The Grouch + Evidence + Zion I + Eligh - Amp Live For President

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jfmanusov
    @jfmanusov 3 роки тому +20

    Rest In Peace zumbi. Thank you for your love and wisdom.

  • @hudsanity_1590
    @hudsanity_1590 Рік тому +7

    This isn't just a cool feature, this is a straight up masterpiece through and through.

  • @AlexParkerAP
    @AlexParkerAP 12 років тому +12

    they all killed it in their own style....nobody rode another mans the beat switching

  • @LeonAffiliated
    @LeonAffiliated 13 років тому +12

    All of em killed it, I'm just glad to see EV collab with G&E ! SICK!

  • @iknz1
    @iknz1 4 роки тому +16

    I've been listening to this for nine years now, and jesus, I really wish there was an entire song for the Grouch part. The beat is out of this world.

  • @Chappell5252
    @Chappell5252 12 років тому +5

    Love all of them, especially after meeting Ev and seeing what a cool guy he is. But DAMN Eligh KILLED it....

  • @dannyboy406
    @dannyboy406 13 років тому +5

    Damn! For me, I think props gotta go to the Grouch on this one. Plus, that beat is so sick.

  • @seangnarboots
    @seangnarboots 12 років тому +4

    This song is dope, then eligh comes on with his beat and KILLS IT! almost forgot about this one.

  • @Eskapeism
    @Eskapeism 11 років тому +5

    DAMN!! Eligh and Amp together is what I like to call ingenious

  • @giovannilopez761
    @giovannilopez761 11 років тому +37


    • @Claytron830000000000
      @Claytron830000000000 7 років тому +4

      right, he's been dope, been a fan for more than 15 years, his old stuff is still good

  • @DcbDust
    @DcbDust 13 років тому +9

    I watched this like six times in a row and I loved every beat.

  • @PenisHole4Life
    @PenisHole4Life 11 років тому +8

    Eligh should do more of his songs like at the end like a full song like that agree?????

  • @brianabbott9262
    @brianabbott9262 6 років тому +8 are that dude. Thank you for being you and putting your words out there for us.

  • @mankena
    @mankena 3 роки тому +1

    They filmed this in a downtown Sacramento club right before putting on one of the greatest shows ever! Was so dope being there in person. An experience I'll never forget. Thank you G&E.

  • @Resurectmyson
    @Resurectmyson 4 роки тому +1

    Grouch always touches the heart bro

  • @enriquezu91
    @enriquezu91 10 років тому +11

    Sick dude, just blew my mind. Grouch thanks for this mental food you provided.

  • @TheLakota2
    @TheLakota2 12 років тому +1

    the best entrance for eligh jesus christ!

  • @godssonraymond8877
    @godssonraymond8877 2 роки тому +1

    Evidence sets it off siccc 🔥 🔥

  • @TheRlm3
    @TheRlm3 12 років тому +1

    This is the way hip hop was in the past, should be now, and needs to be in the future.

  • @hudsanity_1590
    @hudsanity_1590 Рік тому +1


  • @jessicasanchez7248
    @jessicasanchez7248 11 років тому +7

    Fukin dope, elighs the best, much love 4 dj fresh too! They all dope

    • @livingproof9035
      @livingproof9035 6 років тому

      jes kiika san ufffff that's dope as fuck!

  • @fuckjayy69
    @fuckjayy69 12 років тому +2

    Grouch and Eli always kill it

  • @ca2woaz
    @ca2woaz 13 років тому +3

    One of the best posse cuts ever!

  • @grizzghost2085
    @grizzghost2085 3 роки тому +7

    This would’ve been a sick collective had they done a full album.
    Dilated Legends

  • @EricDIntino12
    @EricDIntino12 12 років тому +1

    If they did a full collab album, the globe might implode. And it would be worth it.

  • @pyrocruz
    @pyrocruz 12 років тому +1

    Zion I--> Style + The Grouch---> Deepness/good lyrics + Eligh--> Fast as hell = ♫♪♫

  • @ArturoGonzalez-xs3hf
    @ArturoGonzalez-xs3hf 5 місяців тому

    Perfection... each beat represented the artist to the fullest. Love this still after all these years

  • @huntingtonbeachify
    @huntingtonbeachify 12 років тому +1

    Grouch please do the grouch stole Xmas this year with you,ev and zion i again please!!!!!!
    I promise we will show out for you!
    And thanks for staying true to your words and not selling out!
    We will always support this music!

  • @granniefrannie4645
    @granniefrannie4645 9 років тому +4

    One of the best tunes...Love how the Spirit is so apparent in you fellows...Rap On!!!

