424b - Brendan Brady | Hollyoaks 13th March 2013 E4 (part 2)

  • Опубліковано 27 жов 2024


  • @BritDixie16
    @BritDixie16 10 років тому +14

    Ste did the same thing to Amy when she compared him to Terry. The parallels.

  • @Iwzw
    @Iwzw 9 років тому +12

    Good lord, Brendn literally lost it. He needs to open up to someone already. Can Cheryl stop being so uptight over not believing anything anyone says, she really pisses me off.

  • @mayapj1
    @mayapj1 11 років тому +7

    this is so painful and heartbreaking.it was painful to watch. the end of stendan. the beginning of the end of the brendan. this may be one of reason brendan decides to die as he knows he can hurt ste

  • @encchick2
    @encchick2 11 років тому +2

    okay. *deep breath* He told Nate. Drunk, hurting, overwhelmed. he told Nate. and Cheryl is so far in denial...and it's WILLFUL denial at this point. She KNOWS but won't admit it to herself or out loud...And Ste...OMG, poor Ste, operating on the WRONG information says the absolute worst thing he could say to Brendan right then. And Brendan loses it. Ste never would have said it had he known! *crying big old fat angry tears*

  • @dunyaxa
    @dunyaxa 11 років тому +6

    The beating itself was horrible, but what made my skin crawls is what Brendan said immediately afterwards. It's like being thrown back in 2010. God, my emotions are so confused I just feel numb.

  • @mimi1985d
    @mimi1985d 11 років тому +4

    Nate seems way more smart than Cheryl.

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому +1

    Yes, I agree. And I am just as frustrated as everyone that the writers are not giving this story a proper treatment.There is so much they could do with this, if only they had had the will to.I hope before the end they treat Brendan and Ste with the proper care these complex characters deserve.

  • @julielast24
    @julielast24 11 років тому +3

    omggg omg one direction!!! kiss you is playing?!?!?! i am offically in love with hollyoaks!

  • @cabrera052010
    @cabrera052010 11 років тому

    Thank you so much for posting...Ste and Brendan and The Collective fan :)

  • @kbl55429
    @kbl55429 11 років тому +3

    I think Brendan would have punched anyone who would have said that to him, but it made it worst because Ste said it.

  • @SnapeGirlUSA
    @SnapeGirlUSA 11 років тому +2

    You can't tell the people closest to you because you always want to be your best self to them. Brendan wants to be a strong protector to Ste, not someone to be pitied because of his childhood. He only warned Nate because he thinks he might not be around much longer and wants Cheryl's life to be happy. Which was always his motives as a kid too. It's so sad that Cheryl couldn't connect the dots from Nate's talk to Brendan's court case.

  • @naviafromfontaine
    @naviafromfontaine 10 років тому +5

    oh my god do they actually have to wear those wigs?? lmao

  • @shak15ti
    @shak15ti 11 років тому

    I liked it, accepting where the sl is leading. Emmett wanted to go out with a bang and he loved this sl! Granted it is hard to watch but that's the show.

  • @greymushroom1
    @greymushroom1 11 років тому

    same here and i love this episode regardless. the writing and pacing, not to mention the acting was amazing.

  • @greendragon133
    @greendragon133 11 років тому

    I do agree about the hit. But the telling only strangers bit makes sense to me. Sometimes it's easy to tell the hard things to people that don't really matter. It's admitting things to those you love the most that can be the most intimidating. It's frustrating yes, but truthful.

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому +1

    We know what is happening, Ste doesn't.BB keeps pushing him away, not telling anything, letting Ste's doubts fester like an infection.The truth would end all Ste's doubts, but BB doesn't seem capable of telling him. But there is absolutely nothing someone you love says that makes it ok for someone to hit them.

  • @TheMercyKee
    @TheMercyKee 11 років тому +4

    Of course 1D is in the bg..

