He spent almost a decade in a bed unable to do anything besides blinking as he awaited for the eternal torment he now knew was coming. God is not mocked. Galatians 6:7
@@thegoodfight365lol a severe illness before death ( same with getting murdered unjustly, dying in an accident or natural disasters) is a good sign in Islam because it is your sins being cleansed and forgiven through your suffering in this world, because the suffering in the next world for the guilty is uncompromising.
To think almost a billion people believe the pagan nonsense found in the quran is the only miracle of islam. You don't have to threaten people with death for leaving if you have the truth. That's how satan works, not the LORD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Repent and believe. Your good deeds cannot pay for your sins. The true GOD has written HIS laws in your mind and on your heart. They testify to you that islam is false. It doesn't get more personal than that. The true and living GOD loves you...all. John 3:16
A religion 'invented' in the desert. Allah never helps any Muslim because 'Allah' is just the god of the Jews with a name invented by Muhammad. الله لا يساعد أي مسلم أبدًا لأن "الله" هو مجرد اسم إسلامي لإله اليهود.
@@thegoodfight365 This is one of the most ignorant comment I have ever read, Talking about paganism and you carry a cross with a statue of a white man that you claim to be your god. I dare you to bring a single reference from Quran to paganism
@@Stiffytheenlightened Allah is the only true god, It was his name since the beginning and Allah taught his name to Adam and nobody invented it. كلامك لا يدل الا على معرفتك السطحية جدا بالاسلام وبتعاليم الإسلام
«Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah ﷻ be pleased with him) said : “Verily, we were a disgraced nation and Allah honored us with Islam. If we seek honor from anything besides that with which Allah honored us, Allah will disgrace us once again.”» (al-Mustadrak ala al-Sahihayn 207)
Well look at the Arabs now.. They can't even unite to defend Palestine... And the worst part is... Part of them recognised the illegal state of Israel.. What kind of betrayal is that?
Yemen was a Jewish nation at the time, and Iraq was a Christian nation at the the time. The Jews and Christians knew about the last prophet and they knew he would be from the Arabs.
I’m an muslim arab and People are Missing the point the sheikh may Allah have mercy on him wanted to make and he didn’t verse it well may Allah forgive him he wanted to show how islam how Allah light and wisdom can change people to be better that’s it he didn’t want you to fight each others on what race is better your muslims and of course you believe that we are all sons of adam Please don’t drag your self into fetna and beware of shetan and don’t be arrogant for Allah don’t like the arrogant The sheikh is now in his grave and we know of much he was good so don’t make him sin in his grave because someone put a video for him out of context or miss vresing from him my Allah protect us all and guide us to serat al mostagem
@user-oi6pr2pf4x صحيح لكن الشيخ مات ولسنا معصومين عن الغلط هل ننسف كل الخير اللي عمله لوجه الله عشان غلطة ونجعله يذنب وهو في قبره الاولى ان نُعرض عن غلطه ونقول انه غلط ونيته صالحة من باب احسان الظن وندعي له بالخير والله اعلم
{الله أعلم حيث يجعل رسالته} {وقالوا لولا نزل هذا القرآن على رجل من القريتين عظيم أهم يقسمون رحمة ربك} {ولقد استهزئ برسل من قبلك فحاق بالذين سخروا منهم ما كانوا به يستهزئون} وقال الرسول العربي الهاشمي القرشي عليه افضل الصلاة والسلام:( إن الله اصطفى من ولد إبراهيم إسماعيل ، واصطفى من بني إسماعيل بني كنانة ، واصطفى من بني كنانة قريشا ، واصطفى من قريش بني هاشم ، واصطفاني من بني هاشم) وقال الرسول العربي عليه الصلاة والسلام:(عن سلمان قال : قال لي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم " يا سلمان ، لا تبغضني فتفارق دينك " قلت : يا رسول الله ، كيف أبغضك وبك هدانا الله؟ قال : " تبغض العرب فتبغضني ")
@@ALHELAL-eu2ueindeed allah choose arab to place his final messenger but do not forget that our prophet is telling us that no race is superior than the other. White skin doesn't superior than a dark skin. All human are equal and the deed is differentiate us not race.
The lowest of the people? Your felthy ass barbarian Arabs were the best of the people and the most capable of holding the final massage of Allah they had morals and honor that no nation in their time had that's why prophet muhammad pbuh said that he was sent to perfects good morals ( good morals Arabs already had )
They are still the same people, Just not warshiping the idols... 360 million of them can't defend Palestine, Some of them are even supporting Isreal against those defenceless Palestinian women and children...
@abdullahehtesham7952 Like it or not, this is a matter of Arab. If Palestine became an independent country today, it would be no different to any other Arab country of today. You would not have any right as a Muslim if you were not from there...
That because in Qur'an, Israel was said to exist until the day that the Palestinian gain their land back, and there is nothing we can do to change it but for you to take the creadit of it. Like your comment for example, until you can't anymore.
@@ibrahimbinomarYes, you do(the word you use dignity says it all)!! Arabs were nothing before islam. They didn't have anything except poetry. It is said that Iblees of proud of Arabs because he hadn't seen anyone more barbaric then Arabs.
Our Arab brothers should not get offended by this but should ponder on it so they don’t end up back in that lifestyle. Allah gave them and the rest of humanity Islam so we should be thankful for it.
يارجال الرسول يقول انما بعثت لاتمم مكارم الاخلاق!! ابو جهل كان يقدر يقتله في الليل لكن اخلاقه ماتسمح ويقول، وتقول العرب روّع عمرو بن هشام بنات محمد وهتك حرمة بيته ؟ هذا دليل واضح ان العرب كان افضل الناس اخلاقا
@@faisal1598741 هم يجهلون كل هذا ولا يتقبلون هذه الحقائق، لأنهم لا يريدون الاعتراف بتفضيل الله للعرب على سائر الناس، الذي له نصوص كثيرة واردة في القران والسنة. لذلك ينتقصون من العرب ويوهمون انفسهم بهذه الأكاذيب لتطمين نفوسهم. وكيف يعقل ان ينزل القران على اشر الناس وان يكون النبي المصطفى منهم؟ فعلا لا يفكرون
We don’t feel offended my dear because simply it isn’t truth 😂, Arabs had great morality, values and courage before Islam 😊 you think Allah will choose a barbarian nation to hold the last message from him 😅 !!?
arab race is nothing without Allah. Verily there is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab or of a non-Arab over an Arab, or of a red man over a black man, or of a black man over a red man, except in terms of taqwa
@@Muhammad_Zakariyyah I have one advise for you and my other Muslim brother,I will share the sources from where the kafir argues but not do it in reason to either guide him to Islam and I REQUEST ALL MUSLIMS TO DO THE SAME, let the enemies of ISLAM enjoy spend their lives derogating Islam and Muslims and our Beloved Prophet,they all will answer for what they did to Palestine and rest of us. Source : Sunan an-Nasa'i 4184, A white Muslim came to our beloved Prophet(PBUH) and asked to emigrate,Later his Master came looking for him then unbeknownst to the slave he told the Prophet of his ownership and then the Prophet offered to by him for two Non Muslim black slaves,the transaction took place but the Prophet did not migrate the white man until he confessed being a slave(he was Muslim though). The Hadith' was used to propagate trade integrety and honesty the Muslims should show when trading, alas the heathen corrupted and splendidly omitted the word "Muslim". Which is why take Quran alone as word of Allah while Hadeeths should only be taken as a footnote.
مكارم الأخلاق كانت موجودة عند العرب قبل الإسلام فكيف لهم ان يكونوا بربريين، قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم (إنما بعثتُ لأتمم مكارم الأخلاق) بمعنى ان الأخلاق الحميدة كانت في خصال العرب منذ قديم الزمن
@@natasha23950 no one did that only quraishes did there are about 7 more adnani tribes who ruleed and became kings of the levant and mesopetmia who pretty much had queens
@@MrCopper6 You guys arabs no need to be defensive. All nations before the arrival of Islam are barbaric in their own ways. All cultures have these kind of craziness. lt was lslam who freed us all from all those and taught us to be dignified human beings.
You just answered your own question, and I don't remember the scriptures saying anywhere Allah chose the Arab people, Islam and the messenger just happened to be there because that is where the criminals and the wicked were so that is where they were sent, They knew matters and ambitions concerning those arabs they were sent to that most people didn't Had We revealed it to a non-Arab, And he had recited it to them [perfectly], they would [still] not have been believers in it Had We revealed it as a non-Arabic Quran, they would have certainly argued, “If only its verses were made clear ˹in our language˺. What! A non-Arabic revelation for an Arab audience!” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “It is a guide and a healing to the believers. As for those who disbelieve, there is deafness in their ears and blindness to it ˹in their hearts˺. It is as if they are being called from a faraway place
I do not know the proper tafsir of this ayah, but there are many people even to this day reject Islam on the basis that the Quran is in Arabic and they see it as an Arab religion eventhough it is a religion for mankind. It also does not make sense for the Prophet pbuh to be an Arab, starting off in Arabia and recite the book in Chinese.
@@emsa7esm203 Tafsir? I didn't follow anyone's tafsir I just starting reading the book and followed my own interpretation, opinions and conclusions, I forgot the term tafsir was being used till you mentioned it, Is that what they call it, A scholars tafsir? Sounds like a bad and unfunny arab joke. Kinda defeats the purpose of all of the scriptures if you follow someone else's tafsir, perception and interpretation, If people really were following other people's tafsir and understandings then of what use was the scriptures
@@That_Faceless_Stranger "Kinda defeats the purpose of all scriptures if you follow someone else's tafsir". What all scriptures? What following tafsir? You don't follow tafsir. There is no scripture but the Quran to follow unless you are a non-Muslim. You just outed yourself as a fake Muslim. You can't even do one thing correct.
قال النبيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم لأصحابه: إنما بُعثتُ لأتمم مكارم الأخلاق Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "I was sent to perfect good character." How could an animal in human form have good character? The pre-islamic Arabians were not a perfect people but let us not speak with exaggeration, they were a people like any other, i don't think the ancestors of ahmad deedat were better or even had etiquette and culture that equals the pre-islamic Arabians. The point is Mohammed PBUH was an Arabian which in itself enough to know that these descriptions that deedat quoted from a racist probably non-muslim historian are wrong and to add to that if you read the sunna and you read the stories of the sahaba you would get a glimpse of the honor-centric nature of the pre-islamic Arabians which does not conform with the description of ahmad deedat or the historian. (Of course an ancient westerner is hate filled and racist why would he quote a man that looks like a Caricature of a ketchup bottle). I don't agree with him at all and i think this video should be taken down to prevent fitna and the spread of the anti-arab rhetoric. الحمدلله الذي جعلني عربياً.
Westerner as you mentioned of those times were not racist and had no motive to lie. Today most racists make up stories but back then only credible people were allowed to talk.
