Can someone please tell me if this can be performed on someone who's peritoneal/omentum cancer is a primary diagnosis, not a metastasized secondary cancer, and is not outside the abdominal cavity.
This procedure can be performed for most cancers as long ss the tumor is confined to the peritoneal cavity. The procedure has two components, CRS meaning clearance of all visible tumor along with removal of pertal peritoneum , and intraperitineal chemo that varies with the pathological tumor type, for about 90 minutes. If all the gross tumor is not removable then HIPEC has no additional benefit. In such cases an other procedure called PIPAC ( pressurized intra-peritoneal aerosol chemo ) can be carried out.
This man is very smart ,never heard this before God Bless him .
Waaw soo c km clear, and very informative
Can someone please tell me if this can be performed on someone who's peritoneal/omentum cancer is a primary diagnosis, not a metastasized secondary cancer, and is not outside the abdominal cavity.
This procedure can be performed for most cancers as long ss the tumor is confined to the peritoneal cavity. The procedure has two components, CRS meaning clearance of all visible tumor along with removal of pertal peritoneum , and intraperitineal chemo that varies with the pathological tumor type, for about 90 minutes. If all the gross tumor is not removable then HIPEC has no additional benefit. In such cases an other procedure called PIPAC ( pressurized intra-peritoneal aerosol chemo ) can be carried out.
Very nice podcast
I’m having this procedure done Dec. 2024. Will this get rid of my cancer or buy me a few years only
How are you doing now?
My brother is going for this hipec on Saturday