Powerful mantra to get rid of negative energies & people who are jealous of you.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @nicole7642
    @nicole7642 Рік тому +100

    Please remove all jealous people from my life forever

  • @Night.Queen.
    @Night.Queen. 2 роки тому +653

    Protect me from my own family who is jealous of me every time i start doing better in life,dont let them destroy me like they did untill now 💜🙏

    • @foolishgambino7396
      @foolishgambino7396 Рік тому +18


    • @vanessita4138
      @vanessita4138 Рік тому +59

      Same situation. I hope you do great in life. May all toxic cords and connections be severed permanently. And it shall be for everyone experiencing the same situation.

    • @uvacspdcl3783
      @uvacspdcl3783 Рік тому +29

      Don't worry its all karmic law they will get return gift. I am also facing same situation. As some harm also done by me in some life. Jai Dattatray guru

    • @kinjalpate8340
      @kinjalpate8340 Рік тому

      @@uvacspdcl3783 bbrjgbt MJ eleCA qkul ku iiui

    • @anjanm8264
      @anjanm8264 Рік тому +11

      Me also same situation

  • @EmilyMatias-s4d
    @EmilyMatias-s4d Рік тому +331

    This did it! I'm a diehard catholic, i swear i tried everything you can imagine! Nothing would rid these satanic dark forces away from apartment, nothing! Until i was curious listening to this blessed chalisa, wow! 💯 demonic presence gone! I'm stunned! Thank you so much for posted beautiful and strong mantra! I'm sold!

  • @beverlycole4836
    @beverlycole4836 Рік тому +136

    Lord Shiva, please remove all the negative people around our family . Protect our children and destroy all those who are causing emotional stress on us.

    • @2023anto
      @2023anto 10 місяців тому

      Orlando Manuel Gallardo Álvarez, María Cristina Lüttecke Lüttecke stay away, thanks

    • @batistaproducer-songwriter2700
      @batistaproducer-songwriter2700 Місяць тому

      Elizabeth Whittaker, Shenea Whittaker, Paul ebanks, sage mclaughlin stay far far away ​@@2023anto

  • @Oneofakindparis
    @Oneofakindparis 4 роки тому +641

    Protect me from everyone who is trying to harm me and trying to destroy my life

  • @shivameditation21
    @shivameditation21  8 років тому +1298

    The main aim of this mantra is to protect. protection from negitive energies. . Protection is everyone's fundamental right.

    • @jenniferf6603
      @jenniferf6603 8 років тому +43

      is it normal that i burst into tears after 3 minutes?

    • @sandyvries2481
      @sandyvries2481 8 років тому +20

      +Jennifer F Yes its a relieve of your emotions they want to be free

    • @shivameditation21
      @shivameditation21  8 років тому +43

      +Jennifer F yes.. it's normal. tears are expression of our emotions which are supposed to be expressed.

    • @gittebjerg2589
      @gittebjerg2589 8 років тому +27

      +Didier André or maybe you should open up more.. have a beautiful day everyone..

    • @milanthakaria158
      @milanthakaria158 8 років тому +7

      shiva meditation

  • @98d499353
    @98d499353 Рік тому +189

    This mantra essentially creates positivity in you, it creates an armour of positivity around you, making your aura strong so that your mind does not think about the negative elements and your energy is protected.

  • @Investinyourselfdarling
    @Investinyourselfdarling 2 роки тому +427

    Protect me from enemies at work who are trying to form a mob against me. This mantra works and I'm going to stick to it. It's slowly removing them without me realizing it ❤

  • @mariehill6427
    @mariehill6427 4 роки тому +532

    No Enemy formed against me shall ever prosper 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • @williamdelong1936
    @williamdelong1936 6 років тому +619

    I have lost count of how many enemies this has eliminated from my life! Namaste! Thank you!

    • @Manisha-uj7ik
      @Manisha-uj7ik 5 років тому +6

      How many week u listen

    • @williamdelong1936
      @williamdelong1936 5 років тому +52

      Once a day for 21 consecutive days. Close your eyes thank Shiva for protecting you. Evil spirits flee when they hear this mantra. Om Shiva ya namah om.

    • @jsmith3980
      @jsmith3980 5 років тому +7

      @@williamdelong1936 great to know thanks

    • @teenaravikiranpatil3662
      @teenaravikiranpatil3662 5 років тому +23

      I have one enemy whom I don't have an easy escape .hope it still helps me in some way

    • @thuwanpriyanthi5441
      @thuwanpriyanthi5441 5 років тому +2

      Shiva deviyange saththaye anubawen mage semiyata nisidaduwam denna aniyam sambandatha nathawenna katyuthu wenna salassann sama kiyana para isthreta athapaya kadanna denna athara tharaha karanna.....

  • @checa29
    @checa29 Рік тому +276

    This video is no joke!! I listened every day for like a week a karma was knocking um down like dominos. Multiple people got theirs, this is a secret weapon for sure. 🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @rkelectronicforadmin5943
      @rkelectronicforadmin5943 Рік тому +9


    • @snowcapkitty2
      @snowcapkitty2 9 місяців тому

      Ament to that they got theirs ​@@rkelectronicforadmin5943

    • @sadguru2503
      @sadguru2503 8 місяців тому +4

      Yes for sure.. They were resisting my marriage and now everything is fine

    • @limsiewthoe4227
      @limsiewthoe4227 7 місяців тому +2

      Ewe Mooi Hong stole my hard
      earned money and return it by throwing into the dustbin. 😢 Let karma bite her back for this. Until today my white rosary is not returned. Let
      the person who steal it be
      punished. Woe after woe chased after ewe mooi hong, lim lean kim, elizabeth hiew and saw siew cheng

    • @limsiewthoe4227
      @limsiewthoe4227 4 місяці тому +1

      Koay Hooi Lee my colleague wants me to be sacked from my present job. Stop her Lord Siva. Let this evil intention be reversed. Lord Siva let KOAY HOOI LEE be sacked instead. KARMA will strike immediately on her

  • @jeanettepadilla4992
    @jeanettepadilla4992 Рік тому +64

    Protect me against all those of my past ex-lovers family ex-friends and all those that are jealous and envious as I begin my journey

    • @susanpitre9790
      @susanpitre9790 Рік тому +2

      ❤ Beautiful same for you and my Beautiful plan to keep out ridiculous folks who are not loving

  • @Davysguru
    @Davysguru 5 років тому +659

    Please lord, I have never wanted to harm anybody but now I want my enemies destroyed. They are making my life miserable. Please destroy them.

    • @cjohnson1934
      @cjohnson1934 5 років тому +43

      I also have become highly allergic to these jealous and irritating ppl.. I use to think I was the reason..AGGREGATE THEM TO DEATH

    • @girishgarje5681
      @girishgarje5681 5 років тому +21

      Please lord help me

    • @inkedollgutierrez6055
      @inkedollgutierrez6055 5 років тому +37

      I feel the same way after having narsaccistic neighbors that have been harassing me non stop lord destroy them

    • @mariagricius8994
      @mariagricius8994 5 років тому +34

      Be careful with what you say, because your same words could be karmicly turned around onto you. It's like you are writing and casting a spell, a curse....of black magic. I highly doubt that any divine Guru and Saint would encouraged mantras to be used to harm other beings. Things like Destroying negativity, creating healing and healing situations in others lives ? Sure. Hurting Other people? No, not likely.

