How Does A Near Death Experience Change The Way You Live?

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Thanks for the wonderful conversation, John Holland!
    To find out more about our upcoming cruise visit:


  • @drsarahthomas4725
    @drsarahthomas4725 Рік тому

    Anita is not only a best-selling author, John
    She is the chosen one, the lovely, lovely Anita.

  • @brouwa51
    @brouwa51 Рік тому +3

    Love to you both, Anita and John. Thank you for this interesting and loving session. Anita, I read your book "Dying to be me" a few years ago and listening to you and John now is still quite enriching.

  • @lizafield9002
    @lizafield9002 Рік тому +3

    So generous of yall to do this! THANK YOU! So helpful! Since my parents died in recent years, I'm always wondering, "How do yall see things? What are you doing? I love you so much! I miss you! can you hear me?" I feel they must find my gullywashers of grief kind of silly.

  • @greatvoices432
    @greatvoices432 Рік тому +1

    I learned of this at 3:10 pacific time, 22 May 2023, on the mail list. The mail list has the date (today) but not the time this was live.
    WOW! Thank you so much. I love the consideration of what happened to remove the fear of the disease, while you were ob. Wish I was still in So Cal, but am back in Spokane, Washington now.
    ❤🧡💛💚💙🩵💜 I so miss Wayne but your voice comforts me as much as his does

  • @wandarask8444
    @wandarask8444 Рік тому +3

    Hi Anita, many Thanks again, again, and again
    Polish lady living in Australia

  • @chrisb3927
    @chrisb3927 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for this interview, Anita!!!!!

  • @user-zf3gm6qr3s
    @user-zf3gm6qr3s Рік тому +2

    What a Great talk many thanks to both of you.Val

  • @carmenjacobetty1886
    @carmenjacobetty1886 Рік тому +1

    Me and my husband, we already booked ln your cruise, and we are coming from Portugal. I'm so happy that i will be with you both ! ❤ I met you Anita, luckily, one month ago in the internet. I have read your first book, in two days, and anxious to read the others. So i will meet you in three months! 🙏❤️

