The “deconstructed” elote is called an esquite. It’s absolutely delicious. Made just how you made it. Cut the corn off the cob, add all the goodies and mix that thiccy boy up until delicious.
@@ChrisSheppVids I mean if you really want that, I can make an underproduced mess of a video. I'm sure you've said " this song sucks" without producing a chart topping hit or saw a car and called it ugly without making so much as a sketch or mockup of a better car.
TBF there is something called “Esquites” which is Mexican style corn in a cup. They cut it off the cob and toss it in all the goodies. Yours is just amped up. Just saying. 🤷🏻♀️
@@AlexiasPlaylist In Mexico we call it 'esquites', 'elote en vaso', etc. And in some places they are even more prepared than what he did. So don't say we don't know about our own food, because well, we do.
The only channel I’m subbed to where the sponsorships are highly grating. Love that he’s getting all these stacks, no hate! Just uhhh yeah, hopefully he gets better at editing these.
Meh yeah maybe a little distracting but at least he made it funny and this man deserves to make a good living for all the amazing content and art he puts out. I think he did a good job, I aint hating
Love your vids! Btw I'd like to see less interruptions in your recipe. How about do the whole promo at the beginning or the end of the video instead of small pieces of it scattered all over the place? Just my humble opinion.
Let me tell you, as a Mexican who is usually annoyed at others not making a traditional elote, I actually really enjoyed yours take on it. And just so you know, neither were traditional, but also neither were too far out there. We also sell a “deconstructed” version called an Esquite. Anyways! I enjoyed the video! :)
I tried grilled corn on the cob but I didn't have a bbq so I used my tawa skillet. I only had mayo but the recipe asked for crema, I had a lemon but they asked for lime, I had some paprika, cayenne and black pepper. I didn't have any cheese either. Overall with the ingredients I did have it came out pretty good! I imagine if I used all the correct ingredients it would've come out way better. This'll be a summertime repeat!
I just want to thank Joshua for making me a better cook and an even better baker. I have learned so much from him and am extremely grateful. THANKS KING JOSHUA!
Homeboy sounding like an absurdly fancy restaurant calling Esquites "Deconstructed" lol. We Mexicans forgive you tho, Esquites do be delicious. Also, original Esquites are basically a different form of serving the same dish, when you ask for an Elote/Esquite on the street, they generally only have cheese, lime juice, mayo and chilli powder/hot sauce
On the streets of Chicago, the elote cart serves them up with squeezie butter AND mayo, along with the cheese, lime, and pepper you mentioned. Mmmmmm 🤤
@@PoissonDemiVide nice. Now that I think about it they might have butter, but it's still primarily mayo and cheese, also by pepper you mean like Tajin/Valentina or actual Pepper (like salt and pepper)
I always appreciate your videos and the incredible research and prep that goes into the recipe, but you failed on this one for not acknowledging esquites and reduced it down to “deconstruction” and “untraditional” (it’s actually traditional). Maybe next time! Much love gringo.
I bet more than anything, the marketing for this was originally built solely around the ability to watch sports while outside cooking, but like, 😂 no sports cuz Covid. Soooooo
I've been making the "deconstructed" elote (esquites) for a while... except I tend to substitute more available ingredients (Parmesan instead of cotija cheese, for instance). I call it "honkeylote".
Both versions of elote you show are tranditional Mexican dishes. The first one is the most widely known and the second one is 'esquites' which can be boiled or fried but without the avocado nor the onion. We traditionally cook esquites with epasote and chile de arbol/serrano. You can look for videos of mexican street food and you can always see esquites and elotes preparados be sold everywhere in mexico.
Your deconstructed elote is normally called “esquites” You can add chicken legs, escamoles, bone marrow or sweetbreads 🖤 Grilled elote like that is amazing
Ah, timezones.... Beautiful stuff, while everyone gets their video somewhere in the afternoon or something... I, got this video at 2am. Mwah, good stuff
2 things; 1) yes it’s not 100% traditional (trust me I’d know I’m Mexican) BUT it looks delicious and you didn’t stray too far from the traditional and I’m just glad you didn’t cover it in crushed corn chips like Sam the Cooking Guy did! So for that I thank you!! ❤️ 2) the “deconstructed” version of the elote is called an Esquite and it is just like a regular elite but... deconstructed lol
In Dallas the street vendors really only sell the "deconstructed" version Elotes with butter, mayo, crema, lemon pepper, lime juice and hot sauce all in a styrofoam cup
Honestly I just cant stand the editing style. Ever since he started saying "kwispy" and started the but better, it just got annoying. Honestly I'm about to turn notifications off and unsubscribe.
