I'm a numerary and nobody "beats himself". Those that do corporal mortification (a practice that has been in the Catholic Church forever) do so freely. I know this video is old but the fact that a news network would quote Da Vinci Code as proof of historical FACT is shameful.
Cenk's spanish pronunciation is hillarious. If I didn't have a context, I would never know he was talking about José María Escribá de Balaguer (founder of Opus Dei).
This video is exceedingly stupid. One can have contact with Opus Dei without being an Opus Dei member just as one can go to a Jesuit school or receive spiritual guidance from a Jesuit priest without being a Jesuit oneself. Unless he has officially joined Opus Dei then he's not a member. Do your research (and learn how to pronounce Spanish :P)
Yes, "lunatics" who have practiced personal sacrifice and mortification… Like, St. Francis, St. Teresa, St. Ignatius, etc……. The modern version of these practices, such as those practiced by some members of Opus Dei (and many other religious people), are meant to cause discomfort - not harm. They are, as you say, meant to remind the practitioner of the suffering of Christ for us. Its not for everyone and only practiced under the guidance of a spiritual advisor. Even for these believers, its a small part of their life. But I do understand that it can seem bizarre and crazy for those who believe life is defined by self-gratification and endless comfort and consumption. So, you're not a believer. I get it. But you do need to fully educate yourself on topics as important as deeply held spiritual convictions and practices before taking to the airwaves with ill-informed commentary.
I lived at on Opus Day high school for 3 years and they do weird things. I'll say most of them were very nice, knowledgeable and educated people . I don't regret being there for 3 years but I'm happy I didn't stay forever. They are always recruiting and the younger the better so you don't even get to find out who you are or what you want for your life. Even though this is true if I have the chance I will send my kids to an Opus Dei high school but I'll make sure I'll be very involved.
also members of Opus Dei do not "beat themselves". Some of them freely choose to wear a band around their thigh as a means of mortification and to remind them of Christ's suffering and the suffering of others up until this day. The band does not draw blood, leave any damage, and only provides mild discomfort. Again, do some research.
Although our constitution forbids a religious litmus test for public office, there's no way to control public opinion about a religion. If his religious ideas truly impact your public policy (as obvious in Santorum's case) the voters have every right to take that into consideration.
As an atheist, I find this whole "beating yourself" thing odd. Wasn't the whole point of Jesus being strung up so that you wouldn't have to be tortured in hell? Way to throw it back in his face.
I grew up catholic, and whenever people mentioned Opus Dei, I always had this feeling that they were really really wierd, and should be avoided. NOTICE TO PROTESTANTS. All those things that were said about Kennedy being a catholic and that he would throw everybody under the bus in order to give more power to the catholic church, is ACTUALLY TRUE OF SANTORUM. Kennedy's speech he made to mollify protestant fears about a catholic takeover MAKES HIM WANT TO VOMIT. To him, protestants dont count.
I have no idea what you want to tell me with that. Santorum didn't say "God," he said "Josemaria." My point was: If a politican says, "God guides my way," I'm assuming he's a Christian, if he says, "Muhammad guides my way," I'd think he's a Muslim, so when Santorum says, "Josemaria guides my way," I'm assuming he's Opus Dei. He's a Christian, but he could also be Opus Dei. Doesn't that make sense?
The point is the US is a secular State: "A secular state is a concept of secularism, whereby a state or country purports to be officially neutral in matters of religion, supporting neither religion nor irreligion." [1] A secular state also claims to treat all its citizens equally regardless of religion, and claims to avoid preferential treatment for a citizen from a particular religion/nonreligion over other religions/nonreligion. Thus was the genius of the founding fathers.
Santorum must not have received permission to reveal himself as an Opus Dei member... Wikipedia says that the under 1950 constitution of OD, "members were expressly forbidden to reveal themselves without the permission of their superiors."
