MoP was the peak of WoW’s storytelling for me. Scenarios played a huge part of it as we got to see important moments actually happen in game. I would love this feature to come back.
Ever since it went away in Legion I've been hoping they introduce a toy that puts it right back in the sky for an hour. I had high hopes for Legion timewalking, but now I don't think we'll ever see it.
9:00 "Soon after is wrong" the Alliance originally obtained the bell it was then stolen from darnassus by the horde via dalaran and then garrosh destroyed the bell ontop of anduin.
Yeah he seems to get alot of things out of order, then doesn't even bother to go into the zone stories only the major patch events: Really this is a bad video that I could probably out do
Yeah… the production value is there, but for it being a “lore” video, the necessary attention to detail is lacking. Wow lore is convoluted enough without Mike telling people that the otherwise peace-seeking Anduin was furious when his father spared the Horde 😅
Mist of Pandaria did such a fantastic job balancing its levity and quiet moments with its much harsher ones and did so much to set up future events only for that potential to be botched and wasted by the later expansions.
@@SvenSierra104 That's just because they have watched too much from Bellular and think the way he usually fucks up the name is the correct one. Its pronounced YAH-Sha-Raj, even says so on the wowpedia page.
One thing worth mentioning for the OG Pandaria (missing in Remix): *Brawler's Guild* is still (one of) the best feature(s) WoW has ever gotten since launch.
- The Divine Bell gets crashed into Anduin, and afterwards is recovered by the ALliance? - The "Serpent Shrine Wall"? - Anduin furious that Varian chose peace? - No mention of the regrowth of the Vale where the question the expansion started with "what is worth fighting for?" is answered, wrapping the story up perfectly? Bellular, I'm sorry mate but did you let AI write your script for this one?
Solid video! Lots of good lore here, with lots of good insight to where we went for WoD/Legion/etc as well! That being said, I feel like there’s one specific area you kind of overlooked which tells a major part of the story of MoP. That area is the quest after SoO where we see a new tree starting to grow within the destruction of the vale. It shows us how the Vale will be renewed, even despite our destruction. But there’s another reason I like that moment: it shows how Garrosh unintentionally freed the Pandarens from the Sha. As you point out, the Sha were around due to the Heart of Y’shaarj which Garrosh took to fuel his ambitions. In doing so, he took the source of the Sha with him, freeing Pandaria from it’s control (after leaving the Sha of Pride, of course). This mirrors the other part of MoP we don’t see in remix: the Monk starting turtle. On the turtle, Ji frees the painful ship splinter with explosives. While perhaps not the best thought out plan, this was perhaps the only decent way to free the ship from the turtle’s side. But the turtle suffers a grievous wound, one which is healed though the cooperation of Alliance, Horde, & Pandaren forces. The two stories are IMO largely the same. Shenzin-Su is equivalent to Pandaria in this case, both hosts of several life forms.The splinter is the heart, as both cause their hosts great distress. JI’s action is equal to Garrosh’s action, removing the splinter at a grave cost. And the solution to both is the forces of the Alliance, Horde, & Pandaren working together towards a true solution…which leads to renewal.
The harmonic mallet started shattering the bell, then Garrosh finished it, crumbling it on top of Anduin, which was after the Horde stole out of Dela, not before.
I'm still holding to my view that MoP's overall presentation (story, lore, characters, visuals, etc.) even today is better than Dragonflight and any recent expansion. It felt like playing in an mmorpg world exploring a new land. And it took us on a journey throughout, aided by chen and cho and others as narrative guides at times. I don't understand how WoW could have fallen so far from them to the soul-less experience we have in recent expansions. Then also add on that MoP had the brawler's guild. Also.. while there's room for both, themed daily quest hubs are far far better than WQs as a means for rep gains. It provides a context for what you're doing that WQs simply do not.
Blizzard tooke the wrong Lessons from Kata,MoP and WoD . Yes all three addpns were poorly received even Thüringen though they Had somr of the best ideas when IT came to worldbuilding in wow History.
Varian chose to let them live: Varian chose to not to engage in a battle that would destroy both sides. Now the Alliance would had won the War eventually once Thunderbluff would fall, and then the alliance would be too weak to fight the Legion and would had been destroyed. If you think the Alliance leadership wouldn't lose numbers in a battle against the Horde leadership? Oh boy somebody forgets this is Shaman Thrall prime era.
