I have an AC30 with alnico blues. I also have a cabinet with 2 greenbacks. I’ve tried each alone and in combination. I’m now looking to replace the greenbacks with blues. The blues are simply the best speakers I’ve ever played through.
Well you recorded this amp SO well!!! Sounds great man!! Half of Vox demos I swear sound boxy, scratchy, thin…..nothing like what’s actually going on in the room. This sounds killer!
@@landonbailey I noticed the same - all of your latest videos just sound great! In fact, I don't think I've heard an AC15 quite this well recorded (on youtube, at least). Now we need to hook you up with a Tonex rig so you can capture these great amp sounds...
I’ve got the old 1960’s Vox Royal Guardsman amp on the roller cart in a well earned retirement now. I’m now using the AC-30 with the Alnico blues in it. It makes my Rick jingle jangle, my Fender Strats and Telecasters sing and my Les Pauls roar. It’s a little heavy but it can be moved by one or two guys. There’s enough handles on it. I love it, still gigging at 70 yrs old and no intentions of retiring from it. I told the guys in the band if I go to collapse on stage “ Save the Guitar “. Lol and that’s no joke !!!
The Greenback was always my choice over the Alnico. The concept for the modern AC15 was for it to be VOX’s version of a Deluxe Reverb type lower wattage, Swiss Army knife gigging amp.
A video on The Tone Lounge channel demonstrated that if you are plugged into the Normal input and you can crank the Top Boost volume, then the Bass and Treble controls will work while on the Normal input.
Yep, got it wrong, first two clips both speakers were 'the sound of VOX' but then with distortion thought the blue sounded more like a Marshall (which is not a good thing).
For people that generally don't like tremolo, try setting the depth really low and the rate not too fast for a subtle always-on effect that just adds a slight bit of movement to sustained notes.
That's pretty much what I ended up as my default setting. You can also set it higher if you're playing clean and keep the playing really sparse. I like to imagine I'm playing Wembley stadium!
This is my default use of tremolo too, it should be more apparent when it's turned off than when it's turned on if that makes sense. Kind of like reverb, you shouldn't really be thinking about it when it's there, but when it's gone you'll notice.
Cool vid. I don’t own a Vox but keep coming back to them, play them in stores. Maybe one day I’ll get one. I’ve heard the AC15 is one of the best made and reliable amps in its range. And I got the tone challenge right, guessed B for blue. PS - I like how you have the decibel meter running to show what type of room volume there is. Not enough demos do this IMO
I've a slight preference for the blue but I've still got the greenback in mine. TBH the difference isn't enough to make me want to pony up the cash for the "upgrade". I do keep toying with the idea of buying a cheap HB 1X12 cab, junk the speaker, put the greenback in it, a blue in the Vox and then have a decent 1X12 cab that I can play around with some lunchbox type amps with.
I bought an AC15C1 from Sweetwater last year. It was a limited run with a Celestion creamback 12", and it's not as growly as your Blue. Still a fabulous amp.
Both sounded great! Bur, I would say the blue(B) had a bit more punch The (A) sounded more rounded better crunch.. so it de[ends on personal preference. great job
Yes i have! Vox stopped being vox in 1964 after that it aint vox! But still carrys that logo witch is a shame. Vox doesnt have circuit boards. Mine doesnt point to point. Not even close
I like Vox amps straight out the box. I’d never bother to swap out a speaker on a new amp. I really think it’s a matter of preference. But to each his own.
I'm the same. VOX is home base. I have an AC15C1 stock Greenback and a Pathfinder 15. I also love my Laney VC30 amps. VOX AC3O inspired, i have a 112 clone with a 70/80 style stock speaker (just ok) and my favorite amp, a mid-2000s Laney VC30 210 with two Jensen 10" speakers that were designed for that model. Wonderful workhorse of an amp, takes every pedal I've ever thrown at it.
The Laney VC line is great. And you can get them (used of course) for next to nothing nowadays; even the British made ones. I myself have an early Lionheart 5W Combo (with an Eminence GA-SC64) for recording and a Laney GH30R for live use. As you said: wonderful workhorses and pedal platforms. And the 2nd channel on my 2 Laneys can sound VERY close to a JTM45/Bluesbreaker without the need for a powersoak.
I've had one of these for several years and It's been a vey versatile amp. I ran it with the Greenback for a long time and it was great, but I had a Weber Blue Dog laying around so I swapped it out and put the Greenback in a closed back speaker cab and run them together and it's AMAZING!!!!!!! I run a Les Paul trough it most the time run the Master at full and turn the volume to taste. Great Video!!!
I always found the EQ took some getting used to. You didn't mention it, but the bass and treble are weirdly interactive, for instance if you turn the treble up, it actually cuts the bass, as you could hear in your demo.
Great demo! The difference seems slight, & they both sound great, but I preferred the blue. I'm sure It was more apparent in the room. Now it has me curious what it would sound like with the back open like a Fender compared to closed. You made a great choice In the guitar used to demonstrate the differences in the dynamics, but I am also a little curious what the others would have sounded in the comparison. Great amp & great demo!
the blue seams rounder and maybe more depth. I have the green backs and while some my roll there eyes, I crank the reverb to 3 o clock and push the bass past the tremble. I also have been using a slit adaptor so I can jump the channels and I dig it.
Had the pleasure of being front row at an Angels gig where Rick Brewster was playing through a Vox AC30. Absolutely killer tone. Simply mouthwatering! Though it was devastatingly loud.... Blowing my hair back!
Pretty easy to distinguish. They do both have a great sound, but unfortunately for my bank balance, I prefer the blue. Thanks for the clear comparison.
