Arctic Monkeys - 505 (Lyrics)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,6 тис.

  • @vibemusic.
    @vibemusic.  2 роки тому +2488

    How are you?

  • @ttttdtk
    @ttttdtk Рік тому +310

    “Stop and wait a sec, when you look at me like that, my darling, what did you expect!?” Are the most relatable lyrics ever

    • @elpeluca7780
      @elpeluca7780 2 місяці тому

      I don't understand

    • @Bedtech_3000
      @Bedtech_3000 2 місяці тому

      @@elpeluca7780 so what it means is I dont know too

    • @Moon-ep2bb
      @Moon-ep2bb 2 місяці тому +4

      @@elpeluca7780 “When you look at me like that my darling” is when someone looks into your eyes and you feel something deep in your chest from it. Sometimes people stare at each other and there are some looks exchanged that are saucy or you know… 🤭 Very not pg 13. “Stop and wait a sec,” being the realizing moment that maybe they have gone too far since seeing each other. this part in particular feels like the feeling of falling hard for someone (not just romantically)

    • @Nikusha-f7m
      @Nikusha-f7m Місяць тому


  • @zeroprmscs
    @zeroprmscs 2 роки тому +1873

    When I was 16 this song came out, and I can certainly say that Arctic Monkeys defined my teenage years completely. I’m so glad that nowadays lot of people around that age are discovering this hymn about pleasure disguised as love

    • @chola6909
      @chola6909 2 роки тому +33

      So your 31 yrs old dam!

    • @40546
      @40546 2 роки тому +57

      @@chola6909 damn i didnt know this song was that old

    • @zeroprmscs
      @zeroprmscs 2 роки тому +15

      @@chola6909 no I’m not. I’m 30

    • @zeroprmscs
      @zeroprmscs 2 роки тому +8

      @@karel_de_lille 1992 here 😎

    • @chola6909
      @chola6909 2 роки тому +3

      @@zeroprmscs opps miscalculated oh well doesn't really matter but why it take you so long to reply back

  • @Realfan14
    @Realfan14 2 роки тому +806

    I love how this song just sorta keeps adding more and more, the message within it hits so hard too, love this song fr fr

    • @roses4199
      @roses4199 Рік тому +3

      What's the message?

    • @daoming_girl4979
      @daoming_girl4979 Рік тому +3

      ​@@roses4199l don't understand

    • @roses4199
      @roses4199 Рік тому

      @@daoming_girl4979 This commenter said 'the message within it hits so hard too' so I'm asking what's the song's message

    • @leozorzi4882
      @leozorzi4882 4 місяці тому

      @@roses4199basically 505 is a room where the happy part of a relationship is and he wants to go back bc his relationship got bad

  • @h3ll0._.l1a
    @h3ll0._.l1a 2 роки тому +755

    The song, entitled 505, tells the story of Alex Turner who wants to break up with his lover after being warned by his mother. It's hard to let go of his girlfriend because Alex still loves her. He kept looking for ways to get rid of him by meeting his girlfriend in room number 505.

    • @Asstlum
      @Asstlum 2 роки тому +76

      Well I see this differently because I got taught that 505 means SOS 😭😭

    • @Th3An0malyy
      @Th3An0malyy 2 роки тому +57

      i lived this. Every time i tried to break up with her, she would cry and beg me... i would crumble and give in. i had to make her hate me and completely change my world to finally break it off.
      i would still adore her with her hands around my neck.

    • @floatingdisembodiedhead8975
      @floatingdisembodiedhead8975 2 роки тому +16

      I thought 505 was that Kangaroo adhesive lmao

    • @itwasacanonevent
      @itwasacanonevent Рік тому +8

      i thought it was abt going to new mexico cs that's the area code

    • @roses4199
      @roses4199 Рік тому +1

      Oh wow,what do you mean he kept trying to find ways to get rid of him?

