recalling moments of a christmas that never happened (playlist)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @anna1119
    @anna1119 2 роки тому +3489

    This is what going to church on Christmas Eve felt like a child. I would wear these puffy red dresses and little black church shoes. The choir would sing silent night and the church was dim and warm. Coming out of the sanctuary and feeling the bitter Christmas air, snow falling on my little red dress, giddy with excitement for Christmas morning. After church we'd always go to a little town surrounded by cornfields. a neighborhood always had wooden nativity scenes and play these Christmas oldies. The radio static mixed with the snow muffling the song created a feeling like no other. Christmas is like nothing else and I miss seeing it through the eyes of my childhood self. Happy holidays and I hope you remember your bittersweet christmases as a child :)
    So many of you were touched by this, I just want to say I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas and I hope you're surrounded by loved ones!

    • @rosilene9227
      @rosilene9227 2 роки тому +71

      Hey Jesus loves you! Do not give up! Surrender everything to God. Maybe the Lord's will is different from his, but understand, the Lord has his reasons, he listens and sees things you don't see. But if it is the Lord's will, may your request be granted, if not, understand that the Lord is delivering you from something. Repent of your mistakes and may your repentance be sincere and the Lord will forgive you! Take it easy... take a deep breath. Hey, take a deep breath... Jesus loves you so much and waits for your heart to truly call Him. Perhaps there is a blockage in your heart that does not allow him to enter your heart and transform your life. He waits for you and your repentance
      Hey! Take a deep breath... It's okay. Your mind is your mind and you are you. Hey, Jesus tells you today to really let him help you, maybe you didn't really let him into your heart and change your life. Jesus loves you and waits with open arms for you to come with a truly open heart for him to help you at the right time and at the right time, he knows what is best! Maybe you don't understand why all this now, but one day you will! This is a message and an answer from God for you! Nothing better than starting the day talking to God. Present your expectations to him, He wants to be by your side and wants to hear your voice in the morning.
      How good it is to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to your name, O Most High; proclaim your faithful love in the morning and your faithfulness at night,
      Psalms 92:1-2
      Mark 8:29
      And he said to them: But you, who do you say that I am? And Peter answering said to him: Thou art the Christ.
      There are countless ideas regarding who Jesus Christ really is. You can ask ten people about it and get ten different answers. But who do we say Jesus is? Some say he was a great teacher, and nothing more; others, that he was a deceiver; still others, that he was a madman. But, verily, he is the Son of God.
      2 Timothy 1:3-7
      3. I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with a clear conscience, that I remember you unceasingly in my prayers night and day,
      4. Longing to see you, remembering your tears, to fill me with joy,
      5. By remembering the unfeigned faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois, in your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it also dwells in you.
      6. For which reason I remind you to stir up the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands;
      7. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of fortress, and of love, and of moderation.
      Matthew 11:28
      Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
      Matthew 11:27 (JFA) All things have been delivered to me by my Father: and no one knows the Son, but the Father; and no one knows the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
      1 Timothy 5:5-8
      5. Now she that is truly a widow and helpless waits on God, and perseveres night and day in entreaties and prayers;
      6. But the one who lives in pleasures, living, is dead.
      7. Command these things, that they may be blameless.
      8. But if someone does not care for his own, and especially for those of his family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.
      1 John 4
      15. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.
      16. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
      18. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; because fear involves punishment; and he who is afraid is not perfected in love.
      19. We love because he first loved us.
      20. If anyone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
      God loves you
      Good Morning
      God is with you
      Do Bible study, I recommend. Use some Bible Psalms as prayer, I recommend Psalm 35. Also try to seek the Lord with meditations on the word.
      Please share with someone! Help me preach the gospel 😀!

    • @korahholl810
      @korahholl810 2 роки тому +47

      YES! I feel the same way. The sight of everything when your a child is so innocent and peaceful.. growing older by the second, and everything is clouded in darkness I can hardly enjoy myself. I miss all the excitement and tension I would get, looking for Santa up in the sky on Christmas Eves night. Nothing is magical to these eyes anymore…. I want to go back

    • @davo121
      @davo121 2 роки тому +19

      Thank you for sharing your memory. I think we all have bittersweet memories of Christmas, or any other significant holiday in your country. I'm not one for Christmas but there is definitely a vibe it gives as a kid.

    • @claire-pp3oh
      @claire-pp3oh 2 роки тому +5


    • @Zanflymusic
      @Zanflymusic 2 роки тому +6

      Who is looking forward to Christmas during the war in Ukraine? So I don't. Otherwise, good music that improves the mood.

  • @sourlemons329
    @sourlemons329 2 роки тому +957

    This is exactly how Christmas feels for me now. I’m an adult, the magic and cheer of Christmas is gone. Just a melancholic feeling now. Thank you for this playlist, its actually comforting. Especially reading all the comments here, I feel less alone.

    • @edits-od8xo
      @edits-od8xo 2 роки тому +55

      Same here. Christmas is sad, lonely and the feelings are different now. What a broken world we live in

    • @ktnkbdle278
      @ktnkbdle278 2 роки тому +38

      I feel the same way you do!! I’m grown up with a son who doesn’t need me anymore. and a family that was bummed when I came out of a nearly 7 week coma and lived

    • @itscris01
      @itscris01 2 роки тому +12

      @@ktnkbdle278 Gosh, sorry

    • @arsletras
      @arsletras 2 роки тому +6

      Christ is born

    • @hannah-wf7qe
      @hannah-wf7qe 2 роки тому +30

      this is my first christmas as an adult and i feel genuinely just broken. i always told myself christmas would never lose its magic no matter how i old i got, yet this is my first year where i almost wish that christmas just wouldn't come. im never going to feel the joy of waking up on christmas morning again and im genuinely devastated. christmas made me so happy and now its just another day.

  • @rocks1012
    @rocks1012 2 роки тому +467

    When I was a kid, my best friend was a bit younger than me, and we used to make plans to “catch” Santa. She would get her camera and position it to face the tree. The year I stopped believing, she still put her camera out. I remember feeling a bit hollow. My childhood was filled with me and my imagination, and this huge world of possibilities. It took me a long time to celebrate Christmas the same again. I felt my heart sink a bit more every year. That magic was gone, that excitement and wonder had nowhere to go. Every year, it got cold, and dark at 4pm, and balancing christmas between two parents who disliked each other was hard. Because I was older, my mom didn’t have the little kid she could shower with magic, and my dad got sick, so the family gatherings stopped, the effort and love that my mom would have put into it went away, the traditions were mostly planned by me and my friends, and I still was trying to hang on to the magic that I felt as a kid. I was trying to make the world, that once was excited for the holiday with me, come back to celebrate it again. I was obsessed with traditions, I had to sleep in the same bed I always did as a kid on Christmas Eve, watch the same movie, get up at 7am, do everything the same as how I remembered it.
    I’m 20 now, I realize how sheltered I was, and how unprepared I had been. It’s not just hard, it’s impossible for things to stay the same. Our brains develop, our world gets bigger, our parents are more like friends. But what doesn’t have to change is the magic you put into the holidays. It’s not gonna be church on Christmas Eve with your parents, waking up to a mound of toys from Santa forever, nor do you want it to be. This is a chance to change the holidays to suit who you are now. I am thankful for the warm memories of Christmas time from when I was a kid. But those memories shouldn’t be here to punish me. If I sat here and thought about how much better things were, I’d forget about all the ways I could make Christmas time new. Go out sledding with friends, go to a light show, buy your s/o something you know they want and see their face light up when they open it. That’s something I could have never gotten as a kid. The older I get, the more that magic is replaced by the love I feel for my family and friends. I don’t wish to go back to being a kid around the holidays anymore. I’d be missing out on this new meaning I’ve found. The memories you have can control you if you dwell too much on reliving them, because you never can. Times change and life always moves forward, but that doesn’t mean that the farther forward you go, the darker it gets. If you sit there staring at the east, waiting for the sunrise, you’ll miss out on the sunset in the west.
    My new tradition every year is watching the Community episode Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas. That’s what Christmas has become to me. There is no Santa, but we don’t need to have him to find meaning in Christmas time. WE put the meaning in it, as we are right now. Whatever that means to us.

    • @Jim_Wool
      @Jim_Wool 2 роки тому +32

      This is beautiful

    • @zekova
      @zekova 2 роки тому +34

      I'm so glad I read the whole thing. I needed this so much, thank you thank you! 😭💕

    • @hannahbg1852
      @hannahbg1852 2 роки тому +24

      Very well said. Memories are nice, but new ones are always welcome. Have a Merry Christmas!

    • @somethingwithbungalows
      @somethingwithbungalows 2 роки тому +12

      Thank you.

    • @Wackaz
      @Wackaz 2 роки тому +16

      I needed this, I really did. I relate to you so wholeheartedly. God bless you my friend. Thank you.
      I was always the kid, and still am the kid, who tried and tries desperately to keep every tradition alive, so much so it was clear my family - although appreciative of it - certainly noticed and even my siblings may have gotten annoyed at times. Really, my parents made my Christmases. They allowed my imagination to flourish, that unbelievable build-up of excitement to rise and rise day-by-day during advent, allowed joy to be brought into my life through the music, the decorations,.the emphasis on Christmas cheer and celebration, the Christmas story, and so forth. They made it the best experience a child could possibly have, and I couldn't be more grateful towards them for it. I truly love my parents, and one reason tradition is so important to me is because it reminds me of my childhood with them, as after all, the traditions came from them and their relationship to their son, me. Christmas was always so special to me, it was always my favourite time of the year, the time that was so dear to me. As I grew older, the magic of Father Christmas faded a little, and kept fading, and subsequently the magic faded too. One reason I relate to you so wholeheartedly is for this reason - year-by-year, my heart sank more, I even cried every now and then. That feeling of hollowness was deeply unpleasant, and it was all because the magic had faded, or moreso, that I was growing up, and my Christmas childhood with my parents was different compared to what it once was. Long was the time me and my brother and sister would sit on the bed around our parents, and read a Christmas book every night of advent, and long was the time as did all the wondrous things children do at Christmas. Even writing this out now, I'm beginning to tear up. I think one thing my parents knew, as I was obsessing over keeping every tradition alive, was that I was going through that period, where the magic of Christmas began to no longer feel the same, but I'm still trying to bring it back, even today, at the age of 19. My parents understand that feeling, but they also understand, as do you, that Christmas can still be special and magical as it evolves with us naturally. Ever since the magic started fading five or so years back, what I should've understood every Christmas is that I was still surrounded by my family, the same family I had been celebrating Christmas with since birth, and we were all happy, joyous, excited to be together. The magic was there, I just hasn't embraced its evolution. It's what my parents keep encouraging me to keep in mind - that the magic changes, but the magic is still there, and while we shall embrace our traditions, it doesn't hurt to bring in new traditions either. I need to remember that, really. I may need to be less rigid with me trying to retain all the traditions this year - I'm at university now, my first time living away from home, and although I'm safe and happy enough, I miss home so much, and I'm not there this year for our annual decoration day, the weekly buildup with the warmth and magic only getting stronger. My Christmas with family will be spent on the last few days of Advent, rather than the whole of advent. Therefore, Christmas is different this year, I'm not with the family for the whole season. At the same time, I should embrace that.
      My parents told me today they're not putting all the decorations up or carrying out all the bits and bobs I used to do yet, and my siblings have suggested such ideas too, as they're waiting for me to carry out those traditions with them - they remember that these traditions are important to me, so they want me to be there for them, and they want me to be there to carry them out, not only for myself, but for them, as they themselves love our traditions. Isn't that wonderful? That means the absolute world to me, to hear such heartwarming news. The fact my family remembers my love for tradition brings me to tears of joy, but it's the fact that they *remember*, they know how much tradition means to us all, the memories we formed through them, the magic we experienced. I'm so excited to return home, to be with them all. I'm hopeful this will be, as they told me, one of the most special and best Christmases ever. This is the magic of Christmas - our memories, our experiences, our families. My parents have gone out their way to ensure our Christmas stays magical, while becoming magical in new ways all the same. And not only does it show that traditions can live forever on and still keep our worlds magical, but it also shows us the magic of Christmas: family. The memories and emotions of my dear Christmases as a child will always be there, and I must keep them secured in my mind, but at the same time, I can always make new memories and form new emotions as a result of future Christmases, and at the heart of everything, that is the soul of Christmas. After all, that is what Christ wants for us - family, tradition, no?
      Merry Christmas my friend, and Merry Christmas to you all. I wish you all good tidings and wishes towards you and your family this season and in the coming year. May our traditions, experiences and memories forever live on. Give your parents a big thank you this Christmas, for all that they have done to make our Christmases so special and wondrous, that allowed the magic of our childhoods to flourish.
      And, as Father Christmas, Santa, Saint Nicholas would say, Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!

