She heard the shot in a loud stadium. That sounds like it would have to be close by. Also thigh to calf means it came from above. I'm thinking negligent discharge. Probably some moron with a 1911 or a light trigger job.
"She heard the shot in a loud stadium." Where exactly in the video did they say that? The reporter specifically said no one heard any shots in the stadium.
Chicago is so bad it's raining bullets!
What type of bullit did the police recover ? That would tell us if it was a rifle or hand gun. 😮😮😮
It was a cop I’ll bet you
She heard the shot in a loud stadium. That sounds like it would have to be close by. Also thigh to calf means it came from above. I'm thinking negligent discharge. Probably some moron with a 1911 or a light trigger job.
Nailed it. It was her own gun she snuck in in her stomach fat rolls 😂
"She heard the shot in a loud stadium." Where exactly in the video did they say that? The reporter specifically said no one heard any shots in the stadium.
I reported this video for violence lol
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