Now its exactly 5 years later and he is on top of the world. If he only knew then ..😊 if his older him could only whisper that in his ear at that Vlive😊💜🙏🏾
Jk V live always feel like video call with him. Even he is so tired he do Vlive for us, I know this is old but feel like I am talking to him right now. Jk is amazing. ✨
This is like a confession of a teenager... I loved it...afterall we all are same ...we all r human. ...going through same phases , regrets ...hope and insecurities.
Этот малыш такой уютный, такой тёплый, такой родной, такой настоящий..!))* Солнечный человечек..!))* Ты действительно стал крутым, Чонгук..!))* За пять лет ты достиг мировой популярности и любви, и восхищения миллионов людей по всей планете..!))* Ты Великолепен..!)* Неповторим..!!!)* Ты своей искренностью, упорством и трудолюбием, своей позитивностью исцеляешь сердца..!!!)* Ты пример для молодёжи..!)* И целительный бальзам для старшего поколения..!)* Чудесный..!)* Красивый, Сильный, Стильный, Превосходный Актёр, Танцор, Вокалист, Модель и просто Волшебный, Многогранный Человек..!!!)* Обожаю, Уважаю, БлагоДарю за Всё..!!!)* Обнимаю..))* 🥰🤗😍✨💕🌈💜🐇💜🌈💕✨
👍🌹💖❤️☺️🙂🥰💗💖❤️💓🌹🌷👍☺️😊🙂💖💗Ainda bem amor eu vou te ligar agora para saber como correu o trabalho e o que é que te sentes e o teu corpo e o teu corpo bem e
so beautiful at 21. He felt his responsibility and loyalty to BTS and Army so strongly. Showing his feelings was an intimate moment on stage. Intimate here with Army too. We love you always JK.💜
@@СветланаХоменок-ф4эsorry late respon but he hurt his heel while warming up for the concert and couldn't perform on stage with his members. Извините за поздний ответ, но он повредил пятку во время разминки перед концертом и не смог выступить на сцене со своими участниками. *I apologize if there's any mistakes in the translator I don't speak English nor Russian!!
He's incredibly wise, it's hartwarming to listen to him❤ I felt heartbroken that he says he blamed himself and regretting warming up or not wearing shoes. While actually he was doing his best by doing a warm up. It was an accident at the least convenient time, but nothing to blame himself. 😢
@@КатяКатя-г2й, Нажмите вверху на экране значок "сс" немного удерживая, там откроется окошко со строчками текста.. Выберите "Автоперевод", откроется список языков субтитров..!* Выберите из списка необходимый язык..!!!)* 😉✌️
It's ok Jungkook look your feelings are valid and express them freely you at that moment were so hardly debating with yourself and you couldn't bare it anymore so you bursted into tears it's completely alright don't think that way that you're artist you should be strong even if you're feeling dark inside atlast we're humans baby we too have emotional turmoil sometimes we can't pretend to be strong all time when we're down so don't feel embarrassed about it please express it freely don't be so hard on yourself your soul is so tender:( please take care of it always okay? don't allow it to bottle up it's emotions i love you soso much we love you we understand what you're going through so don't feel sorry for us. I really get inspired from you so much learn so many things as a student learn from their mentor. Despite after injured which was 3cm deep wound you still came on stage you didn't give up your passion you focused on your voice, notes so much which you couldn't be able to do when you were performing. Due to this situation you got some time to think on yourself to get to know your soul more. I know it's too difficult to let go things which happen but at that time keep some positivity burning inside you it's the one going to help. Somethings happen for some reason and at that time we can't get it immediately but when we sit and think deep down we ourselves should think positively to give our spirit some ease
Vdydhduddudjdudus sdhduhdududuud di dhxjxhxuduxbxyx dydydgd di dunia ini xudhdjjduz ke zysbdbbxzhzhsbxhxhxnx bx hujan xhhx UU nxbxbxhxjxnxnxnhxbxjxixjxmizixxs xbxbxb x jg bhdhd UGD huhyxytxbd xhhx be dhdhxjxbbx no skskdldos dhxnx xn