  • @ros6111
    @ros6111 Рік тому +3

    A few short NDE stories.....
    Notice at the end that he had a changed life too: FROM IANDS - "I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. I died on the operating table. I went through the dark into the light - a soft bluish light. An entity (Jesus to me) was of the light, and the light was a doorway. I was not in this body, but I was as normal as my body here. We spoke without speaking. Joy was all over me. I was relieved to know it is real! Jesus said, "I know it hurts and I know it is bad. You have not done what you said you would do and must go back." I refused. Jesus said, "You will come here, just not now…not yet. I am sorry." Then I was on the operating table and heard someone say, "We got him” and then "Oh my God he is awake.” I AM NOW AN ORDAINED MINISTER AND I PREACH. I WAS SHOWN THERE IS NO HELL. We all go home."
    Another Jesus story...KARIN F.: "She took me and placed me in a crystal-like bed and told me to rest because there were beings who wanted to honor and welcome me. I saw beings cued up to greet me. I spied Jesus among them and immediately felt as though something was wrong. I asked the being who brought me, how it was that Jesus wants to honor me. I told her that I was afraid that putting myself at the same level as Jesus would damn me to hell. SHE LAUGHED AND TOLD ME THERE IS NO HELL. WE ARE ALL EQUAL IN SPIRIT FORM. I believed all that nonsense. I KNOW NOW THERE IS NO HELL, and God is unconditional love. Yes we are all connected and NO ONE IS MORE OR LESS THAN ANYONE ELSE. That our souls are eternal and WE ARE HERE TO EXPERIENCE LIFE. Love is what we are and will be again. I REALIZED THAT WE WERE ON EARTH AS A VACATION FROM ETERNITY AND BLISS. I have no fears. I have a knowing and I feel oneness with all things. Fear actually kills love."
    And what about this?....ANNA M.: "I 'popped' from my body and was met with a bright light. THIS GAVE ME UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and explained I had to return as I had three children to raise. Without words, I was told many mysteries of the world. THERE IS NO HELL, THERE IS JUST EXPERIENCE. NO GOOD OR BAD EITHER! There is only one God! HE LOVES US ALL, NO MATTER WHAT! HE DOES NOT JUDGE. I had been taught wrong by religion!"
    And this....SALLY P.: "Many times since, I've wanted to return to that place of love and confirmation. I learned that every human's belief in a supreme being is real and that EVERYONE goes to heaven, paradise, whatever. GOD'S FORGIVENESS TRULY DOES PASS ANY HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, and HELL DOES NOT EXIST. Since my NDE, I have shared with bereaved friends and strangers, and tried to confirm others' hopes of an afterlife."
    Here's another one for you...L. MASON: "I died. Time froze. Met God that appeared as a pure white light. Let me ask questions. Told me I had to return. EARTH IS A PLAY PEN. THERE'S NO HELL. WE ARE ALL FORGIVEN WHEN WE DIE. We all are connected when we die. In human bodies that link is very faint. That is the hole we try to fill with money/drugs/addiction."
    What do you think?....NICHOLAS P.: "The Light told me many things, which I choose not to talk of. I was told, 'you have chosen an experience, you wish to live, and it is far from over.' I WAS TOLD THERE IS NO HELL. The original sin is most people don't know they are a spirit having a human experience."
    Need more?....R. MORENO: "I'm Native American and experienced an NDE. I WAS TOLD THERE IS no religion and NO HELL. I was shown many things. It has not been easy being here as I didn't want to come back."
    I'll keep going....B. ELSWORTH: "But personally, through my own NDE, I remember coming back and as beautiful and shocking to my ego as the experience was, I remember driving in my car and laughing to myself thinking, 'Well I wish I could tell my younger self he's NOT GOING TO HELL, BECAUSE THERE IS NONE!' YOU CAN'T DO ANY WRONG...even (ra*e + mu*der) in God's perspective, but that's not a license to do crazy stuff, God is just that unconditionally loving. HE CAN'T EVEN FORGIVE YOU, BECAUSE YOU CAN DO NO WRONG. We truly are inseparable from boundless infinite love.”
    Need More 2?
    What?....A. WILLIAMSON: "We are loved, understood always, forever. We are not victims, we are willing participants. On earth we take turns being a good person and a bad person. NOTHING BAD ON EARTH IS CONSIDERED BAD IN HEAVEN. It's all called a learning experience. I struggle with that while I'm on earth. THERE IS NO HELL. That is a man-made construct. There is no evil cabal, IT'S ONLY PEOPLE PLAYING THE PARTS THEY AGREED TO PLAY. Being a victim is also important and there are contracts for all those situations. We have to have contrast, that's why we leave heaven."
    M. SATORI: "I had an NDE and LEARNED THERE IS NO heaven or HELL. All a construct of the human mind. There is something over there but it's not as Eastern religions describe it. There is a creator, and there were what humans call angels, not those pretty things that sit on shelves."