  • @Anie1987
    @Anie1987 11 років тому

    I cannot believe that he just told Nate, even in that cryptic way, but hasn't said anything remotely close like that to Ste.
    As much as I completely hate what Brendan did, Ste did just admit that he thinks that he's guilty AND that he thinks he's just like his father. To say something like that to someone who was so horribly abused by the person you're comparing them to, is just awful.
    If Brendan hadn't been drunk, I do not think he would have lashed out that hard at Ste.
    This is killing me. =(

  • @jbharris
    @jbharris 11 років тому +2

    Oh my god that was heartbreaking. I literally want to cry. But Emmett was absolutely amazing. So was Kieron. So amazing that they're breaking my heart!

  • @nazminahmed4878
    @nazminahmed4878 11 років тому +1

    Yeah i'm the first to cmment this time but anyways i love the way Kevin rested his head on Maxines when he found her hiding and the way Maxine sunk into Brendan's chest even though the last conversation they had they were enemie, over all very tragic episode. I felt so SORRY for Brendan, Ste Kevin, Maxine and Nate aswell. Thanks for the upload x

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому +1

    Ste from 2007 and beginning of 2008 probably would have punched anyone who said that. But I don't think Ste from now would ever do it, even if Brendan had said it to him. Because Ste didn't do it to Amy back then and he loves Brendan even more than Amy.

  • @MELstolethestage
    @MELstolethestage 11 років тому

    Well, that was the most tension filled 20 minutes of my life! What I wouldn't give to see Emmett Scanlan on the stage.

  • @josii007
    @josii007 11 років тому

    That Episode was wow. Just.. Wow. My bed is floated with tears right know. Wow

  • @2kiers10
    @2kiers10 11 років тому

    Maybe you're misconceiving the scorpion story a little, but man, you're spot on with what almost inevitably had to make him snap!

  • @MArRuZ85
    @MArRuZ85 11 років тому +1

    Apparently Walker succeeded in breaking Brendan again... He managed to turn Ste against him... The man can only be pushed so much until he breaks... Sadly his childhood trauma is still unresolved... Lets face it, and the sooner we do, the faster we can move on, when Brendan leaves Hollyoaks, will be with a beautifully dramatic death! Ste will either end up alone, crazy, or leave to be with Amy, or if we are lucky, he will go back with Doug, or meet some one new... OR he may die too!

  • @shak15ti
    @shak15ti 11 років тому

    Thank you!

  • @hugyface
    @hugyface 11 років тому

    Emmett most win The British Soap Award this guy is to good.

  • @littletugartbug
    @littletugartbug 11 років тому +1

    I knew that would be Cheryl's reaction, I love Cheryl but she never sees what's right in front of her. Hopefully she will confront Brendan. As far as the last Ste/Brendan scene, I'm pissed. If only Ste hadn't compared Brendan to Seamus this would not have happened. I do think it's believable but I wish the writers hadn't gone there.

  • @hugyface
    @hugyface 11 років тому +1

    remember when Ste thought Brendan killed Rea how hurt Brendan was Same situation all over again

  • @NovemberDiaries1
    @NovemberDiaries1 11 років тому +2

    6:14 brendan and ste are so cute their lol

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    I know Ste,I love him, he is my reason to watch HO,I have downloaded about 85-90% of his story. It was back in 2008 when he had just began anger management therapy. Amy prohibited Ste from seeing Leah and accompanying her pregnancy of Lucas, her exact words were: "Proper dad?You could never be a proper dad. You are too much like Terry" then she walks away leaving a gutted and deserted Ste behind.But Ste still didn't hit her or even yelled at her, even as it was visible it had hit him hard.

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому +1

    I can agree to that. I know Ste's traumas and rage didn't just disappear, but at the moment it would take a lot more to get Ste to use his fist again then Brendan. Even with the baseball bat thing it took months of physical, emotional and psychological abuse for Ste to explode. If Brendan would b able to get to the level of control Ste has at the moment unfortunately we'll never know. But technically with the true will to change he probably would.