I didn't say he was a Muslim. It was a reference to the constant fact that people keep thinking he's a Muslim and thinking it's a big deal(mainly from conservatives). I just postulated a similar analogous query in reference to Santorum's supposed beliefs. If we say we won't judge Obama's faith as a prerequisite for office, should we not do the same for Santorum? Not that I'm supporting the guy, it's just a question of fairness.
Thanks for not "hating us" despite you "dislike" us. But let me tell you: It is not the fact that he is catholic, that should worry you, but the fact that he symphatizes with Opus Dei - unimportant if he is an actual member or not. They are a tiny tiny tiny "sect" inside the catholic church that is very very conservative and obedience-abiding.
More common is smaller sacrifices, like sleeping on he floor once a week, or sleeping without a pillow. They are also encouraged to make a small sacrifice each meal, like not using sugar or cream in coffee. Numeraries are encouraged to take cold showers everyday. As you can see most of this is geared more towards discomfort that actual pain. The one thing that is true is that numeraries do wear spiked chains on their thigh for 2 hours daily. But that is the most extreme practice.
Can we get a quick recap at the begining when discussing something as obscure as Opus Dei. The wiki page for them is fairly large just for me to try to figure out why this is a big deal.
If you have some kind of wide sweeping bias against religion then it is useless for me to argue this with you. Yes you have a right to your opinion, but I still maintain that it is infinitely more important to discredit Santorum based on his political activity and plans for this country, rather than whether or not he chooses to send his son to a religious school.
it depends on the congregation for Catholics. I grew up attending a fairly liberal catholic church. I had some friends though that attended a church where the mass was only said in Latin, it was strongly encouraged that kids be home schooled because Catholic schools weren't "catholic" enough..... Thank god I grew up and found atheism ;-)
I think your better point would have been that Santorum wants to follow the instructions of religion (and their fanatic leaders) in his political positions. I don't care if he is a member of any group, or just does a lot of things around other members of groups, which is all you really proved. But, that he said he wants religion to dictate his governing and that he values teachings from a fanatic - THAT is worth putting out a video to warn everyone. Thanks for that.
As a member of Opus Dei his loyalties would be to the Pope first then to constitution. In normal Catholicism you follow the regional bishops ie American Catholics follow their local American Bishops, with Opus Dei, you get your marching orders straight from Rome bypassing local clergy.
Ok I am Catholic, and I DO think Opus Dei is really overboard but they aren't a cult. You wouldn't say Orthodox Jews are a cult, and it is pretty similar. They are just very old school (still do Latin Mass and all) The self harm stuff (which they call mortification) is mostly on a less extreme level, more like causing discomfort than pain. I also know people who went to the school Santorum's son went to, and most of them aren't really Opus Dei. They dont teach kids to beat themselves or anything
Opus Dei: "it is an organization of the Catholic Church that teaches that everyone is called to holiness and that ordinary life is a path to sanctity." "According to some journalists who studied Opus Dei separately, most of the criticisms against Opus Dei are mere myths created by its opponents." That being said, they do practice self mortification, and if they want to do self S&M and that gets them off, then good for them.
I don't understand why he considers himself catholic. Catholics are generally orders of magnitude more secular than Santorum. He seems like a fundamentalist. Hell, he throws his hat in with the fundamentalists.
except Obama didn't do a single thing to make people think he is a muslim, Santorum sends his kids to an Opus dei school and has STATED ON THE RECORD that it guides his thoughts. BIG DIFFERENCE!
Debating if Obama is a muslim is crazy because he attends a Christian church and has for as long as anyone has known him. Santorum loves nothing more than to flaunt his Catholic faith. Opus Dei is a recognized organization in the Catholic faith. Which debate seems crazier?
There's no such thing as an Opus Dei bracelet...If you mean the cilice then this is a devotion that's not limited to members of Opus Dei. Many Franciscans and Capuchins use it too. The fact is that, like most Young Turk videos on religion, this video was light on substance and heavy on bullshit. They really should do some research before trying to slander people.
