I was Muslim and converted to being a follower of our lLord Jesus Christ..I prayed to God one time with all my heart and asked him to show me if he’s real then Jesus came into my life. The holly spirit is guiding me and I will start preaching in God’s name one day to bring this gift of true love and happiness to less fortunate and lost souls.Amen ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏😇
The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Psalm 23
This song brings tears to my eyes. I was so afraid of my cancer treatment back in January but this song helped me not to be afraid. The lord was with me the whole time and still is. I live for him I trust in him and my love for him is like no other. Thank you Jesus
I hope you are done your treatment and doing well. I had fear because I was having a full hysterectomy. I read a lot of verses wbout fear. Wrote them out and put them on my phone.and was praying before I went in and praying as they put me under a lot of people were praying for me also. In 2 and a half days I had no pain and no drugs. Thsnk you Jesus and no fear.
Hi I completed my treatment in March and had a pet scan in July and there were no signs of reoccurrence. Thank you Jesus! I thank him for all his blessings. God bless you and I also hope you are well .
Keep your trust in Him. My mom’s going through the same thing. Keeping our faith in Him because He is the only one who is in control. I’m glad to hear that you’re well, and I’m sure it’s because of your great faith. Keep it up, God bless!
Whoever reading this, God never sends you into a situation alone, God goes before you, He stands beside you, He walks behind you. Whatever situation you have right now be confident. God is with you. Amen 🙏❤️🙌
I really needed this message. This year has been a battle! I almost lost my mom at the beginning of the year. She nearly bled to death. We lost My Dads father in may. My Moms mother passed in july. We found out in late june that my dad had the same cancer my grand mother had. My dad has since lost all his hair very weak. He made it through all his treatments. I say all this to say. You never know what each new day may bring, But if our hope is in jesus. we will never be shaken. He is our rock and our fortress. No need to fear! He is a god that restores!!!Amen!
God is with you, I was fighting with prayer for my dad's life at the beginning of this year,he almost died,but he woke up again. Don't try to be strong let him be strong for you and stand in his love,trust and worship him,don't let the enemy steal your peace !!!!
amen..and i sincerely hope and pray that througb your faith and love for God reaches out to many in pain and suffering to heal and see our Gods glory!!
Shane Knight; I'm so sorry for the losses and challenges you are going through. Please view on UA-cam the docu-series The Truth About Cancer, presented by a devout Christian man Ty Bollinger. It's in 10 episodes and very very well done. Doctors and other medical professionals from all over the world are interviewed and they share the many ways cancer is being treated and healed. Cancer survivors also share their experiences. So encouraging! I will keep your dad in my daily prayers. God is healing my breast cancer through the natural sources He created. I've been following the recommended naturopathic protocol I learned in my search for an alternative to standard care used in mainstream cancer treatments in the U.S. Trust in the Lord with all your heart!♥️➕♥️🌺 Plea
I love you brothers and sisters One day we'll all be together in a place he's prepared for us. With God on our side no enemy formed against us shall prosper. Do not be afraid!
@@beemclean2250 thanks so much for your time to reply! I'm sorry your going through a situation, it's just I'm homeless and worried about my kids they're 13&14 and their mom is on drugs and homeless as well, I however have help from my dad, bit it's not the same when you kids live with their older brother who isn't my kid and don't get taken care of like they should....... I hope your okay, and I need some one to talk to, god bless you a look forward to hearing from you soon, Bobby
@@user-nc1tw5gb8s the kids have a place to stay with their brother? That's a blessing. Are there any shelters or forms of help you can get around you to get on your feet so you can get where you want to be? Also pray pray pray and I'm praying for you too. Last summer I was homeless and I understand the struggle it's terrifying not knowing where your next meal will come from or when night comes and you have no where to sleep. I'm so sorry you're going through that. God loves you, I love you we are his children and he will make a way. Is there anything I can do to help?
My fear doesn’t stand a chanse when I stand in your love, Jesus my King, My healer, My provider, 🙏 Seek God with your whole heart & he will show you. Blessed & Free ❤️
My mom woke up at 3:37 am and had the sudden urge to pray for someone... she didn't know why or who but she prayed anyways. I hope everyone's okay 💜 🙏🏻
I hope it was for me 2 years ago. . I wake up like that often. To pray... Blessed be to those who are Faithful to You Lord God of Israel. Blessed be Your Name. Bless the Nation of Israel. Bless Your Saints. Bless Your people. Those who are praying to You it this moment. Pray . pray pray pray to know Him. ☝️⬆️🔼🔺⏫👆Thank You Jesus . Thank You LORD . Glorify Yourself.
This song was sent to me the day BEFORE darkness came to rule over my bones & sorrow was here to steal my joy! That was 5 days ago. God knew what was about to happen to me, he gave me this for support. He knows me well. Thank you my Dear Sweet Jesus! I LOVE YOU with my whole broken heart & all of my soul which I give to You GOD ALMIGHTY & ALL KNOWING❤️
I including thousands if not millions have a testimony to give for Jesus Christ changed my life completely and saved me from the darkness and evil of this world. Come today he is waiting for you. I LOVE YOU JESUS MY KING
AnoMade God is amazing brother and YOU know it, praise God with your life. Your life is written in His Good book! “A Pharisee invited him to dine with him, and he entered the Pharisee’s house and reclined at table. Now there was a sinful woman in the city who learned that he was at table in the house of the Pharisee. Bringing an alabaster flask of ointment, she stood behind him at his feet weeping and began to bathe his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them, and anointed them with the ointment. When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, that she is a sinner.” Jesus said to him in reply, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” “Tell me, teacher,” he said. “Two people were in debt to a certain creditor; one owed five hundred days’ wages and the other owed fifty. Since they were unable to repay the debt, he forgave it for both. Which of them will love him more?” Simon said in reply, “The one, I suppose, whose larger debt was forgiven.” He said to him, “You have judged rightly.” Then he turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? When I entered your house, you did not give me water for my feet, but she has bathed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but she has not ceased kissing my feet since the time I entered. You did not anoint my head with oil, but she anointed my feet with ointment. So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; hence, she has shown great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.” He said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”” Luke 7:36-48 “The one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.” In the eyes of God, these individuals are the same, the sinful woman and the Pharisee. In their own self realization they are different, one realizes their sinful ways and is over come with love with His forgiveness and His acceptance. The other does not recognize his sinful ways and bathes in his own self righteousness. This scene plays out in our own lives, which one are you? Are you building your love for God or are you showing it? You are showing it! Dear Lord God, I meet these characters in my walk, help me be as You in my response. Help me see my own faults and be overcome with joy for Your love. I pray for the Pharisee and I pray for the sinful women. The day approaches when we all will realize how we love You. Make Your life real to each of us in our daily walk, there is much to be learned sitting at Your feet and You love unconditionally. Amen. Mary, Mother of Love, pray for us. www.dailythoughts.com Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4b
" My fear doesn't stand a chance when I stand in you're love "🎶. Let's have faith stronger than ever in our almighty God and our Savior today my brothers and sisters. The power of having faith in our god almighty can move mountains!!♥️💪.
