Firelink Shrine VS Soul of Cinder

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,1 тис.

  • @ebonblue364
    @ebonblue364 4 роки тому +3496

    The fire keeper "Some of you may die... but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make."

    • @Some-person-dot-dot-dot
      @Some-person-dot-dot-dot 4 роки тому +152

      "Mirror mirror on the wall, is this not the most fairest firekeep of them all?"

    • @davidhong1934
      @davidhong1934 4 роки тому +82

      ...Emerald Herald

    • @KingofAwesomness14
      @KingofAwesomness14 4 роки тому +56

      @@davidhong1934 Firekeeper-"then she dies" *prepares poison apple*

    • @Batcena
      @Batcena 4 роки тому +42

      @@Some-person-dot-dot-dot let not forget the original...Dark souls 1 Priscilla...(Before someone kills me she was originally meant to be one)

    • @Kemuell_Mabuen
      @Kemuell_Mabuen 4 роки тому +22

      Maiden in Black all the way...

  • @95keat
    @95keat 4 роки тому +5425

    Everyone: *extremely powerful attacks and spells*
    Greirat: *throwing knives*

    • @mushroomclouds9000
      @mushroomclouds9000 4 роки тому +785

      "It ain't much, but its honest work."

    • @aguafria9003
      @aguafria9003 4 роки тому +107

      @@witherfever4474 yes I got the big bleed knives doing 130 to 150 damage normally

    • @jooot_6850
      @jooot_6850 4 роки тому +196

      He's doing his best. Bless him

    • @jesuswhy5925
      @jesuswhy5925 4 роки тому +112

      *from the back*: I'M DOING SOMETHING, I'M CONTRIBUTING!

    • @davidhong1934
      @davidhong1934 4 роки тому +68

      Toki wo tomare!

  • @whatman956
    @whatman956 4 роки тому +4610

    This is poetic, and Patches was this close to becoming the true Unbreakable one.

    • @stovebot4280
      @stovebot4280 3 роки тому +103

      I watched this and went to comment but i came down and you had almost my exact sentence

    • @vilhelm697
      @vilhelm697 3 роки тому +153

      And it fits in a way, he never goes hollow and outlives the rest

    • @38Camando
      @38Camando 3 роки тому +78

      The tiniest bit of health left if Andre was in the fight to, this would have been a victory lol

    • @Lord_Pilaf
      @Lord_Pilaf 3 роки тому +40

      @@38Camando I know they should have included Andre

    • @sinh69420
      @sinh69420 3 роки тому +9

      Just like diamond

  • @lady_peri_of_nohr
    @lady_peri_of_nohr 4 роки тому +3201

    Firekeeper with a bag of popcorn: gods I wish I could see what's happening it sounds amazing.

    • @zanttwilik72
      @zanttwilik72 4 роки тому +213

      My headcanon personally is that 'fight club Firekeeper' from these is her after being given the Eyes, but otherwise yeah pretty much.

    • @vit968
      @vit968 4 роки тому +239

      *Ever since she got eyes she sadistically likes to see the light go out in their eyes.*

    • @3to1media
      @3to1media 4 роки тому +11

      Hahaha 😂🙏

    • @adsdown2342
      @adsdown2342 4 роки тому +2


    • @shannonrubin5370
      @shannonrubin5370 4 роки тому +13

      *plin plin plon intensifies*

  • @maddogsgaming7567
    @maddogsgaming7567 4 роки тому +11620

    Imagine if the fire keeper got up and was like "tonight, the keeper joins the hunt"

    • @THEO00900
      @THEO00900 4 роки тому +557

      I dont know if you have seen the movie but... this idea kinda gives me vibes of the scene in "Hobbit" where Galadriel b*tch slaps Sauron and the Nasgul into the void.

    • @fretfultrout2788
      @fretfultrout2788 4 роки тому +607

      Imagine if since the title is firelink shrine vs that the whole shrine gets up like ‘fine I’ll link it myself’ haha

    • @bloodraven5067
      @bloodraven5067 4 роки тому +286

      @@fretfultrout2788 would've been badass.
      "Fine, I'll do it myself."

    • @Logaterasou
      @Logaterasou 4 роки тому +18

      That would be cool

    • @dumbooctopus4
      @dumbooctopus4 4 роки тому +180

      And in her second phase she goes “How my blood boils! Face me Soul of Cinder!

  • @SleepyMover
    @SleepyMover 3 роки тому +2294

    Everyone else tanking hits...
    Anri every 10 seconds: *E S T U S*

    • @danitiwa
      @danitiwa 3 роки тому +50


    • @salthcreative5540
      @salthcreative5540 3 роки тому +13

      In shortenings, words such as "the" and "of" are often ignored. Anre of Astora = AA. She might need it.

    • @KIDhazama
      @KIDhazama 3 роки тому +34

      You think the reason she chugs like that is because her ai is aware that her survival is critical to the story?

    • @Williamlongsword-l2c
      @Williamlongsword-l2c 3 роки тому +22

      @@KIDhazama Hawkwood and Anri are probably the smartest AI in the game in that order. It's not saying much but yeah.

    • @pajeetsingh
      @pajeetsingh Рік тому


  • @Itslikeareward
    @Itslikeareward 3 роки тому +536

    *everyone dies*
    SoC: “you still live?”
    Patches: “thought you could outwit an onion?”

  • @deraminator945
    @deraminator945 4 роки тому +2723

    Imagine everyone spawning at the firelink shrine and be like " damn guys we almost had him"

    • @rexlumontad5644
      @rexlumontad5644 4 роки тому +207

      In the second round, they did it right this time

    • @vit968
      @vit968 4 роки тому +224

      *Just another WOW raid gone wrong.*

    • @deraminator945
      @deraminator945 4 роки тому +13

      @@rexlumontad5644 yes 😄

    • @JMAN_
      @JMAN_ 4 роки тому +134

      "god dammit, Leeroy"

    • @Jimbobiscuit
      @Jimbobiscuit 4 роки тому +17

      They went for the head

  • @sorlakgear
    @sorlakgear 3 роки тому +3108

    Eygon: *Sees Greirat throwing knives* What are you doing?
    Greirat: My best :'D

  • @kubasad13
    @kubasad13 4 роки тому +710

    Greirat: *Throws knives*

    • @NoobGamer-25
      @NoobGamer-25 4 роки тому +27

      He's also selling supplies

    • @TheRealAMVGuy
      @TheRealAMVGuy 4 роки тому +8

      Technically. He is.