Mop is my fav expansion and I think is the best expansion lore wise. It was mostly new lore and it was so well paced and had so many elements. They put so much thought into everything. The faction conflict, sha/old god stuff, thunder king, etc. so much and yet so brilliantly handled. Scenarios really helped tell small and good stories. Voljin and the rebellion. They incorporated philosophy and can we talk about how well Lore Walker cho was implemented? Here's a land the player base has no idea about and they implement a narrator character who helps us understand this world slowly by slowly. You also had lore scrolls you could find. Lore scrolls should be added back. Artifact weapons lore was a good example of how well it works. The world building in mop was phenomenal. Even if u don't like the mystic east which I don't typically do, they told it so well. Makes me sad that we haven't had an expansion quite so good. Legion was close but I think had some of its own hiccups with lore and world building. Dragonflight too. Only thing I didn't care for was the siege cinematic. Taran Zhu in the book Shadow was built as this super strong and amazing monk and the cinematic played him as this slow fighting character. Unless garrosh was empowered before which he wasnt until later, he should've beat garrosh. Shadopan were trained to fight bigger opponents and those with weapons.
What made me realize wow was way more brutal back then was when literally from the start of mop you get quests like “mow down 50 alliance dudes with this minigun” lol I was like I don’t even think I killed 50 of anything in DF
MOP was a return to form after Cataclysm bombed. If a humanoid race had taken the place of the Pandaren, the expansion would’ve been received nearly as well as Wrath.
The purge of Dalaran was a result of the Divine Bell being stole, not a cause. Aethas Sunreaver was blamed for the theft and captured by Jaina in Dalaran.
Ok so I was watching another video and they were talking about remix and what was available. Then they mentioned other mounts there. And it occurred to me that no one has said anything about the phoenix mounts. Why did they not bring those back for remix? Or even just reactivate the vendor at the Mogu palace in the vale of eternal blossoms? I laugh every time I see all the mounts flapping away there with a vendor who has no items. But why not have those in remix? They had that white one for reaching 20. Just strange to me.
19:35 thank you for saying it correctly. It absolutely drives me up the fucking wall when people say "yoshi-raj". That and "Strath-holme" are my big pet peeves.
@@MonkeyShinesu hes been messign up Yshaarj since mop as well. He said it correctly like twice over the years. Most ppl say it the way he did but if you play through Klaxxi story. Windreaver at the end when hes telling how they are loyal to him and will fight you i nthe future. During that time you can hear hi msayign it slightly differently amongother things
I swear he's just fucking with us, because people will definitely try to correct him and thus engage with the video. And now I'm here to tell you this, so I'm playing in his hand as well 😅
If Wrathion's real goal was the Legion he would have pushed against Jaina so the Blood Elves would join the Alliance and then encouraged the trolls to do the same when they looked to leave Garrosh's Horde. It's a great expansion but the story like the ones we have now is objectively nonsense. It also directly links Wrathion to Varian, Vol'Jin, and the heroes who we lost during Legion. He also for some reason didn't recruit Dragons, Tuskarr, Jinyu, Hozen, Klaxxi or any other races to do anything during Legion despite knowing everything he does. The real question should be whether it's bad world building or if Wrathion is the bad guy who made it this close to all the major factions.
This video is terrible interms of being inaccurate and teling the story with little gravitas; I might make one just to crap on this one for crapping on my favorite Expansion
Hello Michael, I love your lore videos! I want to make a humble request. I'm not a native English speaker and you speak too fast for me to understand. I tried to listen with lower playback speed but it ruins the immersion. If you please speak slower in your lore videos, I really appreciated it. Thank you!
There is a quest where the celestials open the veil to us. The veil was beautiful. More beauty than any other scene in warcraft. As the characters entered, the celestials questioned each other with chi-ji having the final words “…we must have hope that they will set things right…” Just as he said that i crossed into the veil and the beautiful scene slowly faded into the scared sha infested landscape it is today. Thats when i knew…we are the baddies.