i am like the queen of fear it is all i have donen. fear. recently i have leaned on Jesus more than ever... and isnt it amazing how free u feel when u give up fear!!
You are not the queen of fear. You are just a person in need of love just as the rest of us. But remember : perfect love casts out every fear. Invest in you relationship with the Lord Jesus and everything will be more than fine. You are blessed!
The greatest man in history is Jesus. He had no servants, yet they called him master. He had no degree, yet they called him teacher. He had no medicines, yet they called him healer. He had no army, yet king's feared him. He won no military battles, yet committed no crime, yet they crucified him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives Today Amen 🙏 Copy paste and spread this all over
Thank you for this song i been broken for a long time someone pray for me to do the rigth thing i love god jesus christ with all my heart i wait on his return and i pray for everyone who is broken and in need of jesus like my self Amen
God's blessings healing protections Provisions Joy peace comfort Abundance love freedom Divine Justice Abba Father God Creator Divine love Divine Justice Yahushua haMeshiach Holy Spirit Fire of God Emmanuel Savior Great Physician Healer Counselor Teacher Savior Lion of Judah King of Kings Lord of Lords Faithful and true
Praying God heal everything in this persons life I’ve seen your miracles and I know what you’re in the business of doing turning lives around!! God heal in Jesus name amen thank Jesus amen
This song just ministers to my every part of my being so intensely. Love it!! Reminding me that my God is bigger than my fears...that my fears cannot and DOES NOT stand a chance when I'm standing in His Love!! Thanks JESUS!! Hallelujah to the Kings of Kings and the Lord of Lords!! Mighty God, Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace!! You're an Awesome God!! and I could go on, and on and on....
My son's and I love this song ❤💙❤💙......Our God is bigger than anything in this world.....and this life is only temporary.......we will be in a better place someday....with our Savior and our Father God👑
I also struggle with trying to control my environment and my destiny. One thing I do know, by his Grace, and through your faith, you are saved, AMEN May he lay his ever powerful hand on all your struggles to overcome and Love above all else.
Hey, Dude. Once You have Jesus, you always have Jesus. No matter what you've done, if you gave You're life completely to Jesus, and if you believe in Him and received Him, you were given the right to become a child of God. Jesus gives us Faith. We are saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus. Our salvation is not from ourselves, it is a gift from God. You are forgiven for whatever sins you have done. The Bible says in Romans 10: 17," So Faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. The Bible also says, in 1 John , If we admit we have dinner, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrightousness."
Probably my favorite song ever. I sing this song at my church and they all love when I sing it. I like both this version and the radio version, and I'm ready for whatever comes my way. That's because my fear doesn't stand a chance when I stand in the love of Jesus
Jesus carried all our fear on the cross- it got buried and died - did not get resurrected!! Christ left the fear defeated in the dust. Focus on Jesus & He is all we ever need ❤️
Jesus is the most important to me in this life i just want him and i want everyone to know that i am not ashamed of the gospel for it is salvation to all who call on him.
This is the first time l have heard this song and saw this video. I am moved to the point of sobbing 😭. America ,we need Jesus as out Lord And Savoir, and President Trump back in office .
I really needed this. I have been really struggling lately. I have moved several times and I don't now what God has in store for me. This song speaks so much truth to me and it calms me down when I am anxious. Thank you so much.
Verse 1 When darkness tries to roll over my bones When sorrow comes to steal the joy I own When brokenness and pain is all I know I won’t be shaken, I won’t be shaken Chorus My fear doesn’t stand a chance When I stand in Your love Verse 2 Shame no longer has a place to hide I am not a captive to the lies I’m not afraid to leave my past behind I won’t be shaken, I won’t be shaken Bridge There’s power that can break off every chain There’s power that can empty out a grave There’s resurrection power that can save There’s power in Your name Power in Your name Tag I am standing on the rock I am standing in Your love I am standing on the rock My firm foundation, my firm foundation
My fear doesn't stand a chance, When I stand in Your love, For I am standing in Your love, I am standing on the rock, My firm foundation, You're my firm foundation! AMEN!! AMEN!!
I Pray For Everyone's Peace Of Mind, Understanding And Healing After Everything Our World Is Going Through. God Did Not Promise An Easy Life But God Promised Us He Will Always Give Us Strength In Every Situation Just As He Promised To Dismas At The Very Last Moment Of Thief's Life While Hanging On The Cross. Jesus Wants Nothing From Us But To Have Faith, Hope And Trust In Every Situation In Him.
I have suffered with a dark addiction that has nearly destroyed my life. The lyrics of this song bring a glimmer of hope. That glimmer of hope is enough to bring deliverance. Love cast out all fear!