Arabs were not barbarians, they were at the peak of philosophy and linguistics, but this was the only part of the world, where they were practicing their ignorance in everything, from trade to you name it, they were still in idol worshipping and believed different dieties to have posessed different powers. Ignorance is not lack of knowledge, but it is a wrong belief that one lives by, promotes and endorses others to do the same. Those are the people that Allah referred in the Quran as ‘Jahil’. A jahil is the one that practices ‘Taghoot’ (man made laws)
Without Islam Arabs are nothing, zero. Other nations and people can succeed like the Persians and Chinese for example who had great civilizations even before Islam. But Arabs will never succeed without Islam. Isa (a.s.) was chosen as a messenger to his people because his people were doing very bad things like worshipping a calf, charging interest, etc and they would never accept the message of a Prophet who was not from their kind own because they were arrogant. Similarly, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was chosen from amongst his people to guide them because they were barbaric, they were burying their daughters alive, treating women like chattel, raiding other tribes -raiding and revenge was the law of the pre-Islamic Arabs. They were not civilized, Islam civilized them and reformed the entire Arabia. Many other peoples in the world were also barbaric, not just Arabs. The Middle East was chosen because they are at the center of the world if you look at a map - and because Allah knew that with Islam Arabs would become great, rule and succeed and turn into a very good, hospitable, kind and friendly people. But without Islam, Arabs are pathetic losers as they are today without any ability to open their mouths against a genocide and without any ability to stop it. Today they are completely incapable of defending their own women and children. Also Arabs were arrogant and would probably not accept a Prophet from another nation so Allah swt chose a prophet from amongst them. But if you analyze history, other people's like the Turks, Persians and Berbers became Muslims from Arabs which shows how humble they were, that they had the ability to see truth and accept Islam from a people who were not their own- from a foreign people. So anytime an Arab tries to behave arrogantly - just realize their present condition and their condition before Islam. Today they are the most disrespected people in the world, even out of the whole Muslim world, they are the worse. How can not even one leader of the Arab world say or do anything about the Palestinian Genocide??? They didn't even do anything to defend Palestine for the past 75 years when Palestine was stolen. The only people Arabs bow down to and smile at are white people - they even hate and are racist against other non Arab Muslims.
@user-oi6pr2pf4x the period before the Prophet Muhammad was revealed the Qurʾān is called the jāhiliyyah, which is an Arabic word that means "ignorance" or "barbarism". This term is often used to negatively compare pre-Islamic Arabian life and culture to Islam, and can evoke images of violence, tribalism, and idol worship.
This is incorrect, May Allāh have mercy on him سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ " إِنَّ اللَّهَ اصْطَفَى كِنَانَةَ مِنْ وَلَدِ إِسْمَاعِيلَ وَاصْطَفَى قُرَيْشًا مِنْ كِنَانَةَ وَاصْطَفَى مِنْ قُرَيْشٍ بَنِي هَاشِمٍ وَاصْطَفَانِي مِنْ بَنِي هَاشِمٍ " Wathila b. al-Asqa' reported: I heard Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: Verily Allah granted eminence to Kinana from amongst the descendants of Isma'il, and he granted eminence to the Quraish amongst Kinana, and he granted eminence to Banu Hashim amonsgst the Quraish, and he granted me eminence from the tribe of Banu Hashim.
The two statements don't contradict example before prophethood the arab again the kafir arab were practicing some of the worst action circulating kaabah naked burying daughters alive war tribalism racism forced marriage no inheritance for women drinking blood and dead meat the worst undoubtedly the types of shirk they were commiting including black magic and the list goes on so at that point arab were amongst the worst No doubt they had their good as well such hospitality poetry the quraysh especially banu hashim had some of the best men and women in character moral justice How was life in Arabia before Islam? Islamqa Question 154573
So what does the hadith got to do w the jahiliyyah may i ask?The hadith just proves Prophet Muhammad's noble lineage,nothing to do w the doings of the jahiliyyah (pre-islamic) arabs.
There is a lots of misinformation in this video about Arabs ,Arabs before slam yes they was pagan but they wasn’t ignorant and women didn’t this is the worst era because before that there were lots of Queens and homeowner and business woman I can say in that time like Khadijah bunt khuiyld The first wife a prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and Arabs wasn’t only burying them female babies also they buried the male babies because of wars
Without Islam Arabs are nothing, zero. Other nations and people can succeed like the Persians and Chinese for example who had great civilizations even before Islam. But Arabs will never succeed without Islam. Isa (a.s.) was chosen as a messenger to his people because his people were doing very bad things like worshipping a calf, charging interest, etc and they would never accept the message of a Prophet who was not from their kind own because they were arrogant. Similarly, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was chosen from amongst his people to guide them because they were barbaric, they were burying their daughters alive, treating women like chattel, raiding other tribes -raiding and revenge was the law of the pre-Islamic Arabs. They were not civilized, Islam civilized them and reformed the entire Arabia. Many other peoples in the world were also barbaric, not just Arabs. The Middle East was chosen because they are at the center of the world if you look at a map - and because Allah knew that with Islam Arabs would become great, rule and succeed and turn into a very good, hospitable, kind and friendly people. But without Islam, Arabs are pathetic losers as they are today without any ability to open their mouths against a genocide and without any ability to stop it. Today they are completely incapable of defending their own women and children. Also Arabs were arrogant and would probably not accept a Prophet from another nation so Allah swt chose a prophet from amongst them. But if you analyze history, other people's like the Turks, Persians and Berbers became Muslims from Arabs which shows how humble they were, that they had the ability to see truth and accept Islam from a people who were not their own- from a foreign people. So anytime an Arab tries to behave arrogantly - just realize their present condition and their condition before Islam. Today they are the most disrespected people in the world, even out of the whole Muslim world, they are the worse. How can not even one leader of the Arab world say or do anything about the Palestinian Genocide??? They didn't even do anything to defend Palestine for the past 75 years when Palestine was stolen. The only people Arabs bow down to and smile at are white people - they even hate and are racist against other non Arab Muslims.
This is false. Just by looking at current times, Since the 1970s, sex-selective abortions have resulted in skewed sex ratios at birth in favor of males, in a number of countries. A new study predicts that there could be at least 4.7 million fewer females born globally by 2030, and possibly as many as 22 million by 2100. This is mainly prevalent in South-East Asia where there are hindus in higher percentages, and muslims are misguided. So how can you say that it was not 1400+ years ago in Arabia. Considering sister-in-law as part of property marrying them, practicing idolatry, group relation parties in which many men had relation with a single woman and if it resulted in a child than the face of the child will be matched up with the men the mother had relations with to select who the father is. This was super barbaric.
The problem with this narrative is thinking of Arabs as only a bunch of Nomads fighting each other. But in reality they were much more diverse. There were nomadic tribes but there were also established and settled Arabs in the Levant and in Yemen. They had Kings, they had queens. They were very rich.
@abdullahehtesham7952 You are talking about a certain period, the Roman period. Prior to the Romans, several Kingdoms flourished in the north. Qedar, Nabatea etc. And in the South, Qataban, Himyar, Awsan, Hadramawt etc. They were organized and not really nomadic. The central Arabian folks were highly tribal and nomadic, and they continued to do so up until Al Saud united a bunch of them. During the time of the Prophet, yes, the Arabs had pretty much lost all their glory both to the South (Ethiopian, Persian) and the North (Roman, persian) etc. You can't just call thousands of years of history as an exception.
@@marindebruin No what the F are you talking about ? Yes, the central Arabs were in Jahliya, but not the northern (Levant) and southern (Yemen) Arabs. They have rich ancient history.
@@jamieammar6131 what the F are you talking about I repeat? Egypt and Persia also have a rich history but they were still jahliyya in many of their practices. You think the Levant worshipping Baal is not jahlliyya? Educate yourself. You don't know what the F you are writing or talking about.
I believe that the Arabs had an advantage even before their conversion to Islam, qualities that were not present in any empire at that time. They were brave, generous, honest, and had modesty, and they loved to die for a cause and not just an ordinary death. Islam came to this people and made them develop those qualities of theirs, for example the person who loved to die for his tribe wants to die for Islam and spreading the truth. They were a people who truly cared about their language, so the Qur’an came in their language, and they stood amazed at its eloquence. Islam was began by an orphan in the desert. He taught all civilizations about God and morals. God knows who is able to carry his message, and God knows best. Why did he choose the Arabs to send among them the last messenger. This is due to a wisdom that God knows and perhaps due to characteristics that the Arabs possessed. I think that because they were poor, they were simple and accepted the truth, unlike the prominent empires such as the Romans and the Persians. They would not have believed the Messenger of God because what he called for was against their desires. Thank God for Islam
non Arabs who accepted Islam were way better. Arabs needed someone from their own kind in order to accept Islam, non Arabs accepted Islam from a totally foreign people.
No, Berbers / North Africans conquered and ruled Spain, Arabs came afterwards. Tariq ibn Ziyad and the majority of his army were Berbers with very small Arab units
@user-oi6pr2pf4x North Africans were the original conquerors of Spain - they gave much of their architectural beauty to Spain. They got Arabized after Islam but still retained a lot of their own culture.
@@marindebruin The Arabs conquered the Iberian Peninsula and built its palaces. The scholars were Arabs and everything was Arab. The Berbers had nothing to do with it. So do not try to steal the history of others because you do not have your own history and civilization.
غير صحيح، عن أبي هريرة، عن النبي ﷺ قال: (إنما بعثت لأتمم مكارم الأخلاق) - حديث شريف من سماحة آخر الأديان السماوية واعترافه بالقيم الإنسانية العامة أنه لا يحصر الأخلاق بشريعته بل يؤكد شراكة الناس فيها جميعا، ولهذا يوضح نبي ديننا عليه الصلاة والسلام أنه مرسل من الله ليتمم مكارم الأخلاق التي قبله
There is a huge misinformation here. When Sheikh mentioned about "Barbarians" those tribes were not Arabs, Arabs were a city people. Like the Prophet Muhammad SAW was a city person. Like Qawm Aad and Thamud were city people. The "Barbarians" are the "Al-Aa'rab" "الْأَعْرَابُ" they are Bedouins desert mountain dwelling folk that use to wander Arabia and loot city people that pass by the desert vulnerable. They were not Arabs because Arabs were civilized. Now this is where most people get confused because Al-Aa'rab and Arab might sound the same but they are a completely different people. There is a very huge distinction the Qur'an mentions it: ﴿الْأَعْرَابُ أَشَدُّ كُفْرًا وَنِفَاقًا وَأَجْدَرُ أَلَّا يَعْلَمُوا حُدُودَ مَا أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ عَلَىٰ رَسُولِهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ﴾ [ التوبة: 97] "The bedouins are stronger in disbelief and hypocrisy and in all probability, will remain ignorant of the laws that Allah has revealed to His Messenger. And Allah is Knowing and Wise." [Surah At-Tawbah Ayah 97] قَالَتِ الْأَعْرَابُ آمَنَّا ۖ قُل لَّمْ تُؤْمِنُوا وَلَٰكِن قُولُوا أَسْلَمْنَا وَلَمَّا يَدْخُلِ الْإِيمَانُ فِي قُلُوبِكُمْ ۖ وَإِن تُطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ لَا يَلِتْكُم مِّنْ أَعْمَالِكُمْ شَيْئًا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ﴾ [ الحجرات: 14] The bedouins say, "We have believed." Say, "You have not [yet] believed; but say [instead], 'We have submitted,' for faith has not yet entered your hearts. And if you obey Allah and His Messenger, He will not deprive you from your deeds of anything. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." [Hujurat 49:14] The Bedouins use to not show gratitude and respect to the Prophet SAW, and were disrespectful towards him. Just wanted to clear this misconception.