    • @boid9761
      @boid9761 4 роки тому

      @Felix Stotts SoC is highly resistant to Bleed.

    • @xxchocolatexx4117
      @xxchocolatexx4117 4 роки тому

      Lol bro that made me laugh cuz I was like wtf is he doing at that moment 👏👏

  • @coreypearson4
    @coreypearson4 4 роки тому +986

    Patches running out of estus as he almost beats soul of cinder
    "yes... Now u feel the true pain of a dark soul player"

    • @isis3390
      @isis3390 3 роки тому +2


    • @quirkyorc1192
      @quirkyorc1192 3 роки тому +4

      @@isis3390 chin chan chu?

    • @isis3390
      @isis3390 3 роки тому


    • @quirkyorc1192
      @quirkyorc1192 3 роки тому +3

      @@isis3390 aaaah taka taka?

    • @isis3390
      @isis3390 3 роки тому


  • @ludhaven
    @ludhaven 3 роки тому +664

    there's something oddly poetic with patches being the last line of hope against an unstoppable doom

  • @DarthOmix
    @DarthOmix 4 роки тому +3308

    "Why'd they give the Soul of Cinder such a health boost?"
    [fight starts]
    "Oh, that's why."

    • @VioletVile
      @VioletVile 3 роки тому +70

      I had that same thought for Embered Abyss Watchers vs Nameless King. I was also like, 'Oh, that's why.'

    • @thegk-verse4216
      @thegk-verse4216 3 роки тому +10

      @@VioletVile Well, the watchers are embered.

    • @Rohnon
      @Rohnon 3 роки тому +34

      @1990skelly Yeah they'd just stunlock him to death

    • @WingMaster562
      @WingMaster562 3 роки тому +19

      @@Rohnon the power of Ganking

    • @rubdulbah3201
      @rubdulbah3201 3 роки тому +24

      I'm not fully sure, but I believe that souls games are coded to increase the boss' health relative to the amount of allies you summon to assist in the battle

  • @punishedjojonah
    @punishedjojonah 4 роки тому +1547

    SoC: "I am Inevitable"
    Patches: "And I...
    am Unbreakable"

    • @jeremyrobel9072
      @jeremyrobel9072 4 роки тому +37

      *reverse snap*

    • @tyrant351
      @tyrant351 4 роки тому +24

      and yet he still broke.

    • @amamsurri5454
      @amamsurri5454 4 роки тому +20

      @David SoC only won with 5X health and just barely

    • @CombineMTF
      @CombineMTF 4 роки тому +2

      @David seems like the joke went *woosh* over your head

    • @CombineMTF
      @CombineMTF 4 роки тому +8

      @David my dude he made a joke about how patches was the last one standing we all know he died in the end but its referring to how he was the last one standing he was not implying that he won the fight so you just read it and started to comment on his comment about how it makes no sense although if you had around 1% of a brain you could easily have figured this out but instead you just decided to be a d***

  • @_zealos_8213
    @_zealos_8213 3 роки тому +472

    Fire Keeper: You know the Ashen One can do this alone, right?
    Everyone: _L i e s ._

    • @elvingearmasterirma7241
      @elvingearmasterirma7241 3 роки тому +38

      To be fair it took my brother god damn hours to do it. He started at 2 and only finished at 5. There was much jubilation from him that day

    • @havelthedeadinside1799
      @havelthedeadinside1799 2 роки тому +2

      They all as a group said "since when was it not ok to let us have a shot at SOC

    • @amiefortman7220
      @amiefortman7220 2 роки тому +31

      Patches: "I know a fool's errand when I see one--there's no way you can convince me to--"
      Greirat: *gets up to join the others*
      Patches: "... oh, to hell with it." *stands up*

    • @ayh4968
      @ayh4968 2 роки тому +10

      the ashen one also has unlimited tries and access to google and youtube guides

    • @bee_552
      @bee_552 2 роки тому

      It took me 20 minutes with fugs.

  • @heroponriki666
    @heroponriki666 4 роки тому +1342

    If Andre still had his Dark Souls 1 AI he would have carried the combat

  • @flannelshirtenthusiast4159
    @flannelshirtenthusiast4159 4 роки тому +1710

    This feels like the final fight in a 10 year long D&D campaign

  • @lordswagman1419
    @lordswagman1419 3 роки тому +714

    4:26 you know, I can imagine patches here, accepting his fate as everyone else has been long dead. He’s the last one, and though he is not Unkindled, he is the Unbreakable Patches. He knows his chances of victory if are slim. He grips his spear tightly, leaping forward at the distract Soul of Cinders. But it turns around. He is vulnerable, and here he meets his fate as the Soul of Cinders lets out a mighty roar, leaping back at Patches. Cutting him down. Who would’ve thought Patches the Trickster would’ve been tricked into leaping to his death.

    • @mistertaco9260
      @mistertaco9260 3 роки тому +40

      that scene was badass

    • @havelthedeadinside1799
      @havelthedeadinside1799 2 роки тому +12

      I cried reading this

    • @forkliftcertifed123
      @forkliftcertifed123 2 роки тому +10

      This narration reminds of those cringe af R34 comment sections.

    • @havelthedeadinside1799
      @havelthedeadinside1799 2 роки тому

      @@forkliftcertifed123 we get it, blue lives matter, BLM is fake, Trump best president, got enough attention from me or do you need more?

    • @planetmaker3472
      @planetmaker3472 2 роки тому +7

      @@forkliftcertifed123 yeah that is exactly how these comments read.

  • @sodagirl1092
    @sodagirl1092 4 роки тому +1430

    Everyone: *Fighting for their lives*
    Firekeeper: "Haha, yes, die trash"

    • @eugeneedgeworth1436
      @eugeneedgeworth1436 4 роки тому +73

      I was expecting her to get up from her comfy chair after everyone died and proceed to beat SoC to death or something

    • @reximingan9420
      @reximingan9420 4 роки тому +6

      @@eugeneedgeworth1436 even ashen one(we) can kill her, so for her, hell no.

    • @irvancrocs1753
      @irvancrocs1753 4 роки тому +28

      Imagine fire keeper is like the doll from bloodborne, the creature in firelink shrine is just her copy and her trueself is a character who wielding dual greatswords and can fly with it..

    • @sunbroastora9973
      @sunbroastora9973 4 роки тому +8

      @@eugeneedgeworth1436 I just imagine they're just playing outside with sticks while she makes the Pudding of the Lords (bonus points if you get the reference)

    • @horizonred4188
      @horizonred4188 4 роки тому +4

      @@sunbroastora9973 Haven't watched his channel in a long time but that's from a Matthew Shezman animation right?

