中文/馬來語《再見我的愛人》陳佳&馬來西亞愛樂樂團·吉隆坡演唱會 |Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra & Chen Jia 「Goodbye my love」

  • Опубліковано 27 гру 2024


  • @HK-CYKwok
    @HK-CYKwok Рік тому +45


  • @peterchao6745
    @peterchao6745 8 місяців тому +10

    I hope she will be the next Asian Superstar like Teresa Teng !

  • @keisound
    @keisound Рік тому +23


  • @莫言-l7b
    @莫言-l7b Рік тому +28


  • @dc.chan2368
    @dc.chan2368 Рік тому +50


  • @dalimai668
    @dalimai668 Рік тому +22


  • @K100-v7l
    @K100-v7l Рік тому +39

    佳佳 真多才多藝 去到那處也會用當地語言唱歌 真了得 萬讚

  • @JohnOng-f2e
    @JohnOng-f2e 5 днів тому +1


  • @fongokimo
    @fongokimo Рік тому +15


  • @joetang3609
    @joetang3609 Рік тому +23


  • @hongmeylanyu406
    @hongmeylanyu406 Місяць тому +6


  • @OldiesLover123
    @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +24

    為了方便那些想多認識陳佳的歌友,我自發寫了以下留言,我只是陳佳的一個普通歌迷, 她不認識我, 也沒有要求我寫這篇留言,除了個人觀點外, 其他留言全是公開信息,可在互聯網上找到。
    (一) 陳佳生平簡介
    陳佳,土生土長北京人,中國內地流行女歌手、 鋼琴家 、詞曲創作人。 雖然陳佳從未見過鄧麗君,但自幼受家人影響,對鄧麗君本人及其歌曲產生非同一般的感情,每逢到台灣,都盡量抽時間去拜祭鄧麗君。
    2012年,在考慮了一年多後,最終放棄高薪又穩定的金融工作,去完成偶像未完成的事業,幷於年底簽約鄧麗君文教基金會,成為職業歌手。 此後 , 多次參加綜藝節目和演唱會,並多次在大型音樂會為虛擬鄧麗君配唱。
    2013年5月12日,與周杰倫、蕭敬騰、梁靜茹等參加在台北小巨蛋舉辦的「紀念鄧麗君誕辰60週年」大型演唱會,並演唱《南海姑娘》和《幾多愁》 。同年5月19日,北京首都體育館, 與王菲、張靚穎等參加了「巨星耀北京 - 鄧麗君誕辰60週年」大型演唱會, 並現場演唱 《又見炊煙》。
    2016年起,擔任大型國學推廣節目《輕談國學歌風雅》的主持人、主唱及音樂顧問, 傳揚珍貴中國傳統文化,還表演鋼琴彈唱、中國古典舞蹈, 為唐宋詩詞譜曲並演唱。 現因新冠疫情該節目暫停製作,節目的接鏈:
    2017年, 首次在美國舉辦個人演唱會。
    2019年,考獲英國皇家舞蹈學院(芭蕾舞)第八級 (業餘舞蹈的最高級别)。
    為江蘇衛視2022年誇年晚會鄧麗君虛擬人配音並配唱《大魚》、《 小城故事》、《 漫步人生路》。
    2022年,獲得微博認證: 歌手、音樂人。
    2023年, 首次在馬來西亞舉辦個人演唱會。
    (二) 陳佳有沒有刻意模仿鄧麗君唱歌?
    鄧麗君三哥說,陳佳本身的聲音就近似鄧麗君的聲音, 她並沒有刻意模仿鄧麗君的聲音, 若刻意模仿,只能唱幾首歌相似,不可能唱這麼多首歌都這麼接近。
    當陳佳年紀漸長,她不再刻意追求模仿鄧麗君的聲音, 而是從更深的層次出發,研究鄧的演唱技巧和發聲方法等,經多年硏究, 鄧的演唱技巧和發聲方法已融入她的骨子裏,成為她自己的歌唱技巧的一部分,能運用自如,無須刻意模仿鄧。
    2017年11月,陳佳在中國常州電台說,她再沒有聽鄧麗君的歌了, 又解釋說若扭曲自己去刻意模仿別人, 不會唱得自然, 不會唱得好聽, 她現在只憑自己對歌曲的感覺去唱。
    2021年10月20日晚,在抖音直播,有歌迷要求陳佳用鄧麗君的聲音去唱流行歌曲, 陳佳回答說,她只會用自己的聲音去唱鄧麗君歌曲和流行歌曲。
    陳佳的專輯裏很多鄧麗君歌曲是經重新編曲, 她對一些歌曲有著自己的演繹方式,如以下例子,先由鄧麗君唱,再由陳佳翻唱:

