And less and less gen pops like us believe less and less in the "official story" every year. Institutions are losing their power slowly but surely, but hopefully it ends up being more a positive thing than a negative one
@@DMando04 could you even imagine the great comedy (more importantly waking people up) that bill would be doing right now with the scamdemic bullshit? Man, what an amazing person we were blessed with, who got snuffed out way too soon.
Bill was the perfect comic to not replace the great Carlin but to continue that legacy of unapologetic brutal honesty that needed to be confronted by every man or woman or anyone to think for themselves and remember that you are as only as important as the human next to you. Weak alone but unstoppable together.
LOL, always funny to see people give Carlin accolades when he was a self-hating, hypocritical misanthrope. The man was funny as hell, but not someone to use as a philosophical touchstone.
@@treedillinger5801 I said MEANT to, Bill would still be here today had he not gotten Cancer. Therefore Continuing the legacy that began with Lenny Bruce. George was born in 1937 Bill was born in the 60's how can you think they are of equal vitality?
He still is !!! Rest In paradise . COD Pancreatic ..hah cough cough bullshit .he was taken down .cuz he spit to much truth . :///// NOT FAIR HE DIED B4 50 wtf
Yeah, but what are you winning?.. Lemme help you, OK?.. The answer to the odd coincidence of both Lee and the killer of Tippit both discarding jackets on the streets of Oak Cliff is.. Wait for it… They were the same guy, and only one jacket was actually discarded.. But conspiracy guys, the smartest dudes in the room, invent a double Oswald to explain this, because that’s how far gone they are.. lol.. Time to grow up.. It’s too late for Bill Hicks..
@@nipzie Yup. More & more are beginning to "see"...and Awaken to the BS that's been going on now for far longer than it ever should have been allowed to. As I've mentioned here in my own post...the people who killed JFK are still in power today. I'm a specwar vet...and the Truth of this world would unhinge a good part of our population if they actually knew (and believed...!) the Truth. May God bolster and protect ALL who stand against our common Enemy...the NWO Agenda followers. ..l.. those morally bankrupt, Luciferian bad guys ..l.. HOO-YAH & God Bless the Great Awakening and the Restoration of our Republic.
It's very funny that he talks about a government wanting to control information and below this video you have a panel telling you the "right" information.
No, it was douche-chills. I’m getting a bad case of them second hand just listening. Really wanted him to be good, but oh well. Guess I was just dumb and edgy when I was a teenager (oooh, just got massive douche-chills thinking about it).
It really is. On the audio cd the recording is from a different show where he does the same bit, and afterwards he says to the audience "oh shut up that was the best god damned pun you will ever hear" lol
One of my first childhood memories, I was so young that I cannot recall why it was on the television. Fast forward a couple years when I finally learned the full story, recalling those visions burned into my mind of his head exploding backwards. Watching a documentary on Lee Harvey Oswald. It was no secret that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill Kennedy. When America did not stand up at that moment and call bullshit and demand answers, the truth, along with many other events along the way, before and after, just complacently, handed it over. Today, they don’t even have to lie, they will stand up in Congress or on TV and tell you straight up. They are fucking you and don’t care if you know.
I recommend an excellent documentary called From JFK to 9/11, Everything is a Rich Man's Trick. It goes in depth on the planning, execution and aftermath of the assassination. Truly one of the best films I've ever seen.
It was not destiny apparently, for Bill to see the T owers. I was barely standing, in diapers, in 62. Next year I will be 62. My very first memory, was standing in front of the TV in diapers, I remember the smell of what my mother was cooking. What was inverted was that they were laughing - they told me later that they "guessed" that I would soon turn around and be crying, even though I was preverbal. I wonder, in that instance, if they knew me. I turned towards them after viewing it, with a big tear running down my cheek. From that day forward and while he exercised authority, my father monitored every movie and television that I took in. A musician, he taught me from a young age the effects of sound and frequency on our avatars. And my soul. Thank you Daddy.
Remember the pre-2010 'memes' 😳 the thinking dinosaur, revenge kid, the 'scumbag friend'(i forget name), boxxy... Maybe you dont but it feels like another life time I swear
Won awards all over in the UK. A brilliant mind who was adored this side of the pond. Everything he talks about is still relevant in society today. Shows his brilliance and how little progress towards freedom we’ve all made since he passed.