  • @lucasmaguire5014
    @lucasmaguire5014 2 роки тому +2312

    Only the first 10 seconds in, and I’m feeling like I’m going to cry. I’ll tell you, Nobody is the go-to for being emotional. Love you, man.

    • @guimazone
      @guimazone 2 роки тому +14

      ME TOO!

    • @FuttBuckerson
      @FuttBuckerson 2 роки тому +12

      Little dramatic.

    • @rosilene9227
      @rosilene9227 2 роки тому +12

      Hey Jesus loves you! Do not give up! Surrender everything to God. Maybe the Lord's will is different from his, but understand, the Lord has his reasons, he listens and sees things you don't see. But if it is the Lord's will, may your request be granted, if not, understand that the Lord is delivering you from something. Repent of your mistakes and may your repentance be sincere and the Lord will forgive you! Take it easy... take a deep breath. Hey, take a deep breath... Jesus loves you so much and waits for your heart to truly call Him. Perhaps there is a blockage in your heart that does not allow him to enter your heart and transform your life. He waits for you and your repentance
      Hey! Take a deep breath... It's okay. Your mind is your mind and you are you. Hey, Jesus tells you today to really let him help you, maybe you didn't really let him into your heart and change your life. Jesus loves you and waits with open arms for you to come with a truly open heart for him to help you at the right time and at the right time, he knows what is best! Maybe you don't understand why all this now, but one day you will! This is a message and an answer from God for you! Nothing better than starting the day talking to God. Present your expectations to him, He wants to be by your side and wants to hear your voice in the morning.
      How good it is to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to your name, O Most High; proclaim your faithful love in the morning and your faithfulness at night,
      Psalms 92:1-2
      Mark 8:29
      And he said to them: But you, who do you say that I am? And Peter answering said to him: Thou art the Christ.
      There are countless ideas regarding who Jesus Christ really is. You can ask ten people about it and get ten different answers. But who do we say Jesus is? Some say he was a great teacher, and nothing more; others, that he was a deceiver; still others, that he was a madman. But, verily, he is the Son of God.
      2 Timothy 1:3-7
      3. I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with a clear conscience, that I remember you unceasingly in my prayers night and day,
      4. Longing to see you, remembering your tears, to fill me with joy,
      5. By remembering the unfeigned faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois, in your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it also dwells in you.
      6. For which reason I remind you to stir up the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands;
      7. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of fortress, and of love, and of moderation.
      Matthew 11:28
      Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
      Matthew 11:27 (JFA) All things have been delivered to me by my Father: and no one knows the Son, but the Father; and no one knows the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
      1 Timothy 5:5-8
      5. Now she that is truly a widow and helpless waits on God, and perseveres night and day in entreaties and prayers;
      6. But the one who lives in pleasures, living, is dead.
      7. Command these things, that they may be blameless.
      8. But if someone does not care for his own, and especially for those of his family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.
      1 John 4
      15. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.
      16. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
      18. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; because fear involves punishment; and he who is afraid is not perfected in love.
      19. We love because he first loved us.
      20. If anyone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
      God loves you
      Good Morning
      God is with you
      Do Bible study, I recommend. Use some Bible Psalms as prayer, I recommend Psalm 35. Also try to seek the Lord with meditations on the word.
      Please share with someone! Help me preach the gospel 😀!

    • @rosilene9227
      @rosilene9227 2 роки тому +5

      @@guimazone Hey Jesus loves you! Do not give up! Surrender everything to God. Maybe the Lord's will is different from his, but understand, the Lord has his reasons, he listens and sees things you don't see. But if it is the Lord's will, may your request be granted, if not, understand that the Lord is delivering you from something. Repent of your mistakes and may your repentance be sincere and the Lord will forgive you! Take it easy... take a deep breath. Hey, take a deep breath... Jesus loves you so much and waits for your heart to truly call Him. Perhaps there is a blockage in your heart that does not allow him to enter your heart and transform your life. He waits for you and your repentance
      Hey! Take a deep breath... It's okay. Your mind is your mind and you are you. Hey, Jesus tells you today to really let him help you, maybe you didn't really let him into your heart and change your life. Jesus loves you and waits with open arms for you to come with a truly open heart for him to help you at the right time and at the right time, he knows what is best! Maybe you don't understand why all this now, but one day you will! This is a message and an answer from God for you! Nothing better than starting the day talking to God. Present your expectations to him, He wants to be by your side and wants to hear your voice in the morning.
      How good it is to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to your name, O Most High; proclaim your faithful love in the morning and your faithfulness at night,
      Psalms 92:1-2
      Mark 8:29
      And he said to them: But you, who do you say that I am? And Peter answering said to him: Thou art the Christ.
      There are countless ideas regarding who Jesus Christ really is. You can ask ten people about it and get ten different answers. But who do we say Jesus is? Some say he was a great teacher, and nothing more; others, that he was a deceiver; still others, that he was a madman. But, verily, he is the Son of God.
      2 Timothy 1:3-7
      3. I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with a clear conscience, that I remember you unceasingly in my prayers night and day,
      4. Longing to see you, remembering your tears, to fill me with joy,
      5. By remembering the unfeigned faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois, in your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it also dwells in you.
      6. For which reason I remind you to stir up the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands;
      7. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of fortress, and of love, and of moderation.
      Matthew 11:28
      Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
      Matthew 11:27 (JFA) All things have been delivered to me by my Father: and no one knows the Son, but the Father; and no one knows the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
      1 Timothy 5:5-8
      5. Now she that is truly a widow and helpless waits on God, and perseveres night and day in entreaties and prayers;
      6. But the one who lives in pleasures, living, is dead.
      7. Command these things, that they may be blameless.
      8. But if someone does not care for his own, and especially for those of his family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.
      1 John 4
      15. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.
      16. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
      18. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; because fear involves punishment; and he who is afraid is not perfected in love.
      19. We love because he first loved us.
      20. If anyone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
      God loves you
      Good Morning
      God is with you
      Do Bible study, I recommend. Use some Bible Psalms as prayer, I recommend Psalm 35. Also try to seek the Lord with meditations on the word.
      Please share with someone! Help me preach the gospel 😀!

    • @rosilene9227
      @rosilene9227 2 роки тому +3

      @@FuttBuckerson Hey Jesus loves you! Do not give up! Surrender everything to God. Maybe the Lord's will is different from his, but understand, the Lord has his reasons, he listens and sees things you don't see. But if it is the Lord's will, may your request be granted, if not, understand that the Lord is delivering you from something. Repent of your mistakes and may your repentance be sincere and the Lord will forgive you! Take it easy... take a deep breath. Hey, take a deep breath... Jesus loves you so much and waits for your heart to truly call Him. Perhaps there is a blockage in your heart that does not allow him to enter your heart and transform your life. He waits for you and your repentance
      Hey! Take a deep breath... It's okay. Your mind is your mind and you are you. Hey, Jesus tells you today to really let him help you, maybe you didn't really let him into your heart and change your life. Jesus loves you and waits with open arms for you to come with a truly open heart for him to help you at the right time and at the right time, he knows what is best! Maybe you don't understand why all this now, but one day you will! This is a message and an answer from God for you! Nothing better than starting the day talking to God. Present your expectations to him, He wants to be by your side and wants to hear your voice in the morning.
      How good it is to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to your name, O Most High; proclaim your faithful love in the morning and your faithfulness at night,
      Psalms 92:1-2
      Mark 8:29
      And he said to them: But you, who do you say that I am? And Peter answering said to him: Thou art the Christ.
      There are countless ideas regarding who Jesus Christ really is. You can ask ten people about it and get ten different answers. But who do we say Jesus is? Some say he was a great teacher, and nothing more; others, that he was a deceiver; still others, that he was a madman. But, verily, he is the Son of God.
      2 Timothy 1:3-7
      3. I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with a clear conscience, that I remember you unceasingly in my prayers night and day,
      4. Longing to see you, remembering your tears, to fill me with joy,
      5. By remembering the unfeigned faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois, in your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it also dwells in you.
      6. For which reason I remind you to stir up the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands;
      7. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of fortress, and of love, and of moderation.
      Matthew 11:28
      Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
      Matthew 11:27 (JFA) All things have been delivered to me by my Father: and no one knows the Son, but the Father; and no one knows the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
      1 Timothy 5:5-8
      5. Now she that is truly a widow and helpless waits on God, and perseveres night and day in entreaties and prayers;
      6. But the one who lives in pleasures, living, is dead.
      7. Command these things, that they may be blameless.
      8. But if someone does not care for his own, and especially for those of his family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.
      1 John 4
      15. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.
      16. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
      18. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; because fear involves punishment; and he who is afraid is not perfected in love.
      19. We love because he first loved us.
      20. If anyone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
      God loves you
      Good Morning
      God is with you
      Do Bible study, I recommend. Use some Bible Psalms as prayer, I recommend Psalm 35. Also try to seek the Lord with meditations on the word.
      Please share with someone! Help me preach the gospel 😀!

  • @blackreazor
    @blackreazor 2 роки тому +279

    My father was a sociopath and he hated the holidays. I never had a happy Christmas no matter how hard my mother tried to give us at least a good one that never happened unless he wasn't around. She managed to not have him around a few ones and it was glorious.