  • @gobymark9379
    @gobymark9379 4 роки тому +1007

    Leonhard: Check out my soul greatsword!
    SoC : You mean this?

  • @billyleho7839
    @billyleho7839 3 роки тому +73

    1:22 I like how Leonhard hits SoC with soul greatsword and he dodged it then goes "my turn" and hits back with the same spell but bigger

  • @thegameshow7017
    @thegameshow7017 4 роки тому +1457

    It's all fun and games until *plin plin plon* comes in and SoC starts playing ball with everyone.

    • @nicolasrodriguezbadala1024
      @nicolasrodriguezbadala1024 4 роки тому +102

      Ah yes, plin plin plon, Soul of Cinder's most powerful attack.

    • @xeno6338
      @xeno6338 4 роки тому +48

      @@nicolasrodriguezbadala1024 the only thing that can surpass It is the Power of the crabs

    • @nicolasrodriguezbadala1024
      @nicolasrodriguezbadala1024 4 роки тому +30

      @@xeno6338 if El Crabo from the cinders mod was here this fight would've been over in the blink of an eye

    • @xeno6338
      @xeno6338 4 роки тому +7

      @@nicolasrodriguezbadala1024 exactly

    • @lianhongsu141
      @lianhongsu141 4 роки тому +24

      "You can parry his attack but you can't parry the feeling."

  • @mirandafields3070
    @mirandafields3070 4 роки тому +2083

    Everyone else: alright, if we *all* rush and maximize our damage, we can take this guy down, together!
    Greirat: random Bullshit, Go!

  • @mauriciojs6527
    @mauriciojs6527 3 роки тому +228

    2:41 That combo was absolutely sick.

    • @axelvaxquez1427
      @axelvaxquez1427 Рік тому +2

      For a moment he got tired of playing with the children.

  • @dr.amazaier1772
    @dr.amazaier1772 4 роки тому +631

    Firekeeper: Noble lord of cinder, relinquish yo-
    Soul of Cinder: LIGHTING!!

    • @davidhong1934
      @davidhong1934 4 роки тому +27

      Red Friend: I like looking at the bones of ancient warriors because you can kind of imagine how they were like back when they were alive.
      Blue Bro: You phrase that...really...weirdly, but I get exactly what you mean.
      (Wolnir gets up)

    • @sunbroastora9973
      @sunbroastora9973 4 роки тому +28

      We run and we explode!

    • @LeEldritch
      @LeEldritch 4 роки тому +9

      Happy Souls

    • @fumeknightofshovelry3901
      @fumeknightofshovelry3901 4 роки тому +11

      Ludleth: "I'VE GOT BOSS WEAPONS!"

    • @cinnaboi8040
      @cinnaboi8040 4 роки тому +5

      @@fumeknightofshovelry3901 did you say boss weapons!?

  • @littlestumpy1326
    @littlestumpy1326 4 роки тому +1229

    There's a channel called Garden of Eyes that makes BloodBorne Boss vs Boss videos, he said he was inspired by you lol. You are one of the best souls youtubers out there. I hope you keep doing this.

    • @limonbattery
      @limonbattery 4 роки тому +77

      Yeah Garden of Eyes is Sanadsk's second channel - you may already know him for covering cut content in these games.

    • @littlestumpy1326
      @littlestumpy1326 4 роки тому +50

      @@limonbattery Lol really? I didn't know that. Yeah I already know Sanadsk is lol I watch him

    • @braedenhaeck7030
      @braedenhaeck7030 4 роки тому +8

      Why does hardly anyone do bloodborne boss vs boss?

    • @limonbattery
      @limonbattery 4 роки тому +25

      @@braedenhaeck7030 Modding consoles is harder than PC lol (also the PS4 Pro can barely handle Bloodborne at 720p 60fps and even then must be hacked to do so.)

    • @raistarlingthemage1661
      @raistarlingthemage1661 4 роки тому +9

      @@braedenhaeck7030 It is much more difficult because its only on the Ps4. Modding is much easier on PC.

  • @TheSlammurai
    @TheSlammurai 4 роки тому +587

    They've got a lot of great fighters on their side.... and Greirat.

    • @Mound_Maker
      @Mound_Maker 3 роки тому +105

      Meh Greirat gets a freepass, he is best boi and besides I believe for the most part he tries to avoid all conflicts

    • @Ancor_Vantian
      @Ancor_Vantian 3 роки тому +74

      Don't disrespect _The_ Greyrat.
      Have you seen the FL vs Midir fight?
      Greirat blocks like 3 of Midir's attacks with his tiny little shield.

    • @rockycuro7737
      @rockycuro7737 2 роки тому +16

      Hey, he's a thief not a knight

    • @Haszry
      @Haszry 2 роки тому +12

      @@rockycuro7737 true, thieves arent even supposed to be in a fight to begin with

  • @bobthemouse6668
    @bobthemouse6668 4 роки тому +674

    I feel like the lore of this was that you gave the Firekeeper the eyes and she finally realised sending one person to link the flame was stupid, why not just send everyone?

    • @rexlumontad5644
      @rexlumontad5644 4 роки тому +51

      She is like an armchair general

    • @kiloklavdi1185
      @kiloklavdi1185 4 роки тому +33

      Or they want to end all of it despite their desperation

    • @OhMoonPresence
      @OhMoonPresence 4 роки тому +42

      “Ashen one, I have assembled an army for you”
      Cool who’s in it
      You’re damn lucky you’re the best waifu or I’d have to apply domestic abuse right here

    • @wadespencer3623
      @wadespencer3623 4 роки тому +25

      @@OhMoonPresence Patches lasts the longest, clearly he's doing something right.

    • @boid9761
      @boid9761 4 роки тому +14

      And then she witnesses Gwyn Himself absolutely mop the floor with everyone and regret her decision as he menacingly walks towards her

  • @yeespaghettisauce1163
    @yeespaghettisauce1163 4 роки тому +697

    4:14 "Realizing that he has no Estus left, Patches, the Unbreakable, the Chad, the Madlad, throws caution to the wind, and leaps, with all of his remaining energy, to the Soul of Cinder, and fights as valiantly as one could..."