  • @giuventino1
    @giuventino1 11 років тому

    I also think people are disappointed because writers don't care about being realistic so they led us to believe brendan wasn't going to resort to violence again, but then they changed it again, now ifthey want to be realistic ste has not to go back to brendan, but do we really expect them to be?

  • @Yarisa100
    @Yarisa100 11 років тому

    and they have both come so far. It wasn't necessary to include that in my opinion, since their relationship has been on shaky ground with the sexual assault charges and Ste still not knowing about the full extent of Brendan's abuse from his father. RANT OVER! FOR NOW! :)

  • @greendragon133
    @greendragon133 11 років тому

    I'm not so much angry at the writers for Brendan's behavior, because that all makes sense to me, is really honest, and it feels real. I'm mad about Ste's behavior. If this was just about assault than I could understand his doubts, but not sexual assault. I'm shocked and find it crazy that Ste would believe this.

  • @greymushroom1
    @greymushroom1 11 років тому

    i really enjoyed this episode. i thought i would hate it but the writing and acting was brilliant even the build up. the secret is what tear them apart. the saying thr truth will set u free couldn't be any more of the truth.

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    "Ste and and Sheryl are cooperating oh, so well". They are not "cooperating", they r trying to help him blindly, they do not know all the facts, so they r acting with what they know and they experienced of BB.How can they reach the depths of BB's anger without knowing why he is so angry? BB won't tell them, so they can understand and consequently help. Putting this on Cheryl and Ste isn't fair because both of them would do ANYTHING for Brendan, IF they knew what he really needed.

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    Yeah,I do think there are quite a lot of people confusing Emmett with Brendan. They love and respect Emmett so much that they blur the lines, they can't see that what Brendan did was wrong. That is a fact and no amount of trauma or back talk by Ste can justify that. No human being has the right to beat another human being, least of all a loved one, someone you r suppose to love and protect. If Ste had hit Brendan instead, David vs Goliath style, I would be saying the exact same thing.

  • @icehulk2
    @icehulk2 11 років тому +3

    On a weird side note, it was kinda cute seeing Ste try to control Grendan while he was drunk. And Brendan fighting it, yelling "no", like a real couple. Those are the scenes we needed more off. Not the violent scenes.

  • @encchick2
    @encchick2 11 років тому

    I totally agree with this, which is what makes the whole situation so heartbreaking. We have dramatic irony at work here, WE KNOW something Ste does not, therefore so many of us - the viewers - are judging him based on OUR knowledge, not his. HAD he knows about Seamus and Brendan, those words would NEVER have come out of his mouth. Not having brendan tell him was just...BAD STORYTELLING for the purposes of drawing out the drama. Instead of organic, situational drama, we get this forced crap.

  • @lijolijos
    @lijolijos 11 років тому

    Well, as a child sexual abuse survivor, I think that the writers are doing an incredibly fantastic and realistic job on Brendan's character. FAR more realistic than just Ste's magical love fixing Brendan. I wouldn't call it repetitive - from my own experience I know how easy it is to fall back into the destructive ways you used to rely on to deal with the abuse. I know many will disagree with me but I've been where Brendan is before, mentally, and it's not as easy to heal as 'the power of love'.

  • @jayspace01
    @jayspace01 11 років тому

    Are you seriously suggesting that being drunk is an acceptable reason for beating the person you claim to love.

  • @frozenbaby2004
    @frozenbaby2004 11 років тому

    With all the disappointment - I've always said, "Once an abuser - always an abuser." So I'm not surprised or disappointed. You can blame all the pressures on Brenden, (a long with heavy drinking) and the doubts that Ste had cast, but from the beginning, the bottom line, Ste was always an enabler and the relationship was doomed to fail.

  • @Yarisa100
    @Yarisa100 11 років тому

    I think he said: "You trying to say something Steven?". His accent is really thick sometimes, lol.