    • @LeeLee-lv6ju
      @LeeLee-lv6ju 5 років тому +3

      Mine want me to move away so she Bring my ex ,use to be her man out in the open, now that we broke up. He ghosted me. He Secretly went back to her,. Now he hidding he can't face me. We live on the same area,. For 11yrs We been screwing each other. Behind his baby momma back. I didn't know anything about her. Untile 2015 He ghosted me. So now he trying to keep my life miserable. By comming through. With trouble. I hope this works. He got to go

  • @veenavm3571
    @veenavm3571 4 роки тому +436

    God I don't want to destroy anybody but change their mind and thinking's

  • @777-r2g
    @777-r2g Рік тому +158

    This worked in getting rid of enemies exactly within 21 days! Thank you!! Sri Gurudeva Datta 🙏🏻

    • @AzadHosein-xc6gw
      @AzadHosein-xc6gw 11 місяців тому +1

      Did you had to mention any names of enemies while listening to this beautiful mantra

    • @AliHaider-zm2vg
      @AliHaider-zm2vg 9 місяців тому

      Comment me in mantra likh do

    • @Anonymousgod369
      @Anonymousgod369 8 місяців тому


    • @Tanusri.111
      @Tanusri.111 8 місяців тому

      ​@@AliHaider-zm2vgalready it's mentioned in the description box

    • @MysticAnid
      @MysticAnid 3 місяці тому

      Yes my 1st time listen to it was after 1h 🙏

  • @tawannacamerillo208
    @tawannacamerillo208 2 роки тому +212

    This really does work. I'm at peace. Protect me from all my enemies.

    • @jojames6621
      @jojames6621 Рік тому +3

      what did it do for you?

    • @tawannacamerillo208
      @tawannacamerillo208 Рік тому +21

      ​@@jojames6621 My enemy lost her mind. All the things she did to me came back on her. So yes this does work.

    • @MakeLifeIncredible
      @MakeLifeIncredible 10 місяців тому +1


  • @SF-ur7hy
    @SF-ur7hy 5 років тому +963

    I listened to this holy mantra yesterday with faith and a few hours later my enemy was destroyed...i got a telephone call that he is in the prison. This is soooooo real. Thank you Lord Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, Ma kali ❤❤❤❤❤

    • @noobclips5303
      @noobclips5303 5 років тому +16

      really? are u using headphone or not?

    • @Nicolesorkin
      @Nicolesorkin 5 років тому +18


    • @rodneynorsworthy4801
      @rodneynorsworthy4801 5 років тому +9

    • @Machelle3200
      @Machelle3200 5 років тому +14


    • @ChitraJayawardena
      @ChitraJayawardena 5 років тому +39

      Wow, I have a miserable Narcissistic individual that is capable of deleting and hindering my work on the internet. None can destroy the inner contentment of others. You reap what you sow. I hope this individual gets to learn the lesson that he deserves to learn. I am teaching my native community the 2 nd Language on Face book. This American individual is trying to overpower others with manmade technology. The Universe is much more powerful than all the rubbish. None is above the Universal law. No wonder why The USA has been blamed for interfering in, destroying the other countries and ultimately having vicious enemies. What goes around comes around. Cause and effect. Thank god I was lucky to be born into a Buddhist family in Sri Lanka. Thank god India is the influencing neighbor Sri Lanka has. Without emperor Ashoka, we would not have Dharma. India has a lot to offer. I wish i were born in India.

    @IRENEIREON 6 років тому +571

    May this keep ALL negative spirits, hate, jealousy, fakeness, away from me.. Applies to necessary >Family, Friends, Coworkers, Associates, & etc< (The seen & unseen) I've been thru & had enough of it! No more!!

  • @aliceahola2193
    @aliceahola2193 6 років тому +417

    this will destroy my own evil thoughts as well

    • @radoslaw108
      @radoslaw108 5 років тому +34

      the bigest enemy may be hidden in ourself ,like kama,krodha etc..good point bro.

    • @taghreedfarhat3295
      @taghreedfarhat3295 5 років тому +12

      Excellent point to raise 👍🏻🙏🏻

    • @thuwanpriyanthi5441
      @thuwanpriyanthi5441 5 років тому +5

      Dear god please give adeep panishment to them.unfrogetable..panishmant please.

    • @catherineo4151
      @catherineo4151 4 роки тому +7

      Totally! I agree with this especially fear bless you x

    • @tlynn1993
      @tlynn1993 4 роки тому +2


  • @aflee_45
    @aflee_45 Рік тому +75

    I never have commented before on anything, this is so magical! I felt relief as i played this & went outside & got sunlight. No reason to ever be negative even towards yourself, when things are falling out of place they may actually be falling into place. Expect nothing appreciate everything. I have tapped into my higher mind after playing this & have gotten rid of negative energies within myself. I am beyond grateful, never give up & remember everything is ENERGY!!!

    • @MakeLifeIncredible
      @MakeLifeIncredible 10 місяців тому +1


  • @rajees624
    @rajees624 3 роки тому +301

    This mantra destroys the evil eyes and brings peace and harmony in my life...

  • @Oneofakindparis
    @Oneofakindparis 4 роки тому +235

    I call for this mantra to bring justice and safety, and protection

  • @ancienttemple
    @ancienttemple 4 роки тому +236

    Protect my children at school please destroy all evil eyes and bad spirits 🙏🙌 let them enjoy peace and freedom.

    • @NikkiMaria-kk5tq
      @NikkiMaria-kk5tq 9 місяців тому

      Amen. X 3

    • @Lerato-o8l
      @Lerato-o8l 8 місяців тому +1

      Mine is experiencing bullying but with this Almighy God he will be protected.. no harm will befall my sweet boy. With God everything is possible..

  • @yarenraye4
    @yarenraye4 2 роки тому +287

    I started to listen this 2 days ago for other people. I realize I am also my own enemy. My self doubt, always feeling negative and thinking i am not enough. I can see clearer now, listen this for me too. thank you universe💗

    • @foolishgambino7396
      @foolishgambino7396 Рік тому +2

      Ase Queen

    • @HealingFairy1212
      @HealingFairy1212 Рік тому +2

      Wow I was thinking the same when I first started playing it 😅

    • @brittneythies5362
      @brittneythies5362 Рік тому

      Bitch bella Delphine is a joke😂

    • @BeautifulSoul125
      @BeautifulSoul125 Рік тому +1

      Yarenn how can you be your own ennemi?? You have to love yourself first. No one can be their own ennemi if they love themselves.

