Elmwood Park Zoo Norristown PA June 2024

  • Опубліковано 4 лис 2024


  • @travisgoodman2132
    @travisgoodman2132 Місяць тому +1

    I wish the New Hope Zoo was home to the aardvark,the addax,the African bush elephant,the African Cape buffalo,the African civet,the African crested porcupine,the African forest buffalo,the African forest elephant,the African leopard,the African lion,the African palm civet,the African straw colored fruit bat,the African wildcat,the African wild dog,the Allen’s swamp monkey,the alpaca,the alpine ibex,the American beaver,the American bison,the American black bear,the American yorkshire pig,the Angolan black and white colobus,the Angora goat,the Angus cattle,the Antilopine kangaroo,the Arabian oryx,the Arctic fox,the Arctic ground squirrel,the Arctic hare,the Arctic shrew,the Arctic wolf,the Asian elephant,the aye aye,the Bactrian camel,the bald uakari,the banded mongoose,the Barbary macaque,the bat eared fox,the bearded seal,the Bengal tiger,the bighorn sheep,the binturong,the black and white ruffed lemur,the blackbacked jackal,the black blue eyed lemur,the black footed cat,the black footed ferret,the black howler,the black lemur,the black panther,the black rhinoceros,the black spider monkey,the black tailed jackrabbit,the black tamarin,the black wildebeest,the blond monkey,the blue monkey,the blue wildebeest,the bobcat,the bongo,the bonobo,the Bornean bearded pig,the Brazilian free tailed bat,the Brazilian porcupine,the brown bear,the brown capuchin,the brown fur seal,the brown howler,the brown hyena,the brown lemming,the bumbleebee bat,the California sea lion,the Campbell's mona monkey,the Canada lynx,the Cape bushbuck,the Cape hare,the capybara,the caracal,the Chacoan peccary,the cheetah,the chinchilla,the clouded leopard,the collared brown lemur,the collared peccary,the Columbian white faced capuchin,the common chimpanzee,the common eland,the common genet,the common hippopotamus,the common marmoset,the common warthog,the common wombat,the Coquerel’s sifaka,the cotton top tamarin,the coyote,the crab eating macaque,the crowned guenon,the Dama gazelle,the diana monkey,the domestic horse,the domestic rabbit,the domestic mouflon sheep,the donkey,the Doria’s tree kangaroo,the douc langur,the dromedary camel,the duck billed platypus,the dwarf mongoose,the East African oryx,the eastern gray kangaroo,the elk,the emperor tamarin,the ermine,the Ethiopian wolf,the Euopean hedgehog,the European mole,the fennec fox,the fishing cat,the fossa,the gelada,the gerenuk,the giant anteater,the giant eland,the giant panda,the giraffe,the golden lion tamarin,the golden rumped sengi,the gorilla,the gray mouse lemur,the gray wolf,the greater galago,the greater kudu,the greater spot nosed monkey,the Grevy's zebra,the grey cheeked mangabey,the grey rhebok,the ground pangolin,the Hamadryas baboon,the Hampshire pig,the harp seal,the Hartmann's mountain zebra,the Holestein Friesian cattle,the Hondurian white bat,the honey badger,the house mouse,the impala,the Indian flying fox,the Indian gray mongoose,the Indian muntjac,the Indian pangolin,the Indian rhinoceros,the indri lemur,the Jacob sheep,the jaguar,the jaguarundi,the Javan rhinoceros,the Jersey cattle,the Kenya coast galago,the kinkajou,the kipunji,the klipspringer,the koala,the leopard seal,the lesser kudu,the lesser spot nosed monkey,the little brown bat,the llama,the long beaked echidna,the lowland streaked tenrec,the Madagascan flying fox,the Madagascan fruit bat,the Madame Berthe's mouse lemur,the Madra tree shrew,the Malagasy jumping rat,the Malayan tapir,the mandrill,the margay,the meerkat,the Mexican free tailed bat,the moose,the moustached guenon,the Reeve's muntjac,the muskox,the naked mole rat,the Nepal gray langur,the Nigerian dwarf goat,the night monkey,the nilgai,the nine banded armadillo,the North American porcupine,the North American raccoon,the northern elephant seal,the northern greater galago,the northern plains langur,the numbat,the nyala,the ocelot,the okapi,the olive baboon,the orangutan,the Pallas’s cat,the Patagonian mara,the patas monkey,the Phillipine tarsier,the pine marten,the polar bear,the potto,the prairie dog,the proboscis monkey,the pronghorn,the pygmy hippopotamus,the pygmy marmoset,the pygmy mouse lemur,the Pygora goat,the quokka,the red howler,the red kangaroo,the red legged pademelon,the red necked wallaby,the red panda,the Red River hog,the Red ruffed lemur,the red spider monkey,the reindeer,the rhesus monkey,the ribbon seal,the ringed seal,the ringtailed lemur,the North American river otter,the roan antelope,the rock hyrax,the round eared elephant shrew,the royal antelope,the rusty spotted cat,the sable,the sable antelope,the sand cat,the scimitar horned oryx,the sea otter,the Senegal bushbaby,the serval,the Shetland pony,the short beaked echidna,the short eared elephant shrew,the siamang,the side striped jackal,the silky sifaka,the sitatunga,the slender loris,the sloth bear,the slow loris,the snow leopard,the snow vole,the snowshoe hare,the Somali elephant shrew,the Somali wild ass,the southern elephant seal,the southern tamandua,the