(Continuance of the CSA Invasion) AOTR 2.11.2 Ackbar's Log S4E21

  • Опубліковано 30 вер 2024


  • @maliciousyam-466
    @maliciousyam-466 7 місяців тому +2

    (Priority message from Captain Verrack of the MC80 Liberty class, “Yali”)
    Verrack: Greetings, Admiral. A thousand apologies for my lack of post-combat communication. Our com systems have been on the Fritz recently but we believe we’ve got that issue rectified and are ready to continue transmitting. As I am sure you are aware, we sustained only minor damage during recent combat operations, all part of your master plan of course. I will ensure nothing slips through our defenses at Cantinica while our boys set up infrastructure planetside. We await your call and will be ready and willing to serve in any way we can, Admiral.

    • @thehomeonecommanderii7509
      @thehomeonecommanderii7509  7 місяців тому +2

      Admiral Ackbar: Just glad to finally hear from you again Verrak. Sorry to hear about your communications trouble, but glad that that's fixed. You'll rejoin the fleet once we begin operations against the remaining Corporate Worlds. Ackbar out.

  • @LordChaosHavik
    @LordChaosHavik 7 місяців тому +1

    This is Alexander Ashcroft from the Liberation.
    This war leading us deep into the Corporate Sector has been filled with quite a few surprises. We started coming up across several battles that had pirates coming to the aid of the defenders. It was quite confusing what they were even doing that far out. Ession held the key to these answers it would seem. One of the ESPO commanders could see the way the wind was blowing and set up a resistance against his former comrades and employers. Once the battle was over, He surrendered himself to Alliance agents and managed to secure his freedom with the reveal of tons of classified documents he was meant to purge, but kept, just for this very occasion. The Corps, have been employing these Pirates to raid their own area, so they can justify all their various Martial Law edicts, convince the people they need the ESPO lording over them and more. Thankfully this war is almost over. The head figures of the Corporations have been running and evacuating as best they can, but they have nearly nowhere left to go ow before they finally are in our hands and set for the next wave of trials just like the Hapes, and the Hutts were put through.
    One more thing, Thanks to these documents. We can confirm that those troubles we had Erlier in yur career as Admiral was a play by Grand Admiral Thrawn. The various factions attacking, the Archammer, and the Imperial fleets that fallowed. Still, no one in Alliance intelligence has seen hide or hair of the man in well over a year now. Is he fighting the Black Sun? Executed once your personally thwarted the plans and destoyed the Archammer in the process? Or is there something deeper going on? We'll find out though. Just to more worlds. Then we can take the fight right to the Empire and the Black Sun. The answers to all these questions lies there, I'm sure of it.

    • @thehomeonecommanderii7509
      @thehomeonecommanderii7509  7 місяців тому +1

      Greetings Lieutenant Ashcroft of the Liberation. This is Admiral Ackbar speaking.
      I have read your report and excellent work gaining that intelligence. The Corporate Masters are indeed lowly dogs to do that to their own people. I will make sure to forward that information to the people once we liberate them totally. And they can do with their leaders what they want. Grand Admiral Thrawn you say? Well he is one of their most formidable commanders. I too hope to meet him in combat before the war is done. I doubt he's been executed, too valuable a commander for even the Empire to get rid of. Don't worry, we'll get back to the Empire soon enough. Keep up the good work Lieutenant. Admiral Ackbar out.