    • @learlawliet6197
      @learlawliet6197 2 роки тому +40

      I hope you and your mom are doing great ❤❤❤❤

    • @shelbyismeee
      @shelbyismeee 2 роки тому +10

      I understand this painful feeling you are not alone

    • @peacepipe6695
      @peacepipe6695 Рік тому

      @@user-jz7vb6br5r just leave then

    • @peacepipe6695
      @peacepipe6695 Рік тому

      @@user-jz7vb6br5r right, no worries. However the bus leaves every morning at 5.
      Anyone can leave and abandon what they think is home if they're desperate enough.
      How do you think the immigrants at the US southern border are feeling? They dropped everything they call home and LEFT, same with Ukrainian refugees, what we imagine home to be, they FLED it all. My point is, you have the power to move, a new environment is sometimes what humans need, though in the examples those are humans almost being FORCED to leave home. But a more domestic example would be chicago "chiraq" or Kensington Ave in philidelphia. People FLEE from those cities because of crime and homelessness being so rampant. God has made humans to be so versatile but we all suffer from Adam's original sin and owe God our lives. I'd also refer you to Matthew 24:11-13 you will be greatly rewarded for ENDURING this temporary life.

    • @neptunium_239
      @neptunium_239 Рік тому

      ​@Harley Quinn sounds like me, in that case your assumption is probably correct. (the special needs part)

  • @Ms.Delphine1204
    @Ms.Delphine1204 Рік тому +61

    I lost my father last December right in front of me, my mom had already been diagnosed with brain cancer and my dog had passed the October before. It was a horrible new year. My dad LOVED decorating for Christmas. Every Sunday after thanksgiving we would put up the tree. It would start off with just a few things then before we knew it he’d be putting lights on the front bushes and lining the porches with them. Garland would be wrapped around the banister of the stairs and stockings on the mantle. Every year when it would be the first snow, my dad and I would bundle up and go for a walk and my mom would start a huge pot of chili for our return. Words can’t express how grateful I am for the memories he made with me. I hope he and my dog are together and feeling better than I do. As gloomy as this music and images may be they eerily and familiarly remind me of my childhood home in the 90s/00s. A home with 1 shared computer that was in a common space and the dial up internet only used when needed. No iPads in our hands during a movie. A home with dvd and vhs players and no smart tvs. A home with landlines that you had to wait your turn to use. A home where commercial breaks were used to get snacks and run to the bathroom and not skipped because of the subscription upgrade. Hugs to everyone here. Hope things get better for us all. ❤️‍🩹 🎄❤️‍🩹

    • @Anonymous-jf2gy
      @Anonymous-jf2gy 18 днів тому +2

      @@Ms.Delphine1204 I’m so sorry to hear that. Wishing you well and feeling the nostalgia too! Music like this helps us remember our memories.

    • @baddie1shoe
      @baddie1shoe 12 днів тому +1

      Hoping for magical moments for us all

  • @saeed05
    @saeed05 2 роки тому +591

    it’s weird because i grew up in a part of the world where it never snows and my family doesn’t celebrate christmas either yet i feel like i have so many memories of it

    • @rosilene9227
      @rosilene9227 2 роки тому +21

      Hey Jesus loves you! Do not give up! Surrender everything to God. Maybe the Lord's will is different from his, but understand, the Lord has his reasons, he listens and sees things you don't see. But if it is the Lord's will, may your request be granted, if not, understand that the Lord is delivering you from something. Repent of your mistakes and may your repentance be sincere and the Lord will forgive you! Take it easy... take a deep breath. Hey, take a deep breath... Jesus loves you so much and waits for your heart to truly call Him. Perhaps there is a blockage in your heart that does not allow him to enter your heart and transform your life. He waits for you and your repentance
      Hey! Take a deep breath... It's okay. Your mind is your mind and you are you. Hey, Jesus tells you today to really let him help you, maybe you didn't really let him into your heart and change your life. Jesus loves you and waits with open arms for you to come with a truly open heart for him to help you at the right time and at the right time, he knows what is best! Maybe you don't understand why all this now, but one day you will! This is a message and an answer from God for you! Nothing better than starting the day talking to God. Present your expectations to him, He wants to be by your side and wants to hear your voice in the morning.
      How good it is to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to your name, O Most High; proclaim your faithful love in the morning and your faithfulness at night,
      Psalms 92:1-2
      Mark 8:29
      And he said to them: But you, who do you say that I am? And Peter answering said to him: Thou art the Christ.
      There are countless ideas regarding who Jesus Christ really is. You can ask ten people about it and get ten different answers. But who do we say Jesus is? Some say he was a great teacher, and nothing more; others, that he was a deceiver; still others, that he was a madman. But, verily, he is the Son of God.
      2 Timothy 1:3-7
      3. I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with a clear conscience, that I remember you unceasingly in my prayers night and day,
      4. Longing to see you, remembering your tears, to fill me with joy,
      5. By remembering the unfeigned faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois, in your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it also dwells in you.
      6. For which reason I remind you to stir up the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands;
      7. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of fortress, and of love, and of moderation.
      Matthew 11:28
      Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
      Matthew 11:27 (JFA) All things have been delivered to me by my Father: and no one knows the Son, but the Father; and no one knows the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
      1 Timothy 5:5-8
      5. Now she that is truly a widow and helpless waits on God, and perseveres night and day in entreaties and prayers;
      6. But the one who lives in pleasures, living, is dead.
      7. Command these things, that they may be blameless.
      8. But if someone does not care for his own, and especially for those of his family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.
      1 John 4
      15. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.
      16. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
      18. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; because fear involves punishment; and he who is afraid is not perfected in love.
      19. We love because he first loved us.
      20. If anyone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
      God loves you
      Good Morning
      God is with you
      Do Bible study, I recommend. Use some Bible Psalms as prayer, I recommend Psalm 35. Also try to seek the Lord with meditations on the word.
      Please share with someone! Help me preach the gospel 😀!

    • @gpk_2544
      @gpk_2544 2 роки тому +31

      same brother i understand your place.... *virtual hug*

    • @gavinabney4023
      @gavinabney4023 2 роки тому +14

      Past lives maybe

    • @awfulest
      @awfulest 2 роки тому +3

      Dude same

    • @EmanFatima-kw1jl
      @EmanFatima-kw1jl 2 роки тому +1


  • @Branldur
    @Branldur 2 роки тому +1321

    This is going to be my first Christmas without my parents. Im now on another continent and sometime the loneliness is hard to deal with. I quit my friends, my family and everything I know in search of a life changing experience. Im a young adult and going through that new life alone is scary and I cant find a purpose to my quest. I wish to all of you a happy Christmas with the one you love. (Sorry for my english i'm french)

    • @realcanadiensneverdie
      @realcanadiensneverdie 2 роки тому +48

      Je te souhaite bonne chance camarade!

    • @larafields3106
      @larafields3106 2 роки тому +18

      You cant find a purpose to your quest... YET.

    • @claire-pp3oh
      @claire-pp3oh 2 роки тому +4


    • @emma13nunu
      @emma13nunu 2 роки тому +29

      the bad news is “you’re on your own now “ but the good news is “you’re on your own now!” - taylor swift

    • @txm4322
      @txm4322 2 роки тому +14

      Je te donne tout ma force, poursuis tes rêves je suis de tout coeur avec toi.

  • @xuv0159
    @xuv0159 2 роки тому +197

    This sounds like the remembering the distant good memories you had of Christmas before you had depression

  • @whok.lledbelle
    @whok.lledbelle 2 роки тому +742

    Even though it’s not Christmas I wish everybody to have a very merry happy Christmas and if not I hope your new year is the best

    • @yaz809
      @yaz809 2 роки тому +3


    • @rosilene9227
      @rosilene9227 2 роки тому +4

      Hey Jesus loves you! Do not give up! Surrender everything to God. Maybe the Lord's will is different from his, but understand, the Lord has his reasons, he listens and sees things you don't see. But if it is the Lord's will, may your request be granted, if not, understand that the Lord is delivering you from something. Repent of your mistakes and may your repentance be sincere and the Lord will forgive you! Take it easy... take a deep breath. Hey, take a deep breath... Jesus loves you so much and waits for your heart to truly call Him. Perhaps there is a blockage in your heart that does not allow him to enter your heart and transform your life. He waits for you and your repentance
      Hey! Take a deep breath... It's okay. Your mind is your mind and you are you. Hey, Jesus tells you today to really let him help you, maybe you didn't really let him into your heart and change your life. Jesus loves you and waits with open arms for you to come with a truly open heart for him to help you at the right time and at the right time, he knows what is best! Maybe you don't understand why all this now, but one day you will! This is a message and an answer from God for you! Nothing better than starting the day talking to God. Present your expectations to him, He wants to be by your side and wants to hear your voice in the morning.
      How good it is to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to your name, O Most High; proclaim your faithful love in the morning and your faithfulness at night,
      Psalms 92:1-2
      Mark 8:29
      And he said to them: But you, who do you say that I am? And Peter answering said to him: Thou art the Christ.
      There are countless ideas regarding who Jesus Christ really is. You can ask ten people about it and get ten different answers. But who do we say Jesus is? Some say he was a great teacher, and nothing more; others, that he was a deceiver; still others, that he was a madman. But, verily, he is the Son of God.
      2 Timothy 1:3-7
      3. I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with a clear conscience, that I remember you unceasingly in my prayers night and day,
      4. Longing to see you, remembering your tears, to fill me with joy,
      5. By remembering the unfeigned faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois, in your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it also dwells in you.
      6. For which reason I remind you to stir up the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands;
      7. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of fortress, and of love, and of moderation.
      Matthew 11:28
      Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
      Matthew 11:27 (JFA) All things have been delivered to me by my Father: and no one knows the Son, but the Father; and no one knows the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
      1 Timothy 5:5-8
      5. Now she that is truly a widow and helpless waits on God, and perseveres night and day in entreaties and prayers;
      6. But the one who lives in pleasures, living, is dead.
      7. Command these things, that they may be blameless.
      8. But if someone does not care for his own, and especially for those of his family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.
      1 John 4
      15. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.
      16. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
      18. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; because fear involves punishment; and he who is afraid is not perfected in love.
      19. We love because he first loved us.
      20. If anyone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
      God loves you
      Good Morning
      God is with you
      Do Bible study, I recommend. Use some Bible Psalms as prayer, I recommend Psalm 35. Also try to seek the Lord with meditations on the word.
      Please share with someone! Help me preach the gospel 😀!

