When my cousin first got it I played through the whole campaign, but he left for new Zealand by the time the DLC came out and because I'd done the campaign I didn't feel the need to buy the game just for the DLC. I've only heard good things about it though
When my cousin first got it I played through the whole campaign, but he left for new Zealand by the time the DLC came out and because I'd done the campaign I didn't feel the need to buy the game just for the DLC. I've only heard good things about it though
Unfortunately I don't have it anymore.
We've got to have a BL2 session some time mate.
Join the PC master race and become Augmented today!
Hey, if you've still got it, do a review of Red Dead. I'd be interested in your opinions.
Sure! do I actually have you on steam?
Resistance is futile! We are the Borg!
Incidentally, did you ever play Red Dead Redemption? The DLC for that, Undead Nightmare, was DLC worth buying.
Regrettably, I'm a 360 gamer, and my PC can barely run Windows 7. One day, though... one day...
So much for the PC Master Race. XD