Yemin 486. Bölüm | The Promise Season 4 Episode 486

  • Опубліковано 31 сер 2022
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    The quiet lives of Emir and Tarhun family change when a "Fairy Girl" enters their world. When this fairy girl’s path, who were tortured as a child and therefore afraid to approach people, crosses with Emir, nothing will be the same as before. How will Emir deal with this wild girl who has turned his life upside down? Will Gulperi be able to keep up with this foreign world she never knew?
    Meanwhile, Narin and Kemal have settled in the Tarhun Mansion, which is Hikmet’s heirloom. Two lovers, who have been through great troubles in the past, now have a happy, peaceful home where they live their love to the fullest. Kemal has returned to his position at the holding, while Narin continues to pursue his profession successfully. But when a difficult surgery for Narin will change all those years of calm. A new and difficult test awaits the love of Narin and Kemal.
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  • @myrnamedina4978
    @myrnamedina4978 Рік тому +73

    Emir: Mantén la calma mamá, mira no te preocupes, está bien lo resolveré lo antes posible
    Arreglaré esto y volveré por ti.
    Hombre a Gulperi: ¿Estás loca mujer?, te vas a morir, qué haces en medio del camino, Ay! Allah Allah, Allah.
    Savas: enfermera, podría dejarnos un momento a solas?
    Savas a Beyhan: Mamá, ¿por qué hice esto?
    Beyhan: ¿Qué fue lo que hice?
    Savas: Por qué te querellaste contra Cavidan?, Ella no te tuvo la culpa, lo vi todo. Ella no te empujó.
    Beyhan: ¿Qué fue lo que viste? Lo viste mal. Me empujó por las escaleras deliberadamente. No fue un accidente. Quería matarme a propósito. Ahora se ira a la cárcel.
    Yigit en la cocina habla con Melike sobre el conejito, parece que se escondió y no lo ha encontrado. Ella dice que pronto aparecerá. Yigit le explica lo que su padre le dijo sobre dejar a Algodón en el bosque ahora que está enfermo.
    Gulperi llega frente al mar y recuerda los malos tratos y amenazas del su tío Kazim.
    Kemal busca al doctor Fatih para que revise a Narin pues está preocupado por su embarazo ya que la vio sangrar por la nariz.
    Dr. Fatih: Echaré un vistazo, tranquilo.
    Kemal: Bajemos
    Cavidan en la estación de policía: Como le dije, no la empujé, fue un accidente, ella se cayó sola.
    Oficial: La dejaremos en custodia
    Emir: Es necesario encarcelar a mi madre?
    Oficial: Desafortunadamente, debido a sus antecedentes penales, no podemos liberarla hasta que se investigue este caso.
    Abogada: De todos modos, el asunto irá a los tribunales, no tiene que ser detenida en estas condiciones.
    Oficial: Veamos, la declaración de la otra parte es muy clara, es un intento de asesinato intencionalmente. No hay ningún testigo que diga lo contrario de la situación. No está bien que la dejemos ir.
    Cavidan: Ya que debo quedarme, entonces vamos
    Emir: Mamá, saldrás de esto, no estés triste, ¿de acuerdo?
    Abogada a Emir: No te preocupes, francamente sacaremos de aquí a Cavidan.
    Emir: Como lo harás?
    Abogada: Argumentaremos que las facultades mentales de la otra parte no están bien, por lo que tampoco le daré…. Emir: De ninguna manera. No nos corresponde defendernos con una acusación tan hiriente.
    Cavidan es encarcelada.
    Minuver a Sheriye: Señora Sheriye, preparé las galletas y las acomodé en la bandeja, cuando se caliente el horno, ya puedes colocarlas, ¿no?, tengo que arreglarme y salir de inmediato.
    Sheriye recuerda las palabras de Mulay cuando se refiere a su sultana.
    Minuver: De todos modos se cocinaran en 20 minutos, luego de que se enfríen, puedes rociar el azúcar, pero será como quieras…. Señora Sheriye, se encuentra bien?
    Sheriye: Todavía estoy aturdida, pero no te preocupes, me encargaré de esto.
    Minuver: bueno, está bien.
    Minuver en su habitación: adelante
    Sheriye: Minuver, no pudiste hablar con él, me preguntaba cómo responderías a la propuesta de matrimonio del señor Mulay, ¿lo has pensado?... Por supuesto, esto no es una decisión que deba apresurarse. En tus manos está pensarlo bien.
    Minuver: Ahora me dices esto Sheriye, no eras tú la que me convencías de esto, ¿qué te pasa ahora?
    Mulay llama por teléfono a Minuver: Si ya estás lista, pasaré a buscarte.
    Minuver: Señor Mulay, me estoy arreglando, no debe venir hasta acá, yo misma iré. … Está bien, nos vemos.
    Minuver a Sheriye: Señora Sheriye, me prepararé.
    Sheriye: Tómalo con calma.
    Kemal: Fatih, cómo está Narin, y los bebés?
    Dr. Fatih: Su estado general es bueno, pero quiero que la examinen solo para estar seguro. No te preocupe, todo está bajo control.
    El Dr. Fatih llama a Yazemin para que le haga un sonograma a Narin nuevamente…. Bien, entonces nos vemos.
    Abogada: Señor Emir, la señora Beyhan Aksoy, no quiere hacer un reclamo sobre Melike, pero la Sra. Cavidan, no tiene testigos presenciales que demuestren que el incidente fue un accidente, lo cual es muy difícil de inferir de otra manera.
    Emir: Esto no ocurrió asi, definitivamente debe encontrar otra forma de sacar a mi madre de aquí. Búsquela.
    Savas: El fuego de la venganza dentro de ti ha cegado, la estás calumniando, ambos sabemos que ella es inocente. Ella no te lo hizo, tú misma te caíste por las escaleras.
    Beyhan: Qué estás buscando? Me has dejado y te uniste a nuestros enemigos, Savas.
    Savas: Mamá, mira, no me hagas esto, no me estoy poniendo del lado de nadie… De ti aprendí la ley y la justicia ¿A dónde fue la mujer que me enseñó, que perseguir a alguien sin ningún delito, es cruel.

    Beyhan: El crimen de Tarhun es muy grande, mis hijos mi esposo está bajo tierra por su culpa.
    Emir visita a Beyhan en la prisión.
    Emir: Mamá…
    Cavidan: Estoy bien hijo, no te preocupes, pero no quiero que recuerdes el pasado, por eso quiero que me prometas que no volverás aquí.
    Emir: No te quedarás en prisión, mamá, mira, no es tu culpa. Si, pero la verdad saldrá a la luz, no estés triste.
    Cavidan: Hijo, si te pidiera algo, sería cerrar este tema de la venganza. Si es para que esto se termine, estoy dispuesta a quedarme aquí, mientras no pase nada en la familia. … Soy madre, siempre que tú estés bien, no importa donde yo esté, todo será por tu bien de todos modos.
    Emir: Mamá, no te dejaré sola, no lo permitiré.
    Kemal: Te sientes bien? (o algo asi)
    Narin: Estoy bien no te preocupes. Kemal: Que salgan esos exámenes ya.
    Narin: El Dr. Fatih vendrá pronto.
    Dr. Fatih: Narin, no te preocupes por examinar los resultados, quiero decir, tú también estas saludable
    Kemal: Significa que todos los resultados salieron sin problemas. Entonces por qué el sangrado?
    Narin: Te dije que los vasos pequeños pueden tener un sangrado, fue al golpearme la cabeza.
    Fatih: Estas preocupado Kemal, pero para su tranquilidad, pensamos que deberíamos hacer el control nuevamente. Es bueno tomar precauciones.
    Narin: De acuerdo maestro. CONTINUA