    • @rosilene9227
      @rosilene9227 2 роки тому +1

      @@yaz809 Hey Jesus loves you! Do not give up! Surrender everything to God. Maybe the Lord's will is different from his, but understand, the Lord has his reasons, he listens and sees things you don't see. But if it is the Lord's will, may your request be granted, if not, understand that the Lord is delivering you from something. Repent of your mistakes and may your repentance be sincere and the Lord will forgive you! Take it easy... take a deep breath. Hey, take a deep breath... Jesus loves you so much and waits for your heart to truly call Him. Perhaps there is a blockage in your heart that does not allow him to enter your heart and transform your life. He waits for you and your repentance
      Hey! Take a deep breath... It's okay. Your mind is your mind and you are you. Hey, Jesus tells you today to really let him help you, maybe you didn't really let him into your heart and change your life. Jesus loves you and waits with open arms for you to come with a truly open heart for him to help you at the right time and at the right time, he knows what is best! Maybe you don't understand why all this now, but one day you will! This is a message and an answer from God for you! Nothing better than starting the day talking to God. Present your expectations to him, He wants to be by your side and wants to hear your voice in the morning.
      How good it is to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to your name, O Most High; proclaim your faithful love in the morning and your faithfulness at night,
      Psalms 92:1-2
      Mark 8:29
      And he said to them: But you, who do you say that I am? And Peter answering said to him: Thou art the Christ.
      There are countless ideas regarding who Jesus Christ really is. You can ask ten people about it and get ten different answers. But who do we say Jesus is? Some say he was a great teacher, and nothing more; others, that he was a deceiver; still others, that he was a madman. But, verily, he is the Son of God.
      2 Timothy 1:3-7
      3. I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with a clear conscience, that I remember you unceasingly in my prayers night and day,
      4. Longing to see you, remembering your tears, to fill me with joy,
      5. By remembering the unfeigned faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois, in your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it also dwells in you.
      6. For which reason I remind you to stir up the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands;
      7. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of fortress, and of love, and of moderation.
      Matthew 11:28
      Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
      Matthew 11:27 (JFA) All things have been delivered to me by my Father: and no one knows the Son, but the Father; and no one knows the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.
      1 Timothy 5:5-8
      5. Now she that is truly a widow and helpless waits on God, and perseveres night and day in entreaties and prayers;
      6. But the one who lives in pleasures, living, is dead.
      7. Command these things, that they may be blameless.
      8. But if someone does not care for his own, and especially for those of his family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an infidel.
      1 John 4
      15. Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.
      16. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.
      18. There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear; because fear involves punishment; and he who is afraid is not perfected in love.
      19. We love because he first loved us.
      20. If anyone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
      God loves you
      Good Morning
      God is with you
      Do Bible study, I recommend. Use some Bible Psalms as prayer, I recommend Psalm 35. Also try to seek the Lord with meditations on the word.
      Please share with someone! Help me preach the gospel 😀!

    • @THRILLHO10
      @THRILLHO10 2 роки тому

      You too ♥️

    • @whok.lledbelle
      @whok.lledbelle 2 роки тому

      @@THRILLHO10 💜

  • @TobattoVision
    @TobattoVision 2 роки тому +372

    This is what that first Christmas would sound like after waking up 400 years in the future and realizing everyone you ever knew and ever loved was long gone.

    • @SuperCabrito14
      @SuperCabrito14 2 роки тому +35

      I can imagine someone running back to the houses of the people they loved, but all that's left is a rundown skeleton of a house surrounded by overgrowth, dead unkempt lawns, and rusted shells for vehicles. Then and only then do you truly realize and accept that things will never be the same again

    • @SuperCabrito14
      @SuperCabrito14 2 роки тому +20

      By the way, this would make an amazing short film

    • @TobattoVision
      @TobattoVision 2 роки тому +13

      @@SuperCabrito14 that's awesome and depressing and gives me anxiety.

    • @TobattoVision
      @TobattoVision 2 роки тому +7

      @@SuperCabrito14 yes!

    • @chris_hawk
      @chris_hawk Рік тому

      Not even 400 years, 50 years would be enough. I wake up in the hospital, it is December 3rd, 2073. The nurses are surprised. I am surprised myself I am still able to communicate. I am kept at the hospital for exactly 3 weeks. December 24th I exit the hospital, my legs are shaking because I've lost lots of fat. I take a taxi to the place I used to call home. The exterior is barely recognizable. I ring the doorbell. My younger sister, now in her 60s, opens the door and gapes at me. After a few seconds, she finally recognizes me and gives me a hug. I enter the house and sit down. My first question is, "Is anyone still alive?" Her response is delayed and somber, "No, our parents are no longer with us. I'm sorry." I then remember the brother I used to live with. But no one can tell me where he is, or if he still is. Christmas is now a stark reminder of the family I once had and the moments we shared. One year has now passed since my awakening. I have been brooding, but yesterday I saw kids greeting Santa at a mall and it made my heart feel all warm and fuzzy. Though I've lost a lot, I still haven't lost my humanity. I will be Santa this year, and I will make sure to brighten every kid's Christmas!

  • @АндреасВайц
    @АндреасВайц 2 роки тому +583

    It just brings tears to my eyes. This music made me remember those magical New Year's moments of my Russian childhood, when everything seemed so kind and bright...The smell of tangerines, a table set once a year, my mother, still very young, sparklers, a new Year's tree decorated in the corner, grandfather suddenly leaving somewhere at midnight, after which "Ded Moroz" came...And now it's just cold, melancholy, loneliness, and at midnight of the new year, it's not such a magical time anymore, only another cigarette and a snow-covered balcony with a view of the dark streets are waiting for you. I would give anything to be there again, at a set table, in a circle of laughing and happy relatives. It may sound corny, but just visit your loved ones when you have the opportunity, do not let the daily routine take away from you the most precious thing - the moments when you can be with the person who loves you most in the world, no matter what...Grandma and Grandpa, I love you so much...

    • @flwrjk
      @flwrjk 2 роки тому +33

      you made me cry, i miss childhood so much..

    • @yuumiya5789
      @yuumiya5789 2 роки тому +7

      I should not cry in class rn..

    • @Marika19.09
      @Marika19.09 2 роки тому +4

      Наверное вы тоже одиноки,..

    • @50fi4
      @50fi4 2 роки тому +7

      да, на на самом деле в России и вправду у праздников своя атмосфера, родная ❤

    • @user-zz5oz7mf8l
      @user-zz5oz7mf8l 2 роки тому +7

      Моё детство тоже было таким и только после потерь близких я начал вспоминать их теплоту и доброту и начал жалеть что я очень ужасно поступил. Но самое лучшее что мы можем сделать это не забывать их и дарить те загадочно-волшебные эмоции своим детям

  • @weezodo
    @weezodo 2 роки тому +48

    christmas has just been getting sadder and sadder since my mother died. every christmas i wonder why i bother with it all, but remind myself that if she were still here, she would be doing it. she loved christmas, photos by the fireplace, by the tree on christmas eve, falling over in the snow, it all feels so awfully nostalgic and just, sad. one day i hope the light will return to christmas so i can enjoy it like a toddler. i miss the old days, love u mumma

    • @thesouthernsinger2763
      @thesouthernsinger2763 2 роки тому +2

      That's very touching. Love and peace to you.

    • @weezodo
      @weezodo Рік тому +1

      @@thesouthernsinger2763 thank you, all to you as well! (:

  • @murasaki3714
    @murasaki3714 2 роки тому +57

    I live in Japan, we don't celebrate Christmas. Yet somehow i feel extremely nostalgic. Its like a memory i didn't realise i had until listing to this:)

    • @Jim_Wool
      @Jim_Wool 2 роки тому +7

      Interesting how we can feel nostalgic over places we’ve never been to and experiences we’ve never experienced

    • @JhadeSagrav
      @JhadeSagrav Рік тому

      @@Jim_Wool there's supposedly a word for that! if i ever find it again, i'll update and let you know what it is. okay, i googled it. the one i was thinking of was "sehnsucht," but there's also "fernweh" (or "farsickness") and anemoia.
      @muraski3714 i like to think of it as humans having a collective, almost singular experience that we don't realize we all share (not mine - stole this concept from, of all places, the last book in the "My Teacher Is An Alien" series called "My Teacher Flunked The Planet", which got surprisingly deep for a kids' book.)
      C. S. Lewis also has an interesting quote that i love:
      _“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”_

    • @niichisann
      @niichisann 9 днів тому +1

      It's been 2 years since this comment, but same for me. I live in Turkey where Christmas isn't celebrated but I feel the same way.

  • @ratbones620
    @ratbones620 2 роки тому +58

    I miss the feeling of Christmas when I was little. Going to my grandparents house on Christmas Eve and opening presents, looking at the pretty lights, the anticipation of waiting for “santa” to come. It was all so magical and wonderful. I still love Christmas but it just isn’t the same as you get older. If I could have one more Christmas where I was still filled with all of the wonder and childlike joy, where I still believed in the magic, I would take that chance in a heartbeat.

    • @youareella
      @youareella 2 роки тому +5

      I really resonate with this comment. I hope you have a very warm and merry Christmas this year. ✨

  • @thenixaless7493
    @thenixaless7493 2 роки тому +60

    This feels like a dream you have on Christmas but you're all alone instead of being with family...

  • @FuelAirSparkTime
    @FuelAirSparkTime 2 роки тому +90

    The sadness this evokes in me is so heavy, crushing.. the weight of it feels like a physical sensation.
    This is how my Christmas feels now after many vicious traumas that left it so painful and ruined.
    I don't know whether to thank you or curse you , honestly.

  • @lumidotexe
    @lumidotexe 2 роки тому +75

    this brings me back to December of 2020. the holidays passed by in a blur in my eyes, most likely due to the stress of other events happening that year.

    • @niggasgang8784
      @niggasgang8784 2 роки тому


    • @Ms.Delphine1204
      @Ms.Delphine1204 2 роки тому +2

      Yes and it feels like we’re all still dealing with the after effects of 2020.

  • @chaneyh7752
    @chaneyh7752 2 роки тому +104

    This feels like sitting on a cold porch, wrapped up in your jacket, it's snowing slowly, borderline silent drift of white falling down while you listen to your family laugh merrily inside the warm house. But you feel like you don't belong, you've never belonged. You sit on the porch, and cry. With nothing but the ice and cold night air to freeze your tears

    • @Rouseman-xx9gy
      @Rouseman-xx9gy 2 роки тому +2

      Jesus, that is too relatable... I hope your Christmas is good this year. Happy Holidays:)

    • @swozwocky6198
      @swozwocky6198 Рік тому

      she was all that i had

  • @ashyskyes
    @ashyskyes Рік тому +20

    my parents disowned me at 15 and i was in foster for 3 years, spending Christmas with people who felt like strangers.
    now ive moved out and im spending Christmas alone.
    I have no family to spend Christmas with and it hurts.