Love him, voice of reason, truth and common sense although getting it through to an audience is difficult as most people are stupid. RIP Bill Hicks forever remembered as the greatest❤️
We still have a lot of people who don't want to believe it. Hicks was pretty close and so was Stone... Stone was off on a few things but mostly got it right.
Did you KNOW that shortly after Nov 22, 1963, French Intel contacted U.S. Intel asking about a man named Jean Souetre who had been wanted for an attempt on DeGaulle's life because DeGaulle was planning a trip to Mexico. U.S. Intel replied that Souetre was last seen in Texas on Nov 22, 1963. He was in Ft. Worth (where JFK was) in the morning, and in Dallas in the afternoon? U.S. Intel reported that they expelled him from the country. Now if your President was JUST killed and you pick up a known assassin in the city where your president was killed, I'm thinking you wanna have a chat with him! A LONG chat!!! And if you DID interrogate him and decided he wasn't involved, maybe was just a tourist, why expel him? Why not just let him go on his way?
Damn I miss Bill! Can you imagine him going loose on 911 or any of the other horrors since his extremely untimely (assisted?) passing? Great find Snordy!
@charlesadams8279 Wow, that you have mentioned it,..I do see that there isn't as much as a single slightest resemblance between the two also. Your kidding right???
Did AJ die from cancer when he was 32 also? I didn't know that,....death,...not so bad after all huh? Where do you folks spewing this nonsense spawn from?
Ten years before this was made I visited the museum and Dealey Plaza with my fiance and her sons. We had spent the previous spring teaching the boys, 11 and 9, how to shoot and hunt. When I saw the _Sniper's nest_ I knew conclusively the official story was bs. Then my 11 year old looked at it and turned to me and said: _"I don't think he was shot from here. The shooter had a clean line of sight on the approach and under the window, but he waited to shoot until he was 100 yards away accelerating and with an obstructed line of sight?"_ Twenty two years later he's a federal prosecutor in Utah and still looks at the Kennedy files from time to time. I ran into him in a hotel lobby in SLC last year and we talked about the assassination. He told me that either all the lawyers were 2nd year law students and all the investigators police cadets, OR the highest levels of government did it and covered it up. Every few years he puts in to transfer to the Dallas office and he gets rejected. Then sometime later he gets promoted in SLC.
America hasn't been the same since November 22, 1963. It's been a slow death. Had family members tell me what the first 62 years, 11 months, and 21 days were like. And if you don't care what a 60+ year-old has to say about this issue, then you are well-suited for this new America in which we live. Elites still run the show, which makes conedians like him so very necessary.
@@rosajeffrey6112 thank you, i’ve known about bill cooper for a couple of years and he was just one of those individuals who were way ahead of their time where most people could not even understand what he was talking about RIP
@@Extendo556 1st of all, Bill Hicks contradicted himself when he said he was for Hitler.☠🤠🗽 President Kennedy hated Hitler, especially when JFK was handicapped and his brother was killed fighting Hitler.
@@Extendo556 2nd of all, Go to the video posted by inside33, then go to the comment guy "Son of ZEUS". Also, go to the website "World Crime Syndicate". Also, u can go to the website "In Print by Daniel Ford" on Sound Cloud if u can comprehend the british accent. Judith Baker said Oswald did not kill Kennedy maybe there was a russian guy pretending to be Oswald. Judith Baker is hiding in europe and she fears for her life. President Kennedy was the only president not in SECRET SOCIETIES! ☠🐍🐲🗽🛸
If you want to find the answer to any question follow the money in either direction. To get to the bottom of any truth or even a lie, ask of each answer the question why. To remove the veil of public illusion, follow the money to its logical conclusion.
Shadowhawk, Can you just imagine Bill going to town on politics today? Or 911? I am sure his untimely demise was all part of the preparations..... He was a VERY VERY dangerous man. Carlin was great but not nearly as dangerous.
Humor is just truth , only faster! ~Gilda Radner. I dont know what made me think of that quote!Thank you for uploading this. I guess that's what I thought! * 🕊😎
I'm Glad you tube is so kind to link the Wikipedia article underneath this video! It really did happen just the way the government said, didn't it? Damn it now what time is gladiators on again?
Dear God, Please return to us Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Sam Kinison & Mitch Hedberg. In gratitude, we will return John Oliver, Amy Schumer, Sarah Silverman & Trevor Noah to you. Amen.