  • @chikoyahtindi4654
    @chikoyahtindi4654 2 роки тому +481

    I(23year old Male) have had a long reflection with this song and now ended relationship of 3 years i came to realise just how toxic and physically abuse my ex has been. This song opened my mind to the narrative that 'we are blinded by love and compassion that we have for our S.O that we are numb to the pain but yet still smile another day for them...
    i wish everyone would find the happiness from each of their respective relationships...

    • @ItoX_Owner
      @ItoX_Owner 2 роки тому +6


    • @Ryituals_
      @Ryituals_ 2 роки тому +11

      im so sorry to hear that, im proud of u for leaving him,although i know it will take a long time for u to heal and overcome but i believe one day u will fully recover and move on,stay strong love

    • @duchys
      @duchys 2 роки тому +12

      Its kinda giving reddit introduction

    • @chikoyahtindi4654
      @chikoyahtindi4654 2 роки тому +14

      @@Ryituals_ lol I'm actually a straight male but thanks

    • @zomb317
      @zomb317 Рік тому +1

      @@ItoX_Owner what

  • @spogyshah
    @spogyshah Рік тому +69

    This song hits so hard when the singing drops and the music builds. I absolutely love this song and Alex is just amazing 😍

  • @righteyedguitarist426
    @righteyedguitarist426 Рік тому +71

    It hurts so beautifully with every beat. It brings me pain but unfathomable joy too.

  • @Aviationfan2022
    @Aviationfan2022 2 роки тому +1322

    This sounds like a good soundtrack when you're driving at night

  • @Itzz_Peanut
    @Itzz_Peanut Рік тому +71

    A friend recommended me Arctic monkeys because we have similar music taste. Never been happier.

    • @carlito9727
      @carlito9727 Рік тому +2

      You're a bit late, they've been around since like 2006

    • @1994savvas
      @1994savvas 6 днів тому

      ​@@carlito9727 never too late. Also, people getting born after 2006. Let the new generation discover music.

  • @Condor._.1_theEditor
    @Condor._.1_theEditor Рік тому +112

    This song makes my day a tad bit better every once in awhile. Life at home hasn't really been too nice to me sadly but I hope things get better for the person reading this and me as well

    • @LuvlyyKira
      @LuvlyyKira Рік тому +4

      I hope ur life at home gets better

    • @Condor._.1_theEditor
      @Condor._.1_theEditor Рік тому +1

      @@LuvlyyKira ty

    • @LuvlyyKira
      @LuvlyyKira Рік тому +1

      @@Condor._.1_theEditor Np!

    • @fxreddie5000
      @fxreddie5000 Рік тому +1

      Things will get better, just live life I mean it’s one after all! ❤❤❤

    • @likakbiladze2313
      @likakbiladze2313 Рік тому +1

      hey, how are u doin? =)) just wanted to let you know that i would love to listen to ya

  • @kurosaki_ichigo0428
    @kurosaki_ichigo0428 2 роки тому +4016

    This music is whole a vibe when going to university at 6 am

  • @syaraanti
    @syaraanti Рік тому +100

    I'm going back to 505
    If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
    In my imagination, you're waitin' lyin' on your side
    With your hands between your thighs
    Stop and wait a sec
    When you look at me like that, my darlin', what did you expect?
    I'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck
    Or I did last time I checked
    Not shy of a spark
    The knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark
    Frightened by the bite, though it's no harsher than the bark
    The middle of adventure, such a perfect place to start
    I'm going back to 505
    If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
    In my imagination, you're waitin' lyin' on your side
    With your hands between your thighs
    But I crumble completely when you cry
    It seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye
    I'm always just about to go and spoil the surprise
    Take my hands off of your eyes too soon
    I'm going back to 505
    If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
    In my imagination, you're waitin' lyin' on your side
    With your hands between your thighs and a smile
    Source: LyricFind

  • @butterfly8778
    @butterfly8778 Рік тому +60

    whenever i need to vibe i just listen to this song. it always does the trick. its so calm.