Also just waned to clarify that these same "Bedouins" are the ones ruling the Gulf countries you see today. "When you see barefoot, naked, destitute shepherds competing in constructing tall buildings. Then wait for the Hour." Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah 63
The arabs were a proud people before islam and after it their pride and honour increased,most of the stuff he says are lies spread post the abbasid era. Arabs were a literate population despite being nomads,they built cities like hegra,petra ,hatra,and palmyra,they traced their genealogies and looked down upon non atabs. A war was started against the persians where the arabs won because khosrow wanted the daughter of an arab man. Don't belittle us Ajamis
When u are knowledgeable, u give lectures, u educate and get to make q difference in people's lives!!! Now what are u? What use has ur despicable comment??🤦🏾♂️ I don't know where u are from, but from where I am, we don't speak to great people like that🤦🏾♂️ This only shows ur ignorance and ur lack of manners!!
lmao that isn't really true arabs were generous people and were very into literature and Trading. There were so many poets back then that they have their own category in the arabic literature. Tribes used to fight between each other sometimes yeah but it's nothing different to the rest of the world. it's true that some people used to kill their female newborns sometimes for reasons like they wanted a son as their first or whatever other dumb reason they had but not everyone used to do this. They used to travel north to trade with the roman and persian empires as well as with some kingdoms in africa. not all arabs are the descendants of ismail the son of abraham ismail and his mother lived along side the early arab tribes and yea alot of later arabs were his descendants but not all. the point is this is very offensive to me as an arab. and tbh an insult to allah. I would agree with the point that jews used to think they are better because they are the sons of isaac and not ismail but not because of the other stupid reasons he said.
Total nonsense. The reason Allah chose the Arabs is cause they were the best people due to their noble traits (hospitality, generosity, bravery, ghayrah, etc) and Prophet Muhammad came from the best of lineages. The Prophet said: “Verily, Allah chose Kinanah from *the sons of Ishmael,* then he chose Quraysh from Kinanah, then he chose the tribe of Hashim from Quraysh, then he chose me from the tribe of Hashim.” [Sahih Muslim 2276] Allah also said: “Indeed, Allah chose Adam and Noah and *the family of Abraham* and the family of 'Imran over the worlds” (3:33)
@@Jamal-ub1ko That verse doesn’t speak about Arabs in general, but the nomadic/desert dwelling ones, since they didn’t live in cities, so they were more ignorant than the city dwelling ones. However, read from 97 to 99. You’re in for a surprise.
@@Jamal-ub1ko You don’t know what you’re talking about. The term used in Arabic is أعراب, which specifically refers to nomadic Arabs, who were different from the city dwellers. Either learn Arabic or pick up a book of tafsir, and you’ll understand.
Deedat was grossly misunderstood he meant that arabs in the eyes of chosen people of the old times . Not literally, they thought that arabs were lesser beings and not worthy of a prophet. Thats all he meant . He didn’t mean that the arabs are literally barbaric. This video either has an agenda or the owner of the channel is super raciest . Read the quran and you will see the exact reason god chose arabs , its for their honor and chivalry and high morality, its literally mentioned in the quran .
As an Arab 🇸🇦 this is really offensive,I don’t know why Ahmad Didatt say these things about us?! I think he was trying to make a point. But this channel decided to use the clip for their hatred and racism. The Arab were weak and scattered before Islam but they were no “barbarians” nor “animals”❌. The Arab had many good qualities before and after Islam such as generosity and Horsemanship, knighthood and poetry. they wore beautiful clothes and perfumes. In fact, they were the first to use perfumes as we use them today.
bro Arabs where more sinful just read more books u will know just thank Allah he choose the Quran to come to your nation with our beloved prophet Muhammad pbuh
lol burying woman alive, killing daughters, considering sister-in-law as part of property marrying them, practicing idolatry is very non-barbaric right?
@@Ghazi682 and atheists are very morally upright people? What is the evidence that they were any better than the idol worshippers. Also Atheists means that they did not believe in God which means they did not care for their actions in the long run since they also than did not believe in Heaven or Hell. Also you are talking as they were the majority, There were some Jew Tribes who controlled nearby areas using their markets/interest and the Christians were in 0. percentages who mostly lived near the Kingdom of Aksum and Roman Empire Border. While the majority of people in Arabia were idol worshippers.
@@azeemiqbal181 no, Islam is the true religion, but you’re saying all Arabs are barbarians because of some pagans Arabs, go read about Yemen pre Islam it was empire.
@user-sl5tf9jk6k still, you shouldn't allow a pakistani to insult your ancestors and call them animals in human form. Arabs had traditions, values and poetry before islam. I think you should still have respect for them.
True he is wrong they were the best is generosity and courageous people If he read the poems of jaahiliyah he would know that they werent barbaric but they barbaric in some issues like shirk and burying their daughters alive
Not true as much as i love dr didat but he was in the wrong here the arabs have reached a level of moral advancements where ever thing an arab man does has etiquette and you can clearly see that in old stories but they had some jahiliah traditions and the arabs pre islam were very much involved with poetry such umru al qais antar bin shadad alfarasdaq jarir and many more when you see popele who can articulate such beautiful poems how can you call them an (animal in human form) in tge end there is no doubt that arabs pre islam had some ignorant tradition but so did most of the world at that time I would even say that the arabs at that time were more advanced ethically
Islamists oppose racist statements except when it concerns Arabs. Such statements must not be tolerated, and Islamic historiography demonized Arabs before Islam to appear better by contrast. The fact is that Arabs had high moral values and norms long before Islam. Islam did not introduce anything unknown to the Arabs but rather consolidated Arab norms and values into a religion.
So it had nothing to do with the Arabic language itself? It is often said that the Arabic language was so eloquent, that the Qur’an could only be articulated through Arabic
@@ChromeMan04 If it was because the people were so barbaric, then it wouldn’t take much for a person to be considered descent, or even the greatest person alive, for behaving less barbaric than them
A revisionist interpretation of history. The arabs of preislamic arabia were known for their chivlary had lots of legendary figures before islam. Yes they were ignorant, but not savages. In comparison to the tribal peoples of mongolia or the hindus of the indian kingdoms, the arabs were much more advanced. In truth I feel alot of non arab muslims are just jealous of the arabs, to this day, and belittle their culture and history. When the truth is, the last prophet was an Arab. Not a desi, not a persian, not a turk, an Arab. What the Arabs lack today isn't really faith. We have plenty of that. What we lack is action. Action and leadership that acts for the greater good.
Arabs where not barbarians, Yemen, Nabateans were not barbarians, Mecca is a 5000 years old city, Madina is 4000 years old, even the beduins of Najd were always merchants.. the literacy rate of pre-Islamic Arabia was highest in the world
@@Khuyayn Yemen produced 4 different Arabic scripts, arabic names for kings of Himyar, Saba’, Hadramout. These ancient kingdoms and they are all Arabs. Nabateans are named after Nabat, son of Ishmail, Nabateans are from Mecca and also, Quraish, Mohammad’s tribe is Nabatean. For Najd merchants routes, these as ancient as history. On literacy rate, Arabia is littered with inscriptions in so many different scripts documenting really small trade agreements, something selling a couple of goats. Compared with other nations, the volume of documented trade suggests that scribes were very abundant and affordable.
I find it a bit problematic that he says such things about Arabs back in the day. Maybe there was a period of time when the Arabs were let’s say at their worst but prior to that many ancient nations and civilizations came from ancient Arabia from different parts of Arabia like in levant Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, Oman, literally so many ancient civilizations and actually they were the biggest civilizations in ancient times. Not to mention Arabs were rich from ancient times. Arabs always excelled in trade. And they used to travel everywhere for trade.
He’s right though. It is only after the establishment of Islam came the Golden age of Islam where many inventions were from arabs. The Ottoman Empire the ultimately came into place after their dominance
@@obscurifyed That’s not true! There were ancient Arab inventions and discoveries even before Islam by probably thousands of Years. There were multiple civilizations discovered before Islam in Yemen, Iraq, Phoenicia and even in the middle of Arabia. Like in Babylon, many things were invented and discovered. In Yemen as well like for example there are historical sources and evidence that say domestication of animals existed even before Babylon in Yemen. And they were the first to domesticate animals in history. Also water passages in Eden in Yemen are so old they don’t even know who made them. And those are huge water passages made throughout the city of Eden formed in the shape of stairways for people to go down get water when the water level is too low in the passages. Also not to mention in Yemen they were the first to make dams. It’s just that around the time of the advent of prophet Mohammed the state of Arabs was bad.
Allah dod not have mercy on this guy. 10 years of agony and pain. Torment. Allah is not God. Isa is not Jesus. Islam is from satan and not from Gabriel.
I dont think you understood it,they left the path of Allah thats why they were disgrace. Arabs are not the only ones, there are other worst than them likes the ones Allah turned to animals and much more.
unfortiontly Deedat missed the point here, i know he was trying to explain to audience the application of Islam and how it make nations rise, If he read the poems of Jahiliya and the ancient history of Arabs and their relation with ancient Neiborhood empires he would know that they weren't barbaric but they barbaric in some issues.
@user-oi6pr2pf4xthough,I am not Arab,but I don't think any compliment or applause would I like the most other than someone says me a barbarian or savages
@user-oi6pr2pf4x or you are impressed by western civilization, which feels proud to be modern and civilized.for this you even try to change your own history,which you could never be able to do
@user-oi6pr2pf4x the Arabs themselves called pre Islamic period:- ایام الجاہلیہ(the days of ignorance).But you are surely wise,so keep stranded in the illusion of "pre-islamic non-barbaric civilized Arabs"
If you think and analyze every situation that ever recorded when Allah trampled the arrogant people in the world, whether its His worshipper or merely His slaves, its always the one who look down upon trample over arrogant civilization.
@@oxygenalfarabi6041 i think you should go and read, what hollywood shows arabs as, they were not, they were the masters in the language and philosophy and they had trade regulations agreements and everything. They were not backward like what most americans and europeans know them as because of corrupt and controlled media. Allah called them ‘Jahil’ that is not your english ignorant ok. In english ignorant means something else, but when Allah calls somebody ignorant that means those who follow man made or self made laws as their system.
@@oxygenalfarabi6041 you must go and read the lifestyle of any people living at that time in any region, it’s pretty much the same as arabs, the only difference is arabs were into practices that were a peak of Ignorance at that time. It’s not that they were poor, and others were rich , or they were illiterate and others were literate, there’s no such differences that prevailed there. It’s only that their self made laws created such a false system of belief that ended up in that sense as the most backward people. So simply what i’m saying is ‘that the view most of the world have of arabs of that time is totally false. The problem was something else as to why they were called backward and ignorant
This is incorrect talk. Yes, the Arabs before Islam did not have a civil civilization, but they sanctified morals, and most importantly, they were not enslaved by kings like the Roman and Persian civilizations... God says in the Qur’an (God knows where He places His message). Is it possible that the final message for humanity is in the hands of Barbarians!!!!!
I am an Arab, and the truth is that this is a wrong step in the history of Ahmed Deedat. The Arabs had good morals that were not present in previous nations, such as generosity, honoring the neighbor, giving, honesty, eloquence, and other good qualities. As the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “I was sent only to perfect good morals.” Deedat should have quoted the Messenger instead of a hateful, disbelieving European orientalist. Arabs are the elite. God chose them from among the worlds. Then he chose Adnan from the Arabs, Mudar from Adnan, Quraysh from Mudar, Hashim from Quraysh, and so on until Muhammad AL-Mustafa (the selected One), may God bless him and grant him peace. Whoever insults the Arabs insults the Messenger, he is the one who said: “Loving the Arabs is faith.” Whoever loves the Arabs, this is from the piety of the heart.