    Now what about this?....HERMAN V.: "I found myself falling into a black abyss and I knew that I was dead. Then I noticed my rate of fall slowing, and then stopping. I noticed pinpoints of fuzzy light all around me, which gradually came into focus. It was then that I realized that a being dressed in a robe of brown, purple, and gold had broken my fall. The greatest awareness that came to me was that THE TEACHINGS OF CHURCHES WHICH FOCUS ON GUILT AND THE NEED FOR SALVATION VIA SOME CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR ARE WRONG. THERE IS NO JUDGEMENT, NO RATING OF ONE'S LIFE, NO PUNISHMENT FOR DEEDS DONE OR NOT DONE, just an overwhelming feeling that one is loved. Many times I'd like to take over the pulpit and tell people what is really on the other side, and that THE GUILT PREACHED BY CHURCHES IS COMPLETELY INAPPROPRIATE."
    Again?....LINDA S.: "The wrathful, vengeful God, as taught by my religion, instilled in me a deep fear of God, death and the afterlife. The NDE transformed me, showing that God is only a loving God, WHO DOES NOT JUDGE AND PUNISH. THERE IS NO HELL or evil. I knew I was in the arms of a being who cherished me with PERFECT LOVE and carried me from the dark void into a new reality. There was no place that God did not exist and I was within God. I am an inseparable part of the light. THE TRUTH OF WHO I AM, INDEED, WHO WE ALL ARE, IS PERFECT LOVE as a creation of God. I had spent a lifetime of fear of judgment and now, standing with God, I HAD BEEN KNOWN COMPLETELY AND FOUND FAULTLESS. I KNEW GOD REGARDED ME AS PERFECT. Finally it all made sense. God could only love me because God is only love, nothing other than love. All is as it is supposed to be. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IS OUR TRUE NATURE."
    Jesus again....L. Hernandez: "I've been an atheist all my life. I had an NDE and in a few minutes my life changed completely. Part of my experience was with the one people call Jesus. Religion is not from God, I asked and was told this. THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO JUDGEMENT IN OUR CREATOR because only love, he is. HELL IS MAN'S CREATION, SO IS SIN. It's all controlled by fear.
    Again?....BILL V.: "I was drawn to a huge white and golden light that seemed to encompass the whole universe. There was simply no time where I was and it didn't exist. I felt instantly as if I knew everything, experienced the whole of creation. No heaven like what any religion states, NO HELL, just the purity of the universe as a whole.
    Wow!....CHERIE B.: "I WAS SHOWN THAT THE CONCEPT OF HEAVEN AND HELL ONLY EXISTS IN THIS WORLD. It’s a term we have created using an agreed upon vocabulary. But the truth is heaven or hell exists right now, NOT IN THE AFTERLIFE. The afterlife is beautiful, pure, loving, and safe."
    What punishment?....WILLIAM T.: "THERE IS NO HELL. THERE IS NO PUNISHMENT FOR WRONG BEHAVIORS, NOR REWARDS FOR RIGHT BEHAVIORS. THERE IS NO JUDICIAL PROCESS. The one-ness I perceived was what is referred to as God. THE PURPOSE OF OUR PHYSICAL EXISTENCE IN LIFE IS TO PROVIDE EVERY POSSIBLE VARIATION OF ACTION, so a knowledge base can exist. This is why people anguish over 'why would God let that happen?' ALL EXPERIENCE, GOOD, BAD, AND MIXED, IS PART OF OMNISCIENT KNOWLEDGE. No matter how horrible the action and how horrible the experience, ALL EXPERIENCES MUST EXIST TO MAKE UP OMNISCIENT KNOWLEDGE. There isn't a single negative emotion on the other side. There's no need for them."
    Have another one....A. JOHNSON: "THERE'S NO HELL, THERE'S NO PUNISHMENT. When you realize there's nothing to forgive, then there's nothing to punish either. I can tell you one thing for sure, THERE WAS NO JUDGEMENT. THERE WAS NOTHING I HAD EVER DONE THAT WASN'T COMPLETELY FORGIVEN, AND 'FORGIVEN' IN THAT CONTEXT MEANT IT WAS GONE. It did not exist. GOD WASN'T HOLDING ME ACCOUNTABLE FOR THAT, God was loving me right through it, and IT WAS TOTAL AND COMPLETE FORGIVENESS. We dont have to prove ourselves to be loved by God. What I learned on the other side is that THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT ON US, NONE, ZIP, NADA. IN THE OTHER REALM THERE'S NO JUDGEMENT BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING TO JUDGE. We're all pure unconditional love."
    And this one?....B. MACRELLI: "I too have died and brought back by doctors. In 2009 I was kidnapped and stabbed four times in the chest and died. I didn't feel it and was unaware that I was even stabbed, my spirit left my body and it was the best feeling in the world. Completely free, and you're right, THERE IS NO HELL. And I have also learned that religions are hard wired into the brain according to your culture."
    Here you are....JEN F.: "I had an NDE and WAS TOLD HELL IS JUST AN ILLUSION, only love is real. Believe what you must."
    See this one....AJ: "THERE IS NO HELL. I had my life review, I accepted and understood what was meant to be. I gave God the control and he brought me up again. It wasn't a choice, it's just a feeling that you know is right, but THERE'S NO NEGATIVITY, NO HELL."