Eu conheci este menino na apresentação dele na Copa do Mundo/22, até então nunca tinha ouvido falar do BTS, então procurei vários videos sobre eles, sobre a história deles e me surpreendi. Eu tenho 2 filhos um de 34 e outro de 28 e tudo que senti neste momento foi apenas a vontade de dar um abraço nele, como se estivesse abraçando os meus filhos e dizer: - "Vai ficar tudo bem". Estou impressionada com as reflexões deste menino, tão jovem com uma maturidade tão relevante e encantadora. Agora veja trechos da fala dele que impressiona: Ele começou abrindo o coração como se sentiu culpado de ter se machucado antes do show. Me deu dó de ouvir a dor do seu 💜 *(Sobre os 30 anos)* > 33:07 - Vou fazer coisas que só melhora a minha vida...33:15 - Até que eu me torne uma pessoa maravilhosa... 33:25 - Espero que todos pensem que sou maravilhoso... 33:36 - Espero ser uma pessoa legal, coisas que vão me ajudar nesta direção, ajudam a minha carreira, coisas que me melhoram, eu vou fazer estas coisas de agora em diante. *(Sobre a Escola)* > 35:10 - Um fã diz: Eu não quero ir para a escola. Ele responde: Certo, eu entendo. Eu estava lá tbm, mas olhando para trás, vc terá muitas lembranças da escola. Mudei para Seul quando era muito jovem, tinha melhores amigos, não tenho muitas memórias deles, as pessoas dizem que a vida no ensino médio é divertida, as memórias são duradouras, as pessoas se lembram delas claramente, mas eu não as tenho muito. Então aproveite sua escola mesmo que vc não queira ir, encontre coisas que tornem a escola divertida, então vc vai gostar da escola. Eu tinha tanta inveja daquelas escolas com refeitório, gostaria que minha escola tivesse um. O refeitório da escola é onde as crianças compram coisas para comer, teria sido divertido se minha escola tivesse um. Isso teria tornado minha vida escolar mais divertida. Tudo acaba com algo para comer. 38:08 *(Futuro)* 38:24 Quando eu tiver 30 anos... 39:23 que tipo de pessoa e que tipo de vida eu estaria levando, o ideal do seu futuro, a vida ideal que vc tem em mente, se vc quer ter esta vida, depende de quanto vc tenta obtê-la. Se vc realmente quiser, vai trabalhar muito para chegar lá, para ter esta vida, estou curioso. Não tenho coisas que desejo para meus 30 anos, só gostaria de ser feliz quando tiver 30 anos, ser feliz é tudo que eu quero, se vc não está feliz, para que serve a vida? Eu quero viver uma vida feliz. Eu estou feliz agora, muito feliz, graças a vc. Eu gostaria de ser tão feliz no futuro. Claro que haverá muitas mudanças, eu gostaria de poder manter este nível de felicidade no futuro. Pessoal, sejam felizes. Essa é a melhor coisa. 41:36 > Vc terá se tornado uma pessoa muito legal, JungKook, vc pode fazer isso. isso depende de mim, depende do quanto eu me esforço, vou trabalhar o máximo que puder. 57:29 > A lição da Live de hoje: - *Não fique doente e seja feliz* 58:01 > Não fique frustrado quando as coisas ficarem difíceis, coisas que vc pode fazer, encontre soluções. Lamentar, revisitar o que não fez bem, não vai te ajudar, passado é passado. vamos tentar ser uma grande pessoa com um grande ❤. 58:49 > Não seja muito emotivo, remediar, trabalhar duro, não pegue um resfriado..... 1:01:07 > Vou compartilhar minha felicidade com vc, não importa de que maneira, eu vou te dar felicidade, então sejam felizes. 1:04:14 > Acho que abri meu 💜aqui, acho que não fui eloquente, eu queria te dizer que estou muito bem, huuum!, não se preocupe muito comigo. 1:05:17 > Eu não irei a lugar nenhum, sempre estarei lá por vc, estarei te observando o tempo todo. Quem sou eu? BTS, o anjo da bomba do exército.💜💜
he kept on blaming himself for everything🥺, if only he could see where he is now. he became the greatest. i came back to watch all of lives as I kept on missing them(bts). i really hope they're healthy and happy in the military. i hope they know that there are people supporting them even if they're not with us right now. i hope they don't doubt us. LOVE YOU BANGTAN💜
I woke up. The days are evil. We should repent from our sins and remove all the idols of our hearts. Repent for the Kingdom of God is coming. Jesus is coming.