  • @cherrycoke1944
    @cherrycoke1944 2 роки тому +36

    this playlist is great, it really hits with trying to celebrate the season, but you're grown up now and the magic isn't there anymore, the flame sizzled down to an ember, you still enjoy time with the family (despite their flaws) and doing all the festivities that come with Christmas, but something doesn't sit quite right anymore

  • @oliver_I_hardly_know_her
    @oliver_I_hardly_know_her 2 роки тому +64

    this reminds me of when i was young and my family and i lived with my grandparents after my grandmother got sick. Every holiday season didn’t feel real. I remember the last christmas with my grandma. i loved my grandparents house, the memories i have of it and them feel like a dream. after my grandmother passed my family and i moved across the country and i only saw my grandfather once before he died in 2018. It hurt so much when i went with my siblings and dad to clean up my grandparents house to sell. There was a tree in the front yard of the house that my grandmother put tables under and a rope swing on, she also put decorations around and in it. I remember playing under the tree with my siblings, and when i saw it again, the swing was practically rotting and the tables were sun bleached. The carpets in the house were all gone due to flooding, it lost its magic. realizing all the time i could’ve had with them and seeing the house in disrepair made me feel awful. i’m pretty sure the house has been torn down now and the land was sold. I wish there was a way we could’ve kept it. also i apologize for a long ass comment and for being pretty sappy

    • @viziontrex
      @viziontrex 2 роки тому +5

      Sorry for your loss brother, my last grandparent passed away a few years back from declining health and family gatherings haven't been the same since. Similar situation happened here. Despite their passing, I hope you may find some joy in these times

    • @RebelRouser91
      @RebelRouser91 2 роки тому +4

      Don't you apologize for expressing yourself. That magic might be gone from the house but it remains in your heart and in your memories.

    • @learlawliet6197
      @learlawliet6197 2 роки тому +3

      I’m so sorry 💔💔💔💔

    • @kandgray
      @kandgray 11 місяців тому +2

      Similar situation. I'm sorry it must feel bad because you wish u can go back and appreciate the good moments again. Especially when u can't go back to the place that once was so lively. My mimi passed away and this year was my first Christmas without her and it seemed so empty

  • @Dragnbreth294
    @Dragnbreth294 22 дні тому +8

    It’s actually a little comforting to have this as someone who suffers from seasonal affective disorder. Winters are usually hard to handle. Less sunlight. Too cold to do something outside. Less time to do things during the day before your energy saps and runs out early into the evening. A time when family is supposed to be together hurts. Trying to enjoy it feels fake and guilt follows not appreciating their presence, and guilt for enjoying a time of year that others experience so much loneliness in. For the moments of joy, it feels like you’re just not supposed to enjoy it. Sometimes, there’s just nothing to feel at all. Sometimes, days pass by while you can’t get out of bed.
    Though it wasn’t always like this, it almost feels like gentle caresses of memories that linger like embers on a dying fire. And sometimes that’s all it takes to feel warmth in such a cold time of year. Thanks for this, it will definitely be on loop for the holidays.

    • @Dragnbreth294
      @Dragnbreth294 22 дні тому +2

      And to anyone suffering from seasonal depression, or from any kind of depression, never forget that the spring is soon to come. Don’t stop fighting to feel the warmth of the sun as the days get longer. Others out there feel your pain, and you may feel others pain through understanding. Keep going strong. We will get through this, one song, one word, one day at a time.

  • @avislittlecorner
    @avislittlecorner 2 роки тому +93

    This makes me sad and happy and emotional all at once. Feeling the Christmas spirit for sure

  • @zanrogil
    @zanrogil 2 роки тому +215

    It is quite emotional, please do not make cry cause it's been a rough year for many of us...

    • @specblend77
      @specblend77 2 роки тому +2

      Hang in there, friend. We will all get through this.

  • @babgab
    @babgab 2 роки тому +56

    Every Christmas tradition you see a child going through is someone's formative memories being made right in front of you

  • @karmo7369
    @karmo7369 2 роки тому +55

    This gives me a bittersweet feeling, a feeling of sadness and loss for all the christmas' that have passed, a newfound appreciation and excitement for the christmas' to come. Who says we cant feel like a child again. Why? The world is already a beautifully cruel place, but WE decide what it takes from us. I hope everyone who stumbles across this has a beautiful Christmas, and a reminder that its not too late to have the Christmas you deserve 💖 Buy that crazy and obnoxious looking Christmas sweater, feel the excitement of what gifts you'll get for the people you love. This christmas will be magical, and no one is ever truly alone. 💖

  • @oh.ikarus
    @oh.ikarus Місяць тому +11

    i'm chinese, i've never celebrated christmas but it's my favorite holiday
    it makes me feel warm and loved, when i look at christmas vlogs or songs. i've never had a loving childhood, never recieved christmas gifts, i just love the idea of christmas, to its very core. i hope to one day find someone and celebrate christmas with them
    in the cold winter snow, i like to think that there's someone out there who loves us, for who we are
    and when the lights turn on, a bit of our joy and laughter mix into the colorfulness of it all,
    christmas is to be loved, and one day i know i'll be loved

    • @niichisann
      @niichisann 9 днів тому +1

      I'm Turkish, I've also never celebrated Christmas but I exactly feel the same way.
      For some reason, I have warm memories of it, perhaps fuzzy memories of a loving childhood which I never really had, memories of a comfy place at a nostalgic place with comfy Christmas decorations and warm colors.
      I hope you find the person you are looking to celebrate Christmas with one day.

    • @oh.ikarus
      @oh.ikarus День тому

      @@niichisann thank you! i hope you have a good comfy christmas :)

  • @avoicefromsomewhere5483
    @avoicefromsomewhere5483 2 роки тому +84

    At first when I started listening to this tracks I imagined a road fulled of people that lost everything because of how the world went.
    But then I remember the far Christmas days and now i understand how important were not only those days, but every other day were something good happened and me and my family were gathered to enjoy the day and we were all happy, which I took for granted.
    Now I realize how lucky I am to have such a life, we aren't billionaires, but I didn't miss anything, I went to university and my family loves me. But unfortunately I knew that this would not last forever and sooner or later many of my family members (including my parents of course) will pass away and I will go into the world on my own.
    I just hope that in the future I'll be more aware of what I have and be grateful for it, and to be strong when I will start to carry my life on my own. And yet I am still afraid that it may happen something terrible, or a mistake on my own that it will ruin my life and I will not see any light at the end of the tunnel, but as my eldest brother said once: even when everything falls apart and seems hopeless there is always a way out (it's not exactly like this, but the point is the same).
    So I just hope to have the strength to go forward and to count for the help of the people that I need most. While I'm still here I want to try enjoy life while I can besides as epicetus (I don't remember the exact name) said: "if I have to die now so be it, but if I have to die later I'll have lunch first, because I haven't eaten today".
    Thank you for reading this and sorry if some parts aren't clear, I hope that you and everyone important in your life stays well.

    • @aryangelozzi1244
      @aryangelozzi1244 2 роки тому +2

      I cried, thanks ❤

    • @THRILLHO10
      @THRILLHO10 2 роки тому +2

      I think it was perfectly clear thank you for sharing Happy Holidays 🎄

    • @pesimistr104
      @pesimistr104 2 роки тому


    • @fanaticat1
      @fanaticat1 2 роки тому

      Very inspiring, thanks!

  • @KathrynB621
    @KathrynB621 2 роки тому +40

    This is so great. I cried during it. Christmas now is so much work, and catering to other people who don’t appreciate it. I say to myself, “See the Joy.” I’m going to try my best to see it this holiday season.

    • @Ms.Delphine1204
      @Ms.Delphine1204 2 роки тому +3

      You’re right. I need an attitude adjustment.

    • @Mesquitepigerino
      @Mesquitepigerino 2 роки тому +1

      Don't kill yourself over ungrateful people. Screw them. Lol. Merry Christmas, friend.

    • @KathrynB621
      @KathrynB621 2 роки тому +3

      @@Mesquitepigerino Thank you for this! My thing this year is, See the Joy.” Life and family may be crazy, but step back and embrace the joy when you can.

    • @KathrynB621
      @KathrynB621 2 роки тому +1

      @@Ms.Delphine1204 I often need an attitude adjustment. My life is complicated, and I feel overwhelmed. We can only do our best and seek joy in things that give us pleasure.

  • @AR-fh4qu
    @AR-fh4qu 2 роки тому +58

    I imagine us in the comment section a small wooden cabin at night . snowing outside. the middle of nowhere. around a fire, sipping whatever you like. Just being there. This background music. That would be heaven.
    every comment is a different perspective. and within that perspective, lies a universe.

    • @a-s-greig
      @a-s-greig 2 роки тому +3

      It's at once a sobering and intoxicating experience to be surround by so many perspectives and so much thoughtful reflection.
      I'm thankful we get to share this moment together.

    • @hannahbg1852
      @hannahbg1852 2 роки тому +2

      Very true, that would be interesting.

  • @H0RR0R.l0ver
    @H0RR0R.l0ver 2 роки тому +7

    this gives me a strong sense of anemoia. It's the feeling of longing for something nostalgic in a certain time period you've never been in before (the old times). These pictures give me the vibe of your grandma/grandpa showing you what their good ol' days was back then.

  • @moose1277
    @moose1277 2 роки тому +38

    god this playlist manages to encapsulate my feelings about christmas so well... feeling like I'm missing something and it's so similar to nostalgia except I have no memories to be nostalgic for... but instead of making me sad I feel like the music embraced me and made me feel less alone in my feelings :")

  • @SkittleStudios
    @SkittleStudios Рік тому +8

    Christmas used to feel so magical, I still feel the same in some way. But it really just doesn’t hit the spot, that feeling of the cold Christmas breeze, the feeling of magical excitement, the happiness I felt overall. Now Christmas simply serves as an open reminder that I will never feel the same anymore. Every now and then I still wrap something I buy for myself and open it with fake excitement, but things like this in life can serve as a reminder that you should be grateful and happy that you’ve lived to point where you can long for old times… farewell, I hope this comment was relevant to you, this just brought so many nostalgic memories.

  • @claire-pp3oh
    @claire-pp3oh 2 роки тому +22

    Silent night recalls so many childhood memories - going to church with my parents, sunny christmas mornings (southern italy doesn't do snow), dinner with family, unpacking gifts, but especially seeing others unpack the present you got them and seeing their face light up with a smile. The christmas tree, the lights, fireworks at midnight. The generally bustling and warm atmosphere. Definitely the best time of the year. ❤️

  • @nataliaishere5162
    @nataliaishere5162 2 роки тому +23

    Christmas now means so much more to me after losing my dearest family member and dearest friend. These songs bring back when I used to visit the church to hear her sing, you never realize how special those memories were until you can no longer make them. Miss her every second❤️ happy holidays to anyone reading this, please treasure every second you have with your loved ones this time of year❤

  • @tatothyblues2995
    @tatothyblues2995 2 роки тому +11

    I didn't know how growing up would affect my perspectives. I remember how happy I am when Christmas is coming (I am still now). But now that I am turning adult. I am missing those times where we used to celebrate, where my dad and mom cuddles me, and I used to received gifts. Now I can no longer go back to that, family incomplete, no presents or anything, I don't feel the same way as I do when I was still a kid. Merry Christmas everyone!

  • @radiredwolfgirl
    @radiredwolfgirl 2 роки тому +39

    This is the first Christmas where I will have to study and worry for the exams that will come in January. I miss the times when I was a kid and didn't have to worry about how a grade determines my entire future :(
    At least I have this wonderful music. Thank you.
    Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and I hope you all cherish the memories!!