  • @cees-gc8xt
    @cees-gc8xt 7 років тому +3

    Nice how each one has their own beat....sick!!!! vets on deck!!!!!

  • @SaDizTiKStyLeZ
    @SaDizTiKStyLeZ 13 років тому +3

    This one of them greqt tracks you gotta listen to many times to catch all of it, when it comes to the differing beats & lyricisms droppes. Work of the utmost excellency right here.

  • @805born702raised
    @805born702raised 12 років тому +1

    everyone did there thing... but eligh murdered it!!!!

  • @Jayoinavation
    @Jayoinavation 12 років тому +3


  • @reeeeetreeeeet
    @reeeeetreeeeet 12 років тому +1

    please make a full collaboration album
    i beg you
    it would be the sickest ever!
    everyone likes this comment lets get em to see how much people would want it

  • @jfmanusov
    @jfmanusov 5 років тому +2

    Fire. The crow is dope!

  • @XxlegitxXify
    @XxlegitxXify 9 років тому +3


  • @doomin22
    @doomin22 13 років тому

    Evidence killed it! plus the beat of his part was the dopest

  • @icheechurchong4564
    @icheechurchong4564 12 років тому +1

    song has reached its download limit... whaaaack!... wont stop me

  • @arijitsu
    @arijitsu 13 років тому

    Every track Eligh gets sicker & sicker!!!!

  • @JoseGutierrez-qj5ud
    @JoseGutierrez-qj5ud 12 років тому +1

    of corse, they always leave the best for last:)

  • @davidp6078
    @davidp6078 2 роки тому


  • @hquinnmiller
    @hquinnmiller 12 років тому +1

    2:30 possibly one of the best raps I done heard in all my life.

  • @kingbudu
    @kingbudu 13 років тому +1

    Never fails to amaze me. So much talent on this track!!!

  • @samesosa7
    @samesosa7 3 роки тому +3


  • @SaDizTiKStyLeZ
    @SaDizTiKStyLeZ 13 років тому +2

    Damn! This track was nothing short of straight fire. Changing the beats up ensuring everyone came with nothing but the best. Great stuff right here.

  • @mrflamerkid117
    @mrflamerkid117 12 років тому +1

    The Grouch, WOOT!

  • @dust9theninthpoet
    @dust9theninthpoet 10 років тому +4

    love the mash up style of this beat

  • @TJoyride82
    @TJoyride82 12 років тому +1

    Eligh always brings the truth

  • @jaakkok1
    @jaakkok1 10 років тому +4

    Zumbi dropping one of the illest verses ever. Daaaaamn.

  • @winjose805
    @winjose805 13 років тому

    2:40 is by far the best..Eligh i listen it so many time....the beat that was used on the grouch was dope...The Grouch & Eligh!!!

  • @winjose805
    @winjose805 12 років тому +1

    eligh flow so sick, i have his part as a ringtone..let me tell you i get a lot of compliments

    @WEARETHEKIND 12 років тому +1

    this is impossibly good....

  • @TheDealer1228
    @TheDealer1228 13 років тому +3

    I don't think it's legal for Eligh to kill it that hard at the end. Lqtm Real talk once Grouch ended and the beat switched up I knew Eligh was gonna go in

  • @mtbjnky
    @mtbjnky 13 років тому

    wow that was as dope as the concert. They all came hard.

  • @Kremlin289
    @Kremlin289 12 років тому

    all of them go so hard ! favorite artists definitely !

  • @ilovesharif
    @ilovesharif 11 років тому +9

    Evidence: 0:12 Zumbi: 1:01The Grouch 1:49 Eligh 2:45

  • @FartsHaveATaste
    @FartsHaveATaste 13 років тому +2

    Been missing Eligh lately and listening to his old shit, this is a godsend. All of them are G as FUCK of course.

  • @noriega408
    @noriega408 3 роки тому +1

    West Coast Hip Hop!

  • @kristahernandez7847
    @kristahernandez7847 12 років тому +2

    evidnece is no joke!!!!they all ripped it>>>real music>>>>

  • @skeight976
    @skeight976 10 років тому +2

    wish Evidence would come to Tahoe! or maybe even Dilated Peoples. cant wait to see Grouch and Eligh on friday! I saw Zoin I this last summer!

  • @kokykoky3261
    @kokykoky3261 7 років тому

    All them got a different unique style. Love how all of them go good together. My boys Eligh & Grouch keep it lit and don't stop yet. Hope to see you guys live 🙌🙌

    • @kokykoky3261
      @kokykoky3261 7 років тому

      Viv.o why you keep disappearing? 😩 @viv.o

  • @Paluminati07
    @Paluminati07 11 років тому +3

    Alive and well all is GOOD

  • @SanDiegoZoooo
    @SanDiegoZoooo 13 років тому

    hell yea what a great guy to have open up the track. Evidence is dope. But oooooh my gosh when the beat changes just for the grouch. Fuck yes!