@@earlthepearl4161 Bill never died. He's an actor playing a role. His role switched to become Alex Jones. So "they" had to "kill the previous character he was playing. This is being done by many, many people who control this reality by putting actors as politicians, entertainers, athletes, religious leaders, etc. I suggest you do some research. Your reality is NOT what you think it is my friend.
All an excuse to keep people locked in. While the powers that be change the system while telling people there doing the right thing. All a snake scam, proud to be unvaccinated.
Both in my case, plus Trump being handed the election that he didn't win just like W got in, and all the blood and treasure lost fighting the monsters we helped to create, and came MAGA, school shootings, Covid 19 with more MAGA and now the Putler oligarch invasion of Ukraine and genocidal attacks against Israel by the Muslims.
Dad was in Secial Forces. He was in Afghanistan October 2001. After months of no contact he comes home. While he was gone there was a news break about a helicopter shot down and there were taliban dancing "in the blood". It was CNN. At the time I asked mom "how did CNN get this footage?" We were living under opsec at the time so we just had to take things in stride, but I kept thinking about how CNN got footage of taliban celebrating... Asked pops about it and he laughed and said a helicopter bounced off of a mountain basically. Also, I asked what he did and there's a lot he can't talk about, but it's all in books. Also also, the first thing he did... the FIRST THING... was protect poppy fields. Now remember early 2000s u.s. and the explosion in big pharmaceutical and misuse? All I have to say is... someone made a lot of money and they needed war to do it.
The Italian rifle he used has a reputation of being very inaccurate which is untrue, it’s just that it’s difficult to hit anything when your facing the other direction and running away.
Comics always have the uncanny ability to set discuss taboo historical context in a funny way, and still leave you thinking afterward. It's a great way to give a lecture and ensure people are entertained at the same time.
Another worthwhile post, Snord. Timely as well. Of course, any nugget of Truth will feel as such in the current era of distorted communication. Bill Hicks' material felt just as timely when he performed it all those years ago. That anomaly now applies to literally anything that points one toward the Truth (the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth). Which is why I liked you from the get-go and why I am a subscriber to this day. You keep pluggin; my friend. Much love and energy coming your way from here.
'You are free to do what we tell you'. Nearly 35yrs later and that still resonates...
And less and less gen pops like us believe less and less in the "official story" every year. Institutions are losing their power slowly but surely, but hopefully it ends up being more a positive thing than a negative one
Well that was due to the echo.. ;-P x
Gotta apply for permission to collect rainwater because apparently rainwater comes from the government..
even more then it did at the time of filming this i would presume.
"It's really accurate BECAUSE OSWALD IS NOT IN IT !" LOL
The juice did.
Someone was but certainly not asset/patsy Oswald.
@@Psyfi85 Actually, no one fired from that window, the shots came from at least three other locations.
He did it. He said himself he was a patsy. He was the fall guy.
Nah I think he did it. And we know Oswald killed Tippit because he happened to leave his wallet at the scene. Nothing to see here.
Go back to sleep america we got it all under control r.i.p bill
This comment hasn't aged well😬
@@1009Jkern Covid-19 anyone? Haha
@@DMando04 could you even imagine the great comedy (more importantly waking people up) that bill would be doing right now with the scamdemic bullshit? Man, what an amazing person we were blessed with, who got snuffed out way too soon.
@@anti-ethniccleansing465You completely missed the point u dumb mf
@@anti-ethniccleansing465u missed the point completely man
His stand up to this day is untouchable, he was very popular in the UK
he loved the UK as he was able to speak freely..
@@amojak fuck the uk, arresting old ladies at the park for breaking covid restrictions, the uk is a shithole
@@amojakIrony is a hell of a drug
@@mitchellwright5478 location, location, location 🤭
@@amojaklol are we talking about the same UK
'someone overheard the pigeons saying coup coup' - now, that was a good one
Lol i get it now thx.
TheLonePeasant you're welcom - beginning to appreciate hicks more than ever, now
what does it mean
That was so good, too bad the crowd missed it
@@dizzod123 a coup is when a government is overthrown so it’s just like a joke on the pigeons that go cooo cooo he’s saying they are going coup coup
Bill was the perfect comic to not replace the great Carlin but to continue that legacy of unapologetic brutal honesty that needed to be confronted by every man or woman or anyone to think for themselves and remember that you are as only as important as the human next to you. Weak alone but unstoppable together.
