Watching Levinho sibce he had 1k subs. At that time he first appeared to me in Yanrique Wright's pubgm video. Now he surpass them all. I knew that you will, as you were much entertaining and better Love from India❤👍
Sniping 💯 Grenade throw💯 Rush Timing 💯 IQ💯 Timing 💯 Respect to fans💯💯 Video Quality💯 Concentration 💯 This why we Love L E V I N H O✨️💙 Respect to enemies 💯
When You Play SANHOK With New QBZ LEVINHO??🤔for a long time i waited and watched your channel play again in SANHOK 😁😂😅 GIVE ME LOVE AND I LOVE YOU BRO😁😍
Remember to Like & Subscribe!
Only 560k left to 10 million 😍❤️
മലയാളി ❤️❤️
Big fan from Kerala ❤❤❤
Big fann
Levinho and sevou is bunking school and going to apartments 😂😂
You mean to say Levinho and sevou 'are' bunking.......... 🤔🤔
When levinho enter in the lobby
Levhino : best trick in school
Everyone : schools are closed
Hello Bro It Will Be An Honour If You can Watch Any Of My Videos,
@@sparklessgaming6518 NO
Levingo you play very exlent I am impressed and you big fan
@@sparklessgaming6518 definitely we will watch your videos
Enemies killed by LEVIHNO are lucky they can SPECTATE live....😂😂❤️❤️
Me at 2am: Going to sleep
Levinho: New vid
Me: Never mind I'll sleep later
Its 4pm in India😝
@@raghav5832 I guess 4:50
@@Egg-xb3fw yeah pretty much 5pm
@@raghav5832 yes
Jo fan of sir please subscribe
Sumone busying in loot in the middle of the fight
Levinho: wait a minute who are you????
Levinho: wait I m coming
Enemy: no we r prepareing to go
To Lobby🤣
Been following you from last 2 years, i hope you notice this comment. Lots of love to you levinho❣️
Plz pubg id❣️❣️🙏
He didn't...
Literally Nobody
Levinhio: Getting 999 Rune Crystal easily
Me: Asking Teamates for Rune Crystals
Im a pro player and beginner on UA-cam!!!
Can I borrow your eyes for some perfect times to watch my gaming channel??b
@@ImkopPubg Nope
@@samuraigaming4074 thanks 🙏🏻
Levinho : Best trick in school
Me : Tomorrow is my exam and i forget all tricks in school
Im a pro player and beginner on UA-cam!!!
Can I borrow your eyes for some perfect times to watch my gaming channel??
Why do people dislike Levinho's gameplay? He's so pro and good tho. Weird to think
😂When Lavinho was in school, he learned this trick ❤️
Yall have to appreciate a busy player that takes his time to read comments and like it .. love man♥️♥️🤞🏾
7:28 three little kids 😂
Bro f off
Sevou turns off livestream.
His and Levinho's fans : Fek fek fek.
Waiting for you to reach 10m ❤️
My wishes are with you
So this is how u go back to school one day?
The moment levinho changed from TPP to FPP:that's really cool keep doing that too bro🔥🔥
Levinho: best trick in school
Me: best trick to bunk school 😂❤️
Feeling first with 292 others😂❤️
Hello Bro It Will Be An Honour If You can Watch Any Of My Videos
@@sparklessgaming6518 beggar
@@sparklessgaming6518 don't beg to someone
Feeling first with 10 k other
😂😂😂FaceBook huh
Fun fact: levhino watches zendex's tips and tricks.
Yes bro sometimes i feel the same.. i see that tricks here...
Watching Levinho sibce he had 1k subs.
At that time he first appeared to me in Yanrique Wright's pubgm video.
Now he surpass them all.
I knew that you will, as you were much entertaining and better
Love from India❤👍
Levinho: best trick in school (Pubg Mobile)
Me: my trick is not go to online class because I watched levinho😂
Imagine Levinho gives his girlfriend uc for Valentine's day 😅
That is if he have or hes LONLY 🤣🤣
What if he dosen't have😂
He gives uc everyday😂😂
@CARRY UA-cam VS TICTOK but u r a boy
waiting for your 10M
1.1 k views in 1min this is we call a legend
Legend never depends on views 😑
@@IrxMan 😅😅
But yu got 2 in 2 years
@@stephaned3072 Did I call myself as a legend??
@@IrxMan was talking to the dude☝️dnt be a dummy ok😉
Me and My Teammates:Shoot the Flare!!! We need OP Loot
Levinho:Maybe I should shoot flare for enemies to come🤔
لم يعجز عن خلق ٧ سماوات و٧ أراضي أيعجز عن جبر قلبك! أيصعب عليه أن يحمل ما فاض فؤداك به من ضيق وحزن! أيكبر عليه أن يغير أقدارك للأجمل! ثِق بربك".❤️
Levinho and sevou are the best feels like they are brothers❤️
I spent no day without watching levinho. Take my love❤️ from heart.
I love you
@@abishekabishek3200 🤣
"""Best in the best""",,,levinho is best,,, 💙💙
Mene Classics montage banaya hu Koi dekhega? ? 100% pasand aayega aaapko
Im a pro player and beginner on UA-cam!!!
Can I borrow your eyes for some perfect times to watch my gaming channel??h
Best of the best
Sevou big mistake Fek fek fek fek fek fek
Sevou. Big mistake 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Where levinho goes, we could see many loot boxes with m4 glaciers skin box
When me enter in the lobby
Levinho showing my school tricks😂😂😂
Daily Streams .PLEASE do Today Me and my friends going to College😥😥 Levinho😍❤
Levinho is shooting flare gun in ponchiki.
