The duo combined forms look kinda underwhelming, because they combine to form literately nothing. I saw all 4 of these sets in ebisu, and I only bought the titan set. I might as well try to find all of the smaller sets for a build a figure that can transform, or even better, get all of the smaller sets that make a combiner.
The duo combined forms look kinda underwhelming, because they combine to form literately nothing. I saw all 4 of these sets in ebisu, and I only bought the titan set. I might as well try to find all of the smaller sets for a build a figure that can transform, or even better, get all of the smaller sets that make a combiner.
I bought the titan set from ebisu because it reminded me of transformers.
Dinosoure Figure
The left arm for the 4th set is loose in combined mode in my copy.
Number two is a chimera.
Is the titan set the only set that has a combined robot mode in one set?
ブロックスもかわったな~ 今までは一体ででかくて組み替えめっちゃできてよかったけどこれはどうなんやろ?
Do you eat the white pallet in the boxes
These Dinosaur and Non Dinosaur skeletons are incorrect?
What kind are these?