LOL, always funny to see people give Carlin accolades when he was a self-hating, hypocritical misanthrope. The man was funny as hell, but not someone to use as a philosophical touchstone.
this guy isn't even in the same league as carlin. this whole bit just wasn't funny
But Wow, everyone has an opinion, don't they?@@ardalwinterborn
Continue the legacy? …Bill died a decade and a half before George Carlin when George was in his prime 🤔
@@treedillinger5801 I said MEANT to, Bill would still be here today had he not gotten Cancer. Therefore Continuing the legacy that began with Lenny Bruce. George was born in 1937 Bill was born in the 60's how can you think they are of equal vitality?
"Go back to bed, America." And we still haven't woken up.
Aaahh... The American Dream.. 😎
they did on 9/11.
And we wont. Especially with ai and virtual reality. Mass psychosis.
Doesn’t help they keep importing sleepy people from other countries to keep the lie goibg
Woah that's deep bro
I'm so glad Alphabet, Google, UA-cam added a fact check to this old stand-up comedy routine. We're so fortunate to have overseers minding all media.
I know thank god for the fact checkers spoon feeding us what is true and false
Whenever they add any so-called 'fact check', you know the official narrative is false. That's why I will never get any covid vaccine.
@@Rishi123456789 equivocation
Bless their little white cotton socks for telling us how to think and what to believe.
Looks like they just took the fact-check off the video XD
RIP Bill. You were the greatest :-)
Ben Thejrporter and RIP JFK
He still is !!! Rest In paradise . COD Pancreatic ..hah cough cough bullshit .he was taken down .cuz he spit to much truth . :///// NOT FAIR HE DIED B4 50 wtf
RIP? LMAO. Hicks simply joined the Cabal; changing his name to ALEX JONES! Sad that so many are so easily deceived.
@@tjmmcd1 Yeah yeah! And the earth is flat and Obama is Lewis Hamilton's son... Keep going!
Bill Hicks can be seen daily on InfoWars.
Listening to this in 2022. "Conspiracy theorists" are winning... by a lot!
Yeah, but what are you winning?..
Lemme help you, OK?.. The answer to the odd coincidence of both Lee and the killer of Tippit both discarding jackets on the streets of Oak Cliff is.. Wait for it… They were the same guy, and only one jacket was actually discarded..
But conspiracy guys, the smartest dudes in the room, invent a double Oswald to explain this, because that’s how far gone they are.. lol..
Time to grow up.. It’s too late for Bill Hicks..
Some but not the trump cult, they are the most easily manipulated folks since Jim Jones followers
Exactly...we've been right all along.
..l.. the NWO Agenda ..l..
Much worse. Perhaps more people are aware now though
@@nipzie Yup.
More & more are beginning to "see"...and Awaken to the BS that's been going on now for far longer than it ever should have been allowed to.
As I've mentioned here in my own post...the people who killed JFK are still in power today.
I'm a specwar vet...and the Truth of this world would unhinge a good part of our population if they actually knew (and believed...!) the Truth.
May God bolster and protect ALL who stand against our common Enemy...the NWO Agenda followers.
..l.. those morally bankrupt, Luciferian bad guys ..l..
HOO-YAH & God Bless the Great Awakening and the Restoration of our Republic.
The “don’t bring up Jesus to me” line is comedic genius! I would love to hear his thoughts about the last 8 years
A true good comedian/truth teller. There should be more people like him.
Absolutely not. You never would of heard of him if he was a real truth teller.
@@annagraham6204 How so?
Start to be one today. Right now. I will too. Lets do it
Live your truth. Alienate your friends and family today ;P
@@annagraham6204 Just like George Carlin calling out Freedom Units as bs cover for what nuclear radiation was... Sure buddy
I deeply respect and love that man, rest in peace and thank you for your service
Well, there are many ways to serve the nation; although, Bill was never able to find one because he despised his country and the military.
@@kensho778 No, ACTUALLY...Bill LOVED this country...even though there are fewer and fewer reasons to do so...because of asshats like yourself. FACT.
@@kensho778 The first casualty of war is truth. Patriotism is idealistic nonsense.
His service was to lie to your face.
Thank you for your courage… would be better
It's very funny that he talks about a government wanting to control information and below this video you have a panel telling you the "right" information.
We are in trouble Samual we must assemble the militia
Even more pathetic that they deleted the advisory under the video ☠️
@@fashfront The bell is a #6 and on three sides of the bldg.
i never get tired of watching bill
I do
Here it is! He is still waking people up from his grave! Spot on, Bill! You Rock!