Me: shooting flaregun in stalber😂
Levhino sevou so cuteee love u
Kids like skins
Men like skills
Legends like both (levinho)
Legends will like my comment
7:20 wow 🤩
Levinho: The road to 10m😀
Me: still only 100 😔
way I'm making a royal draw now😇
Climbing through the whole at school was amazing.
Levinho. School trick.
Me. Hmmmmm
Levinho. Give me heart.
Me. Wooow ❤️♥️💓
Levinho is always Levinho 😎😎😍😍
Seen many vedios of levinho but this was the best best best best I can't express in words
Levihno and sevou bunking the school and going to apartments 😂😂😂😂
7:01 save yo time
മലയാളി 🔥🔥
Und mona malayali 🔥🔥
najan malayali annu bro 😁💓
@@arunks3150 😂😂
Love you Levinho dude ❤️
I was in class when I was watching his video thank for the school tip lol 😆
Everyone rushes to the comment setion😂
Imagine getting a heart from levinho😍
Keep imagining because this video is made very long ago and you are commenting now
@@souhardya69420 only one hour ago it was posted 😒😒😃😄😁😉😉
Please see how i play, i am from russia , i play well , but i am not supported😭😭
Hello Bro It Will Be An Honour If You can Watch Any Of My Videos
Bruh why do you guys promote yourself
@@user-rl4tc9lo9x When You Become A UA-camr You Will Know Our Feelings
@@sparklessgaming6518 hello
@@sparklessgaming6518 Do you know me
Iam always inspire by seeing your gameplay you have will create new things and tricks in pubg big fan of levinho from india
10:00 he switched to FPP ❤️❤️❤️
Sniping 💯
Grenade throw💯
Rush Timing 💯
Timing 💯
Respect to fans💯💯
Video Quality💯
Concentration 💯
This why we Love L E V I N H O✨️💙
Respect to enemies 💯
*Malayalies🥰❤️Come on*
Me*- why should I keep shotguns
Le levinho- 3 kills
Levinho's mail to PUBG officials- I need upgradable skins for shotguns too☺️
Officials- 😳
That FPP switch though 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Just imagine how much views comes for every seconds 😂😂😂😂
60% of people always imagined🤔
20% want support
10% always write stupidity in comments
Other 10% are smart like me😎
And u r in the 3rd line in ur comment
@@raghav5832 savage bro sahi bola😂
levinho do u love kurdish people ? 💚☀️❤
Me i love kurdish people
@@oussouss2651 tnx bro ❤🥰
@@abdullaasr Your welcome. Best regards from Morocco :)
@@oussouss2651 Oh, we love Morocco..Greetings to you, the most beautiful people in the world
@@abdullaasr Thank you bro, you are welcome anytime in your second country :)
Am I the only one to observe the reloading sound of levinho's shotgun as - DISHOOM DISHOOM DISHOOM !!😂
Levinho only applying new video:
Everybody in comments: Love Levinho, Levinho the best, LOVEEE UUU
Everyone: Enjoying him play
Me: learning and implementing as much as i can in my 1v4 plays. Hope he sees my efforts
My true inspiration❤️
To the 1 person reading this; "" You""re cool and
adorable stay safe""?... 🌼💕🙏
Sara: I am so poor eating lobster everyday
Levinho: I am so pro eating chicken dinner everyday
😂 you commedy him
After the school trick it Looks like levinho was a student in here 👏👏
As he Knows each and every Corner of the school😀👌👌
I have never seen levinho in FPP mode . Probably, this is the first time.
0:47 he shot in the leg for not damaging the helm🔥🔥🔥
Levinho is like Levi ackerman from ATTACK ON TITAN
Tis gameplay gud,thank u livinho
9:56 first FPP switch Levinho ever made 😱😱
Surprise surprise surprise 😂😂😂
Others going to pochiniki be like :😭😱
For levinho:😍
When You Play SANHOK With New QBZ LEVINHO??🤔for a long time i waited and watched your channel play again in SANHOK 😁😂😅 GIVE ME LOVE AND I LOVE YOU BRO😁😍
Levinho: o pochinki u r my turu love 😍
3:00 ok but rip for the guy at the tree that killed 2 guys with 1 nade😂
LEVINHO: shotgun master 😂
Fun fact: levinho and sevou whenever they use flare and drop the flare gun
Me:still last zone😂😂
900 IQ,From LEVINHO😂😂😂
The god of pubg mobile...the one and only Levinho...ho ho
Every time someone kills me, I wish it was Levinho😅😅just for uploading video!lol 😆
SEVOU and levinho was finding tricks in school today🤣🤣
Lol....that dude on the step climbing the stairs most broke his phone after the death
best part was at pochinki. they were all into you bc of the drops. 😂🤘
Broo i just love the way you start your gameplay so i have scscribed man❤️❤️❤️❤️
Soon it Will be 10. Million 🥰 good luck ❣️
Everyday day levinho is improved his game
If i would’ve seen Levinho play in the lobby i would instally throw a gernade to myself 😂😅
8:34 loved that loot scene.
I am tired all over the day but after looking notification of levinho's video I forget all and a layer of happiness come on my face..😍
Keep going buddy road to 10 million 💙👍
Here I am thinking they gonna teach us how to cheat in exams 🙇♂️
Pro 🤩🤩🤩nice keep it up legend
No one can match levinho reflex, really god play
When I play classic and I am in the plane I think I am in levinho’s video 😅😂😂
Whenever someone shoots levinho from far, I remember what sevou says: Big mistake