    綜合上面,陳佳唱很多歌曲像鄧麗君,是因為她本身的聲音和鄧的聲音近似, 及加上她是運用鄧的演唱技巧和發聲方法去唱,但她是根據自己對歌曲的感覺,用自己本身的聲音去唱,並沒有刻意模仿鄧的聲音。
    聽多了陳佳唱歌後,便會發覺其實她有著獨特的嗓音和歌唱特色:甜而不膩、圓潤、舒服、不做作、不過火、 不賣弄歌唱技巧、咬字清晰、善於表達情緒及歌曲的意境。
    (三) 陳佳被廣泛視為鄧麗君歌曲最佳傳承人
    (四) 陳佳的抱負、實力和行動
    陳佳從不以鄧麗君歌曲最佳傳承人自稱, 因她的抱負、實力和行動不止於此:
    (a) 抱負
    在2015 BTV《我家有明星》 「我怎能離開你」 電視節目中,陳佳說:鄧麗君是我一生的愛好, 但肯定不是唯一的追求。
    *形象:身材適中, 端莊優雅,秀外慧中,笑容甜美,平易近人,談吐得體。
    *性格:低調,謙虛,坦率,長情,喜愛小動物, 堅毅,勤奮,好學 (持續修讀聲樂),精益求精。
    *品德: 尊師, 守法,正派, 無緋聞。
    (c) 行動
    除了翻唱麗君的歌曲,陳佳還翻唱其他歌手的歌曲, 在抖音做直播,在國內外巡迴演唱 , 製作及上載音樂視頻到她的網上頻道,推出新專輯,及上載單曲和專輯到國內外各大音樂平台, 持續進修聲樂課程,創作更多原創歌曲, 力求歌唱事業更上一層樓。
    (五) 陳佳迄今在歌唱事業所取得的成績
    **已擁有超過40多首原創/原唱歌曲, 代表作有:原唱創作專輯《劇中人》,原創歌曲《晚風的歌》、《篤然回首》、《明月在我心》、《再見的七月》等,以及多首為古詩詞譜曲的作品,如《春江淚》、《錦瑟》等。
    **已共發行14張專輯: 中國發行12張:《劇中人》、 《再見如初見》、《應是故人來》(粵語)、《似是故人來》(粵語)、《又見鄧麗君》系列5張,《去年今日》系列2張,《遇見•陳佳》(曾用名《櫻花之旅》); 日本發行2張:《Kei 68》、《Kei68 Int'l)。在中國發燒音樂界的最受歡迎歌手中名列前茅,專輯受到一眾音樂發燒友高度好評,並屢次獲獎,包括2020年第11屆華語金曲獎「年度最佳HiFi人聲獎」。
    **多次在大型音樂會為虛擬鄧麗君配唱,包括為江蘇衛視2022年誇年晚會鄧麗君虛擬人配音並配唱《大魚》、《 小城故事》、《 漫步人生路》。

  • @SkylineGTR-gu3xl
    @SkylineGTR-gu3xl Рік тому +12


    • @dalimai668
      @dalimai668 Рік тому +5


    • @SkylineGTR-gu3xl
      @SkylineGTR-gu3xl Рік тому +2

      @@dalimai668 陳佳さんは本当凄いです…!
      m(_ _)m
      2023.5.5 🎏端午の節句 🎏

  • @keisound
    @keisound Рік тому +37

    佳佳真的一位超級君迷,鄧麗君什麼歌都能唱,一些被遺忘的好歌也能唱。如昨晚直播唱了一首鄧麗君的英文歌”Heaven help my heart",這首歌是我第一次聽的。多謝妳再一次帶給我們另一首鄧麗君的好歌。謝謝!

    • @glorych1168
      @glorych1168 Рік тому +1

      能叫 佳佳 cover 心聲淚痕 ?