    • @boid9761
      @boid9761 4 роки тому +79

      "His spear caused the amalgamation to stagger to it's knees, giving him a free hit. But it was short lived, as the soul created a thunderstorm above their heads, and lightning rained down on him.
      With his last sliver of health, and nothing to lose, he defends with his shield, and approached the boss, fully accepting his fate of defeat.
      And that, is destiny fulfilled."

    • @meyearsago-lc8bq
      @meyearsago-lc8bq 4 роки тому +32

      And it all leads to Ringed City DLC where Patches has finally gone hollow after so many years.

    • @whatman956
      @whatman956 4 роки тому +5

      Brilliantly said

    • @drewmoore8574
      @drewmoore8574 4 роки тому +3

      Caught that too

    • @ollie7070
      @ollie7070 4 роки тому +2

      @@meyearsago-lc8bq he finally goes hollow after 3 games? Nice.

  • @shinobix4925
    @shinobix4925 3 роки тому +68

    Hawkwood : For his fallen brethen
    Leonhard : For Rosaria
    Greirat : For Loretta
    Yuria : For the age of Dark
    Cornyx : For his teachings
    Anri : For the victims of Aldritch
    Horace : For Anri
    Eygon : For Irina
    Orbeck : For the sake of knowledge
    Sirris : For the Dark Moon
    Patches : For himself
    The Fire Keeper : For the age of Fire
    The player : For no reason

  • @senpaikaroo
    @senpaikaroo 4 роки тому +862

    6:19 Orbecks attacks synced with the "plin plin plon"

    • @iainkilcar7463
      @iainkilcar7463 4 роки тому +49

      Nice spot

    • @musanagi9919
      @musanagi9919 4 роки тому +27

      Holy shit

    • @musanagi9919
      @musanagi9919 4 роки тому +65

      Vaatividya best get his ass on this. May orbeck be gwyn's reincarnation!?

    • @Sean-jv6bd
      @Sean-jv6bd 3 роки тому +1


    • @Tasorius
      @Tasorius 3 роки тому +5

      Some things are just too insane to be a coincidence...

  • @dougp5044
    @dougp5044 4 роки тому +985

    Didn't realize Patches and Horace where so beastly. They carried the Firelink team both fights.

    • @dougp5044
      @dougp5044 4 роки тому +18

      @T DW IKR

    • @guilhermeg.rodrigues1248
      @guilhermeg.rodrigues1248 4 роки тому +126

      Don't forget about Greirat and Yuria for that monstrous bleed damage

    • @matthenry7342
      @matthenry7342 4 роки тому +82

      They dont call him "unbreakable" patches for nothin!

    • @jooot_6850
      @jooot_6850 4 роки тому +104

      @@guilhermeg.rodrigues1248 no, the real carry was the 78 knives Greirat threw at SoC

    • @guilhermeg.rodrigues1248
      @guilhermeg.rodrigues1248 4 роки тому +48

      @@jooot_6850 If only he had brought kukris...

  • @Polo-bp2uv
    @Polo-bp2uv 4 роки тому +855

    Can we jus take a moment to acknowledge the fact that patches almost killed the soul of sinder....
    He truly is..... *U N B R E A K A B L E*

    • @Oreca2005
      @Oreca2005 3 роки тому +39


    • @danmaproductions8208
      @danmaproductions8208 3 роки тому +22

      Shining Justice

    • @Oreca2005
      @Oreca2005 3 роки тому +5

      @@danmaproductions8208 oh goodness

    • @danmaproductions8208
      @danmaproductions8208 3 роки тому +10

      @@Oreca2005 I came here to watch my boi, Champion Gundyr beat the shite out of the other Bosses
      Fancy seeing you here?

  • @gladz032
    @gladz032 4 роки тому +1153

    SoC: How could you resist my attack!? Impossible!
    Eygon: *POISE, SON!*

  • @Character_Limit
    @Character_Limit 4 роки тому +727

    patches was the last one standing at the end of time in the dlc, of course he’d survive here too...well almost

    • @GuardianOwl
      @GuardianOwl 4 роки тому +62

      He just needed 1 more swig of estus and he would have done it.

    • @AlexVinchenzo
      @AlexVinchenzo 4 роки тому +21

      he failed as always

    • @Unbr0k3nPr0mm1se
      @Unbr0k3nPr0mm1se 4 роки тому +55


    • @yuritrasimaco5201
      @yuritrasimaco5201 4 роки тому +16

      @@GuardianOwl if he rushed to SoC and beaten it before the attack charged he maybe have won too

    • @kiro253
      @kiro253 4 роки тому +6

      Isnt the end of the time is when we fought gael? I dont see patches there so what do u mean he is the last 1 standing? If anyone it would be shira..Last ringed knight or gael

  • @Alacachoo
    @Alacachoo 3 роки тому +90

    OH FUCK so this is how a D&D game with many players with a variety of classes versus an actual boss would look like actually animated? Sick dude. This moment (1:24) remids me of D&D especially.

  • @jeremyrobel9072
    @jeremyrobel9072 4 роки тому +243

    Imagine talking with Andre after the fight
    "What was that?"
    "Aye, I felt it too lad. Like the sudden snuffing of a candle to greet the dark that lies ahead. The shrine- so empty."
    "Andre, that's surprisingly deep for you. I didn't know you cared."
    "I don't. But I forged them weapons. Shame they will rust with no one to use them."

  • @잉잉여-c3m
    @잉잉여-c3m 4 роки тому +483

    6:51 "ANRI, THE PARRY GOD"

  • @nothingiseverperfect
    @nothingiseverperfect 4 роки тому +187

    in that my moment he thought to himself:
    “I can’t win this. Instead I must AIM FOR THE QUEEN!”

  • @SolarFlarehorse
    @SolarFlarehorse 4 роки тому +2216

    When the hero's team is getting the upper hand on the Anime villain and he finally shouts "ENOUGH!"

    • @MegumiHayashida
      @MegumiHayashida 4 роки тому +49

      Literally 😂

    • @queefuszingelton
      @queefuszingelton 4 роки тому +150

      More like

    • @keriheatfan3
      @keriheatfan3 3 роки тому +46

      @@queefuszingelton i was gonna say that too but 2:07 looks more like it.

    • @queefuszingelton
      @queefuszingelton 3 роки тому +16

      @@keriheatfan3 but if you combine them both together then it will make sense

    • @nobodycares99
      @nobodycares99 3 роки тому +28

      I meant 2:45

  • @josephcola9662
    @josephcola9662 4 роки тому +475

    I honestly thought Patches was going to clutch the first round for a few seconds.
    Would've been hilarious and lore appropriate.