The first Marshall Major that Jim Marshall built for Ritchie Blackmore, was actually Ritchie Blackmore's AC30 Pre-Amp, put into a Marshall enclosure with a 150 watt Marshall power stage.
I prefer the blue in the room but both sounded good recorded. Have used the C1X for the last few years, gigs/rehearsal/studio, it's fantastic. Typically I use the normal channel..... less knobs. Great comparison video!
I did get it right but then i have played both of them for years through all kinds of vox AC 30s,they are both cracking speakers but i do miss the twin blues some thing more homely about the blues how ever they are twice the price,great job keep up the good work
A little Audioslave? Its a great amp, great series of amps. Plays extremely well in band setting too when everyone else is buried in the middle. Awesome amateur tip - use the speaker extension if you have a spare 2x12 cab.
Landon, I texted you about my Tele last week. I too have aFender studio 85 . I had it for 25 years before using it !! 90$ in repairs and I love it . I want a Vox but I also want my wife. Loving guitars can be a tough road to travel. Happy Newyear .
I'm a Vox fanatic (ac15c1 my favorite) and always bought a blue to run in a speaker cabinet in stereo with the amp's green speaker. It's the only clean sound that can top a Roland Jazz Chorus. I always knew the green had the edge for distorted tones (but not night and day) but in YOUR test I was surprised to find I liked the tone of the green for cleans. That said, it's a) not a fair test when the speakers aren't broken in, since they're not in their "prime" out of the box which means their tonal character is very different, and b) my FAVORITE Vox tone is with a strat in the 4 position (neck/mid pup together) and that's the benchmark I use in gauging clean Vox tones because nothing brings out that patented Vox chime quite like it. Another variable are the tubes which greatly affect tone. I have a nice collection of NOS tubes from the 50s/60s/70s that really change everything. In my tests, the green can't touch the blue in cleans. I also switched that reverb tank out fast, didn't care for it. Still though I found your out of the box test interesting, thanks for taking the time to do it. (PS: I'm listening on 8 inch M-Audio studio monitors)
I preferred the Green. It had a little more chime clean. Dirty the Green seemed a little tighter also. I had Vox tube amp. But the Blue upgrade does not sound better to me. On the other hand, my guitar is very bright, so the Blue might sound better in person.
quick reminder when removing back panel, Landon is smart to keep the screws on the panel, as there are a combination of wood and metal screws on these amps, DO NOT mix this up when re-installing panel
I recently purchased a Vox VTX 100. It's a hybrid amp and I don't really use the amp models. I set it to the Vox AC30 TB setting and left it there. I bought the amp at a local used gear music shop for only $171 US. I'm glad I took the chance. It's replacing my previous rig. Vox + a Boss Blues Driver sounds amazing.
I have an AC15C1 with a Greenback. I couldn’t make up my kind between them so I bought it with the intention of buying a Celestion Alnico Blue and adding some connectors to the speaker cable so I could switch between them easily. In the end I never get the need. What I would like is a 1x12 speaker cab in the AC with an Alnico Blue in it. Can’t figure out why Vox don’t seem to have them for sale.
Great vid...I agree that the AC15 tone is the best...nothing like it! Currently have a 15 with a Greenback, I had a hardwired 15 with a Blue but sold it a number of years ago - a move I regret to this day...
Love it!! I only have one amp(just play at home) it’s a Vox Pathfinder 15R with a real spring reverb.. it’s a fantastic sounding amp and is definitely my tone, if I get back to gigging, an AC-15 will be the choice, I can’t get enough of the Vox sound. Have a good one from the East Coast Eh!
The blues aren't actually much brighter. They get the reputation for being more chimey, but honestly the bigger difference with them from a greenback is the tighter bass response. That's what makes the treble frequencies seem more accentuated. Both are valid speakers for Vox amps, and I personally think the greenback is a more balanced speaker for the modern Vox amps. 15:07 Actually, the treble and bass controls both control the mids of the tone stack. You joke, but I'm serious. The top boost circuit works that way. If you push the knobs above 12 o'clock, you begin to decrease mids. The inverse is true as well. One of my fav sounds with my AC30TB/6 is bass all the way down, and treble back to taste. It creates a wild clean sound.
I plan on buying a Vox AC15C1 with a blue alnico speaker for my J-Rock album, this video helped me make a decision on what speaker I should get for it, and I am 100% getting the blue alnico speaker.
I love my ac30 c2x great cleans / overdrive ,the two blues work well at any volume weighs a ton but its worth it,anything from bedroom practice to concert hall ! If its good enough for Rory gallagher.....
Try an Eminence GA-SC64 for more bass, flatter mids and to lose a bit of the icepick. The frequency response is much like the Celestion AlNiCo blue but at half the cost.
I got it right. The Alnico Blue breaks up more smoothly with a fuller, more pleasant distortion to my ears. Oh yeah, it's good to have you back in the VOX family 🙂 So, taking off the back panel is unnecessary. All you need to do is remove the chassis screws, disconnect the speaker wires, then the back panel and chassis come away as a unit.
I guessed correctly! That's a great sounding amp....tremolos have one slow speed I like for slow ballads sometime...not a fan of the fast modes ..Did you get a new tele? Haven't seen that one before.
