Should I tell you how I lost today? 1st.: Play Auchenai Soulpriest 2nd.:Play Mistress of Pain (stolen from a Warlock) 3rd.: Attack with the Mistress and watch your 30 Health disappear point by point. Just to explain: The mistress normally restores one health when she does damage. But thanks to the soulpriest you get damage instead and that damage triggers the Mistress again and again.
PKanji5 If you attacked once with mistress when you have aucheni, you will die, 1 damage she deals to face counts as damage dealt by Mistress, threfore damage is dealt and she needs to heal hero, but she damages him by 1 ... Repeat until death.
Some of the effect of Fel Reaver is only psychological - if you don't play a combo deck, and your opponent isn't able to fully mill you by freezing/taunting/shrinking your dude, losing some cards from the top of your deck doesn't change the state of the game AT ALL. Sometimes you lose good cards, sometimes you lose bad cards, but hey, they could be still in your deck and you would simple win/lose the match before you had drawn them. Sometimes it mills THE card you would need to win the game, sometimes it mills the useless shit that you would draw BEFORE that card, and helps you to get it... It's just in your head! You see good cards going away, but never notice when it mills useless cards, just like you remember bad events better than good events in RL.
Darwin Roberson yeah me. i mean, i feel like its the main part of the video since hes actually explaining why he thinks whatever the title claims is true
The Fel Reaver fanboys are ridicoulos. They'll say anything to defend the most terrible card just because Trump somehow considers it good. It's a complete joke of a card if you ask me. It's only good if your opponent's hand is empty or if you have an owl to immediatly silence it, but then it's just a slightly better War Golem. And dont bring in the argument that the cards you are discarding are irrelevant. Tell that to the Mage in the video...first 3 cards were Fireball, Pyroblast and Flamestrike. Irrelevant my ass. Fel Reaver is in the group of cards that will do absolutely nothing to flip the game in your favor if you are losing, but have the potential to lose a balanced game, just because the opponent will deal with it easily, but not before having fun watching your cards burn.
This man speaks the truth. I haven't seen this card in constructed since the first week of the GvG release. If all of the people defending him actually played him, one would think he would be seen more often. Even his defenders know he is garbage; they just wont admit it in forums. I will say that he is "slightly" less-garbage in arena, but that isn't saying much. I believe some people put on the blinders and only remember the one game that he won for them, and forget the 20 that he lost for them....
Discarding until fatigue is irrelevant because the fireball and flamestike could have been anywhere in his deck, he was as likely to discard any of his other cards. Felreaver can be good but you have to play it in the right situation.
David Wyatt Just because card is good doesn't mean that will see any play. There is a lot of good cards that can't be played just because dr. Boom happened and everybody are running BGH. It's less likely to see BGH in the arena, therefore FR is played there.
The opponent won't always be able to deal with it. And the cards you burn are irrelevant. That pyro , flame and fireball could have been at the bottom of the deck and the firest discard could have been 3 2 drops. The fact of the matter is, it can both destroy your good cards or help you draw them faster. And if you watch the video even Kripp defends Fel saying it's a good card when played right. Which it is. Also, "slightly better war golem". 7 mana 7/7 5 mana 8/8 define "slightly" please.
So basically (in arena anyway) from what I gather from his defenders, he is incredibly strong if he wins you the game, and essentially the worst card in the game if he doesn't/opponent has an answer for him. Seems a bit too random for my liking. Many cards can be top-tier if the opponent for some reason has no answer for it, but are garbage otherwise. Also, one can't make the blanket statement that the discards are irrelevant. They are only irrelevant if you do not need them to win. Even if BGH weren't a thing in constructed, what competitive deck other than straight aggro could run this card? He would need a deck built around him that required basically no synergy because of his card burns. The lack of synergy is often the case in arena, which is why he is more viable there. Now, I have said in other posts that he can be useful if your opponent gets tunnel-vision and just focuses on burning your deck. In the instance where the opponent just burns your cards and doesn't play in the best interest of controlling the board/pressing their advantage, then he can be good. In this case though, it is more matter of the opponent being bad than the card being very good. If the opponent has no answer for FR, then they likely had no answer for any other big minion that you could have played in his place, making his upside more ephemeral than it seems.
I feel like the opponents play of feel reaver wasn't that bad a move, yes it worked out horribly but a) it was horribly unlucky that the three best cards in his deck were the first three discarded b) it was also unlucky kripp was able to freeze the card two turns in succession, also the opponent was actually ahead when he played the card and clearly needed to apply a bit more pressure ( kripp even said the 2 damage was not enough) ....again obviously the card can go badly wrong but I think one has to be a bit more rational than letting the 1% of horrible outcomes bias your thinking towards the card every time.
It was a bad play because Krip had not yet coined. Any good player would have noticed that, and if you play fel reaver that early when they still have coin you will be burning 9 cards minimum every time
i love when my opponents play fel reaver in constructed. its so fun to burn two cards from my hand then bgh. 9 cards gone from your deck and you got NO board control and NO attack from it... value
You're the first person to ever show me any kind of benefit to Venture Co. Upon first glance, all of those cards are terrible for arena so I've never chosen any of them! But I like your suggestion of using Deathlord in late game. Aren't there better options than that though?