  • @OldiesLover123
    @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +20

    最近,我看了鄧麗君三哥感謝陳佳的短視頻。(時間:今年4月22日,地點:北京鄧麗君音樂餐廳, 聽眾 : 北京鄧麗君歌友會)。以下是該視頻的大要,鄧麗君三哥:
    (上述短視頻的鏈接不能貼在這裡,若想觀看,可在B站搜索 yymm0830,然後進入。)

  • @okm5573
    @okm5573 Рік тому +20

    太棒了! 非常好听! 素敵な演唱会ですね。日本の歌を佳佳がマレーシアで歌ってくれた。Terima kasih

  • @cdya3695
    @cdya3695 Рік тому +45


    • @zionlee175
      @zionlee175 Рік тому +1


    • @cdya3695
      @cdya3695 Рік тому +2

      你不是台灣人,所以聽不懂什麼是 五年級生。。。🤣

    • @cindy7921
      @cindy7921 Рік тому +5

      @@cdya3695 他應該不是台灣人啦,五年級生就是出生於民國50-59年即(1961-1970年)代的人的一種稱呼 。

    • @蕭國童
      @蕭國童 Рік тому


  • @中環浪子
    @中環浪子 Рік тому +23

    真正的 北京的鄧麗君🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤

  • @chimingkwok3798
    @chimingkwok3798 Рік тому +54


  • @SeiferTan
    @SeiferTan Рік тому +17


  • @stefl9600
    @stefl9600 Рік тому +32


  • @patrickroc2272
    @patrickroc2272 Рік тому +7


  • @ahfaify
    @ahfaify Рік тому +6


  • @西田了介
    @西田了介 Рік тому +8


    • @ChenJia-e1b
      @ChenJia-e1b Рік тому +1

      서울공연 기다립니다 다같이 응원합시다 고다이마스

  • @林世林
    @林世林 Рік тому +24


  • @bobbyhappy9799
    @bobbyhappy9799 Рік тому +12


  • @johnchang1226
    @johnchang1226 Рік тому +8

    也苦拼马来文了.Selamat Datang

  • @glorych1168
    @glorych1168 Рік тому +3

    gogo 陳佳

  • @markmaggie
    @markmaggie Рік тому +21


  • @陳賴
    @陳賴 Рік тому +4


  • @glorych1168
    @glorych1168 Рік тому +4

    佳能像 TT 成國民天后 是我們 FAN 的責任

  • @lkh-rz7oo
    @lkh-rz7oo Рік тому +11

    已觀看及收聽陳佳小姐十多年 , 歌聲與美貌如昔迷人 ! 祝福你 .

  • @OldiesLover123
    @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +7


  • @小昌-g2n
    @小昌-g2n 2 місяці тому +2


  • @acj188
    @acj188 Рік тому +25

    终于等到了,谢谢您,佳佳。相聚的美好时光总是那么短暂,希望早日再能相见。Aku cinta pada mu sehingga abadi dalam hatiku 💞👏💖🌹

    • @dalimai668
      @dalimai668 Рік тому +1


    • @acj188
      @acj188 Рік тому +6

      @@dalimai668 现场看佳佳长得娇美玲珑,腰非常细,真是一位超靓姑娘。

    • @dalimai668
      @dalimai668 Рік тому +2

      @@acj188 人靚歌甜啦,完場有冇攞啲CD唱片叫佢簽名😂😂

    • @acj188
      @acj188 Рік тому +2

      @@dalimai668 这次没有安排签售,希望她下次再来吉隆坡演唱时可以请她签名。

    • @OldiesLover123
      @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +1

      ​@@acj188 佳佳有沒有唱《檳城艷》?

  • @kimjasmine7767
    @kimjasmine7767 Рік тому +12

    So sweet n gentle so like Teresa.... So gifted... The best so far.
    Used to listen to the Thai girl then discover Chen is the best... Very humble. She is not Teresa reincarnation..

  • @GetstartedYang
    @GetstartedYang Рік тому +5


  • @benghooiooi1923
    @benghooiooi1923 Рік тому +4


  • @paksuen2206
    @paksuen2206 Рік тому +56


  • @PatrickKiefer-kn9ew
    @PatrickKiefer-kn9ew 2 місяці тому +2

    Quel bonheur d'écouter une si belle mélodie avec une voix unique.