Yikes, I got it wrong. I'm surprised that I preferred the Greenback in the quick demo. I have two Voxes (HW60) with silver Celestions and they are incredibly fantastic sounding. Also I have chance to buy a mint used AC15C1 with greenback for $375. I was unsure about it actually, only because I already have the AC15 and AC30... Maybe I should revisit that. Right now my main sound is the AC15 in stereo with a Tweed Deluxe clone (Clark) both running clean with stereo reverb and delay pedals. My main drive sound is coming from an 80s Hotcake. The hotcake is made for Vox and pairs really well. I'd love to use the amps driven tone, but they are just too loud for what I need currently. These are vintage style reissues with no master volume. Nice to have when needed though.
I have an AC152C and it's great. Sounds great and does 90% of what I need it to do. However it's a 2x12 and has on occasion thrown out my back getting it in and out of my car.
Woo hoo! Got it right. I dig the greenback, and preferred it in this video as well. I play an older, turn of the century AC15 w only one channel. I f$ckin adore it. It’s given me the best tones of my life; absolutely impeccable edge-of-breakup. Throw a telecaster into the mix and it’s game over.
Greenback (ceramic) sounded like what I expect from a VOX (it's stock) compared to the Blue (Alnico) which has a brasher tone. I can see both being a good choice depending on the band. Meanwhile how's the tube supply lately, are replacement tubes even available?
I own 3 Vox amps. An AD60 VT modelling amp. Which is a fantastic little amp. A mini Super beetle, brilliant for home recording and an AC30 CC2X, my favourite but just too much amp for my home studio. Would love a British 60’s AC30, probably never happen, but I’m Vox through and through. I prefer the the AC15 with the blue, but both sound awesome.
Every year or so I swap between the blue and green in my amp. They both have something I like. I made 2 cabs I use with another amp that uses a 12 inch green and a 10 inch gold alnico. They sound good when you can pair a greenback with an alnico.
That was a fun video. I liked the sound of B, which turned out to be the blue. I picked up an AC15 head a couple of weeks ago. One of my two holy grail amps. The other is a Fender Princeton Reverb, which I picked up a couple of months ago. (It’s been a hell of year, and I’m indulging myself a bit) I haven’t been able to play through the AC15 yet, for lack of a speaker cab. But I do have a Celestion 12” Goldback that I found on side of the highway a while back, next to its smashed cabinet and twin brother. I’m going to build a cabinet for the Goldback, plug the AC15 head into it, and make some noise. 😁
Sounds nice, when I was gigging I didn't care about the effects much. I just needed a decent clean tone, and great crunch rhythm and lead tones. We didn't have a sound man, so I had to keep each volume in check.
It takes a lot to surprise me these days, but the quality of the tones I got out of the AC10C1 had me checking & rechecking the price tag the first time I tried one out. It remains my favourite amp for my Strats & Teles, along with my Gretsch.
Nice videos, thanks. Having use these amps mostly for gigging, I think both speakers are good in their own way tonally, but on stage with a band, and tuning it up a little louder, the Celestion blue speaker really stands up- I just hear it better.
The VOX AC30 and the AC15 are LEGENDS up there with Marshall PLEXIs, Fender Bassmen and Princetons, Mesa Boogies, Roland Jazz Chorus, and 5150s. So much so that the AC30 is included in pretty much every guitar amp modeling pedal made! Personally, I wouldn’t say I like the AC30 tone, I’d say I love it! Like can’t imagine playing without it. I didn’t even realize until just now, but currently I only own VOX amps. No JC120 or Twin Reverb or anything. Weird. 🤘😎🤘
Thank you! Love this vid & dig your sense of humor too! I sort of surprised myself being able to recognize the G-12 M vs. the Blue (probably due to owning a '70-'71 Marshall 4x12 w/ original Thames-Ditton greenbacks). So in your test, I think "A" just sounded familiar(!); that characteristic flat-yet-midrange-y EQ. The Blue's reveal more top and emphasize the upper mids in a cool way--I suppose that's what makes them airier, more open sounding--and of course guitar friendly! Tele's + AC-15's/AC-30's is an incredibly versatile foundation for tons of great tones. Well done LB.
I like the blue speaker betterest but I’m not gonna change out my greenback in my asee15 looks to scary and to much work and extra cash I don’t have. I’ve been Fender and Marshall for years, just got the Vox 2 years ago and love it! Boy, am I stupid for waiting this long.
I could easily tell the difference, but I can’t say which I liked better. The original was more middy and cutting, the blue had more low end. I liked them both. It was like comparing apples and… different apples.
When listening in headphones I preferred the tone of speaker A. I used to have a 4x12 Marshall cabinet with greens, but I was expecting it to be the sound of the blue. So I guess I'm a little happy that the ones I liked are the one I am looking to repurchase again. Cheers.
As the owner of two '66 AC30s, a '74 AC30, and a Rose Morris 80s era AC30; as well as a newer Korg Vox AC30 and a AC15HW, I can tell you that the modem Vox amps sound NOTHING like the originals - Blues loaded or otherwise. The closest Korg/Vox came to sounding like a JMI era AC30 was their AC30CC line which I believe was discontinued in 2010 to cut costs, but even then several mods needed to take place to sound like an AC30. If you were to play the Chinese Made Vox and then play the JMI or Rose Morris Vox you would hear a significant difference.
yes I got the blind challenge right, but that's mainly because i have a 1990's vox AC15 which I fitted with a green back out of a 1971marshall cab , I really love the sound of these amps mainly because of my musical influences which include Queen, Status Quo, etc
I have gigged with a Vox AC15 c1 for about 10 years before my band brokeup. It's a great amp. Indoors it's perfect, outdoors it breaks up but it sounds great even though it won't play clean on outdoor stage. My neighbor slammed her kitchen window shut when I had it cranked playing LedZep and the Who won't get fooled again. I swapped the reverb tank and put JJ tubes. I have greenback stock. I have a bunch of live gigs with that amp on my channel. It sounds better crunch tones than my Mesa Lonestar. It's louder than my Fender Champ head. Great amp overall.