How did Bill die? I just fell upon this video. Never heard of him much before.
Well yes some crazy conspiracy theorists believe he's Alex Jones who is actually a federal agent to spread false compisary
@@mmalon2908 he died from prostate cancer
@@mmalon2908 Pancreatic cancer that had spread to his liver.
No, it was douche-chills.
I’m getting a bad case of them second hand just listening. Really wanted him to be good, but oh well. Guess I was just dumb and edgy when I was a teenager (oooh, just got massive douche-chills thinking about it).
He was the Dark Knight of standup comedy.
He is the stand-up we deserve
The pigeon “coo coo” joke is the best part lol
A little birdie told me......
Tweet tweet
It really is. On the audio cd the recording is from a different show where he does the same bit, and afterwards he says to the audience "oh shut up that was the best god damned pun you will ever hear" lol
Comedians have more wisdom, integrity and courage than the politicians, media and educators.
The jesters in Shakespeare plays were usually the wisest.
One of my first childhood memories, I was so young that I cannot recall why it was on the television. Fast forward a couple years when I finally learned the full story, recalling those visions burned into my mind of his head exploding backwards. Watching a documentary on Lee Harvey Oswald. It was no secret that Lee Harvey Oswald did not kill Kennedy. When America did not stand up at that moment and call bullshit and demand answers, the truth, along with many other events along the way, before and after, just complacently, handed it over. Today, they don’t even have to lie, they will stand up in Congress or on TV and tell you straight up. They are fucking you and don’t care if you know.
I recommend an excellent documentary called From JFK to 9/11, Everything is a Rich Man's Trick. It goes in depth on the planning, execution and aftermath of the assassination. Truly one of the best films I've ever seen.
Where can I watch this?
@@anomaly1717its the war machine, these events all ended with a war over seas
It was not destiny apparently, for Bill to see the T owers. I was barely standing, in diapers, in 62. Next year I will be 62. My very first memory, was standing in front of the TV in diapers, I remember the smell of what my mother was cooking. What was inverted was that they were laughing - they told me later that they "guessed" that I would soon turn around and be crying, even though I was preverbal. I wonder, in that instance, if they knew me. I turned towards them after viewing it, with a big tear running down my cheek. From that day forward and while he exercised authority, my father monitored every movie and television that I took in. A musician, he taught me from a young age the effects of sound and frequency on our avatars. And my soul. Thank you Daddy.
That’s the truth brother.
Bill Hicks helped to wake me up. I can't "unknow" or ignore what I now know even if I tried.
1998 this sketch woke me up
Satire - the WMD of the internet. This guy was a ninja at it.
Yep, part of the same ninjas putting Bibles in hotel room drawers. 10 years it took for me to deliver this reply.😂
@@mumlee0127 If that is what you focus on........ You are lost
Oh lord the intro of this video brought me back to UA-cam’s real days lol. Pre 2013 was a different internet entirely man.
Remember the pre-2010 'memes' 😳 the thinking dinosaur, revenge kid, the 'scumbag friend'(i forget name), boxxy... Maybe you dont but it feels like another life time I swear
Watching this on Good Friday 2024 😂
I'm saying "so what?" To your comment on the day after Good Friday in 2024.
@@cheesefingerb You may have missed the bit of his sketch when he discussed the entire Christ reborn thing, to “drop it” as it was 2000 years ago …
not a sole cares waht day you're watching it, this isn't about you
@@slowery43 pity you missed the joke - have a good one!
@@RichardT2112 @cheesefingerb may have missed the last 20 years or so...thumb stuck up his ass maybe..
Hicks was a topical comic in the tradition of Lenny Bruce, and George Carlin. All fearless.
"Dabble in physics" always makes me laugh
I’m surprised this video is still on here and does not “violate dystopian... I mean, community” standards...
I have to agree... every day for ages I've expected to see it banned.
I’ve noticed this platform revealing a bit more in drip form. Slowly, so the sheep don’t die of shock!
Won awards all over in the UK. A brilliant mind who was adored this side of the pond. Everything he talks about is still relevant in society today. Shows his brilliance and how little progress towards freedom we’ve all made since he passed.
pretty much an open secret
This aged very well but most of us knew it would.