  • @BieberHasNoWeiner
    @BieberHasNoWeiner 11 років тому

    i was only messing lmao!

  • @2kiers10
    @2kiers10 11 років тому

    Falling back into old patterns doesn't mean you haven't changed. The only one who's really got a clue of what is needed here, is Doug - strangely enough. (watch the end of 424 a - also notice the look Brendan gives Ste from the backseat of the taxi. If that doesn't tell him something...)

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    Seamus changes,honestly regrets what his done to BB.Tries to build a new father-son relationship with him,but a month later someone accuses him of battery,maybe more. Do you honestly believe BB would believe Seamus blindly? And if Seamus exploded his frustration on BB beating him again, do you honestly believe that would help his case? And BB would be letting his father down for not believing him blindly?

  • @komarbat23
    @komarbat23 11 років тому

    Cant wait to see the next episode , 425 ^_^

  • @icehulk2
    @icehulk2 11 років тому

    First of all, STE DID NOT DESERVE THAT! If you see it from Ste's point of view. He did not see that Brendan did not hit Kevin. He is in the dark and has to rely on Brendan's word. And given Brendan's history, I don't blame Ste for thinking what he does. Second, Brendan is not handling this right at all. Third, Brendan deserves everything that is coming to him. His made A LOT of enemies and hurt many people, including Ste. But, still, I will always love Stendan and blame the writers.

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    Just as an example: Amy said the very same thing to Ste "You are just like Terry". But Ste never hit her because of him, if anything it made him step back. And though Terry never sexually abused Ste, he still physically and emotionally abused him, beating Ste into a pulp everyday all through Ste childhood and teenage years. Ste was so freaking scared of Terry he couldn't react or defend himself from the beatings. Ste had the same insult thrown at him,but reacted differently.

  • @TheStendanfan
    @TheStendanfan 11 років тому

    Wow! I haven't cried this much in a episode. Brendan is as dark as ever and it got to me. This is not the end I imagined for Brendan and Ste, but then again is never simple with Brendan is it? But look at the bright side, Emmett better leave with his best performance yet.

  • @carolynsil
    @carolynsil 11 років тому

    the writers of HO wants us to hate stendan before emmett's departure.... but it's not working...i still love them ...

  • @alwaysuseless
    @alwaysuseless 11 років тому

    This is what Cheryl gets for believing in her fairytale dad and ignoring Brendan and all the signs. Am I being too harsh? I believe it's karma or at least poetic justice.

  • @greymushroom1
    @greymushroom1 11 років тому

    What makes this so heart breaking because we know where this is all steming from while his devil (father) stands in the background and laughs and taunts and lives in his head. There is no excuse what he did to Ste, none but I can understand where it is coming from. I am glad he told Nate and i even understand Cheryl i think she is in denial right now, it is a hard thing to belive. I hope tomorrow they will have a talk and also sorry for kev but this is what happens when you play with ppl lives,

  • @persgodiva
    @persgodiva 10 років тому +5

    OH my god that was terrible.

  • @msceddichika
    @msceddichika 11 років тому

    if you've noticed Ste will believe Brendan about anything except his violent tendencies and with being said i really can't blame him.

  • @urbansocially
    @urbansocially 11 років тому

    That just really made me sad. They did so much with Brendan's character and to take him back to the person he was when he came on to the show is one of the most disappointing endings to a character I have EVER seen. I felt that hit. It hurt more than any time that he has ever hit STE. Also, having Brendan only tell strangers about the sexual abuse and not those closest to him is just infuriating. This whole ending is MADDENING! I love Stendan but thats not a hit I can forgive.

  • @giuventino1
    @giuventino1 11 років тому

    in the past he could kind of understand if he was telling a lie, while now for the sake of the plot he just didn't believe him, they also hadn't make that clear if he was doubting just the beatings.