I can only share with you how I prayed God break my chains after a lifetime of addiction. I would give this to anyone willing to accept it . I pray Gods Holy Spirit touch you sweep over you and give u the strength will and desire to do Gods will in your life to better his kingdom . Ask everyday break the chains and lift your desire to use --// thank him at the end of the day . Do this while crying out to him on your knees . It worked for me I still do it today . Been sober 3 Years . Don’t let the enemy steal kill destroy your peace joy love . Hope this works for you as well
I carry a fond memory of singing this song early in the morning waiting for my bus to pick me up for school. It still reminds me of that feeling of being fearless and how glad I am to have such a good God, that I don't have to fear the struggles of the day because the Lord is always with me!!! ❤️❤️
So happy for you that you find strength in our Father. I too, the first time I heard this song is Oct 2020 when I was going through losing my mom who had been sick with a long illness, into the day of her death. She is with the Lord now, being a child of God her entire life, always telling me God is the only way she got through things in her life. I knew then what she meant and I still sing this song as loud as I can when I need to , which is quite frequently these past couple of years. So many changes, difficulties , uncertainties. One thing certain tho, 100% we can rely on is God's love and His word and His faithfulness! All glory to God! 😊❤
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4
Lord I stand in awe .. you are perfect, loving and compassionate. Glory to you father , you are worthy of all praise, honor and I worship you. I was lost but now I am found, no more fear, anxiety or stress about the my future. Lord I adore you, forgive me O Lord for all my sins… I know there are times when I want to do my own thing and in those times thing always go wrong. Thank you Jesus for your saving grace and mercy Lord help me to stay away from all distractions that take me away from you. In Jesus name I pray.
This brings be back to 2016. When I was really struggling which horrible pain. Living with chronic illness. This pain was more than I could take. I tried to kill myself. Prayed to God. He didn’t let me fall asleep. Turned out I had a staph infection on my skull. God will and always be my Rock!
1st time i EVER heard this 1 and WOW...so TRUE...I Am Standinding on the Rock,My Firm Foundation,JESUS Christ LOVE Trumps ALL Fears and darkness is lit up anywhere I Am and evil has No choice but to flee Thank God and HOPE and Pray All call upon the name of Our Redeemer as U Boldly and Courageously walk in complete faith in His promises of GOOD for U as I especially pray for ALL Most NEEDING of Ur mercy Lord as i hope they are found today in JESUS Christ Mighty name i intercede as the Holy Spirit Helps and Comforts them today ALL over the world U made God Amen.
April 5, 2020.... NYC is yet to brace for the worst due to Corona Viris. We've already been hit very hard. We all need to pray 🙏 to God 🙏😇🙏. I'm trying not to be scared as being homeless during the day. I'm trying to be strong. My prayers are with the world 🙏😇🙏. God bless 🙏 and be safe 🙏😘😇🙏
Amen brother...I am 5855 miles away from my lovely wife and family I feel the fear everyday but God is good and my fear doesn't stand chance when I'm standing in his great love... thank you Josh
Praise GOD for His GRACE! No pill, No drug can heal a broken heart or wounded soul Only Jesus, my Precious LORD JESUS Thank you Father God for your abundant love and mercy, Grace...!
I first heard this song at the most perfect time. I was hosbitalized with severe pneumonia and sepsis. After 3 weeks in the hosbital they pulled the ventilator out of my lungs and saved my life. I wasnt suppose to make it. I couldnt walk. Breathe well or even bathe myself. I was scared and didnt think i was gunna make it. This was 6 montha ago. As i got in my wifes jeep and she drove us home from lubbock tx to midland this song popped on... a happiness i never had before came upon me.. a hope i never had.. i felt so safe when i heard these words and believed them. Point is these words are so powerful. They show us what faith is. Fearless!
Our fears don't stand a chance , my love . We stand in our faith my love . There's power in His name . We will stand in his love . I am standing in your Love . Standing on the rock --- our firm foundation . The power of LOVE ☦❤️☮
Do not despise suffering,but be reminded that we are on a pilgrimage to a far better place, offering help to hurting people gives meaning to suffering 🙏
All sing and Love each other and Sing forever of His Great Love For us ."You can go 40 days without food.3 days without water. 8 minutes without air.But you can't go single second without God.Amen🙏🏽🧡
Thank you Jesus for being by my side during this tough time. I won’t be afraid because you fill my heart with courage and peace. I love you and all my brothers and sisters ❤️
Theres a power that can break every chain, sickness and diseases, worries and depression, His name is Jesus, His name can give Healing and Freedom to those who Trust in Him!🙌
I continually give my faith and hope to the Lord and without fail He continues to give me courage He continues to teach and guide me to His glory, He is All Powerful and does things within us that can not be explained with the human tongue... My God is great.... Praise be to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
( *Romans 2:4* ) "Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his *Kindness* is intended to turn you from your sin?" ❎ It's *Not* the Wrath of God that leads you to repentance. ❎ It's *Not* the Judgement of God that leads you to repentance. ❎ It's *Not* Hell or pain or fire. ❎ It's *Not* the punishment. ❎ It's *Not* his anger. *romans 2:4* ☑ "It's the *kindness/goodness* of God that leads you to repentance." ☑ God *Is Not* waiting to judge you. ☑ God *Is Not* waiting to condemn you. ☑ God *Is* waiting to *receive you* with mercy, with love, with open arms. ☑ *Jesus took* the Hell, the Judgement, the Punishment, the Wrath, the Pain, the Sentence that we deserved. ☑ God *Is Not* mad or angry at you and *will never* be. ☑ God *doesn't* turn away when you mess up. ☑ God *Is Not* an angry God. ☑ God *won't hate* you because you made a *mistake* one too many times. That's *Not* how he works. ☑ You are *Loved* by an incredibly *Merciful, Gracious, and Forgiving* Father. ☑ The *Bible* is about *You* and *GOD* ☑ God speaks to *you* through the *Bible* and the Bible is about you. It's all about *God's love* for you, *God's promises* for you, and *God's unending willingness* to forgive the mistakes you make. ☑ The *Bible* is also about God. The God who created *the world and everyone* in it. The God who saw what *he made* and it was good. The God who saw *Adam and Eve* fall into sin, and the God who sees everything you *do, think, and say* every moment