    • @suzi1174
      @suzi1174 Рік тому

      I can recommend you to someone who would help you manifest whatever and whoever you want to manifest within two days

  • @virginiamabjaia1897
    @virginiamabjaia1897 3 роки тому +159

    Please Lord protect me from my enemies who want to see me crying destroyed, clean on me all the bad luck and any black magic and jealous

  • @deepanitavlogs7302
    @deepanitavlogs7302 4 роки тому +378

    I don't want to hurt anyone... May my enemies be calm.. May I be calm if I am jealous of someone. No hurting anyone just reduce bad feelings from my and their side

  • @chalainekismachand1884
    @chalainekismachand1884 4 роки тому +128

    Destroy all negativity, enemies, evil eye and bless my path always...

  • @theodoraketiti4172
    @theodoraketiti4172 Рік тому +31

    This definitely works! Three people have removed themselves from my friendship after I caught them in lies against me.

  • @traceyhughes6424
    @traceyhughes6424 7 років тому +497

    Envy is a terrible problem that a lot of people struggle with. The worst are the ones closet to you. I struggled with this all my life. Have lost a lot because of it. I do not tell people shit. I make moves on the sly. This has brought me closer to God. Peace and blessings.

    • @shivameditation21
      @shivameditation21  6 років тому +26

      God bless you.

    • @mamathag2613
      @mamathag2613 6 років тому +2


    • @LeeLee-lv6ju
      @LeeLee-lv6ju 5 років тому +7

      When u think u got friends U don't have none. People mark my mom Deaft. By having the fire department drive by everyday. Even if it's raining. But everybody be looking. Where the fire.

    • @ttp519
      @ttp519 5 років тому +12

      couple of my relatives is envy.my bf betrayal me.im not be close to anybody nomore only my pets.

    • @aliceagutierrez9486
      @aliceagutierrez9486 5 років тому +2


  • @xXCreamPuffsXx
    @xXCreamPuffsXx 4 роки тому +169

    Thanks to this mantra. My evil coworkers at the hospital I once worked at whose initials are MLF, KL, and JC, have suffered intensely emotionally, physically, and financially. They have been punished for their narcissim, gossip, and bullying.

    • @claymanifest6157
      @claymanifest6157 4 роки тому +2

      Let me recommend you to a powerful Spell 🕯️ caster expert who helped me few days ago,,,,,and I strongly believe he can help you too sweetheart

    • @claymanifest6157
      @claymanifest6157 4 роки тому +1

      What's App'him-----now

    • @xXCreamPuffsXx
      @xXCreamPuffsXx 4 роки тому +2

      @@claymanifest6157 Thank you for referring me to him.. May I ask, do you have any e-mail? I would like to ask you about your experience with him

    • @claymanifest6157
      @claymanifest6157 4 роки тому +1

      @@xXCreamPuffsXx maggiekyle043@gmail.com

    • @prasadnaiquesai
      @prasadnaiquesai 3 роки тому +4

      Dattarey ki jai.

  • @gotcha9983
    @gotcha9983 2 роки тому +56

    My own mother jealous of me and dislike me. Please God break this curse. Replace the broken mother with a loving soft kind gentle real mother Amen

    • @shal6511
      @shal6511 Місяць тому

      Ditto amen lord 🙏

  • @muffin33084
    @muffin33084 Рік тому +48

    Lord SHIVA protect me from anyone sending negative energy my way 🙏 ❤

  • @devika11110
    @devika11110 Рік тому +25

    Om parabrahma parmatmane namah utpatti stiti pralay karaye bramha hariray trigunatmane sarva kautuk nirdashaya darshan dattatreya namaha mantra siddhi kurum kuru svaha

    • @pradeepullal
      @pradeepullal 8 місяців тому +1

      Thank you

    • @davido3109
      @davido3109 7 місяців тому

      Thanks thanks thanks!!!! Namaste

    • @samioli2023
      @samioli2023 7 місяців тому

      Can write this is Hindi script. Please

    • @Sunil-pd8tm
      @Sunil-pd8tm 2 дні тому

      Thank you! Shiva bless u 🙏

  • @radhika8733
    @radhika8733 Рік тому +50

    May all bad energies and negative people be thrown out from my life, even though they belong to family,Let positivity take over evil energy and only good energy vibes to be attracted in life 😊😊

  • @KaiFiraga
    @KaiFiraga 4 роки тому +93

    Any shape or form of energy that does not serve my highest good can no longer reach me. Any being throwing negative energy my way has been reduced to ash as well.

  • @SoumeeBhattacharya-ye4ho
    @SoumeeBhattacharya-ye4ho 6 місяців тому +22

    This mantra is really amazing one of my neighbours who was not aperson of good character has sold his flat and left for good .now iam using this mantra for the people who have supported him for their downfall

  • @archanasharma9034
    @archanasharma9034 5 місяців тому +17

    Archangel michael please protect me from any person trying to overpower me bully me gossip about me remove all narcissistic from my life any enemy wishing negatively about me shall never prosper i want you to protect me and bless them show them correct path through your ways i completely surrender and trust tears would never come in my eyes due to sorrow only because of happiness and joy. Amen amen amen

  • @Dashawn471
    @Dashawn471 4 роки тому +76

    Please Mantra remove any hexs, black magic jealousy Envy evil eye Wicked Deeds Wicked plot hitting Deeds hitting plots negative energy fake friends fake Neighbors remove far far away protect me and my family cover me as I'm going for my home and cover me as I return cover me in my sleep protect my dreams protect me for anything that's hitting did I cannot see thank you

    • @ravisankar6436
      @ravisankar6436 3 роки тому +3

      Please remove black magic permanently. Please remove my enemies in our life permanently

  • @yashwingupta1
    @yashwingupta1 5 років тому +596

    Really works. Had a coworker I couldn’t stand. Now I’m moving to a new group. Please listen as many times as possible. Started working within 2-3 weeks for me. God bless.

    • @yashwingupta1
      @yashwingupta1 5 років тому +40

      Comment back 9 months later. This also bring prosperity. Listening again to remove the last bit of negativity going into 2020

    • @godsavehumanity3183
      @godsavehumanity3183 4 роки тому +26

      Yes true co workers are some time not bad PPL but they hve negative mindset that effect..this mantra always help..🙏🙏

    • @yashwingupta1
      @yashwingupta1 4 роки тому +6

      abhishek banerjee listen to it at work. Will be better.

    • @yashwingupta1
      @yashwingupta1 4 роки тому +6

      Yusra Yu try listening at work around the person

    • @wahidkhaliq4776
      @wahidkhaliq4776 4 роки тому +14

      Snark Shark honestly really will it work for me ?... I have so much bad luck all my life and depression since I was a kid . I’m 48 now and life just gets worse day by day

  • @Ry2030risenow
    @Ry2030risenow 5 місяців тому +14

    After listening to this 5 times I started feeling a lot better

  • @judefonceca2940
    @judefonceca2940 3 роки тому +153

    Please protect me from silent enemies who are trying to damage me and my family members 🙏🙏🙏

  • @worldtravellersgrambyneeth1709
    @worldtravellersgrambyneeth1709 6 років тому +185

    May lord destroy all the enemies who destroyed my life with there words and actions and who are jealous of me and hatred of me may lord give me.justice with such cruel friends and enemies who destroyed my life every minute and the blame and accusations I fear god karma will return .