    • @riksfaltohuraker4276
      @riksfaltohuraker4276 4 роки тому +22

      Nope, Patches would never bother taking part in this! XD

    • @boid9761
      @boid9761 4 роки тому +31

      @@riksfaltohuraker4276 He would. Because he wants that loot all for himself.

    • @jbark678
      @jbark678 4 роки тому +46

      @@riksfaltohuraker4276 Everyone died before him. It's his dream scenario.

  • @GoodnightMoon4
    @GoodnightMoon4 3 роки тому +72

    Man this was weirdly emotional, cheering on all the people who helped you. And Patches.

  • @ironfox2778
    @ironfox2778 4 роки тому +249

    4:31 Patches really thought he could square up with that attack.

    • @Lunesscape
      @Lunesscape 3 роки тому +2

      It was so awesome seeing him try and square up tho with that lunge but in the end just getting utterly destroyed

    • @winxclub998wizardmaster
      @winxclub998wizardmaster 3 роки тому +2

      mans went down fighting

  • @BigIcedCoffee
    @BigIcedCoffee 4 роки тому +212

    Harkwood: Hell no i’m not going up against the Soul of Cinder! I’m not even fit to lick his boots!
    BonfireVN: He has the Twinkling Dragonhead Stone
    Harkwood: *We’ll see who has the makings of a dragon...*

    • @Alacachoo
      @Alacachoo 3 роки тому


    • @_zealos_8213
      @_zealos_8213 3 роки тому +1

      I'd like to think something similar then happened with everyone else

  • @thewanderingdisease4158
    @thewanderingdisease4158 3 роки тому +87

    7:48 Horace Moonwalking out is the greatest battle humiliation

  • @LautrecOfCarim
    @LautrecOfCarim 4 роки тому +1416

    This video did the unthinkable:
    I was actually rooting for Patches for a bit.

    • @benireges
      @benireges 4 роки тому +29

      Me too.

    • @Unbr0k3nPr0mm1se
      @Unbr0k3nPr0mm1se 4 роки тому +44

      @@itriggerpeople4433 i don't know, it's rather sinister.

    • @yuritrasimaco5201
      @yuritrasimaco5201 4 роки тому +19

      Me too and he disappointed me again, he could have won for everyone if he had been a little more aggressive. But GG

    • @Opus9ine
      @Opus9ine 4 роки тому +4

      i dont know.. heh is kinda meh

    • @yuritrasimaco5201
      @yuritrasimaco5201 4 роки тому +22

      @Mister Guy what are YOU implying here? Patches always bravely kicked people in the back to punish their greedy

  • @alexaang9814
    @alexaang9814 4 роки тому +672

    Imagine if the shrine handmaid was there, she would've obliterated Soul of Cinder single handedly....

    • @davidhong1934
      @davidhong1934 4 роки тому +295

      Imagine if Andre didn't retire from his wrestling career

    • @squidwardtentacles244
      @squidwardtentacles244 4 роки тому +157

      @@davidhong1934 Andre would fucking wreck soul of cinder

    • @limonbattery
      @limonbattery 4 роки тому +99

      @@squidwardtentacles244 Andre: Takes up his stance.
      SoC: Jumps off the platform crying.

    • @diptarkadas5193
      @diptarkadas5193 4 роки тому +101

      Andre would have dropkicked SoC to Bloodborne universe.

    • @borderlands_lad1672
      @borderlands_lad1672 4 роки тому +5

      @@diptarkadas5193 yes

  • @tiernanmcculloch
    @tiernanmcculloch 4 роки тому +59

    I love how SoC realizes whenever to focus on just one of them to get their health low enough to kill them. It makes him seem very strategic.

    • @andrewdiedrich3097
      @andrewdiedrich3097 3 роки тому +9

      If I had to guess, it's a set of moves in sequence that just follows the last person they're aggroed on. But yes, it looks savage af.

  • @rdejano3
    @rdejano3 4 роки тому +1167

    Damn, imagine if Dark Souls had raids like this...

    • @THEO00900
      @THEO00900 4 роки тому +154

      I think thats called Midir

    • @Moody.Smiruai
      @Moody.Smiruai 4 роки тому +13

      @@THEO00900 no

    • @C-R-l-M-S-O-N
      @C-R-l-M-S-O-N 4 роки тому +38

      maybe with mods one day hopefully

    • @janterri3539
      @janterri3539 4 роки тому +19

      Raids would be too easy for this type of game

    • @Batcena
      @Batcena 4 роки тому +57

      Fuck...30 players against a A Gywn or Nito in their prime...I would buy that

  • @IamBlackToast
    @IamBlackToast 4 роки тому +210

    If Ludleth had his legs, this fight would’ve been over in seconds.

    • @GameGuy667
      @GameGuy667 4 роки тому +14

      Nah nah you're sleeping on the shrine handmaiden

    • @joseacosta1851
      @joseacosta1851 4 роки тому +16

      @@GameGuy667 What are YOU talking about, if the fire keeper could see this wouldn’t have even been a fight, it would’ve been an execution

    • @musanagi9919
      @musanagi9919 4 роки тому

      @@GameGuy667 @DarthMahul what are you two talking about your asses lucky pickle pay ain't get her ass up and started scrapping

  • @bigvic8701
    @bigvic8701 3 роки тому +55

    “Is there no one else?”
    These Words have never rang so true before this.

  • @JTScrumptious
    @JTScrumptious 4 роки тому +337

    Me: Wow, they're doing well!
    *Plin plin plon*
    **Me: Oh no**

    • @fadingghost9723
      @fadingghost9723 4 роки тому +2

      I think they would have won the first round if Soul of Cinder's grab didn't make him invincible during the animation.

  • @twls153
    @twls153 4 роки тому +407

    2:47 I really thought Cinder killed almost everyone with this attack.

    • @yesmansam6686
      @yesmansam6686 4 роки тому +35

      He sure got Eygon, what a shame.

    • @yesmansam6686
      @yesmansam6686 4 роки тому

      @Personal Risk
      What ya tryin'ta say about my man Eygon?