Great video, especially enjoyed the sound of the GH Telecaster through the Vox. Just curious why you didn't play the Casino through the Vox. Keep making these great videos for all us Canucks out there. Did you ever approach LnM for any type of sponsorship ?
ya no reason for not playing the Casino. and to answer the L&M check this out: ua-cam.com/video/LIjMSfNywNA/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/Tx0h3Qmwlfw/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/kGJgDWfPqNw/v-deo.html
I’m nearly deaf, so I often don’t hear the subtle nuances in tones. Both sound great to me. Which one is better for chugging? What would Randy play? That’s the real question.
I had an AC -15,didn’t like it,had an AC -30 loved it,wish I still had it,absolutely one of the best amps I ever owned,it had two celestion 12” greenbacks,the tremolo circuit was fantastic.
@@landonbailey the AC-15 i had sounded too thin to me,maybe should have given it more of a chance,but I had the AC-30-2 Before the AC-15,so could have been looking for something more. Fantastic amps though. Thanks for your videos.
get Vox amps here
🛒 *Sweetwater* imp.i114863.net/43o9Z
🛒 *Guitar Center* guitar-center.pxf.io/15md5D
🛒 *Andertons* bit.ly/3BONJqS
🛒 *Amazon* geni.us/VoxAC15
🛒 *Thomann* bit.ly/3k9QEz4
🛒 *Reverb* reverb.grsm.io/landonbailey
🛒 *Solo* Guitars bit.ly/3dpEzYH
🛒 *Ebay* ebay.us/F7bxvx
0:00 - Unboxing and
0:39 - why do I like VOX so much?
1:40 - disclosure
3:35 - Blind Tone Challenge
5:30 - Speaker Swap
11:12 - AC15C1 and AC15C1X Specs
12:14 - Amp walkthrough and tones
12:35 - Fender Telecaster Deluxe humbucker tones
17:25 - Fender Stratocaster single coil tones
19:40 - Fender Telecaster single coil tones
I have an AC30 with alnico blues. I also have a cabinet with 2 greenbacks. I’ve tried each alone and in combination. I’m now looking to replace the greenbacks with blues. The blues are simply the best speakers I’ve ever played through.
My AC30 has blues and really I like the Greenbacks I replaced running in a 2 X 12 cab at the same time
Have you tried the Gold? I use one in a 1x12 cabinet, with a Orange Dual Terror Head and it's the best sounding bit in my entire signal chain.
Well you recorded this amp SO well!!! Sounds great man!! Half of Vox demos I swear sound boxy, scratchy, thin…..nothing like what’s actually going on in the room. This sounds killer!
that's Sennheiser e906 is the best amp mic I've used. Really reliable tones
@@landonbailey I noticed the same - all of your latest videos just sound great! In fact, I don't think I've heard an AC15 quite this well recorded (on youtube, at least). Now we need to hook you up with a Tonex rig so you can capture these great amp sounds...
I’ve got the old 1960’s Vox Royal Guardsman amp on the roller cart in a well earned retirement now. I’m now using the AC-30 with the Alnico blues in it. It makes my Rick jingle jangle, my Fender Strats and Telecasters sing and my Les Pauls roar. It’s a little heavy but it can be moved by one or two guys. There’s enough handles on it. I love it, still gigging at 70 yrs old and no intentions of retiring from it. I told the guys in the band if I go to collapse on stage “ Save the Guitar “. Lol and that’s no joke !!!
The Greenback was always my choice over the Alnico. The concept for the modern AC15 was for it to be VOX’s version of a Deluxe Reverb type lower wattage, Swiss Army knife gigging amp.
A video on The Tone Lounge channel demonstrated that if you are plugged into the Normal input and you can crank the Top Boost volume, then the Bass and Treble controls will work while on the Normal input.
I had it backwards. But I prefer the greenback tones
Same for me, and I got it backwards as well.
Yep, got it wrong, first two clips both speakers were 'the sound of VOX' but then with distortion thought the blue sounded more like a Marshall (which is not a good thing).
My AC-15 is Blue(and Cream) on the outside, and Green(back) on the inside. It’s my favorite amp ever, my Guitars feel the same way about it.
For people that generally don't like tremolo, try setting the depth really low and the rate not too fast for a subtle always-on effect that just adds a slight bit of movement to sustained notes.
thanks for the tip!
That's pretty much what I ended up as my default setting. You can also set it higher if you're playing clean and keep the playing really sparse. I like to imagine I'm playing Wembley stadium!
This is my default use of tremolo too, it should be more apparent when it's turned off than when it's turned on if that makes sense. Kind of like reverb, you shouldn't really be thinking about it when it's there, but when it's gone you'll notice.
There is just something special about a t-style guitar into a Vox. Even after going ampless now, I still gravitate toward the more Vox voicings.
Totally agree. Incredible tones.
I’m shocked, I preferred the greenback in all comparisons. Always been curious about running it is stereo with the blue as well
Would sound way different in person. Brian May's amps have Blues in them for a reason. 💚🎸
Cool vid. I don’t own a Vox but keep coming back to them, play them in stores. Maybe one day I’ll get one. I’ve heard the AC15 is one of the best made and reliable amps in its range. And I got the tone challenge right, guessed B for blue. PS - I like how you have the decibel meter running to show what type of room volume there is. Not enough demos do this IMO
I've a slight preference for the blue but I've still got the greenback in mine. TBH the difference isn't enough to make me want to pony up the cash for the "upgrade". I do keep toying with the idea of buying a cheap HB 1X12 cab, junk the speaker, put the greenback in it, a blue in the Vox and then have a decent 1X12 cab that I can play around with some lunchbox type amps with.