    • @Angel-up4pc
      @Angel-up4pc 5 років тому +7

      You have described my situation!!! :'(

    • @thuwanpriyanthi5441
      @thuwanpriyanthi5441 5 років тому +1

      Deviyange Phiten mage balaporothtuwa ishta sudda karala Denna mage semiyage Aniyam sambandatha nathrakara Denna ounta nisi daduwam Denna please.

    • @thuwanpriyanthi5441
      @thuwanpriyanthi5441 5 років тому +1

      Shiva deviyan vahansege pihiten mage puthage naduwen dinuma labadenna obavahanseta pisiduwewa.

    • @thuwanpriyanthi5441
      @thuwanpriyanthi5441 5 років тому +3

      Dear God 21 days finsh but my hasband have ex efair with women's please god you can stop that bad efair please

      @MRSCAPSLOCKFER 5 років тому +1


  • @clairebear6159
    @clairebear6159 4 роки тому +147

    I don’t want pain and suffering for anyone I just want bad vibes to be returned to the sender 😇

    • @allthingdranabeauty
      @allthingdranabeauty Рік тому +3

      Me too ijust want to leave me alon

    • @vandana2733
      @vandana2733 10 місяців тому +2

      Same.. just want to be safe and happy with my kids ❤

    • @SuMonCheri
      @SuMonCheri 6 місяців тому +1


  • @roopalmehta8599
    @roopalmehta8599 2 роки тому +122

    This mantra is very effective. It helped me recognize ill intentions of people. The good part is the ones bringing me harm have backed off on their own. I have been listening to this on a daily basis and I recommend this to anyone who wants to see results. May you receive what your heart desires. Peace, love and light to all 🙏

    • @RajeshSharma-jl8en
      @RajeshSharma-jl8en 2 роки тому +7

      your comment has given me a lot of hope. So you just listened to this mantra and afterwards people's ill intentions automatically became known to you?? Is that what your saying?? Or did you already doubt these people prior to listening to this mantra and listened to this mantra while thinking about them in your mind? Please let me know?

    • @shamitaji
      @shamitaji 2 роки тому +4

      @@RajeshSharma-jl8en listen this on daily basis. You will be protected from negativity of people around you. Very effective 1

    • @helenmadamrose306
      @helenmadamrose306 2 роки тому +4

      It didn't happen any terrible negative thing to your enemy right? I don't want to wish them terrible harm. I just want to be left alone

    • @MakeLifeIncredible
      @MakeLifeIncredible 10 місяців тому


    • @louishutchersonjr7524
      @louishutchersonjr7524 8 місяців тому

      hum along with the mantra makes it more affective enjoy thanks

  • @Divine_Heyoka
    @Divine_Heyoka Рік тому +79

    Sending healing white light to you reading this. All negative entities and thought forms are banished from you. You are safe. You are unconditional love ❤️

    • @Asteria513
      @Asteria513 6 місяців тому


    • @megha6865
      @megha6865 6 місяців тому

      Thank you. Same prayers for you too. May divine powers protect you and your loved ones always

  • @tamikamahon6510
    @tamikamahon6510 2 роки тому +51

    Protection against my enemies.. Protect my home from enemies. Protect my Luv ones from enemies.. Give us all positive peace..

  • @shinewick4500
    @shinewick4500 5 років тому +175

    Protect me and my children from the hidden and unhidden enemies, bad places, and wrong things that threaten our Safety, Wholeness, Wealth, and Health. Remove these situation that can block our highest good, success, abundance and joy. ASE ASE ASE ❤

    • @eleanorleticiadanieltiangs1082
      @eleanorleticiadanieltiangs1082 4 роки тому +6

      @ShineLight GOD IS GOOD 🙏🏼 Reading all comments here makes me feel i'm not alone with our family situation , i hope God would send us all His good guardian angels 👼🏻 to watch over us.

    • @carmenseguridad7105
      @carmenseguridad7105 4 роки тому +2

      @@eleanorleticiadanieltiangs1082 amen.

    • @carmenseguridad7105
      @carmenseguridad7105 4 роки тому +2

      Hello friend, did this help your situation. You are not alone.

    • @AnsAns-dp6ti
      @AnsAns-dp6ti 4 роки тому +2

      @@eleanorleticiadanieltiangs1082 Amen. Bless to you my dear friend.

    • @bbmarkbrown5822
      @bbmarkbrown5822 4 роки тому +2

      I Agree

  • @rarelyhere201
    @rarelyhere201 2 роки тому +82

    Been listening about 3 times per day for the past couple of days. Wow. I cannot believe it. I was attacked with black energy and became bedridden for months with no end. I had depression, cyclic behaviors, and horrendous psychic attacks. I tried everything, including banishing rituals, but came across this and has completely changed me. I will check back in 2-3 weeks.

    • @laurasanders5050
      @laurasanders5050 2 роки тому +3


    • @Yet333
      @Yet333 2 роки тому +5

      You know lying is really bad energy... decieving people brings more negative vibes. Hope you are being truthful and doing well.

    • @rarelyhere201
      @rarelyhere201 2 роки тому +15

      ​@@Yet333 Hate to break it to you, but not a lie. I made my YT account just to post this because I needed to make it clear that I've never experienced anything like this before. Worked great!

    • @rarelyhere201
      @rarelyhere201 2 роки тому +14

      @@laurasanders5050 Worked like a charm and felt very good about it.

    • @Jay_Kayy
      @Jay_Kayy Рік тому +7

      @@Yet333 assuming someone was lying is ego move. Why throw accusations? Just ask and trust this works for everybody and anyone. Must have faith

  • @sandywitecki1231
    @sandywitecki1231 7 років тому +657

    I have looked for an answer to my problems of enemies for over 20 years and in one listening it is all gone! Thank you Shiva! I am so grateful for your protection.

    • @shivameditation21
      @shivameditation21  7 років тому +31

      +Sandy Witecki God bless you.

    • @thuwanpriyanthi5441
      @thuwanpriyanthi5441 5 років тому +15

      Really This Shiva meditation.is very helpful to me....Meny wishes came true......Today I'm glad to sey you about My brother. Please help to him. Beacuse they have family problems with his wife....I wish she will come back to home....

    • @jsmith3980
      @jsmith3980 5 років тому +7

      blimey that's impressive

    • @teenaravikiranpatil3662
      @teenaravikiranpatil3662 5 років тому +7

      Bless you .I hope it works to my family too

    • @a.k.139
      @a.k.139 5 років тому +2

      but how?

  • @missminnie1493
    @missminnie1493 5 років тому +72

    Keep all negative and people who try to do me harm out of my life!