Was it really OUR fault that MoP lead directly into WoD and Legion? I mean Wrathion was the one that wanted unity through bloodshed and decided giving the puritan terrorist a puritan terrorist organization was a good idea.
wow has such a cool epic story and when i watch this i want to play mists. but its told so fking poorly that in game i would never know this fully as it was written
7:45 There's a reason we make such distinctions as "Celestials" and "Infernals". Calling the Chaos Gods, as you're obviously referring to Slaanesh, a Celestial, is... . . . do you read books? It is the same as between the Deva and the Asura in Hindu mythology, or the "cthonic"(!) (meaning "of the earth"/"underground") and the "olympian". It is always between the above (good) gods and the below (bad/old) gods. The same goes for the Abrahamic God and Lucifer who is cast down to hell. The Warp in 40k is an equivalent of hell (it's more complicated). Just because the Eye of Terror is somewhere in Spaaaace doesn't make the Chaos Gods celestials. - If you want to run a fantasy lore channel seriously, do something worthwhile with your freetime and read our totally boring, totally not interesting, totally not inspiring human mythology and religion stuff, because it's totally not what all these fantasy (and many scifi) authors have based all their stuff on or got inspired by (except for 40k, that thing just copied everything and duct-taped it together with giant Pauldrons it couldn't trademark, because that's a normal word, starting with God Emperor of Dune).
I know it's all fantasy but good gods the way some of you native english speakers pronounce some of these words is just beyone me...Like Carn instead of CaYrne. Or Taran-Jew lol...
The only reason people today are shocked is because Blizz has turned it into Kumbayacraft. At this point, they should change the rating to E for everyone and finish doing to the entire game what they did to paintings of women.
I found it to be the most boring expansion of them all. Pandas and Chinese folklore from start to finish. Pandaria got shoehorned into the lore so poorly it was painfully obvious how they wracked their brains over it. Truly, the start of hardcore monetization of the player base.
Sorry but all that was left out in Remix ruined the long-term appeal: Dailies overkill and constantly re-running raids to finish the legendary quest chain. 5.3/Barrens content was also super-mid.
What a sad childhood you had to not remove your toys from their boxes. Or were you from the future and knew you'd need them later for youtube? Or did you just buy collectors online as an adult? 😂
Aeturnus blah blah blah ... ny old bullsh!t storied excuse to regurgitate old content and make us pay full price... Blizzard have become skilled at legitimizing bullsh!t
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Is there anyway to switch currency, seem to only get the option to sub in USD and trying to dodge conversion fee's?
it's got KUNG FU
all i need to know
MoP was the peak of WoW’s storytelling for me. Scenarios played a huge part of it as we got to see important moments actually happen in game. I would love this feature to come back.
Scenarios need to make a comeback!
I think with the success of remix there is a good chance of this. Delves are a good start
Scenarios are awesome but I think legions story was one of the best story telling personally.
21:45 Anduin was furious
big oopsie on the script but i think he meant wrathion, not anduin 😂
5:16 Seeing Argus in the sky is a feeling I did not expect to feel.
Ever since it went away in Legion I've been hoping they introduce a toy that puts it right back in the sky for an hour. I had high hopes for Legion timewalking, but now I don't think we'll ever see it.
I'm sure we'll be legion timerunning, just like MoP remix @@TaliesinMyrddin
@@SneakyMawwfaka Yeah but if it's like MoP it'll just be the current Legion zones, no argus
at about 21:40 the line "Anduin was furious" should've been "Wrathion was furious."
9:00 "Soon after is wrong" the Alliance originally obtained the bell it was then stolen from darnassus by the horde via dalaran and then garrosh destroyed the bell ontop of anduin.
Yeah he seems to get alot of things out of order, then doesn't even bother to go into the zone stories only the major patch events: Really this is a bad video that I could probably out do
Yeah… the production value is there, but for it being a “lore” video, the necessary attention to detail is lacking.
Wow lore is convoluted enough without Mike telling people that the otherwise peace-seeking Anduin was furious when his father spared the Horde 😅
Mist of Pandaria did such a fantastic job balancing its levity and quiet moments with its much harsher ones and did so much to set up future events only for that potential to be botched and wasted by the later expansions.
03:18 Well ackshually... Jaina was stopped by Thrall and Kalec, not Anduin
The storyline was so hype and great
A historic moment on this channel occurred at 5:45
Bellular said Y'Shaarj correctly.
You say that for 5:45, others have said its pronounced correctly at 19:35
I am confusion
@@SvenSierra104 That's just because they have watched too much from Bellular and think the way he usually fucks up the name is the correct one.
Its pronounced YAH-Sha-Raj, even says so on the wowpedia page.
We weren't on the "verge of war"; Alliance and Horde were actively AT WAR already. We'd been at War since Wrathgate in WotLK.
Why does MoP needs explaining? It was only recently released, in 20..12? Is that right? REALLY?? Gosh *cries in old person
It's okay 🫂 it's gonna be okay. We are old... and we are proud. 🥲 ok?