  • @ruchirasepali4802
    @ruchirasepali4802 21 день тому +6

    2:30 ‘but I crumble completely when you cry’ hits every time

  • @brandonneperud3121
    @brandonneperud3121 2 роки тому +297

    Why does this song hit so fucking hard. LOVE THIS SONG 🔥

  • @unofficiallymahd
    @unofficiallymahd Рік тому +140

    2:27 this part gives me chills

  • @eggdogiscool
    @eggdogiscool 11 місяців тому +3

    there's just something magical about this i-ii progression damn

  • @shylahmckay
    @shylahmckay 2 роки тому +87

    Omg I love this song ✨

  • @focavr3097
    @focavr3097 2 роки тому +129

    This song is a vibe even through tough times when money's a problem but it lifts you up and feels good to sit and listen and just. Just. Be calm and collected for once in years

  • @ZackNotHere
    @ZackNotHere 2 роки тому +297

    Try playing this on your car radio man its a whole vibe

  • @CamsSubliminals
    @CamsSubliminals Рік тому +34

    I discovered Arctic Monkeys when I was 10. I was listening to Sweater Weather by The neighbourhood and 505 was recommended. I decided to listen to it and there's this feeling I felt the first time I listened to it is a feeling I've never felt before. I love Arctic Monkeys😍😍

    • @roses4199
      @roses4199 Рік тому +1

      Yess Sweather Weather by The Neighborhood is good!

    • @MoistLawyer
      @MoistLawyer 9 місяців тому

      I’m eleven and I just found Arctic Monkeys… AND IT AWESOME

    • @MoistLawyer
      @MoistLawyer 9 місяців тому

      When I was ten (a year ago) loved sweater weather

    • @Marco-lz2zr
      @Marco-lz2zr 3 місяці тому

      ​@@MoistLawyer that's nice this is off topic but just letting u know I'm 1 year ahead of u and I wanna say enjoy life rn enjoy sch rn cause after it gets a lot harder trust

  • @ruzgar1372
    @ruzgar1372 9 місяців тому +13

    It's a crime that this song is not 5 minutes and 5 seconds long

  • @luvmoony584
    @luvmoony584 2 роки тому +165

    when he doesn’t crumble completely when you cry

    • @hi_1290
      @hi_1290 2 роки тому +10

      red flag tbh

    • @Aml_07
      @Aml_07 2 роки тому +16

      Tbh, it really depends on why you're crying and if you're being manipulative with it. If something bad is going on and you start crying just because you can't handle it then absolutely but if you start crying because you didn't get your way and it happens all the time don't expect anyone to crumble

    • @makenna3217
      @makenna3217 2 роки тому +7

      @@Aml_07 🤓

    • @Aml_07
      @Aml_07 2 роки тому +3

      @@makenna3217 ok

    • @halfbreedalien5302
      @halfbreedalien5302 2 роки тому

      Dump his ass he should always crumble completely

  • @Sewey10001
    @Sewey10001 Рік тому +98

    For me, this song makes me feel that my life is not so ruined anymore

  • @RedOnion00
    @RedOnion00 2 роки тому +30

    It's nice to play this on a sunday morning

  • @brrplays8562
    @brrplays8562 2 роки тому +143

    this makes me not want to die

  • @ZexaXIII
    @ZexaXIII Рік тому +38

    It's been a very long time since I've heard this. So Nostalgic.

  • @asaadkarmi3355
    @asaadkarmi3355 2 роки тому +68

    everyone is a gangsta till 2:28 hits 💔

  • @electricguitars5559
    @electricguitars5559 Рік тому +38

    This song hits hard when I’m walking to school on a rainy day

  • @aditron1316
    @aditron1316 8 місяців тому +5

    idk how but this song always make me cry cuz when i listen to it my girl comes to my mind (yes we are still together but still) SHES SO BEAUTIFUL AND BRO I CAN T IMAGINE HOW PERFECT SHE IS

  • @alliedmasterdoge1967
    @alliedmasterdoge1967 Місяць тому +2

    Im hearing this song and realizing how much my problems I've ignored like my relatives deaths, my mental health and myself, i dont think I'll confront these issues but it felt good to realize how miserable I've made myself over the years. Thank you