I like both the blue and green backs
I have the AC15 with the blue alnico. Definitely like the sound of it . Was easy to figure which was which.
Have you ever played one?
get Vox amps here
🛒 *Sweetwater* imp.i114863.net/43o9Z
🛒 *Guitar Center* guitar-center.pxf.io/15md5D
🛒 *Andertons* bit.ly/3BONJqS
🛒 *Amazon* geni.us/VoxAC15
🛒 *Thomann* bit.ly/3k9QEz4
🛒 *Reverb* reverb.grsm.io/landonbailey
🛒 *Solo* Guitars bit.ly/3dpEzYH
🛒 *Ebay* ebay.us/F7bxvx
0:00 - Unboxing and
0:39 - why do I like VOX so much?
1:40 - disclosure
3:35 - Blind Tone Challenge
5:30 - Speaker Swap
11:12 - AC15C1 and AC15C1X Specs
12:14 - Amp walkthrough and tones
12:35 - Fender Telecaster Deluxe humbucker tones
17:25 - Fender Stratocaster single coil tones
19:40 - Fender Telecaster single coil tones
All my Vox videos: ua-cam.com/play/PLUKDOD2AiVCiI8jr-BfZl6bKv9P5x8ZsY.html
I bought an AC15C1 from Sweetwater last year. It was a limited run with a Celestion creamback 12", and it's not as growly as your Blue. Still a fabulous amp.
Both sounded great! Bur, I would say the blue(B) had a bit more punch The (A) sounded more rounded better crunch.. so it de[ends on personal preference. great job
Yes i have! Vox stopped being vox in 1964 after that it aint vox! But still carrys that logo witch is a shame. Vox doesnt have circuit boards. Mine doesnt point to point. Not even close
Or hit me up. I’ll build ya a REAL one with an Ef86 preamp.
I like Vox amps straight out the box. I’d never bother to swap out a speaker on a new amp. I really think it’s a matter of preference. But to each his own.
I'm the same.
VOX is home base. I have an AC15C1 stock Greenback and a Pathfinder 15.
I also love my Laney VC30 amps. VOX AC3O inspired, i have a 112 clone with a 70/80 style stock speaker (just ok) and my favorite amp, a mid-2000s Laney VC30 210 with two Jensen 10" speakers that were designed for that model. Wonderful workhorse of an amp, takes every pedal I've ever thrown at it.
The Laney VC line is great. And you can get them (used of course) for next to nothing nowadays; even the British made ones. I myself have an early Lionheart 5W Combo (with an Eminence GA-SC64) for recording and a Laney GH30R for live use. As you said: wonderful workhorses and pedal platforms. And the 2nd channel on my 2 Laneys can sound VERY close to a JTM45/Bluesbreaker without the need for a powersoak.
I've had one of these for several years and It's been a vey versatile amp. I ran it with the Greenback for a long time and it was great, but I had a Weber Blue Dog laying around so I swapped it out and put the Greenback in a closed back speaker cab and run them together and it's AMAZING!!!!!!!
I run a Les Paul trough it most the time run the Master at full and turn the volume to taste.
Great Video!!!
I find your videos funny and informative, thank you from Southeast Arizona, USA 🇺🇸. Love your guitar playing, man!
Awesome, thank you!
What kind of double talk is that, eh? It's Canadian. That said, Vox! Good enough for The Shadows, The Beatles, Petty? Good enough for me.
Brian May uses them. That's all I need to know. ✌️🇦🇺
Jmi vox not these one's.
Wow, the differences between the two speakers become more apparent when more distortion is on the signal.
So often it’s the other way around.
I use an AC15HWX with a blue speaker in it and I could tell B was the blue one right away. More much dynamic sounding, especially with some gain.
I always found the EQ took some getting used to. You didn't mention it, but the bass and treble are weirdly interactive, for instance if you turn the treble up, it actually cuts the bass, as you could hear in your demo.
I didn't notice it during recoring because I was wearing ear filters, but I did notice during playback for sure
noticed that immediately as well
Great demo!
The difference seems slight, & they both sound great, but I preferred the blue. I'm sure It was more apparent in the room.
Now it has me curious what it would sound like with the back open like a Fender compared to closed.
You made a great choice In the guitar used to demonstrate the differences in the dynamics, but I am also a little curious what the others would have sounded in the comparison.
Great amp & great demo!
Surprisingly I preferred the greenback. Guess I don't need to change the speakers in my vox :D
I liked the green. I played an AC15 for the first time a few years ago. Fantastic little amp, I'd like to own one.
Right on!
Little amp?? This thing weighs 48.5 pounds stock before any speaker change. Don’t consider that little these days.
Nice job man. This recording sounds really like an in-the-room tone. Have tried the 10 and 15 in store before and they sounded great.
Cool, thanks! the Sennheiser e906 is great
When I had my 2000 AC30/6 TB '64 reissue, it had both one greenback and a blue alnico in it. Best of both worlds?
Just a great demo and review. Your humor and personality make it fun!
the blue seams rounder and maybe more depth. I have the green backs and while some my roll there eyes, I crank the reverb to 3 o clock and push the bass past the tremble. I also have been using a slit adaptor so I can jump the channels and I dig it.
