Where was professor Stephen Addae when political appointments were being made to these sensitive public offices and what did he say about it? The hypocrisy of these so called voices of society must end; SAY NO TO HYPOCRISY
Please why should we continue to listen foolish Prof after all that he has done in the past and happening now.Where was him when Charlotte Osei was shown the exit
Grand Risin'...Tribes family WORLDSWIDE!¡!
I am shocked. where you were when Charlotte was kicked out.
It's not a disaster. It's the right thing to do! Stop scaring our new president from doing the right thing
Where was professor Stephen Addae when political appointments were being made to these sensitive public offices and what did he say about it? The hypocrisy of these so called voices of society must end; SAY NO TO HYPOCRISY
Please why should we continue to listen foolish Prof after all that he has done in the past and happening now.Where was him when Charlotte Osei was shown the exit
Adie shut up they must go