  • @IS-LUV
    @IS-LUV Рік тому +6

    Love you Anita! Your journey is inspirational and has been so instrumental for me. Thank you for sharing your story and your message of being yourself!❤❤❤❤

  • @williamdowns3390
    @williamdowns3390 Рік тому +3

    Love you, both! ❤ Going to make it an Intention to be there.

  • @TheSpaceofNotKnowing
    @TheSpaceofNotKnowing Рік тому +1

    My sister who just recently passed away sent me a very specific sign that I should take this cruise. So I’m following her lead and just signed up for the cruise. I am looking forward to it and meeting you both.

  • @sangeetamishra5773
    @sangeetamishra5773 Рік тому

    The answer to "do you feel the presence of God?" felt like an awakening moment💖 Thankyou both😇😇

  • @andreav2125
    @andreav2125 Рік тому

    Oh, how I wish I could join you.

  • @zenholistichealing
    @zenholistichealing Рік тому +1

    Thank you Anita! All the things you mention have been channeled by Spirit, so thank you for confirming.🙏God willing, one day I hope to meet you🙏🙏🙏Keep spreading your message. Namaste🙏❤

  • @EveningTV
    @EveningTV Рік тому +3

    I totally relate to when Anita talked about surviving something that should have killed her and that must mean she is supposed to be here. The same is true for me as doctors told me that my diagnosis is usually made post mortem because people almost always die, and I know I lived because like Anita I was given a choice and I didn't want to return until I saw my sons and what life for them would be like without me and like Anita, I wanted to get back so badly. All of this was very useful to me fifteen years later when my son died. I believe that because I'm still breathing there is a reason for me to be here.

  • @valeriedunlop8084
    @valeriedunlop8084 Рік тому +3

    Hello from this Scottish Lass in Australia ❤

  • @k.silberberg5137
    @k.silberberg5137 Рік тому

    Wow. I am sending an order to the universe. I want to be there!❤

  • @Rvnmoon111
    @Rvnmoon111 Рік тому +1

    Great show!!!!! Thank you!

  • @andrewmorgan5092
    @andrewmorgan5092 Рік тому +2

    Great to hear from you both. What an amazing journey you are both organising. I’m in Australia so challenging for me to join you . I’m sure it’s going to be amazing ❤️🙏❤️
    Much love to you both and all the lovely people who will join you 🤗

  • @ashitamalkani3845
    @ashitamalkani3845 Рік тому

    Thank you John and Anita 🙏💕 u are angels

  • @evonsoulos4218
    @evonsoulos4218 Рік тому +2

    Thankyou Luv u Both🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @jeanlanie1
    @jeanlanie1 Рік тому

    I miss my father.
    I am praying that he is now in good hands of God.

  • @user-pm9sd7dm5k
    @user-pm9sd7dm5k Рік тому

    from UK love Anita

  • @lourdesreyes9685
    @lourdesreyes9685 Рік тому +2

    Lourdes from Philippines ❤
    Thank you so much Anita🙏🏻 You are so amazing❣️ i learned a lot from you.
    More power💖

  • @susanmalan4248
    @susanmalan4248 Рік тому

    Susan from South Africa 💜

  • @annakrus3048
    @annakrus3048 Рік тому +2

    Love from Sweden ✨🙏✨

  • @sushantdas785
    @sushantdas785 Рік тому +2

    So ...mind opening

  • @adorable3817
    @adorable3817 Рік тому +2

    Is the soul truly trying to guide us???? Or is it just here for the experience?
    Isn't that like giving someone the answers to a test?

  • @mariejones7136
    @mariejones7136 Рік тому +2 look beautiful..

  • @lucillehubbell
    @lucillehubbell Рік тому

    Hi Anita we met in Maui in 2015 with Wayne I macule and Scarlet., Lucille from Ontario

  • @amparogarrido3115
    @amparogarrido3115 Рік тому

    Gracias desde Madrid, España!!!!!