Hi! What's the meaning of "108" on the score screen at 16:16 ? Thx
decibel level
@@landonbailey Oh, thanks. That's what I first have thought about, though I wasn't sure. That's a lot btw 😂
Had the pleasure of being front row at an Angels gig where Rick Brewster was playing through a Vox AC30. Absolutely killer tone. Simply mouthwatering! Though it was devastatingly loud.... Blowing my hair back!
Pretty easy to distinguish. They do both have a great sound, but unfortunately for my bank balance, I prefer the blue. Thanks for the clear comparison.
Not sure if I got it right but the B spkr , ie Blue Celestion has more warmth to my ears , great little amps those AC 15s
The first Marshall Major that Jim Marshall built for Ritchie Blackmore, was actually Ritchie Blackmore's AC30 Pre-Amp, put into a Marshall enclosure with a 150 watt Marshall power stage.
I prefer the blue in the room but both sounded good recorded. Have used the C1X for the last few years, gigs/rehearsal/studio, it's fantastic. Typically I use the normal channel..... less knobs. Great comparison video!
I did get it right but then i have played both of them for years through all kinds of vox AC 30s,they are both cracking speakers but i do miss the twin blues some thing more homely about the blues how ever they are twice the price,great job keep up the good work
A little Audioslave? Its a great amp, great series of amps. Plays extremely well in band setting too when everyone else is buried in the middle. Awesome amateur tip - use the speaker extension if you have a spare 2x12 cab.
ya few chords mixed in there. cheers
Landon, I texted you about my Tele last week. I too have aFender studio 85 . I had it for 25 years before using it !! 90$ in repairs and I love it . I want a Vox but I also want my wife. Loving guitars can be a tough road to travel. Happy Newyear .
have fun!
Got em right. You're right on about preference more than better/worse.
great amp its very special and sounds amazing
I'm a Vox fanatic (ac15c1 my favorite) and always bought a blue to run in a speaker cabinet in stereo with the amp's green speaker. It's the only clean sound that can top a Roland Jazz Chorus. I always knew the green had the edge for distorted tones (but not night and day) but in YOUR test I was surprised to find I liked the tone of the green for cleans. That said, it's a) not a fair test when the speakers aren't broken in, since they're not in their "prime" out of the box which means their tonal character is very different, and b) my FAVORITE Vox tone is with a strat in the 4 position (neck/mid pup together) and that's the benchmark I use in gauging clean Vox tones because nothing brings out that patented Vox chime quite like it. Another variable are the tubes which greatly affect tone. I have a nice collection of NOS tubes from the 50s/60s/70s that really change everything. In my tests, the green can't touch the blue in cleans. I also switched that reverb tank out fast, didn't care for it. Still though I found your out of the box test interesting, thanks for taking the time to do it. (PS: I'm listening on 8 inch M-Audio studio monitors)
I liked the Alnico Blue better for clean and the greenback better for dirty
Ive been using vox amps since 1968. Currently have ac15c1x and ac30c2 with blue alnicos. Have my original 50w head and cab with cream backs.
I preferred the Green. It had a little more chime clean. Dirty the Green seemed a little tighter also. I had Vox tube amp. But the Blue upgrade does not sound better to me. On the other hand, my guitar is very bright, so the Blue might sound better in person.
I've got Marshalls, 5150s, and even some vintage amps, but this is my favorite amp. It's just so versatile, cheap and reliable.
Rock on!
Yes, another excellent video explanation. You’ll be my go-to for reviews. Good job
Wow, thanks
quick reminder when removing back panel, Landon is smart to keep the screws on the panel, as there are a combination of wood and metal screws on these amps, DO NOT mix this up when re-installing panel
I recently purchased a Vox VTX 100. It's a hybrid amp and I don't really use the amp models. I set it to the Vox AC30 TB setting and left it there. I bought the amp at a local used gear music shop for only $171 US. I'm glad I took the chance. It's replacing my previous rig. Vox + a Boss Blues Driver sounds amazing.
I have an AC15C1 with a Greenback. I couldn’t make up my kind between them so I bought it with the intention of buying a Celestion Alnico Blue and adding some connectors to the speaker cable so I could switch between them easily. In the end I never get the need.
What I would like is a 1x12 speaker cab in the AC with an Alnico Blue in it. Can’t figure out why Vox don’t seem to have them for sale.
Great vid...I agree that the AC15 tone is the best...nothing like it! Currently have a 15 with a Greenback, I had a hardwired 15 with a Blue but sold it a number of years ago - a move I regret to this day...
Rock on!
Love it!! I only have one amp(just play at home) it’s a Vox Pathfinder 15R with a real spring reverb.. it’s a fantastic sounding amp and is definitely my tone, if I get back to gigging, an AC-15 will be the choice, I can’t get enough of the Vox sound. Have a good one from the East Coast Eh!
I’ve got the same Pathfinder 15R. It’s a keeper for sure. 👍
@@mmpatriot2170 it definitely is, I absolutely love it!
Got it right. My AC15 has the green and for me it is "more gooder". Both great though. I like a 'thicker' tone on the Vox.
The blues aren't actually much brighter. They get the reputation for being more chimey, but honestly the bigger difference with them from a greenback is the tighter bass response. That's what makes the treble frequencies seem more accentuated. Both are valid speakers for Vox amps, and I personally think the greenback is a more balanced speaker for the modern Vox amps. 15:07 Actually, the treble and bass controls both control the mids of the tone stack. You joke, but I'm serious. The top boost circuit works that way. If you push the knobs above 12 o'clock, you begin to decrease mids. The inverse is true as well. One of my fav sounds with my AC30TB/6 is bass all the way down, and treble back to taste. It creates a wild clean sound.
