 'messiah'._ It is a curse, and an accusation. Take the reason for the accusation away, and the curse should evaporate into nothingness. Do the gentiles have any real power ? Aren't their minds like smoke blowing in the wind ? Also, you put a sun reflector on the inner building its gate, called the Lamp of Helena (Queen), and then when it reflected the Sun in the morning, you prayed to it.
    Rambam/Maimonides made up the _heter iska_ and this is again unacceptable under the Torah. Do you wish me to explain it directly ? The prosbul destroys the 7th year debt cancellation, and pretends that it is beautiful to do that, so that the rich will lend again to the poor. This is backwards. If the rich do not lend to the poor because of the fear of the Shmittah, they are breaking the law and need court cases against them. In the worst case you can think of banishment of the offending parties, who refuse to lend and then nullify the loan. The _heter iska_ allows profit on loans, with all kinds of weird rituals around it, but at the end of the day: you get money for lending money from another Jewish person, and that was not allowed. It also seals away this money, which apparently is in excess or otherwise this person would not put it to risk with someone else, but _money in excess_ is a source for easy loans to the poor, as well as charity, and other good causes for this money. It is not allowed in the Torah law. You broke the law, and caused your own exile, sorry.
    HKB'H is right to knock you down when you try to resurect a Nation, but not a Nation of Torah, because if you set up a Nation without the Torah, it will want to destroy the Torah. Who else is going to do your job, who else will teach humanity peace, when you are gone ?! The Swiss ? Brazil ? China ? The Eskimos ? Zulu land ? You gave the land for free to all, held the Jubilee on land, you gave loans to the poor and forgave them to your brother, who is there like Israel, who records its own misdeeds and calls them "holy texts" ? Who keeps a law like the Torah on the books, writing and copying faithfully the letters with a precision ? Who has suffered like you, but is still alive. You have to be the Lamp to the Nations, show the example. You have to overthrow your internal Plutocracy (rule by the rich), return to HKB'H and his Torah, distribute the land to all and keep it so, no lands for _sale in perpuity._
    The Nazi punishment upon Israel was severe, but remember that it will get 7 times worse, when you do not learn your lesson. Please stop being so idolatrous towards some Rabbis, are they at least authenticated Prophets such as Isaiah ? No ! That doesn't mean they are bad people, but they didn't overturn the prosbul, and that is a big problem ! The Torah says: it is not in heaven, you do not have to go over the sea, but it is in your heart and you know it. Did Moshe Rabbeinu follow a Rabbi, when he sacrificed it all (his life in Egypt) for Justice ? He (presumably) did it (kill those guards), because he knew that to be right. Abraham also left his family, after destroying the idols, right ? They see lies and injustice, and they act. They don't get on the phone with a "Rebbe" or study 500 books first, and then still don't do anything. Their acts _become_ the books ! You do not have to be a genius, to know the prosbul is a lie.
    Isn't your God "holy", didn't you already behave not good enough to the point he saw that he needed to wipe you all out, except for Moshe Rabbeinu ? You need to be like Moshe Rabbeinu. The way all this is going, it looks like the curses will become effective again: 7 times worse than the Nazis. I do not comprehend, from a very basic and simple minded perspective, why you have the *guts* really, to allow the _prosbul_ to be on the books (see Shulchan Aruch, chapters 180 and 66, if I recall; yes I have that book here, this is how I discovered at least on economics where you have overthrown the Torah and becames servants of the rich & greedy). I don't understand the dishonesty and the mindlessness. It's not really a discussion. You comply or you lie, it is that simple, isn't it. HKB'H has punished you, and he had to do that. You caused it yourselves.
    See the opportunity then: overturn thousands of years of law breaking, set up your Sanhedrin, return to HKB'H, and who knows how easy he will make it for you to get rid of the churches. Perhaps He will not but make it a challenge, but a challenge you can win, because you purified yourselves. Worship of Rebbes is _idolatry._ Only HKB'H is your God, and not even Kings of Israel may be worshiped. None is there besides HKB'H, _none._ He told you: keep the Torah, a _written_ law, not an oral law, a _written_ law. Don't let another terrible event hurt you, before you bow your head to your God, please, for your own sakes. By the time you realize how serious this all may end up being, it could be too late. Sorry to go on about it. Time is running out it seems. *You have been warned, and shown a way out.* Have a great day.