    • @snowcapkitty2
      @snowcapkitty2 9 місяців тому

      Amen to that remove each one , one by one

  • @randomdiamond5238
    @randomdiamond5238 7 років тому +451

    people that were evil in the work place were either fired or left

    • @kittujain3466
      @kittujain3466 7 років тому +11

      R u serious

    • @daisydeacruz2932
      @daisydeacruz2932 6 років тому +13

      That is black magic mind set dear soul...this mantra will protect you itself plus good intention.

    • @radheradheification
      @radheradheification 6 років тому +25

      I too have seen bad people distancing

    • @jacquelinedowner515
      @jacquelinedowner515 6 років тому +10

      So true

    • @Tee-fz4mf
      @Tee-fz4mf 6 років тому +3

      slugoman. 8 wow is this true. Did your behavior change did you stand up for yourself is that why

  • @godschild4927
    @godschild4927 Рік тому +54

    Lord Shiva please protect me from my frienemies and enemies and guide Me to the right path, Am begging you 🙏❤️🌹 I can't even express anymore how much am hurt 😭please heal my pain.. I want to be loved and to have peaceful happy successful life have my own family 🙏🙏

  • @vendaprincess7184
    @vendaprincess7184 3 роки тому +32

    Protect me and my family .Protect me from evil hearts and jealous people's.Let me be financially stable.Protect my house from evil people's and thieves.all who bad mouth me take care of them

  • @mariac.alvarez7383
    @mariac.alvarez7383 3 роки тому +111

    Protect me and my children from all negative energies and bad intended people. Keep them away and far from my life. Thank you

  • @heenashah2890
    @heenashah2890 5 років тому +251

    Lord Shiva plzzz keep all my enemies and jealous people out of my life and bless me with happy life...HAR HAR MAHADEV 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

  • @emilymatias3812
    @emilymatias3812 2 роки тому +103

    This definitely wards of demonic spirits, my home feels spiritually clean when I leave it in each room wow!! Praise Lord Shiva! 💖

  • @Onyx8Moon
    @Onyx8Moon 4 роки тому +84

    please protect me from people who want to suck my energy use me harm me or see me fail...

  • @terrizaratepearson4667
    @terrizaratepearson4667 3 роки тому +106

    Protect my household from all negative energy, jealousy, enemies wanting to see me struggle and be depressed over every aspect of my life. Send back any harm sent to my family, my love of my life and most of all over me.
    Peace be with you.

    • @NarayanaBaba
      @NarayanaBaba 3 роки тому

      See Drvirtual7 video on send back curses.

    • @iamjeislynn3249
      @iamjeislynn3249 3 роки тому +2

      I agree. Amen so be it

    • @nvenkatesh6418
      @nvenkatesh6418 3 роки тому +2

      All my neighbour enemies who are evildoers perish like worms when I listen tothe Holy Mantras of Sri Guru Dattatreya mantra.

    • @monikanikki5499
      @monikanikki5499 3 роки тому +1

      Amen 🙏💝

    • @debragould3221
      @debragould3221 2 роки тому


  • @luisherrera3430
    @luisherrera3430 5 років тому +168

    may this KEEP all negative people and negative energy away from my home and my family , get rid of people who envy me . and also keep away negative entity's from my home .

  • @shondabradshaw6858
    @shondabradshaw6858 5 місяців тому +12

    Protect me from my enemies at work let everything work in my favor protect me from
    Enemies trying to destroy my life remove them permanently from my life

  • @yvettek1585
    @yvettek1585 3 роки тому +32

    My problem is bullies and petty control freaks wish they stay away from me now. namaste. i am divined guided protection

  • @bedasri
    @bedasri 3 роки тому +154

    Protect me and our family from enemies..I am Sending positive energy to every people who is reading this msg right now..

  • @premadhikari453
    @premadhikari453 4 роки тому +54

    Please god save me from evil people in my work place,co-worker, and protect me from everything,Thanks for this mantra

  • @janetlammin1329
    @janetlammin1329 2 роки тому +130

    No enemies formed against me shall prosper Amen 🙏 No bad thoughts against anyone I will rise above! Love and light to everyone 🥰🌞👏

  • @sparkle2753
    @sparkle2753 5 років тому +68

    I played this twice i feel soooo good..like my enemies are fading away i feel very light..

  • @hermanman8235
    @hermanman8235 5 років тому +90

    I don't know so much about Hindu religion.. how ever this so called mantra really WORKS.i work real hard not to hurt anybody the thing is they are so many walking human with black heart and black intention.thank you to the DEITY concerned because of your help.NAMASTE

    • @VirD2023
      @VirD2023 4 роки тому +9

      Herman Man One who is born is hindu. Rather there is no word as being hindu. It was coined by islamists. Its sanatan dharma. These mantras are all scientific, they have meaning energy and vibrations! God bless

    • @aksshaayrahatey5352
      @aksshaayrahatey5352 4 роки тому +5

      Almighty does not differentiate between any religion, don't worry we all his sons as Jesus says.
      He is incarnation of all trinity ( power of creation, power of stability, power of destruction ( shiva)), there is nothing before him or after him, he is true representation of Almighty,
      The four dogs represent four type of knowledge one requires in lifetime (Dharma- Righteousness, Artha - Financial, Kama - Sex and Reproduction, Moksha- Liberation) Cow represent calmness and all Motherly qualities like protection, love, fulfilling your needs etc.

    • @jojames6621
      @jojames6621 4 роки тому

      @@aksshaayrahatey5352 are we supposed to think of our enemy while listening to this or we just listen and not think of anything?

    • @aksshaayrahatey5352
      @aksshaayrahatey5352 4 роки тому +4

      @Jo James: Not at all required... We should concentrate on our karma (deeds) rather than wrong doers, this mantra translate into praise of devine father who is creator, stabilizer, destructor please give us success in every good task we take...! And truely speaking real enemy is inside us i. e lust, greed, anger, etc we have to destroy this enemies first. Then we will be truely eligible for unconditional love of Almighty devine God😇🙏

    • @jojames6621
      @jojames6621 4 роки тому +1

      Herman Man what happend after this mantra?? Like did the enemy move away? he died? what happend?

  • @lucylucy2378
    @lucylucy2378 3 роки тому +65

    May all the enemies at my work place who show resentment,gossip and racism be cleared from my path.I’m grateful to the most high for working on clearing them out now.Namaste

  • @melanieowen9062
    @melanieowen9062 Рік тому +19

    Lord Shiva please protect me from jealous, manipulative co workers who try to gang up on me. Thank you Shiva

    • @shivameditation21
      @shivameditation21  Рік тому +3

      Listen to this mantra for 21 days and then see the changes.. Everything will be fine. Don't worry. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @jashiabey7106
    @jashiabey7106 3 роки тому +35

    Let my enemies pay dearly for the evil they showed me and let them suffer and remove any misfortune they sent to me !! Restore me right now !!!

