How To Make Southern Fried Chicken |Crispy Fried Chicken | Buttermilk Fried Chicken Recipe

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TrulyShala
    @TrulyShala Рік тому +90

    I’m 21 years old and just moved into my own place. It’s funny how I needed a good recipe for some good chicken lol. This may have been easy to skip for others but god knew I needed this LOL! I watch all your videos, thank you

    • @lindabradford9591
      @lindabradford9591 Рік тому +1

      You need to try her garlicky shrimp recipe also, if you like shrimp. It's amazing.

    • @IslandVibeCooking
      @IslandVibeCooking  Рік тому +15

      Congratulations on your new place. You’ll find lots of recipes on my channel to make your new place feel like home. Hope you try them out.

    • @jodynanci
      @jodynanci Рік тому +2

      Same here😂. I needed that

    • @helenparsons9780
      @helenparsons9780 Рік тому

      ​@@IslandVibeCooking ppl

    • @vickyj8841
      @vickyj8841 Рік тому

      Congratulations on taking that big step into adult life😊!!!

  • @CinthiaMcDaniel-Smith
    @CinthiaMcDaniel-Smith 9 місяців тому +2

    I'm southern and I've never seen a southern person add pickle juice to their fried chicken, but it looks yummy.. We make ours a bit different. 🤫😂 I'm definitely a fan of yours and I will still try this. You are my go to now because your food has some amazing flavors. Thanks

    • @IslandVibeCooking
      @IslandVibeCooking  9 місяців тому +1

      Thank you love I always try to bring you guys amazing recipes. Thank you noticing 💕💕

  • @loveabides3982
    @loveabides3982 Рік тому +45

    There ain't nothing like or better than perfectly fried chicken! 🍗 😋 Looks absolutely mouth watering!!!🤤

  • @jesse8435
    @jesse8435 Рік тому +18

    So I did this recipe, but on chicken tenders. O...M...G!!!! the whole family freaked out. Better than popeyes for sure. The only thing was that there was alot of left over seasoning and batter and could have made alot more. Which we did. Afterwards we deepfried frenchfries at same temp for 7 minutes. The leftover oil gave the fries a nice southern crunch. 5 out of 5

    • @sparr5132
      @sparr5132 Рік тому +4

      You convinced me to try it!

  • @jamarstringfellow4577
    @jamarstringfellow4577 Рік тому +5

    Fixed this yesterday 🔥🔥🔥 definitely some of the best flavored chicken I ever had. Thanks Queen for the recipe.

  • @divammorgan9448
    @divammorgan9448 Рік тому +28

    Man this chicken came out so perfect!! I'm on my way to the store right now to get all these ingredients for my Sunday dinner tomorrow!!

  • @jesse8435
    @jesse8435 Рік тому +6

    I love her voice when she's describing what's going on...."Okay!"

  • @Sleipnirseight
    @Sleipnirseight Рік тому +2

    Saving this to my Pinterest board for dinner ideas!

  • @BattlebornRC
    @BattlebornRC Рік тому

    This is some of the best fried chicken. I've ever tasted so glad I have this recipe.

  • @kathywherry9810
    @kathywherry9810 Рік тому +4

    I always try your recipes. Will try this one also!! Thank you!!

  • @nialaweeks6555
    @nialaweeks6555 Рік тому +1

    I haven't made fried chicken in years, but watching this makes me want to make it lol

  • @ciarahorton4828
    @ciarahorton4828 Рік тому +2

    Easy peasy! And looks divine

  • @tanyab2341
    @tanyab2341 Рік тому +1

    Oooooooooo I'm making this ty for another amazing recipe

  • @cliffgaither
    @cliffgaither Рік тому +2

    I've seen great looking fried chicken ... but that was the best. I've never seen that kind of perfection for fried chicken. You are the best ! Even the drumsticks were perfectly cooked and I really prefer the thighs ... which you left all to itself. I don't blame you for not cutting the thigh, it was absolutely a masterpiece !