I think you’re speaking emotionally, we studies pre-Islamic history and everything he says in this video is documented, read the Seerah of the prophet (saw) and the Quran, you’ll confirm everything he’s saying, the Arabs were honest yes, and eloquent, but they were barbaric as well, they kill female daughters as a norm, steal from the wayfarers, fight every time, which are all cited in the Quran, if you deny anything the sheikh says, you’re indirectly denying some part of the Quran because the sheikh doesn’t speaks except with evidence, you’re not speaking with evidence but with emotion and a way of trying colour your tribal history, the prophet on whom be peace always spoke to the sahabah saying “are you trying to return to the days of jahiliyah (ignorance) whilst I’m among you” and also this is a verse in the Quran أفحكم الجاهلية يبغون Are you uplifting the practices of ignorance So please, don’t get blinded by tribal sentiments, go and read pre-Islamic Arabia, not the concocted version, all of it The prophet peace be upon him had morals of course, doesn’t mean all the Arabs had, in fact he peace be upon him always used to cite them as people of ignorance, anyone who thinks killing a female because she’s a important or selling women because she’s meant to be a trade is a barbarism, as far as morality is concerned. I’m a Muslim and yes, Allah took from among the ignorant a noble man and made him a prophet Peace be with you
@@ALHELAL-eu2uearab had good traits but in shirk they were the worst at that point not in manners and character but kufr shirk they were the circulating the kaaba naked which was amongst the worse action in terms of worship Tariq ibn Shihab reported: Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “Verily, we were a disgraceful people and Allah honored us with Islam. If we seek honor from anything besides that with which Allah honored us, Allah will disgrace us.” Source: al-Mustadrak ‘alá al-Ṣaḥīḥayn 207 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani One who loved the Arabs, loves me and one who hates the Arabs, hates me. ' Imam Tabarani (rahimahullah) has recorded this narration on the authority of Sayyiduna Anas (radiyallahu 'anhu) with a very weak chain.
Arab before Islam had some of the oldest culture centers and many major cities in south and north Arabia. Arab such as Yemenis , Tadmur had been controlling tread routes between India , Asian and Roman’s for thousands of years before Islam. Yes there was two type of Arabs as mentioned in Quaran (Arab عرب living in cities and towns and اعراب Nomads )
Without Islam Arabs are nothing, zero. Other nations and people can succeed like the Persians and Chinese for example who had great civilizations even before Islam. But Arabs will never succeed without Islam. Isa (a.s.) was chosen as a messenger to his people because his people were doing very bad things like worshipping a calf, charging interest, etc and they would never accept the message of a Prophet who was not from their kind own because they were arrogant. Similarly, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was chosen from amongst his people to guide them because they were barbaric, they were burying their daughters alive, treating women like chattel, raiding other tribes -raiding and revenge was the law of the pre-Islamic Arabs. They were not civilized, Islam civilized them and reformed the entire Arabia. Many other peoples in the world were also barbaric, not just Arabs. The Middle East was chosen because they are at the center of the world if you look at a map - and because Allah knew that with Islam Arabs would become great, rule and succeed and turn into a very good, hospitable, kind and friendly people. But without Islam, Arabs are pathetic losers as they are today without any ability to open their mouths against a genocide and without any ability to stop it. Today they are completely incapable of defending their own women and children. Also Arabs were arrogant and would probably not accept a Prophet from another nation so Allah swt chose a prophet from amongst them. But if you analyze history, other people's like the Turks, Persians and Berbers became Muslims from Arabs which shows how humble they were, that they had the ability to see truth and accept Islam from a people who were not their own- from a foreign people. So anytime an Arab tries to behave arrogantly - just realize their present condition and their condition before Islam. Today they are the most disrespected people in the world, even out of the whole Muslim world, they are the worse. How can not even one leader of the Arab world say or do anything about the Palestinian Genocide??? They didn't even do anything to defend Palestine for the past 75 years when Palestine was stolen. The only people Arabs bow down to and smile at are white people - they even hate and are racist against other non Arab Muslims.
@@ChromeMan04 certainly the dinosaur when related to Islam knowledge where just same species of animals today but just larger, People were the same to Prophet Adam pbuh was said to be 90 ft tall, basically everything was big back then not just the animals
This is the most st.pid take i haveever heard. Arab before islam where the closest people to to Islam there were honorable, trustworthy, not liars and to prove my point i wil give 2 examples : when abu sofian meet Hercules and he asked about the prophet SAAWS he answered him truthfully enen though he was an enemy of islam The second is when the kofar were about to storm the house of prophet to kill at the night of the hejra but stop when they heard a voice of a woman inside. So what i want to say is the arabs were the most fitting to deliver the message of Allah even though they had bad things but not to the point of describing them as the worst people before islam
Hazrat Hazrat was given as a slave to Hazrat Sara later on she gave Hazrat Hajra to Hazrat Ibrahim freeing and sad marry her so that you have a child because Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Sara was old they did not have children so Hazrat Ibrahim as married Hajra as if I am not wrong
So why did Allah choose them with Islam? Hmm interesting questions 🤦♀️ you are saying as if whole world believe in Allah and follow Islam, this is your belief we don't care about that in your story if he chose arab or penguins.
The Arabs were chosen because at the time they had the best memory to recall and remember things and events. If someone did something they remembered. So when the Quran was revealed they remembered.
@ALHELAL-eu2ue Deedat is not a historian; and he mistranslated a famous sentence of Djaffar Ibn Abi Taleb :' Before Islam we use to fight against each other for no reason...etc"
Allah never helps any Muslim because 'Allah' is just the god of the Jews with a name invented by Muhammad. الله لا يساعد أي مسلم أبدًا لأن "الله" هو مجرد اسم إسلامي لإله اليهود.
*Sheikh deed’s body language was absolutely awesome. May Allah have mercy on him*
Allahumma Ameen Ameen Ameen ❤❤❤
He spent almost a decade in a bed unable to do anything besides blinking as he awaited for the eternal torment he now knew was coming. God is not mocked. Galatians 6:7
Alle dhamaanteenba haynoo naxariisto walaal.
@@thegoodfight365lol a severe illness before death ( same with getting murdered unjustly, dying in an accident or natural disasters) is a good sign in Islam because it is your sins being cleansed and forgiven through your suffering in this world, because the suffering in the next world for the guilty is uncompromising.
To think it's a religion that started in the desert is a miracle in itself.
To think almost a billion people believe the pagan nonsense found in the quran is the only miracle of islam. You don't have to threaten people with death for leaving if you have the truth. That's how satan works, not the LORD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Repent and believe. Your good deeds cannot pay for your sins. The true GOD has written HIS laws in your mind and on your heart. They testify to you that islam is false. It doesn't get more personal than that. The true and living GOD loves you...all.
John 3:16
A religion 'invented' in the desert.
Allah never helps any Muslim because 'Allah' is just the god of the Jews with a name invented by Muhammad.
الله لا يساعد أي مسلم أبدًا لأن "الله" هو مجرد اسم إسلامي لإله اليهود.
@@thegoodfight365 This is one of the most ignorant comment I have ever read, Talking about paganism and you carry a cross with a statue of a white man that you claim to be your god. I dare you to bring a single reference from Quran to paganism
@@Stiffytheenlightened Allah is the only true god, It was his name since the beginning and Allah taught his name to Adam and nobody invented it. كلامك لا يدل الا على معرفتك السطحية جدا بالاسلام وبتعاليم الإسلام
«Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah ﷻ be pleased with him) said : “Verily, we were a disgraced nation and Allah honored us with Islam. If we seek honor from anything besides that with which Allah honored us, Allah will disgrace us once again.”»
(al-Mustadrak ala al-Sahihayn 207)
Well look at the Arabs now.. They can't even unite to defend Palestine... And the worst part is... Part of them recognised the illegal state of Israel.. What kind of betrayal is that?
الاثر لا يصح
The translation is wrong. There is no “disgraced” in the narrative. If you don’t know the language don’t comment.
@@AK-ij7be What is the word that is used there then?
@@ElyasQuick1 “weak” is the right word not “disgraced”
Yemen was a Jewish nation at the time, and Iraq was a Christian nation at the the time. The Jews and Christians knew about the last prophet and they knew he would be from the Arabs.
Where do you get this 😂
Yemenis were not Jewish most of them were monotheistic
@@Darkest_matter they aren't arab genetically
@@loodi3138 bruh Arabs come from Yemen
@@quoraman6669 some UA-cam video about pre-islamic arabia
Deedat was amazing, may Allah swt be pleased with him
SubhanAllah. Allah SWT decisions are perfect
May Allah bless our brothers and sisters of ummah with Jannah ❤
Aameen summa Aameen ❤
I’m an muslim arab and People are Missing the point the sheikh may Allah have mercy on him wanted to make and he didn’t verse it well may Allah forgive him he wanted to show how islam how Allah light and wisdom can change people to be better that’s it he didn’t want you to fight each others on what race is better your muslims and of course you believe that we are all sons of adam
Please don’t drag your self into fetna and beware of shetan and don’t be arrogant for Allah don’t like the arrogant
The sheikh is now in his grave and we know of much he was good so don’t make him sin in his grave because someone put a video for him out of context or miss vresing from him my Allah protect us all and guide us to serat al mostagem
@user-oi6pr2pf4x صحيح لكن الشيخ مات ولسنا معصومين عن الغلط هل ننسف كل الخير اللي عمله لوجه الله عشان غلطة ونجعله يذنب وهو في قبره الاولى ان نُعرض عن غلطه ونقول انه غلط ونيته صالحة من باب احسان الظن وندعي له بالخير والله اعلم
Subhanallah ❤Alhamdulillah ❤Allahu Akber 💚 Lailaha illAllah Muhammadan Rasoolullah 💚
God knows where to put his message, and he chose the Arabs because they are the best to spread the message
Turks spread Islam more. Arabs are only the best with Islam, without it they are zero.
No you guys were disgrace to the planet and needed help 😊
الحمدلله على نعمة الإسلام
{الله أعلم حيث يجعل رسالته}
{وقالوا لولا نزل هذا القرآن على رجل من القريتين عظيم أهم يقسمون رحمة ربك}
{ولقد استهزئ برسل من قبلك فحاق بالذين سخروا منهم ما كانوا به يستهزئون}
وقال الرسول العربي الهاشمي القرشي عليه افضل الصلاة والسلام:( إن الله اصطفى من ولد إبراهيم إسماعيل ، واصطفى من بني إسماعيل بني كنانة ، واصطفى من بني كنانة قريشا ، واصطفى من قريش بني هاشم ، واصطفاني من بني هاشم)
وقال الرسول العربي عليه الصلاة والسلام:(عن سلمان قال : قال لي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم " يا سلمان ، لا تبغضني فتفارق دينك " قلت : يا رسول الله ، كيف أبغضك وبك هدانا الله؟ قال : " تبغض العرب فتبغضني ")
ابتلينا بالشعوبية ..
ذَلّوا بِأَسيافِنا طولَ الزَمانِ فَمُذ
تَحَكَّموا أَظهَروا أَحقادَهُم فينا
Only the line of Abraham was chosen not all Arabs!