of every day. ☑ God Endures. God *will never* leave you, God *will never* stop loving you, God *will be* your rock, God *will always* do what is best for you, God *will always* be by your side, every single moment of every single day. ☑ When God created you, *he made you* in his image. ☑ *Turn from* Sin, turn to God, find Life. ☑ *FEAR GOD* Jesus says you really *shouldn’t be afraid* of anything. Instead, *you should* fear God. WHY? Because God holds your *entire story* in his hands. And not just your story here on earth. God is the one who ultimately decides *where* you will spend eternity. But while you fear God, you can also *trust in his Son, Jesus Christ, who died* to forgive you of all the mistakes you make here on earth. On that day when you face God, Jesus *intercedes on your behalf* and reminds *your heavenly Father* that those sins were *wiped away with his sacrifice* on the cross. ☑ God *IS* Love. ☑ Before the *Foundation/Creation* of the World, *God knew you, God loved you, God chose you* ☑ God has the hairs of your head *numbered* Every moment of your life is *watched by God* ☑ It doesn't make any difference *how far* you try to run from God. He *Loves* you. His eye is *on you* and he *sees you* ☑ God *Loves You* with an *Everlasting Love* forever and ever. ☑ When God looks at you, he sees the *Righteousness* of Jesus. ☑ In God's eyes you are *Loved, Chosen, Holy, and Without Fault* ☑ You are *Perfect* in the Father's sight. ☑ See yourself the way *God sees* You. ☑ God holds *nothing* against you. ☑ Love keeps *no record* of wrongs. ☑ God *so loved* the world that *he gave* his one and only Son. ☑ God *loves* you as much as he *loves* Jesus. ☑ God is *for you, Not against you* ☑ Jesus came from *Heaven to this Earth* for You. ☑ God *wants You* in Heaven. God *wants All people* to be saved. *God's Will for you* is to get you to Heaven. *Bring you back* to the Father. That's the *GOAL* ☑ Our home is *not here but in Heaven* ☑ Jesus *died for you* on the cross. He took *your place and took your sins* there. Look to Jesus. ☑ Sin cannot exist in God's presence, so Jesus was *banished* from the presence of God at the cross. *Despite your mistakes, failures, flaws, sins, words, thoughts, actions, Anything that you've done, God, your Heavenly Father, STILL loves you unconditionally* *REVELATION = JESUS WINS* 👑 👼 👼 👼 👼 👼 👼 👼🎺 †=💙💙💙💙💙🌎 👼JESUS Loves You👼 👼GOD Loves You👼 GOD💪 JESUS 👑 ✨📖✨ You Will Always Be Loved By GOD. Look To *JESUS* †
I was Muslim and converted to being a follower of our lLord Jesus Christ..I prayed to God one time with all my heart and asked him to show me if he’s real then Jesus came into my life. The holly spirit is guiding me and I will start preaching in God’s name one day to bring this gift of true love and happiness to less fortunate and lost souls.Amen ❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏😇
Praise be to JESUS AN THANK YOU GOD for saving this beautiful sister/brother in your Holy Name
Welcome home child of Abraham 💖
Praise God 🙏
'Your life isn't falling apart
Its falling into place'
I love that
Thank you
Beautifully said
1 Timothy 1:7 for God hath not giving us the spirit of fear but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Amen. God Bless You and Everyone
The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Psalm 23
So true
This song brings tears to my eyes. I was so afraid of my cancer treatment back in January but this song helped me not to be afraid. The lord was with me the whole time and still is. I live for him I trust in him and my love for him is like no other. Thank you Jesus
I hope you are done your treatment and doing well. I had fear because I was having a full hysterectomy. I read a lot of verses wbout fear. Wrote them out and put them on my phone.and was praying before I went in and praying as they put me under a lot of people were praying for me also. In 2 and a half days I had no pain and no drugs. Thsnk you Jesus and no fear.
Hi I completed my treatment in March and had a pet scan in July and there were no signs of reoccurrence. Thank you Jesus! I thank him for all his blessings. God bless you and I also hope you are well .
Your testimony will be an encouragement for others. So thankful you're doing well!
Keep your trust in Him. My mom’s going through the same thing. Keeping our faith in Him because He is the only one who is in control. I’m glad to hear that you’re well, and I’m sure it’s because of your great faith. Keep it up, God bless!
@@cristinarobles8228 wooow!! God of miracles, Pray for me for healing
Whoever reading this, God never sends you into a situation alone, God goes before you, He stands beside you, He walks behind you. Whatever situation you have right now be confident. God is with you. Amen 🙏❤️🙌
I really needed this message. This year has been a battle! I almost lost my mom at the beginning of the year. She nearly bled to death. We lost My Dads father in may. My Moms mother passed in july. We found out in late june that my dad had the same cancer my grand mother had. My dad has since lost all his hair very weak. He made it through all his treatments. I say all this to say. You never know what each new day may bring, But if our hope is in jesus. we will never be shaken. He is our rock and our fortress. No need to fear! He is a god that restores!!!Amen!
God is with you, I was fighting with prayer for my dad's life at the beginning of this year,he almost died,but he woke up again. Don't try to be strong let him be strong for you and stand in his love,trust and worship him,don't let the enemy steal your peace !!!!
amen..and i sincerely hope and pray that througb your faith and love for God reaches out to many in pain and suffering to heal and see our Gods glory!!
Man I feel bad
Shane Knight praying for you and your family buddy
Shane Knight; I'm so sorry for the losses and challenges you are going through. Please view on UA-cam the docu-series The Truth About Cancer, presented by a devout Christian man Ty Bollinger. It's in 10 episodes and very very well done. Doctors and other medical professionals from all over the world are interviewed and they share the many ways cancer is being treated and healed. Cancer survivors also share their experiences. So encouraging! I will keep your dad in my daily prayers. God is healing my breast cancer through the natural sources He created. I've been following the recommended naturopathic protocol I learned in my search for an alternative to standard care used in mainstream cancer treatments in the U.S. Trust in the Lord with all your heart!♥️➕♥️🌺
I love you brothers and sisters
One day we'll all be together in a place he's prepared for us. With God on our side no enemy formed against us shall prosper. Do not be afraid!
I am afraid, and that's no kidding, I feel like crying just writing this to someone I don't even know...
@@user-nc1tw5gb8s it's okay I feel like crying a lot. I'm in a situation now. You can talk to me it sounds like it might help maybe both of us.