The bass pushes at 250Hz, treble circa 2.5K both with Q around 1, by observation. No mid push, quite the opposite.
I plan on buying a Vox AC15C1 with a blue alnico speaker for my J-Rock album, this video helped me make a decision on what speaker I should get for it, and I am 100% getting the blue alnico speaker.
Had one, the cleans were angelic but it was way too loud and heavy for my use. Would highly recommend tho.
I don't own a Vox, but I own a Spark40 and tend to use the Vox on the app more than anything else.
The guitar sound that l like can be heard on the Del Vikings' 1957 recording "Whispering Bells". sweet chime sound..a Tele played thru a VOX
I have a carlsboro classic 15, I swapped the greenback for a blue celestion as I prefer the alnico vintage sound
I thought that was a type of beer!
I love my ac30 c2x great cleans / overdrive ,the two blues work well at any volume weighs a ton but its worth it,anything from bedroom practice to concert hall ! If its good enough for Rory gallagher.....
Good to know!
Try an Eminence GA-SC64 for more bass, flatter mids and to lose a bit of the icepick. The frequency response is much like the Celestion AlNiCo blue but at half the cost.
I got it right. The Alnico Blue breaks up more smoothly with a fuller, more pleasant distortion to my ears. Oh yeah, it's good to have you back in the VOX family 🙂 So, taking off the back panel is unnecessary. All you need to do is remove the chassis screws, disconnect the speaker wires, then the back panel and chassis come away as a unit.
Blind test wasn't too difficult. On clean to mild overdrive Alnico has the edge.
I like them both so much that I have one of each in an AC30 and move the mic to the one I'm in the mood for.
I guessed correctly! That's a great sounding amp....tremolos have one slow speed I like for slow ballads sometime...not a fan of the fast modes ..Did you get a new tele? Haven't seen that one before.
Yikes, I got it wrong. I'm surprised that I preferred the Greenback in the quick demo. I have two Voxes (HW60) with silver Celestions and they are incredibly fantastic sounding. Also I have chance to buy a mint used AC15C1 with greenback for $375. I was unsure about it actually, only because I already have the AC15 and AC30... Maybe I should revisit that. Right now my main sound is the AC15 in stereo with a Tweed Deluxe clone (Clark) both running clean with stereo reverb and delay pedals. My main drive sound is coming from an 80s Hotcake. The hotcake is made for Vox and pairs really well. I'd love to use the amps driven tone, but they are just too loud for what I need currently. These are vintage style reissues with no master volume. Nice to have when needed though.
I have an AC152C and it's great. Sounds great and does 90% of what I need it to do. However it's a 2x12 and has on occasion thrown out my back getting it in and out of my car.
they are so heavy!
Woo hoo! Got it right. I dig the greenback, and preferred it in this video as well.
I play an older, turn of the century AC15 w only one channel. I f$ckin adore it. It’s given me the best tones of my life; absolutely impeccable edge-of-breakup. Throw a telecaster into the mix and it’s game over.
Rock on!
Greenback (ceramic) sounded like what I expect from a VOX (it's stock) compared to the Blue (Alnico) which has a brasher tone. I can see both being a good choice depending on the band. Meanwhile how's the tube supply lately, are replacement tubes even available?
was the 'tube shortage' ever real?
I own 3 Vox amps. An AD60 VT modelling amp. Which is a fantastic little amp. A mini Super beetle, brilliant for home recording and an AC30 CC2X, my favourite but just too much amp for my home studio. Would love a British 60’s AC30, probably never happen, but I’m Vox through and through. I prefer the the AC15 with the blue, but both sound awesome.
Look for a 1994 -2000 AC30/6 TB. It was the closest reissue to 1964 specs at the time, and was made at the Marshall factory in the UK.
Every year or so I swap between the blue and green in my amp. They both have something I like. I made 2 cabs I use with another amp that uses a 12 inch green and a 10 inch gold alnico. They sound good when you can pair a greenback with an alnico.
That was a fun video. I liked the sound of B, which turned out to be the blue.
I picked up an AC15 head a couple of weeks ago. One of my two holy grail amps. The other is a Fender Princeton Reverb, which I picked up a couple of months ago. (It’s been a hell of year, and I’m indulging myself a bit)
I haven’t been able to play through the AC15 yet, for lack of a speaker cab. But I do have a Celestion 12” Goldback that I found on side of the highway a while back, next to its smashed cabinet and twin brother. I’m going to build a cabinet for the Goldback, plug the AC15 head into it, and make some noise. 😁
I use an AC15C1. Didn't have the greenbacks for the Alnico blue, so I make do with the greenback.
And, yeah, I don't use pedals 90% of the time. You can go from clean to dirty with the volume knob on the guitar and how hard you dig in.
Sounds nice, when I was gigging I didn't care about the effects much. I just needed a decent clean tone, and great crunch rhythm and lead tones. We didn't have a sound man, so I had to keep each volume in check.
Picked up a Vox AC10C1 and a Charvel DK24 HH this month. It's an amazing amp and a massive upgrade from my Marshall Class 5 with Plexi mods.
It takes a lot to surprise me these days, but the quality of the tones I got out of the AC10C1 had me checking & rechecking the price tag the first time I tried one out.
It remains my favourite amp for my Strats & Teles, along with my Gretsch.
You should try to set normal volume at max and add a treble booster before amp. It will be Brian May/Rory Gallagher sound
thanks for the tips!
Yep.... that blue speaker sounds ridiculously clear......I'm lit...