  • @andrewwong1462
    @andrewwong1462 9 місяців тому +2


  • @jamesyoung2934
    @jamesyoung2934 Рік тому +21

    Chen Jia, please please come back to Malaysia again. It was a fantastic show at KL. I totally love it! ❤

    • @OldiesLover123
      @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +5

      To know more about Chen Jia I suggest you read, if you have not, my two messages posted in this comments section i.e. a biography of her and Teresa Teng's third brother thanking her for her help.

    • @jamesyoung2934
      @jamesyoung2934 Рік тому +3

      ​@@OldiesLover123 Thank you. I just read it. Very well written. 🙏

  • @별빛초롱이-q5u
    @별빛초롱이-q5u Місяць тому +2


  • @sanhle5980
    @sanhle5980 Рік тому +6


  • @ひろ-x9o6f
    @ひろ-x9o6f Рік тому +24


    • @weiminwang5925
      @weiminwang5925 Рік тому +2


  • @davidmo218
    @davidmo218 Рік тому +6


  • @yueyuenhung9770
    @yueyuenhung9770 Рік тому +4


  • @derekq1643
    @derekq1643 Рік тому +23


  • @chanmark
    @chanmark Рік тому +40

    My wife and I attended this Sold out concert at Dewan Filharmonik Petronas KL and totally blown away with her singing, the conductor and if course our very own MPO.
    So glad to have found this video on UA-cam! as we were not allowed to use our mobile to record. 😅
    This Goodbye My Love was the last song (before the encore) and her singing the song in BM was a total surprise to many. But was so well done. Thanks Chen Jia, I would gladly attend your concert again! Thank you for this wonderful tribute to Teresa Teng. ❤

    • @OldiesLover123
      @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +3

      To know more about Chen Jia I suggest you read, if you have not, my two messages posted in this comments section i.e. a biography of her and Teresa Teng's third brother thanking her for her help.

  • @ericchinier8722
    @ericchinier8722 Рік тому +24


    • @user-mf2pm5sl6z
      @user-mf2pm5sl6z Рік тому

      アンルイスさんの元曲を聴いてみて下さい♪ 綺麗な声で感動しますよ。1974年です☝️😄

  • @Danudol
    @Danudol 6 місяців тому +2


  • @ahdcb8216
    @ahdcb8216 Рік тому +16


  • @OldiesLover123
    @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +62

    佳佳在很短時間學會用馬來西亞語唱半首《再見我的愛人》, 可見她的語言天賦高和很努力去學習。 看見觀眾的意猶未盡及熱烈的掌聲, 可知佳佳得到馬來西亞去觀眾的喜愛, 為下一次馬來西亞舉辦更大型的演唱會奠下了良好的基礎。
    這個視頻讓海外各地的觀眾看到佳佳在演唱會的精彩演出,也頗為珍貴, 因為錄製優質視頻需要較高規格的設備,成本不菲, 所以佳佳的演唱會的視頻不多。

