The most complete Gifts & Consumer Goodssupply is in the Jiangxi brand product export online exhibition, a variety of high quality Gifts & Consumer Goods online shopping
4-15-19:>> Attn: ENTREPRENEURS: (An early pioneer 1965-1976) MY WORSE FEAR on returning to America after living and earnings a living in west-Africa eleven (11) years as a jewelry-craftsman were to depend on someone or organization for a job.. And All praises to the Creator it wasn't necessary, thanks to the wisdom of an old friend, Dr. Margaret Burroughs who during one of her visits to Ghana, I as if I could I earn a living as a craftsman when I return to America? "Kojo, she replied, yes; but no one gonna give you a job unless you've been authenticated, so your best bet is to do as you have done here (Africa) MAKE YOUR OWN JOB." Which eased my mind on the matter. My first goal on returning was to seek out Afro-centric minded Americans, that supported Black Artist & our Artworks. Long story shorten; Check out “My Sankofa:” Now after 35 years (11 in West-Africa) I’ve returned to my HOMETOWN & first-love, oil paintings and photography. 4 years ago (2015) I had a DNA done and learned that 87% of my ancestor’s DNA are from the ASHANTI AKIM’S area; where I had been adopted and lived from 1965 t0 1976. Reminiscing: In 1965: When I informed my family that I was quitting my job and going to Africa for an extended stay, (once year) they thought I had lost my mind, "going to Africa, a place where people were starving, living in trees, eating, enslaving each other, etc, etc." I assured them that if that was true, I'd return on the next flight; but I must go and see for myself... Long story shorten checkout: "MY SANKOFA” it was a BORN AGAIN EXPERIENCE. Enjoy - be Enlighten & Share.
Hello all We are sourcing & QC company in SZ China helping people importing from China manage their costs & risks as well as design new products. Paul the CEO and Owner of Victure will be traveling to Europe (the UK, Norway, Netherlands, Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Poland & Slovenia) in June. This is a perfect time to meet Paul face-to-face to discuss potential business opportunities. Let me know if you are looking to import/ source consumer electronic products & mobile accessories from China, or facing business challenges in China. We can meet and discuss over a cup of coffee or a beer. B.Regards Sam
In short: China is turning into a global place to meet for business.
Very good and super informative
The most complete Gifts & Consumer Goodssupply is in the Jiangxi brand product export online exhibition, a variety of high quality Gifts & Consumer Goods online shopping
Hmmnn, Malaysia Boleh
Lmao this cameraman is pretty bad but at the same time I kinda appreciate it because he just goes to look at stuff
(An early pioneer 1965-1976)
MY WORSE FEAR on returning to America after living and earnings a living in west-Africa eleven (11) years as a jewelry-craftsman were to depend on someone or organization for a job.. And All praises to the Creator it wasn't necessary, thanks to the wisdom of an old friend, Dr. Margaret Burroughs who during one of her visits to Ghana, I as if I could I earn a living as a craftsman when I return to America?
"Kojo, she replied, yes; but no one gonna give you a job unless you've been authenticated, so your best bet is to do as you have done here (Africa) MAKE YOUR OWN JOB." Which eased my mind on the matter.
My first goal on returning was to seek out Afro-centric minded Americans, that supported Black Artist & our Artworks. Long story shorten;
Check out “My Sankofa:”
Now after 35 years (11 in West-Africa) I’ve returned to my HOMETOWN & first-love, oil paintings and photography.
4 years ago (2015) I had a DNA done and learned that 87% of my ancestor’s DNA are from the ASHANTI AKIM’S area; where I had been adopted and lived from 1965 t0 1976.
In 1965: When I informed my family that I was quitting my job and going to Africa for an extended stay, (once year) they thought I had lost my mind, "going to Africa, a place where people were starving, living in trees, eating, enslaving each other, etc, etc." I assured them that if that was true, I'd return on the next flight; but I must go and see for myself... Long story shorten checkout:
Enjoy - be Enlighten & Share.
Hello all We are sourcing & QC company in SZ China helping people importing from China manage their costs & risks as well as design new products. Paul the CEO and Owner of Victure will be traveling to Europe (the UK, Norway, Netherlands, Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Poland & Slovenia) in June. This is a perfect time to meet Paul face-to-face to discuss potential business opportunities. Let me know if you are looking to import/ source consumer electronic products & mobile accessories from China, or facing business challenges in China. We can meet and discuss over a cup of coffee or a beer. B.Regards Sam
When is the next trade fair?
June. Google Canton fair. Dates posted June 15 to 24 2020
Chaina Axibtn krne k liye mujhe org ka nmbr mil skta he
I'm a supplier of e-cigarette vape cartridge and vape pen from China Guangdong. If you wants to import that kinds of things, Free to contact me.