One thing worth mentioning for the OG Pandaria (missing in Remix): *Brawler's Guild* is still (one of) the best feature(s) WoW has ever gotten since launch.
- The Divine Bell gets crashed into Anduin, and afterwards is recovered by the ALliance?
- The "Serpent Shrine Wall"?
- Anduin furious that Varian chose peace?
- No mention of the regrowth of the Vale where the question the expansion started with "what is worth fighting for?" is answered, wrapping the story up perfectly?
Bellular, I'm sorry mate but did you let AI write your script for this one?
Solid video! Lots of good lore here, with lots of good insight to where we went for WoD/Legion/etc as well!
That being said, I feel like there’s one specific area you kind of overlooked which tells a major part of the story of MoP. That area is the quest after SoO where we see a new tree starting to grow within the destruction of the vale. It shows us how the Vale will be renewed, even despite our destruction.
But there’s another reason I like that moment: it shows how Garrosh unintentionally freed the Pandarens from the Sha. As you point out, the Sha were around due to the Heart of Y’shaarj which Garrosh took to fuel his ambitions. In doing so, he took the source of the Sha with him, freeing Pandaria from it’s control (after leaving the Sha of Pride, of course).
This mirrors the other part of MoP we don’t see in remix: the Monk starting turtle. On the turtle, Ji frees the painful ship splinter with explosives. While perhaps not the best thought out plan, this was perhaps the only decent way to free the ship from the turtle’s side. But the turtle suffers a grievous wound, one which is healed though the cooperation of Alliance, Horde, & Pandaren forces.
The two stories are IMO largely the same. Shenzin-Su is equivalent to Pandaria in this case, both hosts of several life forms.The splinter is the heart, as both cause their hosts great distress. JI’s action is equal to Garrosh’s action, removing the splinter at a grave cost. And the solution to both is the forces of the Alliance, Horde, & Pandaren working together towards a true solution…which leads to renewal.
Really enjoyed this format.
21:45 “Anduin was furious”?
The harmonic mallet started shattering the bell, then Garrosh finished it, crumbling it on top of Anduin, which was after the Horde stole out of Dela, not before.
Can't wait for the Mists of Pandaria Remix In a Nutshell!
Awesome video, loved it!
Pandaria one of my favs is so underrated
What a great video ! Everyone needs to see this.
Dang. This takes me back. Such a fun expansion for the time. It’s sad we moved away from that.
But, it seems like we are starting to move back!!!!
I'm still holding to my view that MoP's overall presentation (story, lore, characters, visuals, etc.) even today is better than Dragonflight and any recent expansion. It felt like playing in an mmorpg world exploring a new land. And it took us on a journey throughout, aided by chen and cho and others as narrative guides at times. I don't understand how WoW could have fallen so far from them to the soul-less experience we have in recent expansions. Then also add on that MoP had the brawler's guild. Also.. while there's room for both, themed daily quest hubs are far far better than WQs as a means for rep gains. It provides a context for what you're doing that WQs simply do not.
Blizzard tooke the wrong Lessons from Kata,MoP and WoD .
Yes all three addpns were poorly received even Thüringen though they Had somr of the best ideas when IT came to worldbuilding in wow History.
There's a lot missing, certain things you may have forgotten, but overall, great video!
I finally came back to MoP remix after raiding in Cata and I'm having a blast!
Varian chose to let them live: Varian chose to not to engage in a battle that would destroy both sides.
Now the Alliance would had won the War eventually once Thunderbluff would fall, and then the alliance would be too weak to fight the Legion and would had been destroyed.
If you think the Alliance leadership wouldn't lose numbers in a battle against the Horde leadership?
Oh boy somebody forgets this is Shaman Thrall prime era.
Mop is my fav expansion and I think is the best expansion lore wise. It was mostly new lore and it was so well paced and had so many elements. They put so much thought into everything. The faction conflict, sha/old god stuff, thunder king, etc. so much and yet so brilliantly handled. Scenarios really helped tell small and good stories. Voljin and the rebellion. They incorporated philosophy and can we talk about how well Lore Walker cho was implemented? Here's a land the player base has no idea about and they implement a narrator character who helps us understand this world slowly by slowly. You also had lore scrolls you could find. Lore scrolls should be added back. Artifact weapons lore was a good example of how well it works. The world building in mop was phenomenal. Even if u don't like the mystic east which I don't typically do, they told it so well. Makes me sad that we haven't had an expansion quite so good. Legion was close but I think had some of its own hiccups with lore and world building. Dragonflight too.