you all probably dont care at all but does someone know of a way to get back into an Instagram account? I was stupid forgot the password. I would appreciate any help you can offer me
Bts fan이 된지 일년. 21살의 정국 라이브를 처음 보았다. 자기를 향상 시키도록 노력하겠다는 말을 계속 지키며 26살이 되었네. 멋지고 능력있는 젊은이가 되어 내 아이같이 뿌듯하네. 지금보다 덜 능청스럽지만 의젓하네. 너도 항상 행복해라~ 반가웠다 21살의 정국❤❤❤❤❤
I am here to report on your future Kook…… yes, you will write beautiful words and songs; become a pro in your lives! In my opinion, the best Lives in BTS! You will spend hours talking and singing to ARMY on your Lives, and you will even sleep on your Lives, with millions of you loving fans, watching! You will also have your Lives while folding your under ware, exercising, cleaning, cooking, and playing with your dog, Bam. He is beautiful! You take up boxing, and are quite remarkable at it! You play drums. You tattoo your whole arm, including putting ARMY on your knuckles. You open the World Cup in Qatar- your first time performing and traveling without the group- you brought the place down! You even impressed Suga, who watched you perform and said, “ wow, our jungkookie is a global pop star! And YOU ARE! You finally put out your first solo album, before going into the military. The album broke so many records around the world! You have matured, and grown up beautifully, so don’t be so hard on yourself. You are accomplishing everything you set for yourself. And millions of ARMY love you. 💜💜💜
I was wondering the difference of his live from 14th march 2023 and this one is wholesome a great diff... i feel pressured and sad to see him right now ... what happened kookie...??whaaatt... be happy always... please... you are the reason why many army smile everyday... please be happy ...we love you... we really love you...
다리를 다쳐 아플때였구나 ~ 진중하고 진실하게 잘~ 자라주어 참 고마운 황금막내 가수님 .. 뉴욕을 비롯 아무나 할 수없는 최고의 공연과 현재는 군대로인해 잠시 ? 또 다른 넓은 인생속의 경험일거라 여겨보면 어떨런지 ... 독서도 많이 많이 하시길 권해보네요 . 아주 커다란 매력과 내실로 자리매김 해 줄테니까요 . 전역 후엔 또 바빠질테니까요 . 무탈과 강건함으로 더 단단해진 후에 반갑게 꼭 봐요 ~ 정무행알 !!♥
Whatever he wished is actually happening in 2023 😳😳 He's good talker, he fall sleep while doing live , he used to do kareoke and sing different artist song in live. Stop talking and doing meditation.
bighit really has a lot to answer for NOT getting vocal lessons for the boys, JK has said before about JIMIN and he helped him with using his voice ...
Now its exactly 5 years later and he is on top of the world. If he only knew then ..😊 if his older him could only whisper that in his ear at that Vlive😊💜🙏🏾
Don't worry you r not the only one who is watching this in 2024
He left to military, I'm watching all the lives again, when I miss him 😅
@@jessicajessi9674 same😞
I'm watching this on his birthday 🫠🖤
Jk V live always feel like video call with him.
Even he is so tired he do Vlive for us, I know this is old but feel like I am talking to him right now.
Jk is amazing. ✨
This is like a confession of a teenager...
I loved it...afterall we all are same ...we all r human. ...going through same phases , regrets ...hope and insecurities.
Yes you're right army 💜
Please tell me if you know the date of this broadcast. I want to try to find it with subtitles in my language.
he is just talking to himself... consoling himself....and I love watching it.