Bill Hicks and George Carlin I hope they are traveling light speed with absolute freedom 🙌💕🔥
I never believed that Oswald was guilty of anything.
Uh huh he didn't shoot a police officer shortly after Kennedy was shot ??
"I didn't do it."
- Bart Simpson
My favorite comedian. I love listening to todays comedians talk about Bill Hicks, the legend.
Love him, voice of reason, truth and common sense although getting it through to an audience is difficult as most people are stupid. RIP Bill Hicks forever remembered as the greatest❤️
We still have a lot of people who don't want to believe it. Hicks was pretty close and so was Stone... Stone was off on a few things but mostly got it right.
Did you KNOW that shortly after Nov 22, 1963, French Intel contacted U.S. Intel asking about a man named Jean Souetre who had been wanted for an attempt on DeGaulle's life because DeGaulle was planning a trip to Mexico. U.S. Intel replied that Souetre was last seen in Texas on Nov 22, 1963. He was in Ft. Worth (where JFK was) in the morning, and in Dallas in the afternoon? U.S. Intel reported that they expelled him from the country. Now if your President was JUST killed and you pick up a known assassin in the city where your president was killed, I'm thinking you wanna have a chat with him! A LONG chat!!! And if you DID interrogate him and decided he wasn't involved, maybe was just a tourist, why expel him? Why not just let him go on his way?
And the lesson for all who come after - if you want to grow old, do as you're told.
fuck that.
@ Ed Howes - Precisely.
live free or die
Well.. what worth more: a long life full of suffering? Or a life of freedom and doing the things you enjoy?
Damn I miss Bill! Can you imagine him going loose on 911 or any of the other horrors since his extremely untimely (assisted?) passing? Great find Snordy!
Yeah, easy. Listen to Alex Jones who is Bill Hicks.
Will always beleive he was silenced.
He became Alex jones
@charlesadams8279 Wow, that you have mentioned it,..I do see that there isn't as much as a single slightest resemblance between the two also.
Your kidding right???
Just like Chappelle said. "It was a magic bullet". "Magic is real and we've know about it for sometime".
wthf5 Magic is real yeah magic bullets are bullshit
Chappelle believes in magic
@@rezurexiiiiso you think it’s a coincidence that ‘spell’ is spelled that way?
Yes, the etymological root is the same. It’s a semantic coincidence.
It’s meme magic, and government makes what’s fake reality
Alex Jones looks so young in this
Did AJ die from cancer when he was 32 also?
I didn't know that,....death,...not so bad after all huh?
Where do you folks spewing this nonsense spawn from?
Fuck yeah!
U r rite
Alex was never this smart. Easy to debunk that theory.
Ten years before this was made I visited the museum and Dealey Plaza with my fiance and her sons. We had spent the previous spring teaching the boys, 11 and 9, how to shoot and hunt. When I saw the _Sniper's nest_ I knew conclusively the official story was bs. Then my 11 year old looked at it and turned to me and said: _"I don't think he was shot from here. The shooter had a clean line of sight on the approach and under the window, but he waited to shoot until he was 100 yards away accelerating and with an obstructed line of sight?"_
Twenty two years later he's a federal prosecutor in Utah and still looks at the Kennedy files from time to time. I ran into him in a hotel lobby in SLC last year and we talked about the assassination. He told me that either all the lawyers were 2nd year law students and all the investigators police cadets, OR the highest levels of government did it and covered it up. Every few years he puts in to transfer to the Dallas office and he gets rejected. Then sometime later he gets promoted in SLC.
America hasn't been the same since November 22, 1963. It's been a slow death. Had family members tell me what the first 62 years, 11 months, and 21 days were like. And if you don't care what a 60+ year-old has to say about this issue, then you are well-suited for this new America in which we live.
Elites still run the show, which makes conedians like him so very necessary.
The Jackie O/Bullet Pendant vs Jesus and the Cross is absolutely genius!
3:20 probably the most accurate thing i’ve ever heard
asy kara - Go to the video "Bill Cooper porterville presentation"
posted by inside33.
@@rosajeffrey6112 thank you, i’ve known about bill cooper for a couple of years and he was just one of those individuals who were way ahead of their time where most people could not even understand what he was talking about RIP
@@Extendo556 1st of all, Bill Hicks contradicted himself when he said he was for Hitler.☠🤠🗽
President Kennedy hated Hitler, especially when JFK was handicapped and his brother was killed fighting Hitler.
