Please pray for me brothers and sisters Insha'Allah. I need to make my way back to the Straight Path. May Allah Be With Us All in this temporary life of struggles and hardships
beloved Ortiz ...You need to say la ilaha ilallah muhammadun rasulalah and these words mean that you bear witness that there is only one God worthy of worship i.e. Allah and Muhammad pbuh is his prophet i.e. his messenger. Further you can search for vedios at you tube to get more Islamic knowledge. Mashaallah. May Allah bless you and all of us.
The greatest act of Love is to bring each other Closer to Allah. May Allah bless you and keep continue blessing you always with peace and happiness and all the success in your life of this dunya and hereafter
JazakAllah Khair, this is just so beautiful. You explained the Basics of the Deen so well. May Allah reward you for educating us. Please make more videos like this for us. Your presentation is soul touching; Asking questions and seeking answers is so important for understanding and getting to know Allah. Thank you millions of times over.
True Happiness Allah says, “Whenever there comes to you Guidance from Me, and whoever follows My Guidance, there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve” (2:38). Allah has emphasized these words when He said, “But if, as is sure, there comes to you guidance from Me, whosoever follows My guidance, will not lose his way, nor fall into misery. But whosoever turns away from My Message, verily for him is a life narrowed down, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment. He will say, ‘O my Lord! Why have You raised me up blind, while I had sight (before)?’ (Allah) will say, ‘Thus did you, when Our Signs came to you, disregard them, so will you, this day, be disregarded’” (20:123-127).
There is a minor error in the subtitle at 2:45, instead of writing Allah (SWT) it is written Allah (SAW). Amazing work my brother's and sisters. May Allah bless you.
I find it really powerful is asking yourself questions 1. do you love Allah? Have you chosen Allah? What are you willing to give up for Allah? Very powerful questions to reflect
Only we can feel Allah in this world , like we can't see the sun properly but we can feel the rays. Without strengthening our soul it is impossible. To build our soul zikr e khafi is the best method , according to my experience... Alhamdulillah I saw the noor of Allah & feels it. but not ends...
Allahu Akbar. Everything makes sense. Today I was reading Suratul Adiyat in Salat and stuttered on the verse (Verily, man is ungrateful to his lord) And in this video he talks about how even Musa(AWS) was ungrateful. So people will always ask for more.
Brothers and sisters please pray for me. I’m at a point in my life where I’m so lost. Idk what I want to do with my life. I feel so broken. May Allah accept our duas.
I have lost my deen m doing bad things m leaving out prayers on purpose m doing every sin tht is forbidden in Quran i feel no emotions no nothing plzz Allah save me guys plzz pray to Allah so he can bring me back to the right path !
Yeah, indeed that is true..... And of course the worldly affairs plus shaydan is the biggest obstacle of our distraction. May ALLAH protect us all, without his mercy we could be in trouble.
Say these Dhikr daily for rewards from Allah: Subhanallah X33 Alhamduillah X33 Allahu Akbar X33 Astagfiruallah X33 La haw wala quata illah billah X33 La illaha illahu muhammadur rasuallah X33
يوم القيامه؟😔. وانت واقف ولست ضامن دخول الجنه. فجأه اتتك جبآل من الحسنات ولاتعلم من اين ، انها فقط من قول: سبحان الله وبحمده ،سبحان الله العظيم ، لست مجبور بأرسالها ولكن انت مخير بين اخذ اجر كل من قراهآ☁️.." اجعلها صدقه جاريه لك و لوالديك.."💓💓💙✨ أستغفرالله الذي لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم واتوب اليه 💓💙 حسبي الله الذي لا إله إلا هو عليه توكلت وهو رب العرش العظيم 💓💙 رب إغفرلي ولوالدّي وللمؤمنين والمؤمنات الأحياء منهم والأموات💓💙 اللهم اشفي مرضانا ومرضى المسلمين 💓💙 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم "قل هو الله أحد الله الصمد لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفواَ أحد" 💓💙 لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين 💓💙 ياحي ياقيوم برحمتك استغيث اصلح لي شأني كله ولا تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عين 💓💙 اللهم اكتب لي تغييراَ للأفضل في نفسي وحالي وحقق لي مااتمنى ولا تجعلني وجعاً أو عبئاً لأحد من خلقك اللهم لا تحرمني خيرك بقلة شكري ولا تخذلني بقلة صبري ولا تحاسبني بقلة استغفاري فأنت الكريم الذي وسعت رحمته كل شيء
May allah forgive all our sins. We all wanna be a part of jannah and I hope that we all find the path to find allah. Elhamdulillah for everything he gaves us. Much respect for the preacher what is his name i would like to hear more from him. But you can pls delete all this advertions, middle of the scenes a heineken advertion comes and my concentration goes away. Thanks for the upload!