Fel Reaver is conceptually good in constructed, but just doesn't have a spot in aggro decks. Fel Reaver is Gold shire footman tier in arena. I honestly think Trumps defends Fel Reaver out of spite. He knows its wrong to pick
***** Depends on what you are running. In arena, the discards don't matter too much normally and the removal is often not there to deal with him. Constructed is another matter. There is a good reason why this guy is never seen in a competitive deck, and it isn't just because of BGH (though this is a major concern). Constructed decks are too reliant on synergy to take a chance with this guy. He really would only have a spot in aggro, as mid-range and control cannot afford to lose the vast amount of cards that he normally burns, when almost every card is vital in some way to the overall game-plan to them. He may as well have a Battlecry that reads "Upon playing, destroy 6-9 cards". If he did, would he ever be played? I would have to say that every other giant is better than this guy, and by turn 5 many of them can be activated without too much trouble (more so in constructed, and once they are out there are no drawbacks for having them on the board). He and Venture Co. are pretty similar if you think about it; both are big guys with big drawbacks that can be played a bit earlier than others. The big difference is that no one defends Venture Co. for constructed like they do FR.
***** I probably should have figured that :). The sad part is that I really wanted the card to work, but I could never get him to consistently. I love his attack noise, brings back fond memories of Hellfire ambushes.
Kripp really is a great teacher. Ya he does obvious stuff like "how good is [Blank]?" , which everyone would do, not that its a bad thing. but he also does vids like these which not every HS player thinks about on a regular basis. informative video is informative. retro meme is retro.
Okay I'm going to explain with math why Deathlord is bad. Deathlord will, at it's best will only give the opponent a 2/2 minion. Deathlord has 2/8 stats. when you subtract the 2/2 from the 2/8 you are left with 6 worth of stats and taunt, you know what else is 3 mana and has six worth of stats and taunt? Mother Grizzly. So at it's best Deathlord is Mother Grizzly. However at it's worst Deathlord gives your opponent something huge like a 6/6. when you subtract 6/6 from 2/8 you are left with -2 stats and taunt, meaning even if you consider taunt to be worth two in terms of stats, you only get 0 worth of stats, meaning deathlord would be worse than target dummy. So let's go over this once more, at it's best it will be mother grizzly and at it's worse it will be literally the worst card in the game. In conclusion, overall deathlord is a slightly worse mother grizzly, remind how this card is good.
Math doesn't work like that in the card games, good example - Lost Tallstrider vs C. Yeti, it's 5/4 vs 4/5, same 'worth of stats' yet everybody are playing Yeti, Tallstrider is card of last resort. ammount of health is more important in card than ammount of damage it can deal, stats are not worth the same. Having 2/8 with taunt on board means there is no spell that can remove it, where 3/3 can be removed for as little as 2 mana, either by spell, or 3/2 minion. Deathlord will eat spell PLUS 3/2 creature at MINIMUM. At best it's gonna be 3*3/2 creatures, so in one card you can have 'heal for 9+damage 3 creatures for 2", which is value.
True it does have potential with certain buff cards, however so does cards like Stoneskin gargoyle, doesn't make stoneskin good. Also deathlord, at least in my experience doesn't "mostly" trade for three minions. In my experience it will go two for one, which does sound good however with deathlord it gives your opponent a minion, so going two for one with deathlord is like going one for one with any other minion, as it gives your opponent a minion. Like I said, the most you can really expect from it is Mother Grizzly, maybe a better mechanical spider if you're lucky (or a priest) but even then it can also just straight up lose you the game due to the incredible tempo swing it can give your opponent.
Stratagemmedley You're missing one thing - it's a tech card. It's not supposed to be buffed. It's not part of the combo. It's not supposed to be played on curve. It's not supposed to be played on empty board. It's a tech card, it's a reactive card. If you are facing zoo, multiple low health creatures filling the board - you will get value out of this card, even if it's gonna die, it's deathrattle will summon another cheap, low health creature. Zoo decks in general have very little removal, so taunt+high health is best you can do to stop the bleeding and buy yourself some time. In anything else than Zoo, you play DL only when you going to win on the next turn anyway, but you want to stop shenanigans like FoN/Savage Roar combo, you can get it for as little as 3 mana; or when you have removal in your hand and you can reat to anything that's gonna land on the board. You must understand how this card works to know when to play it. And I NEVER said anything about this card getting MOSTLY 3 minions, I said AT MAX. AT MAX. AT MAX !=MOSTLY.
Antonio Craveiro But we are still at the simple fact that the value of health and attack are different, and cannot be compared as 1:1, which still is proving his math all wrong.
I was playing Ranked the other day with this miracle rogue variant deck, and suddenly (Turn 7) Something I assumed to be a Zoo Warlock drops... Fel Reaver, at this point, he had roughly 19 cards remaining and 22 health. (Dropped an Antique a turn earlier.) I had a Stealthed creature on the board and this is what happened: I coin, attack his face, shadowstep, play my Gilblin again for free, shadowstep it AGAIN (At this point, he's lost 12 cards.) I drop an Arcane Golem, double Cold Blood it, eviscerated his Flame Imp, and finally, popped a Conceal and an Abusive Sergeant. I was at 5 health when he ended his turn. He was dead when I ended mine.
Yeh, you don't really want to play Fel Reaver before the opponent has used the coin. Mage should have just played the Water Elemental. You expect a lot of freezes from Mage, but not coin Frost into another Frost, so that guy got a little unlucky.
Fel Reaver is actually a really great card, there has been many times when i play it then my opponent tries to mill my deck out by playing crappy minions but nothing to directly answer the Fel Reaver,I then just clear the board with a spell or a taunt and hit face and win within like 2-3 turns. almost every time someone tries to mill me out with Fel Reaver i will win. The only negative with Fel Reaver is if they have an answer on board or in had and they get rid of some of your deck
tl:dr > dont play a big minion with a drawback on curve, but play them in the late game. These three cards are essentially the same concept. Video didn't need ot be this long for that ;)
Only "nice" experience I had with Fel Reaver was with an opening of Pint Sized Summoner, Fireball, Frostbolt. Next draws were crap, so I said screw it and coined for Reaver. Deck eventually was completely milled, but the opponent did virtually nothing to my board while I put in enough damage for lethal by some miracle.