@@Extendo556 2nd of all, Go to the video posted by inside33, then
go to the comment guy "Son of ZEUS". Also, go to the website
"World Crime Syndicate". Also, u can go to the website "In Print by Daniel Ford" on Sound Cloud if u can comprehend the british accent. Judith Baker said Oswald did not kill Kennedy maybe there was a russian guy pretending to be
Oswald. Judith Baker is hiding in europe and she fears for her life.
President Kennedy was the only president not in SECRET SOCIETIES! ☠🐍🐲🗽🛸
If you want to find the answer
to any question
follow the money
in either direction.
To get to the bottom
of any truth
or even a lie,
ask of each answer
the question why.
To remove the veil of public illusion, follow the money to its logical conclusion.
Amen to that reverend 👍
Years later and this is effing brilliant. Always has been. But not so well said, nor in prose.
Worth his weight in gold(at free market prices, not the current US Govt/Federal Reserve/BIS manipulated prices).
GTR003121 ;) atta boi. You are a lonely wolf amongst 6.99999 billion sheep
Also the greatest making sound effects on the mic.
Bill is the greatest comedian ever, hands down.
“Coup, coup!” Funny as hell!
Bill Hicks, we miss you brother!
Shadowhawk, Can you just imagine Bill going to town on politics today? Or 911? I am sure his untimely demise was all part of the preparations..... He was a VERY VERY dangerous man. Carlin was great but not nearly as dangerous.
Hicks took them on DIRECTLY! Carlin was good, but Hicks was to 'them'; cryptonite!
Barbara Lee
No kidding Lady Noor. He was REAL DEAL!
He lives on as the Alex Jones character.
Allan Dulles. That’s all you need to know
This is true.
how about the front passenger ?
Alan Dulles was hand picked and suggested for the Warren Commission by RFK Jr. So obviously Robert Kennedy was involved in the cover-up.
@@christophermanley3602 he controlled the warren commission
@@christophermanley3602That was Earl Warren.
The Great Bill Hicks, thank you Sir, your work will live on.
The Best of Bill Hicks: You Can't Handle The Truth!
Bill Hicks was the best. Love his “Its just a ride” monologue.
"Can't be to sure the chronology here" Sad but true.. Bill Hicks is the best!
Humor is just truth , only faster! ~Gilda Radner. I dont know what made me think of that quote!Thank you for uploading this. I guess that's what I thought! * 🕊😎
One of my favourite cool ideas is that Bill Hicks is actually he who must not be named.
I miss them both - Bill Hicks and George Carlin. They were genius men who loved us "the people" with all their wide-open hearts
Neither of them loved people. They were both rather misanthropic.
Carlon is double think and speak
I'm Glad you tube is so kind to link the Wikipedia article underneath this video! It really did happen just the way the government said, didn't it?
Damn it now what time is gladiators on again?
Miss this man, what an icon.
Dear God,
Please return to us Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Sam Kinison & Mitch Hedberg. In gratitude, we will return John Oliver, Amy Schumer, Sarah Silverman & Trevor Noah to you. Amen.
Soo Zin Trevor Noah is great
Sarah Silverman has gotten less annoying now that she’s no longer trying to make name for herself.
He returned you Bill Hicks. His name is now Alex Jones fyi
@@Alien0426 he's a race baiting fool
Also Pryor, Bruce, Williams and Rickles.
Hicks and Carlin are the two greatest losses to comedy and clear thinking.
He's telling the truth. I miss Bill. The fact check is just pathetic.
The Wiki Context box is sponsored by the CIA
Imagine if Hicks and Carlin were alive today...
Hicks is still alive. He switched "roles" to become Alex Jones. Do your research. Don't buy into "their " bulls*it reality".
@@bobroberts2316 You sure seem to believe that dying from cancer was no big deal at all for Bill.
@@earlthepearl4161 Bill never died. He's an actor playing a role. His role switched to become Alex Jones. So "they" had to "kill the previous character he was playing.
This is being done by many, many people who control this reality by putting actors as politicians, entertainers, athletes, religious leaders, etc.
I suggest you do some research. Your reality is NOT what you think it is my friend.
Bill Hicks is my idol a true visionary he is sorely missed we need more people in the world like him rip bill we miss you
Mort Sahl, Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, and Richard Pryor were true visionaries who laid the groundwork for future comedians.
He would have had a field day with Covid lockdown mandates.