Ive been to the streets where they make this. It is commonly made deconstructed in a cup. You can smell the smoky flavor from 3 blocks down. Beautiful.
"Deconstructed elote, it's not traditional at all people would be mad" I think my whole life's a lie. Always thought that my elite en vaso/esquite/chasca which I find at every park in Mexico was "traditional".
I was the winner of this TV! I gave the grill to my dad, but kept the remotula. It broke in the first month. 😬 The Terrace TV is hanging on my porch next to the pool these days. It performs *amazingly* in the Texas sun & heat. I've been impressed.
I love that media advertising is making its way back to its roots with the show's host doing the talking points. No sarcasm here, i really do like it 👍
Is it not possible to become popular without becoming an AD-gargling robot? I wish Josh all the fortune in the world, but this sucks ass. Is this REALLY the only way to get money from big companies.
@@IsleOfView I love this guy and I don't want to be "a hater", but this sucks. I hate how every single youtube-personality follows the same trajectory of becoming some spokesperson of some god damn brand. I just want to watch a guy do something he's great at without some big company slithering between every 30 seconds of a 7 minute clip..
This is literally my FAVORITE food omg you know corn+mayo+cheese=the BEST this food is called as "drug corn" in Korea cus it's soooo addictve(delicious) like drugs🤣--just for fun, just to make sound funny
Wow I did not know mexican style elotes were so widely known, even in korea. I'm very surprised 😳 but what kind of cheese do you use? And what about the chili?
And "drug" corn means we just say it for fun in Korea to delicious food, because the food is delicious and also addictive, not that the taste is like drugs or something haha
Bro, legit, love how you are introducing Latino dishes to the public, because they stay true to the soul of the dish, a really big hug for you from Mexico, hope to see more videos of you in the future, keep up the hard work
Real question is *Why though?* The elote is already perfect being simplistic either Cob or Corn in bowl.. This reminds me of when Gordon Ramsey tried having competition against people’s cultural food or whatever and got backlash Because their food was unique to its own culture terms and didn’t need modifications to it
I love ur videos man, the structure, the cuts, music, the B ROLL, the edits r always hilarious, and yet INFORMATIVE and QUICK . GIT INTO ITTTTTT. keep doin ur thing
Hi Josh ! I'm a huge fan of your work and a proud mexican of the mexican cuisine and let me tell you you just have done right ! I love to eat ELOTE the way we usally do here un Mexico but I also agree with "Re-discoveries" and progression in mexican cuisine so... Thanks Josh !! :) it could be a small re-construction for you but a big delicious progression of idea in my country. You'll be always welcome to Mexico, You inspire me Best regards
Nah, Josh gotta eat too, plus he’s created a huge library of free non sponsored videos, if anything it’s exciting for him and his brand to have opportunity to grow
@@hastingsaubrey There's no problem with sponsorship, but this is too much. He can talk about the product 5min at the beginning or at the end or even both if he wants, but constantly interrupting the course of the video to plug in the product is really infurriating. Especially when you know its not a product he actually cares about
Thanks for teaching people how to make one of my favorite snacks. You did a great job and I like that you grilled the corn with the little bit of husk on the end.
Once you make 50k per month you're gonna want 75k per month. You see the watches him and babish wear right..? They cost more than any of your trolls make in a year making foamy iced coffees while wearing those green aprons.
The “deconstructed” elote is called an esquite. It’s absolutely delicious. Made just how you made it. Cut the corn off the cob, add all the goodies and mix that thiccy boy up until delicious.
I’m surprised he didn’t know what esquite was honestly Josh seems so cultured in everything food
you guys mean elote en vaso right?
@@kodak969 its called trolelote 🙄
Esquite is the "no cheese quesadilla" version of the elote. Elote en vaso is the real thing.
Jorge Soto if u ain’t putting queso in ur esquite my guy I feel sorry for ur whole youth and adult life
omg waittt you could totally make “But Healthy” episodes
Damn that’s a pretty good idea honestly
@@w_h_a_t whyy
Bruh you don’t mess with perfection 😡
Looks great, but the "deconstructed" elote is actually a thing that is called esquites.
Research has to be done when you're trying to pay respect to cultural foods!
Ik! I make the esquites more often. In America I call it elote salad 💗
Ajá, el elote en vaso compa?