I think Venture Co. Mercenary is great card when you need some time and waiting for some more cards. Your enemy will waste one or two turns to remove him when you have time to draw some minions/cards you need.
I had a Micro Machine out and my opponent played Deathlord. I dropped a Piloted Shredder and passed. He attacked my Micro Machine (now 4/2) and played some minor minion. I attacked it next turn and with the Piloted Shredder and got a Frost Elemental. Then played a Frostwolf Warlord. He conceded.
I like fel reaver, but once it fucked me over badly. I got it as a topdeck, when enemy mage had small board and I had still 12 cards in deck. Then mage, who had an empty hand, topdecked arcane intellect into arcane intellect into manawyrm and frost bolt. Fml
Fel Reaver can get destroyed by mage. If mage duplicates a bunch of cards like mirror image into their hand or force you,re opponent to draw a lot of cards via battlecry or spells, you can drain their deck in 1 or 2 turns. Then you summon taunts and wait for fatigue to finish them.
Your singular reasoning behind not playing Venture Co would be like saying don't play any Giants because they can be Aldor or don't play any high cost card because Equality will kill it.If you want to play around everything,why even bother playing,some players just want to take risks and have fun,VERY few get paid to play or win at HS. If i lose because i played Venture co and it gets Aldor,i don't like say OMG i just lost 5000 dollars,it wouldn't bother me one bit.
+Garrett Nanna Nah not really, a 8/8 body in turn 7 isn't nearly as good as a 8/8 body in turn 5. Not even mentioning that you can just play Dr. Balanced turn 7 which is faaar superior to Fel Reaver + Owl.
I think the only class that can use death lord effectively is priest. With all the silences plus divine spirit divine spirit inner fire killing the hero turn five even four with the coin. I used it for a while and it worked.
I got owned by a deathlord while playing druid against priest. I didnt want to drop a swipe early as he would just get healed, and by the time he'd buffed it with velen's chosen, i basically lost the summon minion advantage losing all value in not silencing and killing earlier. Couldve done it if i played naturalize but i dont mill
fel reaver has beaten me twice, alone in arena. I just couldnt get an answer. I literally milled a mage's ENTIRE deck, down to the last 2 cards by like turn 8, but by then i was dead because i couldnt remove it...
krip can you do a new tutorial and guide for noobs? especially arena? I use the websites that show the "best" cards for arena but never seem to be able to win
+domeskeetz just pick first 10 cards for value, then think about synergy, 2-3 drop are really strong in Priest ,Warrior, Shaman, always take a good aoe(not arcane explosion), cards that gives buff are really strong, doesn't matter if it's minion buff or spell buff, at last, never take cursed blade
Don't listen that guy. NEVER EVER think about synergy in arena. Just take cards in this priority 1) Good removal spells, specially AOE ones. 2) Minions that have good stats for their mana cost 3) Mana curve. It should have its peak around 2-3 and gradually decrease until late game minions. However, don't be overly OCD about this, the other points are more important.
Deathlord loses all of its strength when it's not dropped on turn 3. It's a 5 cost minion for 3 and your discount comes at the cost of a huge downside. Vs Priest is the only situation where death Lord dropped on turn 3 is not the single best. Kripps example of using a piece of ahit like that late game does not make use of the discount but gives his enemy the downside. Im surprised such an experienced player could be so horribly mistaken on a card
***** Have you seen twitch chat? It's full of people who don't understand that discarding cards from your deck is literally irrelevant until you run out of cards. I'd be a crank about it too if I had to put up with that. I don't think that trump would actually disagree about it being a "meh" card either, except for in a deck built around it, in which it is very good.
Dogtastic Doge Well wisp is really good in miracle rogue so sure, why not? Silverback is bad for the same because it counters 1 hp creatures which no-one plays because mage hero-power is obscene against them. It should be reworked to not hit behind taunts or something IMO. But at any rate it's not the kind of generate good value being good. It's the win you a losing game kind of being good. Kinda like Deathwing.
"[...] you run your 2/2 into deathlord, you get a free creature and half the time you win the game." A random player statistically wins the game half the time.
300% disagree with deathlord being a bad card. kripp basically described the value of EVERY SINGLE TAUNT in hearthstone. bad to play on turn 3 against priest. pretty freaking ridiculous against every class ever on the last turn before you win. also, fell reaver is pretty close to being the worst hearthstone card ever created.
Okey dokey if I go first with fel reaver I start with 4 cards. 26 cards left in deck. Let's say best case scenario I have 22 cards in deck on turn 5. I play fel reaver. Then you freeze it with glacial elemental, backstab, counterfeit coin twice, coin, sinister strike twice, preparation, assassinate, and Edwin. On turn 5 I summoned an 8/8, and on turn 5 you summoned a 2/1, summoned a 20/20, dealt 6 damage to face, killed my 8/8 and milled me for my entire deck. But fel reaver op, am I right my fellow legend ranks?
Nut Fell reaver is good to play because your enemy wastes low card just to destroy your cards and more then once it won my game. Turn 8 plays a minion returns it plays it again and thats a crucial turn wasted
i disagree about deathlord and the late game use,since if u put him after 5-6 round he will most propably die the next turn which means the opponent instantly takes a free minion....he is a bit risky at round 3-4 but this play of kripp is misjudgment
i would of played snowchugger + mana worm + arcane explosion + sunfury protector instead of the polymorph , he would of taken 10 dmg to the face and forced to attack the taunt , or worst case he can clear the board and u get hit by 8 in the face but anyway next turn you had a polymorph hey another 5 dmg to the face due to fatigue anyway xD
I said Deathlord was a good card before it was released.All the noobs in chat were spewing nonsense insults,then al lof a sudden the pros started to play it and all those same chat plebs changed their mind...of course. What cards matter on the player play style,not on the card itself.Judging deathlord based on 1 card shadow PAin nor even the one other card that can kill it.Kodo.The ODDS of facing either those two in the exact time you play Deathord is likely less than 5%...NOT the 50/50 you are claiming on it's value. The correct statement was to use it depending on what class or deck you think you are playing.There is a LOT more to it,ANY taunt if protecting say two minions that can lead to a win condition the next turn,is VERY smart,since whatever it gives your opponent is likely meaningless unless of course a taunt or Doomsayer or Malgannis,point is that VERY few cards matter if you are about to win.
