The Parable of the Lost Sheep/ Luke 15:1-7/Lost and Found

  • Опубліковано 17 січ 2025
  • When Jesus walked the Earth, he not only did miracles, but he spent a great deal of time teaching people all about God and his kingdom. One time Jesus was teaching a large crowd of people. All kinds of people came to hear Jesus speak, including tax collectors, and other sinners. They all wanted to hear what Jesus had to say. The Pharisees, the religious leaders of the day, were there too. When they saw the sinners gathering around Jesus, they were upset. They didn’t think Jesus should associate with people like this. The Pharisees didn’t understand why he would do such a thing. So Jesus told them a parable to help them understand. Through the parable of the lost sheep Jesus would reveal the heart of God, and the purpose for which he came!
    Bible verses:
    Luke 15:1-7, Luke19:10,Ezekial 18:23, Romans 5:6, Luke 5:31, John 3:16-17, Matthew 18:12-14
    Bible video purchased from worshiphouse kids/ saddleback kids
    Music licensed from Splice
    #sundayschool #bibleanimation #kidsbiblelesson #jesus #miraclesofjesus #disciplesofchrist #12disciples #gospels #savior #trustjesus #lostsheep #luke15 #worshipjesus #trustjesus # #pray #prayer #jesusiswithus #iamwithyou #fearnot #eyesonjesus #goodshepherd #prayer #timewithgod #sonofgod #fixyoureyesonjesus #trustjesus #focusonjesus #saddlebackkids #saddleback #jewishleaders #pharisees #lostandfound #thelostsheep #parablesofjesus #parables #taxcollectors #jesustaught #heartofgod #romans3 #allhavesinned #godlovesyou #seekandsavethelost #luke19 #allhavesinned #yourworth #godourshepherd #luke5 #john316 #john317 #yourvalue