@@beemclean2250 thanks so much for your time to reply! I'm sorry your going through a situation, it's just I'm homeless and worried about my kids they're 13&14 and their mom is on drugs and homeless as well, I however have help from my dad, bit it's not the same when you kids live with their older brother who isn't my kid and don't get taken care of like they should....... I hope your okay, and I need some one to talk to, god bless you a look forward to hearing from you soon, Bobby
@@user-nc1tw5gb8s the kids have a place to stay with their brother? That's a blessing. Are there any shelters or forms of help you can get around you to get on your feet so you can get where you want to be? Also pray pray pray and I'm praying for you too. Last summer I was homeless and I understand the struggle it's terrifying not knowing where your next meal will come from or when night comes and you have no where to sleep. I'm so sorry you're going through that. God loves you, I love you we are his children and he will make a way. Is there anything I can do to help?
I run to you
My fear doesn’t stand a chanse when I stand in your love, Jesus my King, My healer, My provider, 🙏 Seek God with your whole heart & he will show you. Blessed & Free ❤️
rose schoenbaum Amen!
rose schoenbaum amen! God bless you
How could anyone thumb down such a powerful, soulful masterpiece of praise?
No thumbs down just yes and comments! ❤️😇
They haven’t had an experience with Jesus and don’t know his love yet
My mom woke up at 3:37 am and had the sudden urge to pray for someone... she didn't know why or who but she prayed anyways. I hope everyone's okay 💜 🙏🏻
U and your mom seem awesome. God loves u both and I do too sis
I agree with your mom and you. I pray everyone is more then OK OK? Blessing 🙌
Thank your mom for PRAYERS
I hope it was for me 2 years ago.
I wake up like that often.
To pray...
Blessed be to those who are Faithful to You Lord God of Israel.
Blessed be Your Name.
Bless the Nation of Israel.
Bless Your Saints.
Bless Your people.
Those who are praying to You it this moment.
Pray . pray pray pray to know Him.
☝️⬆️🔼🔺⏫👆Thank You Jesus .
Thank You LORD . Glorify Yourself.
I will not be shaken🙏🙇. I stand in Your love❤
Jesus loves u
@@axelrivera3382 😮😢😮😢
Psalm 16:8
Alleluia 😊😊😊
This is literally my favorite song at the moment, and I've listened to it 40-50 times for real haha, LOVE IT!!!!
Brianna Gulledge Me too, speaks right to my heart!
Brianna Gulledge 😇
This song was sent to me the day BEFORE darkness came to rule over my bones & sorrow was here to steal my joy! That was 5 days ago. God knew what was about to happen to me, he gave me this for support. He knows me well. Thank you my Dear Sweet Jesus! I LOVE YOU with my whole broken heart & all of my soul which I give to You GOD ALMIGHTY & ALL KNOWING❤️
Boy I agree. So tired this morning hard to move. Turned this on and I was UP SO FAST!!!
You hear a song that just grabs you
I including thousands if not millions have a testimony to give for Jesus Christ changed my life completely and saved me from the darkness and evil of this world. Come today he is waiting for you. I LOVE YOU JESUS MY KING
AnoMade God is amazing brother and YOU know it, praise God with your life. Your life is written in His Good book!
“A Pharisee invited him to dine with him, and he entered the Pharisee’s house and reclined at table. Now there was a sinful woman in the city who learned that he was at table in the house of the Pharisee. Bringing an alabaster flask of ointment, she stood behind him at his feet weeping and began to bathe his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them, and anointed them with the ointment. When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, that she is a sinner.” Jesus said to him in reply, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” “Tell me, teacher,” he said. “Two people were in debt to a certain creditor; one owed five hundred days’ wages and the other owed fifty. Since they were unable to repay the debt, he forgave it for both. Which of them will love him more?” Simon said in reply, “The one, I suppose, whose larger debt was forgiven.” He said to him, “You have judged rightly.” Then he turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? When I entered your house, you did not give me water for my feet, but she has bathed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You did not give me a kiss, but she has not ceased kissing my feet since the time I entered. You did not anoint my head with oil, but she anointed my feet with ointment. So I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; hence, she has shown great love. But the one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.” He said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.”” Luke 7:36-48
“The one to whom little is forgiven, loves little.” In the eyes of God, these individuals are the same, the sinful woman and the Pharisee. In their own self realization they are different, one realizes their sinful ways and is over come with love with His forgiveness and His acceptance. The other does not recognize his sinful ways and bathes in his own self righteousness. This scene plays out in our own lives, which one are you? Are you building your love for God or are you showing it?
You are showing it!
Dear Lord God, I meet these characters in my walk, help me be as You in my response. Help me see my own faults and be overcome with joy for Your love. I pray for the Pharisee and I pray for the sinful women. The day approaches when we all will realize how we love You. Make Your life real to each of us in our daily walk, there is much to be learned sitting at Your feet and You love unconditionally. Amen.
Mary, Mother of Love, pray for us.
Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4b
" My fear doesn't stand a chance when I stand in you're love "🎶. Let's have faith stronger than ever in our almighty God and our Savior today my brothers and sisters. The power of having faith in our god almighty can move mountains!!♥️💪.
i am like the queen of fear it is all i have donen. fear. recently i have leaned on Jesus more than ever... and isnt it amazing how free u feel when u give up fear!!
Tabitha Fuhrman he helps me Through Everything 🙏🏽 It still cant be Scary at times but He’s always there
Thx...tryin to pray a bit more
You are not the queen of fear. You are just a person in need of love just as the rest of us. But remember : perfect love casts out every fear. Invest in you relationship with the Lord Jesus and everything will be more than fine. You are blessed!
I have a docters appointment today I was scared then i heard this song and i ain't scared no more JESUS works!
It is amazing what Jesus can do.
The name of Jesus Christ shakes the ground
Amen to that my brother!