That being said, Santorum is most definitely an Opus Dei, and he takes his own version of religion to such an extreme that he is out is touch with reality and the nature of this country. But not all Opus Dei people are like that. I know some who are pretty normal (relatively speaking).
What's interesting about the Shia Muslims that participate in that ritual is some of the affects on their body. Their rituals have intrigued scientists because they enter such a trance that they will stick nails through their cheeks and not bleed or scar. It's all weird stuff. But give them props for baffling scientists about the human body. So much little we really know about our bodies, and what they can truly do.
On wikipedia, it says that you can't admit to being Opus Dei; you're sworn not to. It's basically like the some Masons in that respect. That's probably why he's saying he is without SAYING he is. It has nothing to do with political trouble, it's his beliefs.
I don’t about you, but my dad is an Opus Dei member, and they don’t have “rituals”, it’s called a recollection, and I have never heard about this ring that they wear
Being an Opus Dei member has never been an objection for politics, to the contraire, they actually have much presence in governments worldwide. I don’t think this is shocking news; Opus Dei is not more radical than many of the religious people in USA.
Santorum is clearly against a separation of church and state. How does that not disqualify him as a candidate for president? Doesn't this scare people?
The problem here is that being a member of Opus Dei doesn't condemn Santorum, it merely explains why Santorum is a lunatic fixated on birth control and porn instead of things like the economy.
Didn't anyone see the Dan Brown movie, Davinci Code? Opus Dei was a central part of the tale. More catholic than the pope. Petrus is the latin form of Peter. The person that Jesus formed his church upon.
My friend, firstly there is a difference between being a member and affiliating yourself of any group. You can be affiliated with Muslims at work but that doesn't mean you are a member of Islam correct? Secondly, you are clearly judging Opus Dei with a lack of knowledge of the teachings of the Catholic Church... if my assumption is correct that you are a Catholic I strongly suggest that you look more into the history of the Catholic Church and their practices.
Santorum is a dominionist, meaning he wants a kind of christian theocracy, and opus dei is also dominionist. Really, it doesnt matter if Rick Santorum is a member of opus dei, he wants theocracy and that disqualifies him, and opus dei, apart from their weirdness they are except for one fact quite harmless. And thats that they also want theocratic rule :) They share the same problem.
Some individuals within the order supported Fascist regimes but the group as a whole doesn't go around teaching fascism. Josemaria escriva is alledged to have made controversial statements about Hitler, but these allegations stem from a single individual, they were never proven. He didn't openly endorse Hitler. Look they are extremists, I am not doubting or arguing against that. But they are not a cult.
Cenk misses an obvious possibility: Santorum doesn't formally become a member of Opus Dei for political reasons, while yet remaining close to the organization and identifying with its spirituality. My guess is that's what's going on here. And I used to spend time with these people. Yeah, they're nuts, but the self-flagellation isn't a big deal. The worst part is the mind control and the manipulation of outsiders.
"Petros" is the Greek word for "rock", which was given by Jesus to Cephas (Peter), because Jesus wanted him to be the foundation of the church. The English translation makes no sense: "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church." (The French translation works; they call him "Pierre", which means "rock" in French). Perhaps Santorum thinks so highly of himself that he considers himself the future foundation for an American theocracy.
No se si eres español, yo si.... If you are not Spanish and you are from USA, thank you for saving your country reputation. This people think Dan Brown is a historian. Opus Dei loonatic level is as to be creationits, and numbers show, a high % of USA citizens are as loonatic as them, just as a reference.
Opus Dei means "God's work". Members are the top elite of Roman Catholics around the world. To the outside world this secret organization seems very strange but do not underestimate the membership. They are very educated and all their work is fully devoted to God. That is why it is called Opus (Latin for work) Dei (Latin for God). All you do, all you make, all you achieve is for the glory of God. You total work and life is given up to God. There are men members and women members.