Only thing I didn't care for was the siege cinematic. Taran Zhu in the book Shadow was built as this super strong and amazing monk and the cinematic played him as this slow fighting character. Unless garrosh was empowered before which he wasnt until later, he should've beat garrosh. Shadopan were trained to fight bigger opponents and those with weapons.
Amazing video
Me only playing MoP Remix
“Ok, when do I talk to Wrathion?”
Yeah, I think this one needed some more proofreading. 😅
Love the lore videos
What made me realize wow was way more brutal back then was when literally from the start of mop you get quests like “mow down 50 alliance dudes with this minigun” lol I was like I don’t even think I killed 50 of anything in DF
MOP was a return to form after Cataclysm bombed. If a humanoid race had taken the place of the Pandaren, the expansion would’ve been received nearly as well as Wrath.
Man i loved mop
I started playing WoW back in 2004. I was deployed to Turkey and two of my compatriots in my unit built our computers and played WoW.
The purge of Dalaran was a result of the Divine Bell being stole, not a cause. Aethas Sunreaver was blamed for the theft and captured by Jaina in Dalaran.
The bell was stolen before Garrosh smashed Anduin, not after.
For me Mop was my favourite expansion 😁
The Purge of Dalaran - when World of Warcraft became "World of Warcrimes"
Mop cinematic: hate Mop expansion: premo
Shadowland/Wod cinematic: Premo, expansion: Proper 12
Holy macaroni, Bellular finally managed to pronounce Y'Shaarj (almost).
Loved the video but the order of the dalaran purge is wrong
I miss it when it felt proud to be a member of a faction
Ok so I was watching another video and they were talking about remix and what was available. Then they mentioned other mounts there. And it occurred to me that no one has said anything about the phoenix mounts. Why did they not bring those back for remix? Or even just reactivate the vendor at the Mogu palace in the vale of eternal blossoms? I laugh every time I see all the mounts flapping away there with a vendor who has no items. But why not have those in remix? They had that white one for reaching 20. Just strange to me.
Now if only i could understand all this from PLAYING THE FUCKING GAME.
19:35 thank you for saying it correctly. It absolutely drives me up the fucking wall when people say "yoshi-raj". That and "Strath-holme" are my big pet peeves.
The Klaxxi who are literal followers of Y'shaarj pronounce it Ya-Shiraash, so yeah, Bellular is famously mispronouncing it
So is it ok that i like belulars telling if mop better than mop?
I was expecting Xalatah appearing in mop remix going for YShaarj essence.
The sharrrrrrrrrrrrr 😂
"Karn"? I'm pretty sure you have said his name properly many times before lol.
Yes this bothered me lolol
Not the only thing wrong in this video lmao
@@debilita9999 I noticed some mix-ups of names like calling Anduin Wrathion. Sloppy.
@@MonkeyShinesu hes been messign up Yshaarj since mop as well. He said it correctly like twice over the years. Most ppl say it the way he did but if you play through Klaxxi story. Windreaver at the end when hes telling how they are loyal to him and will fight you i nthe future. During that time you can hear hi msayign it slightly differently
amongother things
I swear he's just fucking with us, because people will definitely try to correct him and thus engage with the video.
And now I'm here to tell you this, so I'm playing in his hand as well 😅
I would love a catch up/run down on the Infinite dragonflight and why we are being friendly. I cannot go through all of dragonflight rn….
You got pretty much the entire Purge of Dalaran thing wrong.
If Wrathion's real goal was the Legion he would have pushed against Jaina so the Blood Elves would join the Alliance and then encouraged the trolls to do the same when they looked to leave Garrosh's Horde.
It's a great expansion but the story like the ones we have now is objectively nonsense. It also directly links Wrathion to Varian, Vol'Jin, and the heroes who we lost during Legion. He also for some reason didn't recruit Dragons, Tuskarr, Jinyu, Hozen, Klaxxi or any other races to do anything during Legion despite knowing everything he does. The real question should be whether it's bad world building or if Wrathion is the bad guy who made it this close to all the major factions.
Wrathion was a stupid baby, that's how I explain it
i loved and love going back to MoP
Cairne died pre-Cata.
Bell it's called MISTS of Pandaria, not MISSED of Pandaria. How much could I possibly have let slip?
“Almost certainly an assassination attempt by Garrosh”?
There is no room for doubt.
The video is alright but I don’t think you did your homework.