spotted hyena,the squirrel monkey,the star nosed mole,the striped hyena,the striped skunk,the sugar glider,the Sulawesi bear cuscus,the Sumatran rhinoceros,the sun bear,the Syke’s monkey,the takin,the Tasmanian devil,the three toed sloth,the Thomson’s gazelle,the tiger quoll,the titi monkey,the tufted capuchin,the two toed sloth,the Udzungwa red colobus,the Uganda kob,the Ugandan red colobus,the urial,the vampire bat,the Verreaux's sifaka,the vervet,the Virginia opossum,the walrus,the water vole,the Welsh mountain pony,the west African potto,the western gray kangaroo,the white faced capuchin,the white faced saki,the white handed gibbon,the white rhinoceros,the white throated wood rat,the wild yak,the wolverine,the woolly monkey,the woolly spider monkey,the Yakutan horse,the yapok,the yellow baboon,the yellow bellied marmot,the yellow golden mole,the yellow winged bat,the Zanzibar red colobus,the zebra duiker,the zebu,the zorilla,the Adelie penguin,the African augur buzzard,the African dwarf kingfisher,the African emerald cuckoo,the African fish eagle,the African gray parrot,the African jacana,the African long crested buzzard,the African penguin,the Atlantic puffin,the bald eagle,the barn owl,the barred owl,the baya weaver,the black bellied whistling duck,the blue and gold macaw,the blue footed booby,the blue headed macaw,the Brazillian teal,the burrowing owl,the California condor,the California quail,the channelbilled toucan,the chicken,the Chinstrap penguin,the common raven,the crested quetzal,the crested wood partridge,the Cuban parrot,the domestic turkey,the eastern yellow billed hornbill,the emperor penguin,the emu,the Fishcher's lovebird,the Galapagos penguin,the gentoo penguin,the golden eagle,the golden pheasant,the great horned owl,the greater flamingo,the greycrowned crane,the Guianan trogon,,the harpy eagle,the helmeted guinea fowl,the Himalayan monal,the hoatzin,the Humbolt penguin,the Hyacinth macaw,Indian black eagle,the Indian peafowl,the Indian roller,the Indian vulture,the king penguin,the king vulture,the Kori bustard,the Lady Amherst's pheasant,the laughing kookaburra,the lesser flamingo,the lilac breasted roller,the little bee eater,the little blue penguin,the long wattled umbrella bird,the macaroni penguin,the Madagascar cuckoo hawk,the Madagascar ibis,the magellanic penguin,the mandarin duck,the marabou stork,the military macaw,the Montezuma quail,the nene,the nightingale,the ostrich,the peregrine falcon,the Phillipine eagle,the plain xenops,the plush crested jay,the rainbow lorikeet,the red and green macaw,the red billed quela,the red breasted nuthatch,the red tailed hawk,the resplendent quetzal,the rhea,the rock ptarmigan,the rockhopper penguin,the Ross’s turaco,the royal penguin,the Ruppell's vulture,the scarlet ibis,the saddlebill stork,the scarlet macaw,the secretary bird,the snowy owl,the southern red bishop,the Spix's macaw,the spotted eagle owl,the sulphur crested cockatoo,the Temmenick's tragopan,the Toco toucan,the turkey vulture,the umbrella cockatoo,the ural owl,the Verreaux's eagle,the wandering albatross,the white backed vulture,the white faced whistling duck,the white stork,the wild turkey,the woodpecker finch,the xeme,the yellow eyed penguin,the zebra finch,the boomslang,the rainbow boa,the Xenagama batillifera,the Xenagama wilmsi,the Borneo anglehead lizard,the American alligator,the American crocodile,the Nile crocodile,the saltwater crocodile,the Chinese alligator,the western rat snake,the radiated tortoise,the sandfish skink,the fire skink,the Galapgos tortoise,the pancake tortoise,the Kenyan sand boa,the African rock python,the Burmese python,the Indian python,the common chameleon,the Jackson's chameleon,the veiled chameleon,the red tailed boa constrictor,the green iguana,the eastern box turtle,the chuckwalla,the desert tortoise,the collared lizard,the leaf tailed gecko,the frilled lizard,the Madagascar day gecko,the Gila monster,the dwarf caiman,the dwarf crocodile,the gharial,the spectacled caiman,the red footed tortoise,the Nile monitor lizard,the matamata turtle,the pond slider,the nanochameleon,the panther chameleon,the spotted turtle,the savanna monitor lizard,the western hognosed snake,the emerald tree boa,the pink iguana,the thorny devil,the Komodo dragon,the carpet viper,the black mamba,the green anaconda,the Gaboon viper,the green mamba,the tokay,the web footed gecko,the desert crocodile,the Solomon Islands skink,the Indian flying lizard,the Aruba rattlesnake,the gold dust day gecko,the black caiman,the African helmeted turtle,the vine snake,the African clawed frog,the Kihansi spray toad,the African bullfrog,the bumblebee poison dart frog,the dyeing poison dart frog,the green and black poison dart frog,the Panamanian poison dart frog,the red eyed tree frog,the Amazon milk frog,the Goliath frog,the Brazilian gold frog,the tomato frog,the Wallace's flying frog and the Brazilian flea frog on the day the New Hope Zoo opens.

  • @KyleCostain
    @KyleCostain 3 місяці тому +1


  • @saidamirxonabdurahimov1700
    @saidamirxonabdurahimov1700 4 місяці тому +3

    Yeessss Im first