When you devote your work to the glory of God you become a better worker. Devote your career to God and become a better businessman. Become a better Father, Mother, wife or husband. The same is true with leaders across the world. A President or PM devotes his work to God and he becomes a better leader. Become excellent in your work and then give that to God. Achieve excellence for God and not for money or pride. Opus Dei is mostly Catholic lay people working hard and devoted to prayer.
But, honestly, how does that affect US? What does his harmless, tiny religion have to do with his policies? It's not like he'll immediately make all other religions illegal if he gets elected or something.
I'll admit my comparison is very faulty. How do you see at corporal mortification ("beating yourself")? In the ROMAN Catholic, this IS a practice in the Catholic Church throughout the centuries practice by many of the famous SAINTS and with it carries a very symbolic meaning, it helps those to seek a deeper spiritual understanding of the Jesus's suffering and to be more open to the spiritual life by denying yourself with earthly attachments.
Cenk, people said the same thing about JFK - that he would be a papist. Don't put Rick Santorum on the same level as JFK by using that accusation. Your channel is one of the few sources of intelligent media out there and you don't need to be bashing Santorum like that.
I am American of 100% Spaniard heritage. It's amazing the damage Dan Brown has done taking the liberties he has. Cenk just made himself look so ignorant with his comments, it's like his research was watching the Davinci Code. lol
My thoughts exactly. Why are TYT engaging in this sort of hate campaigning? I really dislike Catholics, but I don't think that's a reason to hate anyone who is a Catholic. There's plenty of reasons to hate Santorum without bringing his faith into it.
I always thought evangelical Christians didn't believe Catholics were christians. I've read a lot of comments along the lines of' 'christians AND Catholics'
The original Christians were not white. Islam came after Christianity.Islam is something that went a completely different path from Judaism and Christianity but was in a way based off the two.
"Pie Iesu domine"*hits self in head with board* "dona eis requiem"*hits self in head with board* pretty much what i think of when i see/hear christians self flagellating
Everyone is agnostic. We can never "know" for sure if there is or isn't. But I find Stephen Colbert's take on 'agnostics' very accurate: atheists without balls. The question is, do you believe there is or isn't. Belief is not the same thing as knowledge.
I'm in Opus Dei. You can do all these without actually asking for admission to Opus Dei.
I'm a numerary and nobody "beats himself". Those that do corporal mortification (a practice that has been in the Catholic Church forever) do so freely. I know this video is old but the fact that a news network would quote Da Vinci Code as proof of historical FACT is shameful.
I don't think Cenk understands what Catholicism or the Opus Dei are...
Cenk's spanish pronunciation is hillarious. If I didn't have a context, I would never know he was talking about José María Escribá de Balaguer (founder of Opus Dei).
This video is exceedingly stupid. One can have contact with Opus Dei without being an Opus Dei member just as one can go to a Jesuit school or receive spiritual guidance from a Jesuit priest without being a Jesuit oneself. Unless he has officially joined Opus Dei then he's not a member. Do your research (and learn how to pronounce Spanish :P)
Yes, "lunatics" who have practiced personal sacrifice and mortification… Like, St. Francis, St. Teresa, St. Ignatius, etc…….
The modern version of these practices, such as those practiced by some members of Opus Dei (and many other religious people), are meant to cause discomfort - not harm. They are, as you say, meant to remind the practitioner of the suffering of Christ for us.
Its not for everyone and only practiced under the guidance of a spiritual advisor. Even for these believers, its a small part of their life. But I do understand that it can seem bizarre and crazy for those who believe life is defined by self-gratification and endless comfort and consumption.
So, you're not a believer. I get it.
But you do need to fully educate yourself on topics as important as deeply held spiritual convictions and practices before taking to the airwaves with ill-informed commentary.
100% religious bigotry based on ignorance. This is why this guy will never end up on a channel that people actually watch.
I think that you can be a lay person who is an Opus Dei supporter without being Opus Dei yourself. I suspect that is the case with him.