All an excuse to keep people locked in. While the powers that be change the system while telling people there doing the right thing. All a snake scam, proud to be unvaccinated.
...and them changing the definition of vack-scene.
He would have been completely on board with it. All the comedians of his day totally flipped in the last few years.
You ain’t NEVER lied!
Could anyone do this routine now in the usa?
Bill Hick the greatest comedian of all times
I love his take on the JFK assassination comedy and truth at its absolute best
He's a DOPE
Settle down,
Bill really was a genius of comedy. One of the best and always underrated.
Will always be overrated.
Seeing the fact check under this feels especially dystopian
If I ever want a mullet, I want one just like Bill lol
9/11 was our generations’ JFK assassination.
Israel did both
Both in my case, plus Trump being handed the election that he didn't win just like W got in, and all the blood and treasure lost fighting the monsters we helped to create, and came MAGA, school shootings, Covid 19 with more MAGA and now the Putler oligarch invasion of Ukraine and genocidal attacks against Israel by the Muslims.
And russiagate next generations. Although many still cling on to it as well.
Dad was in Secial Forces. He was in Afghanistan October 2001. After months of no contact he comes home. While he was gone there was a news break about a helicopter shot down and there were taliban dancing "in the blood".
It was CNN. At the time I asked mom "how did CNN get this footage?" We were living under opsec at the time so we just had to take things in stride, but I kept thinking about how CNN got footage of taliban celebrating...
Asked pops about it and he laughed and said a helicopter bounced off of a mountain basically.
Also, I asked what he did and there's a lot he can't talk about, but it's all in books. Also also, the first thing he did... the FIRST THING... was protect poppy fields. Now remember early 2000s u.s. and the explosion in big pharmaceutical and misuse? All I have to say is... someone made a lot of money and they needed war to do it.
And covid
'THE' greatest stand up of all time. Bill was the f*cking master.
“What was that?” 🤨
Lmao 😆
Damn he would have a field day with the Epstein shit going on 😅
It's crazy that legends like Bill and Carlin would be censored to oblivion today, sad.
No they wouldn't.
@@sirianrune198Hicks would i think but Carlin would be like Bill Maher
Do they have the grassy knoll on the inside and showing the second shooter?
I LOVED this guy!! Funny as Hell AND INTELLIGENT humor ! So sad he died just as his star was rising 😎 RIP, Brother ❤️
When the government does everything it can to try and destroy a candidate, that's the guy you need to vote for.
That was the day the us govt was overthrown...
Sorry have to disagree, it was just ANOTHER day the US government was overthrown
In my family that day is known as "the coup."
The Italian rifle he used has a reputation of being very inaccurate which is untrue, it’s just that it’s difficult to hit anything when your facing the other direction and running away.
The master! Part poet, Part comedian. Wow, he would have a field day today! 2:05
Comics always have the uncanny ability to set discuss taboo historical context in a funny way, and still leave you thinking afterward. It's a great way to give a lecture and ensure people are entertained at the same time.
John F Kennedy Assassination - Zapruder Film (SLOW MOTION)
bbruce995 - Go to the video
"Bill Cooper porterville presentation" posted by inside33.
Did he really die of cancer or did somebody take him out because he told the truth 32 is way to young what a legend in his short time
... way too* young. He did not help his health with heavy smoking and drinking.
Fun fact: Bill Hicks - GREATEST orator of ALL time.
Jesus and shelf life bit… fkn brilliant and on point
I wish this guy got more respect. My favourite comedian. RIP Bill Hicks❤️
Nailed it, wake up for *uck sake.
Another worthwhile post, Snord. Timely as well. Of course, any nugget of Truth will feel as such in the current era of distorted communication. Bill Hicks' material felt just as timely when he performed it all those years ago. That anomaly now applies to literally anything that points one toward the Truth (the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth). Which is why I liked you from the get-go and why I am a subscriber to this day. You keep pluggin; my friend. Much love and energy coming your way from here.
“Can you imagine if he was alive today” yeah the CIA already did that’s why he’s gone
Way ahead of his time.. He belongs to today.
UK supporter.❤
Wow! You really have to also question Hicks’ death!
.. "theyre lying ro us!.. fuckk!" .. kills me everytime lol
He was right about everything
Dennis Leary robbed Bill Hicks whole routine...
Light years ahead of his time.
“Back and to the left” was a repeated scene in a movie in 8th grade. Never forgot