  • @myrnamedina4978
    @myrnamedina4978 Рік тому +64

    Masal: Hermana Narin, ¿hasta que edad los bebés dependen de sus madres? (Puede ser amamantarlos)
    Narin: Hasta que estén maduros, entonces no es necesario (o algo asi)
    Mert: No se dice que es hasta los dos años.
    Narin: No querido, seria hasta los seis meses.
    Minuver: Sí, Mert luego se les da los calabacines, patatas, zanahorias, manzanas, peras, de todos.
    Sheriye: Nuestro té ha llegado. Kivilcim, el tuyo tiene limón, y otros
    Narin: gracias Sheriye.
    En la habitación.
    Kemal: el doctor dijo que no te durmieras.
    Narin: Menos mal que viniste o me hubiera ido a dormir.
    Kemal: toma agua y tu medicina
    Narin: Estoy mejor, cuidaré a mis amigos enfermos o no los llevarán.
    Kemal: parece que los persigues, necesitas descansar.
    Narin: Estoy aquí ahora estoy descansando, ¿Olvidaste que soy médico? Tengo que cuidar a mis pacientes. …. ¿Qué estás haciendo?
    Kemal: No quiero que trabajes más, no quiero que vayas al hospital.
    Melike: Te traje café para combatir el cansancio. Cavidan: Gracias Melike.
    Melike: Gracias a Dios, la justicia divina nunca falla. Mira, la verdad ha salido a la luz.
    Cavidan: Dónde está Yigit Melike, no he escuchado su voz.
    Melike: Jugó todo el día con el conejo, estuvo cansado, y preguntó por ti. Estuvo leyendo antes de que llegaras. Lo acosté en su cama para que descanse un poco.
    Melike: Señora Cavidan, después del té calientito con canela, no le gustaría una sopa caliente después?
    Cavidan: Tienes razón, Melike es muy bueno.
    Melike: Y Gulperi, se quedó cuidando a la señora Beyhan?
    Emir: ¿Qué quieres decir, no está en la casa contigo?
    Melike: No, creía que estaba con ustedes.
    Gulperi continua frente al mar y recuerda palabras de Emir:
    “Emir: Me encanta mirar el mar, me gusta este azul infinito, a veces parece como si me quitara todos los problemas de mi dolor. Cuando la carga es demasiado pesada, no podemos salir de él, te lanzas y entras en contacto con el mar. Sientes como si te deshaces de todos los problemas y la carga.”
    Gulperi: Ojalá pudiera también, pero no sé nadar.
    Emir: Ya sea en Denizli, incluso en Aslan es suficiente. Verás cuan bien se siente, cómo te alivia de tus cargas. A veces no puedo salir del trabajo, pero cuando puedo, me lanzo y cuando entro en contacto con el mar siento que me deshice de todo. Incluso puedo dar solo algunos pasos y me lanzo, ya verás qué bien, basta con dar unos pasos.” Fin del recuerdo.
    Emir: ¿Quién la vio por última vez?
    Cavidan: Mientras discutía con Beyhan en las escaleras, le hice señas a Melike para que se la llevara abajo.
    Melike: Fui a buscar un vaso de agua para calmarla, y cuando lo traje, la señora estaba en el piso. Así que ya sabes. Emir: Entonces nadie la vio por qué Beyhan se había caído.
    Cavidan: La llamaras? Melike: ¿No contesta?
    Yigit: Papá, el teléfono está sonando, deberías contestarlo.
    Melike: Ay Allah, Gulperi dejó el teléfono en casa.
    Melike trata de distraer a Yigit: hijo, vamos, muéstrame bien qué está haciendo Algodón.
    Yigit: vemos los pájaros en parejas. Melike: De verdad?
    Cavidan: Hijo, ¿se habrá ido la chica?
    Emir: Tal vez está con el Maestro Hassan. Cavidan: iría buscando calmarse.
    Narin: ¿Estás bromeando? ¿Hablas en serio?
    Kemal: Si, es en serio, mira sé cuanto amas ayudar a la gente, pero para mi tu salud y la de mis hijos también es importante. Por favor entiéndeme.
    Narin: Tú mismo lo dices, sabes lo importante que es tu esposa para ti, no me hagas elegir, Kemal, no puedo, pero seguiré trabajando.
    Kemal: Cariño, me malinterpretas, no te estoy diciendo que renuncies a tu trabajo y nunca más seas médico. Narin: te digo que no quiero.
    Kemal: Ok, solo quiero que tomes una licencia hasta que termines la maternidad.
    Narin: Mira, estaré mal si me quedo en casa, quiero seguir con mi vida, quiero curar a mis pacientes, quiero seguir con mi trabajo.
    Kemal: Mira es por la felicidad de nuestra familia, no quiero que estés triste, llevas tres vidas y te cansas, no quiero que me veas como enemigo. (o algo asi)
    Narin: Quieres que piense solo en mí. Hay pacientes en el hospital que me necesitan, pienso en ellos. Trabajaré hasta el parto, es suficiente con lo de ayer. Por favor, no insistas.
    Kemal: Entiendo, estamos juntos en este asunto, pero hazlo bien, mi corazón no está satisfecho, pero piénsalo, toma tu decisión.
    Cavidan: No pasó la noche allí Gulperi. Emir: No, el tío tampoco sabe.
    Cavidan: Espero que no le haya pasado nada. …Hijo, Beyhan estaba muy furiosa diciendo información sobre Gulperi y su madre, pero había algo sobre la niña, ¿Qué habrá pasado?
    Emir: Savas,… debe saberlo.
    Savas: Piensa bien hijo, Gulperi es buena y no le importó los insultos de la señora, tal vez se fue al hospital.
    Baran: Gracias a Dios se recuperó, luego de unos días de descanso estará bien.
    Hermano, ¿Qúe piensas sobre donde se quedará Beyhan si tuvieras una pareja?
    Savas recibe llamada de Emir: Gulperi está ahí contigo? Está ahí?
    Savas: No, no está aquí, llama por teléfono y lo averiguarás
    Emir: dejó su teléfono en la casa. Savas: Estará en casa de Hassan…
    Emir: no, lo llamé y no sabe nada. Desde que llevaron a Beyhan al hospital nadie la ha visto.
    Savas: Te avisaré si viene de visita.
    Cavidan: Hijo, que vamos a hacer ahora, a donde iria sola esta chica, no tiene a nadie.
    Emir: Si viene, me avisaras (no entendí) Cavidan: también avísame, ya sabes, pero no te preocupes.
    Baran: hermano, puedes llamar
    Savas llama a una persona para pedirle que envíe un comunicado de prensa con la foto de Gulperi para que la busquen por todos lados.
    Enfermera: Señor, los procedimientos de salida del hospital se completaron, puede ir y descansar lo suficiente.
    Fidan a Savas: Ya tengo el bolso preparado señor Savas.
    Beyhan: Me llevarás a la granja
    Savas: Olvídate de la granja, mamá, no darás un paso allí.
    Beyhan: No puedes decidir o no a donde irá. Escuchaste al médico. Sé a donde ir.
    Savas: Necesitas actuar con prudencia y racionalidad, hace mucho tiempo que perdí mi voto con usted, así que me hará caso, después de tu calumnia contra la Sra. Cavidan, es imposible que permanezcas bajo el mismo techo.
    Beyhan: ¿Qué quieres decir con no estar bajo el mismo techo, si ella está en la cárcel?
    Savas: El lugar donde ella debería estar es en su casa, porque no había ninguna razón para que estuviera en la cárcel.
    Beyhan: Como dije, ella trató de matarme, ¿por qué liberaste a esa mujer?... Mírame, mírame a los ojos y dime, yo no lo hice mamá.
    Savas: Yo declaré como testigo presencial para que se hiciera justicia. De acuerdo a mi declaración, la señora Cavidan fue liberada.
    Beyhan: No, después de todos mis esfuerzos!!!!!

  • @myrnamedina4978
    @myrnamedina4978 Рік тому +60

    Mulay: Gracias por no defraudarme, pero este pudin es muy bueno y saludable, y si lo dices, es mucho más delicioso. (o algo asi)
    Hombre: Bienvenido hermano Mulay, agradezco el honor.
    Mulay: Bienvenido, bienvenido, quién eres?
    Hombre: Hermano, soy Ali, el hermano de Ahmet, tal vez no me recuerdes, pero nos recibías todos los días y rezamos todos los días, gracias a ti, mi sobrino mejoró, el anillo de nuestra familia, significa que Dios te bendiga.
    Mulay: Que significa que Dios nos bendiga a todos.
    Hombre: Hermano, eres un hombre como Khidr, nos ayudaste, gracias a ti, en la casa siempre hay carne. Dios te bendiga por tus buenas obras.
    Mulay: Se logró, como te ha ido? Hombre: muy bien.
    Mulay: Gracias a Dios…. Saluda a Ahmet y besos para el pequeño también.
    Kemal: Narin, a dónde vas?
    Narin: Tengo pacientes que atender
    Kemal: No, mira, tuviste un accidente, Fatih dice que todavía debes cuidarte
    Narin: Sé que estoy bien, realmente no tenía nada
    Kemal: Escuché al maestro Fatih decir que debes descansar, es por alguna razón.
    Narin: Kemal estoy muy bien.
    Kemal: Tengo tanto miedo que no puedo dejarte aquí después de todo el estrés. Sé que tus compañeros atenderán y cuidarán los enfermos. Nos iremos.
    Gulperi sentada frente al mar: Tendré que hacerlo esta noche, ya no puedo aguantar.
    Recuerda cuando Ahmet trató de agredirla y Emir apareció y luego Ahmet la tenia cautiva. También recuerda cuando Ahmet la persiguió por el bosque y la encontró, ella lo agredió. En otra ocasión entró a su habitación y le tapó la boca. Recuerda a Emir cuando la protegía.
    Emir en la delegación de la policía, habla por teléfono con la abogada: Me entiendes, ¿no?, mira harás lo que sea necesario para que mi madre salga de la oficina del fiscal y regrese a casa.
    Abogada: Estoy haciendo todo lo que puedo, Sr. Emir.
    Emir: Espero más esfuerzo de ti.
    Fidan: Emir, el hermano Sefer vino para llevarme a la casa.
    Sefer: Necesitas te traiga algo?
    Emir: Alguno vio caer a la señora Beyhan por las escaleras?
    Sefer: Yo estaba en el jardín y no vi nada.
    Fidan: Yo estaba en la cocina, escuché el ruido y corrí, pero cuando llegué estaba tirada en el suelo.
    Emir: Pueden irse.
    Melike en el jardín con Yigit: Ah! ya lo lograste, comiste muy bien toda tu comida, disfrutaste de nuevo y ahora ya estás listo Pasha.
    Yigit: Donde estás mi papá, mi abuela y Peri kizi?
    Melike: La chica aun no ha salido, pero los demás vendrán pronto.
    Emir llama a Melike: Hermana Melike, quiero preguntarte algo.
    Melike: qué ocurre
    Emir: ¿Viste algo sobre el momento en que la señora Beyhan se cayó por las escaleras?
    Melike: No estaba, fui a la cocina a traer agua para Gulperi y llevármela…. Emir, …la Sra. Cavidan se salvará, ¿verdad?
    Emir: se salvará Melike: Inshallah! Espero hijo, espero que vengas con buenas noticias pronto.
    Oh, por cierto, todo está bien con nosotros también, no te preocupes, ¿de acuerdo?
    Emir: Está bien Hermana Melike, gracias.
    Mulay: Mira, Minuver, así es cuando sales de noche con una persona. (o algo asi)
    Mulay: Es lindo tener un Compañero del Corazón, alguien que piensa en tí más que en sí mismo.
    No quiero presionarte en la respuesta, pero no puedo dejar de preguntarte, o ¿me darás tu respuesta ahora?
    Minuver: Mi respuesta es que sí, señor Mulay.
    Emir en la oficina de la delegación de la policía.
    Oficial: Ha habido un nuevo desarrollo, Sr. Emir, tengo buenas noticias para usted. Su madre está libre, puede llevarla pronto a casa.
    Emir: Cómo ocurrió?
    Oficial: Su madre fue liberada como resultado del testimonio del testigo, Savaş Karadag.
    Emir: gracias!
    Emir y Savas se encuentran.
    Retrospección en el momento que Savas hace su declaración:
    Savas al oficial: Quiero testificar en el caso de Cavidad Tarhun.
    Oficial: bueno, usted dirá
    Savas: Como dije, en el momento del incidente, estábamos abajo, todo fue un accidente, mi madre estaba al lado de Cavidan. Debido a la enemistad entre ellas, mi madre malinterpretó la situación y con su confusión se cayó por las escaleras. Esto es, pero debo decir clara y definitivamente que Cavidan Tarhun debe ser liberada de inmediato.
    Narin: Para tu felicidad, Kemal, ya estamos en casa.
    Kemal: Si, estoy muy feliz, pero mira, si estuvieras en mi lugar, me dirías lo mismo, siento haber reaccionado de esta manera, pero no puedo dejar que trabajes así.
    Sheriye: Tienes algún asunto de salud?
    Minuver: No se supone que estarás en el hospital ahora?
    Narin: Se supone que asi fuera mamá.
    Kemal: Así es, no nos quedemos aquí, hablaremos adentro.
    Toda la familia reunida en la sala.
    Masal: Pasó algo papá?
    Minuver: Si, vamos hijo, por qué regresaron tan pronto?
    Kemal: Narin sufrió un accidente de tráfico menor.
    Masal: Qué!! Sheriye: Allah que sea una broma.
    Masal: Narin estás bien? Narin: Estoy bien.
    Kemal: No te preocupes, fue un accidente leve, fuimos al hospital, ya se hicieron todas las pruebas, gracia a Dios Narin y los bebés están bien.
    Minuver: Gracias a Dios, gracias, hija mia!
    Sheriye: Mis manos y mis pies aun no tocan la hierba. Haremos obra de caridad.
    Kemal: El Doctor Fatih nos advirtió que no debe dormir mucho por el golpe en la cabeza.
    Masal: está bien papi. … la sacaremos al jardín para que no se sienta encerrada adentro.
    Mert: exacto hermana Narin, te vamos a secuestrar.
    Sheriye: Traeré té y una galletas que preparamos.
    Mert: vamos hermana Narin.
    Emir llega con Cavidan a la mansión.
    Cavidan: Que suerte tengo de tener un hijo como tu, espero que no volvamos a experimentar algo como esto…. quiero envejecer al lado de mi hijo sin problemas.
    Emir: Así será, madre, nunca dejaré que perturben la paz de nuestra familia.
    Masal: También me gusta Çınar, por ejemplo, los colores son hermosos, muy vibrantes, ¿no es así? ¿Cómo se adapta a nuestras posibilidades?
    Mert: O si necesitan tonos pasteles o más coloridos y cosas así, geniales, su hermano se encargará de eso. Masal: Cariño, pero los colores no tienen géneros. Puede ser rojo o azul. (o algo asi)
    Mert: No digo que no deban usarlos, pero estos también son muy brillantes y fosforescentes, no duran tanto.
    Minuver: Hija, estás bien? Narin: asiente (que sí).
    Masal: ¿Vamos a dar un paseo, hermana Narin?
    Mert: Si, primero daremos un paseo. Narin: No, estoy bien, estuve en el hospital, pero pasará. CONTINUARÁ