Yeah, he never talked about y'all, so, stop, believe his lies 😏😈
Этот малыш такой уютный, такой тёплый, такой родной, такой настоящий..!))* Солнечный человечек..!))* Ты действительно стал крутым, Чонгук..!))* За пять лет ты достиг мировой популярности и любви, и восхищения миллионов людей по всей планете..!))* Ты Великолепен..!)* Неповторим..!!!)* Ты своей искренностью, упорством и трудолюбием, своей позитивностью исцеляешь сердца..!!!)* Ты пример для молодёжи..!)* И целительный бальзам для старшего поколения..!)* Чудесный..!)* Красивый, Сильный, Стильный, Превосходный Актёр, Танцор, Вокалист, Модель и просто Волшебный, Многогранный Человек..!!!)* Обожаю, Уважаю, БлагоДарю за Всё..!!!)* Обнимаю..))* 🥰🤗😍✨💕🌈💜🐇💜🌈💕✨
👍💗👌💓🙂💗💖💓B Flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 1:00 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow
👍🌹💖❤️☺️🙂🥰💗💖❤️💓🌹🌷👍☺️😊🙂💖💗Ainda bem amor eu vou te ligar agora para saber como correu o trabalho e o que é que te sentes e o teu corpo e o teu corpo bem e
Очень хорошо сказали. Спасибо. Добавить нечего
so beautiful at 21. He felt his responsibility and loyalty to BTS and Army so strongly. Showing his feelings was an intimate moment on stage. Intimate here with Army too. We love you always JK.💜
He is tired, sad and frustrated, but want to share his happiness with us. How adorable.
А что случилось,что он грустит и расстроен?
Please tell me if you know the date of this broadcast. I want to try to find it with subtitles in my language.
@@СветланаХоменок-ф4эsorry late respon but he hurt his heel while warming up for the concert and couldn't perform on stage with his members.
Извините за поздний ответ, но он повредил пятку во время разминки перед концертом и не смог выступить на сцене со своими участниками.
*I apologize if there's any mistakes in the translator I don't speak English nor Russian!!
@@КатяКатя-г2йwhat's your language?
@@КатяКатя-г2йa q
He's incredibly wise, it's hartwarming to listen to him❤ I felt heartbroken that he says he blamed himself and regretting warming up or not wearing shoes. While actually he was doing his best by doing a warm up. It was an accident at the least convenient time, but nothing to blame himself. 😢
This is one of my fav lives. I love it when he rambles about random things .Coz he speaks from his heart.
Ndydydnssjsuueek a sosis wkwkwk d d suruh d sekekd d dydydgd kita sosis sapi sudkmdjdud UGD Dodos dan banyak skskdldos ke doa wo
Please tell me if you know the date of this broadcast. I want to try to find it with subtitles in my language.
@@КатяКатя-г2й, Нажмите вверху на экране значок "сс" немного удерживая, там откроется окошко со строчками текста.. Выберите "Автоперевод", откроется список языков субтитров..!* Выберите из списка необходимый язык..!!!)* 😉✌️
ok 🧡💚
👍💗💖🥰🤭💜♥️💖💓B Flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 55 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow
정국아.. 스무살의 너에게서 오십대인 내가 배운다. 군생활 건강하고 행복하게 하고 와..♡
I love him so much. Such a gentle man.
Please tell me if you know the date of this broadcast. I want to try to find it with subtitles in my language.
Jimin love you
I'm crying like a stupid
I miss him so much..