    • @IslandVibeCooking
      @IslandVibeCooking  Рік тому +1

      2 of the thighs didn’t me it to the plate 😂😂 thank you for watching

  • @rhondae8222
    @rhondae8222 Рік тому +3

    I will be making this sometime next week, for sure. That fried chicken is the best. Thanks for sharing. 😊

  • @Easy-Cooking
    @Easy-Cooking Рік тому +7

    Looks delicious and beautiful! Thank you very much for sharing! 👍👍👍

  • @brookehargraves6975
    @brookehargraves6975 Рік тому

    Omg did you see how Juicy???? This looks absolutely amazing, thank you!❤

  • @caliefgoode6379
    @caliefgoode6379 Рік тому +1

    Chicken is looking crispy 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @codykimmons7186
    @codykimmons7186 Рік тому +9

    This recipe looks amazing! I’ve always been intimidated to make fried bone in chicken, but you make it look so easy! Thank you for sharing 🤍 the flavors are making my mouth water!

  • @andreajohnson174
    @andreajohnson174 Рік тому +2

    That is one fantastic fry chicken, I definitely will be making it my mouth is watering just thinking about it 😋👍

  • @valerienaylor1069
    @valerienaylor1069 Рік тому +1

    That look delicious yummy 😋😋🤤🤤 Chef's

  • @DocKaosBeats
    @DocKaosBeats Рік тому

    I made this for the fam it turned out amazing I'm sticking with this recipe

  • @sherrysnyder4195
    @sherrysnyder4195 Рік тому +1

    I’m definitely trying this one!

  • @GLguygardner
    @GLguygardner Рік тому

    Chef's kiss with this👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿

  • @ericamiles666
    @ericamiles666 9 місяців тому

    You've made me so hungry. 😸

  • @soriyazz
    @soriyazz Рік тому +2

    Nothing better than kruchee chicken!! It definitely needs the seasonings.

  • @wandamcmorris6255
    @wandamcmorris6255 Рік тому +5

    That chicken looks 🔥🔥🔥 🔥 my mouth is watering 😋😋

  • @Roberta400
    @Roberta400 Рік тому +3

    Hey Mrs. Lady, I will definitely try this receipe. You have not failed my taste buds yet with your videos. Thanks again for another banger! God bless you. 🙏🏻💐

    • @IslandVibeCooking
      @IslandVibeCooking  Рік тому

      You are so welcome. I appreciate that comment ❤

    • @Roberta400
      @Roberta400 Рік тому +1

      I cooked this chicken tonight, it was definitely crunchy and juicy, my son loved it! Gurl you are the truth!!!!

  • @MzSweetzTalk
    @MzSweetzTalk Рік тому +1

    Aaayyyeee!! 🔥💃 I love fried chicken, looks delicious!!

  • @sherylgauthier6122
    @sherylgauthier6122 Рік тому

    Omg looks delicious. Can't wait to try. ❤❤

  • @henrybustamante4828
    @henrybustamante4828 Рік тому +1

    In bout one hour I'll be making your shrimp fried rice recipe and tomorrow will be so.fried schickin,I ain't lying.

  • @amyw2182
    @amyw2182 Рік тому +1

    Yum! Great video!

  • @carolynevans7856
    @carolynevans7856 Рік тому +2

    Looks delicious 😋

  • @dorindamorton-lomax5095
    @dorindamorton-lomax5095 Рік тому +3

    6:38 Hi there, I’m so looking forward to making some fried chicken! This looks delicious 😋 and the editorial was on point. Thank you.

  • @jesuslovewifi6211
    @jesuslovewifi6211 Рік тому +5

    When I reach my goal weight I'll be trying so much of the recipes from your channel! I will be eating so good thanks to you! 🙌🏼😂

    @SIR_TOOLS 10 місяців тому

    Thank you for sharing this! did the same with some extra cayenne 🔥🔥

  • @lovelight6973
    @lovelight6973 Рік тому +5

    This looks amazing 🍗 ! I'll definitely have to try this. I'm learning more and more when I cook spices are key to flavor.