@@EliseoDimas simona
the gentrification sis
"look at the sun"
Not anymore there is a blanket
Angel Maurice Delgado Contreras you're starting to get old
Vid Prasad a blanket with holes lol
**the blanket’s being destroyed**
nice picture
Who else thought Of that scene from nacho libre, get that corn out of my face when seeing this
Hell yeah
tbh, lil disappointed he didnt watch nacho while doing elote
That scene never fails to make me giggle
Yeah, honestly I love just throwing them with the husks on and they basically steam themselves. No salt, butter, nothing. Just sweet fresh corn.
Can't wait to see the video on your channel! ;-)
@@ChrisSheppVids I mean if you really want that, I can make an underproduced mess of a video. I'm sure you've said " this song sucks" without producing a chart topping hit or saw a car and called it ugly without making so much as a sketch or mockup of a better car.
“Descontructed” elote is actually called esquites
bakan weon! either way something I definitely will try making!
White people get away with everything.
@@thePowerPlant Are you going to be ok after he didn't call the corn dish by its name? Should we call someone?
You mean elote en vaso, don't you?
It can be called just elote en vaso
Hot take: Always grill your corn with the husk on, keep that JUICCY moisture, then give a little char afterwards.
Thanks Alex 😚
this guy knows.
Yep that’s what I do
To make it cook faster, I wrap the corn with the husk in aluminum sheets 😏😉.... That way I don't wait longer to eat my elote 😋😋
Did this with fresh farmer’s market corn once...ended up grilling maggots that were inside the husk 🥴
Josh! please release a cookbook titled “ A Weissman once said” 🥺👏🏻 love u
I could definitely see a chef calling esquites "deconstructed elote" and charging $35 for half of what you'd get at a cart.
Good on you for getting sponsored by Samsung this channel is growing so fast. keep up the quality content and I'll keep coming back to watch
TBF there is something called “Esquites” which is Mexican style corn in a cup. They cut it off the cob and toss it in all the goodies. Yours is just amped up. Just saying. 🤷🏻♀️
Esquites, is still called Elote in most places. Everyone in Mexico still calls it Elote even in a cup. I guess Mexicans don't know their own food 🤷
White folk can't make Hispanic dishes
@@AlexiasPlaylist nice one kappa emote! thanks for the help kappa emote!
@@AlexiasPlaylist In Mexico we call it 'esquites', 'elote en vaso', etc. And in some places they are even more prepared than what he did. So don't say we don't know about our own food, because well, we do.
It pretty much depends on where in Mexico you live.
“Deconstructed”, “Not traditional”...... honey that’s an esquite!!!🤣
It’s called elote en vaso
It's called esquite in Mexico City. ;-)
Esquites is more prevalent, “elote en vaso” I’ve only ever heard in The Northerns states like Chihuahua and Monterrey
Actually its very traditional, in México we call them "esquites", good video btw :D
Simona pero el esquites es hervido brother
@@nelperro7211 los esquites pueden ser hervidos, fritos o asados.
@@nelperro7211 bueno aquí en CDMX los venden asados también bro
Bruh they not Cuban wtf 😂
Nel Perro depends where you’re from I’m from San Luis Potosí and we call grilled or asado corn esquites and boiled corn trolelote
Will Samsung let you be a bit more subtle? I feel like this is too much and distracting.
The only channel I’m subbed to where the sponsorships are highly grating. Love that he’s getting all these stacks, no hate! Just uhhh yeah, hopefully he gets better at editing these.
Completely agree
Meh yeah maybe a little distracting but at least he made it funny and this man deserves to make a good living for all the amazing content and art he puts out. I think he did a good job, I aint hating
Agree, a bit much. just do some plug at the beginning or end that I can skip over lol
Love your vids! Btw I'd like to see less interruptions in your recipe. How about do the whole promo at the beginning or the end of the video instead of small pieces of it scattered all over the place? Just my humble opinion.
That’s exactly what I said ... focus on the food first and then do your sponsorship thing
I know some sponsors require you mentioning it within the first few minutes but yeah... make its own segment please
That was just an extra part he made to reference the tv, it was supposed to be kind of humorous too. Are you S T U P I D?
Personally I like his random referrals to the the product for a few brief seconds but I can see what you mean.
Let me tell you, as a Mexican who is usually annoyed at others not making a traditional elote, I actually really enjoyed yours take on it.
And just so you know, neither were traditional, but also neither were too far out there. We also sell a “deconstructed” version called an Esquite.