I lived at on Opus Day high school for 3 years and they do weird things.
I'll say most of them were very nice, knowledgeable and educated people .
I don't regret being there for 3 years but I'm happy I didn't stay forever. They are always recruiting and the younger the better so you don't even get to find out who you are or what you want for your life. Even though this is true if I have the chance I will send my kids to an Opus Dei high school but I'll make sure I'll be very involved.
This just makes Santorum more twisted than anyone had anticipated !
I think this matters because of how Santorum has said that his religion will affect his decision making in the white house.
also members of Opus Dei do not "beat themselves". Some of them freely choose to wear a band around their thigh as a means of mortification and to remind them of Christ's suffering and the suffering of others up until this day. The band does not draw blood, leave any damage, and only provides mild discomfort. Again, do some research.
You think it would be better if he was a muslim ?
Is anyone from Opus dei hurting anyone ? NO ! It's a call to holiness as Paul said so in the Bible .
120 years ago you would've said the same kind of thing about Catholics.
Although our constitution forbids a religious litmus test for public office, there's no way to control public opinion about a religion. If his religious ideas truly impact your public policy (as obvious in Santorum's case) the voters have every right to take that into consideration.
watches video, pauses video, reads comments, googles "Opus Dei", reads more comments while video resumes.
As an atheist, I find this whole "beating yourself" thing odd. Wasn't the whole point of Jesus being strung up so that you wouldn't have to be tortured in hell? Way to throw it back in his face.
I grew up catholic, and whenever people mentioned Opus Dei, I always had this feeling that they were really really wierd, and should be avoided.
NOTICE TO PROTESTANTS. All those things that were said about Kennedy being a catholic and that he would throw everybody under the bus in order to give more power to the catholic church, is ACTUALLY TRUE OF SANTORUM. Kennedy's speech he made to mollify protestant fears about a catholic takeover MAKES HIM WANT TO VOMIT. To him, protestants dont count.
Two guys kissed at a Santorum rally, the crowd boooo'ed and then started chanting "USA! USA! USA!" =-/
Is being Opus Dei wrong? Is being Turkish Wrong?
you mixing religion with geography, person makes a choice what sect they in they can't choose where they born
People should stop saying secular/christian country. We have a secular government, and a population that can do whatever the hell it wants.
I have no idea what you want to tell me with that. Santorum didn't say "God," he said "Josemaria." My point was: If a politican says, "God guides my way," I'm assuming he's a Christian, if he says, "Muhammad guides my way," I'd think he's a Muslim, so when Santorum says, "Josemaria guides my way," I'm assuming he's Opus Dei. He's a Christian, but he could also be Opus Dei. Doesn't that make sense?
Did Rick used to be called Damian by any chance?
The point is the US is a secular State:
"A secular state is a concept of secularism, whereby a state or country purports to be officially neutral in matters of religion, supporting neither religion nor irreligion."
[1] A secular state also claims to treat all its citizens equally regardless of religion, and claims to avoid preferential treatment for a citizen from a particular religion/nonreligion over other religions/nonreligion.
Thus was the genius of the founding fathers.
Why does Santorum have a Secret Service code name? What a waste of taxpayer resources.
Santorum must not have received permission to reveal himself as an Opus Dei member... Wikipedia says that the under 1950 constitution of OD, "members were expressly forbidden to reveal themselves without the permission of their superiors."
it isn't that you found atheism, you found common sense
I didn't say he was a Muslim. It was a reference to the constant fact that people keep thinking he's a Muslim and thinking it's a big deal(mainly from conservatives). I just postulated a similar analogous query in reference to Santorum's supposed beliefs.
If we say we won't judge Obama's faith as a prerequisite for office, should we not do the same for Santorum?
Not that I'm supporting the guy, it's just a question of fairness.
Thanks for not "hating us" despite you "dislike" us. But let me tell you: It is not the fact that he is catholic, that should worry you, but the fact that he symphatizes with Opus Dei - unimportant if he is an actual member or not. They are a tiny tiny tiny "sect" inside the catholic church that is very very conservative and obedience-abiding.