Kripp I KEEP GETTING THE MOST ABSOLUTE GARBAGE CARDS IN ARENA. The BEST card ive gotten out of 7 runs is a ZOMBIE CHOW i get shit on by EVERYONE it seems impossible to get any wins. I usually try to get a decent amount of 2-3 drops and a few big 5-7 drops. (NEVER have i seen any giant or weapon NOT EVEN ONCE!) best spell ive had is lay on hands. Not the best. Im not a pro. Im not super high in ranked, but i know at the very least that most of the cards i get are really crap. I dont think you can help with rng but if theres ANY way you could help id really appreaciate it. (Best key 3-3)
Should I tell you how I lost today?
1st.: Play Auchenai Soulpriest
2nd.:Play Mistress of Pain (stolen from a Warlock)
3rd.: Attack with the Mistress and watch your 30 Health disappear point by point.
Just to explain: The mistress normally restores one health when she does damage. But thanks to the soulpriest you get damage instead and that damage triggers the Mistress again and again.
that happend when I played against periest once. I was supoer behind and he could easily won but decided to bm and that happend :)
PKanji5 It literally triggers over and over again. 1 attack is enough to see your health dwindle from 30 to 0.
That's actually a well-known interaction since a long time lol
If you attacked once with mistress when you have aucheni, you will die, 1 damage she deals to face counts as damage dealt by Mistress, threfore damage is dealt and she needs to heal hero, but she damages him by 1 ... Repeat until death.
And it lets you time to count your tears until the last drop of health is gone.
Top 3 saltiest people in this world:
1. Kripperino
2. Kripperino
3. Kripperino
You forgot saltynad.
You really forgot ppd
theres no ppd also known as mister salt ? ur list sucks
Deathlord helps achieve a 3/3 win rate in arena? Sign me up!
Wow the card quality of the mage with the fel reaver
Such wisdom in your username
Let's see how long usernames can get,I guess they can pretty damn long like really long .
Uploaded 5 mins ago. I feel so hip and up-to-date.
made my day x)
Sam Tuson I replied to you 5 months after, I feel so hip and up-to-date.
+Sam Tuson (Staftastafegs) Uploaded 1 year ago... I feel so lonely and not-up-to-date
MCbomber1000 sup
Some of the effect of Fel Reaver is only psychological - if you don't play a combo deck, and your opponent isn't able to fully mill you by freezing/taunting/shrinking your dude, losing some cards from the top of your deck doesn't change the state of the game AT ALL. Sometimes you lose good cards, sometimes you lose bad cards, but hey, they could be still in your deck and you would simple win/lose the match before you had drawn them. Sometimes it mills THE card you would need to win the game, sometimes it mills the useless shit that you would draw BEFORE that card, and helps you to get it... It's just in your head! You see good cards going away, but never notice when it mills useless cards, just like you remember bad events better than good events in RL.
Missed my skipperino kripperino, I'll be there tomorrow.
we'll be waiting for you
Dudebug2000 Tomorroino*
So if I have less than a 3/3 win rate in arena I should play death lord?
+Joe Ruotolo :o, need help drafting?
+Superfunkyx i do
Pusky tell me how you want me to be of assistance :)
Superfunkyx Well, i suck at drafting..
Superfunkyx Maybe we can play toghether sometime :D
11:07 skipperino Kripperino Talkrino
I hope I'm not the only one that only watchirno krippirino and skip the gamearino
Darwin Roberson
yeah me. i mean, i feel like its the main part of the video since hes actually explaining why he thinks whatever the title claims is true
Thankerino pepperino pizzarino
The Fel Reaver fanboys are ridicoulos. They'll say anything to defend the most terrible card just because Trump somehow considers it good. It's a complete joke of a card if you ask me. It's only good if your opponent's hand is empty or if you have an owl to immediatly silence it, but then it's just a slightly better War Golem.
And dont bring in the argument that the cards you are discarding are irrelevant. Tell that to the Mage in the video...first 3 cards were Fireball, Pyroblast and Flamestrike. Irrelevant my ass.
Fel Reaver is in the group of cards that will do absolutely nothing to flip the game in your favor if you are losing, but have the potential to lose a balanced game, just because the opponent will deal with it easily, but not before having fun watching your cards burn.
This man speaks the truth. I haven't seen this card in constructed since the first week of the GvG release. If all of the people defending him actually played him, one would think he would be seen more often. Even his defenders know he is garbage; they just wont admit it in forums. I will say that he is "slightly" less-garbage in arena, but that isn't saying much. I believe some people put on the blinders and only remember the one game that he won for them, and forget the 20 that he lost for them....
Discarding until fatigue is irrelevant because the fireball and flamestike could have been anywhere in his deck, he was as likely to discard any of his other cards. Felreaver can be good but you have to play it in the right situation.
David Wyatt Just because card is good doesn't mean that will see any play. There is a lot of good cards that can't be played just because dr. Boom happened and everybody are running BGH. It's less likely to see BGH in the arena, therefore FR is played there.
The opponent won't always be able to deal with it. And the cards you burn are irrelevant. That pyro , flame and fireball could have been at the bottom of the deck and the firest discard could have been 3 2 drops. The fact of the matter is, it can both destroy your good cards or help you draw them faster. And if you watch the video even Kripp defends Fel saying it's a good card when played right. Which it is. Also, "slightly better war golem". 7 mana 7/7 5 mana 8/8 define "slightly" please.