  • @abdraouf5443
    @abdraouf5443 Рік тому +71

    I cant explain how it feels like to wake up at 5 and take s cold shower in summer while this song is blasting

  • @SocharicGaming
    @SocharicGaming 2 роки тому +241

    It's September 2022 ! let's see how many legend and fans are stills listening to this masterpiece........💙❤💫〽️

  • @stacey9101
    @stacey9101 2 роки тому +84

    This is the song I listen to when I’m depressed lol🥲

    • @haylerandle4216
      @haylerandle4216 2 роки тому +15

      That won't help will it

    • @Br34dL04f
      @Br34dL04f 2 роки тому +7

      Bro just go to therapist, i know better, believe me

    • @faregem1117
      @faregem1117 Рік тому +1

      Bro watch Tate or Hamza it might help

    • @rowensspell
      @rowensspell Рік тому +1

      @@faregem1117 bro Tate literally basically just says to get over it.💀

    • @Shattered13456
      @Shattered13456 Рік тому

      @@rowensspell and if you’re a man he will but if you’re a female just do it men are made to work, suffer, be a leader, embrace, and provide then do it all over get so yes he’ll say it to men but not women.

  • @capriceshannan694
    @capriceshannan694 Рік тому +55

    Having a crush that doesn’t like you this song just takes you out of reality

  • @yassieditz
    @yassieditz 5 місяців тому +4

    BUT I CRUMBAWLE COMPLETELY WHEN YOU CRY 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

  • @jaeyunkie
    @jaeyunkie 2 роки тому +65

    gonna walk down the streets in Boston during fall and put this on loop.

    • @lana721
      @lana721 2 роки тому +2

      walk with me, please 🙏

    • @jaeyunkie
      @jaeyunkie 2 роки тому

      @@lana721 lemme pick u up rq 🏃‍♀️

    • @3treschanel
      @3treschanel Рік тому +1

      That sound like a great idea❤❤

  • @laohengly5783
    @laohengly5783 Рік тому +10

    Idk why my tear come out even though I smile after listening to this❣️

  • @Hanna-zb8ep
    @Hanna-zb8ep Рік тому +5

    can't believe louis is covering this for his world tour

  • @loverssrock_
    @loverssrock_ 2 роки тому +60

    this song is my reason for living

  • @insomnaticmusic
    @insomnaticmusic 2 роки тому +9

    It's September 2022 let's see how many legend and fans are still listening to this masterpiece...💖💕💓💜💖

  • @luketame9013
    @luketame9013 Рік тому +34

    So glad I’ve grown out of rap music and now listening to the real stuff 👌🏼

  • @発展途上国から日本へ在
    @発展途上国から日本へ在 2 роки тому +140

    Hello there humans i am currently trying to find similar songs like this from now on. In case you happen to suggest songs for the playlist, i'd appreciate it. This was one of the first encounters with such a striking apocalyptic-vibe music, though i cant relate to the lyrics the guitar is marvelous and such. Thanks for reading

    • @p4pheadshotdead
      @p4pheadshotdead 2 роки тому +40

      Like You Do - Joji
      Telephones - Vacation
      Loverboy - A-Wall
      WhereTheTreesMeetTheFreeway - Bones
      Freaks - Surf Curse
      only a couple of songs I know of that remind me of this song

    • @発展途上国から日本へ在
      @発展途上国から日本へ在 2 роки тому +3

      @@p4pheadshotdead thanks ill check them

    • @ties9123
      @ties9123 2 роки тому

      @@p4pheadshotdead cheers mate

    • @hooreainamjid3123
      @hooreainamjid3123 2 роки тому

      @@p4pheadshotdead 👍

    • @Myhandsomelilmo
      @Myhandsomelilmo 2 роки тому

      "Hello there *humans* " are u an alien or some sh!z??