Perfect love casts out fear
Blessed children and prayer warriors
2025🥰🙂🥰 Glory Jesus 🙌💒✝️
Thankful 1.5.25 Jesus is Love❤️❤️❤️
There is power in the name of Jesus ☝️🙏
The greatest man in history is Jesus. He had no servants, yet they called him master. He had no degree, yet they called him teacher. He had no medicines, yet they called him healer. He had no army, yet king's feared him. He won no military battles, yet committed no crime, yet they crucified him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives Today
Amen 🙏
Copy paste and spread this all over
Took a screenshot. Today is december 1, 2024. I will be posting it on all my SM that Im not locked out of (😉 😂 🙌🙏✝️🫶)
Thank you for this song i been broken for a long time someone pray for me to do the rigth thing i love god jesus christ with all my heart i wait on his return and i pray for everyone who is broken and in need of jesus like my self Amen
God's blessings healing protections Provisions Joy peace comfort Abundance love freedom Divine Justice Abba Father God Creator Divine love Divine Justice Yahushua haMeshiach Holy Spirit Fire of God Emmanuel Savior Great Physician Healer Counselor Teacher Savior Lion of Judah King of Kings Lord of Lords Faithful and true
I'm praying for you 🙌🏻💞 how are you doing now?
Praying God heal everything in this persons life I’ve seen your miracles and I know what you’re in the business of doing turning lives around!! God heal in Jesus name amen thank Jesus amen
My God you're in control and no powers of hell can never prevail .
This song just ministers to my every part of my being so intensely. Love it!! Reminding me that my God is bigger than my fears...that my fears cannot and DOES NOT stand a chance when I'm standing in His Love!! Thanks JESUS!! Hallelujah to the Kings of Kings and the Lord of Lords!! Mighty God, Everlasting Father and the Prince of Peace!! You're an Awesome God!! and I could go on, and on and on....
Jesus, You are my firm foundation.
Jesus loves u
Truth 🙌🙌🙌
Thank you for this Amazing song .
Jesus is the only way ,the truth and the life.
Beautiful, powerful lyrics!!💕🎼🎶🎵🎶🎵✝️
My fear doesn't stand a chance, when I stand in Your Love. Thank you Jesus..🙏😭
My son's and I love this song ❤💙❤💙......Our God is bigger than anything in this world.....and this life is only temporary.......we will be in a better place someday....with our Savior and our Father God👑
When I stand on the Word, fear doesn't stand a chance. God gave me spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. Amen
God bless , pray for me brothers , I’m trying to come back to Jesus and am having a hard time letting go
I also struggle with trying to control my environment and my destiny. One thing I do know, by his Grace, and through your faith, you are saved, AMEN May he lay his ever powerful hand on all your struggles to overcome and Love above all else.
Here are some scriptures for you, brother Carlos....biblehub.com/1_corinthians/10-13.htm
Be blessed and trust God always gives us a way of escape!
Hey, Dude. Once You have Jesus, you always have Jesus. No matter what you've done, if you gave You're life completely to Jesus, and if you believe in Him and received Him, you were given the right to become a child of God. Jesus gives us Faith. We are saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus. Our salvation is not from ourselves, it is a gift from God. You are forgiven for whatever sins you have done. The Bible says in Romans 10: 17," So Faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. The Bible also says, in 1 John , If we admit we have dinner, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrightousness."
Sorry not dinner. If we admit we have sinnef.
Sorry. Sinned. I'm not perfect.
oh, I Standing in your Love!😍😍
There’s power in the name of JESUS.
Oh how i really need this song... Thank you, bless you
Fear doesn't stand a chance in the presence of God's mighty love. Praise you Father for your son Jesus
AMEN!!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Yes JESUS!!! Amen 🙏
I feel the joy when I sing it 😌
Probably my favorite song ever. I sing this song at my church and they all love when I sing it. I like both this version and the radio version, and I'm ready for whatever comes my way. That's because my fear doesn't stand a chance when I stand in the love of Jesus
Jesus loves u
Thank God for His Son Jesus, our firm foundation, our anchor to our soul, our hope, our King of kings and Prince of Peace! ❤
Jesus carried all our fear on the cross- it got buried and died - did not get resurrected!!
Christ left the fear defeated in the dust.
Focus on Jesus & He is all we ever need ❤️
Psalm 143:3-12 kjv
God's got this. Pray, children of God, as you've never prayed before
Jesus is the most important to me in this life i just want him and i want everyone to know that i am not ashamed of the gospel for it is salvation to all who call on him.
This is the first time l have heard this song and saw this video. I am moved to the point of sobbing 😭. America ,we need Jesus as out Lord And Savoir, and President Trump back in office .
I really needed this. I have been really struggling lately. I have moved several times and I don't now what God has in store for me. This song speaks so much truth to me and it calms me down when I am anxious. Thank you so much.
Thank you Lord for bringing back to your side. With out you I'll be lost. Keep me by you feet Father God Jesus Christ. Amen!!!!
All Praise, Honor & Glory belongs to our God! 💖👆🏼
Amen, Jesus is Almighty God 🙌
This song makes me feel so positively happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Elaine, amen! God sees the beginning and the end, nothing is a surprise to Him! He is still in control! Have faith in His faithfulness! ❤
Its the trials that turns out the Gold!! With out thise wilderness tough times we’d never become all God has chosen for us to be!🥰😇
Verse 1
When darkness tries to roll over my bones
When sorrow comes to steal the joy I own
When brokenness and pain is all I know
I won’t be shaken, I won’t be shaken
My fear doesn’t stand a chance
When I stand in Your love
Verse 2
Shame no longer has a place to hide
I am not a captive to the lies
I’m not afraid to leave my past behind
I won’t be shaken, I won’t be shaken
There’s power that can break off every chain
There’s power that can empty out a grave
There’s resurrection power that can save
There’s power in Your name
Power in Your name
I am standing on the rock
I am standing in Your love
I am standing on the rock
My firm foundation, my firm foundation
Jesus is my firm foundation the way the truth and the light I can do all things through him because he strengthens me
I couldnt sleep last night I was up until 4 in the morning i turned on klove amd this song came on there got this song on repeat
Heat wave in the city of my birth
I heard this song today on the car radio just when I needed it! Praise God! ❤
My fear doesn't stand a chance, When I stand in Your love, For I am standing in Your love,
I am standing on the rock, My firm foundation, You're my firm foundation! AMEN!! AMEN!!
gee baibe Amen
I Pray For Everyone's Peace Of Mind, Understanding And Healing After Everything Our World Is Going Through. God Did Not Promise An Easy Life But God Promised Us He Will Always Give Us Strength In Every Situation Just As He Promised To Dismas At The Very Last Moment Of Thief's Life While Hanging On The Cross. Jesus Wants Nothing From Us But To Have Faith, Hope And Trust In Every Situation In Him.
