Hey there! Thanks for the video! Most excellent! An explanation: the threshold on the original hardware Level-Loc was set to -50dBu or whatever -50dBv - however they were measuring it. The knee is soft with like an infinity:1 ratio, so the Level-Loc is basically always compressing. There isn't a makeup gain circuit, but the signal runs through a transformer, and then it was suppose to feed into a mic preamp. On ours, it feeds a step-up transformer (an emulation) and then into the Output Amplifier, which is just pure digital gain and not something on the original. So, there isn't makeup gain, there's just HUGE amounts of compression and a transformer. We've found that the Input Level knob on the front does next to nothing (think of it as a fine tune for something that is already compressing the living hell out of things) but if you want to get less compression, lower the input trim by like -20 or more. Thanks again for this awesome video. Much appreciated. Warm regards, Luke Korneff Audio
Hey Korneff Audio!!! Thanks so much for making this plugin. I love my old modded Level Loc to death and have been learning software development because no plugins out there sounded anything like it. As cool as the Devil Loc is, its not really in the ballpark of mine. I figured Id have to code my own...lol. Now i dont have to!🙏 You did it all, so i cant wait to hear it for myself! Might still need the m67 and m63 in plugin form though, so ill keep developing.
Thanks, best demo out so far. I may have to snag this, as I’ve always liked the idea of the Devil Loc, but found the sound unsatisfying somehow (no hate on SoundToys, I love EchoBoy, FilterFreak. Decap, etc… they make amazing tools), but this sounds nice! And with Tchad Blake’s sign off, I trust it sounds like the hardware.
Hey there! Thanks for the video! Most excellent!
An explanation: the threshold on the original hardware Level-Loc was set to -50dBu or whatever -50dBv - however they were measuring it. The knee is soft with like an infinity:1 ratio, so the Level-Loc is basically always compressing. There isn't a makeup gain circuit, but the signal runs through a transformer, and then it was suppose to feed into a mic preamp. On ours, it feeds a step-up transformer (an emulation) and then into the Output Amplifier, which is just pure digital gain and not something on the original. So, there isn't makeup gain, there's just HUGE amounts of compression and a transformer.
We've found that the Input Level knob on the front does next to nothing (think of it as a fine tune for something that is already compressing the living hell out of things) but if you want to get less compression, lower the input trim by like -20 or more.
Thanks again for this awesome video. Much appreciated.
Warm regards,
Korneff Audio
Thanks, Luke! This is great information.
Hey Korneff Audio!!! Thanks so much for making this plugin. I love my old modded Level Loc to death and have been learning software development because no plugins out there sounded anything like it. As cool as the Devil Loc is, its not really in the ballpark of mine. I figured Id have to code my own...lol. Now i dont have to!🙏 You did it all, so i cant wait to hear it for myself! Might still need the m67 and m63 in plugin form though, so ill keep developing.
Thanks for your video
Glad you enjoyed it!
That thing sounds KILLER
Korneff is one of the best developers. This level-loc sounds great. i am glad you finally nuked this shiz bc that is what I wanted to hear!
Thanks, best demo out so far. I may have to snag this, as I’ve always liked the idea of the Devil Loc, but found the sound unsatisfying somehow (no hate on SoundToys, I love EchoBoy, FilterFreak. Decap, etc… they make amazing tools), but this sounds nice! And with Tchad Blake’s sign off, I trust it sounds like the hardware.
Thanks! I'm glad you found it helpful. I am digging this thing quite a lot.
You're right. They did.
And it's another Shure collab!
I use the Devil Loc daily that yours is not exhibiting normal behavior b I’d love to hear a comparison when the Devil Loc is working correctly
Does korneff have a clipper?
I don't believe they have a dedicated clipper, but I think there is one in the Puff Puff mixPass.
Ooooo!!!! Me likey.....A LOT!!!!