Probably one of my favourite UA-cam examples of "George's" various tones. Thanks Landon.👏👏
Yup - I picked B . . . the Beatlish Jingle Jangle really came thru - esp. on the 3rd OD sample 😃
Nice videos, thanks. Having use these amps mostly for gigging, I think both speakers are good in their own way tonally, but on stage with a band, and tuning it up a little louder, the Celestion blue speaker really stands up- I just hear it better.
The VOX AC30 and the AC15 are LEGENDS up there with Marshall PLEXIs, Fender Bassmen and Princetons, Mesa Boogies, Roland Jazz Chorus, and 5150s.
So much so that the AC30 is included in pretty much every guitar amp modeling pedal made!
Personally, I wouldn’t say I like the AC30 tone, I’d say I love it! Like can’t imagine playing without it.
I didn’t even realize until just now, but currently I only own VOX amps. No JC120 or Twin Reverb or anything. Weird.
I find that Modeling amps/Pedals can emulate Marshalls and Fenders well, not their Vox emulations always sound off.
I ID'd the speakers correctly - that Alnico blue has little extra sparkle and is a tad tighter - nice video
Thank you! Love this vid & dig your sense of humor too! I sort of surprised myself being able to recognize the G-12 M vs. the Blue (probably due to owning a '70-'71 Marshall 4x12 w/ original Thames-Ditton greenbacks). So in your test, I think "A" just sounded familiar(!); that characteristic flat-yet-midrange-y EQ. The Blue's reveal more top and emphasize the upper mids in a cool way--I suppose that's what makes them airier, more open sounding--and of course guitar friendly! Tele's + AC-15's/AC-30's is an incredibly versatile foundation for tons of great tones. Well done LB.
If you take a Vox amp and remove the stock speaker, then install an aftermarket speaker, do you still have a Vox amp?
is this a test?
I think they both sound good. Thank you doing all of that work.
Well, Vox sell a version with this Alnico Blue speaker so I’d say yes!
I've got VOX 30w XL-valvetronix I love it! Wish I could've afforded the 100watt XL or the 50xl ! Thanks
I like the blue speaker betterest but I’m not gonna change out my greenback in my asee15 looks to scary and to much work and extra cash I don’t have. I’ve been Fender and Marshall for years, just got the Vox 2 years ago and love it! Boy, am I stupid for waiting this long.
Ya keep the green! Both are great. There’s no right or wrong
I could easily tell the difference, but I can’t say which I liked better. The original was more middy and cutting, the blue had more low end. I liked them both. It was like comparing apples and… different apples.
I like apples
Wow #2, you’ve got a KILLER Telecaster collection. 🤩🤩
When listening in headphones I preferred the tone of speaker A. I used to have a 4x12 Marshall cabinet with greens, but I was expecting it to be the sound of the blue. So I guess I'm a little happy that the ones I liked are the one I am looking to repurchase again. Cheers.
As the owner of two '66 AC30s, a '74 AC30, and a Rose Morris 80s era AC30; as well as a newer Korg Vox AC30 and a AC15HW, I can tell you that the modem Vox amps sound NOTHING like the originals - Blues loaded or otherwise. The closest Korg/Vox came to sounding like a JMI era AC30 was their AC30CC line which I believe was discontinued in 2010 to cut costs, but even then several mods needed to take place to sound like an AC30. If you were to play the Chinese Made Vox and then play the JMI or Rose Morris Vox you would hear a significant difference.
if what I have now sounds good to me, why does any of that matter?
What makes the CC line better than the current production models?
I can immediately see why the Blue Alnico is extra money... to my ears it has a beauty to the sound. (I know...words are all I have.)
I guess for me I will always see greenbacks as the king of speakers. And vintage 30s as the main alternative.
yes I got the blind challenge right, but that's mainly because i have a 1990's vox AC15 which I fitted with a green back out of a 1971marshall cab , I really love the sound of these amps mainly because of my musical influences which include Queen, Status Quo, etc
The last riff made me guess right, the thinner sounding I supposed lcame from ighter speaker. Greenback preferred.
I have gigged with a Vox AC15 c1 for about 10 years before my band brokeup. It's a great amp. Indoors it's perfect, outdoors it breaks up but it sounds great even though it won't play clean on outdoor stage. My neighbor slammed her kitchen window shut when I had it cranked playing LedZep and the Who won't get fooled again. I swapped the reverb tank and put JJ tubes. I have greenback stock. I have a bunch of live gigs with that amp on my channel. It sounds better crunch tones than my Mesa Lonestar. It's louder than my Fender Champ head. Great amp overall.
Great video, especially enjoyed the sound of the GH Telecaster through the Vox. Just curious why you didn't play the Casino through the Vox. Keep making these great videos for all us Canucks out there. Did you ever approach LnM for any type of sponsorship ?
ya no reason for not playing the Casino. and to answer the L&M check this out:
Landon thanks for the reply to my comments and the links to your previous videos. Keep up the great content.
I've been playing through a Vox AC15C1 for years. It's my #1 go to amp.
I’m nearly deaf, so I often don’t hear the subtle nuances in tones. Both sound great to me. Which one is better for chugging? What would Randy play? That’s the real question.
I had an AC -15,didn’t like it,had an AC -30 loved it,wish I still had it,absolutely one of the best amps I ever owned,it had two celestion
12” greenbacks,the tremolo circuit was fantastic.
Thanks for sharing what didn't you like on the 15?
@@landonbailey the AC-15 i had sounded too thin to me,maybe should have given it more of a chance,but I had the AC-30-2
Before the AC-15,so could have been looking for something more.
Fantastic amps though.
Thanks for your videos.
The rendering of the Top Boost (bass and treble knobs) is superbe !