Baby jk deserves love and respect 🥺💖💜
Eu. 73 anos. e você , gosto de você como filho
It's ok Jungkook look your feelings are valid and express them freely you at that moment were so hardly debating with yourself and you couldn't bare it anymore so you bursted into tears it's completely alright don't think that way that you're artist you should be strong even if you're feeling dark inside atlast we're humans baby we too have emotional turmoil sometimes we can't pretend to be strong all time when we're down so don't feel embarrassed about it please express it freely don't be so hard on yourself your soul is so tender:( please take care of it always okay? don't allow it to bottle up it's emotions i love you soso much we love you we understand what you're going through so don't feel sorry for us. I really get inspired from you so much learn so many things as a student learn from their mentor. Despite after injured which was 3cm deep wound you still came on stage you didn't give up your passion you focused on your voice, notes so much which you couldn't be able to do when you were performing. Due to this situation you got some time to think on yourself to get to know your soul more. I know it's too difficult to let go things which happen but at that time keep some positivity burning inside you it's the one going to help. Somethings happen for some reason and at that time we can't get it immediately but when we sit and think deep down we ourselves should think positively to give our spirit some ease
Vdydhduddudjdudus sdhduhdududuud di dhxjxhxuduxbxyx dydydgd di dunia ini xudhdjjduz ke zysbdbbxzhzhsbxhxhxnx bx hujan xhhx UU nxbxbxhxjxnxnxnhxbxjxixjxmizixxs xbxbxb x jg bhdhd UGD huhyxytxbd xhhx be dhdhxjxbbx no skskdldos dhxnx xn
Please tell me if you know the date of this broadcast. I want to try to find it with subtitles in my language.
Eu conheci este menino na apresentação dele na Copa do Mundo/22, até então nunca tinha ouvido falar do BTS, então procurei vários videos sobre eles, sobre a história deles e me surpreendi. Eu tenho 2 filhos um de 34 e outro de 28 e tudo que senti neste momento foi apenas a vontade de dar um abraço nele, como se estivesse abraçando os meus filhos e dizer: - "Vai ficar tudo bem". Estou impressionada com as reflexões deste menino, tão jovem com uma maturidade tão relevante e encantadora. Agora veja trechos da fala dele que impressiona: Ele começou abrindo o coração como se sentiu culpado de ter se machucado antes do show. Me deu dó de ouvir a dor do seu 💜 *(Sobre os 30 anos)* > 33:07 - Vou fazer coisas que só melhora a minha vida...33:15 - Até que eu me torne uma pessoa maravilhosa... 33:25 - Espero que todos pensem que sou maravilhoso... 33:36 - Espero ser uma pessoa legal, coisas que vão me ajudar nesta direção, ajudam a minha carreira, coisas que me melhoram, eu vou fazer estas coisas de agora em diante. *(Sobre a Escola)* > 35:10 - Um fã diz: Eu não quero ir para a escola. Ele responde: Certo, eu entendo. Eu estava lá tbm, mas olhando para trás, vc terá muitas lembranças da escola. Mudei para Seul quando era muito jovem, tinha melhores amigos, não tenho muitas memórias deles, as pessoas dizem que a vida no ensino médio é divertida, as memórias são duradouras, as pessoas se lembram delas claramente, mas eu não as tenho muito. Então aproveite sua escola mesmo que vc não queira ir, encontre coisas que tornem a escola divertida, então vc vai gostar da escola. Eu tinha tanta inveja daquelas escolas com refeitório, gostaria que minha escola tivesse um. O refeitório da escola é onde as crianças compram coisas para comer, teria sido divertido se minha escola tivesse um. Isso teria tornado minha vida escolar mais divertida. Tudo acaba com algo para comer. 