    • @ChenJia-e1b
      @ChenJia-e1b Рік тому +2

      한국 서울공연도 추진해주세요 기다릴께요 한국에서~~

    • @raymondleung2215
      @raymondleung2215 Рік тому +3

      到外地城市/國家,以當地語言說話或唱歌,是對當地人最高之尊重。音不準也可以,那是誠意,猶如韓星Yu 在港唱喜贴街。

  • @Sui-vz2iq
    @Sui-vz2iq Рік тому +12


  • @OldiesLover123
    @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +15

    Revision Date: April 22, 2023
    To make it easier for those who want to know more about Chen Jia, I wrote the following message of my own accord. I am just an ordinary fan of Chen Jia. She doesn't know me and didn't ask me to write this message. Except for personal views, all others are public information and can be found on the Internet.
    (1) A Biography of Chen Jia
    Chen Jia, born and raised in Beijing, is a female pop singer, pianist, and songwriter in mainland China. Although she has never met Teresa Teng before, she has been influenced by her family since childhood and has developed an extraordinary affection for Teresa Teng and her songs. Whenever she was in Taiwan, she tried to find time to pay her respects to Teresa Teng.
    The following is a chronological list of Chen Jia's more important events to date.
    From the age of three, she studied piano with a piano professor.
    At the age of eleven, she was admitted to the Youth and Girls Choir of the China Symphony Orchestra, one of the seven most famous children's choirs in the world, and during her ten years in the choir, she toured abroad and won many awards.
    At the age of thirteen, she received the highest grade certificate in piano examinations and won many awards at the Beijing Primary and Secondary School Arts Festival.
    At the age of 18, she received the first grade (the highest grade) certificate for gifted students from Tsinghua University and second place in the National High School Piano Examination of Peking University.
    After graduating from the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing with a degree in Finance, she studied at the University of Hamburg in Germany, where she obtained a Master's degree in International Business Management with honors. After completing her studies, she returned to China and worked for the Bank of China Int'l Securities Ltd., specializing in A-share listing.
    In 2011, to commemorate the 16th anniversary of Teresa Teng's death, she held a 1&1/2 hour-long online solo concert in a hotel room during a business trip. The video was discovered by Teresa Teng's third brother, Changfu Teng, who was surprised by her resemblance to Teresa Teng's voice and contacted her in the hope that she could complete Teresa Teng's unfinished work and work to pass on the culture of Teresa Teng's songs.
    In 2012, she released her first solo album, "Cherry Blossom Journey."
    In 2012, after considering for more than a year, she finally gave up her high-paying and stable financial job to finish her idol's unfinished business and signed a contract with Teresa Teng Cultural and Educational Foundation (TTCEF) at the end of the year to become a professional singer. Since then, she has participated in many variety shows and concerts and sung for the virtual Teresa Teng in many large-scale concerts.
    On May 12, 2013, she participated in the "60th Anniversary of Teresa Teng's Birth" concert in Taipei Arena with Jay Chou, Xiao Jingteng, and Liang Jingru, and sang "South Sea Girl" and "How Many Sorrows". On May 19th of the same year, she participated in the "Superstar Beijing - 60th Anniversary of Teresa Teng's Birthday" concert at the Capital Stadium in Beijing with Faye Wong and Jane Zhang and sang "Seeing the Chimney Smoke Again" live.
    In 2015, she held her first solo concert, "Songs from Memory," in Shanghai.
    In 2016, she officially became an independent musician.
    Since 2016, she has been the host, singer, and music consultant of the large-scale Chinese studies promotion program "Talking about Chinese Studies and Singing Elegantly," spreading the precious Chinese traditional culture. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, now program production has been suspended. Link:
    In 2017, she began her solo tour in China and abroad.
    In 2017, she held her first USA solo concert.
    In 2019, she was awarded Grade 8 (the highest level of amateur dance) by the Royal Academy of Dance (Ballet).
    In 2020, she started broadcasting live online in China.
    In 2020, she won the "Best HiFi Vocalist of the Year Award" at the 11th Chinese Golden Melody Awards with her album "We Meet Again Teresa Teng II."
    In 2020, she released her first solo Cantonese album "Seems Like an Old Friend", which won the "Best Cantonese Vocal Album of the Year Award" in the Top Ten Audiophile Albums Chart.
    In 2021, she became the brand spokesperson of Shenya Studio.
    In 2021, she was invited by famous musician Xiao Ke to play the female lead role in his classic musical "Steady Happiness."
    In 2021, she released her first creation album, "Life in Drama," which won the "Best Female Vocal Album of the Year Award" in the Top Ten Audiophile Albums Chart.
    She dubbed and sang "Big Fish," "Small Town Story," and "Walking on the Road of Life" for virtual Teresa Teng for Jiangsu TV's 2022 New Year's Eve Gala.