  • @juneseed1743
    @juneseed1743 4 роки тому +95

    I listen to get rid of my enemies. I felt the positive change in my life. It's just the beginning. Thank you.

  • @louisemorel8141
    @louisemorel8141 7 років тому +396

    I only listened to this once so far and already I have noticed improvements in attitude from people who seemed jealous of me.Thank you.I will continue listening to this every day.

    • @mamatasweet2531
      @mamatasweet2531 6 років тому +8

      Indigo Violet madam I'm listening to music everyday can it help me to get rid out of my entire enemy mainly one Nigerian man named chuma Odina doing black magic and disturbing my mind and make me to cry can it help me to go back that black magic to him back I believe I'm going everyday to Shiva temple after my bath plz madam tell me what to do???

    • @thuwanpriyanthi5441
      @thuwanpriyanthi5441 5 років тому

      Ane deviyane obavahanseta pisiduwewa Mata hathurukam karana paramahathura Nathi karanna.Athapaya kadaladanna.

    • @Idontknowww97
      @Idontknowww97 5 років тому +4

      @@mamatasweet2531 checkout ANCIENT SPELL BREAKER by DrVirtual7. HELPED me a lot

    • @SadD3adGirl
      @SadD3adGirl 4 роки тому +2

      @@Idontknowww97 it does help

    • @kevangildharry3884
      @kevangildharry3884 4 роки тому +2

      You have to listen with earphones or not

  • @ItsCocochanel
    @ItsCocochanel Рік тому +47

    Just started listening to this. One of my clients that has been giving me a hard time went to the hospital last night

  • @reylevi-xavierdothard
    @reylevi-xavierdothard 4 роки тому +121

    May my enemies be removed from my life so that I may have peace and prosperity. I struggled with envious people and have lost a lot and I'm here to tell you that most of them have been removed from my life with this mantra and I will continue to use it until they are all gone and destroyed and that the right people may enter my life. May I be blessed with positive opportunities and may justice prevail against those who wish I'll intentions toward me so mote it be... Amen!

    • @Miodias1
      @Miodias1 Рік тому +2

      I lost my own clothing.

    • @MakeLifeIncredible
      @MakeLifeIncredible 10 місяців тому


    • @snowcapkitty2
      @snowcapkitty2 9 місяців тому

      Beautifully said❤🎉

  • @deondewit3175
    @deondewit3175 3 роки тому +126

    Helped me get rid of an anoying neighbour that was always blasting his music even early in the morning. When I politely asked him to keep the volume down he just laughed at me. Listened to this every day thinking about that neighbour as my enemy He moved out. Found out later that he got a better job somewhere else and moved there. It works! enjoying quiet peaceful days and nights at my home now. And nobody got killed or destroyed as other similar mantras promises. Hail the Unversal Intelligence for finding a solution that benefited both me and my enemy. A solution I couldn't see. Although I did combine it with Quadible integrity's Mantra booster program I listened to this followed by Quadie's vid. Just once a day every day.

    • @HEMANEIL6142
      @HEMANEIL6142 2 роки тому +4

      My enemy R R too got posted to Forest park br near her home n away from me forever

    • @tl8117
      @tl8117 2 роки тому +7

      You are amazing for still having the best heart to gain peace in your home from that annoying neighbor, yet still remaining kind enough to be happy for that person having success themselves. Stay praying for those who may cause u distress. And may God continue blessing you!

    • @deondewit3175
      @deondewit3175 2 роки тому +3

      @@tl8117 Thank-you!

    • @TheCupcake86
      @TheCupcake86 2 роки тому +5

      Lol true that

    • @regisztracio6124
      @regisztracio6124 2 роки тому +1

      How many tumes a day and how many days have youbeen listening this mantra? I also have a bad neighbor. Ahe yells all day, in the night makes the houshold, beats the wall and furniture etc... she's got a 3 year old daughter and the 'mother' yellst at her every day. Hurts her by words....

  • @t.w5674
    @t.w5674 3 роки тому +61

    Please protect me and my family. Please keep jealous , fake friends, evil eyes people away from me and my family. Please protect me and my family from people trying blackmagic or curse, hex.. Please remove enemies trying to come for me and my family.
    I thank you in advance

  • @jermainehobbs7777
    @jermainehobbs7777 2 роки тому +54

    😱 OMG WORKING IN SOOOOOOO MANY WAYS...🙏🙏🙏👏🙏🙏👏👏🙏🙏,...thank u lord

    • @vandana2733
      @vandana2733 10 місяців тому +1

      After how many days it starts working?

    • @karime3295
      @karime3295 10 місяців тому

      @@vandana2733 21

    • @ccaselli7
      @ccaselli7 9 місяців тому +1

      Can u tell me..did it harm anyone?

  • @olgajacks
    @olgajacks 2 роки тому +194

    I can now tell you all that this is one powerful Mantra ever created I was torment with the whole Neighbourhood for three years but one day I came across this mantra I listen to it for 21 days I don’t know if I should call this mantra a miracle Mantra or what but I was absolutely speechless by the results and the extreme power it’s has I meditate with it every day for 21 days and I never miss one single day enjoy family you will be amazed thank you so so much to the one created this Mantra you are an Angel send from above to rescue the true children of the one infinite creator I’m sending you love and light ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @torimashi4477
      @torimashi4477 2 роки тому +4

      you listened once a day or mire then once??

    • @olgajacks
      @olgajacks 2 роки тому +6

      @@torimashi4477 once a day

    • @olgajacks
      @olgajacks 2 роки тому +14

      @نيرمين I don’t know about killing someone but if the enemy’s intentions is to make you suffer or tormenting your life and your family this mantra put all that in the end but have gud intentions while listening to it not bad the Mantra it’s self will know and decide what’s best in your situation if you have gud in your heart for others

    • @fulviab8882
      @fulviab8882 Рік тому


    • @AstridCastle-lb3tq
      @AstridCastle-lb3tq Рік тому +1

      Amen ❤

  • @emilymatias9711
    @emilymatias9711 6 років тому +181

    I have faith that this great mantra helps to conquer from my employers who despises me! I'm extremely mentally,spiritually stressed and heartbroken because of them! Help me lord Shiva!!!

    • @kevangildharry3884
      @kevangildharry3884 4 роки тому +2

      You listen with earphones or not

    • @aminaali2668
      @aminaali2668 4 роки тому +1

      This is Lord Dattatreya

    • @rosequartz1208
      @rosequartz1208 3 роки тому +9

      Emily Matias- I’m in the same position. Employees treat people so badly nowadays!! I hope this mantra protects me from harmful colleagues and Bosses.

    • @swamijis1
      @swamijis1 3 роки тому +5

      I have you in my prayers.
      Have faith in Guruji and all will be fine.
      Blessings from Toronto.

    • @HEMANEIL6142
      @HEMANEIL6142 3 роки тому

      @@rosequartz1208 some effect on u ???