  • @npb3287
    @npb3287 11 років тому +4

    Check out "The Brothers Grime" with Eligh & Magi. The whole thing has a heavy feel like that.

  • @bafolone89110
    @bafolone89110 2 роки тому +1

    Eligh kills his verse

  • @GENERIK1111
    @GENERIK1111 12 років тому

    hip hop is alive and well

  • @Lindsayisanosyhooch
    @Lindsayisanosyhooch 5 років тому

    Love the beat that Grouch has so dope

  • @Fjolde
    @Fjolde 10 років тому +27

    That beat for Zumbi is nuts.

  • @ufokuken1337z0r
    @ufokuken1337z0r 13 років тому +1

    Evidence and Eligh killed dis shit

  • @josemeza9420
    @josemeza9420 12 років тому

    glad to know hip hop still alive

  • @rongomongo
    @rongomongo 11 років тому +1

    Every time I listen to this... I find something... all them kill it

  • @hidi3988
    @hidi3988 11 місяців тому +1

    I read somewhere that sells of hip-hop Records is down by 40%. If artist would start bringing more bangers like this one that would change. Straight up.

  • @sashasmiles7255
    @sashasmiles7255 7 років тому +1

    eligh is crazy and grouch dude

  • @DragnoticKRP
    @DragnoticKRP 12 років тому +1

    God damn! Grouch destroyed it!

  • @coronado805
    @coronado805 12 років тому

    Evidence does it big like always stay west coast.

  • @OpaTheOpenminded
    @OpaTheOpenminded 12 років тому +2

    Eligh told me he's putting together a top secret group of mc's, maybe evidence will be one of um

  • @AudioCentrix
    @AudioCentrix 13 років тому +1

    Zion I & Grouch all day lol

  • @huntingtonbeachify
    @huntingtonbeachify 12 років тому

    My favorite edutainers

  • @Whananaki01
    @Whananaki01 3 роки тому

    What a combo!

  • @SystemAdministrator1
    @SystemAdministrator1 7 років тому +17

    Is there a whole song for Grouch on that beat? There should be

  • @vegbird1
    @vegbird1 10 років тому +1

    Love this track. I listen to it whenever I need a dose of motivation -- sort of like my version of the Rocky theme song.

  • @northsidegoon2
    @northsidegoon2 12 років тому +1

    Grouch part is the best the beat is TOUGH!!!!

  • @MrHavq83
    @MrHavq83 11 років тому


  • @408Laced
    @408Laced 13 років тому +2

    Fuuuuccck,! all of them ripped it in their own unique style.
    I gotta give it up to the Grouch tho.

  • @publius791
    @publius791 9 років тому +1

    Amp Live for president!

  • @MoolaPLUR
    @MoolaPLUR 12 років тому

    The Grouch is toooooo dopee

  • @curateitgorl
    @curateitgorl 11 років тому

    Ending was great!

  • @j.a.d7602
    @j.a.d7602 7 років тому +1

    log cabin 3mg styles boooooyyyy!!!!

  • @Soulsonic562
    @Soulsonic562 11 років тому +2

    Eligh kills it. Need more tracks like this, just on some conscious battle style rappin.

  • @krlmccnnll
    @krlmccnnll 12 років тому

    spittin cutivated words like the sacred herbs

  • @GlanuiHorasTV
    @GlanuiHorasTV 13 років тому +1

    GROUCH !!

  • @deenmf7502
    @deenmf7502 Рік тому

    Still listening in 2023 JPN

  • @NinoRisteski
    @NinoRisteski 13 років тому

    what a combo!

  • @eee32mmm
    @eee32mmm 6 років тому +2

    Amp live come correct with those beats for each one!!!
    That's how you put artist on BEATS

  • @T0XiCQuickscoping
    @T0XiCQuickscoping 11 років тому

    By far grouchs best verse

  • @byee
    @byee 2 роки тому +1

    damn the grouch 2:21

  • @carlosreyes9561
    @carlosreyes9561 11 років тому

    Eligh an grouch are the two best out of them four

  • @Wangstu13
    @Wangstu13 12 років тому

    Legends baby

  • @MrBrian17172002
    @MrBrian17172002 11 років тому

    always wanted the grouch to make a full length song out of his verse....

  • @Murkd_
    @Murkd_ 12 років тому

    Eligh = Unreal!