38:08 *(Futuro)* 38:24 Quando eu tiver 30 anos... 39:23 que tipo de pessoa e que tipo de vida eu estaria levando, o ideal do seu futuro, a vida ideal que vc tem em mente, se vc quer ter esta vida, depende de quanto vc tenta obtê-la. Se vc realmente quiser, vai trabalhar muito para chegar lá, para ter esta vida, estou curioso. Não tenho coisas que desejo para meus 30 anos, só gostaria de ser feliz quando tiver 30 anos, ser feliz é tudo que eu quero, se vc não está feliz, para que serve a vida? Eu quero viver uma vida feliz. Eu estou feliz agora, muito feliz, graças a vc. Eu gostaria de ser tão feliz no futuro. Claro que haverá muitas mudanças, eu gostaria de poder manter este nível de felicidade no futuro. Pessoal, sejam felizes. Essa é a melhor coisa. 41:36 > Vc terá se tornado uma pessoa muito legal, JungKook, vc pode fazer isso. isso depende de mim, depende do quanto eu me esforço, vou trabalhar o máximo que puder. 57:29 > A lição da Live de hoje: - *Não fique doente e seja feliz* 58:01 > Não fique frustrado quando as coisas ficarem difíceis, coisas que vc pode fazer, encontre soluções. Lamentar, revisitar o que não fez bem, não vai te ajudar, passado é passado. vamos tentar ser uma grande pessoa com um grande ❤. 58:49 > Não seja muito emotivo, remediar, trabalhar duro, não pegue um resfriado..... 1:01:07 > Vou compartilhar minha felicidade com vc, não importa de que maneira, eu vou te dar felicidade, então sejam felizes. 1:04:14 > Acho que abri meu 💜aqui, acho que não fui eloquente, eu queria te dizer que estou muito bem, huuum!, não se preocupe muito comigo. 1:05:17 > Eu não irei a lugar nenhum, sempre estarei lá por vc, estarei te observando o tempo todo. Quem sou eu? BTS, o anjo da bomba do exército.💜💜
How are you ❤❤❤❤❤lovely day your
he kept on blaming himself for everything🥺, if only he could see where he is now. he became the greatest. i came back to watch all of lives as I kept on missing them(bts). i really hope they're healthy and happy in the military. i hope they know that there are people supporting them even if they're not with us right now. i hope they don't doubt us. LOVE YOU BANGTAN💜
He was so young but knew what he wanted….and he accomplished all & more.
Such a sweet v live💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
정국아 항상 응원합니다 최고야 고마워요 💜
I love Jungkook so much ❤
정국아~~군대에선 다치지말구 앞으로도 건강만 하자~♡♡♡
I came here after I watch he's live on tiktok I thought it was real live jk now🤣😂
Me searching for this whole vlive after watching a sneeze compilation 😂
I woke up. The days are evil. We should repent from our sins and remove all the idols of our hearts. Repent for the Kingdom of God is coming. Jesus is coming.
Please tell me if you know the date of this broadcast. I want to try to find it with subtitles in my language.
Why i am smiling very much🤧😂I feel like iam talking with my bf🤭
you all probably dont care at all but does someone know of a way to get back into an Instagram account?
I was stupid forgot the password. I would appreciate any help you can offer me
@@benedictrex2513 have u got in yet?
@@benedictrex2513 lol🤣 make another account
Такой. Уютный. Тёплый. Взгляд. Нежность. И. Исренность. В. Твоих. Глазах. Сияет❤❤❤❤
I can see the sadness of his eyes😭😭😭 kookie dont be like that stay strong past is past never discuss😭😭 i'm happy your smiling
No,its their concert and Jk can't perform due to his injury
Bdbxuydyddndjsusus ke hr hubungi dhdu UU u hu hu dd by d kira ssksoosss itu ssmdn.sksusdhudys hi dd TTD and dkidjsksosoo😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@@fyooturus bdhshdhdhdhsussuu
Please tell me if you know the date of this broadcast. I want to try to find it with subtitles in my language.
@@КатяКатя-г2й this was 2018
Believe or not I watch this to sleep
It’s oddly relaxing
oh my gosh, I actually fall asleep to this...that's how much I feel safe with him-
P.S: I was really tired so I'm going to watch it again :)
Please tell me if you know the date of this broadcast. I want to try to find it with subtitles in my language.