  • @ing2851
    @ing2851 4 роки тому +85

    Destroy all my enemies mentally and financially.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @swagatikapathy5111
      @swagatikapathy5111 4 роки тому +2

      My wish is all so that

    • @limsiewthoe4227
      @limsiewthoe4227 4 роки тому +7

      Yes. May every evil committed unto me return to the sender a thousandfold. Nandre

    • @swagatikapathy5111
      @swagatikapathy5111 4 роки тому +1

      Me too wish that 😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @siddhipatki1113
    @siddhipatki1113 2 роки тому +89

    Shri Gurudev Dutta 🙏❤🌼 I can see a lot of doubts in the minds of people who are non-Hindu regarding this mantra. People are wondering whether this is some kind of black magic so I am going to tell a story regarding Lord Dattatreya's birth. Perhaps you would then get an idea of this Hindu God. Then whether you want to listen/chant this mantra or not is your call.
    Lord Dattatreya was born to the sage Atri and his wife Anusuya. There are various stories/legends regarding his birth but one such popular legend that is believed in the Hindu dharma is that the chastity & intelligence of Anusauya was spread across the regions, the abodes of the Gods included and so the wives of Lord Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma who are maa Parvati, Lakshmi & Sarasvati (Goddesses) respectively thought of testing her. They sent their husbands to test her. Anusuya understood that the three Gods have come to test her and she answered or cleared their questions without any difficulty. The Gods were very much pleased with her and asked if she would like to make a wish/ boon. The sage Atri and Anusauya were longing for a child and so she wished that all the 3 Gods would become her sons to which they agreed and that's how Lord Dattatreya was born. He is an avatar of Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh(shiva) into one 🙂 and hence the 3 heads.
    Lord Dattatreya's theology emphasized simple life, kindness to all, questioning the status quo, self-pursuit of knowledge and seeking spiritual awakening. He is even mentioned in the poems of Sant Tukaram the famous poet of Lord Vitthal(Vishnu). He is considered to be the GURU of all the GURUS 🙏 His teachings are celebrated across India. We just celebrated Guru Purnima on the 13th of this month which is dedicated to all the gurus who have contributed by their teachings to transform our lives positively in some or the other way. Guru Dattatreya is also worshipped on that day even though it was thousands of years ago his teachings still prevail 🙏😊
    I understand that there are lots of non-Hindu subscribers here too so it's obvious you might have zero or very less knowledge of this but that does not imply that these mantras are black magic RATHER People chant HIS mantras or WORSHIP HIM to get rid of black magic or negativity.
    It's a very very powerful one which is obvious you get blessings of 3 gods together.
    I Hope Lord Dattatrey showers upon you his blessings and helps you to remove negativity from your life too.
    Shri Gurudev Datta 🙂🙏

    • @KimMKx3
      @KimMKx3 2 роки тому +9

      Thank you so, so, so much! Very helpful. 🥰 Wishing you all the best!! 🌻

    • @siddhipatki1113
      @siddhipatki1113 2 роки тому +7

      @@KimMKx3 it's completely my pleasure 🙏 😊 this specific mantra not only gives protection but is also chanted to fulfil wishes if listened to with full faith and utmost devotion to Lord Dattatreya 🙏

    • @sonsneezer
      @sonsneezer 2 роки тому +2

      Namaste, is this mantra part of the Dattatreya sampradaya?? I've never heard it nor did my Guru Maharaj ever mention it. I hear the chanter saying "Mantra Siddhi Svaha" at the end,but do you have the full mantra in English?? Jai Dattatreya!🙏🕉

    • @sully2350
      @sully2350 Рік тому +3

      Thank you so much for your comment. It taught very much and helped ease my mind.

    • @wick1952
      @wick1952 Рік тому +1


  • @emoran8465
    @emoran8465 5 років тому +103

    May this mantra drive out all negativity in my life for good. OM

  • @moly1204
    @moly1204 4 роки тому +113

    This Mantra is very powerfull
    I feeling
    full positive energie

  • @rampallyreena4368
    @rampallyreena4368 6 років тому +126

    I got rid my enemies its really worked

    • @thuwanpriyanthi5441
      @thuwanpriyanthi5441 5 років тому +3

      Thanks dear god.The.name.of.shiva.meditation..plese.control.mh.hadband.becuse.he.has aEx.Efair..im.feeling.bad citation....

    • @carmenseguridad7105
      @carmenseguridad7105 5 років тому +9

      Keep these demonic jealous spirits away and may whatever evil they cast to me be sent back to them. Protect me in my path and bind these evil souls.

  • @beenakrishnan3209
    @beenakrishnan3209 Рік тому +24

    Lord please help me eliminate my enemies who are very jealous and who are talking bad behind me and being good..,.. and please help me grow in my career by removing these toxic people from my life for ever. Thank you so much lord 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🥰🥰

  • @PB-nr9sm
    @PB-nr9sm 4 роки тому +72

    The picture on thumbnail is of Adiguru Dattatreya. THE MOST POWERFUL DEITY since he has the combined powers of brahma, vishnu, shiv. There is nothing which is beyond his powers. He can do anything and nothing and I say nothing is impossible for Dattatreya. He is the supreme Guru and therefore above Gods. No evil power can stand before him. Praying to Datta alone will reap benefits of praying to all gods and goddesses. Shree Gurudev Datta, Shree Swami Samarth 🙏

    • @sonsneezer
      @sonsneezer 4 роки тому +2

      Jai Jai Lord Dattatreya!!! Please write more about Lord Dattatreya your words are like nectar brother, Datta is my Ishta devata and miracles have happened in my life because of His grace and the blessings of my Gurumaharaj,do you know if this mantra is definitely part of Dattatreya's sampradaya???Is it bonafide??🙏🌹🌻

    • @PB-nr9sm
      @PB-nr9sm 4 роки тому +3

      @@sonsneezer brother it seems to be of Datta sampradaay. And great to hear that adiguru is your ishta dev and you have experienced may miracles due to his grace.

    • @sonsneezer
      @sonsneezer 4 роки тому +2

      @@PB-nr9sm Ok good,I will listen to it sometimes...Yes Dattatreya is Everything!! The most sublime, the most compassionate, the most caring,the most miraculous!! My beloved Gurumaharaj told me Dattatreya will always come quick as soon as he is remembered, smartagami!

    • @nustacheifa3281
      @nustacheifa3281 4 роки тому +1

      Thank you for sharing this message about Datta , this made my day today , Bless you !!!

    • @PB-nr9sm
      @PB-nr9sm 4 роки тому +1

      @@nustacheifa3281 Datta came into my life when I was really disturbed due to my granny's death 5 years back. I got an opportunity to pray to all his incarnations Sripad Srivallabh, Shree Narasimha Saraswati and now Shree Swami Samarth

  • @lilyindigo6455
    @lilyindigo6455 3 роки тому +21

    Destroy my enemies with no mercy please I’m always suffering because of them! Justice!

  • @vikssimran5628
    @vikssimran5628 4 роки тому +40

    I want all my enemies to be removed from my life and my children's life.
    From my work and neighborhood.
    God to protect me n my whole family with his mighty power and give me power of prosperity,good health and wealth.
    Jai guru deva.