So basically (in arena anyway) from what I gather from his defenders, he is incredibly strong if he wins you the game, and essentially the worst card in the game if he doesn't/opponent has an answer for him. Seems a bit too random for my liking. Many cards can be top-tier if the opponent for some reason has no answer for it, but are garbage otherwise. Also, one can't make the blanket statement that the discards are irrelevant. They are only irrelevant if you do not need them to win. Even if BGH weren't a thing in constructed, what competitive deck other than straight aggro could run this card? He would need a deck built around him that required basically no synergy because of his card burns. The lack of synergy is often the case in arena, which is why he is more viable there.
Now, I have said in other posts that he can be useful if your opponent gets tunnel-vision and just focuses on burning your deck. In the instance where the opponent just burns your cards and doesn't play in the best interest of controlling the board/pressing their advantage, then he can be good. In this case though, it is more matter of the opponent being bad than the card being very good. If the opponent has no answer for FR, then they likely had no answer for any other big minion that you could have played in his place, making his upside more ephemeral than it seems.
Kripp, yesterdays stream was truly one of the more entertaining ones I've watched in a while its good to see you have fun instead of getting salty
Skipperino Kripperino 11:06
Hey guys how's it? animal companion here.
Hey guys? How is it snowing? Trippin' here.
Wisp here
hedidit55 Hey Kripp hows it going guys here
hedidit55 I literally came
was gonna finish that sentence but then I thought I'd just leave it.
I feel like the opponents play of feel reaver wasn't that bad a move, yes it worked out horribly but a) it was horribly unlucky that the three best cards in his deck were the first three discarded b) it was also unlucky kripp was able to freeze the card two turns in succession, also the opponent was actually ahead when he played the card and clearly needed to apply a bit more pressure ( kripp even said the 2 damage was not enough) ....again obviously the card can go badly wrong but I think one has to be a bit more rational than letting the 1% of horrible outcomes bias your thinking towards the card every time.
That cards so unpredictable, that its just not worth it :3
It was a bad play because Krip had not yet coined. Any good player would have noticed that, and if you play fel reaver that early when they still have coin you will be burning 9 cards minimum every time
i love when my opponents play fel reaver in constructed. its so fun to burn two cards from my hand then bgh. 9 cards gone from your deck and you got NO board control and NO attack from it... value
Yeah it's pretty insane to play it in constructed until either Boom gets a nerf or BGH gets reworked.
+1337 PH4N70M Neither of them will get nerfed/reworked
Lel BGH was nerfed
You're the first person to ever show me any kind of benefit to Venture Co. Upon first glance, all of those cards are terrible for arena so I've never chosen any of them! But I like your suggestion of using Deathlord in late game. Aren't there better options than that though?
Id love to hear his thoughts on Foe Reaper 4000.... and him to build a deck around it.
Fel Reaver is conceptually good in constructed, but just doesn't have a spot in aggro decks. Fel Reaver is Gold shire footman tier in arena. I honestly think Trumps defends Fel Reaver out of spite. He knows its wrong to pick
Problem with Fel Reaver in aggro decks, is that he gives opponents a bgh target.
If the game doesn't go into fatigue, the discards don't matter
***** Depends on what you are running. In arena, the discards don't matter too much normally and the removal is often not there to deal with him. Constructed is another matter. There is a good reason why this guy is never seen in a competitive deck, and it isn't just because of BGH (though this is a major concern). Constructed decks are too reliant on synergy to take a chance with this guy. He really would only have a spot in aggro, as mid-range and control cannot afford to lose the vast amount of cards that he normally burns, when almost every card is vital in some way to the overall game-plan to them. He may as well have a Battlecry that reads "Upon playing, destroy 6-9 cards". If he did, would he ever be played? I would have to say that every other giant is better than this guy, and by turn 5 many of them can be activated without too much trouble (more so in constructed, and once they are out there are no drawbacks for having them on the board). He and Venture Co. are pretty similar if you think about it; both are big guys with big drawbacks that can be played a bit earlier than others. The big difference is that no one defends Venture Co. for constructed like they do FR.
David Wyatt O yeah, I should have specified that I mean only when playing Arena or constructed with an Arena style deck.
***** I probably should have figured that :). The sad part is that I really wanted the card to work, but I could never get him to consistently. I love his attack noise, brings back fond memories of Hellfire ambushes.
Kripp really is a great teacher. Ya he does obvious stuff like "how good is [Blank]?" , which everyone would do, not that its a bad thing. but he also does vids like these which not every HS player thinks about on a regular basis. informative video is informative. retro meme is retro.
Okay I'm going to explain with math why Deathlord is bad.
Deathlord will, at it's best will only give the opponent a 2/2 minion. Deathlord has 2/8 stats.
when you subtract the 2/2 from the 2/8 you are left with 6 worth of stats and taunt, you know what else is 3 mana and has six worth of stats and taunt? Mother Grizzly. So at it's best Deathlord is Mother Grizzly. However at it's worst Deathlord gives your opponent something huge like a 6/6. when you subtract 6/6 from 2/8 you are left with -2 stats and taunt, meaning even if you consider taunt to be worth two in terms of stats, you only get 0 worth of stats, meaning deathlord would be worse than target dummy.
So let's go over this once more, at it's best it will be mother grizzly and at it's worse it will be literally the worst card in the game. In conclusion, overall deathlord is a slightly worse mother grizzly, remind how this card is good.