He never failed to make me happy 😊 I love him so much 💜
💜🥰♥️💗🌷👍😊💖💓HUAWEI B Flow 1 flow 1 flow
👍💓🥰🤭♥️💜🌷💖♥️Flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow 1 flow
Bts fan이 된지 일년. 21살의 정국 라이브를 처음 보았다. 자기를 향상 시키도록 노력하겠다는 말을 계속 지키며 26살이 되었네. 멋지고 능력있는 젊은이가 되어 내 아이같이 뿌듯하네. 지금보다 덜 능청스럽지만 의젓하네. 너도 항상 행복해라~ 반가웠다 21살의 정국❤❤❤❤❤
It made me cry
don't cry kookie it's alright we love you so much 😘😘😚😚😚WE PURPLE YOU!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
I really l miss you so much jungkook 🥺🥺🥺🥺💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Чонгука. Обнимаю. Тебя. Ты. Такой. Трогательный. Человек. С. Добрым. Серцем❤❤❤
♡love of my life ....May you stay healthy and happy forever 💓 💗 💓 💗
Jekey você sempre foi maravilhoso Deus abençoe sempre ❤
jungkook i saw your boxes 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙😳😨😰teahyung laughing out loud 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂bts amry korean forever 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🐰🐻love you TEAKOOK 🍓🍌🍻
Tu sais parle un petit peu français ou c'est trop difficile pour toi,sa doit être en peux plus difficile pour toi, tu dialogue sur ordinateur.
He talks with ARMY like friends .. he is so adorable..we love you JK😃🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 please come back safely..
jungkook bts korean amry forever 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🐰🐇🍺🍻love you ❤
Why I can't look at he's eyes 👀 oh my God I feel like I'm embarrassed 😍😍
OMG SAMEEE I’ve watched this 1000 times and still feel weird or shy I can’t look at him eye to eye either 🥺😭🤣🙈💀
I thought its only me talk like a drunken person when it's late at night, illness and sadness hit together 😭😂
Armys will always love you JK
I came here cz i miss him so much...
Why didn’t he give us update!!!!!!!!! Ah this boy made me mad!
어케 이런 애가 한국에 태어났지 건강해라 정국아
jk are you crying 😭
Куртка. Так. Тебе. Идёт. Красивр. Смотри тся. На. Твоей. Мужественно. И. Кепка. Тоже. Приятно. Без. Кепки. Такой. Красивый. Парень. ЧонгУка ❤❤❤❤
와...2016년에서 2018년 사이에 급격히 커서 청년이 되었구나......잘커줘서 고마워
I am here to report on your future Kook…… yes, you will write beautiful words and songs; become a pro in your lives! In my opinion, the best Lives in BTS! You will spend hours talking and singing to ARMY on your Lives, and you will even sleep on your Lives, with millions of you loving fans, watching! You will also have your Lives while folding your under ware, exercising, cleaning, cooking, and playing with your dog, Bam. He is beautiful! You take up boxing, and are quite remarkable at it! You play drums. You tattoo your whole arm, including putting ARMY on your knuckles. You open the World Cup in Qatar- your first time performing and traveling without the group- you brought the place down! You even impressed Suga, who watched you perform and said, “ wow, our jungkookie is a global pop star! And YOU ARE! You finally put out your first solo album, before going into the military. The album broke so many records around the world! You have matured, and grown up beautifully, so don’t be so hard on yourself. You are accomplishing everything you set for yourself. And millions of ARMY love you. 💜💜💜
i miss him
JungKook mi amor Mí novio y hermoso bello té amo mucho mi corazón ARMY 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
Ohh beautiful
13:41 😍😍❤️❤️
Cute sneeze🐇❤️
@@moatxtterry05 I see you are everywhere related to sneeze
Forever together 💜💜💜💜💜🫶🏼🫶🏼👍🏼🫰🏼😘😘😘
1:05:13 -1:05:33 always gets to me 🥺❤️🔒💍💯 especially when it’s my bias / crush
I love him more than you he is the man of my life with. all i live all i wish is that he gives me happiness
🖕🏻y'all sont bitchs, assume you only harass him and murder him for never respect him bitchs, STFU FR! 😏😈
Yeah, only me love him 😏😈
💜💜 this look of JK
He looks so BEAUTIFUL in that leather jacket & his fluffy chocolate brown hair & his smooth skin I’M not over this look at all 🥺😩😭🙈🔥🦋✨
He looks so BEAUTIFUL in that leather jacket & his fluffy chocolate brown hair & his smooth skin I’M not over this look at all 🥺😩😭🙈🔥🦋✨
He looks so BEAUTIFUL in that leather jacket & his fluffy chocolate brown hair & his smooth skin I’M not over this look at all 🥺😩😭🙈🔥🦋✨
I was wondering the difference of his live from 14th march 2023 and this one is wholesome a great diff... i feel pressured and sad to see him right now ... what happened kookie...??whaaatt... be happy always... please... you are the reason why many army smile everyday... please be happy ...we love you... we really love you...