    • @FelipeVieira-cj2xd
      @FelipeVieira-cj2xd 4 роки тому

      Well, he almost did that
      Gostei de tu, inscrito do Kakaxe, do Flau Padrekest e do Oriloque, um homem de cultura definitivamente

    • @simonsoupshark8009
      @simonsoupshark8009 4 роки тому


    • @cscotch1127
      @cscotch1127 4 роки тому +3

      He didn't kill most of them with it, but the damage was enough that everyone started dropping like flies after

  • @somelowbudgetanimator3210
    @somelowbudgetanimator3210 3 роки тому +83

    3:55 patches deserves the name “can’t be broken”

  • @strateg4play
    @strateg4play 4 роки тому +881

    2:19 Everyone is fighting to death
    Anri and Horace: drinking estus on the front line

    • @greyworld2246
      @greyworld2246 3 роки тому +113

      Gotta stay hydrated

    • @fhfebrian
      @fhfebrian 3 роки тому +58

      They were like : "Cheers!"

    • @gminor6288
      @gminor6288 3 роки тому +28

      Hydrate or Diedrate

    • @borneyesterday206
      @borneyesterday206 3 роки тому +9

      Gotta pump that OJ

    • @shinobix4925
      @shinobix4925 3 роки тому +21

      Those two are a power couple, regardless of Anri's gender

  • @giacomorinaldi8803
    @giacomorinaldi8803 4 роки тому +717

    So, apparently that explosion attack deflects projectiles and spells. Who knew

    • @musanagi9919
      @musanagi9919 4 роки тому +239

      I learned that the hard way mate. Got my 99 intelligence crystal soul spear yeeted right back at me

    • @jadeimingan184
      @jadeimingan184 3 роки тому +46

      @@musanagi9919 shit, that hurts

    • @musanagi9919
      @musanagi9919 3 роки тому +38

      @@jadeimingan184 yeah it did

    • @revthescatman137
      @revthescatman137 3 роки тому +24

      @@musanagi9919 99 intelligence? That must of taken a lot of grinding

    • @musanagi9919
      @musanagi9919 3 роки тому +54

      @@revthescatman137 yes it was and I rather not talk about it cause it hurt

  • @whanowa
    @whanowa 2 роки тому +24

    2:42 absolute killer combo right there man, never thought I would see this in a Souls game

  • @Idle_isAFK
    @Idle_isAFK 4 роки тому +309

    Literally everyone : **Unlease their ultimate power and skills**
    Greirat : haha throwing knives go bbrbrbrbrbrbr

  • @iainkilcar7463
    @iainkilcar7463 4 роки тому +154

    That first battle quickly went from "how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?!" To "somebody call an ambulance! But not for me!"

  • @mr_scrub925
    @mr_scrub925 3 роки тому +31

    1:00 the upper hand
    1:49 anime vilain says ENOUGH!
    2:05 anime vilain go into 2nd phase
    2:40 anime vilain gains the upper hand
    2:56 a massacre
    3:03 each hero gets picked off one by one
    3:46 the last two
    4:07 the last surviving hero is alive barely but the vilain is still alive by a thread
    4:15 the hero is to weak since he ran out of etus
    4:30 the vilain gives the final blow resulting in the hero's death

    • @megabruh8878
      @megabruh8878 2 роки тому +6

      the anime where patches is the main character

  • @BOOMF51
    @BOOMF51 4 роки тому +299

    Orbeck of vinheim just kept spamming spells with anger after soul of cinder died

  • @kevgmei
    @kevgmei 4 роки тому +354

    When Champ of Ash doesn't show up and everyone realizes that they actually have to go and beat the game
    Also love Horace's sideways moonwalking at the end

    • @genndy4538
      @genndy4538 4 роки тому +15

      When I died so many times at this boss, and npc was so damn tired of waiting this shit.

  • @gravint3294
    @gravint3294 2 роки тому +18

    Patches is truely unbreakable. He survived throughout the souls games , was the very last to die in the first round and survived the second round.

  • @tyrant351
    @tyrant351 4 роки тому +370

    watching SoC juggle 6 NPCs
    "Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe. But this does put a smile on my face."

  • @jawar5673
    @jawar5673 4 роки тому +344

    Is no one going to talk about how cinematic that was?

    • @GobaGNon
      @GobaGNon 4 роки тому +25

      Woulda more been cinematic if he got one final crack in on the soul before getting slapped down.

    • @tarkadhal8344
      @tarkadhal8344 4 роки тому +7


    • @TheSlammurai
      @TheSlammurai 4 роки тому +25

      "Get the fuck down, Patches."
      "Alright, sorry. Jeez."

    • @FVCK-TH1S
      @FVCK-TH1S 3 роки тому

      Ikr, like damn it do hit

    • @boid9761
      @boid9761 3 роки тому +12

      Patches earning his place as the sole survivor till the End of Time, and yet meets his end trying to link the Fire

  • @ptlemon1101
    @ptlemon1101 2 роки тому +18

    I never rooted for Patches so much in my life. He was almost Unbreakable

  • @gabrieletarantino4030
    @gabrieletarantino4030 4 роки тому +189

    See Patches there sound very romantic, the only undead without any kind of dream or ambition... Standing to the very end of the world.

    • @musanagi9919
      @musanagi9919 4 роки тому +4

      But they be in the wrong neighborhood

  • @weeaboomanotakutsuki8353
    @weeaboomanotakutsuki8353 4 роки тому +2302

    Wait a sec. If everyone at Firelink Shrine could just gank the Soul of Cinder, then why did they need us???

    • @GobaGNon
      @GobaGNon 4 роки тому +320

      Eh. Didn’t want to

    • @gonmordevol7245
      @gonmordevol7245 4 роки тому +97

      Soul of cinder x4'9 HP still down

    • @kalash9467
      @kalash9467 4 роки тому +256

      Who could bring all of them together?

    • @nanarb6945
      @nanarb6945 4 роки тому +151

      There was an idea ...

      @INFA_KNIGHT 4 роки тому +45

      They hp was increased so they obviously won, if it wasnt they would die quicker then we usually do

  • @matteodelluomo3133
    @matteodelluomo3133 3 роки тому +18

    Patches, Leonhard and Horace are the dream team i didn't know i wanted
    But now I want MORE

  • @moodmstro4477
    @moodmstro4477 4 роки тому +158

    Anri is a parry god confirmed

  • @thegameshow7017
    @thegameshow7017 4 роки тому +277

    It always comes back to the unbreakable, patches to take the win.

    • @redpandarampage2191
      @redpandarampage2191 4 роки тому +13

      "It always comes down to the hunter's Patches to clean up after these sorts of messes."

    • @hydromano6652
      @hydromano6652 4 роки тому

      Patches lost

  • @TheKratosgold
    @TheKratosgold 3 роки тому +28

    SOC: WTF....
    Everyone: The power of friendship.