Math doesn't work like that in the card games, good example - Lost Tallstrider vs C. Yeti, it's 5/4 vs 4/5, same 'worth of stats' yet everybody are playing Yeti, Tallstrider is card of last resort. ammount of health is more important in card than ammount of damage it can deal, stats are not worth the same. Having 2/8 with taunt on board means there is no spell that can remove it, where 3/3 can be removed for as little as 2 mana, either by spell, or 3/2 minion. Deathlord will eat spell PLUS 3/2 creature at MINIMUM. At best it's gonna be 3*3/2 creatures, so in one card you can have 'heal for 9+damage 3 creatures for 2", which is value.
True it does have potential with certain buff cards, however so does cards like Stoneskin gargoyle, doesn't make stoneskin good. Also deathlord, at least in my experience doesn't "mostly" trade for three minions. In my experience it will go two for one, which does sound good however with deathlord it gives your opponent a minion, so going two for one with deathlord is like going one for one with any other minion, as it gives your opponent a minion. Like I said, the most you can really expect from it is Mother Grizzly, maybe a better mechanical spider if you're lucky (or a priest) but even then it can also just straight up lose you the game due to the incredible tempo swing it can give your opponent.
jethro87 health is not strictly better than attack it depends, a 3/2 is better than a 2/3
Stratagemmedley You're missing one thing - it's a tech card. It's not supposed to be buffed. It's not part of the combo. It's not supposed to be played on curve. It's not supposed to be played on empty board. It's a tech card, it's a reactive card. If you are facing zoo, multiple low health creatures filling the board - you will get value out of this card, even if it's gonna die, it's deathrattle will summon another cheap, low health creature. Zoo decks in general have very little removal, so taunt+high health is best you can do to stop the bleeding and buy yourself some time. In anything else than Zoo, you play DL only when you going to win on the next turn anyway, but you want to stop shenanigans like FoN/Savage Roar combo, you can get it for as little as 3 mana; or when you have removal in your hand and you can reat to anything that's gonna land on the board. You must understand how this card works to know when to play it. And I NEVER said anything about this card getting MOSTLY 3 minions, I said AT MAX. AT MAX. AT MAX !=MOSTLY.
Antonio Craveiro But we are still at the simple fact that the value of health and attack are different, and cannot be compared as 1:1, which still is proving his math all wrong.
Really cool video; though I kind of disagree with some of his analysis of Fel Reaver.
things with fel rever is the same as the old millhouse or sometimes chow, either you win or wasting turns for a dead card.
16:17 if only kripp played the taunt dude and arcane explosion instead of poly. 6 more cards lost! Would be cool to see lots of fatigue damage!
It doesn't cause fatigue. Your opponent doesn't draw then discard, they just discard. You only take fatigue when drawing.
nice video, i like the controversy on certain cards
Yeah, I always feel, and have always felt that Deathlord is my best card, when it is in my enemys deck :)
I was playing Ranked the other day with this miracle rogue variant deck, and suddenly (Turn 7) Something I assumed to be a Zoo Warlock drops... Fel Reaver, at this point, he had roughly 19 cards remaining and 22 health. (Dropped an Antique a turn earlier.)
I had a Stealthed creature on the board and this is what happened:
I coin, attack his face, shadowstep, play my Gilblin again for free, shadowstep it AGAIN (At this point, he's lost 12 cards.) I drop an Arcane Golem, double Cold Blood it, eviscerated his Flame Imp, and finally, popped a Conceal and an Abusive Sergeant.
I was at 5 health when he ended his turn.
He was dead when I ended mine.
Yeh, you don't really want to play Fel Reaver before the opponent has used the coin. Mage should have just played the Water Elemental. You expect a lot of freezes from Mage, but not coin Frost into another Frost, so that guy got a little unlucky.
Fel Reaver is actually a really great card, there has been many times when i play it then my opponent tries to mill my deck out by playing crappy minions but nothing to directly answer the Fel Reaver,I then just clear the board with a spell or a taunt and hit face and win within like 2-3 turns. almost every time someone tries to mill me out with Fel Reaver i will win.
The only negative with Fel Reaver is if they have an answer on board or in had and they get rid of some of your deck
Freezing that Fel Reaver was savage.
that fel reaver counter-play..hilarious! :D
Is that a Disturbed or a Bakasura (from smite) on your t-shirt?
tl:dr > dont play a big minion with a drawback on curve, but play them in the late game. These three cards are essentially the same concept. Video didn't need ot be this long for that ;)
I did watch though.
But they might not have a full hand. When you and opponent are in top-deck mode is when reaver is best imo
Only "nice" experience I had with Fel Reaver was with an opening of Pint Sized Summoner, Fireball, Frostbolt. Next draws were crap, so I said screw it and coined for Reaver. Deck eventually was completely milled, but the opponent did virtually nothing to my board while I put in enough damage for lethal by some miracle.
I think Venture Co. Mercenary is great card when you need some time and waiting for some more cards. Your enemy will waste one or two turns to remove him when you have time to draw some minions/cards you need.
I had a Micro Machine out and my opponent played Deathlord. I dropped a Piloted Shredder and passed. He attacked my Micro Machine (now 4/2) and played some minor minion. I attacked it next turn and with the Piloted Shredder and got a Frost Elemental. Then played a Frostwolf Warlord. He conceded.
I like fel reaver, but once it fucked me over badly. I got it as a topdeck, when enemy mage had small board and I had still 12 cards in deck. Then mage, who had an empty hand, topdecked arcane intellect into arcane intellect into manawyrm and frost bolt. Fml
0:00 - 11:07 Kripp Talk
11:07 - 19:52 What he talks about so listen to him talk
Wow what a gr8 card Fel Reaver is, 8/8 would pick every time.
the most fun I've had with venture bro, was as a priest, i mind vision a humility used it on the paladin venture bro and kept healing it good times.
Kripp, i would like to see you playing an anti-spell deck. Like using "wee-spellstoper" from mage,etc.