    In 2022, she set up this channel, the only UA-cam channel certified by her.
    In 2022, she sang the Chaoshan song "Morning Light Shines on the Outer Road" in a Chaoshan comedy movie.
    In 2023, she held her first Malaysia solo concert.
    (2) Did Chen Jia Deliberately Imitate Teresa Teng's Singing?
    The third brother of Teresa Teng said that Chen Jia's voice is similar to Teresa Teng's, and she did not deliberately imitate Teresa Teng's voice, if she did, she could only sing a few songs similarly and not so many.
    After years of research, Teresa Teng's singing techniques and vocal methods have become part of her own singing skills, which she can use freely without deliberately imitating Teresa Teng.
    In May 2017, Chen Jia said in an interview in New York that her singing is not just an imitation of Teresa Teng, but a combination of singing skills and musical knowledge learned from Teresa Teng, her choir conductor, and her piano teacher.
    In November 2017, Chen Jia said on Changzhou Radio in China that she no longer listened to Teresa Teng's songs, and explained that if she distorted herself to imitate others, she would not sing naturally and well, and she now sings only according to her feelings about the songs.
    On the night of October 20, 2021, in the live broadcast of Douyin, a fan asked Chen Jia to sing pop songs with Teresa Teng's voice, and Chen Jia replied that she could only use her voice to sing Teresa Teng's songs and pop songs.
    To sum up, Chen Jia sings many songs that sound like Teresa Teng's because her voice is similar to Teng's and she uses Teng's singing techniques and vocal methods, but she sings according to her own feelings about the songs with her own voice and does not deliberately imitate Teng's voice.
    After hearing Chen Jia sing more, you will find that she has a unique voice and singing characteristics: sweet, round, natural, comfortable, clear articulation, good at expressing emotions and mood in songs.
    (3) Chen Jia is Widely Regarded as the Best Inheritor of Teresa Teng's Songs
    This is because Chen Jia:
    **Was invited by Teresa Teng's third brother to pass on Teresa Teng's songs and was chosen to complete Teresa Teng's unfinished posthumous work, "Qingping Tune"
    **Has a voice similar to Teresa Teng's and fully masters Teng's singing skills and sings like her without deliberately imitating her, and even so if sings non-Teresa Teng's songs
    **Like Teresa Teng in appearance, temperament, moral character, and personality
    **Is still the only singer who can accurately recite Teresa Teng's songs in multiple languages from all periods
    (4) Chen Jia's Ambitions, Strengths, and Actions
    Chen Jia has never claimed to be the best inheritor of Teresa Teng's songs because her ambitions, strengths, and actions are more than that:
    (a) Ambitions
    In a 2015 BTV "My Family Has Stars" TV show titled "How Can I Leave You", Chen Jia said: Teresa Teng is my lifelong hobby, but it is certainly not my only pursuit.
    (b) Strengths
    ** Likable:
    *Image: moderate build, elegant and graceful, beautiful, intelligent, sweet smile, easy-going and approachable, and decent conversation.
    *Character: low-profile, modest, frank, with lasting affection, love of small animals, persevering, hardworking, studious (continuously studying vocal music), and striving for excellence.
    *Morality: respectful for teachers, law-abiding, decent, and scandal-free.
    *Speaks and sings Teresa Teng's and other singers' songs in multi-languages, with almost standard and authentic pronunciation,
    *Writes songs and has her original songs,
    *Proficient in piano,
    *Dances ballet, and
    *Loves writing articles.
    **A powerful live singer:
    *Singing without breathing sound,
    *All her music videos are never retouched,
    *Her performance in concert is stable and close to the studio level, and
    *Whether in concert or live online, does not use a teleprompter, and the audience can request her to sing at will.
    (c) Actions
    In addition to covering Teresa Teng's songs, Chen Jia also covers other singers' songs, does live-streaming in Douyin, holds touring concerts in China and abroad, produces and uploads music videos to her online channels, launches new albums, uploads singles and albums to major music platforms in China and abroad, continues to take vocal lessons, creates more original songs, and strives to take her singing career to the next level.
    (5) Chen Jia's Achievements in Her Singing Career To Date
    Even though Chen Jia is not a big star,
    **She has over 40 original songs.
    **She has released 14 highly praised albums and has won many awards, including the "Best HiFi Vocalist of the Year Award" at the 11th Chinese Golden Melody Awards in 2020.
    **She has performed in Mainland China, HK, Taiwan, Japan, Southeast Asia, and the USA, and has held nearly 100 touring solo concerts in China and abroad.
    **She has sung for virtual Teresa Teng in many large concerts including dubbing and singing "Big Fish," "Small Town Story," and "Walking on the Road of Life" for virtual Teresa Teng for Jiangsu TV's 2022 New Year's Eve Gala.