Ppl talk abt life long expectancy.they 4get that extension of life is special gift,a gift to distance you frm hell N brings you closer to His mercy N giving you time to repent.
I could listen all day.. As a revert to Islam, I am grateful for these types of talks.. .
Elizabeth AsK Welcome to Islam dear brother or sister :) May Allah bless you and us all with Jannatul Firdous, Ameen :)
Abdul Ameen
Abdul 🙏
Welcome to Islam...May Allah open your mind and help you understand more ..May Allah guide us all in the right path ..AMEEN
May Allah forgive all our past, present, future hidden, open,known and unknown sins...Ameen Ya Rab.
Ebrima kandeh ءامين
Ebrima kandeh ameen
If allah didint take your soul until now that means he love you and he want to give you many chances in life :)
Subhana Allah your comment made me cry
May Allah Bless you.
Hello sir please change your user name for the sake of allah
❤️❤️❤️ ALLAHH ❤️❤️
@@mohammadsharukh3454 Salam. Brother, isn't it allah with one 'H'?
may Allah guide my family in a right path ameen.
baidge theng ءامين
Ameen so do the muslim ummah
Indeed no Doubt at all
❤️❤️❤️ ALLAHH guide me guide me guide me guide me ❤️❤️
the talk are so touching I cry and cry love the knowledge may Allah grant us the knowledge so we can act upon it Ameen
Allah is with those who are patient
Arrauf TWOM Aslamualeykum, PLEASE check out and subscribe to my channel, for beautiful islamic content! jazakallah (:
Please pray for me brothers and sisters Insha'Allah. I need to make my way back to the Straight Path. May Allah Be With Us All in this temporary life of struggles and hardships
May ALLAH guide you, bless you and protect you.
MAY Allah grant us ability to understand the deen❤️
May Allah help us to find him, keep him and love him like no other and may Allah accept us and love us back...
I wish they added the imam's speaking in the description so we can search for more lectures from these amazing speakers
Yahya Ibrahim
allah is always with us
khizar rana الله اكبر
May Allah forgive all of our, past, present, and future sins, Ameen.
( O_〉O)? aameen
( O_〉O)? Ameen
( O_〉O)? Hey would you like to join the Islam server?
( O_〉O)? Ameen
( O_〉O)? ameen
SubhaanAllah.Msy Allah swt give us the ability to live up to the kalima Laa ilaha illalla Muhammadur Rasool Allah.Ameen😔🙂
how do I become a Muslim?? do I have to say some words??
beloved Ortiz ...You need to say la ilaha ilallah muhammadun rasulalah and these words mean that you bear witness that there is only one God worthy of worship i.e. Allah and Muhammad pbuh is his prophet i.e. his messenger. Further you can search for vedios at you tube to get more Islamic knowledge. Mashaallah. May Allah bless you and all of us.
niha Firdous Allah is an Arabic/Semitic word that means God.
I'm Happy crying to Love Allah and muhammad
masha ALLAH
Lula29 Lula29 please mention sallalahu alaihi wasallam after Prophet Muhamammad (s.a.w) name
Me to ALLAH love the most ameen
May ALLAH accept it
The greatest act of Love is to bring each other Closer to Allah.
May Allah bless you and keep continue blessing you always with peace and happiness and all the success in your life of this dunya and hereafter
May Allah bless the sheikh who made this lecture.. Alhamdulillah life changing
Such a awesome speech... seriously inspired...May Allah protect us
Amin ya rabbal aalamin
JazakAllah Khair, this is just so beautiful. You explained the Basics of the Deen so well. May Allah reward you for educating us. Please make more videos like this for us. Your presentation is soul touching; Asking questions and seeking answers is so important for understanding and getting to know Allah. Thank you millions of times over.
Subhan Allah. Shukran Muslim brother for the wisdom out of the Quran you share with us. Jazak Allah Khair.
Never loose hope in the mercy of Allah ❤️ Allahumagfir lil mumineena wal muminati wal muslimeena wal muslimati wal ahya minhum wal anyway❤️
Allah is The Kind, The Merciful. He is also the All-Appreciative, He will appreciate every good deed, no matter how small it is.
Fireheart Lightning Aslamualeykum, PLEASE check out and subscribe to my channel, for beautiful islamic content! jazakallah (:
This was one of the most powerful things I ever listen to
Masha Allah. May Allah forgive us on our sins and lead us to the righteous path.