The opponent mage deck was craaazy
I made a 11:3 Arena-Run with Fel Reaver and always played it asap (which was often turn 5)...
Fel Reaver can get destroyed by mage. If mage duplicates a bunch of cards like mirror image into their hand or force you,re opponent to draw a lot of cards via battlecry or spells, you can drain their deck in 1 or 2 turns. Then you summon taunts and wait for fatigue to finish them.
Your singular reasoning behind not playing Venture Co would be like saying don't play any Giants because they can be Aldor or don't play any high cost card because Equality will kill it.If you want to play around everything,why even bother playing,some players just want to take risks and have fun,VERY few get paid to play or win at HS.
If i lose because i played Venture co and it gets Aldor,i don't like say OMG i just lost 5000 dollars,it wouldn't bother me one bit.
Fel reaver is REALLY good if you play on turn 7 with iron beak to silence it. Or if your priest it can be a turn 5
+Garrett Nanna Nah not really, a 8/8 body in turn 7 isn't nearly as good as a 8/8 body in turn 5. Not even mentioning that you can just play Dr. Balanced turn 7 which is faaar superior to Fel Reaver + Owl.
1) deathlord
2) double health
3) inner fire
4) hope to fuck that they don't have naturalise, BGH, shadow word death, etc.
5) win/lose horribly
no skipperino kripperino go watcherino salterino kripperino from beginnerino 0:00
miller time? now thats the most unintentional Linkara reference ever
I think the only class that can use death lord effectively is priest. With all the silences plus divine spirit divine spirit inner fire killing the hero turn five even four with the coin. I used it for a while and it worked.
Haha, I love how energetic he is in this video, it's craaaaazyy! Love it! :D
Who won in the priest vs pally?
I got owned by a deathlord while playing druid against priest. I didnt want to drop a swipe early as he would just get healed, and by the time he'd buffed it with velen's chosen, i basically lost the summon minion advantage losing all value in not silencing and killing earlier. Couldve done it if i played naturalize but i dont mill
I wanna see a deck built around Venture Co. Mercenary, that would be entertainment right there
my first 12 win arena run was with Fel Reaver and Sea Giant Paladin
fel reaver has beaten me twice, alone in arena. I just couldnt get an answer. I literally milled a mage's ENTIRE deck, down to the last 2 cards by like turn 8, but by then i was dead because i couldnt remove it...
Man that mage deck that he milled was insane! Why do Mages always get the best decks
Because direct damage, board clears and freeze synergize with EVERTYTHING.
Lucas Freire and hero power
Well he was 11 wins. And he was really, REALLY bad! That player couldn't possibly get 11 wins without an insane deck.
He had flame strike + duplicate + frost bolt + mystery card when he played the fel riever
1337 PH4N70M Exactly my thoughts! haha. But even after losing so many of his cards, he still managed to get Kripp's hp low
krip can you do a new tutorial and guide for noobs? especially arena? I use the websites that show the "best" cards for arena but never seem to be able to win
+domeskeetz just pick first 10 cards for value, then think about synergy, 2-3 drop are really strong in Priest ,Warrior, Shaman, always take a good aoe(not arcane explosion), cards that gives buff are really strong, doesn't matter if it's minion buff or spell buff, at last, never take cursed blade
Always pick Cursed Blade, guarantees 7-12 wins!
Don't listen that guy. NEVER EVER think about synergy in arena. Just take cards in this priority
1) Good removal spells, specially AOE ones.
2) Minions that have good stats for their mana cost
3) Mana curve. It should have its peak around 2-3 and gradually decrease until late game minions. However, don't be overly OCD about this, the other points are more important.
Deathlord loses all of its strength when it's not dropped on turn 3. It's a 5 cost minion for 3 and your discount comes at the cost of a huge downside. Vs Priest is the only situation where death Lord dropped on turn 3 is not the single best. Kripps example of using a piece of ahit like that late game does not make use of the discount but gives his enemy the downside. Im surprised such an experienced player could be so horribly mistaken on a card
Yeah, trumps opinion on Felreaver is stupid, it's the only thing I find ridiculous about him
What dors he say about it?
***** he says its really good and crap when.. well its only good as a last minute resort
It's good as long as you play it right. Kripp says the same thing.
***** Have you seen twitch chat? It's full of people who don't understand that discarding cards from your deck is literally irrelevant until you run out of cards. I'd be a crank about it too if I had to put up with that. I don't think that trump would actually disagree about it being a "meh" card either, except for in a deck built around it, in which it is very good.
Malrivaer Same with any card really, just that he tries to convince everyone it's brilliant :P
That Fel Reaver gonna make you go fatigue from 0 to 100 real quick !!!
i'm never good at arena , i always got 4-3 (MAX) after all like over 20 games
Holy crap that mage deck was insane! The guy thrown the game so hard.
Could you silence your own fel reaver to prevent the discard?
Sabotai2 yes. op in priest deck
HAHA I knew he'd bring up the Frost Elemental vs Fel Reaver after what happened earlier. Turn 8 and you're drawing fatigue? #FelReaverGaming
Still a good card if used right.
1337 PH4N70M Every card is somewhat good if used right. Even wisp or sjlverback
1337 PH4N70M Any card is good if you go by that logic
Dogtastic Doge Well wisp is really good in miracle rogue so sure, why not? Silverback is bad for the same because it counters 1 hp creatures which no-one plays because mage hero-power is obscene against them. It should be reworked to not hit behind taunts or something IMO. But at any rate it's not the kind of generate good value being good. It's the win you a losing game kind of being good. Kinda like Deathwing.
1337 PH4N70M Silverback is great in "hobo"goblin Kappa.
"[...] you run your 2/2 into deathlord, you get a free creature and half the time you win the game."
A random player statistically wins the game half the time.
That point blew right over your head...