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    Both BB and Ste have anger and violence inside of them.We all know it.But Ste never let the "dark side" take a hold of him quite as much as BB did.That's why I believe BB will go to lengths Ste won't. And this is an example.

  • @OGKitten042
    @OGKitten042 11 років тому

    words cannot explain how i feel.....

  • @shak15ti
    @shak15ti 11 років тому

    Thank you Nate. Who is going to confront whom about the Seamus and Brendan fiasco, now. Cheryl, Nate, Seamus, Ste. I see possibilities all over the place.

  • @greymushroom1
    @greymushroom1 11 років тому

    thank you. I am mad about how ste is written to just be thinking sexual assault but otherwise, everything played out, made sense. not excusing brendan did to be clear but I am saying the feul they added to make ste be believing this doesn't make sense.

  • @AJDavid90
    @AJDavid90 11 років тому

    To be fair if Ste knew the whole story he would have wanted to be beaten up. Comparing a victim of child sexual abuse to their abuser to their face while they are drunk?! Anyone realistically, even without a criminal past, would beat them up without thinking twice about it!

  • @MacBig212
    @MacBig212 11 років тому +1

    I love Emmett and Kieron but I never did support the relationship, especially one that stems and grows from abuse. Doesn't get any better from here.

  • @greymushroom1
    @greymushroom1 11 років тому

    yea, he is my fav too lol. I have seen earlier episodes is why I said that.

  • @eleanor7
    @eleanor7 11 років тому

    What Brendan did was VERY wrong, all he saw was Seamus and his hatred for his father. He went into a trance and all he could do in that moment was strike out violently against something. Sadly it happen to be Ste, Brendan is falling right into Walker's trap. He's destroying himself, Walker just happen to put some of the keys in motion.

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    BB was the one to convince Ste he still deserved Doug.And it was a shove, not a beating,and Ste was already angstying out of his mind."That" Ste would not be able to repeatedly punch someone he loved.Plus,back when Ste was violent, he lashed out, he punched and threw soup,but he never repeatedly beat Amy once she was down.I am not saying given time and appropriate treatment BB wouldn't be able to get to this level, what I am saying is "this" Ste would not do what BB just did.

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    Dude, an abuse victim "had it coming"? This is exactly the reasoning of an abuser to justify it. Nothing no one can say, be it a lover or not, can justify a beating. No one has the RIGHT to beat another human being. It wasn't a rage punch, he punched Ste repeatedly, that's a beating, a beating to someone that loves you and you love back. No, dude NO. Ste went there because his judgement was just as compromised as BB.This is happening to him too,he is afraid,BB is shutting him out.

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    I can understand your reasoning.But in both situations, though Ste was under a lot of pressure too,1st without his kids+abusive mother, 2nd his kids going to another continent.He lash out,but had the presence of mind to not let it go further, he pushed and grabbed,but did not repeatedly punched someone already on the ground.This is not lash out, this is a beating.When Ste shoved Doug he went out of his mind with regret.He would have let Doug go he felt that bad about it.We saw it.

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    I understand, and as I said Ste from the "past" would probably have punched anyone who compared him to Terry. Ste from the "present" would not. That's all I am really saying. But Ste has searched professional help to deal with his issues, BB didn't.Which is devastating cause this could b prevented. Well, anyway if you want to check out the scene where Amy says that to Ste (destroying his and MY heart in the process) is in september 2008, you can download at: thebox . bz

  • @greymushroom1
    @greymushroom1 11 років тому

    She has, why he punched her. i aint hating ste either, i am just making a point. everyone does it, use things they know will burn them. It is why he pushed ste but agree and like i said he has change and have more control than brendan. they share similar stories but the circumstances makes it different.

  • @donnabrown835
    @donnabrown835 11 років тому

    I was disappointed. I know Emmett is leaving the show but I wanted Brendan and Ste to break up amicable or Brendan scarificing his self for Ste in some type of manner.