  • @manalahmad7073
    @manalahmad7073 Рік тому +26

    مستقبل واعد للمثل بدور سافاش كاريزما رائعة👌

  • @dinahamseid9027
    @dinahamseid9027 Рік тому +17

    Savas has a good heart! We love u Savas! ❤️🇵🇭

    • @luissergiopennati5179
      @luissergiopennati5179 Рік тому

      y que bonito es el sabado❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  • @kristine_chzarhinemadlen
    @kristine_chzarhinemadlen Рік тому +23

    NarKem 🦋 the most precious couple in this series ❤️😘💋

  • @annaprzybyszewska3433
    @annaprzybyszewska3433 Рік тому +38

    Ciotka powinna zdać sobie sprawę że jej mąż był bandytą i uczył Synów tego samego. Miał dużo na sumieniu i miał dużo wrogów. Ta biedna dziewczyna niczego nie jest winna. W normalnym kraju ta dziewczyna miała by ochronę a cała jej rodzinka, miała by zakaz zbliżania się na kilometr. Co za świat.

  • @amm3753
    @amm3753 Рік тому +20


  • @fatimamarques9222
    @fatimamarques9222 Рік тому +29

    Esqueci de frizar que o Savas de conhecer o amo e a bondade está a aprender a ser um bom homem agiu com justiça foi justo em falar a verdade para a cavidan ser solta como é bom ver que as pessoas podem mudar 👍👍👍🍀🍀🍀

  • @gunnikamson4890
    @gunnikamson4890 Рік тому +21

    Watching this series without English subtitles makes me to learned Turkish language 😊i think, should learn Turkish language to watch the Turkish series. I have seen four serial and a movie.

    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 Рік тому +1

      Me too😘

    • @joanterry7505
      @joanterry7505 Рік тому +2

      MayaMary_dizi below has an excellent summary, she does it for episode

    • @sutirahsutirah1689
      @sutirahsutirah1689 Рік тому +1

      Mee too. I really want to be able speak Turkish.... I know 1 world only .... GITME (don't go) 😃😃😃

    • @elhaamshah
      @elhaamshah Рік тому

      im also trying but i cant help

    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 Рік тому +1

      ​@@sutirahsutirah1689 I have been watching Turkish Dramas for more than a year and have a bunch of words and phrases. By the way, I like to listen to the original language because I hate dubbing

  • @sujathasridharan8245
    @sujathasridharan8245 2 місяці тому +1

    Savash is such a gentleman. Under such dire circumstances he is doing what is right.i hope emir and savash become friends.and together they fight against other enemies.

  • @ayshaboujamaa8919
    @ayshaboujamaa8919 Рік тому +36

    NAR❤KEM are GREAT actors💞 please keep going we are really awesomely enjoying your role🌷. Your chemistry together is phenomenal 🌷sometimes I forget it s🤔 just a fiction😘❤we will miss you a lot💋

    • @susangrassi8504
      @susangrassi8504 Рік тому +12

      I totally agree. Narkem is my favorite couple.

    • @ayshaboujamaa8919
      @ayshaboujamaa8919 Рік тому +7

      @@susangrassi8504 😘😍ME TOO🥳🥳

    • @cicek7984
      @cicek7984 Рік тому +8

      Benimde NarKemal⭐👍👈

    • @07messi
      @07messi Рік тому +1

      Yes indeed they are what a chemistry love

    • @duoskinglerungomehmet5523
      @duoskinglerungomehmet5523 Рік тому

      Su Beyhan ana Gissing yoldursin kendini , o vakit ici de dasa da sogacak. Ne kadar kyotu kadin ve cok de cirkin

  • @darlenepaul2630
    @darlenepaul2630 Рік тому +16

    I feel bad for Gulperi as she is alone , no one knows where and what she is doing😵😭

