it depends on wind direction - generally yes, better for kites, launch for WS is not easy but for windsurfing & wave riding is more suitable spots : Władysławowo 6-10 min from Chałupy (N wind) & Karwieńskie Błoto II - 30 min (W-NW wind) => one of the most popular wave spot in Poland
Kozak nuta
Is it possible to ride a wave on an opposite side of a spit?
it depends on wind direction - generally yes, better for kites, launch for WS is not easy but for windsurfing & wave riding is more suitable spots : Władysławowo 6-10 min from Chałupy (N wind) & Karwieńskie Błoto II - 30 min (W-NW wind) => one of the most popular wave spot in Poland
What drone did you use? Great slomo!
thx, mavic air 2s but dron pilot was PRO :-)
Where is this ? Looks a great place to sail
Poland, Gulf of Puck.
In summer is one of the best place for windsurfing & kite on flat water => check the map, main place - Chałupy
Thanks I’ll have a look
Looks like a real run spot
where is Chalupy ?
Hel Penisula in Poland, check the google map
Fajny film. Ile wtedy wiało? Na ten zestaw 15kn wystarczy?
nie przy mojej wadze :-) ... wiało ok 20 węzłów