  • @ginjadingo2941
    @ginjadingo2941 4 роки тому +366

    Hawkwood: “You took everything from me.”
    SoC: “I don’t even know who you are.”

    • @asandflavoredpoptart9151
      @asandflavoredpoptart9151 4 роки тому +8

      Damn, lore wise, this comment is really sad

    • @ginjadingo2941
      @ginjadingo2941 4 роки тому

      @@asandflavoredpoptart9151 that’s why I chose Hawkwood over the other characters

    • @hiimadog2594
      @hiimadog2594 4 роки тому +1

      @@ginjadingo2941 *GIVES ME CONNIPTIONS*

    • @ginjadingo2941
      @ginjadingo2941 4 роки тому

      @@hiimadog2594 *BLOATED LIKE A DROWNED PIG*

  • @caramelfrappe402
    @caramelfrappe402 4 роки тому +1043

    Real talk, a few NPCs saved the fight. Whenever SoC Phase 2 was about to do his god-tier combo, someone managed to stop him in time. Horace for example did his charge attack, managing to save the group because I am pretty sure they would of lost Round 2 without him doing that.

    • @Alacachoo
      @Alacachoo 3 роки тому +132

      Horace went "TANK THIS YOU FILTHY CASUL"

    • @docholiday4129
      @docholiday4129 3 роки тому +33

      I’d argue Eygon the tank that he is with that poise buffed wrath of the gods was a valuable asset

    • @kennybolanos4031
      @kennybolanos4031 3 роки тому +31

      True, they lost 1st round bc of that super wombo combo SoC did

    • @trouserslizard9388
      @trouserslizard9388 3 роки тому +7

      so I kept looking at it, and I am pretty sure it is orbeck who manages to stop the attack (with the help of Horace I will admit) which just baffles me.

    • @amidnightsnack9256
      @amidnightsnack9256 3 роки тому +6

      @@trouserslizard9388 Yup, Horace completely whiffed his attack.

  • @yusufbukhari6962
    @yusufbukhari6962 3 роки тому +70

    1:47 Soul of Cinder be like "ENOUGH"

  • @panzeri209
    @panzeri209 4 роки тому +384

    Soc was like: okay Andre is not here, i'm safe i can take them

    • @ripvanwinkle9935
      @ripvanwinkle9935 4 роки тому +18

      He didn’t want to squander all the oil he applied to himself that day :/

    • @revthescatman137
      @revthescatman137 3 роки тому +9

      Andre would 1 tap Soc no cap

    • @godleftmeraw89
      @godleftmeraw89 3 роки тому +6

      He remembers the beating he took from ds1, he ain't having it twice

    • @linkesocke4533
      @linkesocke4533 3 роки тому +5

      If Andre was there, soc wouldn't stand a chace lol

    • @darsu2635
      @darsu2635 3 роки тому +2

      real threat for all cinders

  • @superfire6463
    @superfire6463 4 роки тому +245

    This is painful for all dark souls players.
    “I died how many times?! When they could have been helping me?!”

    • @MrPublictroll
      @MrPublictroll 4 роки тому +10

      get good?

    • @Synkhan
      @Synkhan 4 роки тому +2

      @@MrPublictroll lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @OhMoonPresence
      @OhMoonPresence 4 роки тому +3

      To be fair, I did kill the npcs and the ones I didn’t kill died of alternative reasons

    • @Synkhan
      @Synkhan 4 роки тому

      @@OhMoonPresence Yeaaaaahhhhh, I blame the old lady for needing souls for me to dress up as my friends >_>

  • @Sanetless
    @Sanetless 3 роки тому +43

    2:33 SoC fuckin yeets a dude at the camera lmfao

  • @limonbattery
    @limonbattery 4 роки тому +123

    This time I won't be asking for a video, I just wanted to say thanks for providing us all these cool AI battles :)

  • @andys3559
    @andys3559 4 роки тому +1386

    Dark Souls 3 Invasions:

    • @fordunfocus
      @fordunfocus 3 роки тому +14

      So true

    • @falcoon_f_zero9450
      @falcoon_f_zero9450 3 роки тому +46

      To the point. The "host" and their gank army. And the op twinked up invader who can still punch them away with one strike.

    • @graylyhen9490
      @graylyhen9490 3 роки тому +18

      that's funny because you said nobody and then you said something else

    • @besik6098
      @besik6098 3 роки тому +5

      @@graylyhen9490 It’s so fucking overused man.

    • @zelky1394
      @zelky1394 3 роки тому +6

      @@besik6098 just fucking say "DS3 invasions be like" and be done with it.
      No point in adding the useless "nobody:"

  • @skarmory4
    @skarmory4 3 роки тому +11

    Everyone in Firelink thinks they’re the Avengers until they hear “plin plin plon”

  • @inahmkaysure
    @inahmkaysure 4 роки тому +66

    2:42 The way most of the team becomes an embered tennis ball just SENDS me every time🤣

    • @boid9761
      @boid9761 4 роки тому +4

      Gwyn is done with their shit

  • @redpandarampage2191
    @redpandarampage2191 4 роки тому +220

    Just an idea but it would be cool to have some sort of "results" screen after each round, showing who died and in what order they go down. It would help a lot in battles with lots of different enemies or NPCs, to understand what's going, as it can be hard to see.

    • @milesbrown2261
      @milesbrown2261 4 роки тому +2

      i second this!!!!

    • @boianko
      @boianko 4 роки тому

      Actually good idea.

    • @ukaznipsigururuk8685
      @ukaznipsigururuk8685 4 роки тому +3

      It's gonna be pretty difficult, but it will be more satsifying.

    • @a_peridox
      @a_peridox 4 роки тому +4

      Big this
      Its hard to keep count of who dies, especially since some are less distinctive than others, as well as camera angles not getting everyone

  • @murphieslaw6932
    @murphieslaw6932 3 роки тому +7

    This is one of the most epic things I´ve ever seen anyone do with a game. Truly cinematic, a joy to watch.
    Keep the good work up buddy !

  • @bluethunderbolt9631
    @bluethunderbolt9631 4 роки тому +163

    First round was super close.
    Edit: Second round was an onslaught. The NPCs got much better at attacking in unison, effectively stun-locking SoC.

    • @KoscheiMorevna
      @KoscheiMorevna 4 роки тому +10

      and SoC in round 2 actually bothered to use his more competent forms.