This video is terrible interms of being inaccurate and teling the story with little gravitas; I might make one just to crap on this one for crapping on my favorite Expansion
Invasion of the bots in the comments section
Nice try we know you’re one of them
@@dectocs How could you tell?? Haha
I think it got taken care of pretty quickly. Nice.
Who the hell is “Carn”?
Also whoever edited this has some of the events of 5.1 in the wrong order.
Is this wow “mix”, blitz’s take on the way private servers used to be with crazy mechanics and rewards. 🤔
Hello Michael, I love your lore videos! I want to make a humble request.
I'm not a native English speaker and you speak too fast for me to understand.
I tried to listen with lower playback speed but it ruins the immersion.
If you please speak slower in your lore videos, I really appreciated it. Thank you!
There is a quest where the celestials open the veil to us. The veil was beautiful. More beauty than any other scene in warcraft.
As the characters entered, the celestials questioned each other with chi-ji having the final words “…we must have hope that they will set things right…”
Just as he said that i crossed into the veil and the beautiful scene slowly faded into the scared sha infested landscape it is today. Thats when i knew…we are the baddies.
Karn? 😂
Was it really OUR fault that MoP lead directly into WoD and Legion? I mean Wrathion was the one that wanted unity through bloodshed and decided giving the puritan terrorist a puritan terrorist organization was a good idea.
Theramore and the purge of Dalaran... I miss when WOW had interesting things happening. Now we just get sissy dragons talking to each other.
Ah yes, two scenarios in an expansion of hugs, pandas and “slow-down” really the peak of interesting things.
wow has such a cool epic story and when i watch this i want to play mists. but its told so fking poorly that in game i would never know this fully as it was written
All you've Mist***
7:45 There's a reason we make such distinctions as "Celestials" and "Infernals". Calling the Chaos Gods, as you're obviously referring to Slaanesh, a Celestial, is... . . . do you read books?
It is the same as between the Deva and the Asura in Hindu mythology, or the "cthonic"(!) (meaning "of the earth"/"underground") and the "olympian".
It is always between the above (good) gods and the below (bad/old) gods. The same goes for the Abrahamic God and Lucifer who is cast down to hell. The Warp in 40k is an equivalent of hell (it's more complicated). Just because the Eye of Terror is somewhere in Spaaaace doesn't make the Chaos Gods celestials. - If you want to run a fantasy lore channel seriously, do something worthwhile with your freetime and read our totally boring, totally not interesting, totally not inspiring human mythology and religion stuff, because it's totally not what all these fantasy (and many scifi) authors have based all their stuff on or got inspired by (except for 40k, that thing just copied everything and duct-taped it together with giant Pauldrons it couldn't trademark, because that's a normal word, starting with God Emperor of Dune).
Ya shah rajz
Comment for the comment god
Why do they give us crap spells, seems every class has at least one that is basically useless, some have a lot.
Jaina is worse than Sylvannas. What an annoying character
I know it's all fantasy but good gods the way some of you native english speakers pronounce some of these words is just beyone me...Like Carn instead of CaYrne. Or Taran-Jew lol...
too short, too fast, makes it too sterile
The only reason people today are shocked is because Blizz has turned it into Kumbayacraft. At this point, they should change the rating to E for everyone and finish doing to the entire game what they did to paintings of women.
I found it to be the most boring expansion of them all. Pandas and Chinese folklore from start to finish. Pandaria got shoehorned into the lore so poorly it was painfully obvious how they wracked their brains over it. Truly, the start of hardcore monetization of the player base.
Meh. Panda's. No bueno. Skipped it back then, will skip it again.
Stop a company filled with absolute greed. love WoW lore but gave up on Blizzard
Sorry but all that was left out in Remix ruined the long-term appeal: Dailies overkill and constantly re-running raids to finish the legendary quest chain.
5.3/Barrens content was also super-mid.
Pronounced ShA - Like Open your mouth “Ah” - or ‘_A_lready’
Garrosh did nothing wrong
Right…. 😅
Garrosh's actions were his and his alone. He made mistakes and was rightfully held accountable and got what he desrrved in the end
What a sad childhood you had to not remove your toys from their boxes. Or were you from the future and knew you'd need them later for youtube?
Or did you just buy collectors online as an adult? 😂
i never played it, but after playing it in MoP remix, I have to say it's an extremely overrated expansion.
Aeturnus blah blah blah ... ny old bullsh!t storied excuse to regurgitate old content and make us pay full price... Blizzard have become skilled at legitimizing bullsh!t