  • @chethanatr816
    @chethanatr816 2 роки тому +51

    Lord Shiva, save my pet and me from bad evil people who always targets me🙏

    • @jarvispitt9198
      @jarvispitt9198 Рік тому +2

      Yeah I know exactly what you mean I hope it helps me they're evil as hell

  • @thecreation6
    @thecreation6 8 років тому +258

    the brain has 60000 thoughts a day. 95% are thoughts from a previous day. 5 % are new. so after 20 days you will have a new train of thought. thus you listen to this mantra 21 days 108 times in this span. you will have retrained your mind to be stronger.

  • @nimadewidalyathi63
    @nimadewidalyathi63 4 роки тому +38

    I prayed persons that took advantage of my kindness to be teach right lesson and I’m forever protected from lower kind energy peoples in the future 🙏

  • @williamdelong1936
    @williamdelong1936 6 років тому +266

    It works thank you. Listen everyday for quick results. Om.

    • @thuwanpriyanthi5441
      @thuwanpriyanthi5441 6 років тому +3

      Shivadeviyane mata hathurukam karana. Hama denatama Daduwam denna obata pinsiduwei.

    • @jsmith3980
      @jsmith3980 5 років тому +1

      @Tina Butterfly good to know

    • @jsmith3980
      @jsmith3980 5 років тому +5

      @Tina Butterfly Thank you so much Tina for your kind and helpful advice.Just checked out Psalm 91..it's great. Dr Nipun's "Evil Eye Protection" mantra is one I say regularly...in fact I really like Dr Nipun's mantras!

    • @jsmith3980
      @jsmith3980 5 років тому

      @Tina Butterfly I must get hold of some smudging 'sticks'...great advice.Kind regards to you.x

    • @sahilsaharan2040
      @sahilsaharan2040 5 років тому

      @Tina Butterfly .

  • @leonidapambuan726
    @leonidapambuan726 2 роки тому +20

    Lord Shiva pls remove my enemies in my life ...thank you Lord Shiva

  • @Moblife26
    @Moblife26 4 роки тому +56

    Protect me and family from harms way in this present time in this world Show my enemies a new way of life so they don’t self destruct!! Keep away people that want to do harm to me and my family keep them far away from us

  • @supernatural-d3c
    @supernatural-d3c 5 років тому +158

    Evil enemies are indeed getting destroyed 😎

    • @jojames6621
      @jojames6621 4 роки тому +1

      what happend?

    • @mrudula712
      @mrudula712 4 роки тому +1

      How man?

    • @jayaramvshetty5133
      @jayaramvshetty5133 4 роки тому +1

      @@jojames6621 ,

    • @sabiranbaruah5605
      @sabiranbaruah5605 4 роки тому +1

      Ipioipipipii iipioioipipipipipioioipioipiipipipipupipipiipipioipipipipipipippioipioiipup ii ipipiioipipipipipupipipipipipioiuipipioiipip ip upioipipiioipppip ii ip ip uip ip ii I ii ipiip ii ii iipiipiipipioipipip uip ii ipuopiipipipii ipipipioiioipiipipioipiiip ii ip ipiipipioi iipipipipipipipipipiiiiiipipipipiiopppipipipipipipipipipioipipiipipipioipiuiipupipipupiipmuukukyylyoyo uk buy a home in I ii ii ip ip ipiipipioi a good idea I am new colony of this word a moonlit night of May I am new on I Love know that I look I have to be able to make the best kkhkjjk to

  • @rpmbpm9085
    @rpmbpm9085 4 роки тому +34

    I humbly beg for the destruction of my enemies. Om

  • @seevar3703
    @seevar3703 2 роки тому +93

    I am so attracted to this Roopa of Shiva. Specially because of the puppies in this picture.
    Means so much to me. I lost my Dog. My Atlas. He was my little boy. But he was suffering. When he died, i prayed to Shiva to give him shelter at his Feet. How seeing this. I feel my Atlas is with Him. Thank you Lord Shiva. You are the Ultimate Being. ❤

    • @kondojujyothi595
      @kondojujyothi595 2 роки тому +2


    • @robertbarron5681
      @robertbarron5681 2 роки тому +5

      I lost my baby of 15 years too. A part of me went with him. Amen

    • @balaram7125
      @balaram7125 Рік тому +9

      Hello this is Lord Dattatreya, witch is Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva in the same body! The puppies as you say are four, and represent the 4 vedas.

    • @yadushreshtreddy
      @yadushreshtreddy Рік тому +3

      @@balaram7125 i was about to comment about this.

    • @rohit4music247
      @rohit4music247 Рік тому +1

      This is form of mahavishnu combined with lord shiva and Brahma...bbut the actual form is vishnu

  • @nazarethaspland421
    @nazarethaspland421 3 роки тому +103

    Being listening to this for a week and the friends who I though cared and loved me as what they always said was all false and envy for me. I soonest I had the time I deleted them for good from my life. I feel clear like the water getting rid of them. So she was called my friend for years until I discovered the truth. The intuition never goes wrong. I love this mantra 🕉 blessings

    • @mamavette2787
      @mamavette2787 3 роки тому +8

      I had friends i thought for over 25yrs up 2 30 n my family I found out they just used me cause recently I have been in need of help n literally there has been no one 2 even give an encouraging or kind word smh it's ok The Ancestors are here leading n guiding me and you also. I know the pain n betrayal just know all will work out gods plans for us is good to prosper us to cause us 2 succeed. Keep your head up and confidence strong don't faint

    • @claddaghclare22
      @claddaghclare22 3 роки тому +5

      Yes absolutely. Similar situation myself. Judge person by action not words.

    • @jaycahuenga6416
      @jaycahuenga6416 3 роки тому +4

      Goes to show you that not everyone has your best interest. I just stay to myself after being hurt so many times by people I called "friend". Everyone is an enemy to me. Maybe I'm tripping but that's the way it is for me.

    • @RajeshSharma-jl8en
      @RajeshSharma-jl8en 2 роки тому +1

      so you just listened to this mantra and automatically soon after their reality became known to you??

  • @virginiamabjaia1897
    @virginiamabjaia1897 3 роки тому +24

    Lord im asking for your protection and all my enemies be punished and destroyed....im tired of living on pain

  • @mslatasha82able
    @mslatasha82able 5 років тому +61

    Please remove all evil and negative spirits out myself and kids life, please lift the black magic off me and my fiance so we can live a prosperous life... return all voodoo/black magic to sender for good!!🧘🏽‍♀️

    • @swagatikapathy5111
      @swagatikapathy5111 4 роки тому

      Meri bhi ehi ichha hey prabhuji 😭😭😭😭😭Jisne mere upar kalajadu kia hey uske pas sab chalejaye mere jese taklip ho bhi paye😭😭😭😭😭

    • @grettylumy2025
      @grettylumy2025 4 роки тому