    • @IslandVibeCooking
      @IslandVibeCooking  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for watching good luck on your cooking journey

    • @lovelight6973
      @lovelight6973 Рік тому

      @@IslandVibeCooking awe thank you 😊

  • @queenb4366
    @queenb4366 Рік тому

    Omg this looks soooo goodddd !! My mouth is watering can’t wait to try this !

  • @1moabitess
    @1moabitess Рік тому

    Will definitely try this recipe

  • @theodoreboosalis
    @theodoreboosalis Рік тому +1

    Hell yeah!!!! You rock!

  • @berdellfleming5074
    @berdellfleming5074 Рік тому

    Always marinade my chicken in Buttermilk overnite in but at least 5 - 6 hours . Hot sauce is a must.

  • @jesuslovewifi6211
    @jesuslovewifi6211 Рік тому +2

    Mezami! Look how beautiful the chicken look 😭😭😭

  • @PaytonandMommytime
    @PaytonandMommytime Рік тому

    Ooooh lawd...mouth watering😋😋😋👍👍👍..looks delish.

  • @K.Sherell
    @K.Sherell Рік тому

    Got my chicken sitting in the fridge now 😊😊😊

  • @mariesaturnegelin4144
    @mariesaturnegelin4144 Рік тому

    Perfect indeed, you're the best

  • @KabulFood
    @KabulFood Рік тому +1

    Excellent recipe

  • @49ers_red_and_gold2
    @49ers_red_and_gold2 Рік тому +4

    No fried food for me I'm trying ketosis for the month. But this looks delicious 😋

    • @Doone226
      @Doone226 Рік тому

      You can fry the chicken without the flour for a keto diet.

  • @dyanaprinze
    @dyanaprinze Рік тому +2

    Talk about timing. I just put.some chicken in buttermilk and went to look for the fried cabbage recipe and found this. Went back and seasoned my chicken like this this.

  • @joesbarbershop9244
    @joesbarbershop9244 Рік тому

    That is wonderful and so goood.

  • @Sonya77353
    @Sonya77353 Рік тому +2

    Hey Rose that chicken looks delicious it looks better than some restaurants chicken tfs 🥰

  • @gaynellewilliamson2954
    @gaynellewilliamson2954 Рік тому

    Made me hungry!!!!

  • @robinjohnson697
    @robinjohnson697 Рік тому

    Look very good

  • @donnahaskett9588
    @donnahaskett9588 Рік тому

    Omg y u do that. Bby now I wish I had some. I gotta try this. 👍❤

  • @qwaszxpolkmncvb
    @qwaszxpolkmncvb Рік тому +1

    I can bake chicken and it come out right every time. Same goes for grilling and smoking. I can dredge and fry just about anything, but I can't seem to feel comfortable frying chicken. A deep fryer was my best shot. I haven't had one in decades. I under done a deep fried pork steak after a Independence Day party one night and spent the next day miserable. Guess I gotta jump back on the horse sooner or later. lol

  • @sajedashaikh2073
    @sajedashaikh2073 Рік тому

    Wow so nice

  • @VickyyAlexx
    @VickyyAlexx Рік тому +2

    I think I’ll try this but in an air fryer 😅

  • @stevehei8035
    @stevehei8035 Рік тому

    What a wonderful recipe and in the grand scheme it looks relatively simple. What type oil do you use to fry this in please?

  • @psorrell2556
    @psorrell2556 Рік тому +1

    Is complete seasoning the same as all purpose seasoning?

  • @daddymcpapi7520
    @daddymcpapi7520 Рік тому +2

    love the recipe but thought for a few seconds i was in the matrix 1:47

  • @tobbyrem
    @tobbyrem Рік тому

    Hello, Island Vibe Cooking! I adore your cooking technique and have recently subscribed to your channels; could you please provide me the entire recipe for southern fried chicken?