Jesus is Love
Your Love brought me back
You Loved me back to life
November 10 2021
2024 Great are You Lord Jesus
My children are blessed
May 19 2024
2025 Just want to say Thank You Jesus
Thankful👑💒🙂🥰🙏🙌 1.5.25
I have suffered with a dark addiction that has nearly destroyed my life. The lyrics of this song bring a glimmer of hope. That glimmer of hope is enough to bring deliverance. Love cast out all fear!
Indeed when brokenness and pain is all I know...I'll not be shaken..🙏
This song is my family's anthem for this season. Thank you God, you are so good.
I needed this song because I have been on active addiction for 8.months and this song is what my heart needed to hear .....I will stand. With god
I can only share with you how I prayed God break my chains after a lifetime of addiction. I would give this to anyone willing to accept it . I pray Gods Holy Spirit touch you sweep over you and give u the strength will and desire to do Gods will in your life to better his kingdom . Ask everyday break the chains and lift your desire to use --// thank him at the end of the day . Do this while crying out to him on your knees . It worked for me I still do it today . Been sober 3 Years . Don’t let the enemy steal kill destroy your peace joy love . Hope this works for you as well
Leave a prayer !! God bless you
Thank you Jesus...I am no longer scared of what the future holds and leave my past behind.
Jeremiah 29:11
I’m singing this today at church! I’m super excited about it!
I would love my church to start doing this song
thank you for this song, I'm always forgetting that God's perfect love casts out all fear
God bless you brothers and sisters in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Tears so many tears. Standing in your love
Jesus loves you
I carry a fond memory of singing this song early in the morning waiting for my bus to pick me up for school. It still reminds me of that feeling of being fearless and how glad I am to have such a good God, that I don't have to fear the struggles of the day because the Lord is always with me!!! ❤️❤️
So happy for you that you find strength in our Father. I too, the first time I heard this song is Oct 2020 when I was going through losing my mom who had been sick with a long illness, into the day of her death. She is with the Lord now, being a child of God her entire life, always telling me God is the only way she got through things in her life. I knew then what she meant and I still sing this song as loud as I can when I need to , which is quite frequently these past couple of years. So many changes, difficulties , uncertainties. One thing certain tho, 100% we can rely on is God's love and His word and His faithfulness! All glory to God! 😊❤
Praise God for this ♥️
Amen! God's love for us is staggering!! Jesus Christ is our way HOME! ❤️💯🙏
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4
Perfect love casts out fear
Love daily songs to sing and praise Jesus.
It is so great isn't it? I can't even get past tears sometimes, I am so happy to be born again.
Lord I stand in awe .. you are perfect, loving and compassionate. Glory to you father , you are worthy of all praise, honor and I worship you.
I was lost but now I am found, no more fear, anxiety or stress about the my future. Lord I adore you, forgive me O Lord for all my sins… I know there are times when I want to do my own thing and in those times thing always go wrong.
Thank you Jesus for your saving grace and mercy
Lord help me to stay away from all distractions that take me away from you. In Jesus name I pray.
This brings be back to 2016. When I was really struggling which horrible pain. Living with chronic illness. This pain was more than I could take. I tried to kill myself. Prayed to God. He didn’t let me fall asleep. Turned out I had a staph infection on my skull. God will and always be my Rock!
Beautiful. I needed this. Glory to the Father and Jesus Christ
1st time i EVER heard this 1 and WOW...so TRUE...I Am Standinding on the Rock,My Firm Foundation,JESUS Christ LOVE Trumps ALL Fears and darkness is lit up anywhere I Am and evil has No choice but to flee Thank God and HOPE and Pray All call upon the name of Our Redeemer as U Boldly and Courageously walk in complete faith in His promises of GOOD for U as I especially pray for ALL Most NEEDING of Ur mercy Lord as i hope they are found today in JESUS Christ Mighty name i intercede as the Holy Spirit Helps and Comforts them today ALL over the world U made God Amen.
April 5, 2020.... NYC is yet to brace for the worst due to Corona Viris. We've already been hit very hard. We all need to pray 🙏 to God 🙏😇🙏. I'm trying not to be scared as being homeless during the day. I'm trying to be strong. My prayers are with the world 🙏😇🙏. God bless 🙏 and be safe 🙏😘😇🙏
God knows no doubt trust with whole heart I wouldn't have made it without god
Amen brother...I am 5855 miles away from my lovely wife and family I feel the fear everyday but God is good and my fear doesn't stand chance when I'm standing in his great love... thank you Josh
Praise GOD for His GRACE! No pill, No drug can heal a broken heart or wounded soul
Only Jesus, my Precious LORD JESUS
Thank you Father God for your abundant love and mercy, Grace...!
Holding onto these words during such uncertain times! 💕🙏🏼
Hallelujah 🙌💗✝️ God bless you! Love this song! 💗✝️🙌
Kathleen N nice 😇🤗😇
All please stay in repentance..for Gods signs are here! Blessings and love to all❤
I first heard this song at the most perfect time. I was hosbitalized with severe pneumonia and sepsis. After 3 weeks in the hosbital they pulled the ventilator out of my lungs and saved my life. I wasnt suppose to make it. I couldnt walk. Breathe well or even bathe myself. I was scared and didnt think i was gunna make it. This was 6 montha ago. As i got in my wifes jeep and she drove us home from lubbock tx to midland this song popped on... a happiness i never had before came upon me.. a hope i never had.. i felt so safe when i heard these words and believed them. Point is these words are so powerful. They show us what faith is. Fearless!