  • @MayaMaryDizi
    @MayaMaryDizi Рік тому +38

    Summary E486
    Cavidan’s hands are already in prison, as she looks at them and sees that they are not hers any longer. Cavidan can’t believe what’s happening to her again, that this time it actually feels more hurtful than in the past.
    While Emir, is trying to calm his mother and in order not to worry to much, Savaş already freaks out in the background, knowing who’s credit this situation belongs to.
    Cavidan filled with tears, looks one more time back to Emir, as she walks down the walk of worry and leaves her son behind.
    The situation with Cavidan hit Savaş very hard , that he faces his mother and her stubbornness once and for all. He tries to stay calm and remain respectful but he somehow can’t. getting closer to his mother, and looking at her face to face, which all of the sudden Beyhan is not refusing. Angrily he asks her how could she make a complaint about Cavidan as he saw everything. Cavidan didn’t push her, she’s not to blame.
    But this is not the truth of Beyhan. She reverses the true story and attempts to convince Savaş that what he saw was the actual lie, while it was everything but an accident. Cavidan tried to kill her and so she should be rotting in prison. As always, Beyhan sticks to her truth of the story and refuses to accept the truth.
    The enraged confession of Savaş, which concludes the truth, is just being ignored by Beyhan who only believes in her own truth.
    A hopeless case for Savaş, who just takes a deep breath and tries to stay calm but can't with the stubborn and appearance of his mother.
    At the police station, Cavidan takes her testimony and explained her part of the story of what really happened to Beyhan. Hearing her statement to the story, unfortunately Cavidan has to be taken to the cell after all. A shocking moment for Emir, while their lawyer tries to convince them to keep her outside, as it’ll be taken to court anyway.
    But the police officer, declines it, as it’s the case of attamed murder and without a witness they can’t let her be free. Cavidan is staying strong and is willing to accept the circumstances, while Emir is willing to do everything to get his mother out, but not everything, which might not suit his own code of ethics.
    Lawyer Hanim, has already an idea to get Cavidan out. Accusing that Beyhan being mentally unstable where Emir instantly stops her not allowing her to continue with that argument. Because it doesn't suit him nor his family, using false accusations or moves do defend themselves.
    Meanwhile, Cavidan is being put where she once was. She’s not only been surrounded by the cold in that cell but also by old feelings of regret, loneliness and fear.
    - I realized, that after season 3, Cavidan truly deserved the upgrade of her make - up and styling in season 4. The whole season three, she was looking just like the reflection of her old character. And season 4 is the bloom of her own shadow. -
    As her fist argument is somehow the only way to get Cavidan out of prison, the lawyer tries again to convince Emir using it somehow, because it’s the only solution as there is no one witnessed the situation in order to help Cavidan. No means No for Emir and he wants to see another way, to get his mother out of there.
    “Git araştır - Go look out for it.” Emir orders his lawyer angrily not willing to hear something similar again and worrying about his mother. Task of the day for the lawyer, find another solution! - And the true character of Emir, who he always is, got to be seen again. He plays by his own rules and is not willing to play the same game as Beyhan and her family. In order to succeed you have to play by the rules. -
    Unwilling to give up and surrender to the stubbornness of his mother, Savaş tries it one more time, to put some senses back in to her mind. He confronts her with the truth and her fire of revenge which gets bigger and eventually blinded her. She’s willing to slander Cavidan, whom both of them know is innocent and didn’t push her.
    Those words of Savaş, just heat up the anger Beyhan keeps holing herself on to, that she can’t accept that her own son is taking the side of the enemy.
    And that’s enough for Savaş suing the same arguments over and over again, that he makes her understand one important thing, he hasn’t joined anyone’s side. A shock for Beyhan, like always and everything else.
    Now it’s Savaş who turns the table and points at Beyhan not only with his finder but also with his argument. He reminds her, that from her, he learned the right (the truth), the law and justice. Therefore, he asks her, where the woman is who taught him that an accusation without proof is an act of cruelty too, while he looks down to her trying to find her.
    Savaş gave Beyhan an argument, which she never thought about and is true, but still she also finds an argument, which in her eyes give her the free ticket for everything.
    The Tarhun's are very guilty, because of them, she had to bury her husband and her two sons. Therefore, they are guilty.
    Savas can't take it anymore, hearing the same melody over and over again, that he just left the room, because he doesn't see the light at the end of the tunnel while he gives his mother the disappointed and yet angry look.
    - That's why I told you that Gülperi and Savaş still see something good in Beyhan, because they also know the other side of her, not only the evil side but also a righteous side. The woman who took in two orphans and raised them. She raised Gülperi to be the lady of the house, and Savaş to be a man. But don't forget that I also said that she sees Gülperi as the daughter of an unfaithful woman. I once wrote a long time ago, 5 weeks that Gülperi's mother chapter is an open chapter, and probably Beyhan doesn't know the whole truth, so let's see if we can find out something. We were waiting for that anyway! -
    While Savaş, gets kicked out from his mother’s unchangeable opinion Emir pays a visit to his mother and it hurts him seeing her like this.
    But it also hurts Cavidan as it brings old memories back, which she wants to keep buried inside her. Therefore, she wants Emir to make her a promise, which is to not visit her anymore, while she’s behind bars. She doesn’t care about the revenge or for how long she’ll be there, for Cavidan it’s just important that her boys are fine. For her it doesn’t matter where she is, she will be fine everywhere, as long as her boys are fine, because she’s a mother after all.
    Emir hearing all these words from his mother, it makes him weak but also strong at the same time, trying to keep the hope of his mother alive, assuring her, that she won’t stay there, because her place is with to them.
    - “I’m a mother after all” was the perfect proof of the current situation and Cavidan’s change. She learned it the hard way to appreciate and value what she had all time long, that not only her moves changed but her character as a mother deepened even more. One of the best results of Yemin, the change of Cavidan. -
    Emir keeps trying to find any witnesses in who might have been in the house, Fidan and Sefer can’t help at all, so Melike Abla is the next to ask. But unfortunately she too can’t help as she too hasn’t seen anything.
    As Melek Melike is alone with her “Paşam - Big Boy” Yigit would like to know where his loved ones are. His father, his grandmother, his Peri Kizi, which Melike Abla tries to cover somehow. Something to do is the perfect argument, to calm the heart of little Yigit.
    At the police station, something changes all of the sudden, which makes Emir more curious, waiting for the police officer to start talking. Cavidan well be released, a happy moment for Emir who would like to know how it happen.
    Thanks’ to the statement of someone named Savas Karadan. Hearing this good news, made Emir stand up as fast as possible and lets his worry disappear allows him to to smile and shine for that moment.
    Face to face, they look at each other and understand each other without any words. Emir nods to Savaş with a smile, and thanks him while Savaş also just nods and accept it.
    And Savaş remembers the statement he gave, which refers to the truth. Everything was just an accident. - Savaş is a rightful person, who would never do anything without being sure. That’s why I always say, that he doesn’t really know what happened with Gülperi and made her run away in the first place or how she’s been raised, because he never was there due to Kasim. -
    But despite this positive act and the ice between Emir and Savaş is still cold and nothing really changed that much between them. - The heat of jealousy is still boiling. But what I like the most is when they have to work together, they put their own interests aside, and act according the situation. They could be good friends, if it wasn’t for Beyhan, as I once wrote. -
    Emir happily just rushes to get his mother, while Savaş senses what might will come on his way.
    Finally, home again, Cavidan and Emir can breathe and be comfortable again, which makes Cavidan a proud mother of her son, who assures her, that he will not allow anything to disturbed them.
    Home sweet home, and the house of the Tarhun’s is free from darkness and sunshine is shining again. Just enjoying the a few minutes, they finally got back as a family.
    Now that peace has finally returned, it is immediately disturbed. And the guilty one is the dear Melike Abla, who would like to know if Gülperi will stay with Beyhan. - One of the most useless questions in season 4 But I know the reason, so I'm fine! -
    PART2 down below!

    • @MayaMaryDizi
      @MayaMaryDizi Рік тому +30

      A question that immediately destroyed Emir's inner peace and he wants to know what she means, while he is surprised that Gülperi doesn't seem to be at home. And the smile on the faces of Emir, Cavidan and Melike Abla is lost in fear and worry about where Gülperi might be.
      Cavidan and Melike Abla review the day, remembering that they haven't seen Gülperi since she escaped from Beyhan.
      Her cell phone is left at home, which aggravates the situation and deepens their worries. Hasan Amca is next on the list, but unfortunately, she is not there.
      Cavidan's concern are deepened by the fact that she informs Emir about the situation Gülperi might be in, especially after Beyhan, who has once again insulted Gülperi's mother.
      Last chance Savas whom Emir calls as soon as possible and brings some hope for Cavidan. Cavidan knows Gülperi so well that she is sure that Gülperi may have gone to visit Beyhan, even though she has insulted her very much.
      Savas, who’s in at the hospital, deep in his thoughts, trying to figure something out that Baran’s question if Beyhan want to go back to the farms house, might cause some troubles.
      About the call of Emir, Savas is not really pleased, which he accepts despite everything to find out that Gülperi is not at home, and Emri therefore wants to know if she is with them.
      Emri, who is just upset about the fact that Gülperi might be with them, is on the phone waiting for an answer from Savas- And Gülperi is also not in the hospital.
      Since Emir and Savas are almost equally smart, Savas gives Emir some tips, which he has already tried. The cell phone is at home, and before Savas could finish his sentence, referring to Hasan Amca, Emir already gave him an answer. No he doenst know anything either.
      Emir explains to Savas, that Gülpei hasn’t been seen since Beyhan came to the hospital, therefore is she might come visit her, “I’ll let you know” finishes Savaş the sentence for Emir and understood the situation.
      - I liked it when Savaş said that, because it again shows that he understands the situation between Gülperi and Emir. -
      Gülperi is nowhere to be found, Emir and Savaş are worried. Emir is leading the way to his own path to find Gülperi while Cavidan will stay home and keep her ees open there.
      While Emir took is own path for the research, Savaş has his own swat team to help him find Gülperi. His underground family, to whom he has sent a picture of Gülperi. There work, to find her as fast as possible and give him any clues.
      - Confusing, why does Savaş has a picture of Gülperi on his phone. And you wanna tell me he doesn’t love her! Shem on you!
      Beyhan is ready to leave but before leaving, Savaş has something to tell her, because mommy Hanim, wants to go the farm house right away, which Savaş denies immediately. _ I wrote the same yesterday! - And he explains to her perfectly that she won’t put one step in that house anymore. But no one is going to hold back Beyhan Hanim back, and definitely not her son, who doesn’t have to tell her what to do. Savaş already knows, that he has lost his mother, but still she will listen to him because as she slandered Cavidan, there is no possibility for her to stay under the same roof as her.
      A shocking moment for Beyhan, to hear that they can’t be under the same roof, as she thought that Cavidan might be already in prison. Feisty and rightfully and confidently confronting his mother, Savaş explains to her, that Cavidan is home as there is no reason for her to stay in prison. And Beyhan just keep falling inside.
      She wants Savaş to look her in the eyes, which he proudly does and confirms that he gave his statement as an eyewitness to allow the truth to be found. And Beyhan has lost her value in her own son, and condemns him and the food (the milk) she gave him. She hits Savas, who accepts every punch and her insults, yet he tries to hold his mother tight and somehow calm her down. - Beyhan says this because she made Savas her son due to the milk she gave him. She gave him the milk with proud and a goal to be hers, but she never expected to be betrayed by her own son. -
      Today Savas proved to everyone who still doubts him, that he carries a good heat, covered and protected by a shield he built himself.
      Gülperi E486:
      Meanwhile, not aware where Gülperi might be, Gülperi got woken up out of her trance, and found herself on the streets of Istanbul, where she was wandering around, fearless and alone.
      The wakeup call form the drive, brought Gülperi back to reality fearing for her life and yet just standing still without moving. Nothing has changed for Gülperi that the short encounter with the car driver on the street was just a wakeup call as she immediately went back in to her trance of pain and continues her walk in to the unknown.
      At home as they are all occupied with Cavidan and Beyhan, Yigit has his little talk of worry with his Melek Melike which is all about Pumuk.
      "Ama Pumuk hastayde - But Pumuk is sick!" this scene was so sweet and cute. How Yigit is just worried about Pumuk, who suddenly can't be found anywhere. He’s worried that Pumuk might get worst and no one will be able to take care of him, because as he’s sick he can’t be alone, just like his father told him.
      And during the words of worry from Yigit the writer is referring to Gülperi, who also got lost while she’s still wounded and is not able to take care of herself during that time. Because her situation gets worst the longer she wanders alone. And all of the sudden, Gülperi finds herself at the sea side.
      - one of my favorite episodes, E 374. This memory appeared because Gülperi is at the edge of her own life, where she can see death, to free herself but also the ones she loves and for whom she’s willing to do everything, while she still thinks that she the burden for everyone. This is beautiful confrontation of Gülperi, while she tries to thing and figure out what her next move should be. Holding on or leave. -
      She sees the blue sea and the freedom and feels the cold breeze but she’s not able to hold on the to present this moment, while the past has found her again. And she recalls her first encounter with death which Kasim introduced her too, and yet it also was her first sacrifice for the one she cares the most.
      As Gülperi tries to figure out what she should do, confronting death and life she just keeps looking at the wide sea in front of her and feels even more pain.
      Gülperi founds herself at the ground, connected with the cold sand and holding it and feeling it. Looking at her hand, and thinking about everything Gülperi came to the conclusion, that what ever she did, she never could grow roots (meaning, she could never hold on and stay and allow her roots to grow and build a foundation, having a place to stay.)
      Through this opinion about herself, she recalls every memory she had which always never allowed her to build that foundation of a home, a relationship, even though she wants to.
      The chapter Ahmet, keeps haunting her which teared her roots out of their place and through her away alone until Emir found her again, willing to plant her and help them to grow.
      But not only this memory was haunting Gülperi, as she looks at the sees, tries to breathe and be free. The longer she looks at the see, the deeper she thinks and Emirs description of the sea, helps her to understand her current situation and where she found herself.
      “The sea is a place, which takes away all heave sorrow and distress just by looking at it and when he gets in contact with the sea all his worries and burden are gone, they just flow away with the waves of the sea.”
      Words which help Gülperi to see the sea as a solution for what she’s going through, that she’s willing to free herself from the burdens she carries with her. She releases the soft and wet sand in her hand to and let it fall down to the floor, and therefore releases herself from that point, as if she’s cutting the rope which was keeping her on land, on the side, on the floor.
      Gülperi sees the sea and is now just walking towards it, with the goal to release her pain, her burdens, her worries. Every step she takes and gets in contact with the sea, Gülperi feels something. Gülperi stand at the beginning of the sea, feels it and looks at it. She feels relief and yet still in pain.
      - Just like I wrote under Yemin’s post of today, Gülperi is tired and wants to protect the ones she loves and free herself. In her eyes she can’t hold on to Emir, even though she truly wants to. She sees the sea and remembers the words of Emir which describe the freedom the sea can give, to someone’s heart, mind, and soul. And Gülperi wants to free herself, just like I wrote in the promo. She wants to free her soul at least just for a moment. -
      That’s It!
      Today’s summary is also again divided in to two story parts, Gülperi and the police station as until the end of the episode, Gülperi joins only by her name the Tarhun’s again.
      Ps.: For those who still don’t know who Savaş is and hate him, check out my comment under Yemin’s UA-cam Community Post “Is Savaş good or bad!” Enjoy!