    • @LStottmann
      @LStottmann 2 роки тому +2

      I promise, while good grades are amazing and encouraged, you’ll one day realize grades don’t determine your future. There is so much to ones future and in the grand scheme of life, it wont determine your full future. I know it’s drilled in peoples heads like that, but it’s not true. You’ll do many great things in your life besides get a good grade! Happy holidays.

    • @ellieblack8028
      @ellieblack8028 2 роки тому

      @@LStottmann it's true, networking means way more than grades--connections with your classmates and teachers !

  • @bonnieerickson1972
    @bonnieerickson1972 2 роки тому +30

    I'm an introvert and this music somehow feels exactly like the beautiful joy I find in being alone and left to my thoughts. This is so incredibly haunting yet relaxing at the same time. Thank you for putting this up ❤

  • @sidenote276
    @sidenote276 2 роки тому +16

    This Christmas, I won’t be able to have those long conversations with my family about what their year was like, maybe go down memory lane about traditions or my parents’ Christmas stories. Without everyone this year and forward, I’ll have to just sit under the lights outside in the cold and play out what could’ve been in my head. So I guess sometimes grieving can also be a celebration. I can say to myself, “I made it to 2023.” Happy Holidays everyone and remember- cherish those who actually want to be in your life and don’t waste it on those who make you question your capabilities and strength, no matter who it is.

  • @doublebubblebarb7606
    @doublebubblebarb7606 Рік тому +9

    Silent night was the last song I played for my 15 year old chihuahua, named Didi. I was home alone with the pets one night in December and my dogs slept under the Christmas tree with the lights softly shining on them. They do not like sleeping without sound so I played this video for them. My senior dog gently fell asleep so peacefully. I played it every night until I came back a little later than usually to find out that Didi has finally took her last rest while I was in school..❤. Listening to this again brings that beautiful moment again . Thank you, my family and Didi’s daughter misses her so much.

  • @Danny-ze6fs
    @Danny-ze6fs 2 роки тому +83

    It's 12 AM, officially Christmas day. You've become used to the general hollow feeling the holiday brings, the slow drag of a day that once made you happy, and now only reminds you of the hardships of your family.
    It's a painful retelling of every tragedy painted across the bloodline, lining up neatly in the month of December amongst the lights and toys.
    Your fingers brush lightly over old piano keys. It's technically your father's, but it feels as good as yours with the years of work you've put into learning it.
    You hesitantly glance around the room, ensuring no one else in the house is awake, and they aren't. The children of this home have long outgrown their time of waiting to hear reindeer land on the roof, or for the faintest hint at a jolly laugh.
    No, you are most certainly alone.
    With the wind lightly tapping against the windows of the house, the feelings of isolation only increase.
    And then, all at once your find yourself slipping down to sit on the piano stool.
    Pictures of family members long since passed sit atop the instrument, and something about their presence, their smiling faces, it helps you to go on.
    To continue your soft tradition.
    You press your foot down on one of the pedals, the one that you never bothered to learn the name of, but know will mute the notes. You almost want to cry at how your feet can reach the floor now with such ease, how there are no wise hands covering your own, showing you how to play.
    Silent night rings out through the house, your own gentle hum the only to accompany it.
    There is no presence beyond you here, only your hands and the keys.
    It isn't so much lonely when you really think about it, rather it just makes you feel small again. Like you're still young enough to lay under the Christmas tree, and smile up excitedly at all the pretty lights. As if you can still pretend that a Texas winter night is cold enough to warrant a fire in the rarely used fireplace.
    Then, as soon as it began, the song is over. Your tradition is done, another quiet moment of peace before the crushing disappoint of another year passing catches up to you.
    It's a bittersweet parting, and still you touch the piano again, as if to say,
    "I'll be back again, next year."
    (Hope you liked hearing about my little Christmas tradition :] take care of yourself these holidays. You are loved

    • @pires1069
      @pires1069 2 роки тому +5

      Beautifully written, merry christmas

  • @redpetallady
    @redpetallady Рік тому +11

    This playlist makes you feel like a superhuman forest creature has come down from the forest to the town and silently watches a small family's Christmas' celebration from the window. The creature does not understand anything it sees, but is jealous of the warmth of the room and the affection of its family members.

  • @co6308
    @co6308 4 дні тому +3

    I lost my dad in 2013, n I cant believe its been 12 yrs now! He didnt have a lot of money but he always made sure we had a xmas to remember. Christmas isnt the same without him 😢

  • @Sl33py_raccoon
    @Sl33py_raccoon 11 місяців тому +6

    I hope to one day give my future children the joy of Christmas I once felt, I'm only 18 and even now the past few Christmases haven't felt as festive as they once were. I do my best to give my little sister that same holiday feel although it's hard to get into it myself. Christmas was such a magical time growing up, I long to go back to my young and naive self. Before I knew how bad the world could be. I want that innocence of Christmas, trying to stay up late to see Santa, or sneaking downstairs to peak at the gifts before everyone woke up. It's a feeling that feels so familiar yet so, so far away now.

  • @RealKMDub
    @RealKMDub 4 дні тому +3

    Carol of the Bells got me. That used to be my favorite Christmas song when I was a kid, to the point I taught myself how to play it on the piano, which was just a dinky lil app on Mom's kindle.
    Now at least 10 years have passed since then. I'm older, struggling to support myself. My mother is with a very bad person, and she let him kick me out despite everything. This will likely be the first Christmas I spend with just friends and not family.
    So while this playlist makes me feel nostalgic in a sad way, it makes me feel heard, in a way. Thank you for uploading this.

  • @mariannecheronis8920
    @mariannecheronis8920 2 роки тому +41

    You are somebody to me. Your creations are ornate keys, evoking distant memories, turning the tumblers on the locks of doors that lead into rooms unopened for ages but nevertheless are still alive with scenes from our past. Feelings of loneliness and longing swirled together with happiness are all welcome and fill our hearts as we listen. Thank you.💜❄️🕊️

  • @Nathanznigri
    @Nathanznigri 2 роки тому +9

    i can imagine myself in this cabin in the middle of nowhere and there’s snowing all around. the fireplace is crackling and in the background is playing this lovely melody. anything can’t beat me. I feel myself surrounded by pure good energy.

  • @Bryce3189
    @Bryce3189 24 дні тому +5

    Holidays only make me sad as I get older, there is nothing good left anymore.

  • @chloesuee9386
    @chloesuee9386 2 роки тому +126

    your playlists are so wonderful

    • @spmoran4703
      @spmoran4703 2 роки тому +3

      This is dreadful.

    • @Jim_Wool
      @Jim_Wool 2 роки тому +2

      @@spmoran4703 dreadful in a very good way

  • @narniadici1976
    @narniadici1976 2 роки тому +245

    Christmas is a happy time, and yet I feel so so sad listening to this. I hope one day I'll get a Christmas that makes listening to this plsylist put a smile on my face.

    • @XombieLejon66
      @XombieLejon66 2 роки тому +6

      Christmas is only a "happy" time because shopping ads and shitty cliche TV movies tell you it is.

    • @spmoran4703
      @spmoran4703 2 роки тому

      I could not listen to it .

    • @spmoran4703
      @spmoran4703 2 роки тому +1


    • @ahobbit1273
      @ahobbit1273 2 роки тому +16

      @@XombieLejon66 I’m sorry that your experiences have made you feel that way. I wish you nothing but joy this year ❤

    • @camilogomezdrafts2925
      @camilogomezdrafts2925 2 роки тому +14

      @@XombieLejon66 thats your experience and your point of view . For me Christmas especially as a child was the best season of the year and I didn't have anything to do with what you mention before.

  • @meglovessims6030
    @meglovessims6030 2 роки тому +9

    I remember when we lived with my grandma. I was always so excited for Christmas, literally counting down the days and talking about it with my friends at school. I wouldn't be able to sleep the night before. I'm married, moved away from home, and it just never feels like Christmas anymore. I feel almost sad every year waiting for it. I so much wish I could feel that child-like excitement again. Being an adult in the "real world" with marital issues, health issues, money issues, family issues, and day to day stuff really sucks sometimes. I love my life, but thinking back on those simple times makes me smile and hurt all at the same time. Yall have a good Christmas.

    • @ellieblack8028
      @ellieblack8028 2 роки тому +1

      it's not to late to make changes... it's not too much to want that feeling again

    • @Quipie
      @Quipie 2 роки тому +1

      you can always re-live those memories with your future kids, and grandkids.

  • @aynapaisley
    @aynapaisley 2 роки тому +9

    This actually made me so uneasy, instead of feeling cozy. It sounded like a broken record, like something you hear in a dream, familiar, but can't quite remember and it's driving you nuts. Paired with the photos it's actually so eerie, I had to switch to something else. The photos gave me a feeling of strsight up horror I the only one who felt scared while watching this video?

  • @hannah-wf7qe
    @hannah-wf7qe 2 роки тому +5

    this year will be my first christmas as an adult and i honestly have no idea how to feel. i always told myself that christmas would never lose its magic no matter how old i got, yet here i am. my first christmas where im truly just not excited in the slightest. christmas just makes me think about sad memories that i'll never get to relive. watching polar express at nine in the morning with the rest of your class with hot chocolate. leaving cookies and a note out for santa. writing christmas lists. watching christmas movies. but most of all, im gonna miss that light, fuzzy feeling i'd have in my stomach for the entirety of christmas eve, and that uncontainable excitement that i would go to sleep with that night. i miss being so excited i couldnt fall asleep on christmas eve. now the magic is just gone. i really wish i hadnt taken it for granted.

  • @finndriessen5829
    @finndriessen5829 Рік тому +4

    Had a christmas alone at the physic. Completly lost in my own toughts but still hearing the cold wind blowing over the snowy grass. Seeing beautifull lights red green yellow and many others from outside my window. Hearing people laugh and having a fun time together. While i was their rottin in a cell with only myself to talk to no one that for me to wish me merry christmas. Im happy that time is over now. This list really reminds me of that year thankyou.

  • @abriana331ILy
    @abriana331ILy 2 роки тому +31

    If I had a coin for every time I wanted to feel like I belonged in this made up loving world that I’ve created thru it’s polar opposite of varying traumatic scenarios, I more than likely wouldn’t be able to feel like I do now. I miss a place that wasn’t even mine to begin with. It captivates my soul and sends chills down my spine. As my memories flutter with flashes of joy and happiness in the made up world I created as a child. Only to try and build something now as an adult without only creating it within my mind, but bringing it to life the best way I can. To feel as if I’m real. I never knew what that was like. I’m glad to have this music from this channel because it evokes a lost nostalgia that only i and my soul know.

  • @Lunamine
    @Lunamine 2 роки тому +261

    It reminds me of that Christmas, shortly after my parents divorced.
    It was only my mom, my sister and I, and I remember how much effort my mom had put into that Christmas.
    My sister had a new playstation, I had the newly released Mario Game, namely Mario Sunshine, and we had a lovely dinner together.
    It makes my heart feel warm but it also aches.

    • @Myrkul-D
      @Myrkul-D 2 роки тому +14

      You have a very kind and loving mom. So from one internet stranger to another tell her you love her and tell her that I’m proud of her for me would ya? Cause this is exactly what my mom would do if she had the money. If we had the money.