@@ChromeMan04 the line of Abraham was chosen from the Arabs Yes, but he chose the Arabs from the world. learn the hierarchy.
@@ChromeMan04 مثل ابو لهب😂😂😂
@@ALHELAL-eu2ueindeed allah choose arab to place his final messenger but do not forget that our prophet is telling us that no race is superior than the other. White skin doesn't superior than a dark skin. All human are equal and the deed is differentiate us not race.
our beloved Omar ibn Alkhatab said when he opened the al Aqsa , we arabs Allah gave us Islam and without it we we nothing.
Subhan Allah
Allah chooses the lowest of the people and raises them up.
The lowest of the people? Your felthy ass barbarian Arabs were the best of the people and the most capable of holding the final massage of Allah they had morals and honor that no nation in their time had that's why prophet muhammad pbuh said that he was sent to perfects good morals ( good morals Arabs already had )
Allah prophet and messenger Mohmmad ﷺ was NOT from the lowest of people. YOU ARE.
لقد كذبت فالرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم اختاره الله واصطفاه من فضلاء فالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ليس حقيرًا يا هذا
@@AK-ij7be you are you skumbag.
@@AK-ij7be you are. your people are the lowest most humiliated people on earth today at present times.
Allah chose them to save them
Allah doesn't we just made up this narrative to justify our reason of conquering other's land
@@loodi3138لقد اختارهم الله لنشر الرسالة شئت ام ابيت
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat must be enjoying in jannatul firdaus.
insha'Allah he is.
They are still the same people, Just not warshiping the idols... 360 million of them can't defend Palestine, Some of them are even supporting Isreal against those defenceless Palestinian women and children...
Don't compare it's the politicians, not the people.
@@jamilanor653I don't agree with you... Leaders are the mirror image of the society...
@abdullahehtesham7952 Like it or not, this is a matter of Arab. If Palestine became an independent country today, it would be no different to any other Arab country of today. You would not have any right as a Muslim if you were not from there...
That because in Qur'an, Israel was said to exist until the day that the Palestinian gain their land back, and there is nothing we can do to change it but for you to take the creadit of it. Like your comment for example, until you can't anymore.
@@jamilanor653 people are useless too.
Rahimahullahu Ta'ala❤.
The Arab superiority complex in the comments show that they are still in the state of jahiliya and they are still so full of pride
No it shows that they have some dignity & we never claimed to be superior
@@ibrahimbinomarYes, you do(the word you use dignity says it all)!! Arabs were nothing before islam. They didn't have anything except poetry. It is said that Iblees of proud of Arabs because he hadn't seen anyone more barbaric then Arabs.
@@ibrahimbinomarthey are far for superior! far far from it. rest of the non Arab Muslim world has proven to be better.
May Allah SWT grant grandfather Sheikh Ahmed Deedat beautiful Jannah🤲🤲🤲 i admire peaple who had a chance to meet Sheikh Ahmed Deedat.
Allahumma Ameen Ameen , Alhamdullilah i met him ❤❤❤
He is in hell already. In pieces.
Ma Sha Allah ❤
Well explained 4 people 2 luk in to truth of islam
Wow! Where can we find the full lecture please?
Our Arab brothers should not get offended by this but should ponder on it so they don’t end up back in that lifestyle. Allah gave them and the rest of humanity Islam so we should be thankful for it.
يارجال الرسول يقول انما بعثت لاتمم مكارم الاخلاق!!
ابو جهل كان يقدر يقتله في الليل لكن اخلاقه ماتسمح ويقول، وتقول العرب روّع عمرو بن هشام بنات محمد وهتك حرمة بيته ؟
هذا دليل واضح ان العرب كان افضل الناس اخلاقا
@@faisal1598741 هم يجهلون كل هذا ولا يتقبلون هذه الحقائق، لأنهم لا يريدون الاعتراف بتفضيل الله للعرب على سائر الناس، الذي له نصوص كثيرة واردة في القران والسنة. لذلك ينتقصون من العرب ويوهمون انفسهم بهذه الأكاذيب لتطمين نفوسهم. وكيف يعقل ان ينزل القران على اشر الناس وان يكون النبي المصطفى منهم؟ فعلا لا يفكرون
Some of the things he said were not true
We don’t feel offended my dear because simply it isn’t truth 😂, Arabs had great morality, values and courage before Islam 😊 you think Allah will choose a barbarian nation to hold the last message from him 😅 !!?
That was their lifestyle which made them superpower.... conquering from France to china....
Arabs fought each others for 40 years, the civilized Europeans fought for 100 years, do some math
Arabs are fighting each other today.
arab race is nothing without Allah. Verily there is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab or of a non-Arab over an Arab, or of a red man over a black man, or of a black man over a red man, except in terms of taqwa
Except that 2 black men has the same value as one white man.... that's Muhammad's equality....
(Sahih Muslim Book 10, Hadith Number 3901)
@@telorceploksambelkecap You have no value
@@Jamal-ub1ko so you are not smart enough to deny my comment...
@@telorceploksambelkecap cite your sources
@@Muhammad_Zakariyyah I have one advise for you and my other Muslim brother,I will share the sources from where the kafir argues but not do it in reason to either guide him to Islam and I REQUEST ALL MUSLIMS TO DO THE SAME, let the enemies of ISLAM enjoy spend their lives derogating Islam and Muslims and our Beloved Prophet,they all will answer for what they did to Palestine and rest of us.
Source : Sunan an-Nasa'i 4184, A white Muslim came to our beloved Prophet(PBUH) and asked to emigrate,Later his Master came looking for him then unbeknownst to the slave he told the Prophet of his ownership and then the Prophet offered to by him for two Non Muslim black slaves,the transaction took place but the Prophet did not migrate the white man until he confessed being a slave(he was Muslim though).
The Hadith' was used to propagate trade integrety and honesty the Muslims should show when trading, alas the heathen corrupted and splendidly omitted the word "Muslim".
Which is why take Quran alone as word of Allah while Hadeeths should only be taken as a footnote.
مكارم الأخلاق كانت موجودة عند العرب قبل الإسلام فكيف لهم ان يكونوا بربريين، قال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم (إنما بعثتُ لأتمم مكارم الأخلاق) بمعنى ان الأخلاق الحميدة كانت في خصال العرب منذ قديم الزمن
To kill your own daughters is barbarian.
صدقت والله ، و الفيديو شكلوا مركب. و إن لم يكن. فنرجوا من الله ان يغفرله.
@@natasha23950 no one did that only quraishes did there are about 7 more adnani tribes who ruleed and became kings of the levant and mesopetmia who pretty much had queens
@@Jfry69 Allah literally said
واذا الموءودة سئلت بأي ذنب قتلت
@@MrCopper6 You guys arabs no need to be defensive. All nations before the arrival of Islam are barbaric in their own ways. All cultures have these kind of craziness. lt was lslam who freed us all from all those and taught us to be dignified human beings.
""تخرجول حییہ منل میت ، و تخرجُل مائیۃ مِنل حي ، تولیجون نہارا فل لیل ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔" ال قرآن
You just answered your own question, and I don't remember the scriptures saying anywhere Allah chose the Arab people, Islam and the messenger just happened to be there because that is where the criminals and the wicked were so that is where they were sent, They knew matters and ambitions concerning those arabs they were sent to that most people didn't
Had We revealed it to a non-Arab, And he had recited it to them [perfectly], they would [still] not have been believers in it
Had We revealed it as a non-Arabic Quran, they would have certainly argued, “If only its verses were made clear ˹in our language˺. What! A non-Arabic revelation for an Arab audience!” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “It is a guide and a healing to the believers. As for those who disbelieve, there is deafness in their ears and blindness to it ˹in their hearts˺. It is as if they are being called from a faraway place
I do not know the proper tafsir of this ayah, but there are many people even to this day reject Islam on the basis that the Quran is in Arabic and they see it as an Arab religion eventhough it is a religion for mankind. It also does not make sense for the Prophet pbuh to be an Arab, starting off in Arabia and recite the book in Chinese.
@@emsa7esm203 Tafsir? I didn't follow anyone's tafsir I just starting reading the book and followed my own interpretation, opinions and conclusions, I forgot the term tafsir was being used till you mentioned it, Is that what they call it, A scholars tafsir? Sounds like a bad and unfunny arab joke. Kinda defeats the purpose of all of the scriptures if you follow someone else's tafsir, perception and interpretation, If people really were following other people's tafsir and understandings then of what use was the scriptures
"Kinda defeats the purpose of all scriptures if you follow someone else's tafsir". What all scriptures? What following tafsir? You don't follow tafsir. There is no scripture but the Quran to follow unless you are a non-Muslim. You just outed yourself as a fake Muslim. You can't even do one thing correct.
قال النبيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم لأصحابه: إنما بُعثتُ لأتمم مكارم الأخلاق
Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "I was sent to perfect good character."
How could an animal in human form have good character? The pre-islamic Arabians were not a perfect people but let us not speak with exaggeration, they were a people like any other, i don't think the ancestors of ahmad deedat were better or even had etiquette and culture that equals the pre-islamic Arabians.
The point is Mohammed PBUH was an Arabian which in itself enough to know that these descriptions that deedat quoted from a racist probably non-muslim historian are wrong and to add to that if you read the sunna and you read the stories of the sahaba you would get a glimpse of the honor-centric nature of the pre-islamic Arabians which does not conform with the description of ahmad deedat or the historian. (Of course an ancient westerner is hate filled and racist why would he quote a man that looks like a
Caricature of a ketchup bottle).
I don't agree with him at all and i think this video should be taken down to prevent fitna and the spread of the anti-arab rhetoric.
الحمدلله الذي جعلني عربياً.
*Thank you brother, this is the right answer to such absurdity*
الحمدلله اللذي جعلني عربياً/مسلمً
Westerner as you mentioned of those times were not racist and had no motive to lie. Today most racists make up stories but back then only credible people were allowed to talk.
God bless you brother, this channel vile language and remarks are so hateful.
Allah chose them with the Quran,the final kitaab, which although speaks of Islam.But, Islam is from the beginning.
Everything is Relative
Arabs were not barbarians, they were at the peak of philosophy and linguistics, but this was the only part of the world, where they were practicing their ignorance in everything, from trade to you name it, they were still in idol worshipping and believed different dieties to have posessed different powers.