Our fears don't stand a chance , my love . We stand in our faith my love . There's power in His name . We will stand in his love . I am standing in your Love . Standing on the rock --- our firm foundation . The power of LOVE ☦❤️☮
Cindy Harr Amen. Thank you Lord
Do not despise suffering,but be reminded that we are on a pilgrimage to a far better place, offering help to hurting people gives meaning to suffering 🙏
Yes there is power in your name JESUS, greater power thank you JESUS, Beautiful song Amen .
Jesus loves u.
All sing and Love each other and Sing forever of His Great Love For us ."You can go 40 days without food.3 days without water. 8 minutes without air.But you can't go single second without God.Amen🙏🏽🧡
Thank you Jesus for being by my side during this tough time. I won’t be afraid because you fill my heart with courage and peace. I love you and all my brothers and sisters ❤️
Theres a power that can break every chain, sickness and diseases, worries and depression, His name is Jesus, His name can give Healing and Freedom to those who Trust in Him!🙌
Our faith in the Lord God is a continuous process and never static. It grows with every passing day and experience.
We need to get this music deep in our bones for the shaking coming to our world. We will be alright as long as we continue with Jesus Christ.
Thank you for Your Word!
I'm being shaken it's almost a year,I still love Jesus there is more fear than trust don't like myself , love this song.
Rocket fuel!!!!
These words are so powerful 🙌🏾!!! Amen 🙏🏾
I continually give my faith and hope to the Lord and without fail He continues to give me courage He continues to teach and guide me to His glory, He is All Powerful and does things within us that can not be explained with the human tongue... My God is great.... Praise be to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Lord Jesus is my Rock. I won't never be shaken when I stand on Him, in Him, and thru Him.
God I will stand in your Heart with love
( *Romans 2:4* )
"Don’t you see how wonderfully kind, tolerant, and patient God is with you? Does this mean nothing to you? Can’t you see that his *Kindness* is intended to turn you from your sin?"
❎ It's *Not* the Wrath of God that leads you to repentance.
❎ It's *Not* the Judgement of God that leads you to repentance.
❎ It's *Not* Hell or pain or fire.
❎ It's *Not* the punishment.
❎ It's *Not* his anger.
*romans 2:4* ☑
"It's the *kindness/goodness* of God that leads you to repentance."
☑ God *Is Not* waiting to judge you.
☑ God *Is Not* waiting to condemn you.
☑ God *Is* waiting to *receive you* with mercy, with love, with open arms.
☑ *Jesus took* the Hell, the Judgement, the Punishment, the Wrath, the Pain, the Sentence that we deserved.
☑ God *Is Not* mad or angry at you and *will never* be.
☑ God *doesn't* turn away when you mess up.
☑ God *Is Not* an angry God.
☑ God *won't hate* you because you made a *mistake* one too many times. That's *Not* how he works.
☑ You are *Loved* by an incredibly *Merciful, Gracious, and Forgiving* Father.
☑ The *Bible* is about *You* and *GOD*
☑ God speaks to *you* through the *Bible* and the Bible is about you. It's all about *God's love* for you, *God's promises* for you, and *God's unending willingness* to forgive the mistakes you make.
☑ The *Bible* is also about God. The God who created *the world and everyone* in it. The God who saw what *he made* and it was good. The God who saw *Adam and Eve* fall into sin, and the God who sees everything you *do, think, and say* every moment of every day.
☑ God Endures. God *will never* leave you, God *will never* stop loving you, God *will be* your rock, God *will always* do what is best for you, God *will always* be by your side, every single moment of every single day.
☑ When God created you, *he made you* in his image.
☑ *Turn from* Sin, turn to God, find Life.
☑ *FEAR GOD* Jesus says you really *shouldn’t be afraid* of anything. Instead, *you should* fear God. WHY? Because God holds your *entire story* in his hands. And not just your story here on earth. God is the one who ultimately decides *where* you will spend eternity. But while you fear God, you can also *trust in his Son, Jesus Christ, who died* to forgive you of all the mistakes you make here on earth. On that day when you face God, Jesus *intercedes on your behalf* and reminds *your heavenly Father* that those sins were *wiped away with his sacrifice* on the cross.
☑ God *IS* Love.
☑ Before the *Foundation/Creation* of the World, *God knew you, God loved you, God chose you*
☑ God has the hairs of your head *numbered* Every moment of your life is *watched by God*
☑ It doesn't make any difference *how far* you try to run from God. He *Loves* you. His eye is *on you* and he *sees you*
☑ God *Loves You* with an *Everlasting Love* forever and ever.
☑ When God looks at you, he sees the *Righteousness* of Jesus.
☑ In God's eyes you are *Loved, Chosen, Holy, and Without Fault*
☑ You are *Perfect* in the Father's sight.
☑ See yourself the way *God sees* You.
☑ God holds *nothing* against you.
☑ Love keeps *no record* of wrongs.
☑ God *so loved* the world that *he gave* his one and only Son.
☑ God *loves* you as much as he *loves* Jesus.
☑ God is *for you, Not against you*
☑ Jesus came from *Heaven to this Earth* for You.
☑ God *wants You* in Heaven. God *wants All people* to be saved. *God's Will for you* is to get you to Heaven. *Bring you back* to the Father. That's the *GOAL*
☑ Our home is *not here but in Heaven*
☑ Jesus *died for you* on the cross. He took *your place and took your sins* there. Look to Jesus.
☑ Sin cannot exist in God's presence, so Jesus was *banished* from the presence of God at the cross.
*Despite your mistakes, failures, flaws, sins, words, thoughts, actions, Anything that you've done, God, your Heavenly Father, STILL loves you unconditionally*
👼 👼 👼 👼 👼 👼 👼🎺
👼JESUS Loves You👼
👼GOD Loves You👼
You Will Always Be Loved By GOD.
Look To *JESUS*
I love every word you have written! Thank you! All glory to God!
This was very well written. thank you for the reminder. I love worship songs. I love our Heavenly Father and Jesus. Have a blessed March.
I needed this today. 💕🙏🙏🙏
Wow! Fear has no place in me!
Sandra Wiley Amen!
The public. spring much cheaper thanprivate couples room
Jesus loves you
Praise his name!! How I needed this and here it is!!! I’m standing in the love of Jesus!! Love you so much sweet father in heaven!!!!!