    • @learlawliet6197
      @learlawliet6197 2 роки тому +3

      I love you ❤❤❤❤

    • @bokboman
      @bokboman 2 роки тому +17

      I fell the same way about a memory of mine. Me and my two siblings and our mom. Ive got a complicated relationship with my mom. Alcoholic, narcissistic, bipolar, going out on benders all throughout my childhood. But she's my mom. And i love her. We were barely able to afford our rental (which was a less-than-legal basement of a small house) and she was in a deep depression. We hadnt put up a tree until two days before Christmas. We didnt have a tree and definitely couldnt buy one. So we all cut up green papers and taped them to the living room wall and crafted ornaments, a little paper star, and even some paper gifts beneath it. My mom wouldnt come off of the couch, but i saw her smile for the first time in a while. I wish I remembered all of what I got that christmas. Probably new pajamas and play-doh. That's a bittersweet memory of mine.

  • @zeinabfarhat3380
    @zeinabfarhat3380 29 днів тому +6

    This Christmas feels heavier, sadder than usual. Every year, as November ends, I find myself excitedly planning for my birthday on 25/12, a day that’s always been more than just about me-it’s a day for family, for togetherness. Even though we are Shia and Christmas isn’t part of our religious traditions, it has always been a special day in our home. It’s my birthday and, more importantly, a day when everyone is off from work, and we all come together as a family. For four generations, we’ve celebrated every year, even during COVID, finding ways to make it meaningful and warm despite the circumstances. But this year, with the war looming over everything, it feels different. Being in the seasonal house, which isn’t even prepared for winter-without the fireplace crackling, without my Christmas tree glowing-it all feels so grey. Seeing everyone else posting their Christmas trees and festive decorations makes me question why this year feels so empty for us.
    It feels even heavier than those years when my cousins couldn’t make it to celebrate, but home was still here, and I was warm, surrounded by the familiar comforts that made everything feel okay. Now, it’s very different. Home feels distant, and the warmth I used to feel-even in the simplest moments-feels like a memory. It’s not just the absence of things; it’s the absence of that unshakable sense of belonging and joy. This year, even my birthday-a day I’ve always loved-is overshadowed by this grey emptiness, and it’s a reminder of how much has changed and how much we’ve lost.

  • @Garlic_breaddd
    @Garlic_breaddd Рік тому +7

    Well it’s Christmas once again. There’s no snow on the ground and the stockings are tired of their place up on the wall. The tree is sagging under the weight of the decorations and the lights seem to only sadly smile at night. I didn’t make any snow angels this year. We never sang deck the halls together. The silver bells are drowned out by the sound of car horns on the road as everyone curses at the price of generosity. It’s Christmas one again. But this year was grey. Melancholy accompanies my hot chocolate that just doesn’t taste the same this year. Merry Christmas everyone. Hold on tight to the magic if you feel it.

  • @alonewithoutyoubymyside3936
    @alonewithoutyoubymyside3936 Рік тому +3

    this is so hard . it’s that time of year ago when the rememberance of everything i’ve lost comes into play. i miss my happiest christmas memories, being little, old friends, innocence, parents being together. i still adore christmas but it doesn’t feel the same . i have so much to say. i love you christmas

  • @Llamarama100
    @Llamarama100 Місяць тому +5

    This is how Christmas feels when there's no one left to celebrate it with you

  • @Владосик-з3н
    @Владосик-з3н 2 роки тому +10

    The best photos Adore, loneliness and snow are the best combination

  • @wildrosecece
    @wildrosecece 2 роки тому +57

    The upright piano still stood there, dimly lit by the sharp winter moon peering into the large room. Velvet couches and dusty drapes smelled of winter pine and forgotten crackling fires. Chairs faced away from the long wooden table in silent attention. Every night, a figure formed, from the shadows, a child, and practiced for the recital.

  • @MitchWestWeather
    @MitchWestWeather Рік тому +8

    Probably the saddest comment section I have ever read. Have two little girls of my own which are currently 6 & 8, it breaks my heart some of you had to experience heartache during such a beautiful time of the year or really anytime of the year..

    • @Iamtheendoftheworld
      @Iamtheendoftheworld Рік тому +3

      You’re a good human, Mitch. Thank you for having empathy, sometimes the deep corners of the internet are the realest parts of life we see take shape on our little phones. Thank you bro

  • @RFK_1928
    @RFK_1928 2 місяці тому +6

    I would give anything to be a kid for Christmas again, I wanna relive those memories 😢

  • @gpk_2544
    @gpk_2544 2 роки тому +29

    do you literally read minds???
    i love christmas but never has my family celebrated it.
    all that i do is walk around the city watching people celebrate listening to silent night.
    that is how i created fake memories for myself

  • @DavidGarcia-tl9im
    @DavidGarcia-tl9im 13 днів тому +3

    It's like putting a house inside a snow globe (your thoughts) and leaving the music playing all night long until it stops (your sadness). Then waking up with the greatest of joys (your happiness).

  • @kyleag86
    @kyleag86 Рік тому +6

    i’m only 16 and christmas doesn’t even feel the same anymore. i hate growing up. thank u for this playlist 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @witchykittyy
    @witchykittyy 8 днів тому +3

    As a child I would dream of who I would spend my Christmas with, promising to make the warm loving family I never had and make Christmas feel magical again. It never happened. But maybe one day this nightmare will end and I will feel something like that hope again.

  • @GreenieBeaniezzz
    @GreenieBeaniezzz 17 днів тому +3

    The holidays have never been a good time of me. It's just been a lot of... fighting and fear, honestly. Yet, somehow, this playlist is still oddly comforting.

  • @Tiredhighschooler
    @Tiredhighschooler 13 днів тому +4

    As a person with DID (dissociative identity disorder) that makes most of my childhood memories inaccessible, this perfectly encapsulates the feeling of hearing stories from family members about Christmases before and having no clue what they're discussing. I know I was there for it; I still have some of the gifts, but I have very limited memories of it. I remember the arguments, the stress I saw all the adults in my life suffer, how I got treated as a result, but none of the good memories. I don't get to remember the feeling of going to midnight mass and then opening presents at 2 am, I don't get to remember my siblings seeing the gifts I made them and feeling happy. All of that has been lost for me, and might never get those feelings back. Just the haunting idea of the holidays and feeling like something is horribly wrong with me.

  • @d_johhns0n
    @d_johhns0n Рік тому +4

    i hope my love for christmas and the snow stays forever even when i grow up

  • @kyann1213
    @kyann1213 2 роки тому +8

    No because the fact that this was my last Christmas with my family as a “kid” has me in tears. I’ll be 18 very soon, and moving away. Sure I’ll see my family, but it won’t be like this ever again. Life moves too fast guys. Don’t take anything for granted. Cherish every moment.

    • @Slyarno2795
      @Slyarno2795 2 роки тому

      I know that feeling and my mom didn't want a christmas tree because of feeling underwhelming and I left for my sister's place with her children and boyfriend which I couldn't have felt happier this year. This makes me feel happy but sad that my parents didn't want a christmas tree. At least I watch the christmas movies with them and it was fun to see.

  • @isabelabutcher3495
    @isabelabutcher3495 2 роки тому +3

    I love the amount of people that just express all their emotions in these comments because of memories and feelings they’ve felt years ago or in the present.
    I feel different compared to all these comments because I just listen to these to remove stress.

  • @Miandi-1823
    @Miandi-1823 Рік тому +8

    When you lost your family and have no family left to spent Christmas with and you're all alone...😔

  • @yuuricos1043
    @yuuricos1043 Рік тому +6

    There’s something about the last song, along with its title, that makes me curl up in a ball and cry like a child every time I hear it. The title alone makes me tear up, and it gives the already heart wrenching sound an even more heavy feeling to it.

  • @sillygoofyguyy
    @sillygoofyguyy 6 днів тому +3

    i yearn for the lost days of childhood whimsy, when my body wasn't the surface of a thousand scars, when everything felt okay. i miss the unconditional joy, i miss the fuzzy atmosphere that the early days of my childhood seemed to carry with it, i miss the warm bodies of my cats pressed up against me; warming me from the cold as i could barely keep my eyes closed, the clock seemingly striking midnight of its own accord, when those I loved where still alive.

  • @elliefavors
    @elliefavors 2 роки тому +3

    This reminds me of the christmas I never had, mixed with the christmas I experienced as a child. The images have that early 2000s feel to it and there’s this one inside my mind; a cozy living room dimly lit by the chimney, with snow coating the windows accompanying the large, dazzling christmas tree. There’s this feeling of quiet anticipation and innocence in the air. But then, there’s my childhood. Instead of a dimly lit house, there’s no chimney - just a small living room and a decent-sized christmas tree. It’s always cold and there’s loud music always playing around this time of year. Either way, I was happy, and even though that magical feeling gradually faded as I got older, I still can’t help but think of the alternative christmas whenever I hear the old classics on the radio, and get nostalgic as if I actually did live in that house with the chimney and giant christmas tree..

  • @-cone
    @-cone 2 роки тому +3

    last christmas i met someone that i loved like i never loved someone, but now he's gone and christmas is coming, and i can't stop thinking of him :(

  • @cloudboi4173
    @cloudboi4173 11 місяців тому +8

    I remember Christmas times where it was magic, the whole family reunited, sweets, warm food, and a tradition I used to make for my little siblings, tell them a story before twelve to give Santa time to get the gifts under the tree. And now, not even that tradition lives, my uncles forgot about my stories for the little ones and places the gifts under the three even before 11, the food doesn’t taste as good and a lot of my uncles were missing or were divorced, I tried to tell my cousins and siblings the stories I used to tell them, but they weren’t paying attention. So I think I might stop doing this, if no one is giving the effort to at least bring a pinch of that magic back, why should I?

  • @anxiousmanx
    @anxiousmanx 2 роки тому +7

    That's what Christmas has felt like for me since 2020. Not just because of COVID but because of my Mamaw passing away. Christmas was her favorite holiday and no matter what, she always decked the trailer out in lights, inside and out. My angel always made it so magical and even though my Mom bought most of the gifts every year, anything I had with my Mamaw was/is special to me. There's so much more I could post here, but 22 years just wasn't enough time. When she was in the process of passing on, my world got darker, however I'm glad I had a few parting moments with her, to tell her I loved her. To hold her hand and know that the person she raised was going to be ok and turn out eventually to be something great. I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this sentiment. Merry Happy whatever to you all, and if not, I hope you have a better new year and that the magic eventually comes back

  • @Spiff-b3c
    @Spiff-b3c 15 днів тому +7

    Why be sad when you could be sad and festive.

  • @Fallen-Snow
    @Fallen-Snow 2 роки тому +5

    Reminds me of the chaos and lonelyness of Christmas. Every year it gets lonelier....

  • @theeleona3791
    @theeleona3791 2 роки тому +3

    Reminds me of last year when I was the only one who sat with my grandmother in the hospital on Christmas, she had been admitted to a room finally and I decided to put her in a chair so she could watch the snow fall outside. It was a memory we shared that I'll never forget, I didn't realize at the time that it would be the last Christmas I'd get to spend with her and that I'd have to watch her pass away in front of me the day before Halloween. Merry Christmas Mimi, it will never be the same without you.