True Happiness
Allah says, “Whenever there comes to you Guidance from Me, and whoever follows My Guidance, there shall be no fear on them, nor shall they grieve” (2:38). Allah has emphasized these words when He said, “But if, as is sure, there comes to you guidance from Me, whosoever follows My guidance, will not lose his way, nor fall into misery. But whosoever turns away from My Message, verily for him is a life narrowed down, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Judgment. He will say, ‘O my Lord! Why have You raised me up blind, while I had sight (before)?’ (Allah) will say, ‘Thus did you, when Our Signs came to you, disregard them, so will you, this day, be disregarded’” (20:123-127).
happiness wealth May Allah grant us protection on the Day of Judgment, Ameen.
Subhanallah Alhamdulilah Allah O Akbar peace and blessings of Allah swt be upon all the prophets and the muslim ummah Ameen ❤️❤️
Ameen ❤️❤️❤️
This is beautiful ..So beautiful.
الحمد لله ❤️
Jazaku lahu kheiran, For the best Reminder. ALLAHU AKBAR, ALLAHU AKBAR, ALLAHU AKBAR. Wa lillahi Hamd.
Subhan Allah Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar I love 💕 You Allah
SubhanAllah Indeed ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Ameen sumAmeen ❤️
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله #الله #اكبر #ماشاء #الله ❤❤❤
Aameen to every dua u asked sheikh
a motivational lecture..shukran
Jazak Allah. Beautiful advice to be close to ALLAH. May Allah keep me on straight path
Glory be to who has blessed me with one more day subhaanallah tery quadrat glory glory glory to Allah ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
May Allah bless you all
There is a minor error in the subtitle at 2:45, instead of writing Allah (SWT) it is written Allah (SAW).
Amazing work my brother's and sisters. May Allah bless you.
UnderPants , Plz watch my important playlists
May Allah take us all to Jannah. May Allah fulfil our dreams and take care of our familes. Ameen
Mashaallah... The truth I wanted... I wish I knew this before..
Supes it’s never too late
My brother.'s up to us if we want janno or's our choice...
That's hits me hard ..Masha Allah...
May Allah bless you my brother , with all his rahmat and barakat love you
Ameen... Ma shaa Allah jazakallahu khairan.
asalaam aliakum rahman tu Allah. subhanAllah alhamdulilah Allah akbar! :)
loves you all and thank you.
asalaam peace
Subhan Allah
Jazakala khair
Glory be to Allah who created the seven heavens ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
He was a teacher of mine... May Allah bless him
Tell us his name please
very powerful speech. It is all we need in this word.
Thank you,Ameen. Mashallah,Ameen. Mehrunnisa 🙏🏽👍🏼🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋❤️
By Allah name this small lecture holds million ans one for me as a husband for my wife for my kids
Norizyan Abdul Razak Aslamualeykum, PLEASE check out and subscribe to my channel, for beautiful islamic content! jazakallah (:
Yes, of course.As you wish,sir☺
Norizyan Abdul Razak Alhamdulillah
c ft
Allahumdulillah ❤️❤️❤️
Subhan Allah ..Ameen ya Allah
By Allah, this reminder made my eyes wet. Speaking of Allah, hearing of feels like very close to the heart, perhaps the closest to the heart.
ameen For The Last Words.
Thanks for uploading those beautiful lectures.
Alhamdulillahi MashaAllah tabarak Allah
Allah please save us,make us good pious Muslims ya rabb😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Amin ya rabbal aalamin ❤️
JazakAllah khairan
allah ❤
I find it really powerful is asking yourself questions
1. do you love Allah? Have you chosen Allah? What are you willing to give up for Allah?
Very powerful questions to reflect
Ameen Ya Rub
Only we can feel Allah in this world , like we can't see the sun properly but we can feel the rays.
Without strengthening our soul it is impossible. To build our soul zikr e khafi is the best method , according to my experience...
Alhamdulillah I saw the noor of Allah & feels it. but not ends...
كل ما تحتاجه هو الله
Allahu Akbar.
Everything makes sense.
Today I was reading Suratul Adiyat in Salat and stuttered on the verse
(Verily, man is ungrateful to his lord)
And in this video he talks about how even Musa(AWS) was ungrateful.
So people will always ask for more.
Jesus is the son of God!
Love Letter From God - For All Muslims
Ameen ya rabul alameen
Brothers and sisters please pray for me. I’m at a point in my life where I’m so lost. Idk what I want to do with my life. I feel so broken. May Allah accept our duas.