  • @whoisella2282
    @whoisella2282 2 роки тому +16

    This song is literally just a vibez

  • @Robloxrobloxiii
    @Robloxrobloxiii Рік тому +8

    Love this song, I listen to it before I go to school:)💕

  • @brittneyhaynes6798
    @brittneyhaynes6798 2 роки тому +16

    This song just feels so right

  • @crabbyrooooo
    @crabbyrooooo Рік тому +10

    this is on my hockey playlist, hits good at any point, before or after, while your getting driven or driving there, even before you leave

  • @aiolupo
    @aiolupo 2 роки тому +76

    2:28 Is the part your looking for, Thank me later

  • @dhollsynthmusic
    @dhollsynthmusic 2 роки тому +15

    i like that he sings in his natural accent. i.e. "crumble" where the "u" is a northern "u". Too many put on a fake american accent in their songs.

  • @sunky-
    @sunky- 2 місяці тому +2

    BUT I CRUMBLE COMPLETELY WHEN YOU CRY 🔥🔥😤🦅🦅‼️🗣🗣🗣‼️‼️🔥🔥🗣💯💯🥶

  • @SkibidiEgg-e6c
    @SkibidiEgg-e6c Місяць тому +7

    2:18 best part

  • @dew_DROOP
    @dew_DROOP Рік тому +2

    The fact that I was gonna listen to this because I was sad and then got a Burger King ad immediately makes this even better

  • @katsuro290
    @katsuro290 Рік тому +8

    Very nostalgic to me and I love it.

  • @ilikedairy8539
    @ilikedairy8539 Рік тому +8

    This is such a vibe I'm just listening to this in the background and just holding and looking at my candle and I would do that f or longer but I just remembered that homework exists lol

  • @lilkwnk
    @lilkwnk 2 роки тому +15


  • @suellanepereira7587
    @suellanepereira7587 Рік тому +17

    Um hino 🥰

  • @eliabenyc7
    @eliabenyc7 8 місяців тому

    But I cumble completely when you cry it seems like once again you've had to greet me with "goodbye"
    I'm always just about to go and spoil the surprise take my hands off of your eyes too soon
    I'm going back to 505 if it's a seven-hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
    In my imagination you're waiting lying on your side with your hands between your things and a smile

  • @schleichhorselover4015
    @schleichhorselover4015 2 роки тому +39

    I LOVE this song so much!!!!!!!

  • @hiimapenguin
    @hiimapenguin 4 місяці тому +2

    I only started listening to Arctic Monkeys this year, I have missed out a lot 😆

  • @i_a.m._studying
    @i_a.m._studying 2 роки тому +80

    I imagine listening to this at night or very early early in the morning on a rainy day going out to get something from the market

  • @spiderwoman.99
    @spiderwoman.99 Рік тому +2

    I found out that he listens to this song the most these days. I don't know how I feel about you. But when I think of you, I get so confused. When I sit next to you, my hands and feet get tangled up. Hands.. They are very beautiful. But you, no, it won't... Shouldn't love you🥲

  • @RedCliff1
    @RedCliff1 Місяць тому +4

    1:58 starts best part

  • @ffenocou
    @ffenocou 6 місяців тому +2

    i love the hell out of this song. I always listen in difficult days of this life

  • @Lollight
    @Lollight Рік тому +3

    I don't know why but this song hits hard with space edits
    like take the death of a star creating a supernova for example🌌

  • @cleats727
    @cleats727 11 місяців тому +9


  • @Reecesplays
    @Reecesplays 2 роки тому +5

    This song actually arctic monkeys have defined music for me ( along with oasis )

  • @starfilledsky2810.
    @starfilledsky2810. Рік тому +5


  • @tamanna2523
    @tamanna2523 Рік тому +51

    "Hands Between your thighs" without realizing the lyrics my kid self used to sing this loud and clear in front off my parents 💀

    • @2xNichh
      @2xNichh Рік тому

      What does it mean?

    • @Anyone-MTs
      @Anyone-MTs Рік тому +1

      @@2xNichh what the organ between ur tights??