  • @greymushroom1
    @greymushroom1 11 років тому

    as brash as this comment was i understand what u meant. it is funny, since if that was brendan comparing him to his mum or step dad, ste would punch him. not saying it is right but i understand what u meant but the words had it coming is probably not best suited.

  • @Babyt4
    @Babyt4 11 років тому

    I knew the writers were gonna do that to him, built him up, let him grow to in the end bring him right back to broken. Disappointed, they made him make such a turnaround and they took it all back, hoped they would have given him some credit and let his work pay off. They prob gonna kill him off in the end.

  • @Persigame
    @Persigame 11 років тому

    Call me stupid but I can't stop crying :'( why did writers do this to Stendan, to us?

  • @mayapj1
    @mayapj1 11 років тому

    me too. i like it as well. even though it was absolutely painful. i guess if this hadn't happen, brendan would always fight for his life to be with ste.

  • @greymushroom1
    @greymushroom1 11 років тому

    am i the one who liek the episode? i guess i have maybe just come to terms with what it is.

  • @2kiers10
    @2kiers10 11 років тому

    I think there's still a limit to how naive they're allowed to be. If they don't know what it has taken him and still must take for him to go through these profound changes he's going through, then nobody knows. They also know exactly what he's being accused of, and if they cant figure out what must cost him... so yes. right now they're letting him down. That's my opinion

  • @1awlsusie
    @1awlsusie 8 років тому +1

    oh brendan

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    I am NOT a Stug shipper.I am NOT a Brendan hater. But remember when Doug fans say Stendan fans condone violence? things like "Ste had it coming" do NOT help Stendan case. Nothing,no one can say justify being beaten by someone you love like that. It's ok for BB to explode from the pressure and beat Ste like that (he doesn't mean it, right? Ste just provoked him) but is NOT ok for Ste (who knows nothing) to explode from the pressure and say shit he probably didn't even mean?! The fuck guys!!

  • @Letreana15
    @Letreana15 11 років тому +1

    Noooooooooooooooooooooooo I want them together :(

  • @greymushroom1
    @greymushroom1 11 років тому

    its not justifying, its understandin, there is a difference. just because doug is the better choice doesnt mean he is for everyone, everyone has their baggage no matter how good they are. brendan is a tragic character that ste loves, there is nothing wrong with loving someone, that isn't the reason he left him, it was b/c the abuse.

  • @2kiers10
    @2kiers10 11 років тому

    Well said - I can connect to that. Whether Brendan has fundamentally changed or not, I think it'll perhaps come out in the end. Everybodys true colours are about to be shown I imagine

  • @greendragon133
    @greendragon133 11 років тому

    not that I'm justifying Brendan hitting him, Of course Ste didn't cause it, but I see how the character of Brendan would become violent in that situation.

  • @urbansocially
    @urbansocially 11 років тому

    Yes, I do understand that and if we had more time with Stendan it would be fine. But now when is Ste going to find out...Brendan's last day on the show? So far he's revealed it to 3 people. Its time for Ste to know.

  • @greendragon133
    @greendragon133 11 років тому

    physical assault sure, but sexual assault? Brendan never sexually assaulted Ste. I just find it hard to believe that you Ste would believe that, and if he did he's willing to love a rapist. Brendan is violent and can be horrible, but that's a whole different level.

  • @Ineedasecretcodename
    @Ineedasecretcodename 11 років тому

    Fuck, well that's the end of Stendan . . .

  • @ac904411
    @ac904411 11 років тому

    I'm in the minority here....this story line is awesome! Brendan is Brendan and Ste needs to either accept it or move on. The writers are showing you that when a person shows you who they are...believe them. Can't wait to see how the writers decide to exit Brendan from the show.

  • @EmoSew1
    @EmoSew1 11 років тому

    Kevin you've finally grown a spine and did the right thing !