Ameen ya Allah, brother read suratul yasiin, rahman and kahf. May Allah swt bless you and protect you.
I have lost my deen m doing bad things m leaving out prayers on purpose m doing every sin tht is forbidden in Quran i feel no emotions no nothing plzz Allah save me guys plzz pray to Allah so he can bring me back to the right path !
May Allah give you guidance 😇😇
Aameen Yaa Raab 🙏 💞
Thank you so much,son, Ameen. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽👍🏼👍👍👍👍👍💛💛💛💙💙💙💜💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚💐💐💐💕💕💕🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋😘😘😘😘👍🏼🙏🏽Ameen. . Mehrunnisa.
Allah i love you, m waiting for your help...
Subhanallah Walhamdulillah Wallahu Akbar 😍😍😍😍😍😍💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
you dont have to find Allah. all you need to do is find and remove the barriers you have built against...
Yeah, indeed that is true..... And of course the worldly affairs plus shaydan is the biggest obstacle of our distraction. May ALLAH protect us all, without his mercy we could be in trouble.
Everyone needs allah because he is the best planner ,the creater the most merciful and so much more💖
Thank you, Ameen. Mehrunnisa. 👍👍👍👍🙏🙏❤️❤️😡🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕋🕋🕋🕋🕋😘
Allah Kareem!
It would be cool if yo would give the speakers name.
May Allah reward you in abundance in this world and the hereafter
One Punch Musliman Ameen. 😭
Subhan Allah Lailaha illalah
Only Allah gives knowledge.
Say these Dhikr daily for rewards from Allah:
Subhanallah X33
Alhamduillah X33
Allahu Akbar X33
Astagfiruallah X33
La haw wala quata illah billah X33
La illaha illahu muhammadur rasuallah X33
يوم القيامه؟😔.
وانت واقف ولست ضامن دخول الجنه.
فجأه اتتك جبآل من الحسنات ولاتعلم من اين ،
انها فقط من قول:
سبحان الله وبحمده ،سبحان الله العظيم
لست مجبور بأرسالها ولكن انت مخير بين اخذ اجر كل من قراهآ☁️.."
اجعلها صدقه جاريه لك و لوالديك.."💓💓💙✨
أستغفرالله الذي لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم واتوب اليه 💓💙
حسبي الله الذي لا إله إلا هو عليه توكلت وهو رب العرش العظيم 💓💙
رب إغفرلي ولوالدّي وللمؤمنين والمؤمنات الأحياء منهم والأموات💓💙
اللهم اشفي مرضانا ومرضى المسلمين 💓💙
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم "قل هو الله أحد الله الصمد لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفواَ أحد" 💓💙
لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين 💓💙
ياحي ياقيوم برحمتك استغيث اصلح لي شأني كله ولا تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عين 💓💙
اللهم اكتب لي تغييراَ للأفضل في نفسي وحالي وحقق لي مااتمنى ولا تجعلني وجعاً أو عبئاً لأحد من خلقك اللهم لا تحرمني خيرك بقلة شكري ولا تخذلني بقلة صبري ولا تحاسبني بقلة استغفاري فأنت الكريم الذي وسعت رحمته كل شيء
Allah knows evrything.
May allah forgive all our sins. We all wanna be a part of jannah and I hope that we all find the path to find allah. Elhamdulillah for everything he gaves us.
Much respect for the preacher what is his name i would like to hear more from him.
But you can pls delete all this advertions, middle of the scenes a heineken advertion comes and my concentration goes away.
Thanks for the upload!
I know, but you still have that option to skip after five seconds. Alxamdu lilaahi
i love u My ALLAH and my Rasool ALLAH
On Allah please kindly guide us in this life and akirah
Assalamu Aleikum. A very good reminder Ma sha Allah. but there is a problem in the translation... after the name of ALLAH its (SAW) and not ( SWT).
Ppl talk abt life long expectancy.they 4get that extension of life is special gift,a gift to distance you frm hell N brings you closer to His mercy N giving you time to repent.
So true
Subhanallah mashallah
uma Sam Aslamualeykum, PLEASE check out and subscribe to my channel, for beautiful islamic content! jazakallah (:
Ishtiaq Azam calm, ok.
Subhana Allah
Hassan Jama , brother PLEASE watch my playlists
Sallaam, The speaker is Yahya Ibrahim. Could you guys start giving credit to the speakers in your videos? You guys are doing great work!
Allah Hu Akbar !
Please if I want to pray to prophet Mohammad S a w which dua will I make in praying
Allah Akbar