Research project on the role of tourism in multicultural societies

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • Tourism contributes to increased understanding of other cultures and to cultural exchange. However, it is primarily those who have opportunities and capital - physical, economic, social, and cultural - who can travel and influence the development of tourism. We also observe that tourism and its marketing often create and perpetuate clichéd and stereotypical images of places, cultures, and people. This is often due to biases about other cultures or minority groups and a lack of knowledge about other people’s situations and circumstances.
    In the research project ‘The Role of Tourism in Multicultural Societies’ (TiMS), we have studied inclusion within tourism and place branding. We believe that people, regardless of their ethnicity, nationality, skin colour, gender, class, or other social, physical, and intellectual attributes and abilities, should have the opportunity to experience tourism and different places. They should participate in the development of destinations and tourism products and benefit from them-for example, by benefiting from its revenue and be able to utilize its infrastructure.
    The project’s findings are relevant for stakeholders working in tourism, destination development, and place branding, both in the public and private sectors. For more information, please visit TiMS website. There, you’ll find project publications and contact details of the researchers.
    Below you find a selection of our research articles:
    Björner, E. & Aronsson, L. (2022). Decentralised place
    branding through multiple authors and narratives: the
    collective branding of a small town in Sweden. Journal of
    Marketing Management, 38(13-14), 1587-1612. DOI:
    Jernsand, E.M. Björner, E. & Rinaldi, C. (2024).
    Sustainable Tourism: What it is and how to progress
    towards it. Eutopia Review, 1, 25-44.
    Jernsand, E M., Kraff, H., Osanami Törngren, S.,
    Adolfsson, C., Björner, E., Omondi, L., Pederson, T. &
    Ulver, S (2023). Tourism memories - a collaborative
    reflection on inclusion and exclusion, Tourism Recreation
    Research, 48(6), 820-830. DOI
    Jernsand, E.M. & Kraff, H. (2021). The role of community
    based tourism initiatives in socio-economic development. I
    S.Walia (Red.) The Routledge Handbook of Community
    Based tourism Management: Concepts, Issues and
    Implications. (194-206). Routledge.
    Kraff, H., & Jernsand, E M. (2021). The roles of social
    enterprises in a Swedish labour market integration
    programme - opportunities and challenges for social
    innovation. Social Enterprise Journal, 17(2), 203-219.
    Kraff. H, & Jernsand, E.M. (2022). Multicultural food events
    - opportunities for intercultural exchange and risks of
    stereotypification. Tourism Recreation Research, 48(6),
    844-855. DOI: 10.1080/02508281.2022.2126922
    Kraff, H., & Jernsand, E M. (i tryck). Political and relational
    co-creation for inclusive tourism development.
    Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism.
    Lundberg, E., Björner, E. & Osanami Törngren, S. (2024). Communicating inclusiveness through major
    sporting events: Development of a framework.
    Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. DOI: 10.1080/15022250.2024.2372307.
    Schütze, C., & Osanami Törngren, S. (2022). Exploring
    ways of measuring colour-blindness in Sweden:
    operationalisation and theoretical understandings of a US
    concept in a new context. Ethnic and Racial Studies,
    45(16), 637-658.
    DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2022.2131451
    Osanami Törngren, S. & Ooi, C-S. (2022) Representing
    Sweden: packaging Swedish identity through curators of
    Sweden, Identities, 30(3), 432-451. DOI:
    Ulver, S., & Osanami Törngren, S. (2023). The empty
    body: exploring the destabilised brand of a racialised
    space. Journal of Marketing Management, 39(15-16),
    1477-1501. DOI: 10.1080/0267257X.2023.2249475