    • @Koko96248
      @Koko96248 4 роки тому +7

      Also in the second round the NPCs somehow did 10k damage in an instant

    • @Synkhan
      @Synkhan 4 роки тому +12

      @@Koko96248 Bleed damage, the npcs that cause bleed stacked Soc hard, you even see his body turn red from it.

    • @ashikjaman1940
      @ashikjaman1940 4 роки тому +2

      @@Synkhan God bless ya Greirat

    • @bode_hossam
      @bode_hossam 4 роки тому +1

      the second fight SOC got stunlocked out of it's 2nd wombo combo so they had chance

  • @windie7718
    @windie7718 4 роки тому +186


  • @fultonpain1058
    @fultonpain1058 3 роки тому +3

    The moment when Patches finds out it was his last sip of flask, the scene of Tom Hanks shooting a panzer tank with a pistol flash before my eyes.

  • @beowulfmacbethson9675
    @beowulfmacbethson9675 4 роки тому +165

    First round highlights:
    0:57 SoC makes a Bee-line straight for Corynx
    1:15 Greirat channels his inner Kobe
    1:49 Sweep #1
    2:06 SoC gets serious, he's shaking
    2:31 Anri gets groped
    2:42 Sweep 2/ Sweep Combo
    3:04 Yuria gets groped
    3:31 Horace gets groped
    3:35 Leonhard lands an epic anti-air
    4:16 Patches' taunt-to-stun
    4:33 SoC's epic anime finisher
    Second round highlights:
    6:05 Sweep 3/Sweep Combo 2
    6:21 Orbeck channels his inner Larry Bird
    6:24 Leonhard gets grabbed, probably because of the last round's epic catch
    6:54 Sirris' anti-air
    7:06 Sirris, Orbeck and Horace do a triple charge for an epic stagger.
    7:27 Orbeck gets kicked in the face
    7:41 Orbeck is still way too into the fight to stop. Corynx (most likely) throws a fireball yelling "stop! stop! He's already dead!" to which Orbeck rolls out of the way.

    • @HeroOfErdrea
      @HeroOfErdrea 3 роки тому +18

      Orbeck getting kicked was what filled him with all that rage in the end

    • @havelthedeadinside1799
      @havelthedeadinside1799 2 роки тому +8

      @@HeroOfErdrea orbeck is the representation of us when we get pissed off when an enemy somehow parry's or backstabs or kicks you and you let out all your anger after it dies

    • @AzaratheFlea
      @AzaratheFlea 2 роки тому +2

      3:04 It's Hawkwood that gets grabbed, not Yuria

  • @ArchmageOfAnarchy
    @ArchmageOfAnarchy 4 роки тому +413

    Never forget that Patches actually hard-stunned the final boss out of an attack.

    • @havelthedeadinside1799
      @havelthedeadinside1799 2 роки тому +14

      There were so many moments where SOC could've one combo everyone but it's the guys like patches or horence who go balls deep to stun him

  • @miklosz4162
    @miklosz4162 3 роки тому +25

    If you think so, this fight is quite thematically well done. Imagine the irony that Gwyn in the Soul of Cinders was defeated by a group of unkindled ash and cursed undeads created by Gwyn's own sin of not succumbing to the natural order by starting the process of rekindling the first flame, which ultimately took away humanity's inheritance and also led to the destruction of the world.

  • @noangles1564
    @noangles1564 4 роки тому +347

    Maiden: Go my Simps

  • @steezuschrist0999
    @steezuschrist0999 4 роки тому +244

    I feel like I jus watched humanity's last effort to survive

    • @rexlumontad5644
      @rexlumontad5644 4 роки тому +7

      And they won in the end

    • @MrMaradok
      @MrMaradok 4 роки тому +14

      I’m not so sure. In the context of Dark Souls lore, it could be implied that, while the Linking ending might be one of the last time the First Flame is linked again, if it ever comes down to what are essentially a bunch of civilians - instead of a dedicated champion - that THIS would be the LAST time the Flame could be linked.
      I mean, while these guys are certainly strong, they’re effectively IT when I comes down to it. There’s NOBODY left after this except the mindless hallows and Abyss creatures.

    • @Denzio.
      @Denzio. 4 роки тому +8

      @@MrMaradok at least they still have the fire keeper and hand maiden to repopulate ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    • @helel328
      @helel328 4 роки тому

      Dark Age = Age of Humanity. So no.

    • @turinmormegil7715
      @turinmormegil7715 4 роки тому +2

      @@Denzio. oh no

  • @Smile4Luyten
    @Smile4Luyten 3 роки тому +6

    the infinite poise while channeling Gwyn at 2:00 almost gave me goosebumps

  • @mistakeswereaccomplished
    @mistakeswereaccomplished 4 роки тому +171

    Soul of Cinder was going for the style points when he switched to sorcery

  • @felipeconstantino9004
    @felipeconstantino9004 4 роки тому +549

    Firekeeper: the ashen one must complete his destiny;
    Sirris: why can't we do ourselves? We are already undead.
    Firekeeper: ... Sure, why not?
    Sometime later
    Ashen one: ( rise from the grave)... oh, the flame is gone.... Whatever ( go back to grave).

    • @t1glistenerelf
      @t1glistenerelf 4 роки тому +58

      Champion Gundyr's story confirmed.

    • @hellborne7995
      @hellborne7995 4 роки тому +13

      They'd still need the ashen one to set everything right though. They'd get decimated by Gael.

    • @deoppunchess820
      @deoppunchess820 4 роки тому +4

      @@hellborne7995 would they? Only one way to find out. We need this video!

  • @williammcghie3443
    @williammcghie3443 3 роки тому +2


  • @maxwellsimmons530
    @maxwellsimmons530 4 роки тому +56

    Eygon: Aye, while I've lost my life I've gained something in the process.
    Gwyn: What could you have possibly gained?!
    Eygon: Friends... *dies*

  • @paulallen5914
    @paulallen5914 4 роки тому +148

    Everyone: *fights alongside their comrades til death*
    Corynx: Hehe fireball go brrrrrt

  • @AdmiralOctopus
    @AdmiralOctopus 3 роки тому +39

    "We did it! We won!"
    "So... who's gonna light themselves on fire?"

  • @brikermaster5649
    @brikermaster5649 4 роки тому +142

    4:00 "the last stand"

    • @FVCK-TH1S
      @FVCK-TH1S 3 роки тому +24

      I might be a bitch for this but honestly it was kinda emotional.

    • @hopstr9606
      @hopstr9606 3 роки тому +9

      "I'm unbreakable patches nothing can Crack me!." "Aggggghhh." "What did I ever do?"