    • @zogyechi
      @zogyechi 3 місяці тому +1

      @@josboersema1352 torah is not in heaven, there are many mitsvos that will need to be reviewed and some will be updated or switched to a new system, like Kiddush hachodesh and so on, I'm sure the Sanhedrin will revisit Shmita, Yovel, the elements of debt cancelation and much more, everything in due time.

    • @josboersema1352
      @josboersema1352 3 місяці тому

      ​@@zogyechi _"Neither is it beyond the sea, ..."_ _"it is very close"_ (Deut. 30:13, ...). Debt cancellation in the 7th year is quite clear as a law, even if you may need to argue the practical details of a particular case in a local court. There is no need to wait for a Sanhedrin for doing this, just as there is no need to wait for a Sanhedrin to observe the Shabbos. The Shabbos comes, Sanhedrin or not. The poor Jew comes for help to his brothers, Sanhedrin or not. 2000 years or so of waiting on a loyal Sanhedrin is too long (in my opinion).
      Otherwise, you could be right, but if the Torah is to be law (which for Israel it is), there are limits to its honest and fair interpretation. The prosbul falls clearly outside of those limits, anyone can see that (in my opinion). It is a clear and practical moral law of financial help to fellow Jews. It does not require the application of severe punishments like the death sentence for 'laying as with a woman', nor does it require seemingly miraculous fortunes like the 7th year Shmittah on land and a greatly increased previous harvest to cover for it. A Sanhedrin which legislates something like the prosbul, can in my opinion no longer be regarded as being a Sanhedrin which follows the Torah, but becomes a group of people who likely need to be ignored, resisted, or even overthrown.
      Not acting for a correction already, means a new Sanhedrin is likely to be formed out of people who support books like the Shulchan Aruch, and just like everyone else already, why would they then suddenly decide to overthrow the prosbul (overthrow Hillel the Elder and Rambam / Maimonides, with his similar device "heter iska" ) ? Thank you for replying, have a good Shabbos.

  • @WrennWrenn
    @WrennWrenn 3 місяці тому

    the rebbe mhm: "the reason for Golus [sinas chinom] has already been corrected" - mattos-masei 5751

    • @zogyechi
      @zogyechi 3 місяці тому +2

      Yes, but these things need upkeep, and in every moment we need to verify and reenforce it. It's clear that there is more that needs to be done, when the rebbe says it's already corrected he's referring to the basic level that would hold back the arrival of moshiach.

  • @WrennWrenn
    @WrennWrenn 3 місяці тому

    40:40 "it wasn't important for the Rebbe that he is Moshiach" then why did the Rebbe tell us that Hashem chose him to be Moshiach Tzidkeinu? why did the Rebbe encourage Kabolas HaMalchus?

    • @zogyechi
      @zogyechi 3 місяці тому

      במקום שאין איש,
      I think it was not here nor there...
      The rebbe would be delighted if תחיית המתים happened to the frierdiker rebbe...
      באתי לגני
      And most of the rebbe's sichos talks about being ready for moshiach in general...

    • @zogyechi
      @zogyechi 3 місяці тому +2

      I don't think the rebbe was against it either - that he is moshiach - as it says במקום שאין איש השתדל להיות איש but the point was the geulah of am yisroel more than anything else, the rebbe wanted a kingdom for Hashem and got some chabad houses instead...

  • @WrennWrenn
    @WrennWrenn 3 місяці тому

    why do we need the Sanhedrin to appoint Melech HaMoshiach? - the Rebbe says MELECH HaMoshiach is already active in the world - Mishpotim 5752

    • @zogyechi
      @zogyechi 3 місяці тому +1

      A Sanhedrin is important in its own right and needs to exist BEFORE moshiach can manifest his fulfilment of תורה חדשה מאיתי תצא as the rebbe explaines in dvar malchus יום ב דחג השבועות בעניין תורה חדשה מאיתי תצא אות ו. And so on....

    • @zogyechi
      @zogyechi 3 місяці тому +1

      Fact is that the rebbe according to Halacha is not able to be melech now. Not because of the Sanhedrin but because of the histalkus....

    • @WrennWrenn
      @WrennWrenn 3 місяці тому +1

      @@zogyechi Bo 5752 - there is no Histalkus. What is the source for the notion that there can be a generation without a physical Moshe/Rebbe/Nassi?

    • @BennyFitter
      @BennyFitter 2 місяці тому

      Because the Rebbe is a meshugena that called himself the messiah

  • @rollingknuckleball
    @rollingknuckleball 3 місяці тому +1


    • @zogyechi
      @zogyechi 3 місяці тому

      @@rollingknuckleball bitachon