Anyways! I enjoyed the video! :)
I tried grilled corn on the cob but I didn't have a bbq so I used my tawa skillet. I only had mayo but the recipe asked for crema, I had a lemon but they asked for lime, I had some paprika, cayenne and black pepper. I didn't have any cheese either. Overall with the ingredients I did have it came out pretty good! I imagine if I used all the correct ingredients it would've come out way better. This'll be a summertime repeat!
When he said manchego the second time he did it with an Italian accent. Josh, breaking barriers
lol you realize that’s Spanish cheese right?
@@lordmaximillius3431 exact same thought
Absolutely love the new background music
Elote in a bowl is esquite. Perfectly traditional ma’G
Elote en vaso
I just want to thank Joshua for making me a better cook and an even better baker. I have learned so much from him and am extremely grateful. THANKS KING JOSHUA!
Homeboy sounding like an absurdly fancy restaurant calling Esquites "Deconstructed" lol. We Mexicans forgive you tho, Esquites do be delicious.
Also, original Esquites are basically a different form of serving the same dish, when you ask for an Elote/Esquite on the street, they generally only have cheese, lime juice, mayo and chilli powder/hot sauce
Forget mayo, use butter, it's better. Elote en vaso 😋
@@fenrirgg neta? we la mantequilla me encanta pero la mayonesa es superior cuando de elotes se habla
On the streets of Chicago, the elote cart serves them up with squeezie butter AND mayo, along with the cheese, lime, and pepper you mentioned. Mmmmmm 🤤
@@PoissonDemiVide that sounds so good
@@PoissonDemiVide nice. Now that I think about it they might have butter, but it's still primarily mayo and cheese, also by pepper you mean like Tajin/Valentina or actual Pepper (like salt and pepper)
me: watching this as i chew on boiled corn
I always appreciate your videos and the incredible research and prep that goes into the recipe, but you failed on this one for not acknowledging esquites and reduced it down to “deconstruction” and “untraditional” (it’s actually traditional). Maybe next time! Much love gringo.
"this tv has revolutionized cooking outside" really trying hard to get the promotion in LUL
I bet more than anything, the marketing for this was originally built solely around the ability to watch sports while outside cooking, but like, 😂 no sports cuz Covid. Soooooo
Yes Josh get those sponsorship coins! 💰 So happy for you and how much your channel has grown.
I recently discovered that corn slathered in bbq sauce and then grilled is frigging fantastic. I will also be trying this.
Morning y’all, I need some coffee it’s too early.
I just can’t think of anything other than hands on the corn and start eating!!!
josh’s sponsors be upgrading - first bounty, then samsung
Next thing you know he'll have a Master Class
Ya you haven’t noticed he’s moved like 3 times in the last year and has a new Mercedes?
c4n4d4 he lives like 3 miles away from me
i was just watching videos of how to make this last night and here you are. we love you joshua
I've been making the "deconstructed" elote (esquites) for a while... except I tend to substitute more available ingredients (Parmesan instead of cotija cheese, for instance).
I call it "honkeylote".
Some of the street vendors use parmesan too. I'm Mexican and I use it as well. 👍👍
the editing pulled the video together
Hahahaha here for all the “that’s just esquites dude”
I WAS LITERALLY THINKING ABOUT ELOTE ALL WEEK. You read my mind Josh! Thank you ❤️
Joshua's intro and outro music is always fire, did he make it himself too?
Gotta love that extra breathy voice brought on by pharmaceuticals!
I wouldn’t be surprised
His taste is always incredible .
Mr. E w h a t
Both versions of elote you show are tranditional Mexican dishes. The first one is the most widely known and the second one is 'esquites' which can be boiled or fried but without the avocado nor the onion. We traditionally cook esquites with epasote and chile de arbol/serrano. You can look for videos of mexican street food and you can always see esquites and elotes preparados be sold everywhere in mexico.
1:15 you can hear that southern accent slip out😂
Now look at the TV. Now back to me. Now look at your TV. Now back to me. Look at the TV again. Now back to me.
Your deconstructed elote is normally called “esquites”
You can add chicken legs, escamoles, bone marrow or sweetbreads 🖤
Grilled elote like that is amazing
The music was fire and so was the elote 🔥🔥
I missed the “Cuban take” on this elote 🧐
Eddna Montelongo garlic no mojo.... super Cuban lol
Nothing Cuban about this 😂 the word elote is actually Mexican, cubans call it Maíz
Yailyn Soto it is maíz, it also doesn’t get any of the ingredients. You’d be lucky if u get it with butter in Cuba lol.