Are you correcting Wikipedia then? Wiki seems to think that the pope appoints Opus Dei priests. I honestly know nothing about this stuff.
More common is smaller sacrifices, like sleeping on he floor once a week, or sleeping without a pillow. They are also encouraged to make a small sacrifice each meal, like not using sugar or cream in coffee. Numeraries are encouraged to take cold showers everyday. As you can see most of this is geared more towards discomfort that actual pain. The one thing that is true is that numeraries do wear spiked chains on their thigh for 2 hours daily. But that is the most extreme practice.
Can we get a quick recap at the begining when discussing something as obscure as Opus Dei. The wiki page for them is fairly large just for me to try to figure out why this is a big deal.
Opus Dei isn't a religion, it is an extreme faction within the Catholic Church
If you have some kind of wide sweeping bias against religion then it is useless for me to argue this with you. Yes you have a right to your opinion, but I still maintain that it is infinitely more important to discredit Santorum based on his political activity and plans for this country, rather than whether or not he chooses to send his son to a religious school.
You do if you're American and care for your country. The background of your candidates is also very important.
it depends on the congregation for Catholics. I grew up attending a fairly liberal catholic church. I had some friends though that attended a church where the mass was only said in Latin, it was strongly encouraged that kids be home schooled because Catholic schools weren't "catholic" enough..... Thank god I grew up and found atheism ;-)
God Bless Opus Dei
I think your better point would have been that Santorum wants to follow the instructions of religion (and their fanatic leaders) in his political positions. I don't care if he is a member of any group, or just does a lot of things around other members of groups, which is all you really proved. But, that he said he wants religion to dictate his governing and that he values teachings from a fanatic - THAT is worth putting out a video to warn everyone. Thanks for that.
As a member of Opus Dei his loyalties would be to the Pope first then to constitution.
In normal Catholicism you follow the regional bishops ie American Catholics follow their local American Bishops, with Opus Dei, you get your marching orders straight from Rome bypassing local clergy.
Ok I am Catholic, and I DO think Opus Dei is really overboard but they aren't a cult. You wouldn't say Orthodox Jews are a cult, and it is pretty similar. They are just very old school (still do Latin Mass and all) The self harm stuff (which they call mortification) is mostly on a less extreme level, more like causing discomfort than pain. I also know people who went to the school Santorum's son went to, and most of them aren't really Opus Dei. They dont teach kids to beat themselves or anything
Opus Dei: "it is an organization of the Catholic Church that teaches that everyone is called to holiness and that ordinary life is a path to sanctity."
"According to some journalists who studied Opus Dei separately, most of the criticisms against Opus Dei are mere myths created by its opponents."
That being said, they do practice self mortification, and if they want to do self S&M and that gets them off, then good for them.
I asked one and he told me that in fact Sunni are not Muslims, who is correct?
I graduated from an opus dei school they are normal people sir
Doubt it.
Little known fact the da vinci code was based on Rick Santorum's life
Fun fact: opus dei was approved in 1941, during Franco's regime.
I don't understand why he considers himself catholic. Catholics are generally orders of magnitude more secular than Santorum. He seems like a fundamentalist. Hell, he throws his hat in with the fundamentalists.
except Obama didn't do a single thing to make people think he is a muslim, Santorum sends his kids to an Opus dei school and has STATED ON THE RECORD that it guides his thoughts. BIG DIFFERENCE!
Debating if Obama is a muslim is crazy because he attends a Christian church and has for as long as anyone has known him.
Santorum loves nothing more than to flaunt his Catholic faith. Opus Dei is a recognized organization in the Catholic faith.
Which debate seems crazier?
There's no such thing as an Opus Dei bracelet...If you mean the cilice then this is a devotion that's not limited to members of Opus Dei. Many Franciscans and Capuchins use it too. The fact is that, like most Young Turk videos on religion, this video was light on substance and heavy on bullshit. They really should do some research before trying to slander people.