  • @ellayoon7707
    @ellayoon7707 Рік тому +11

    So amazing sing in malay language..so very very mantap
    Mantap mean awesome

  • @taimeilo5722
    @taimeilo5722 Рік тому +6


  • @jasonchu8958
    @jasonchu8958 Рік тому +4

    陳佳有大將之風. 非常欣賞她!

  • @c0179614
    @c0179614 6 місяців тому +2


  • @myeongwol
    @myeongwol Рік тому +10

    Wow so beautiful!!!! Should have attended the concert 😢

  • @AaA-lk5zm
    @AaA-lk5zm 7 місяців тому +2


  • @michaelpang4856
    @michaelpang4856 Рік тому +31

    She surely is the next superdiva; 確實超越了。

  • @dennytan4039
    @dennytan4039 4 місяці тому +5


  • @kevin21stliu94
    @kevin21stliu94 7 місяців тому +2


  • @timwaichan736
    @timwaichan736 4 місяці тому +3


  • @BasiaTaiwanFood
    @BasiaTaiwanFood Рік тому +4


  • @fswatyahoocom
    @fswatyahoocom Рік тому +8

    amazing! sounded just like Teresa. Crazy!!!

  • @chinsiongken4176
    @chinsiongken4176 Рік тому +5


  • @ysrz
    @ysrz Рік тому +30


  • @supercat4452
    @supercat4452 Рік тому +5


  • @자연인-k5y
    @자연인-k5y Рік тому +4

    진가 사랑합니다

  • @changchunkit3883
    @changchunkit3883 Рік тому +11

    We were there on that night, she is good, going through the songs once again that brings back memories of Teresa, it was a good performance and totally enjoying it

    • @OldiesLover123
      @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +2

      To know more about Chen Jia, I suggest you read, if you have not, my two messages posted in this comments section i.e. a biography of her and Teresa Teng's third brother thanking her for her help.

  • @weichli8030
    @weichli8030 Рік тому +13


  • @weichli8030
    @weichli8030 Рік тому +5


  • @OldiesLover123
    @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +5

    Eric Xie(歌手、Jia Jiaの2017年と2018年の米国でのソロコンサートでJia Jiaと数回歌った)は、クアラルンプールでの「Goodbye My Love」の映像に英語で専門的なメッセージを書き、陳佳さんは中国でレコードのレベルでライブを歌う数少ない歌手の一人だと言っています。
    Eric Xieは、アメリカ東部で活躍するクリエイティブなポップシンガーで、アメリカ東部中国歌謡大賞と最優秀舞台監督賞を受賞、コンサート/パーティープロデューサー、多くの国際エンターテイメントイベントや中国、香港、台湾の歌手の各種規模のコンサートの企画・プロデュースを行う。

  • @kltan3778
    @kltan3778 Рік тому +20


  • @李紹誌-y4j
    @李紹誌-y4j 4 місяці тому +4


  • @davidko1185
    @davidko1185 Рік тому +3


  • @cdya3695
    @cdya3695 Рік тому +5


  • @raymondleung2215
    @raymondleung2215 Рік тому +4


  • @ahdcb8216
    @ahdcb8216 Рік тому +6


  • @Bangkokbanana
    @Bangkokbanana Рік тому +7


  • @utakami9426
    @utakami9426 6 місяців тому +2

    Terimakasih ❤❤

  • @黃世輝-v1y
    @黃世輝-v1y 4 місяці тому +3

    音樂天籟 悅耳動聽 感觸人心❤❤❤❤

  • @hungyinlo2068
    @hungyinlo2068 Рік тому +2

    人美, 歌甜!