You're seeing points where none exist
That's not true...
+Lucas Ng what's not true?
Guilherme Exel A random player does not win a game half the time, a average player might as that's what average means
today kripps beard looked really good
300% disagree with deathlord being a bad card. kripp basically described the value of EVERY SINGLE TAUNT in hearthstone. bad to play on turn 3 against priest. pretty freaking ridiculous against every class ever on the last turn before you win.
also, fell reaver is pretty close to being the worst hearthstone card ever created.
white and gold
black n blue m8
fuck and you
Cyan and yellow-tinted dark green >.>
Άλκης Δ.
dude you need to fix your monitor's colour :P
Deathlord once won me the game in arena, my opponent had a bunch of minions on the field, my deathlord soaked enough dmg and summoned a doomsayer..
Okey dokey if I go first with fel reaver I start with 4 cards. 26 cards left in deck. Let's say best case scenario I have 22 cards in deck on turn 5. I play fel reaver. Then you freeze it with glacial elemental, backstab, counterfeit coin twice, coin, sinister strike twice, preparation, assassinate, and Edwin. On turn 5 I summoned an 8/8, and on turn 5 you summoned a 2/1, summoned a 20/20, dealt 6 damage to face, killed my 8/8 and milled me for my entire deck. But fel reaver op, am I right my fellow legend ranks?
That last Mage's deck was better than constructed. Holy shit, the worst card he had was Young Priestess.
If i silence a minion which is affected by aldor peacekeeper's battlecry will the minion gain its original attack back?
ho chowing Yes
I've played fel reaver maybe 10 times max in arena and EVERY single time it has gotten frost elemental'd.
Nut Fell reaver is good to play because your enemy wastes low card just to destroy your cards and more then once it won my game. Turn 8 plays a minion returns it plays it again and thats a crucial turn wasted
I played a fatigue mage who echoed and duplicated ..ended up with 4 deathlords on board.. that was pretty much it for my priest lol
i disagree about deathlord and the late game use,since if u put him after 5-6 round he will most propably die the next turn which means the opponent instantly takes a free minion....he is a bit risky at round 3-4 but this play of kripp is misjudgment
+Alex TT-zer0 necroing but I have to disagree the idea is that you gain 8 health not that it should stay long enoughto deal damage
I peacekeepered so damn many Venture Cos in arena.. it's always fun.
when i first got the venture co mercenary i thought it was trash but when i played it in my full damage deck it was amazing and so was orge brute
Just had an arena where paladin recombobulated naga healer into Fel Reaver, got BGH'd and burnt his Tirion. Talk about not using it properly.
shuvo rahman Who did you pay to get Boom and Tirion in arena >.>
I just got lucky ended up going 12-1
Kripp,please do a review for foe reaper 4000 please....
i would of played snowchugger + mana worm + arcane explosion + sunfury protector instead of the polymorph , he would of taken 10 dmg to the face and forced to attack the taunt , or worst case he can clear the board and u get hit by 8 in the face but anyway next turn you had a polymorph hey another 5 dmg to the face due to fatigue anyway xD
11:06 Skipperino Kripperino
can u play Fel Reaver at turn 5,Then maybe in turn 6 "Ironbeak" Fel reaver soo that you don't loose cards?
nathaniel silverio Yes
+nathaniel silverio or turn 7 reaver owl
Don't skip the kripp :^)
fel reaver should be played when you are losing? so your opponent can answer it AND burn your whole deck?
i love venture co. but i only play him if my hand is full of spells
i always get excited when someone plays deathlord against me. i never say no to a free creature
I said Deathlord was a good card before it was released.All the noobs in chat were spewing nonsense insults,then al lof a sudden the pros started to play it and all those same chat plebs changed their mind...of course.
What cards matter on the player play style,not on the card itself.Judging deathlord based on 1 card shadow PAin nor even the one other card that can kill it.Kodo.The ODDS of facing either those two in the exact time you play Deathord is likely less than 5%...NOT the 50/50 you are claiming on it's value.
The correct statement was to use it depending on what class or deck you think you are playing.There is a LOT more to it,ANY taunt if protecting say two minions that can lead to a win condition the next turn,is VERY smart,since whatever it gives your opponent is likely meaningless unless of course a taunt or Doomsayer or Malgannis,point is that VERY few cards matter if you are about to win.
He is so right about deathlord.. i actually just got a 3-3 in arena with it today :/
just as you talked about getting doomsayer from a deathlord i get one in a battle!
I remember one time i used deathlord,and my opponent had ysera summoned.I nearly cried.
deathlord always spawn somenthing so bad for me, either a big battlecry like argus, suncleric, etc or some shity 2 drop 77
if you were to drop a fel reaver into a rogue your entire deck will be gone in one turn, and then it would just be sapped...
Kripp I KEEP GETTING THE MOST ABSOLUTE GARBAGE CARDS IN ARENA. The BEST card ive gotten out of 7 runs is a ZOMBIE CHOW i get shit on by EVERYONE it seems impossible to get any wins. I usually try to get a decent amount of 2-3 drops and a few big 5-7 drops. (NEVER have i seen any giant or weapon NOT EVEN ONCE!) best spell ive had is lay on hands. Not the best. Im not a pro. Im not super high in ranked, but i know at the very least that most of the cards i get are really crap. I dont think you can help with rng but if theres ANY way you could help id really appreaciate it. (Best key 3-3)
Is it still true about the Deathlord in arena?
+mjarkin given all the 1/1 scarabs and 3/3 spiders
Skiperino kripperrino 11:06
When my enemy plays deathlord and i kill it i get smtn like (for example: today) 1/1 archer.
ive won atleast 3 games just cuz people misused that 2ed card
all i do is start thorwing down cards untill they run out then its only a matter of time
Last secret was so obvious. Kripperino nooberino