That being said, Santorum is most definitely an Opus Dei, and he takes his own version of religion to such an extreme that he is out is touch with reality and the nature of this country. But not all Opus Dei people are like that. I know some who are pretty normal (relatively speaking).
What's interesting about the Shia Muslims that participate in that ritual is some of the affects on their body. Their rituals have intrigued scientists because they enter such a trance that they will stick nails through their cheeks and not bleed or scar. It's all weird stuff. But give them props for baffling scientists about the human body. So much little we really know about our bodies, and what they can truly do.
On wikipedia, it says that you can't admit to being Opus Dei; you're sworn not to. It's basically like the some Masons in that respect. That's probably why he's saying he is without SAYING he is. It has nothing to do with political trouble, it's his beliefs.
when he believes his religion should be policy, then his religion should cost him.
what is opus dei?
I used to be catholic. And when I was, the Opus Dei had this "whacko" ring around them, and Dan Brown's work simply reflects this.
I don’t about you, but my dad is an Opus Dei member, and they don’t have “rituals”, it’s called a recollection, and I have never heard about this ring that they wear
is Cenk quoting Dan Brown as a source?
Wouldn't it be nice to see Jose-maria and L. Ron Hubbard using their magical powers against each other.
I'm now picturing Santorum chasing Langdon through the streets of Italy
Good one, fight bigotry with bigotry.
Being an Opus Dei member has never been an objection for politics, to the contraire, they actually have much presence in governments worldwide. I don’t think this is shocking news; Opus Dei is not more radical than many of the religious people in USA.
WTF is with the private video....I want to watch it!
Santorum is clearly against a separation of church and state. How does that not disqualify him as a candidate for president? Doesn't this scare people?
The problem here is that being a member of Opus Dei doesn't condemn Santorum, it merely explains why Santorum is a lunatic fixated on birth control and porn instead of things like the economy.
whats the point of a code name if it is public knowledge?
ok, and so what exactly if he is a member???
Didn't anyone see the Dan Brown movie, Davinci Code? Opus Dei was a central part of the tale. More catholic than the pope.
Petrus is the latin form of Peter. The person that Jesus formed his church upon.
He says he isn't.... so I will accept that.
Regina pacis,ora pro nobis,Rick Santorum,you are on the right path,stay strong.
does Rick Santorum understand the term "separation of church and state"? It doesn't seem as though any of the GOP candidates understand that
if he gets into the white house he will probably going to walk around with a crown of thorns on his head
What is a Opus Dei?
My friend, firstly there is a difference between being a member and affiliating yourself of any group. You can be affiliated with Muslims at work but that doesn't mean you are a member of Islam correct? Secondly, you are clearly judging Opus Dei with a lack of knowledge of the teachings of the Catholic Church... if my assumption is correct that you are a Catholic I strongly suggest that you look more into the history of the Catholic Church and their practices.
Santorum is a dominionist, meaning he wants a kind of christian theocracy, and opus dei is also dominionist.
Really, it doesnt matter if Rick Santorum is a member of opus dei, he wants theocracy and that disqualifies him, and opus dei, apart from their weirdness they are except for one fact quite harmless. And thats that they also want theocratic rule :) They share the same problem.
what is opes dei?
It's a secretive cult within the Catholic church.
Some individuals within the order supported Fascist regimes but the group as a whole doesn't go around teaching fascism. Josemaria escriva is alledged to have made controversial statements about Hitler, but these allegations stem from a single individual, they were never proven. He didn't openly endorse Hitler. Look they are extremists, I am not doubting or arguing against that. But they are not a cult.
Cenk misses an obvious possibility: Santorum doesn't formally become a member of Opus Dei for political reasons, while yet remaining close to the organization and identifying with its spirituality. My guess is that's what's going on here.