  • @msceddichika
    @msceddichika 11 років тому

    i really don't think that Ste did anything to cause Brendan to hit him. Ste does not know anything about the sexual abuse of Brendan at the hands of father. He knows about the physical. He knows that Brendan is a violent and abusive man who just a few months ago punched him in the nose. Now tell me again why is it that Ste should believe that Brendan didn't physical assaut Kevin? Then after witnessing him almost assauting him again why wouldn't Ste liken him to Seamus?

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    I disagree. Ste would not punch Brendan if Brendan said the same. Why? Because back when Ste was beginning to change Amy DID say the exact SAME thing to Ste. That he was just like Terry, and it gutted Ste, but if anything he took a step back, scared of himself.Ste didn't hit for this reason back then, he certainly would not right now after learning control and loving Brendan more than he ever loved Amy.

  • @ClosetPrisoner
    @ClosetPrisoner 11 років тому

    no.. I believe Cheryl genuinely can't imagine it

  • @Jdean1978
    @Jdean1978 11 років тому

    I don't see how this is Ste's fault. You don't beat the shit out of someone you love. Ste has always believed in Brendan, always tried to be there for him. After all the history they have had, Brendan should realize that. Had Brendan actually told Ste about his abuse growing up I don't think Ste would have said those things to him. How was Ste to know that that was a extra sore spot. Not reason to beat him. Brendan has pushed Ste away lately. I would question him too. Poor Brendan and Ste.

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    They r not being naive, Brendan won't let them in.There is only so much you can do when someone will not tell you what the problem is.They can not just keep guessing till they get it right.The thing is, he is not changing,that's the point,he is behaving like 2010 Brendan.That's the whole problem,he is trying to prove he changed,when everything and everyone is trying to prove to Ste and Cheryl that, "no he hasn't".Cause apart from sex assault,everything else fits with old BB.Think in this scenery

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    I am not hating on Brendan. I am not. But what he did was wrong, there is no excuse and Ste would not have done the same.

  • @munash2
    @munash2 11 років тому

    And emmett in this episode was incredible absolutely heartbreaking the minute that steven was shouting at him just the look in his face the tears in his eyes I was feel like he dying and crushing inside when ste told him he believe that he did it I was wish he will said about his dad but NO when the punch come I cover my moth No NO Noooo brendan Noooo and when ste get down and bren carry on to hit him I died inside cried don't believe that was happened, Powerful episode

  • @lopithecus4352
    @lopithecus4352 11 років тому

    Also, I think some people forget humans are animals too. When you corner an animal and they are scared and angry what do they do? They lash out and attack. Now I'm not giving Brendan an excuse for hitting Ste again, but honestly I would lash out myself if a) my abusive dad showed up at court, b) my sister was having a party while I looked at jail time, and c) if the love of my life thought I was guilty. I would feel cornered and alone and would lash out, (though I wouldn't go as far as hitting)

  • @greymushroom1
    @greymushroom1 11 років тому

    i never said you were and Ste would, you must not know ste. he has hit amy for the same thing if I am correct and similar with doug picking at something he despise but he has changed and more control than brendan.

  • @georgiagcd
    @georgiagcd 11 років тому

    I am not saying BB doesn't have good in him.I see it. we see it.But Ste doesn't have the knowledge we do.Ste is about to lose the man he loves to jail,his thinking is just as compromised as BB's. Doug is someone on the outside thinking clearly. Ste is afraid. Afraid of loosing BB, afraid of BB not having really changed.This episode is just as much about Ste exploding under pressure as it is BB doing it.But Ste exploded with words and BB with his fists.

  • @giuventino1
    @giuventino1 11 років тому

    doug isn't in brendan's position though, he doesn't have seamus as a father so we can't really say what he would do, considering he decided to scam his own parents because he didn't feel loved enough maybe he could do even worse then brendan. I'm not justifying him, but just pointing out the motives that's why we can't compare doug and brendan