Ignorance is not lack of knowledge, but it is a wrong belief that one lives by, promotes and endorses others to do the same. Those are the people that Allah referred in the Quran as ‘Jahil’. A jahil is the one that practices ‘Taghoot’ (man made laws)
Only south arabia (yemen) and nabateans had some civilized people
Without Islam Arabs are nothing, zero. Other nations and people can succeed like the Persians and Chinese for example who had great civilizations even before Islam. But Arabs will never succeed without Islam. Isa (a.s.) was chosen as a messenger to his people because his people were doing very bad things like worshipping a calf, charging interest, etc and they would never accept the message of a Prophet who was not from their kind own because they were arrogant. Similarly, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was chosen from amongst his people to guide them because they were barbaric, they were burying their daughters alive, treating women like chattel, raiding other tribes -raiding and revenge was the law of the pre-Islamic Arabs. They were not civilized, Islam civilized them and reformed the entire Arabia. Many other peoples in the world were also barbaric, not just Arabs. The Middle East was chosen because they are at the center of the world if you look at a map - and because Allah knew that with Islam Arabs would become great, rule and succeed and turn into a very good, hospitable, kind and friendly people. But without Islam, Arabs are pathetic losers as they are today without any ability to open their mouths against a genocide and without any ability to stop it. Today they are completely incapable of defending their own women and children. Also Arabs were arrogant and would probably not accept a Prophet from another nation so Allah swt chose a prophet from amongst them. But if you analyze history, other people's like the Turks, Persians and Berbers became Muslims from Arabs which shows how humble they were, that they had the ability to see truth and accept Islam from a people who were not their own- from a foreign people. So anytime an Arab tries to behave arrogantly - just realize their present condition and their condition before Islam. Today they are the most disrespected people in the world, even out of the whole Muslim world, they are the worse. How can not even one leader of the Arab world say or do anything about the Palestinian Genocide??? They didn't even do anything to defend Palestine for the past 75 years when Palestine was stolen. The only people Arabs bow down to and smile at are white people - they even hate and are racist against other non Arab Muslims.
@user-oi6pr2pf4x the period before the Prophet Muhammad was revealed the Qurʾān is called the jāhiliyyah, which is an Arabic word that means "ignorance" or "barbarism". This term is often used to negatively compare pre-Islamic Arabian life and culture to Islam, and can evoke images of violence, tribalism, and idol worship.
The entire has been chosen with deen ul Islam.
Assalamualaikum. any discount code?
This is incorrect, May Allāh have mercy on him
سَمِعْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم يَقُولُ " إِنَّ اللَّهَ اصْطَفَى كِنَانَةَ مِنْ وَلَدِ إِسْمَاعِيلَ وَاصْطَفَى قُرَيْشًا مِنْ كِنَانَةَ وَاصْطَفَى مِنْ قُرَيْشٍ بَنِي هَاشِمٍ وَاصْطَفَانِي مِنْ بَنِي هَاشِمٍ "
Wathila b. al-Asqa' reported:
I heard Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: Verily Allah granted eminence to Kinana from amongst the descendants of Isma'il, and he granted eminence to the Quraish amongst Kinana, and he granted eminence to Banu Hashim amonsgst the Quraish, and he granted me eminence from the tribe of Banu Hashim.
The two statements don't contradict example before prophethood the arab again the kafir arab were practicing some of the worst action circulating kaabah naked burying daughters alive war tribalism racism forced marriage no inheritance for women drinking blood and dead meat the worst undoubtedly the types of shirk they were commiting including black magic and the list goes on so at that point arab were amongst the worst
No doubt they had their good as well such hospitality poetry the quraysh especially banu hashim had some of the best men and women in character moral justice
How was life in Arabia before Islam?
Islamqa Question 154573
So what does the hadith got to do w the jahiliyyah may i ask?The hadith just proves Prophet Muhammad's noble lineage,nothing to do w the doings of the jahiliyyah (pre-islamic) arabs.
ذٰلِكَ فَضْلُ اللّٰهِ يُؤْتٖيهِ مَنْ يَشَٓاءُؕ
There is a lots of misinformation in this video about Arabs ,Arabs before slam yes they was pagan but they wasn’t ignorant and women didn’t this is the worst era because before that there were lots of Queens and homeowner and business woman I can say in that time like Khadijah bunt khuiyld The first wife a prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and Arabs wasn’t only burying them female babies also they buried the male babies because of wars
Without Islam Arabs are nothing, zero. Other nations and people can succeed like the Persians and Chinese for example who had great civilizations even before Islam. But Arabs will never succeed without Islam. Isa (a.s.) was chosen as a messenger to his people because his people were doing very bad things like worshipping a calf, charging interest, etc and they would never accept the message of a Prophet who was not from their kind own because they were arrogant. Similarly, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was chosen from amongst his people to guide them because they were barbaric, they were burying their daughters alive, treating women like chattel, raiding other tribes -raiding and revenge was the law of the pre-Islamic Arabs. They were not civilized, Islam civilized them and reformed the entire Arabia. Many other peoples in the world were also barbaric, not just Arabs. The Middle East was chosen because they are at the center of the world if you look at a map - and because Allah knew that with Islam Arabs would become great, rule and succeed and turn into a very good, hospitable, kind and friendly people. But without Islam, Arabs are pathetic losers as they are today without any ability to open their mouths against a genocide and without any ability to stop it. Today they are completely incapable of defending their own women and children. Also Arabs were arrogant and would probably not accept a Prophet from another nation so Allah swt chose a prophet from amongst them. But if you analyze history, other people's like the Turks, Persians and Berbers became Muslims from Arabs which shows how humble they were, that they had the ability to see truth and accept Islam from a people who were not their own- from a foreign people. So anytime an Arab tries to behave arrogantly - just realize their present condition and their condition before Islam. Today they are the most disrespected people in the world, even out of the whole Muslim world, they are the worse. How can not even one leader of the Arab world say or do anything about the Palestinian Genocide??? They didn't even do anything to defend Palestine for the past 75 years when Palestine was stolen. The only people Arabs bow down to and smile at are white people - they even hate and are racist against other non Arab Muslims.
This is false. Just by looking at current times, Since the 1970s, sex-selective abortions have resulted in skewed sex ratios at birth in favor of males, in a number of countries.
A new study predicts that there could be at least 4.7 million fewer females born globally by 2030, and possibly as many as 22 million by 2100. This is mainly prevalent in South-East Asia where there are hindus in higher percentages, and muslims are misguided. So how can you say that it was not 1400+ years ago in Arabia. Considering sister-in-law as part of property marrying them, practicing idolatry, group relation parties in which many men had relation with a single woman and if it resulted in a child than the face of the child will be matched up with the men the mother had relations with to select who the father is. This was super barbaric.
Quran 81:8 -surah takveer ; and when baby girls, buried alive, are asked
The problem with this narrative is thinking of Arabs as only a bunch of Nomads fighting each other. But in reality they were much more diverse. There were nomadic tribes but there were also established and settled Arabs in the Levant and in Yemen. They had Kings, they had queens. They were very rich.
And also the Arabs in Iraq were settled down
@abdullahehtesham7952 You are talking about a certain period, the Roman period. Prior to the Romans, several Kingdoms flourished in the north. Qedar, Nabatea etc. And in the South, Qataban, Himyar, Awsan, Hadramawt etc. They were organized and not really nomadic. The central Arabian folks were highly tribal and nomadic, and they continued to do so up until Al Saud united a bunch of them. During the time of the Prophet, yes, the Arabs had pretty much lost all their glory both to the South (Ethiopian, Persian) and the North (Roman, persian) etc. You can't just call thousands of years of history as an exception.
@@jamieammar6131 what the f are you talking about? Arabs were jahlliya, in deep need of Islam.
@@marindebruin No what the F are you talking about ? Yes, the central Arabs were in Jahliya, but not the northern (Levant) and southern (Yemen) Arabs. They have rich ancient history.
@@jamieammar6131 what the F are you talking about I repeat? Egypt and Persia also have a rich history but they were still jahliyya in many of their practices. You think the Levant worshipping Baal is not jahlliyya? Educate yourself. You don't know what the F you are writing or talking about.
Sheikh Ahmed deedat , The Lion heart
I believe that the Arabs had an advantage even before their conversion to Islam, qualities that were not present in any empire at that time. They were brave, generous, honest, and had modesty, and they loved to die for a cause and not just an ordinary death. Islam came to this people and made them develop those qualities of theirs, for example the person who loved to die for his tribe wants to die for Islam and spreading the truth. They were a people who truly cared about their language, so the Qur’an came in their language, and they stood amazed at its eloquence. Islam was began by an orphan in the desert. He taught all civilizations about God and morals. God knows who is able to carry his message, and God knows best. Why did he choose the Arabs to send among them the last messenger. This is due to a wisdom that God knows and perhaps due to characteristics that the Arabs possessed. I think that because they were poor, they were simple and accepted the truth, unlike the prominent empires such as the Romans and the Persians. They would not have believed the Messenger of God because what he called for was against their desires. Thank God for Islam
non Arabs who accepted Islam were way better. Arabs needed someone from their own kind in order to accept Islam, non Arabs accepted Islam from a totally foreign people.
800 years arabs ruled spain
That's amazing
And Inshallah we will get to see Muslim-ruled Spain again in our lifetimes.
No, Berbers / North Africans conquered and ruled Spain, Arabs came afterwards. Tariq ibn Ziyad and the majority of his army were Berbers with very small Arab units
@user-oi6pr2pf4x it has an Arabic influence because North Africans converted to Islam and spoke their dialect of Arabic in Spain.
@user-oi6pr2pf4x North Africans were the original conquerors of Spain - they gave much of their architectural beauty to Spain. They got Arabized after Islam but still retained a lot of their own culture.
The Arabs conquered the Iberian Peninsula and built its palaces. The scholars were Arabs and everything was Arab. The Berbers had nothing to do with it. So do not try to steal the history of others because you do not have your own history and civilization.
غير صحيح، عن أبي هريرة، عن النبي ﷺ قال: (إنما بعثت لأتمم مكارم الأخلاق) - حديث شريف من سماحة آخر الأديان السماوية واعترافه بالقيم الإنسانية العامة أنه لا يحصر الأخلاق بشريعته بل يؤكد شراكة الناس فيها جميعا، ولهذا يوضح نبي ديننا عليه الصلاة والسلام أنه مرسل من الله ليتمم مكارم الأخلاق التي قبله
Ahmed dedaat is rarely wrong, but this is not true, this narrative is not true.
There is a huge misinformation here. When Sheikh mentioned about "Barbarians" those tribes were not Arabs, Arabs were a city people. Like the Prophet Muhammad SAW was a city person. Like Qawm Aad and Thamud were city people. The "Barbarians" are the "Al-Aa'rab" "الْأَعْرَابُ" they are Bedouins desert mountain dwelling folk that use to wander Arabia and loot city people that pass by the desert vulnerable. They were not Arabs because Arabs were civilized. Now this is where most people get confused because Al-Aa'rab and Arab might sound the same but they are a completely different people. There is a very huge distinction the Qur'an mentions it:
﴿الْأَعْرَابُ أَشَدُّ كُفْرًا وَنِفَاقًا وَأَجْدَرُ أَلَّا يَعْلَمُوا حُدُودَ مَا أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ عَلَىٰ رَسُولِهِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ عَلِيمٌ حَكِيمٌ﴾
[ التوبة: 97]
"The bedouins are stronger in disbelief and hypocrisy and in all probability, will remain ignorant of the laws that Allah has revealed to His Messenger. And Allah is Knowing and Wise."
[Surah At-Tawbah Ayah 97]
قَالَتِ الْأَعْرَابُ آمَنَّا ۖ قُل لَّمْ تُؤْمِنُوا وَلَٰكِن قُولُوا أَسْلَمْنَا وَلَمَّا يَدْخُلِ الْإِيمَانُ فِي قُلُوبِكُمْ ۖ وَإِن تُطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ لَا يَلِتْكُم مِّنْ أَعْمَالِكُمْ شَيْئًا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ﴾
[ الحجرات: 14]
The bedouins say, "We have believed." Say, "You have not [yet] believed; but say [instead], 'We have submitted,' for faith has not yet entered your hearts. And if you obey Allah and His Messenger, He will not deprive you from your deeds of anything. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."