    • @joanterry7505
      @joanterry7505 Рік тому +5

      @@MayaMaryDizi Thanks for the notice of the always wonderfully done.

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 Рік тому +7

      Gracias amiga Maya por tu excelente resumen del episodio. Muy bueno como siempre. Bueno por lo menos Cavidan salió de la cárcel y Emir después de horas que Gul anda corriendo por toda Estambul se percató de su desaparición y ya empezó a buscarla. La verdad siento mucho pesar y tristeza por lo que está pasando Gul, pero creo que ya era hora de que Emir pasara por un susto de esa índole a ver sí deja de ser tan lento y empieza a comportarse correctamente con Gul. Muchas gracias y saludos.💖💖💃🌹

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose Рік тому +3

      @@MayaMaryDizi thanks dear. I'm very glad cavidan got out of the cell all thanks to Savas nd it didn't take 2-3 episodes for it. But can't say the same abt Gul coz she's been wandering abt a lot of episodes nd she is still wandering nd still isn't found yet. I hope they won't keep us frm wondering in the nxt episode coz we would have to wait for two days to know wht will happen in the Monday's episode.

    • @MayaMaryDizi
      @MayaMaryDizi Рік тому +1

      @@mariyamargretjose you're totally welcome dear. My dear please don't forget that one Yemin day is 3 airing days. And as today will be the third day, Monday will be the end of this Yemin where Gülperi keeps wandering arround ! 😉

  • @juliamendozaariza4830
    @juliamendozaariza4830 Рік тому +19

    Menos mal Cavidan fue puesta en libertad. Ella no mata ni una mosca. Toda su capacidad de haser mal pero mas mala que el diablo lo agoto con el esposo y con Riyan.

    • @manuelaaparicio610
      @manuelaaparicio610 Рік тому

      Ha cambiado mucho Cavidan, me dió tristeza cuándo le pusieron las esposas y miró a. Emir.😔😔😥😥😥

    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa Рік тому +1

      @@manuelaaparicio610 A julia no le interesa el cambio xq ella como toda viuda q se digne solo sufre por su finada jajajajajajjajajaa

    • @fatimamarques9222
      @fatimamarques9222 Рік тому

      Já pagou por todo mal que fez e deve sofrer quando olha o neto e lembra que que o queria matar e a mãe!!! Ela mesma dizia quando aquela tia velha veio ficar na casa do Emir e maltrava a cavidan a cavidan dizia ela tem razão depois de tudo que eu fiz co meu marido e a Rayhan!!!!! Sim está esgotada já fez toda a maldade que tinha que fazer agora é conviver com a consciência e tentar se redimir 👏👏👏👏👏

    • @sylviasalas4127
      @sylviasalas4127 Рік тому

      @@MarcelaSosa 🤣🤣🤣 viste cómo son las anti-Gulperi’s me hacen reír, el cambió de las personas no le dan pelota, pero son bien parecidas a Beyhan, they’re just evil as Beyhan’s, y ojo que no te va contestar, típico de ellas no pueden entender que es un drama solamente 🤣🤣🤣

    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa Рік тому +1

      @@sylviasalas4127 jajjajaaj ahora venían medio tranqui porque están lejos pero ni bien Emir llega a 2 km de Gülperi empiezan con el pataleo y berrinches a full jajajajjaajjaa son dignas hijas de Beyhan 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @marilucasanchez6500
    @marilucasanchez6500 Рік тому +45

    No sé lo que dijo, pero que hermosa la voz de Emir cuando Gülperi está pensando lo que él había hablado con él.
    Gökberk Demirci tiene una voz fuerte, pero la modula de tal manera que parece está declamando poesía.
    En ocasiones he pensado que está hablando en francés

    • @lucytenorioangulo3334
      @lucytenorioangulo3334 Рік тому +11

      Esto es lo que entiendo que dice Emir:
      Me encanta mirar el mar, es interminable, el azul es como todos mis problemas, y a veces siento que se puede llevar mis penas.
      Si no podemos salir de eso, si tu carga es demasiado pesada, el mar lo tirará por ti.
      Cuando entré en contacto con el mar ya no había restos de mi carga, sentí que me deshice de todo.
      Extraño pero cierto.
      Y si, su voz me hipnotiza.🤗

    • @joannabednarek8882
      @joannabednarek8882 Рік тому +9

      Exactly. Gokberk has a beautiful voice 🥰

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 Рік тому +8

      Graciassssssss, lo que le dice es realmente poesía!

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 Рік тому +9

      @@marilucasanchez6500 Él tiene una voz preciosa y que enamora a cualquiera.💖💖

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 Рік тому +9

      @@lucytenorioangulo3334 Muchas gracias por la tradu de lo que le dice. Muy bello!!! Saludos💖💖

  • @marilucasanchez6500
    @marilucasanchez6500 Рік тому +13

    Savaş le dice a Emir que tiene que hablarle algo...Qué será? 🥺🤔 Bueno qué tal:
    1. Le devolverá la finca (pero no es el momento)
    2. Se acabó el tema de la venganza?
    3. Ahmet se escapó de cárcel? murió?
    Qué creen le dirá Savaş?

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 Рік тому +4

      Amiga Mariluca puede ser cualquiera de esas sugerencias que escribistes y conociendo a Naz cualquier cosa puede suceder. Ojalá que no aparezca Ahmed de nuevo en escena porque no creo que en las condiciones que se encuentra Gul, me refiero mentalmente. Pues un secuestro no sería muy favorable para ella y no lo aguantaría. Saludos.🌹💃🌹

    • @mariyamargretjose
      @mariyamargretjose Рік тому +2

      Well, i think we shd wait for the episode. If it only get revealed in the Monday's episode, then it will be too much....

    • @dairaboni99
      @dairaboni99 Рік тому +3

      Que Gül perdio la memoria? O que alguien la encontro y esta bajo su custodia 🤔

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 Рік тому


    • @dairaboni99
      @dairaboni99 Рік тому +1

      @@marilucasanchez6500 Si! Pobre Gül! 😔 Ahora a saber que giro tomara…si el padre sea bueno o malo? Si manipulara a Gülperi…o si sera la “horma del zapato” para la bruja de Beyhan

  • @glorializetegonzalez4613
    @glorializetegonzalez4613 Рік тому +16

    Traducción en español capitulo completo por favor MYRNA MEDINA 🙏🏻

    • @zeeshanchudary8207
      @zeeshanchudary8207 Рік тому +2

      Whare r u Myrna medina? We r waiting for your translation please Myrna medina translate to you.

    • @rahalsmify
      @rahalsmify Рік тому +2

      Meryna s il vous plaît on attend votre traduction

    • @rahalsmify
      @rahalsmify Рік тому +1

      Myrna revient nous

    • @user-jw4dv4yk6d
      @user-jw4dv4yk6d Рік тому +1

      ياريت الترجمه

  • @kasimxojaeva2724
    @kasimxojaeva2724 Рік тому +22


  • @violetamercanova1797
    @violetamercanova1797 Рік тому +10

    Beyhanim çıksın diziden ya 😡😡

  • @rahilerahile6075
    @rahilerahile6075 Рік тому +5

    NarKem aski boyukdur,amma bunu Narin daha cox emek vererek korudu,371,372,373 bolumlerde Kemal valizini toplayarak evden getdi,Narin arxasinca otele getmeseydi Kemal kayidardimi,bilmiyorum....kisilere guvenim azdir,akilli Narinim...

  • @rahilerahile6075
    @rahilerahile6075 Рік тому +4

    Narin su an Kemali dinlemeli,amma Meltemin oldugu vakitlerde gorevinden uzaklasmisdi,cabu Meltemin sayesinde,onda o kadar dua ediyordum ki,gorevine donsun,sukurler olsun dondu,Narine gozel isler ,gozellikler yakisiyor...

  • @rohandeonarine8245
    @rohandeonarine8245 Рік тому +4

    Kamal love Narin so much 🤩❤❤❤❤💏💏💏👍

  • @fatmashabani3776
    @fatmashabani3776 Рік тому +5

    Savas beyefendi adam gibi adamsi hellal olsun cok sükür ki o kalpsiz annana benzememisin

  • @dadiduda718
    @dadiduda718 Рік тому +20

    Emir shouted to Savas. He knew it wasn’t his fault Gulperi was gone but he had no one else to take his fear and anger out on. He went from anger to confusion in the space of a heartbeat.