I remember saying something in this live and he even gave me a reply but I don’t remember what it is..I think I said “DONT GOOOOOOO”
My baby kookoo
He's wearing blue shorts under the camera😁
Oh now I watched it
Чон спасибо большое за лайвя включила перевод только в конце. По этому писать нечего. Я тоже желаю здоровья и много много счастья.
43:59 omg I can see today's Jungkook rn😭46:10???😭😭
다리를 다쳐 아플때였구나 ~
진중하고 진실하게 잘~ 자라주어 참 고마운 황금막내 가수님 ..
뉴욕을 비롯 아무나 할 수없는 최고의 공연과 현재는 군대로인해 잠시 ? 또 다른 넓은 인생속의 경험일거라 여겨보면 어떨런지 ...
독서도 많이 많이 하시길 권해보네요 .
아주 커다란 매력과 내실로 자리매김 해 줄테니까요 .
전역 후엔 또 바빠질테니까요 .
무탈과 강건함으로 더 단단해진 후에 반갑게 꼭 봐요 ~
정무행알 !!♥
2018 jungkook would be biggest fan of 2023 jungkook
Whatever he wished is actually happening in 2023 😳😳
He's good talker, he fall sleep while doing live , he used to do kareoke and sing different artist song in live. Stop talking and doing meditation.
i love you jungkook 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷🐕🦺🍌🥛🫰🏼💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
13:39 I love it
me too
@@moatxtterry05 you are so so obsessed with his sneeze 😂
Yayyy man
지수아 자국
HBD koo miss you 🥹
Yeee yeee kk
I love you❤❤ jungkook😍😍😍🐰🐰😍😍😍😍😍😍
42:00 omoooo his Bambi eyes 😭😭😭
Bye bye cute❤❤
Você é o maximomaravi hloso bjo❤️💜🌹🇧🇷
Love you jungkook
oi linda eu só a namorada do jungkook
How insightful and brave JK was, just in this Vlive, you can see him becoming more mature and wiser.
How are you jungkook 🥰🥰
I miss him 🥺
i love the boy,cause he is the best in my life😭
Yeee kkk l love you
Parabéns ótima mìsicabjo 💜🌹
I can imagine him at 30. Amazing
GghhhuuuuGgggA pra vc e sua irmã e
Abi altındaki mavi şortu görünce tüm ciddiliğim gitti yani MXMZMFÖDÖGÖDÇŞG
Задумчивый и грустный Jk.21 год ему здесь..
Ak satu2 nya yg menonton di thn 2024
I'm here 👋🏼
BTS it's my love! For your fan girl Yulia ♥️🇺🇦
bighit really has a lot to answer for NOT getting vocal lessons for the boys, JK has said before about JIMIN and he helped him with using his voice ...
I agree! I’m so glad you brought this up. I’ve heard that he is technically very good so he worked hard and made up the deficit he began with.
Sempre vou amar voce bjo❤️🙏🇧🇷🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Olyan édes volt. Imádtam a videó minden pillanatát. Jungkook 🤗🙆♀️🥰💜🫰🌹
Meu Deus boas lembranças você me trás saldade bjo ❤💜💜🌹
Yay English sub
You all okey you all 👍👍👍👍👍♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️👍👍👍
I love you jungkook
Es de noche descansa Papuchito tio Esteban pero buenas noches mi querido
Woi aku kangen sekali
Thank you for the song I really like it
Senin için her şeyi yapardım jeongguk. Onlar için değil.
Ganteng banget oppa Jung kook ❤️❤️😘😀