  • @insomnia._
    @insomnia._ Рік тому +8

    I'm spending my christmas crying and rotting in my room while everyone else is having fun.
    It's dec 25, 2023 for me.

    • @rivers182
      @rivers182 Рік тому

      Same here man, despite I don't know you, I hope you find the happiness you deserve in this life.

  • @EchoCatAFK
    @EchoCatAFK Місяць тому +2

    This is how I feel about Christmas now. I was a middle schooler when the holidays went from exciting to stressful and panic-inducing. My dad couldn’t handle the loss of his father and has made Christmas miserable because he’s from the ages where men don’t cry, they just get angry. So every year, he gets angry.

  • @rkthekid621
    @rkthekid621 2 роки тому +15

    Christmas was always my favorite time of year. I loved Halloween, but Christmas was different. Every year we’d have the same tradition. Dad would get home from work on Christmas Eve around 3, and we’d all get ready and go to my Uncle’s house. I was never super comfortable there. It smelled strange and I wasn’t too fond of my uncle. I’d often play with my cousins. We’d play CoD on his Xbox or have little battles with his Legos. His dad frequently bought him new stuff so he always had something to show me. We’d have a big Italian feast and I’d have to sit at the kids table. I never like the food much, but I’d eat a fair amount before saying I was full. Some years we got Chinese take out (those being my preference of course). After dinner, we’d go to midnight mass. My cousins were often part of the service, being heavily religious. I was never a huge church guy, but there was something about the chapel that always left me awestruck. Something about the sound of the carols echoing through the building that always made me feel so small, like I was in the presence of a beast. After mass we’d shuffle into our cars and make our way back to their house, where we’d exchange gifts. They never got me anything memorable. A board game, a book. One year they regifted me a game I got them the year before. But we’d say our goodbyes and give hugs and leave. They always did their porch really crazy with a bunch of different colored lights on it. I never was a fan. The drive home always felt very surreal. Maybe I was just exhausted or maybe it was my dads hectic driving. My sister would often leave something behind and we’d have to go back for it. After we got home, my sister and I would head upstairs to bed. Often she would come into my room and sleep with me. Other years, she’d wake me up at the crack of dawn to see what Santa had left us. We had miniature trees in each of our rooms (that we had asked for). And my old man had the brilliant idea to leave us each a gift to tide us over until he got up with my mom. He had an old camera he’d turn on downstairs before we could actually go down. We’d bring them our gifts to them first, and they’d open them in bed. Dad would normally open his first, then go set up the camera. I still remember the way he talked to my mom. He’d say “I’m gonna go get it set up, Love you Momma”. She’d open her gift and then slowly rise to life, dressing in her purple robe to come down and join us. Eventually we all had bathrobes, taking on Sort of a tradition. We’d come downstairs to turn the corner towards the tree, seeing our dad sitting on the couch with a giant pile of gifts under the tree. My dad was a smart shopper, and stretched his dollar as wide as he could. The gifts would stretch from the tv stand all the way to the fireplace, dwarfing the tree. He would often wrap each of ours in a specific paper, to make it easy for us to know which gift was for who. My mom would make cinnamon rolls for us in the kitchen, and would ask if I wanted tea. Me and my sister would each take a seat to the sides of the tree. Digging into the pile. I was very slow, enjoying the process, but she would just piledrive through hers. My dad would often ask what we got, and would ask to see. He’d explain what it was and why he thought we’d like it. As an adult looking back, I understand what he was doing. Eventually we’d either get through everything Santa brought, which left a few gifts for the parents “from Santa” or from each other. My mom would often go for her stocking first. We had an old tradition of putting the bows on her robe as we cleaned up the paper. It was silly, but it was cute for us. We never did much the rest of the day. We’d try out new games, I’d build my legos. Eventually we’d have dinner. Ravioli my mom got special from Brooklyn with her famous sauce, and garlic bread. She was an amazing cook, and we’ve continued the tradition to this day. I’ve been looking for a playlist to just sit down and unload this to, and typing it out has really helped me visualize it. Thank you. And thanks if anyone has actually read this all the way lmao.

    • @memesfromdema5032
      @memesfromdema5032 2 роки тому +2

      I read the whole thing, that sounds like a nice tradition 😊 thank you for sharing and Merry Christmas

    • @rkthekid621
      @rkthekid621 3 місяці тому

      @@memesfromdema5032my parents have been divorced for five years. Turns out there were some major holes in their marriage and how they chose to raise us. Christmas was apparently not nearly as fun of a time as I recall, but it is definitely one of the few consistently positive memories I have. There was a sacred ritual-ness to the traditions. I’ve tried very hard to keep true to as many of them as I can as an adult, making changes where I can (I’m not nearly as smart of a shopper as my dad, admittedly). 😅

  • @knessing7681
    @knessing7681 2 роки тому +10

    this is like an echo of long dead christmas past coming back to haunt us.

  • @StarAmbience42
    @StarAmbience42 2 роки тому +18

    Wow I listen to a lot of sad music, but this.. this is next level. Especially in the context of the title. It reaches in to the broken dream inside all of us. 😢

  • @juliantotriwijaya9208
    @juliantotriwijaya9208 2 роки тому +2

    It's so slow, soft, and low in volume, this could put me to sleep, it sounds like floating into a dream.

  • @ЭвилинаЯшкова
    @ЭвилинаЯшкова 2 роки тому +4

    I couldn't enjoy New year since i was 7 or 5 years old. For me, this holiday has became nothing, but a reason for my family to get drunk. Because i always wished for something that never happened, even thought it was possible. And so, i lost all of my enthusiasm for this holiday.
    Yesterday i saw this playlist, and i thought "Wow, something good to listen to while doing homework". And i did all the homework within 2 hours. I liked this playlist.
    I was looking at those pictures that were in the video, and started to think about how i was spending my New year when i was 5-7. I didnt remember a lot, but those little pieces of my memory warmed my soul: me and my big sister and her friend were dancing around the New year tree at my aunties house. And i remembered about victorina we played that year.
    The problem of New Year is that nothing changes: my parents wait till its 00:00 and drink alcohol like vine or vodka and after that they salute and start dancing. They are becoming loud and i just sit in my room and wait till they're done or i fall asleep.
    But i have been thinking, and i have decided to celebrate this New Year as i always wanted: in my friends compamy. I hope that everything is going to be good.
    Also, i was looking for the comments, and i feel very happy that people still love to celebrate New Year. Thank you, author, for making me feel better and for creating this playlist. I wish yoy all love and luck.

  • @Mesquitepigerino
    @Mesquitepigerino 2 роки тому +4

    As a kid, I went to my (rich) aunt and uncle's house for Christmas Eve. I had so much fun playing with my cousins and being in a positive environment with my extended family. My parents never attended this event and it was really the only opportunity I had growing up to experience what a family is supposed to be like. After the gathering, I would arrive home to my parents drunk (per usual) and I always hated that dark feeling of being abandoned by the happy extended family and returned to my "proper" place into the care of two people that clearly did not have my best interest at heart. Now, Christmas morning was still enjoyable for me and was something I looked forward to, because my parents always got me some really good stuff (video games, gadgets, etc) that would keep me occupied. It was always a bittersweet feeling, though, because what I really longed for was love, not the isolation I received. Looking back, it really hurts to see the neglected child that thinks she didn't deserve love. Since then, though, I was able to sever ties and I'm happy to say it's been nearing a decade since I've had any contact with my abusive family. I'm happy and I have a loving fiance. We have tried (succeeding in being super freaking cute) to make our own little Christmas while we prepare to have our own kids in a few years that we will love and cherish properly. Anyway, I've spent a lot of time hung up on the past and the many ways I was wronged as a child and what I could have had and what I deserved, etc. But the moral of the story is that life is what we make of it and we have to know we can heal the past, no matter how painful it was or is to look back on. To those of you lamenting about how Christmas has lost its magic for you, remember that it doesn't ever die, and you can always get it back, even if it has to be in a different way from a different perspective. Never let go of hope that it gets better.

  • @Leekyunglee
    @Leekyunglee 2 роки тому +10

    주말 낮에 북적북적한 마트에서 나 혼자 모둠회랑 맥주를 사서 쇼핑하는 중에 이 노래를 듣는데 너무나도 우울한 느낌. 그치만 싫진않아 너무 좋다

  • @Iamtheendoftheworld
    @Iamtheendoftheworld Рік тому +5

    It’s getting cold brothers, brave this winter and we will see it through, we always have

  • @bagofbarbies126
    @bagofbarbies126 2 роки тому +3

    This is really nice. These days I feel more alone than I’ve ever been. I miss my grandparents. I miss my friends. I miss being happy.

  • @ocdab0ss049
    @ocdab0ss049 Місяць тому +3

    I wish I could go back and relive my childhood. I yearn to relive all those Christmas memories.

  • @nerozeid
    @nerozeid 2 роки тому +5

    this reminds me of this one christmas, back when i was six. (tw for slight trauma, illness)
    through my whole early childhood, i struggled with pretty severe depression and health issues. but that year, specifically, was rough. i was going through pneumonia, and i had been off school for a while. i barely realized that christmas was around the corner. yet it was, and once i realized, i remember starting to think about what my school friends were doing. i distinctly recall my best friend back then, a happy-go-lucky girl named jillian. on that awful december day, i could picture her running about her suburban split-level, squealing about the gifts under the tree, and if she could open them right then. i bet their house smelled of shortbread cookies, space heaters, and the perfume of loving grandmothers. you know, my parents never did gifts when i was young. if my own relatives remembered me, i'd get a used book or a teddy bear, but that wasn't very often. but i really didn't care too much. i was a child, i'd never known anything else. i never knew that children were meant to be carefree.
    but what i do remember, that still sticks with me like it was yesterday, was that christmas morning. jewelry

    • @tripinism
      @tripinism 2 роки тому

      this touches me so much, i hope your doing greater than ever xoxo happy winter

  • Рік тому +6

    Its never been like this before. But ever since they sold my old loving elementry school 5 years ago, it hasn' t been the same. I'm in middle school right now and its not easy, not the fact im in middle school, yet the ffact im in middle school andd christmas doesn't feel like christmas. my cat died 3 years ago on christmas eve, not only did my cat die but so did my happiness. Christmas felt worse and worse over the years.

  • @Noahwalter-bs4ts
    @Noahwalter-bs4ts 7 місяців тому +6

    This is what Christmas sounds like now a days no more presents, no more nostalgia, no more happiness,

  • @todoroki_simp12
    @todoroki_simp12 11 місяців тому +4

    i feel like christmas lost its magic as i got older,i miss those days when it felt special

    • @markofabecic6824
      @markofabecic6824 11 місяців тому

      I can agree it loses meaning over time as we get older, but I still am happy and feel joy even as an adult. Maybe because I'm christian and I see every Christmas like time we need to feel that