    • @lucytenorioangulo3334
      @lucytenorioangulo3334 Рік тому +11

      He feels guilty

    • @dadiduda718
      @dadiduda718 Рік тому +8

      @@lucytenorioangulo3334 He's the one who always remembers Gulperi but he holds himself to asking and looking for her. After he knows she's gone, he doesn't know where to start to find her. 😏

    • @lucytenorioangulo3334
      @lucytenorioangulo3334 Рік тому +9

      @@dadiduda718 I guess he's the one who finds her. His heart guides him to her.

    • @dadiduda718
      @dadiduda718 Рік тому +6

      @@lucytenorioangulo3334 Indeed.

    • @anajakovljevic9540
      @anajakovljevic9540 Рік тому +3

      @@lucytenorioangulo3334 He knows that she can ve in the forest or on the beach..

  • @laurasworld891
    @laurasworld891 Рік тому +6

    يااااااارب إنسان يحبنا أنا وولدي يخاف علينا و يشتاق الينا دوما و ابدا ياااااارب عند بابك أنا فلا تردني خائبة يا حنان يامنان

  • @ayshaboujamaa8919
    @ayshaboujamaa8919 Рік тому +12

    NARIN is pregnant🤰 with miracle twins 🧑👧she most take care of her health bcoz she is three 🧚🧚🧚on one and we KNOW narin 🤔she NEVER think about herself 🙄and KEMAL is right 🤔they are not POOR 😕after delivery day she comes back to her job❤is not big deal❤

    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 Рік тому +4

      Kemal is tough 😍 when it comes to family matters❤!

  • @carmenrota1975
    @carmenrota1975 Рік тому +19


  • @luzamparolopezdiaz7871
    @luzamparolopezdiaz7871 Рік тому +16

    Quien va ver esto cuando estamos viendo por todos lados a gokberk y ozge juntos felices y hermosos nadie

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 Рік тому +5

      Y? Esa es otra novela, estamos viendo Yemin

    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa Рік тому +2

      @@marilucasanchez6500 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏pobrecita no puede con su odio la Amparito Oscuridad jajajajajajajaj

    • @yaimery3076
      @yaimery3076 Рік тому +1

      @@MarcelaSosa 🤣🤣🤣🤣Me morí de la risa con eso que escribistes.Saludos.😍💖😍

    • @MarcelaSosa
      @MarcelaSosa Рік тому +1

      @@yaimery3076 😅😅😅😅Abrazotes! 🤗😘

    • @mariacardo85
      @mariacardo85 Рік тому

      @@MarcelaSosa 😂😂😂🤗🤗🤗

  • @nashali1758
    @nashali1758 Рік тому +14

    Salute to Yemin senior actors : Gul Arcan, Berkant Muftuler, Derya Kurtulusu, Neslihan Uzturk, Esra Demir Coban, Mustafa Simsek & others.🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
    Senior actors are always the pillars of TV Drama, Cinema and Theatre👏👏👏

    • @fatimamarques9222
      @fatimamarques9222 Рік тому +1


    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 Рік тому

      ​@@fatimamarques9222 Thanks Fatima

    • @fatimamarques9222
      @fatimamarques9222 Рік тому

      @@nashali1758 ok💯

    • @elenab1108
      @elenab1108 Рік тому

      Traduci in Italiano o rumeno

    • @elsiedlembula3130
      @elsiedlembula3130 9 місяців тому

      The elders are the most talented including the villains who portray their skills and meaning very well. They're indeed the pillars of all the action in movies

  • @nashali1758
    @nashali1758 Рік тому +6

    Setenay Suer ❤❤❤❤❤❤👏👏👏👏👏🏆🏅🎖

  • @hamayilmammadova2317
    @hamayilmammadova2317 Рік тому +5

    Aman Allahim bu Kasim aga ne qedar, ne acimasiz bir insan imiw, yaziq Gulperinin bawina ne oyunlar aciblar

  • @mariacarmenmoraru5901
    @mariacarmenmoraru5901 Рік тому +32

    An episode in which good still triumphed.....I liked Savas' attitude towards his mother....... also Kemal's attitude towards Narin (he is a very protective husband with his pregnant wife)....but also the moment between Emir and Cavidan to the police station.......and unfortunately Gulperi continues to suffer.....Please give more happiness for all characters from Yemin 4 in the next episodes......🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕

    • @annaprzybyszewska3433
      @annaprzybyszewska3433 Рік тому +7

      Savas jest bohaterem tej Serii. Jest lepszy od Emira chwilami.

    • @herobest9308
      @herobest9308 Рік тому +4

      Marita carmen how they will be happy because we have 2 evil and animal the script writer and director they make the scrip bad

    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 Рік тому +5

      I hope the author will make us happy by next week🤲

    • @mariacarmenmoraru5901
      @mariacarmenmoraru5901 Рік тому +2

      @@herobest9308 They must make an effort to give us more happy moments with the characters in Yemin 4....I hope....💗💗💖💖💖

  • @Abirat.sabil1234
    @Abirat.sabil1234 Рік тому +16

    كلهم تخيلوا ما حصل لهم في السابق والماضي الا امير لم يتخيل زوجته ولا لحظه هل هذا كل كره من الكاتبه ضد اوزجي لن تجعل ولا لقطه لها في الموسمين

    • @abdallahosama2751
      @abdallahosama2751 Рік тому +2

      فعلا انك محقه...وهذا ظلم من الكاتبه لشخصيه ريحان بعد كل الذي مرت به

    • @leilamaria2530
      @leilamaria2530 Рік тому

      @@abdallahosama2751 Reyhan era a principal da série, Reyhan além de sofrer muito cuidou do Sr Hizmet quando estava doente, tinha muita coisa pra ser recordada de Reyhan

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Рік тому +1

    Narin should tell gulperi where to buy pajamas bec gulperi’s always sleeping in her day clothes

  • @nashali1758
    @nashali1758 Рік тому +21

    Setenay Suer talented actor 🥰🥰🥰.......though new to the field of acting!

    • @Irina_L87
      @Irina_L87 Рік тому


    • @nashali1758
      @nashali1758 Рік тому

      Each person has the right to choose & support the person he likes (: Good luck @@Irina_L87

  • @rahilerahile6075
    @rahilerahile6075 Рік тому +3

    Kemal Melteme cooox guveniyordu,telefonu bele onun elindeydi,balqabaqligi ucbatindan Narin olmasaydi,Meltemin toruna duse bilerdi,pesman yasami ola bilerdi,baskalarinin hereketlerini gormemezlikden gelmek olmaz,bu xarakter Kemalde vardi,var...Narinim...

  • @lew3093
    @lew3093 Рік тому +33

    Yemin 1, 2 sezon piękny 💞 Reyhan 💞 Emir 💞

  • @beeicecream
    @beeicecream Рік тому

    ٍSavas is showing that he is a gentleman, honorable person and honest, he is standing for justice and doing what is right as much as he can. I wonder what is his next move.

  • @nashali1758
    @nashali1758 Рік тому +15

    Both Narin & Kemal deserve the best ❤❤❤❤

  • @dadiduda718
    @dadiduda718 Рік тому +15

    She doesn't want to be with Beyhan and Savas actually. And Emir shows her the door. So, where else does she want to go? She has no place, no home. She's homeless. Istanbul, The world is foreign to her. Alone, wounded, and in pain. It is not impossible that she can be depressed.

  • @user-sm3mk6ny1h
    @user-sm3mk6ny1h Рік тому +5

    جولبيري تتذكر احمد ولا أمير و لا تتذكر سافاش مهما فعل سافاش لم يشكره أحد لماذا امير يصرخ عندما يكلم سافاش بالتليفون

    • @queencleopatra5564
      @queencleopatra5564 Рік тому

      عنده هبل مرمر 🤣🤣🤣🤣فاكر نفسه حاجه.... سواش معلم عليه

  • @achalanilmini9953
    @achalanilmini9953 Рік тому +4

    Narin is good 👍👍

  • @zeeshanchudary8207
    @zeeshanchudary8207 Рік тому +5

    Whare r our translator girls we r just wait.

  • @marilucasanchez6500
    @marilucasanchez6500 Рік тому +18

    Puedo entender a Narin, el embarazo en sí mismo no es una enfermedad, si no hay complicaciones puede continuar trabajando.
    Sin embargo sé que con todas las enfermedades, el envenenamiento, la edad, etc hay razones para cuidarse particularmente.

    • @arisroman6892
      @arisroman6892 Рік тому +7

      @Mariluca Sanchez, creo que el temor de todos es que Narin vuelva a perder a sus bebés. La serie nunca explicó por qué ella perdió al bebé que estaba esperando. Quizás sufrió mucho y ahora la están sobre protegiendo porque la aman. Ella está bien confiada de que esta vez tendrá a sus bebés. Eso es lo que todos deseamos, ver un final feliz para Narkem

    • @marilucasanchez6500
      @marilucasanchez6500 Рік тому +1

      @@arisroman6892 🥰

    • @leilamaria2530
      @leilamaria2530 Рік тому

      @@arisroman6892 então Narin perdeu o bebê?
      Ela não tinha o mesmo problema de Reyhan?

    • @arisroman6892
      @arisroman6892 Рік тому

      @@leilamaria2530 Reyhan's problem was that the baby was outside the uterus and was pressing on her internal organs. They never said what Narin's problem was. She had been put to rest. On two occasions she was thrown to the floor while pregnant and in her kidnapping, at the end of the third season, she was thrown from a moving car. In this season they didn't say why she lost it, but I think that's why they take care of her so much.