And I used to spend time with these people. Yeah, they're nuts, but the self-flagellation isn't a big deal. The worst part is the mind control and the manipulation of outsiders.
"Petros" is the Greek word for "rock", which was given by Jesus to Cephas (Peter), because Jesus wanted him to be the foundation of the church. The English translation makes no sense: "You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church." (The French translation works; they call him "Pierre", which means "rock" in French). Perhaps Santorum thinks so highly of himself that he considers himself the future foundation for an American theocracy.
is santorium friends with silas?
No se si eres español, yo si.... If you are not Spanish and you are from USA, thank you for saving your country reputation. This people think Dan Brown is a historian.
Opus Dei loonatic level is as to be creationits, and numbers show, a high % of USA citizens are as loonatic as them, just as a reference.
the camera is too close to Cenk
Opus Dei means "God's work". Members are the top elite of Roman Catholics around the world. To the outside world this secret organization seems very strange but do not underestimate the membership. They are very educated and all their work is fully devoted to God. That is why it is called Opus (Latin for work) Dei (Latin for God). All you do, all you make, all you achieve is for the glory of God. You total work and life is given up to God. There are men members and women members.
When you devote your work to the glory of God you become a better worker. Devote your career to God and become a better businessman. Become a better Father, Mother, wife or husband. The same is true with leaders across the world. A President or PM devotes his work to God and he becomes a better leader. Become excellent in your work and then give that to God. Achieve excellence for God and not for money or pride. Opus Dei is mostly Catholic lay people working hard and devoted to prayer.
Thank you Wiki for schooling me on the "Opus Dei" stuff.
But, honestly, how does that affect US? What does his harmless, tiny religion have to do with his policies? It's not like he'll immediately make all other religions illegal if he gets elected or something.
But he's the type who's allowed to marry and not beat himself up.
I'll admit my comparison is very faulty. How do you see at corporal mortification ("beating yourself")? In the ROMAN Catholic, this IS a practice in the Catholic Church throughout the centuries practice by many of the famous SAINTS and with it carries a very symbolic meaning, it helps those to seek a deeper spiritual understanding of the Jesus's suffering and to be more open to the spiritual life by denying yourself with earthly attachments.
Cenk, people said the same thing about JFK - that he would be a papist. Don't put Rick Santorum on the same level as JFK by using that accusation. Your channel is one of the few sources of intelligent media out there and you don't need to be bashing Santorum like that.
I am American of 100% Spaniard heritage. It's amazing the damage Dan Brown has done taking the liberties he has. Cenk just made himself look so ignorant with his comments, it's like his research was watching the Davinci Code. lol
good luck getting an atheist and not a Christian into a high federal public office bro
There shall be no religious test for office. Sadly, I don't think you can disqualify him on that basis, even if he is a danger to the republic.
I rather my politician to live under the feet of corporation than to be in fear of a fictional dude with long white beard, whom live in the sky.
I'am a Roman Catholic ,and the head of my church is the Pope and he nor my religion except this sect as part of the roman catholic church of Rome.
My thoughts exactly. Why are TYT engaging in this sort of hate campaigning? I really dislike Catholics, but I don't think that's a reason to hate anyone who is a Catholic. There's plenty of reasons to hate Santorum without bringing his faith into it.
I always thought evangelical Christians didn't believe Catholics were christians. I've read a lot of comments along the lines of' 'christians AND Catholics'
The original Christians were not white. Islam came after Christianity.Islam is something that went a completely different path from Judaism and Christianity but was in a way based off the two.
"Pie Iesu domine"*hits self in head with board* "dona eis requiem"*hits self in head with board*
pretty much what i think of when i see/hear christians self flagellating
Why do we let people like this even run for office? He's clearly insane.
Everyone is agnostic. We can never "know" for sure if there is or isn't.
But I find Stephen Colbert's take on 'agnostics' very accurate: atheists without balls.
The question is, do you believe there is or isn't. Belief is not the same thing as knowledge.