Boris Gutierrez ikr? I think corn would best be used in a good Cuban tamale. Or just corn with salt will do, haha
Yailyn Soto un Tamal de jamón jaja 🤣
Corn elevated from side dish to main dish. I’ve taken it to the next course. Dessert. Elote Ice Cream. Rediscovery to the next level.
Ah, timezones.... Beautiful stuff, while everyone gets their video somewhere in the afternoon or something... I, got this video at 2am. Mwah, good stuff
2am is the BEST time for corn content imo
2 things;
1) yes it’s not 100% traditional (trust me I’d know I’m Mexican) BUT it looks delicious and you didn’t stray too far from the traditional and I’m just glad you didn’t cover it in crushed corn chips like Sam the Cooking Guy did! So for that I thank you!! ❤️
2) the “deconstructed” version of the elote is called an Esquite and it is just like a regular elite but... deconstructed lol
Ok. I guess I'll just be in the pantry until the next upload. 😛 🌽
When he says b-role it makes me say it out loud because its so satisfying.
I’ve never been THIS early before.
Me neither
Erectile dysfunction GANG
Northern Hoxhaist LOL. does this mean we’re cool now?
@@thehoxhaistbodhisattva7967 no gang just you
In Dallas the street vendors really only sell the "deconstructed" version
Elotes with butter, mayo, crema, lemon pepper, lime juice and hot sauce all in a styrofoam cup
Josh: we will me mak-- samsung is CWISPY
The way that final shot of the b-roll bounced perfectly with the music. Perfection.
When people say that they're early, it annoys me. If they were early, they'd be here before the video was uploaded.
Dug I just can’t understand why it matters to be early.
Honestly I just cant stand the editing style. Ever since he started saying "kwispy" and started the but better, it just got annoying. Honestly I'm about to turn notifications off and unsubscribe.
@@prussianeagle1941 You trippin man Joshua is so entertaining
Arnav Arora ikr
@@prussianeagle1941 ok do it you won't
I fall back in love with food every time I watch your channel
Who missed josh's classic" whisky business "in this video.
Each video's music is more and more vibe-able
When he says, “ do you know what else . . .” I always think of muscle man from regular show lmao
Ive been to the streets where they make this. It is commonly made deconstructed in a cup. You can smell the smoky flavor from 3 blocks down. Beautiful.
I’m a simple womf. I see Elote and Josh, I click
The man selling Elote is the only man I will ever run after 💫
"Deconstructed elote, it's not traditional at all people would be mad" I think my whole life's a lie. Always thought that my elite en vaso/esquite/chasca which I find at every park in Mexico was "traditional".
Wow the ad budget was top notch, mega special effects
you know you’ve been on youtube for too long when you’re already a minute in his vid before youtube sent the notification😌 HAHAHAHHAA
I'm so glad that content creators like you get sponsoring opportunities. Keep it up man, excellent work!
As soon as I saw Elote I thought of TheCrazyGorilla 😂
Glad I'm not the only one! I love TheCrazyGorilla!
Hey umm I'm from the Philippines how do you pronounce it is it Elote or Elotè
alenimations Elotè
I was the winner of this TV! I gave the grill to my dad, but kept the remotula. It broke in the first month. 😬
The Terrace TV is hanging on my porch next to the pool these days. It performs *amazingly* in the Texas sun & heat. I've been impressed.
I feel personally attacked by the energy in your taste test. 😂 You seemed really agitated by the bird.
I love that media advertising is making its way back to its roots with the show's host doing the talking points. No sarcasm here, i really do like it 👍
Sadly the Samsung ads are too intrusive for my taste. I really like your regular videos, but these are just hard to watch tbh :(
Is it not possible to become popular without becoming an AD-gargling robot? I wish Josh all the fortune in the world, but this sucks ass. Is this REALLY the only way to get money from big companies.
@@spiderprint maybe it is not, I don't know. Maybe Josh can answer sometime, would be great
Get over it. It's not that bad.
@@IsleOfView I love this guy and I don't want to be "a hater", but this sucks. I hate how every single youtube-personality follows the same trajectory of becoming some spokesperson of some god damn brand. I just want to watch a guy do something he's great at without some big company slithering between every 30 seconds of a 7 minute clip..
yep big no no - intro is ok but i dont want to have interuptions all the time. feels like one huge ad tbh.
im so happy u did this
I really don't like corn.
I like this video though, makes me hungry for some not corn.