[Hujurat 49:14]
The Bedouins use to not show gratitude and respect to the Prophet SAW, and were disrespectful towards him. Just wanted to clear this misconception.
Also just waned to clarify that these same "Bedouins" are the ones ruling the Gulf countries you see today.
"When you see barefoot, naked, destitute shepherds competing in constructing tall buildings. Then wait for the Hour."
Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah 63
The arabs were a proud people before islam and after it their pride and honour increased,most of the stuff he says are lies spread post the abbasid era.
Arabs were a literate population despite being nomads,they built cities like hegra,petra ,hatra,and palmyra,they traced their genealogies and looked down upon non atabs.
A war was started against the persians where the arabs won because khosrow wanted the daughter of an arab man.
Don't belittle us Ajamis
When u are knowledgeable, u give lectures, u educate and get to make q difference in people's lives!!!
Now what are u? What use has ur despicable comment??🤦🏾♂️
I don't know where u are from, but from where I am, we don't speak to great people like that🤦🏾♂️
This only shows ur ignorance and ur lack of manners!!
Yes bro , you are right these non Arabs will always feel envious towards us because of our lineage and our proud
Pride will only give a place from hellfire@@eyeofeagle9518
@@eyeofeagle9518 they hate us because Allah has blessed us with oil
This all barbaric charectersticks are present in ancient indian pakistani people and modern day indians.
Hope ALLHA even guide our communities...Ameen
it's the berbers that invaded spain
No but Berbers participated
@@Khattab511 nope , the army and its leader was berber
Umayyads Who conquered North Africa and brought Islam were Berbers ?
Love the video but please remove the noise in the back
lmao that isn't really true arabs were generous people and were very into literature and Trading. There were so many poets back then that they have their own category in the arabic literature. Tribes used to fight between each other sometimes yeah but it's nothing different to the rest of the world. it's true that some people used to kill their female newborns sometimes for reasons like they wanted a son as their first or whatever other dumb reason they had but not everyone used to do this.
They used to travel north to trade with the roman and persian empires as well as with some kingdoms in africa. not all arabs are the descendants of ismail the son of abraham ismail and his mother lived along side the early arab tribes and yea alot of later arabs were his descendants but not all.
the point is this is very offensive to me as an arab. and tbh an insult to allah. I would agree with the point that jews used to think they are better because they are the sons of isaac and not ismail but not because of the other stupid reasons he said.
Total nonsense. The reason Allah chose the Arabs is cause they were the best people due to their noble traits (hospitality, generosity, bravery, ghayrah, etc) and Prophet Muhammad came from the best of lineages.
The Prophet said: “Verily, Allah chose Kinanah from *the sons of Ishmael,* then he chose Quraysh from Kinanah, then he chose the tribe of Hashim from Quraysh, then he chose me from the tribe of Hashim.” [Sahih Muslim 2276]
Allah also said: “Indeed, Allah chose Adam and Noah and *the family of Abraham* and the family of 'Imran over the worlds” (3:33)
Read Surah At-Tawbah verse 97 and tell me what you think
@@Jamal-ub1ko That verse doesn’t speak about Arabs in general, but the nomadic/desert dwelling ones, since they didn’t live in cities, so they were more ignorant than the city dwelling ones. However, read from 97 to 99. You’re in for a surprise.
@@Jirenblack98 arab is an arab
@@Jamal-ub1ko You don’t know what you’re talking about. The term used in Arabic is أعراب, which specifically refers to nomadic Arabs, who were different from the city dwellers. Either learn Arabic or pick up a book of tafsir, and you’ll understand.
North Africans are not Arabs
Deedat was grossly misunderstood he meant that arabs in the eyes of chosen people of the old times . Not literally, they thought that arabs were lesser beings and not worthy of a prophet. Thats all he meant . He didn’t mean that the arabs are literally barbaric. This video either has an agenda or the owner of the channel is super raciest . Read the quran and you will see the exact reason god chose arabs , its for their honor and chivalry and high morality, its literally mentioned in the quran .
As an Arab 🇸🇦 this is really offensive,I don’t know why Ahmad Didatt say these things about us?! I think he was trying to make a point. But this channel decided to use the clip for their hatred and racism. The Arab were weak and scattered before Islam but they were no “barbarians” nor “animals”❌. The Arab had many good qualities before and after Islam such as generosity and Horsemanship, knighthood and poetry. they wore beautiful clothes and perfumes. In fact, they were the first to use perfumes as we use them today.
bro Arabs where more sinful just read more books u will know just thank Allah he choose the Quran to come to your nation with our beloved prophet Muhammad pbuh
lol burying woman alive, killing daughters, considering sister-in-law as part of property marrying them, practicing idolatry is very non-barbaric right?
@@azeemiqbal181 not all Arabs did that, only the pagan ones, there were Arabs who were atheists, Christian, and Jewish before the prophet came.
@@Ghazi682 and atheists are very morally upright people? What is the evidence that they were any better than the idol worshippers. Also Atheists means that they did not believe in God which means they did not care for their actions in the long run since they also than did not believe in Heaven or Hell. Also you are talking as they were the majority, There were some Jew Tribes who controlled nearby areas using their markets/interest and the Christians were in 0. percentages who mostly lived near the Kingdom of Aksum and Roman Empire Border. While the majority of people in Arabia were idol worshippers.
@@azeemiqbal181 no, Islam is the true religion, but you’re saying all Arabs are barbarians because of some pagans Arabs, go read about Yemen pre Islam it was empire.
Arabs used to do Tawaf naked around the Ka'aba before Islam. Alhmdu Llah Islam came and changed everything I'm an Arab myself from Saudi Arabia
Do you have any honor talking about your people this way?
@@abbasdwd9367 My people are the Muslims Arab not the one before
@user-sl5tf9jk6k still, you shouldn't allow a pakistani to insult your ancestors and call them animals in human form. Arabs had traditions, values and poetry before islam. I think you should still have respect for them.
@@abbasdwd9367So why are you upset that he is accepting his past(his anciestors). After some years you will also deny that Arabs were pagan
Do you have source?
“Were” 😂
Allah chose Arabs because they are good and hospitable people with masculine warrior culture
lol no. It’s because you were backwards.
@@ChromeMan04 This is dumb
I've never met a good Arab in my life
True he is wrong they were the best is generosity and courageous people
If he read the poems of jaahiliyah he would know that they werent barbaric but they barbaric in some issues like shirk and burying their daughters alive
@@arianathearyan racist
They are still barbarian , its moneh that hiding their barbarism
Not true as much as i love dr didat but he was in the wrong here the arabs have reached a level of moral advancements where ever thing an arab man does has etiquette and you can clearly see that in old stories but they had some jahiliah traditions and the arabs pre islam were very much involved with poetry such umru al qais antar bin shadad alfarasdaq jarir and many more when you see popele who can articulate such beautiful poems how can you call them an (animal in human form) in tge end there is no doubt that arabs pre islam had some ignorant tradition but so did most of the world at that time I would even say that the arabs at that time were more advanced ethically
Islamists oppose racist statements except when it concerns Arabs.
Such statements must not be tolerated, and Islamic historiography demonized Arabs before Islam to appear better by contrast.
The fact is that Arabs had high moral values and norms long before Islam. Islam did not introduce anything unknown to the Arabs but rather consolidated Arab norms and values into a religion.
Why are you saying Islamists ? just say Muslims
Why there was no Islam in the New World? Aztecs and the likes of them were also brutal
So it had nothing to do with the Arabic language itself? It is often said that the Arabic language was so eloquent, that the Qur’an could only be articulated through Arabic
Nope , its bothe , and only Allah knows best.
@@Khuyayn no
@@ChromeMan04 If it was because the people were so barbaric, then it wouldn’t take much for a person to be considered descent, or even the greatest person alive, for behaving less barbaric than them
A revisionist interpretation of history. The arabs of preislamic arabia were known for their chivlary had lots of legendary figures before islam. Yes they were ignorant, but not savages. In comparison to the tribal peoples of mongolia or the hindus of the indian kingdoms, the arabs were much more advanced. In truth I feel alot of non arab muslims are just jealous of the arabs, to this day, and belittle their culture and history. When the truth is, the last prophet was an Arab. Not a desi, not a persian, not a turk, an Arab. What the Arabs lack today isn't really faith. We have plenty of that. What we lack is action. Action and leadership that acts for the greater good.
Arabs where not barbarians, Yemen, Nabateans were not barbarians, Mecca is a 5000 years old city, Madina is 4000 years old, even the beduins of Najd were always merchants.. the literacy rate of pre-Islamic Arabia was highest in the world
Barbarism and intelligence are not mutually exclusive. Look at the mongols, extreme example. Pre islamic arabs had a despicable culture and history
@@OhjusrebmememberedNohw you can prove me lier, but I dont think you have the required amount of brain cells
@@MohdHilalAny valid sources on that?
@@Khuyayn Yemen produced 4 different Arabic scripts, arabic names for kings of Himyar, Saba’, Hadramout. These ancient kingdoms and they are all Arabs.
Nabateans are named after Nabat, son of Ishmail, Nabateans are from Mecca and also, Quraish, Mohammad’s tribe is Nabatean.
For Najd merchants routes, these as ancient as history.
On literacy rate, Arabia is littered with inscriptions in so many different scripts documenting really small trade agreements, something selling a couple of goats. Compared with other nations, the volume of documented trade suggests that scribes were very abundant and affordable.
the usa is going to get the most moslem converts of this generation quote this 50 years from now
I find it a bit problematic that he says such things about Arabs back in the day. Maybe there was a period of time when the Arabs were let’s say at their worst but prior to that many ancient nations and civilizations came from ancient Arabia from different parts of Arabia like in levant Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, Oman, literally so many ancient civilizations and actually they were the biggest civilizations in ancient times. Not to mention Arabs were rich from ancient times. Arabs always excelled in trade. And they used to travel everywhere for trade.
He’s right though. It is only after the establishment of Islam came the Golden age of Islam where many inventions were from arabs. The Ottoman Empire the ultimately came into place after their dominance
That’s not true! There were ancient Arab inventions and discoveries even before Islam by probably thousands of Years. There were multiple civilizations discovered before Islam in Yemen, Iraq, Phoenicia and even in the middle of Arabia. Like in Babylon, many things were invented and discovered. In Yemen as well like for example there are historical sources and evidence that say domestication of animals existed even before Babylon in Yemen. And they were the first to domesticate animals in history. Also water passages in Eden in Yemen are so old they don’t even know who made them. And those are huge water passages made throughout the city of Eden formed in the shape of stairways for people to go down get water when the water level is too low in the passages. Also not to mention in Yemen they were the first to make dams.
It’s just that around the time of the advent of prophet Mohammed the state of Arabs was bad.
Allah dod not have mercy on this guy.
10 years of agony and pain.
Allah is not God.
Isa is not Jesus.
Islam is from satan and not from Gabriel.
Source: “what I want”
The arabs were muslims during prophet ibrahim, ismail, and syuaib.
I dont think you understood it,they left the path of Allah thats why they were disgrace. Arabs are not the only ones, there are other worst than them likes the ones Allah turned to animals and much more.
unfortiontly Deedat missed the point here, i know he was trying to explain to audience the application of Islam and how it make nations rise, If he read the poems of Jahiliya and the ancient history of Arabs and their relation with ancient Neiborhood empires he would know that they weren't barbaric but they barbaric in some issues.