  • @nayro7
    @nayro7 Рік тому +3

    I feel molayem beh will turn out to be a player.. 🙄 or at least they're painting him as one

  • @abdallahosama2751
    @abdallahosama2751 Рік тому +4

    ليت الجميع يستطيع الغفران مثل امير والتسامح بهذا الشكل مع من دمر حياته..النسيان...كيف..بعد كل ماحدث مع ريحان

  • @jeriporter4742
    @jeriporter4742 Рік тому +23

    I love that Gulperi even in her darkest moments were she felt like she was in a deep dark hole, scared and alone bad memories chasing her, Gulperi still remembered her light which is Emir the one who always pull her out of the darkest pit, who comfort her and tells her this to will pass. Gulperi takes a breath and thinks in her head this to will pass, remembers what Emir told her on the beach that stepping into the water can calm your worries ,your fears and your troubles. So Gulperi steps in the water to soothe her soul. I love how Emir and Gulperi are so connected they often think of each other a lot. They are soulmates. They are destined to be together. So just like Emir always tells Gulperi ...This to will pass.😇💗💕

  • @shaymaabas308
    @shaymaabas308 Рік тому +5

    MYRNA MEDINAلو سمحتي ترجمي الحلقه

  • @loubnahaouach6659
    @loubnahaouach6659 Рік тому +13

    Savas 👍👍👍👍

  • @hamayilmammadova2317
    @hamayilmammadova2317 Рік тому +10

    Amma bu Cavidanin Reyhana yapdiqlari hec yaddan cixmir, ele Beyhanla eynidirler

    • @gigileblo363
      @gigileblo363 Рік тому

      Forget,Forget! The past episodes…we are now in another season!!

    • @hokumeqasimova7193
      @hokumeqasimova7193 Рік тому

      Beyhandanda acımasız idi tam bir cadı idi amma dəyişildi şukur

  • @arkilinc6498
    @arkilinc6498 Рік тому +2

    iyiki bir hamile kaldi. Bu ne ya sanki dünyada tek narin hamile . Bu kadar üzerine düştükçe olmayacak kazalari olduracaklar. Manyak bu aile kafayi yemişler...

  • @halinasobczyk7900
    @halinasobczyk7900 Рік тому +25

    Emir to ma całkowite zaćmienie w mózgu. Przecież on wszystko wie co Cavidan robiła. 😈👿💀👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽

    • @renataprzytarska606
      @renataprzytarska606 Рік тому +5

      Tak jego trzeba leczyć!zresztą z wszystkich w tej durnocie tak nie ms mądrych czekam na final ale słabo to idzie

    • @joannabednarek8882
      @joannabednarek8882 Рік тому +7

      Emir wszystko pamięta i mimo tego wybaczył matce, a Panie nie ?🤣

  • @ranokirgizbaeva7544
    @ranokirgizbaeva7544 Рік тому +3

    Мне нравится Саваш .

  • @cicek7984
    @cicek7984 Рік тому +15

    Narin Kemal mhteşem oynclık okadar citen yapyrla 👌 vallahi elimde olsa size Oskar verirdim 🏆🏆

  • @grazynakohler6119
    @grazynakohler6119 Рік тому +6

    O czym krzyczą Savas i matka? proszę o tłumaczenie po polsku

  • @sandrapayano1387
    @sandrapayano1387 Рік тому +2

    Tan bello Emir love you mi honbre ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏

  • @mimijannagale9724
    @mimijannagale9724 6 місяців тому

    I never thought I’ll say this, but I’ll take Javidah as mother instead Sava’s mom😂

  • @marselomarselo6758
    @marselomarselo6758 Рік тому +2

    Баба шихрие 💓❤️💓❤️ баба мюлевер 💓❤️❤️❤️💓💓💓❤️❤️❤️💓💓

  • @Palomam.52
    @Palomam.52 Рік тому +7

    Traducción en español

  • @lalaseskuria8330
    @lalaseskuria8330 Рік тому +1

    Ne cadar guzal insan savaş bey

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Рік тому

    There’s no evidence cavidan pushed beyhan why did police arrest her it’s hearsay😂😂

  • @ilkinallahvediyev5496
    @ilkinallahvediyev5496 Рік тому +1

    Kamalla Emrin neden bir birilerinden xeberleri yoxdu
    Qohumlar dar gününde bir birlerine destek olmalı deyillermi

  • @claudiayanez1748
    @claudiayanez1748 Рік тому +2

    Hola Myrna Medina! Traducción al español por favor!! Bendiciones

  • @xiomaralopezdeadames7015
    @xiomaralopezdeadames7015 Рік тому

    Gracias por la traducción en español

  • @dloci7746
    @dloci7746 10 місяців тому

    Uncle Hassan plays a pivotal role throughout and it is appropriate because of the heaviness (for want of a better word) of the life challenges in season 4. These are deep issues that affect Emir. He is not giggly and reckless or carefree. He has a different outlook on life. He is rebuilding his life and his priorities are the child and his family members who all rely on him. He will find love again but it will be very different from the one he experienced with Reyhan. I would argue that his newfound love is richer because he finds it amidst the complexities of new life, while recovering from past traumas. Notice that Hassan is his only male companion and he is a much older man filled with wisdom. He guides Emir (and Savas and Gül, even Baran and Fidan) through the most difficult of situations that life offers. That wisdom was not part of Emir's life in seasons 1 and 2 because the challenges were not of the same kind. This wisdom is available to Emir as he navigates the ardous path of life so he does not make past mistakes but deals with his issues in a mature way and builds a succesful life from the rubble of seasons 1 and 2. We see him falter sometimes as he loses control and engages his fist. I hope he will have learnt many positive lessons from Savas (not the ones regarding shady business and guns). I am sure Savas longs for family as he sees the love in Emir's. Savas is tender with his mum and he is patient, you cant miss these qualities when he is dealing with a woman full of rate and evil. We would walk away and be in bits, Savas stands strong until slowly we see him show the wear and tear on his life by his mother and he makes a firm decision to end matters.
    I could write much about Gül. I admire many things about her but I also see her weakness that tears away the fibre of a man's heart, keeps a child solely reliant on her and causes turmoil in families because of her brokenness and what some may call stupidity. One comment said she was born stupid. I dont think so. She has been significantly affected by past and present traumas. There has been superficial healing through Emir's help but there are deep wounds that if left untreated (can't be healed by the love and care of the Tarhuns) will destroy a man, his child and the family. Gül has some good qualities. I like her obvious calm (though theres a storm in her soul), her kindness - not when she puts herself in danger, and her growth to boldness. Sometimes i think she forgets her place in the life of Emir and his son. She oversteps when she is going to marry Savas. She decides to marry him but wants to hold on to Yigit and Emir. Incredulous behaviour. Her silence is maddening and truth is not one of her vitues. I would not call her a liar so much but by her silence and her warped version of peace and kindness, she has wreaked havoc and pain in so many lives.
    It is not Emir's fault that she didnt accept his proposal of marriage. I believe that Emir wanted to know whether she had overcome her past and was ready for closeness, touch, love and life with him. He tries to tease these out of her. He manages on the odd occasion to touch her without her withdrawing but he knows it is still awkward. When she thought she had killed Ishmail, you and i would have bolted into the arms of our protector the moment we saw the car pull up. We could say she froze but then her hug came as a surprise and even Emir was unsure what to do. Thats not Emir. He is a warm guy. He has been restrained by the girl and patiently follows her lead. It was appropriate that he did not profess his love for her but start at the point of familiarity with her. He talks of a life of peace, protection and opening her eyes to rich and new and exciting experiences. The fact that she didnt recognise those messages (especially on the beach) communicated so clearly and tenderly by his voice and eyes and his nearness suggest that her troubles were not overcomed. They were dormant like a volcano and would erupt at any time under the right circumstances. Until they were resolved, she could not receive Emir's advances. You and I would have jumped at them so fast because would have felt the warm flutters in our hearts. But we dont experience Gül's troubles. She can only overcome by confronting her problems. She had countless opportunities to do so and with Emir's help but she missed each of them. I think it is appropriate that we see her on her own running through the forest and being on her own. She must deal with her problems, acknowledge her role and decide who and where she wants to be, ask for help and resolve. I havent finished watching this episode so hope she doesn't attempt drowning and Emir is again her rescuer. A man cannot live a life being rescuer and protector everyday. The guy must have some serious stress!
    Last thing that I have realised and i think is important: so many people have gone on about The Promise being about Emir and Reyhan. On reflection, I believe we've conflated his relationship with her and the title. My submission is that Yemin/The Promise is principally about Emir and how his life is affected by promises others make to "enhance" his life. The main promise is by his father to get him married so he'll settle down. His father gets Reyhan a young innocent girl, to make a promise of marriage that caused so much pain to both but thankfully they found some moments that are such treasure. We all want to be romanced by Emir even though we aren't innocent like Reyhan. Some of us are😅. There are other promises that arose out of the Father's that takes form through Reyhan - Cavidan and Cemre make promises to destroy Reyhan's marriage because their idea of an enhanced life for Emir is through marriage to Cemre.
    In season 4, another promise is eked out by the wise Hassan and Emir acts on it because Hassan had saved his life so why not save the life of a girl by marrying her for three months? Remember he gave his marriage to Reyhan 3 months to last. The guy works in the short term so seems to think that the promises are not detrimental in that period. But he comes to know the complications brought about by the interference of others and the long term terrible effects. Gül makes her own promise (through the instrumentaion of the old aunt, at this point very well meaning) to marry Emir that has devastating effects for a love Emir hopes and longs for.
    The marriage may have worked if she had dispensed with the oath of silence she appeared to have taken. True, she wanted to speak with Emir and he being impatient, inattentive, and always answering that b****y phone, furthers her silence. But she is also responsible. Something so important cannot wait and she could have said at the beginning or on the occasions he came back asking what she wanted to share. Eben in court the second time when she said she didnt want a divorce, she could have said she loved him. She had opportunities days before when they had their rendezvous. I'd have written it in the sand, on the napkin, covered my face as i said the words haltingly, I ... love ...someone ... whose ... name ... begins ... with ... E. 😂 Or blurt it out and run like hell. He'd have gone after her as he always did😁. Well, it was not to be. We are not the authors of the story. All i know is that many times she was portrayed as foolish and that attitude would try the patience of even a saint.
    Then her promise to marry Savas had its own unique impact and i wont go into that as its fresh in your minds, except to say, we see a resigned Emir now hurting more because his child is involved and hurting and he must get himself and his "partner", the love sick Yigit, through this tumultous time. We shall see what follows.
    So peeps, the Promise is all about Emir and how the first action by his father leads to promises that have devastating impact but Emir becomes a strong and better person throughout. He counters the promises with love, care and affection, though often blinded by what is happening in front of and close to him. We see that Emir holds only to promises that indiviuals makes of their own free will (he did so with Gül in the beginning). For then they can give their all to fulfilling their promises.