  • @ericxie175
    @ericxie175 Рік тому +16


    • @OldiesLover123
      @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +1

      今年佳佳八月赴美國開個人演唱會, 希望她會與你再度對唱。

    • @K100-v7l
      @K100-v7l Рік тому +1

      ​@@OldiesLover123 我希望聽 帝女花

    • @OldiesLover123
      @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +2

      Eric, 你好,有些歌友希望你和佳佳對唱《帝女花》, 因為他們嫌佳佳的版本太短了,不夠癮,請你和佳佳考慮一下,謝謝。

    • @ericxie175
      @ericxie175 Рік тому +2

      @@OldiesLover123 哈哈,谁这么了解我啊?! 她一个北京女孩居然也会唱粤剧《帝女花》也是吧我吓到了。嗯,注意不错,可以试试看 🤭

    • @OldiesLover123
      @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +1

      ​@@ericxie175 佳佳曾經唱過《帝女花》,很多歌迷都很喜歡,不過太短了,不夠癮。

  • @yinkwanhsu376
    @yinkwanhsu376 Рік тому +5


  • @UserWAian
    @UserWAian Рік тому +4


  • @廣瀬創一-e7z
    @廣瀬創一-e7z Рік тому +2


  • @keisound
    @keisound Рік тому +4


  • @joetan1283
    @joetan1283 Рік тому +5


  • @jasoncauliu1938
    @jasoncauliu1938 Рік тому +7


  • @골드러쉬-z4p
    @골드러쉬-z4p Рік тому +2

    들을수록 그리운 Teresa...

  • @jonilee228
    @jonilee228 2 місяці тому +3

    Keren bisa bahasa indonesia juga love sekeranjang ❤❤❤❤

  • @eddielau4696
    @eddielau4696 10 місяців тому +2


  • @潘軍-d3s
    @潘軍-d3s Рік тому +3


  • @ВолодимирСтеців-г6ъ

    Your amazing song and music fascinates with its incredible beauty. Thank you so much

  • @OldiesLover123
    @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +4

    Eric Xie (歌手,曾在佳佳2017年和2018年美國個人演唱會與佳佳對唱過數次)在吉隆坡演唱會 《再見我的愛人》視頻的評論區用英文寫的專業留言說,佳佳是中國僅有數位現場演唱有如唱片水平的歌手之一。
    謝江(Eric Xie),是活躍於美東地區的創作型流行歌手,美東華語歌唱大獎賽冠軍和最佳台風獎,音樂會/晚會製作人,主辦協辦和製作過許多國際性娛樂活動及中港台歌星音樂會。

    • @keisound
      @keisound Рік тому +2


    • @OldiesLover123
      @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +2

      @@keisound 幾時到香港? 我也不知道, 在抖音直播時佳佳曾經提過有香港主辦商提出邀請她, 但沒有下文。我相信如果成事, 佳佳會第一時間通知佳迷的。最近龍婷開了一場個人演唱會,她也是主唱鄧麗君歌曲的,所以我估計佳佳近期在香港開個人演唱會的機會很低,否則鄧麗君歌曲演唱會在香港舉辦得太密了!

    • @keisound
      @keisound Рік тому +2


    • @OldiesLover123
      @OldiesLover123 Рік тому

      @@keisound 實話實說, 佳佳的知名度在香港不夠高,所以我認為她暫時還需用鄧麗君的招牌開演唱會的。我覺得佳佳在香港個人演唱會不唱鄧麗君歌曲太冒險了,尤其是第一次,只許成功,不許失敗,況且舉辦商有相當程度的決定權唱什麼歌曲的,若不唱鄧麗君歌曲,他們不會允許的。我認為一定不要急,但必須馬到功成, 若第一次就失敗,蝕本或冇錢賺, 舉辦商以後便不會再找佳佳了。
      至於龍婷,我一直都不喜歡她,唱歌鼻音重,又不自然,但很多龍婷的粉絲說她的音色靚,我真的無語了。聲色藝和佳佳都不是同一個檔次,根本冇得比,但好多時「唔怕貨比貨,最怕唔識貨」,和加上先入為主,是對龍婷有利的, 佳佳不宜跟她硬碰。

    • @OldiesLover123
      @OldiesLover123 Рік тому +2

      ​​​@細賞佳音 佳佳今年的美國演唱會,除了唱鄧麗君歌曲, 還唱《再見如初見》 專輯裏的歌曲,這是個好開始。 我認為佳佳不能不唱,也不應該全唱鄧麗君歌曲。

  • @mariamagdalenakuntari5018
    @mariamagdalenakuntari5018 3 місяці тому +2

    Good-bye my love. Lagu nostalgia. . Senang mendengarkannya apalagi suara merdu pakai 2 bahasa lagi nyanyinya.

  • @慕义-z9m
    @慕义-z9m Рік тому +5