  • @Night_Stalker
    @Night_Stalker 7 місяців тому +1

    (The CSA have only 2 planets left! Keep on it!
    1:41:18 = Executor and Bellator all below 6 minutes. Yikes.
    And the Empress didn't get badly damaged in this episode. Nice!)
    (The Senator, The Clone, The Alliance. An Original Character Story)
    *In between the episode, Katarina Du Couteau escorted by her RSFD Squads and a handful of Rebel Marines plus Negotiators landed on the Hapes Planet itself to negotiate Shipyard Owners to open up to the Rebel Alliance. After a few days, Katarina along with other Rebel Negotiators were able to strike a contract/deal that lets the Alliance Navy to use their Warships at the cost of Credits and Reparations. The Alliance Navy would buy Hapen Warships, Reparations for any damage done to the Shipyards and in return grants access to build said Warships. It was sent up to Alliance High Command to await further instructions.*
    Katarina: ARC Squadrons will stay around the Empress. V-Wing squadrons intercept. Once we achieve fighter superiority the V-Wings will escort the ARCs to strafing runs.
    Rebel Starfighter Officer: Right. *relays information*
    Katarina: Wow, Recusant-Class Light Destroyers. Broadside batteries open fire! *All broadside batteries begins to switch targets*
    *The Venator's alarm is blaring*
    Republic Head Engineer: 5% Hull!
    Katarina: *mutters a prayer* All hands, prepare for abandon-
    MC75 Captain: Captain! We have your back! *The MC75 is broadsiding the VSD-I to oblivion*
    (After the Battle...)
    Katarina: Damage Report?
    Republic Head Engineer: So far we've used all of the scrap we salvaged to make the repairs. Your contacts have pulled through to make it possible.
    Katarina: Good. Losses?
    RSFD Captain: We lost a few crew members and operators down in the loading area and by the battery ports.
    Katarina: *nods* That was to close...
    Katarina: Convoy huh? Gunners destroy that.
    Gunnery Officer: Yes ma'am! *Turbolasers began to take out the CSA Convoy retreating*
    Katarina: Stay behind the MC80, we're not going to remake what happened last time. All Portside batteries fire! *The Empress' turbolasers on the left fired upon the CSA Fleet*
    Katarina: Fighters and Bombers strafe that Recusant!
    Rebel Fighter: Yes ma'am! *ARC-170s begin to strafe the Recusant bombing it*
    Rebel Officer: Great job! All fighters return.
    Katarina: Huh.
    RSFD Captain: What is it madam?
    Katarina: I just heard that the CSA has warehouses that contains Republic Era equipment and military vehicles.
    RSFD Captain: Really madam?
    Katarina: I've confirmed it with my source. I'll process it up to the chain of command, see if I could get a couple of those. After all I am Republic bred~
    RSFD Captain: *nods in agreement*
    Katarina: Portside fire now!
    *Portside Batteries barraged the Recusant-Class in between the two Home Ones. 4 DBY-827 Heavy Turbo Laser Turrets picked apart the hull along with a dozen AV-7 Deck Guns and Point Defense Lasers Cannons as well*
    Rebel Officer: Captain! We have a 3rd Party Fleet coming in from behind!
    Katarina: Fighters stand for re-tasking! Take out the fleet from behind. Shields double to the back, we can't have our engines down!
    Katarina: All guns open fire! *The DBY=827s begin to be more accurate upon closer range hammering the Dreadnought that is near*
    Katarina: This is a risk but- all weapons overload! Lay down the hammer! *All weapons began to fire double despite the risk of getting double the damage to their shields and hull*
    *It paid off as the space was clear of CSA Fighters*
    Katarina: Enough! Cool it then advance forward.
    Greetings Admiral! After the brutal battle over Telos, the crew is ecstatic that we are still alive and coordinating well with the Fleet movement. During the course of the three battles, we kept our hull at 90% above which is a good feat to say the least commanding a Venator-Class. The strings of victory has garnered morale of both crew and troops aboard the Empress. And I'm seeing great teamwork between my Hardliners and the Rebels. Although different they are fighting under the same flag and idea.
    As you know the CSA is a close friend of the Galactic Empire. At some point the CSA bought old Republic Era Warships and Equipment from the Empire and also bought Separatist Warships from the Black Market or from the IGBC(Inter Galactic Banking Clan). As you know I am a Republic Patriot amongst others in your ranks and I was hoping to gain access to it. Don't worry I'll put them into good use like supporting the ground army, having my men do garrison over key posts, and have my troops to process the captured prisoners. See if I could turn some of those ESPO Soldiers into being on our side as well~
    Oh and the Shipyard owners from the Hapes agreed to open their Shipyards for us. They'll build it at a certain cost. They will help us how to crew it and command it as well.
    (Interactable Comment)

    • @thehomeonecommanderii7509
      @thehomeonecommanderii7509  7 місяців тому +1

      Greetings back at you Captain. Glad to hear your crews being in good spirits. Morale is always key to a good leader and their men. You have my permission to gain access to whatever it is you like. After your performance you deserve nothing less. Oh, and also good to hear about the Hapes shipyards. They will be a useful boost to the Alliance. High Command informs me that they plan on building a fleet of as many Battle Dragons to add to our ranks as possible. All thanks t your negotiating prowess. I am recommending the Empress for a Unit Citation and you personally for a commendation. You deserve nothing less. Keep up the great work. Admiral Ackbar out.

    • @Night_Stalker
      @Night_Stalker 7 місяців тому +1

      Yes it is. Morale is always key to be an effective fighting force. And thank you for granting it Admiral. It was no big deal negotiating with the Shipyard Owners over at Hapes. I've negotiated and talked to over hundreds of politicians and high ranking officers. I could've done this in my sleep if I have to~
      Yes the Hapen Battle Dragons are a good addition to the Alliance Navy as their rotating turbo lasers make it possible for consistent fire. Thank you for the unit citation Admiral~ It was not only me but the entire crew as well who chipped in~ Centaur out.
      Katarina: Captain, we have the go ahead from the Admiral. Gather your men and bring along a couple of Rebel Engineers as well. I'll coordinate with the officers in charge of garrison to grant us access.
      RSFD Captain: Roger that madam.
      Katarina: *in her head* The addition of these would most likely boost and upgrade the army here and have more scraps to repair the Empress.
      Rebel Officer: You wanted to see me Captain?
      Katarina: *gets out of her thoughts* Yes. I want those reports.
      Rebel Officer: Ah, well then we are finished with the field repairs of the hull and shields are back at 100%. Fighters and Bombers being repaired and all flight crews ready for deployment at a moment's notice.
      Katarina: Good good. I want a couple of small freighters to go with the RSFD gathering supplies for the Empress.
      Rebel Officer: Of course Captain. I'll allocate a few. What are the supplies?
      Katarina: Republic and Separatist era equipment.
      Rebel Officer: From the CSA Warehouses?
      Katarina: Mmhmm.
      Rebel Officer: Alright ma'am. *salutes and leaves*