    • @snyw
      @snyw Рік тому


    • @snyw
      @snyw Рік тому +1

      ​@@2xNichh 💀💀

    • @eshakhan839
      @eshakhan839 Рік тому +7

      To warm warm them? Right

  • @VerifiedDirectioner.
    @VerifiedDirectioner. 10 місяців тому +1

    Here from Louis Tomlinson and honestly, love arctic monkeys but he’s just good

  • @rachaelguirola8308
    @rachaelguirola8308 2 роки тому +6

    This is 🔥 🔥

  • @biadeborabeatriz2481
    @biadeborabeatriz2481 4 місяці тому

    Essa música é muito boa manoo❤❤❤

  • @Mr_Man__-ow8mg
    @Mr_Man__-ow8mg 2 роки тому +3

    Fr this vid is gonna pop off

  • @Lm20_08
    @Lm20_08 11 місяців тому +1

    اليوم اخر يوم ب2023 والساعة 11:54 واحس رح تكون احلى سنة دراسية عندي

  • @athing2050
    @athing2050 2 роки тому +25

    My science class is my favorite, my favorite song is 505, his classroom number is 505. It seems a bit too perfect tbh

  • @mamooshka9503
    @mamooshka9503 9 місяців тому

    Listening to this as I cant sleepin the middle of the night, its the soundtrack or our lives ❤

  • @kyoto-magidissidia44
    @kyoto-magidissidia44 2 роки тому +9

    I love this

  • @CallmeBriliant
    @CallmeBriliant 5 місяців тому +6

    Still listen to this masterpiece in 2024

  • @auronageci8808
    @auronageci8808 Рік тому +12

    One of my fav songs, it gives me summer vibes with my cousins

  • @uyedak8889
    @uyedak8889 2 роки тому +4

    This is such a vibe i always listen to it when hooping

  • @driftate588
    @driftate588 2 роки тому +6

    But I crumble completely when you cry it seems like once again you’ve had to greet me with goodbye

  • @japilarosly5812
    @japilarosly5812 2 роки тому +6

    0:40 2:28

  • @yzavellanequinto4199
    @yzavellanequinto4199 2 роки тому +8

    wow may taste crush ko sa music. love this.

  • @mikham961
    @mikham961 Рік тому +1

    Literally a masterpiece

  • @komodo1134
    @komodo1134 Місяць тому +34

    Who else's like me here on 2028? 🔥🔥🔥

  • @BernardoJesús-f9g
    @BernardoJesús-f9g 22 дні тому +2

    I love 505.

  • @med8306
    @med8306 2 роки тому +6

    morning vibe

  • @steffam6639
    @steffam6639 Рік тому +2

    This song gives me flashbacks

  • @lucasbento9324
    @lucasbento9324 Рік тому +5

    Quem não gosta dessa música concerteza é surdo

  • @JJHadi
    @JJHadi Рік тому +2

    Has to be the chillest comment section I’ve ever seen

  • @vyverxfooty8696
    @vyverxfooty8696 Рік тому +23

    2:23 part most of the people looking for

  • @rach2846
    @rach2846 Рік тому +1

    Lay in your bed with a joint ... Different vibe💚 preach

  • @kuzothatguy
    @kuzothatguy 7 місяців тому +3

    This music helps my depression

  • @SaifAbdulhalim
    @SaifAbdulhalim Місяць тому +2

    2:26 best part tbh

  • @cutmeup5011
    @cutmeup5011 Рік тому +3

    I was playing valorant a while ago, deathmach, me and 2 other people turned into friends, we were jumping around the pod and splashing water, when we were getting killed we've been returning back to that place
    Harbor, Neon if you are reading this, Hi!

  • @DiosdadoRusiana
    @DiosdadoRusiana 6 місяців тому +1


  • @melaniethomas5539
    @melaniethomas5539 Рік тому +3

    I just heard this song an I am so addicted to it can’t believe I never heard it before

  • @ImOK-tb3tx
    @ImOK-tb3tx Рік тому +2

    Being up at 5am while thinking bout life just hits different

  • @adelemillington6225
    @adelemillington6225 2 роки тому +6

    But I crumble completely when you cry...

  • @christianschulz2038
    @christianschulz2038 Рік тому

    Because of your song. I subscribed Btw