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Рік тому

    Maybe the village woman saved gulperi who was suicidal after emir told her to leave when she told her aunt she would marry savas

  • @halinamikowska7370
    @halinamikowska7370 8 місяців тому +1


  • @sheabs8451
    @sheabs8451 Рік тому +2

    Still emir reyhan is the best ❤️❤️❤️

  • @tasiletacarlaauleliopita1475
    @tasiletacarlaauleliopita1475 11 місяців тому

    Savas è un uomo molto intelligente, gentile e calmo.❤

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Рік тому

    Savas is a fair n kind man though he’s also a gangster his testimony freed cavidan fr beyhan’s false accusation.

  • @haneyuzun9112
    @haneyuzun9112 6 місяців тому

    Cavidanın eskiden kötülükler yaparken en çok Emire üzülüyordum öyle iyi bir insanın kötü bir annesi olması beni çok üzüyordu

  • @mariyamargretjose
    @mariyamargretjose Рік тому +6

    I don't understand. Why was Gul thinking abt how Ahmet treated her? Why at this moment??? Anybody???

    • @mariacarmenmoraru5901
      @mariacarmenmoraru5901 Рік тому +6

      Maybe because she remembered how Emir saved her from the hands of Ahmet.......I think it's about Emir...💕💕💕

    • @svetlanaradovic4220
      @svetlanaradovic4220 Рік тому +7

      She is remembering all bad things in her life because she lost her strength and she is tired of reaching happiness

    • @christinafan4476
      @christinafan4476 Рік тому

      It’s because emir akways misunderstand her

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Рік тому

    No one noticed gulperi is missing after beyhan’s accident n cavidan’s brief jail time

  • @mariacastillejogarcia3790
    @mariacastillejogarcia3790 5 місяців тому

    Muchas gracias MYRNa. Eres genial

  • @fatimamarques9222
    @fatimamarques9222 Рік тому +20

    Neste capítulo vimos que a felicidade não existe existem momentos felizes vimos que realmente os filhos são o reflexo dos pais vimos que o amor é a melhor coisa que se pode ter vimos o que os maus tratos de criança adolescente afeta a vida adulta de uma pessoa como Gulperi e difamar a mãe a tristeza dela é muito grande vimos um Savas homem descobrir o amor de família agora Emir encontra a Gulperi e com o amor dele e da família e do Ygite vai ficar bem ???? Vamos ter um final de serie bonita a gente merece 💞💞💞💞💞

    • @creusafeliciano2954
      @creusafeliciano2954 Рік тому +4

      Pura verdade tenho muita pena de Guperi..ótima atris

    • @nancyrobayo5266
      @nancyrobayo5266 Рік тому +3

      They certainly deserve to be happy, I'm completely with you on this one Fatima.🤗

    • @sandraherrera2247
      @sandraherrera2247 Рік тому +2


  • @user-kz7dk8nr3f
    @user-kz7dk8nr3f 4 місяці тому

    Savas got good❤

  • @halinasobczyk7900
    @halinasobczyk7900 Рік тому +29

    Dla Cavidan to więzienie to tylko namiastka tego za co powinna ponieść karę za krzywdy wyrządzone Reyhan I Hikmetowi. Emirowi I Ygitowi zniszczyła życie. 🦍🦍🦍😈👿👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽

    • @tariona
      @tariona Рік тому +5

      A od kiedy to pani jest taka wrażliwa i współczująca? Daję pani słowo, że czytelnicy nie cierpią na zanik pamięci i wciąż pamiętają pani komentarze, w których niejednokrotnie dała się pani poznać zupełnie z innej strony.
      Czyżby nagła przemiana jak u Cavidan?

    • @halinasobczyk7900
      @halinasobczyk7900 Рік тому +2

      @@tariona chyba coś pani ma z głową nie tak, albo mnie pani pomyliła z kim innym. Zawsze byłam za Reyhan jako matka Ygita I żoną Emira. Kocham 1 i 2 sezon Przysiegi, a ta ostatnie 4 seria to dno, zresztą widać po raytingach. Ma pani swoje koleżanki to niech pani z nimi pisze, a mnie proszę zostawić w spokoju. Juz to pani kiedyś napisałam.

    • @tariona
      @tariona Рік тому +4

      @@halinasobczyk7900 Ależ ja nie miałam na uwadze, ani Reyhan ani sezonów 1 i 2. Mi chodzi o to co wypisywała pani właśnie pod odcinkami sezonu 4. Czy ja mam coś z głową ? Raczej nie, to pani zaczyna się już mieszać od tej nienawiści.

  • @christinafan4476
    @christinafan4476 Рік тому

    The good guy is savas who clears cavidan’s name fr her lunatic mom’s false accusation

  • @halinasobczyk7900
    @halinasobczyk7900 Рік тому +23

    Rayting za wczoraj odc 485 Total 1,22 AB I ABC nie naliczyli bo się nie załapał Yemin. 👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽

    • @bozenajaron526
      @bozenajaron526 Рік тому +7

      to dopiero sukces pewnie Nazmin dumna z takiej oceny .

    • @ewakosinska1305
      @ewakosinska1305 Рік тому +6

      Dzięki. Rayting super, lepszego należy się spodziewać. Spokojnej nocy. Pozdrawiam.

    • @nataliaczapiewska768
      @nataliaczapiewska768 Рік тому +10

      Dziękuję 🌹-na lepszy w tym wariatkowie nie zasłużyli 👎👎👎👎

    • @ankakowalska1623
      @ankakowalska1623 Рік тому +7

      Super powinien być zerowy wstyd i tyle by promować byle kogo!!! ktoś musiał dobre plecy mieć tu !!to jedynie Sabasz dobrze gra.mlody super nawet on nie chce wybranki śmieszne to jest ????🌹👏👏👏👏

    • @klotyldamatylda7305
      @klotyldamatylda7305 Рік тому +1

      @@ankakowalska1623 Nie, nie jest!

  • @concettaimbrogiano3557
    @concettaimbrogiano3557 Рік тому +8

    Stagione 4 Yimin 486 TOTALE 1,23 AB 0,37 ABC 0,81 🙉 orribile 🙊 🙈

  • @l.g.907
    @l.g.907 Рік тому +2

    Savash 👍

  • @emineveizova6518
    @emineveizova6518 Рік тому +1

    Narin baska bisey bilmezmisin sen iyim Ben yok bi sey

  • @ankakowalska1623
    @ankakowalska1623 Рік тому +29


  • @concettaimbrogiano3557
    @concettaimbrogiano3557 Рік тому +28

    Reyhan y Emirrr Lovers 🐕🌛🌠🌠🌠

    • @svetlanaradovic4220
      @svetlanaradovic4220 Рік тому +4

      For God sake she is dead for7 years

    • @concettaimbrogiano3557
      @concettaimbrogiano3557 Рік тому +7

      @@svetlanaradovic4220 Reyhan y Emirrr TARUN l'amore di Emirrr TARUN non è 7 hanni yyy tutta la vita Reyhan per Sempre BIUTIFUL 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼💕💕💕💕❤❤❤💃🐻💋💋

    • @SamsungGalaxy-yu3du
      @SamsungGalaxy-yu3du Рік тому


    • @Irina_L87
      @Irina_L87 Рік тому +3

      GULPERY este o femeie patata , murdărită , nu are dreptul s-o înlocuiască pe femeia buna și pura , așa cum a fost Reyhan . Nimeni nu-i spune nimic de mama lui adevărată , să-i arte o poza sau un filmuleț , așa cum a făcut Feride ,cînd Yigit era un bebeluș . Feride a pus doar pe tata nu-și pe mama ! Feride și GULPERY , au vrut să fie mama copilului că să-l aibă pe Emir .👎👎👎😖😖😖🦍🦍🦍🦍

    • @SamsungGalaxy-yu3du
      @SamsungGalaxy-yu3du Рік тому


  • @lew3093
    @lew3093 Рік тому +22

    💞 Reyhan 💞 Emir 💞👏👏👏👏👏

  • @hamayilmammadova2317
    @hamayilmammadova2317 Рік тому

    Tu sene Beyhan, hamiya eseb,aci verirsen, bu nasil insabdir,dehwetdi

  • @doaasamak3360
    @doaasamak3360 11 місяців тому +1

    سافاش شريف فى خصومته

  • @daliayehia4742
    @daliayehia4742 Рік тому

    هذا المسلسل افضل و أروع مسلسل شوفته

    • @cacioccion8432
      @cacioccion8432 9 місяців тому

      גם אני - יש פרקים שראיתי כמה פעמים אני מעריצה את אמיר בלי סוף

  • @user-fg1ib9tl2s
    @user-fg1ib9tl2s Рік тому +3

    Саваш маладец

  • @concettaimbrogiano3557
    @concettaimbrogiano3557 Рік тому +32

    Reyhan y Emirrr 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼🌛🌻

  • @nashali1758
    @nashali1758 Рік тому +1

    Emir Ve Gulperi🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

  • @faizakhelili9675
    @faizakhelili9675 Рік тому +3


  • @BiBoFan
    @BiBoFan Рік тому +27

    Ozge ve Gokberk

  • @JacquelineTaylor-jd1xw
    @JacquelineTaylor-jd1xw 9 місяців тому

    Episode 486,accidentally falling down the stairs and being wrongly accused, and that's why you should have surveillance cameras in and around your house, come on now this is the 21st century. 🤔🙄😒

  • @saramurad6251
    @saramurad6251 Рік тому +1

    والله حرامات دخلو ريحان بالمسلسل يمين بين جاويدان وامير

  • @feridemeherremova996
    @feridemeherremova996 Рік тому +3

    Cox sağ ol Savaş bəy cok viçdanlısız afərin sizə 👍

  • @BiBoFan
    @BiBoFan Рік тому +25

    Gokberk ve Ozge

    • @Irina_L87
      @Irina_L87 Рік тому +3

      Bravo ! Reyhan , Emir , Yigit , 🍀🍀💐💐🥀🥀🌺🌺🌹🌹👍👍

  • @BiBoFan
    @BiBoFan Рік тому +20


  • @Thekairi74
    @Thekairi74 Рік тому +3

    Savas gercekten mert biri cikti insallah hala gelirve onunla evlenir