@Angel Maurice Delgado Contreras what?
My guy angel just likes his not corn
Omg this is what my soul needed. I miss elote so much!
This is literally my FAVORITE food omg
you know corn+mayo+cheese=the BEST
this food is called as "drug corn" in Korea cus it's soooo addictve(delicious) like drugs🤣--just for fun, just to make sound funny
Wow I did not know mexican style elotes were so widely known, even in korea. I'm very surprised 😳 but what kind of cheese do you use? And what about the chili?
@Mark Mendoza Hernandez Because they taste nice
Hey there I have cooking content, humor, and cinematic food. Got burger, pizza, and taco recipes. Check me out
Aratta Minami we use parmesan cheese instead and for the chili, we just sprinkle red pepper powder!
And "drug" corn means we just say it for fun in Korea to delicious food, because the food is delicious and also addictive, not that the taste is like drugs or something haha
As a mexican, I really enjoyed watching this fancy version of the "esquites".
We’re my Hispanics at we all know this smacks from the elotero
We love those here in Mexico! Great recipe 👍🏼
When you put it in a bowl and cut it off the cob it’s now “esquites” not “elotes”
Finally us corn get the respect we deserve. The corn community respect you.
I want you to fill me with corn, Joshua.
Bro, legit, love how you are introducing Latino dishes to the public, because they stay true to the soul of the dish, a really big hug for you from Mexico, hope to see more videos of you in the future, keep up the hard work
I always get nervous when i see someone put any type of sauce on a perfectly good corn cob
So, we approve!!! People can’t get mad at that!!! Looks absolutely delish!!!!
gringo discovers elote, thinks he's inventing esquites
Corn right out of the field is delicious, so sweet. Its like candy
Real question is
*Why though?*
The elote is already perfect being simplistic
either Cob or Corn in bowl..
This reminds me of when Gordon Ramsey tried having competition against people’s cultural food or whatever and got backlash
Because their food was unique to its own culture terms and didn’t need modifications to it
This is exactly the thing I want to make. I made charred corn and carrots recently.
I also need to add this to my HALALIFICATION SERIES!!
I love ur videos man, the structure, the cuts, music, the B ROLL, the edits r always hilarious, and yet INFORMATIVE and QUICK . GIT INTO ITTTTTT. keep doin ur thing
Just add lemon juice, black pepper and salt to the corn while grilling it
I live for these moments at the end
Cuban? I didn’t know this was Cuban, they sell these as street food in Mexico and we make theses at home during barbecues
its not cuban at all, idk how he mixed it up lol
I’m Cuban and elotes are most definitely not Cuban 😂
Comment section: 41
Me: early hell yeah
Internet: I’m going to make u wait 10 mins before it loads
Comment section: 2.1k
Hi Josh ! I'm a huge fan of your work and a proud mexican of the mexican cuisine and let me tell you you just have done right ! I love to eat ELOTE the way we usally do here un Mexico but I also agree with "Re-discoveries" and progression in mexican cuisine so... Thanks Josh !! :) it could be a small re-construction for you but a big delicious progression of idea in my country.
You'll be always welcome to Mexico,
You inspire me
Best regards
Not gonna lie the sponsored messages all over the video are kinda annoying.
Nah, Josh gotta eat too, plus he’s created a huge library of free non sponsored videos, if anything it’s exciting for him and his brand to have opportunity to grow
@@hastingsaubrey There's no problem with sponsorship, but this is too much. He can talk about the product 5min at the beginning or at the end or even both if he wants, but constantly interrupting the course of the video to plug in the product is really infurriating. Especially when you know its not a product he actually cares about
TehHugeO I can definitely agree with that, I prefer the ad to be one chunk of the video rather than scattered in between for sure
I thought they were funny
Thanks for teaching people how to make one of my favorite snacks. You did a great job and I like that you grilled the corn with the little bit of husk on the end.
Dude, I get you want the sponsor but a mini-add every 30 secs makes this REALLY hard to watch
Once you make 50k per month you're gonna want 75k per month. You see the watches him and babish wear right..? They cost more than any of your trolls make in a year making foamy iced coffees while wearing those green aprons.
Shut up or don't watch..
@@01wregan Fock u
I mean, this is because of the mini-series that were specifically financed by the tv company, the regular and but better are not like that
Agreed, we already endure enough adverts.
Finally!! Someone understands that corn has its own stick 👊
Advertising getting too over the top.
I love these outside videos! You should do more!
Thank you for inspiring me to create better content on my channel! 😍