  • @surfinbird71
    @surfinbird71 Рік тому +3

    So in this video she didn't season the chicken itself...she seasoned the buttemilk and the flour and did not use eggs. In a previous video she used eggs and seasoned the chicken directly.......I wonder what was the difference in the end result. Anyways..I look forward to trying both ways. Everything in this channel looks tops.

  • @sherrysnyder4195
    @sherrysnyder4195 Рік тому +2

    Can we substitute milk & vinegar for buttermilk?

  • @chinadoll3066
    @chinadoll3066 Рік тому +1

    Love it baby

  • @dubdee01
    @dubdee01 Рік тому +1

    How long for white meat?

  • @mandaZpanda
    @mandaZpanda Рік тому +1

    Does adding hot sauce make it spicy?

  • @sarahbullock5924
    @sarahbullock5924 9 днів тому

    What flour and oil did you use?

  • @acrimsonhearttruckingllc3841

    what is the complete season consists of?

  • @CartersEat
    @CartersEat Рік тому

    Here sissy.. hope you are well

  • @ihaveasmallpp8453
    @ihaveasmallpp8453 Рік тому


  • @arieskiki1825
    @arieskiki1825 Рік тому +1

    What is the best way to discard the cooking oil after use?

  • @mistanasty733
    @mistanasty733 Рік тому +1

    Can you do a stove top chicken spaghetti vid please?

  • @kingsolomon5278
    @kingsolomon5278 Рік тому

    Do you have an ebook we could purchase ?

  • @jeanettegraham8221
    @jeanettegraham8221 Рік тому +1

    Can you do a video on frying crispy wings and chicken breasts

  • @mstoomuch25
    @mstoomuch25 Рік тому +1

    Can you send omit pickle juice?

  • @velboone6041
    @velboone6041 Рік тому

    Lord I want his chicken NOW....😩

  • @mickyg67
    @mickyg67 9 місяців тому

    How much flour? As it only says 3? Cups? TSP? Tbls?

  • @Reevesy791
    @Reevesy791 Рік тому

    How do you manage to get the skin crispy for fried chicken? I just made a batch and it turned out okay but underneath the breading, the skin was still a bit too rubbery

    • @akhtarali3793
      @akhtarali3793 2 місяці тому

      Keep in flour for about 10 to 15 Minutes and you will see the result

  • @ConoverKennard
    @ConoverKennard 6 місяців тому

    Is that dill or sweet pickle juice, please?

  • @bettystrimple922
    @bettystrimple922 Рік тому


  • @corindaross2196
    @corindaross2196 Рік тому +1

    Do you mean 3 cups of flour for dredging? The flour measurement is missing from the Ingredient list.

  • @cressidarodrick939
    @cressidarodrick939 7 місяців тому

    I wanna ask, mine turned to loose its coating while it was getting fried.. It fell off from its skin. Why?

  • @christineboozer9980
    @christineboozer9980 Рік тому

    Recipe link?

  • @Garyinhou
    @Garyinhou Рік тому


  • @Yezsurr
    @Yezsurr Рік тому


  • @sashaKitchen
    @sashaKitchen Рік тому


  • @marinafeenix
    @marinafeenix Рік тому


  • @88keyz
    @88keyz Рік тому


  • @MarkRelaford
    @MarkRelaford 11 місяців тому

    That's not a good look,next time cook at 325° and cover with a lid.luv ya my sister

  • @phroz3n
    @phroz3n Рік тому +1

    You are so cruel, I just went on a diet.

  • @charlesclark9627
    @charlesclark9627 Рік тому

    I hate Adobo and Sazon with MSG!

  • @wwenewyork7570
    @wwenewyork7570 Рік тому

    Them chicken legs tooo big 🙅🏽‍♂️

  • @rubyfonseca396
    @rubyfonseca396 Рік тому

    Hey girly I was wondering what type of oil you would recommend us to use?? 😭🫡🙏🏼

  • @gamergirlnikki1399
    @gamergirlnikki1399 Рік тому

    Heyy what stovetop or Cooker you use? I’m they came out so perfect