  • @charilopez6543
    @charilopez6543 Рік тому

    Hola, soy Española y no entiendo correctamente el inglés¿ Habría posibilidad de tener subtítulos en español? Muchas gracias. Encantada de escuchar tu experiencia Anita

  • @carina5592
    @carina5592 Рік тому

    The Netherlands, Haarlem

    @LAZIOLADY Рік тому +1

    American, living in Roma, Italy

    • @irinaostrobrod9911
      @irinaostrobrod9911 Рік тому

      hi Anita, i am your follower pretty long time and i know everything what you are talking about is true

  • @Ponk_80
    @Ponk_80 Рік тому

    Do trees and plants go to the other side? Because we treat plans extremely bad, compared to animals.

  • @LindaCasey
    @LindaCasey Рік тому +4

    Linda (American) living permantently in The Netherlands.🕊️

  • @lanfangxu
    @lanfangxu Рік тому +2

    🧙‍♀️🎉💆❤ Express ourselves

  • @Bamboos2011
    @Bamboos2011 Рік тому

    I just saw a penny heads up and a hummingbird on my patio even though I have to flowers there in a matter of couple of days. Does that mean they're trying to communicate with me?

  • @siloslaatt
    @siloslaatt Рік тому +1


  • @mjjepsen7635
    @mjjepsen7635 Рік тому

    I want to know more about the cruise. I would love to go with my husband.

    • @anitamoorjani
      @anitamoorjani  Рік тому

      I’d love to see you there. Please go to for more information. ❤️

  • @narsreenjohnson4966
    @narsreenjohnson4966 Рік тому +2

    can u tell me if u saw any oif your loved pets in the other world?

    • @michfromteamanita5495
      @michfromteamanita5495 Рік тому

      Anita did see animals on the other side. If you watch her videos on pets in her youtube videos, you will find her thoughts there!

  • @jailanimohdjalil558
    @jailanimohdjalil558 Рік тому

    Jai from Spore

  • @bonnieclark8069
    @bonnieclark8069 Рік тому +1

    Question; is AI a part of who we are?

  • @Ana-jt7se
    @Ana-jt7se 9 місяців тому

    este hombre habla muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucho

  • @joyluo6394
    @joyluo6394 Рік тому +1


  • @narsreenjohnson4966
    @narsreenjohnson4966 Рік тому +2


  • @karleenej8806
    @karleenej8806 Рік тому

    Is the future pre determined?

    • @michfromteamanita5495
      @michfromteamanita5495 Рік тому +1

      Please see Anita's answer about this in her video Destiny vs Free Will! It's in the playlist "View from the Other Side"

  • @carolyntiller4976
    @carolyntiller4976 Рік тому +2

    Dillon, Colorado at 9200feet

  • @amaraliss9775
    @amaraliss9775 Рік тому +2

    Amaryllis from ny

  • @ritamabraham
    @ritamabraham Рік тому +2

    staten island, ny

  • @shelleysmith6667
    @shelleysmith6667 Рік тому +2

    This guy sounds like a salesman.... 😮

    • @lizafield9002
      @lizafield9002 Рік тому +2

      He's one of the kindest, humblest, servant-hearted seers & helpers of humankind in our time. Very earnest & honest.

    • @EveningTV
      @EveningTV Рік тому +1

      Maybe he does a little, but I think it is because he is a stand up comedian, but he is also a great guy and a medium who speaks at a lot of events I have attended.

  • @justaanimefan2770
    @justaanimefan2770 Рік тому

    The guy is too annoying. Just about himself. Too frantic, energy-wise. Is he on something or just an ego ride? I love to listen to Anita but the way he introduces her is so selfish and using and she has no voice. Anita, you do not need this even if Hayhouse Publishing is putting you in connection with this. (BTW Anita has published under Hayhouse) I am not hearing the original message of the authentic you.

    • @michfromteamanita5495
      @michfromteamanita5495 Рік тому

      Anita is very good friends with John, and enjoyed this conversation very much. As it was conducted on John's platform, not Anita's, he was in the driver's seat! John is robust, energetic, and really excited to speak about these topics, and for the majority of his followers, and Anita's his energy is riveting! It's ok that you don't vibe with his energy.

  • @Solstarhuman
    @Solstarhuman Рік тому