2024 淨空老和尚圓寂二週年追思紀念會 - 宋寶蘭校長發表演說

  • Опубліковано 15 лип 2024
  • 馬來西亞漢學院校長,同時也是馬漢國際小學理事會主席之宋寶蘭校長/主席在7月12日-14日出席由台南極樂寺主辦上淨下空老和尚圓寂二週年追思紀念會活動。她在7月14日參與座談會五以【淨空老和尚對世界和平開示的應用與方向】之主題發表相關演說。
    Principal Song Poh Lan, who is the principal of Malaysian Han Studies and also the chairman of the MAHANAS International Primary School Board of Governors, attended The Second Memorial Anniversary of Master Chin Kung, organized by The Temple of Ultimate Bliss from July 12th to 14th. On July 14th, she participated in a seminar 5 and gave a speech on the topic 'The Application and Direction of Venerable Master Chin Kung's Teachings on Achieving World Peace.