@user-oi6pr2pf4xthough,I am not Arab,but I don't think any compliment or applause would I like the most other than someone says me a barbarian or savages
@user-oi6pr2pf4x may be you prefer nation above Islam?
@user-oi6pr2pf4x or you are impressed by western civilization, which feels proud to be modern and civilized.for this you even try to change your own history,which you could never be able to do
@user-oi6pr2pf4x ok.didn't knew we have different history.Because my history is Rashiduns, Ummayads,Abbasids....
@user-oi6pr2pf4x the Arabs themselves called pre Islamic period:- ایام الجاہلیہ(the days of ignorance).But you are surely wise,so keep stranded in the illusion of "pre-islamic non-barbaric civilized Arabs"
If you think and analyze every situation that ever recorded when Allah trampled the arrogant people in the world, whether its His worshipper or merely His slaves, its always the one who look down upon trample over arrogant civilization.
Deedat had something against arabs hhh
If you have 80% of the land as desert, you’ll definitley be on camels, so that doesn’t have anything to do with barbarity or savageness.
If you take just some time to read a little about history, you won't say this. No one even wanted to conquer them...
@@oxygenalfarabi6041 i think you should go and read, what hollywood shows arabs as, they were not, they were the masters in the language and philosophy and they had trade regulations agreements and everything. They were not backward like what most americans and europeans know them as because of corrupt and controlled media. Allah called them ‘Jahil’ that is not your english ignorant ok. In english ignorant means something else, but when Allah calls somebody ignorant that means those who follow man made or self made laws as their system.
@@oxygenalfarabi6041 you would not conquer somebody who you find difficult to deal with.
@@oxygenalfarabi6041 you must go and read the lifestyle of any people living at that time in any region, it’s pretty much the same as arabs, the only difference is arabs were into practices that were a peak of Ignorance at that time. It’s not that they were poor, and others were rich , or they were illiterate and others were literate, there’s no such differences that prevailed there. It’s only that their self made laws created such a false system of belief that ended up in that sense as the most backward people. So simply what i’m saying is ‘that the view most of the world have of arabs of that time is totally false. The problem was something else as to why they were called backward and ignorant
even Roman didn't want to Conquer Arab
there was nothing on it that time 😂
May Allah forgive him, but I disagree with him in this topic. So as the books and history of Arabs.
If God chose the Arabs then Muhammad’s message would only be for the Arabs. God chose Muhammad not the Arabs.
who spread islam?
This is incorrect talk. Yes, the Arabs before Islam did not have a civil civilization, but they sanctified morals, and most importantly, they were not enslaved by kings like the Roman and Persian civilizations... God says in the Qur’an (God knows where He places His message). Is it possible that the final message for humanity is in the hands of Barbarians!!!!!
I am an Arab, and the truth is that this is a wrong step in the history of Ahmed Deedat. The Arabs had good morals that were not present in previous nations, such as generosity, honoring the neighbor, giving, honesty, eloquence, and other good qualities. As the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “I was sent only to perfect good morals.” Deedat should have quoted the Messenger instead of a hateful, disbelieving European orientalist. Arabs are the elite. God chose them from among the worlds. Then he chose Adnan from the Arabs, Mudar from Adnan, Quraysh from Mudar, Hashim from Quraysh, and so on until Muhammad AL-Mustafa (the selected One), may God bless him and grant him peace. Whoever insults the Arabs insults the Messenger, he is the one who said: “Loving the Arabs is faith.” Whoever loves the Arabs, this is from the piety of the heart.
I think you’re speaking emotionally, we studies pre-Islamic history and everything he says in this video is documented, read the Seerah of the prophet (saw) and the Quran, you’ll confirm everything he’s saying, the Arabs were honest yes, and eloquent, but they were barbaric as well, they kill female daughters as a norm, steal from the wayfarers, fight every time, which are all cited in the Quran, if you deny anything the sheikh says, you’re indirectly denying some part of the Quran because the sheikh doesn’t speaks except with evidence, you’re not speaking with evidence but with emotion and a way of trying colour your tribal history, the prophet on whom be peace always spoke to the sahabah saying “are you trying to return to the days of jahiliyah (ignorance) whilst I’m among you” and also this is a verse in the Quran
أفحكم الجاهلية يبغون
Are you uplifting the practices of ignorance
So please, don’t get blinded by tribal sentiments, go and read pre-Islamic Arabia, not the concocted version, all of it
The prophet peace be upon him had morals of course, doesn’t mean all the Arabs had, in fact he peace be upon him always used to cite them as people of ignorance, anyone who thinks killing a female because she’s a important or selling women because she’s meant to be a trade is a barbarism, as far as morality is concerned. I’m a Muslim and yes, Allah took from among the ignorant a noble man and made him a prophet
Peace be with you
Circling the Kaabah nakcd is good moral. Funny.
@@enlightenedwiseman4599 لا فضل الا ما فضل الله والله فضلنا على العالمين رغما عن معطسك go to bed now, sleep on that
@@enlightenedwiseman4599 The rest of the world was involved in much greater immorality.
@@ALHELAL-eu2uearab had good traits but in shirk they were the worst at that point not in manners and character but kufr shirk they were the circulating the kaaba naked which was amongst the worse action in terms of worship
Tariq ibn Shihab reported: Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “Verily, we were a disgraceful people and Allah honored us with Islam. If we seek honor from anything besides that with which Allah honored us, Allah will disgrace us.”
Source: al-Mustadrak ‘alá al-Ṣaḥīḥayn 207
Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani
One who loved the Arabs, loves me and one who hates the Arabs, hates me. ' Imam Tabarani (rahimahullah) has recorded this narration on the authority of Sayyiduna Anas (radiyallahu 'anhu) with a very weak chain.
the Arabs werent like that. they had good manners and values but didnt have a civilozation
They had but left the path thats why Allah disgraceedisgraced them. Arabs not the not only ones....
A barbarian chose barbarians
Allah chose prohets Muhammad to be last prohets to all mankind and jinn being
Arab before Islam had some of the oldest culture centers and many major cities in south and north Arabia. Arab such as Yemenis , Tadmur had been controlling tread routes between India , Asian and Roman’s for thousands of years before Islam. Yes there was two type of Arabs as mentioned in Quaran (Arab عرب living in cities and towns and اعراب Nomads )
Without Islam Arabs are nothing, zero. Other nations and people can succeed like the Persians and Chinese for example who had great civilizations even before Islam. But Arabs will never succeed without Islam. Isa (a.s.) was chosen as a messenger to his people because his people were doing very bad things like worshipping a calf, charging interest, etc and they would never accept the message of a Prophet who was not from their kind own because they were arrogant. Similarly, Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) was chosen from amongst his people to guide them because they were barbaric, they were burying their daughters alive, treating women like chattel, raiding other tribes -raiding and revenge was the law of the pre-Islamic Arabs. They were not civilized, Islam civilized them and reformed the entire Arabia. Many other peoples in the world were also barbaric, not just Arabs. The Middle East was chosen because they are at the center of the world if you look at a map - and because Allah knew that with Islam Arabs would become great, rule and succeed and turn into a very good, hospitable, kind and friendly people. But without Islam, Arabs are pathetic losers as they are today without any ability to open their mouths against a genocide and without any ability to stop it. Today they are completely incapable of defending their own women and children. Also Arabs were arrogant and would probably not accept a Prophet from another nation so Allah swt chose a prophet from amongst them. But if you analyze history, other people's like the Turks, Persians and Berbers became Muslims from Arabs which shows how humble they were, that they had the ability to see truth and accept Islam from a people who were not their own- from a foreign people. So anytime an Arab tries to behave arrogantly - just realize their present condition and their condition before Islam. Today they are the most disrespected people in the world, even out of the whole Muslim world, they are the worse. How can not even one leader of the Arab world say or do anything about the Palestinian Genocide??? They didn't even do anything to defend Palestine for the past 75 years when Palestine was stolen. The only people Arabs bow down to and smile at are white people - they even hate and are racist against other non Arab Muslims.
If he's speaking on Saudis and Gulf states yes but Yemen and Levant where great nations in succession from stone age to the times of islam
Stone Age times Arabs didn’t even exist lol
@@ChromeMan04 Yemen did
@@ChromeMan04 simple Google Yemen during the stone age you will see break down Oldowan Period, Mid Paleolithic, Neolithic ext
@@SamDwelling so they existed alongside dinosaurs? Good to know lol
@@ChromeMan04 certainly the dinosaur when related to Islam knowledge where just same species of animals today but just larger, People were the same to Prophet Adam pbuh was said to be 90 ft tall, basically everything was big back then not just the animals
Which ideology civilized Indians?
Sanatan Dharma
Also Islam
@@HDB41remember suttee almost as bad as daughter burial
@@HDB41 no you used to burn women because of Santana dharma
Islam, 100%
😂😂😂Mohammad fought 100 wars peacefully😂😂😂
When we have to fight, we fight, in the way of Allah. Islam is not all rainbows and flowers.
There are not 1 or 2, but 4 Messengers whom were ARAB Hud , Shuaib, Saleh, and Mohammed may piece and blessings be upon them all.
Beaware of translating english persons...
This is the most st.pid take i haveever heard.
Arab before islam where the closest people to to Islam there were honorable, trustworthy, not liars and to prove my point i wil give 2 examples : when abu sofian meet Hercules and he asked about the prophet SAAWS he answered him truthfully enen though he was an enemy of islam
The second is when the kofar were about to storm the house of prophet to kill at the night of the hejra but stop when they heard a voice of a woman inside.
So what i want to say is the arabs were the most fitting to deliver the message of Allah even though they had bad things but not to the point of describing them as the worst people before islam
Hazrat Hazrat was given as a slave to Hazrat Sara later on she gave Hazrat Hajra to Hazrat Ibrahim freeing and sad marry her so that you have a child because Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Sara was old they did not have children so Hazrat Ibrahim as married Hajra as if I am not wrong
Seeing the people who we call brothers slandering us has really opened my eyes
Arabs doing nothing for Palestine has really opened up the whole world's eyes.
@@marindebruin All Muslims doing nothing,not only Arabs
This is not true what is said about the arabs. Sure they were pagans they had tribal wars but they have honer, ethics,ext…
Honor without Allah is nothing.
So why did Allah choose them with Islam?
Hmm interesting questions 🤦♀️ you are saying as if whole world believe in Allah and follow Islam, this is your belief we don't care about that in your story if he chose arab or penguins.
Because It is Satan in disguise…
The Arabs were chosen because at the time they had the best memory to recall and remember things and events. If someone did something they remembered. So when the Quran was revealed they remembered.
Typical Arab this Arab That Activity
No they weren't. Europe means Arab.
how so?
@ALHELAL-eu2ue Deedat is not a historian; and he mistranslated a famous sentence of Djaffar Ibn Abi Taleb :' Before Islam we use to fight against each other for no reason...etc"
@@Aladin-r8t what do you mean Europe means Arab?
@@ALHELAL-eu2ue what I wrote. She was an Arabian Phoenician princess...read Herodotus
Allah never helps any Muslim because 'Allah' is just the god of the Jews with a name invented by Muhammad.
الله لا يساعد أي مسلم أبدًا لأن "الله" هو مجرد اسم إسلامي لإله اليهود.
Nice joke 😂😂😂